despite having no health care or modern supplements the Amish are outliving the average American a fascinating reality that's even more relevant as us life expectancy continues to decline while we chase the latest health Trends this traditional Community has preserved something valuable a simple natural approach to eating that seems to be working better than our modern ways their food choices might hold important lessons for those of us looking to improve our health without expensive treatments or trendy superfoods there's an old saying in Amish Country that really tells you everything you need to know about their priorities
the gardens always bigger than the house while most of us are trying to squeeze in a few herb plants on our window sills the Amish are turning their backyards into thriving food paradises but this isn't just about having a green thumb it's about survival health and a way of life that stood the test of time when an Amish family sits down for dinner their plate looks nothing like what most Americans are used to seeing instead of a giant piece of meat with a tiny side of vegetables they're loading up with two to three cups of
vegetables per meal we're talking hearty portions of cabbage carrots green beans potatoes squash and beets and not just one or two varieties but three or four different vegetables at each sitting if most Americans saw these portions they'd probably think they were looking at a week's worth of vegetables the impact of this veggie heavy diet is nothing short of remarkable Studies have shown that people who eat at least three servings of vegetables daily have a 40% lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers it's like having a natural insurance policy except instead of paying monthly premiums
you're just eating your greens the fiber keeps their digestive systems running smoothly while the vitamins and antioxidants give their immune system a serious boost take Sarah an 80-year-old Amish woman who still tends to her own garden she swears she feels like she's in her 60s and looking at her energy levels it's hard to argue while many of us are reaching for our third cup of coffee just to make it through the afternoon she's out there pulling carrots and harvesting cabbage like it's nothing and here's the kicker She's Not Unusual in her community these stories are
everywhere in Amish Country but the real magic isn't just in the vegetables themselves it's in how fresh they are most Amish families are eating vegetables that were in the ground just hours before they hit the dinner table compare that to the supermarket vegetables that might have spent days or weeks traveling and sitting on shelves before making it to your plate the difference in nutrient content is substantial fresh vegetables can have up to 40% more nutrients than their well-traveled counterparts and you know what's fascinating the Amish have figured out clever ways to make sure they never
waste a single vegetable from their Gardens using age-old preservation techniques that might surprise you you won't find fancy probiotic supplements in Amish homes but what you will find is something far more interesting kitchens filled with jars of bubbling fermenting Foods while we're paying premium prices for kombucha at health food stores the Amish have been quietly mastering the art of fermentation for Generations following a principle as simple as it is practical if it doesn't ferment it doesn't last every Amish kitchen tells a story through its collection of fermented foods jars of sourkraut line countertops homemade pickles
sit in cool Sellers and Crocs of kimchi add spice to their daily meals it's not just about preservation though that's certainly important when you're living off the land these foods are an essential part of their daily diet with most families consuming fermented foods at every meal usually a few tablespoons to half a cup at a time the science behind this traditional practice is is fascinating these fermented foods are packed with probiotics beneficial bacteria that transform ordinary vegetables into gut health powerhouses and we're not talking about the kind of probiotics you get from those tiny yogurt
cups at the supermarket a single serving of homemade sauerkraut can contain more beneficial bacteria than an entire bottle of probiotic pills here's something that might surprise you studies published in the Journal of nutrition have found that people who eat fermented foods at least three to four times times a week show remarkable improvements in their gut health but the benefits don't stop at digestion scientists are discovering that a healthy gut contributes to better mental Clarity and improved mood maybe that's why the Amish always seems so content they're feeding their happiness through their gut the Amish approach
to fermented foods is refreshingly straightforward a bit of sauerkraut with potatoes some pickled beets alongside dinner or a small bowl of homemade yogurt as a midday snack there's no complicated meal planning or strict serving sizes just a natural inclusion of these Foods in their daily routine and unlike store bought versions that often contain preservatives and added sugars Amish fermented foods are pure and simple made with just vegetables salt and Thyme the real beauty of this practice lies in its Simplicity without realizing it the Amish have been following one of the most advanced Health practices modern
science is only beginning to understand the importance of gut health for overall well-being while we're just starting to grasp the concept of the gut brain connection they've been nurturing their microbiomes through these traditional foods for Generations but fermented foods are just one part of the Amish Health puzzle when it comes to the foundation of their diet they take an equally old school approach to another daily staple that might make your local bakery blush in Amish Country you won't find those bright white loaves of bread that fill Supermarket shelves they their motto the only white flower
we know is the kind that makes bread for special occasions this isn't about being trendy or following the latest health fad it's about sticking to what has worked for Generations hearty wholesome whole grains that keep their Community strong and energized the only product we'll ever promote on our channel is a book by Claude Davis a veteran prepper about 126 superfoods and preservation methods from crisis times like the Great Depression and War time that are impossible to find elsewhere we decided to promote his book because we are the last generation able to share these techniques and
Super Foods to our children or grandchildren it would be a shame to see this information about highly nutritious foods and preservation methods to survive crises disappear you can also find a book about Herbal Remedies from Nicole aelon on their store if you're watching this on TV you can look up our Channel Frugal Solutions on your phone or tablet and find the books by by clicking the link in our Channel description or any other video description the average Amish family puts our whole grain consumption to shame they're not just sprinkling a few oats on their yogurt
or choosing brown rice once a week they're consuming two to three substantial servings of whole grains every single day picture starting your morning with a generous bowl of steel cut oatmeal we're talking one to two cups here topped with a pad of fresh butter a Sprinkle of brown sugar and maybe some nuts for good measure that's just breakfast and they're already ahead of most Americans whole grain intake for the entire day but it's not just about oatmeal barley Finds Its way into their hearty soups cornmeal transforms into perfectly textured Breads and whole wheat is the
foundation of their daily baking these aren't the ultra processed whole grain products you find at the store with a dozen unpronouncable ingredients we're talking about Simple Pure grains often ground in local Mills or even at home here's where the science gets interesting eating more whole grains has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease by a whopping 25% it's like having a built-in heart protection system all from Simply choosing the right kind of grains the fiber in these whole grains does something remarkable it helps keep blood sugar steady throughout the day preventing those energy
crashes that send many of us running for the coffee pot or snack drawer by midafternoon one Amish farmer put it perfectly when he said I switched from white to whole wheat bread years ago felt like I was dragging a plow through mud all day with the white stuff with whole wheat I can work from sunrise to sunset while that might sound like an exaggeration there's solid science behind his experience whole grains release their energy slowly providing a steady stream of fuel rather than the quick Spike and crash you get from refined grains the fiber in
these grains isn't just about energy it's also feeding those beneficial gut bacteria we talked about earlier think of it as a two for one deal you get sustained energy and better Digestive Health all from the same food plus whole grains are packed with B vitamins iron and magnesium nutrients that are often Stripped Away in the refining process that creates white flour but what's most impressive about the Amish approach to whole grains isn't just what they eat it's what they pair it with and speaking of pairings there's another daily Staple in their diet that might surprise
you especially given all the conflicting advice we hear about dairy products these days in Amish communities Dairy isn't just something you Splash in your morning coffee it's a Cornerstone of daily nutrition that comes straight from the source as one Amish farmer likes to say the cows here are like family they get treated better than some people I know while the rest of us debate the merits of oat milk versus almond milk the Amish are sticking to what's worked for centuries fresh whole dairy products from well cared for cows the typical Amish family's Dairy consumption would
make a modern nutritionist's jaw drop we're talking about one to two cups of fresh milk daily but that's just the beginning their meals regularly feature homemade cheese about 1 to 2 ounces per day and butter isn't something to be afraid of it's a crucial ingredient in their cooking used by the tablespoon rather than the careful Pat many of us allow ourselves what's fascinating is that despite all this Dairy consumption the Amish rarely struggle with lactose intolerance the secret might lie in how they process their dairy products their homemade butter and cheese created through traditional fermentation
methods are actually easier on the digestive system than mass-produced dairy products it's like they figured out how to hack the dairy industry's biggest challenge without even trying let's talk numbers for a moment because they're pretty impressive studies show that people who regularly consume Dairy are 25% less likely to develop a osteoporosis as they age when you consider that the average Amish person is physically active well into their later years often working on farms or in gardens past the age when many Americans retire you start to see how important this might be their strong bones aren't
just luck they're built on years of consistent Dairy consumption but it's not just about drinking milk or eating cheese the Amish approach to Dairy is part of a larger philosophy about food and health they're not counting calcium milligrams or worrying about fat percentages instead they're consuming dairy in its most natural form often within hours of it leaving the cow the milk hasn't been ultra pasteurized or homogenized within an inch of its life it's just milk pure and simple the quality of their dairy products comes from the way they treat their animals Amish cows typically graze
on grass spend their days outdoors and are milked by hand a far cry from the industrial Dairy operations that Supply most American milk this means their dairy products are naturally rich in beneficial nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated lenic acid CLA compounds that have been linked to better heart health and reduced inflammation and while the Amish aren't ones to brag their Dairy consumption might be one of their best-kept health Secrets when combined with their active lifestyle and other dietary choices it creates a foundation for lasting Health that many modern Americans struggle to achieve but
there's one more daily food habit they swear by something small but Mighty that they use to keep their energy levels High throughout their long active days while the rest of us are buying expensive energy bars and pre-workout supplements the Amish have a much simpler solution for sustained energy their go-to power food a humble handful of nuts and seeds as one Amish farmer equipped you want energy try a handful of mixed nuts no Red Bull required it's the kind of straightforward wisdom that makes you wonder why we've made nutrition so complicated in Amish communities nuts and
seeds aren't just random snacks they're a deliberate part of daily nutrition we're talking about a substantial amount too roughly a/4 to a half cup every day often starting with breakfast almonds walnuts sunflower seeds and flax seeds make regular appearances in their meals but not in those tiny portions many of us sprinkle on our salads the Amish treat these Foods is ESS essential fuel for their active Lifestyle the way they incorporate these Powerhouse Foods is brilliantly simple you might find them scattered over morning oatmeal mixed into homemade granola or just eaten by the handful between tasks
some families even make their own nut Butters spreading them thick on their homemade whole grain bread it's a far cry from the processed snacks many of us reach for when we need an energy boost the science behind their nutty wisdom is pretty compelling regular nut and Seed consumption has been shown to lower col colesterol by 5 to 10% and reduce heart disease risk by a remarkable 20 to 25% but that's not all these tiny nutritional powerhouses are packed with healthy fats fiber protein and antioxidants they're like Nature's multivitamin wrapped in a crunchy package what's particularly
clever about the Amish approach is how they use nuts and seeds to sustain their energy throughout long days of physical work unlike the quick rush and crash you get from process essed snacks or caffeine nuts and seeds provide slow burning fuel that keeps them going one Amish woman shared her experience I tried to skip my morning handful of almonds once by noon I felt like I was dragging my feet through molasses never made that mistake again the Amish also understands something that modern nutrition science is just catching up to the importance of food combinations they'll
often pair their nuts and seeds with fresh fruits or add them to their fermented foods create creating powerful nutritional synergies it's not about following the latest superfood Trend it's about understanding how different foods work together to keep the body strong and healthy but perhaps the most interesting aspect of Amish nutrition isn't just what they eat it's what they deliberately avoid and when you hear about the foods they won't touch you might start to understand why their simple approach to eating has kept them healthier than many modern Americans when it comes to food choices the Amish
have a crystal clear philosopy opy if it comes in a box with more than five ingredients it probably doesn't belong in their kitchen while we're debating between different brands of protein bars or which frozen dinner is healthiest the Amish have already made up their minds processed food simply isn't food at all the list of what they avoid reads like a typical American shopping cart processed Meats no hot dogs bacon or deli meats in sight sugary drinks you won't find soda or energy drinks in an Amish home home prepackaged meals not a chance their approach is
refreshingly straightforward if it wasn't made in a kitchen it doesn't go into their bodies but here's what's fascinating this isn't about strict rules or deprivation the Amish don't avoid these Foods because of some diet plan or health guru's advice they avoid them because as one Amish Elder put it why would we eat something made in a factory when we can eat something made by Nature it's Common Sense taken to its logical conclusion the science backs up their instincts according to the American Heart Association a diet high in processed foods can increase your risk of heart
disease by up to 30% think about that for a moment while many Americans are unknowingly increasing their heart disease risk with every processed meal the Amish are naturally protecting their hearts by simply sticking to Whole Foods what's particularly interesting is how this approach affects their relationship with food without the constant barrage of processed options they're not caught in the cycle of cravings and crashes that many Americans experience their meals are satisfying because they're real food not scientifically engineered combinations of salt sugar and fat designed to keep you reaching for more the Amish will occasionally indulge
in Treats but they're homemade from scratch with recognizable ingredients a piece of pie made with fresh fruit and butter isn't the same as a factory produced pastry with a list of preservatives longer than your arm it's about quality over convenience substance over shortcuts one Amish grandmother summed it up perfectly we don't need a scientist to tell us what's good for us our bodies know the difference between real food and fake food this wisdom passed down through generations might explain why the Amish continue to maintain Better Health outcomes despite having less access to Modern Healthcare the
beauty of this approach isn't in what they're giving up it's in what they gain by avoiding processed foods they naturally eat more of the nutritious Foods we've discussed fresh vegetables fermented foods whole grains Dairy nuts and seeds it's a complete circle of nutrition that has served them well for generations and when you look at all these elements together what they eat and what they avoid you start to see a bigger picture emerging the Amish way of eating isn't just a diet it's part of a larger lifestyle that might hold important lessons for all of us
trying to navigate our way through the modern food landscape the question isn't whether we should all start living like the Amish it's what wisdom we can take from their - tested approach to eating and apply to our own lives after all in a world where Health seems increasingly complicated maybe there's something to be said for keeping things simple