What if I told you there's a way to make the universe listen to you, to respond to your deepest thoughts and desires? What if I told you that everything you think, feel, and wish for has the power to shape your reality, to change what happens in your life, as if an invisible and powerful force were answering your call? Yakobo Grinberg, one of the greatest explorers of the human mind, believed this wasn't just a fantasy.
He asserted that our minds have a secret power, a power that can connect us directly to the universe, and when used correctly, it's as if the universe obeys your intentions. Imagine for a moment that you could ask for anything you wanted: love, success, peace, abundance. Imagine every thought you have becoming a silent command the universe cannot ignore.
What would happen if this were true? What if your mind had the power to manifest the life you dream of? Today, we'll explore how Jacobo Grinberg discovered that this connection exists, and more importantly, how you can start using it.
Grinberg said that our mind is like a portal, and when we know how to use it with intention, we can open that portal and access a reality where our desires become tangible. Throughout this discussion, we'll explore how you can activate that portal and align yourself with the universe so that it not only listens to you but also bows to your will. However, for Jacobo Grinberg, intention wasn't just a simple affirmation or a vague wish; it was a force, a vibration that arises from the deepest core of our mind and heart, capable of communicating directly with the universe.
According to Grinberg, this intention, when formed with absolute clarity and commitment, becomes a channel that breaks the boundaries of our reality and sends a signal so powerful that the universe cannot ignore it. It's not a fleeting thought; it's a living energy that expands beyond us, tied to a determination so strong that it becomes a silent command for the cosmos. Imagine that every time you have a strong intention, it's like lighting a beacon in the darkness.
That beacon is your desire, shining in the vast ocean of existence, sending a clear and unwavering message to the universe. That beacon carries such deep clarity that the universe has no choice but to hear and respond. Grinberg argued that true intention goes far beyond merely wishing for something with the mind; it involves every part of our being.
This kind of intention arises when our emotions, thoughts, and desires are completely aligned. To him, intention is something you feel in your gut, something that fills you with energy, transforming every cell in your body and every corner of your mind. Only when you reach this clarity can the message you send to the universe be powerful enough to shift the forces around your life and open the doors to manifestation.
Grinberg believed that intention in its purest form creates a specific frequency that transforms into energetic waves. These waves, once released into the universe, expand, crossing invisible barriers and causing change in the flow of reality. But how can we ensure that this intention is so clear and powerful that it truly reaches the universe?
If you're ready to discover how to activate this hidden power, subscribe now and join us in this profound exploration of the human mind. Don't miss this opportunity to learn techniques that will transform your life and connect you with the universe in ways you never imagined. To begin, select a desire or intention that holds deep meaning for you.
It must be something you can feel intensely and connect with profoundly, not a trivial wish. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Here, you're not just thinking about the desire; you're living it.
Imagine that desire already fulfilled. Perceive all the details: the environment around you, the colors you see, the textures you feel, and hear the sounds and voices. Imagine the emotions you'd feel.
Let this vision become so vivid that you feel enveloped by it, as if it were a memory of something that has already happened. If you could send a signal so clear, so sharp, that the universe couldn't ignore it, what would be so important that you'd commit every part of yourself to projecting it? What desire do you have that is so powerful you'd make it part of every thought and emotion?
Remember, according to Grinberg, intention isn't just a thought; it's a mental and emotional commitment—a signal that, when born from clarity, becomes a vibrant and real message to the universe. Yakobo Grinberg maintained that the universe doesn't just respond to what we think but to the frequency of our energy, the vibration we emit in every moment. To him, our emotions act as a vibrational field that extends from us to the universe.
This frequency, this energy we constantly emit, is the silent language the universe understands and responds to. That's why raising our vibration and aligning it with what we desire is key to attracting what we want in life. Every emotion, thought, and belief carries a unique vibration.
Emotions like gratitude, love, and trust are high-frequency notes that resonate harmoniously with the universe, creating a direct bridge to what we want to attract. Conversely, emotions like fear, envy, or doubt generate a low frequency, a distortion that can act as a barrier, preventing our intentions from reaching the universe clearly. Think of your energy as a radio station.
When you tune into a state of gratitude and love, the universe receives your signal crisp and clear. But if your thoughts are full of fear and doubt, it's as if the signal gets lost in interference, and the universe can't understand what you truly want. Vibrating at a high frequency means connecting with our most positive emotions—those that align us with what we genuinely desire.
This isn't just about. . .
Thinking positively, it's about feeling authentic gratitude and love for life, even for things we haven't received yet. Gratitude, in particular, is a powerful emotion because when you sincerely thank the universe for something you don't yet have, you send a signal of certainty—an absolute trust that it's already part of your life. This exercise in gratitude works because by experiencing it, your vibration aligns with the reality you desire.
Grinberg explained that the universe responds not just to the words or images in our minds, but to the quality of the vibration we emit at every moment. By expressing gratitude for something before it happens, you're sending a clear message that you're ready to receive it. To start, spend a few minutes each morning on a simple gratitude exercise.
Instead of focusing on what you lack, direct your attention to all that you already have—every experience, every opportunity, and the people around you. Imagine this gratitude growing within you, expanding like a warm light that flows through your entire body and radiates outward, filling the space around you and reaching the edges of the universe. According to Grinberg, this act of expanding your gratitude not only raises your frequency but also paves the way for the universe to respond in harmony.
Imagine this light of gratitude as an aura surrounding you. Feel how your vibration rises and stays in this frequency. The more you connect with this emotion, the more you are sending an unmistakable signal to the universe that you are ready to receive—that you already possess within you the energy of what you desire.
If every day you began to vibrate at this frequency of gratitude and love, feeling that your desires are already on their way to you, how would your life change? What new experiences, people, and opportunities could you attract if your personal frequency aligned with the universe? Grinberg described this practice as a personal frequency adjustment—an energetic shift that creates a common language between our mind and the universe.
This type of vibrational connection allows the universe not only to hear but also to respond as if everything you wish for is in perfect harmony with what the universe is ready to give. When we vibrate at this elevated frequency, we act in a state of resonance—a term Grinberg used to describe the alignment of two frequencies. In this state, our intentions can materialize more fluidly.
This is not magic; it is a connection that depends on how we manage our energy and allow our emotions to guide that frequency. By consciously practicing this vibrational alignment, we invite the universe to collaborate with us, co-creating a reality that reflects the best of who we are and what we aspire to experience. For Grinberg, this is the true power of the human mind—the ability to raise our frequency, resonate in harmony with the universe, and attract from this deep connection everything we truly desire.
Grinberg, in his exploration of the power of the mind and its connection to the universe, discovered that the real secret to materializing our intentions lies not solely in thought, but in the coherence between what we think and what we feel. To him, thought is the spark—the initial idea—but feeling is the energy, the vibration that gives it life. When these two align perfectly in a state Grinberg calls coherence, we create a clear and direct channel to the universe—a channel the universe understands and cannot ignore.
For an intention to have power, we must not only imagine the result but feel it deeply. It's as if aligning our emotion with our thought weaves a solid and tangible connection between the mind and the reality we want to create. This coherence is crucial because if we think about what we desire but feel fear, doubt, or lack, we generate a frequency of internal conflict.
This contradiction creates a confusing signal that the universe cannot interpret clearly. That's why Grinberg emphasized that if we want the universe to listen and respond, we must ensure that our mind and heart are on the same frequency. Imagine your mind as the architect of your desires and your heart as the builder.
The architect creates the plans, but without the builder, those plans cannot become reality. When both are aligned, when your thoughts and emotions vibrate at the same frequency, you are creating a solid reality that the universe can see and, more importantly, respond to. Grinberg proposed simple yet powerful exercises to achieve this coherence.
One of his most recommended methods is the practice of visualizing and feeling before sleep. This moment, just before drifting into sleep, is particularly effective because our conscious mind is in a state of relaxation and openness, allowing images and emotions to reach directly into the subconscious. To practice, choose a specific desire you want to manifest in your life before sleeping.
Find a comfortable place and close your eyes. First, visualize this desire in as much detail as possible. Imagine every aspect, every visual sensation, every sound.
Then—and this is the most important part—feel the emotion of already having it in your life. It's not about wishing it will happen; it's about feeling it as if it's already part of your reality. If your thoughts and emotions were aligned with a single desire, what could you attract into your life?
What kind of reality could you build if every fiber of your being were focused on that intention? Grinberg believed that the universe responds more quickly and clearly to intentions with coherence between thought and emotion because this alignment creates a constant, firm frequency. Imagine your intention as a radio signal.
When there is coherence, that signal is clear, strong, and penetrating. However, when there's a contradiction between what you think and what you feel, it's as if the signal is interrupted and lost in background noise. Grinberg described coherence as a state.
Where every cell in your body, every thought, and every emotion vibrates in harmony with your desire. When you reach this state, you are no longer just visualizing; you are experiencing your intention on a deep level, reprogramming your subconscious to act in that direction and generating the opportunities and synchronicities necessary for the universe to respond. By practicing coherence regularly, you are training your mind and heart to work together, so that every thought is backed by an emotion and every emotion is aligned with a clear thought.
A simple way to do this during the day is that each time you think of your desire, take a moment to experience the emotion of already having it in your life. Close your eyes and feel the gratitude, peace, or happiness that living that reality would bring. What could you achieve if every day, even for just a moment, you trained your mind and heart to vibrate in harmony with your desires?
What changes would unfold in your life if every intention you set became a clear and powerful signal—one the universe couldn't ignore? This is the true power of coherence: the ability to turn an intention into an unstoppable signal that the universe not only recognizes but feels compelled to respond to. Grinberg saw this formula as the key to unlocking the hidden power of the mind and forging an unbreakable connection between humans and the universe.
For Yakobo Grinberg, the subconscious is a silent, profound resource—one of the most powerful components of our mind, capable of attracting experiences and people into our lives based on our deepest beliefs. He described it as a magnet, continuously drawing to us whatever aligns with our internal programming, whether we are aware of it or not. Grinberg viewed the subconscious as a constantly running program that shapes our life and reality.
Visualize the subconscious as a vast hidden garden; each thought and belief is a seed planted in that garden, and each of those seeds determines what blooms in your life. Grinberg's theory suggests that if we want the universe to obey our intentions, we must align our subconscious with our conscious desires. In other words, the surface of our thoughts and wishes must reflect the depths of our mind.
If your subconscious beliefs conflict with your conscious desires, the signal weakens—like trying to move forward with the brakes on. Grinberg taught that reprogramming our subconscious allows us to align it with what we want to manifest, clearing the path for the universe to respond. If this resonates with you, imagine what you could learn from books that explore the power of your mind and the universe.
Audible gives you access to thousands of titles that can take you even further. Try it free for 30 days with the link in the description, and help this channel grow by sharing valuable content. Think of every belief and repeated thought as a seed planted in the garden of your subconscious.
Over time, we've planted thousands of these seeds, often without realizing it, and many of these beliefs have taken deep root within us. Some of these seeds, however, are like weeds—beliefs of limitation, fear, or scarcity that prevent our intentions from flourishing fully. But just like any garden, our subconscious can be cultivated.
We can replace old beliefs that no longer serve us with new affirmations that align our being with our true intentions. Grinberg taught us that the subconscious isn't static; it's fertile ground that can be reprogrammed. One of the best ways to do this is through positive affirmations.
When we repeat an affirmation with conviction, we plant a new seed in our subconscious. Over time, this seed grows, displacing old beliefs and attracting into our lives the things we truly desire. If you've read this far, you're among the few truly committed to transforming their reality.
Comment the word "seed" to show your dedication to planting positive intentions in your mind and taking the first step toward profound change. Congratulations on embarking on this unique journey! One of the most powerful techniques Grinberg recommended for reprogramming the subconscious is the use of affirmations before sleep.
This time of day is especially effective because, as we relax, the conscious mind quiets, and the subconscious becomes more receptive, as though it's waiting for new instructions to begin. Choose a positive affirmation that aligns completely with your intention or desire. It could be something like "I am at peace and aligned with abundance" or "I am surrounded by opportunities and prosperity.
" The affirmation should resonate with you, making you feel good and generating positive emotions whenever you repeat it. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and calmly repeat the affirmation as though each word is penetrating the depths of your mind. As you repeat the affirmation, imagine each word as a seed of light being planted in that subconscious garden.
Feel how the affirmation becomes a part of you, how it takes root within you. Each night you perform this exercise, you strengthen that seed, and over time, it will flourish, attracting experiences along with it. What could you achieve if every night you programmed your subconscious to attract your desires?
What kind of life could you build if only the beliefs that propel you toward your goals flourished in your inner garden? Grinberg described the subconscious as the great bridge between ourselves and the universe. When our subconscious beliefs align with our intentions, the universe receives a clear and stable signal—a constant vibration reflected in our thoughts, words, and actions.
This state of congruence is what Grinberg saw as the key to making our intentions magnetic, allowing the universe to naturally begin responding. The reason is that an aligned subconscious not only attracts experiences according to our beliefs but also emits a more intense and authentic vibration—a vibration the universe perceives without interference. Grinberg suggested that when our conscious and subconscious minds are in harmony.
. . Sync!
It's as if we're sending a message the universe cannot ignore. This coherence between what we desire and what we believe activates universal resonance, enabling our intentions to manifest in the physical world. It's important to remember that just as positive beliefs have the power to attract what we desire, negative or limiting beliefs also have an impact.
If we plant seeds of doubt, fear, or scarcity, these too will grow, and without realizing it, they may block the flow of the positive experiences we seek. That's why Grinberg invites us to tend to our subconscious garden as we would a physical one—removing weeds, eliminating beliefs that no longer serve us, and consciously cultivating those that align with our dreams. For Grinberg, this task of cleansing the subconscious is a constant practice of internal review and reprogramming.
It's an act of self-love and commitment to growth, a decision to nurture every thought and belief that we allow to remain within us. Visualize your subconscious as a carefully cultivated garden. What are you planting there every day?
Are you sowing thoughts of growth, peace, and abundance, or are you allowing doubt and fear to take root? You decide what kind of garden you want to have. Jacobo Grinberg believed that the subconscious is one of our greatest allies for connecting with the universe and shaping our reality.
By learning to reprogram it and align our internal beliefs with our conscious intentions, we prepare the ground for the universe to respond naturally and effortlessly to our intentions. Reprogramming the subconscious is not only a tool for self-discovery but a practice that allows us to take control of our reality and attract the life we truly want to live. Each night, when you plant an affirmation in your subconscious, you're sending a powerful, clear signal to the universe—a signal that transforms your vibration and creates the reality you desire to live in.
Grinberg taught us that the subconscious is the soil where dreams are planted and realities are harvested. With every thought and belief we cultivate in our inner garden, we are building a bridge to the universe, a bridge through which our intentions flow and take form in the world. Grinberg left us with a clear message: the universe listens, obeys, and kneels before those who know how to connect with it.
If every thought, emotion, and intention you have sends a powerful signal to the cosmos, then within you lies the power to shape your life. Today you've learned how to harness that intention, elevate your vibration, and align your emotions to create a stronger, deeper connection with the universe. If each day you have the opportunity to change your life and shape it to your advantage, what are you willing to send to the universe, and what are you prepared to receive in return?
If you enjoyed this content, you cannot miss this video; it condenses all of Grinberg's wisdom into one powerful session.