Amadureça e veja os outros gostarem de você | Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
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In Brazil, being an intellectual is something that gives prestige, although there are no intellectuals, it's a fantastic thing, you know, no one is fulfilling the purposes of intellectual life, but pretending to do so in some way gives prestige and this makes the condition of intellectual a something that is at the same time desired, envied, despised and hated, all of this at the same time means it is a complex of absolutely incongruous feelings that is magnetized around a certain social function. So I was going to ask you to examine exactly each one, deeply examine their biography and think That's what I'm looking for here um and And if I'm suggesting This is because I see that these things often fail Because as individuals they have not yet developed an intellectual personality although they have the chance to develop it tremendously So the central goals of life hers are not in her intellectual life although she is participating in her intellectual life materially, so that means this is a big problem when you are effectively in one layer but your real social existence is linking you to a next layer um And then this is a generator of infinities Misconceptions, you can imagine, for example, the individual who is in the middle of the fifth layer Hum And he gets the job He's in a professional environment It's right where everything already works according to the rules of innovation, right, that means the rights and duties the rights and duties are reciprocal of the members of a community arranged in such a way that each one serves his own interests in the best possible way without trampling on the other's the individual who is in the mood for self-affirmation um he destroys the harmony of this Um and he can be rejected by the environment and he won't know why he was rejected he will interpret it in terms of the fifth layer this is lost and like everything that matters to him demonstrating his strength the demonstration of yours is absolutely intolerable it is total unhappiness so he will try again and again and again and again and the maladjustment will get deeper and deeper, right? That's what is called a bore, right ?
the guy who is completely out of place and who just gets in the way, right? So in Brazil, being an intellectual is something that gives prestige, even though there are no intellectuals, it's a fantastic thing, right? I mean, no one is fulfilling the purposes of intellectual life , but he pretended that he was fulfilling some mode gives prestige and this makes the condition of intellectual something that is at the same time desired, envied, despised and hated.
All of this at the same time means it is a complex of absolutely incongruous feelings that become magnetized around a certain social function and when the individual think like this, oh I'm going to be an intellectual when I grow up, right? He's already starting to have all these feelings about himself, so a solution that many people find for this is to say no, I don't want to be an intellectual, I just want to lead the my life etc etc and I want to improve myself and achieve what the salvation of my soul has entered into this I you already have there let's say one less worker and one more scoundrel because in these conditions you see Adherence to religious purposes is absolutely false always and you will see this especially in people's speech which will be full of biblical quotations everything will be done in the name of the Lord people will greet you Ino Maria etc etc using all ecclesiastical language right or cardinal Episcopal It's right to arrogate to yourself importance and inhibit the interlocutor so that the interlocutor feels that he is not speaking in the name of the Holy Mother church I cannot discuss with him this in Brazil has become epidemic among these people Liberal conservative among anti-PT supporters In general this is epidemic in Brazil see I only invoke you sir on my radio show, um, so that you can protect people against me, that's the only time I invoke it, I don't keep doing PR all the time in the name of the Lord, man, don't do this, I just ask for that help there because I really need it, I know I will. I'm going to be talking for an hour and I'm going to say horrible things about people, uh, I know that we really go above and beyond, so I don't want to commit injustice, so I ask that God supervise me so that I don't go over the limit, it's the only time you see me doing this now, in other words, invoking the name of God in vain has become an obligatory commandment in Brazil, um, for all these people, they think they're putting the name of God there.
Jesus Mary etc will sanctify what they are saying, well my son, before you learn to speak in the name of Jesus you learned to speak in your own name and well before layer eight you don't say anything in your own name, right? You only have on a voice of your own a personalized voice when you took possession of your entire life as a problem, right when you are able to meditate, especially what you did and saw that you could be a failure or that you could have betrayed everything, that is, while you don't have a per maturity crisis you have no voice at all my son you don't even speak in your own name you just repeat what you heard or what seems convenient to you within the rules of the game So how come people like that are all the time with their name of God in the mouth my God in heaven This is a sign of enormous mental and spiritual underdevelopment because these people are blaspheming all the time and don't realize why do you think that one of the 10 commandments is that You don't use the name of God in Come on, for you, you have no right to attribute to God what you are saying, no right to do this, you speak really stupidly and put the stamp of Jesus Christ on it and don't realize that you are offending, so of course, in addition to speaking in the name of Jesus Christ You can speak on behalf of countless other things you can speak on behalf of the Brazilian people You can speak on behalf of the humiliated and offended, it's not ISO You can speak on behalf of a social class etc but all these representations are false Hum me I say, I'm 63 years old, I've never been able to speak on behalf of anything except this one that speaks to you, because this measure I've always had, I said, look, I know this isn't anyone's opinion, I don't have any authority to say this to anyone. Not being my own testimony, nothing guarantees what I'm saying, um, going back here to something I mentioned a few programs ago that F people who are judging the content we're saying here in the name of something they think is the doctrine of the church people are committing exactly this, this is this mistake, I mean I'm not here announcing any doctrine of the church, I'm just stating some things that I saw that I understood as far as I saw it, I understood it and I don't pretend that this has any dogmatic validity um therefore nothing that I say can be checked with the doctrine of the church especially we as scholars of philosophy We assume the commitment of Saint Thomas Aquinas that although Saint Thomas wrote more works of theology here based on the scriptures he also wrote several works of philosophy where the commitment was to never take the dogmas of the Church as a premise, never have to laugh from the fact of experience and the principles of reason and only So this is what we are doing Is it so difficult to understand this in Brazil today yes because you have thousands of people who are scared who are in layer four are looking for protection an umbrella and whoever finds it in the Holy Mother church look isn't it a wonder a cowardly idiot suddenly has a huge umbrella on top of him who protects him against all evils and protects him against error against heresy, right, and then gives the seal of Our Lord Jesus Christ to everything he is saying so when I look at these things I feel like this, I look at ISO I am appalled because it is a sign of human misery, and we here on this course cannot allow ourselves to do this ever in our lives, so I am asking all the students and listening to them sincerely because there are people who come and listen to a little bit, right, don't say anything in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ is speaking his own name now just say in his name what he himself said, that is, if you are quoting a phrase from the Gospel Oh yes, then the name of our Lord Jesus Christ When you go to pray you pray in the name of the father of the son and of the Holy Spirit What you say next is your own distinct opinion, no you say the phrases from Maria's Our Father so then yes now creating this appearance, let's say of spiritual authority, let's say to protect an immense Cowardice From a guy who is 30, 40, 50 years old and who is there like a teenager seeking protection, it's a very ugly thing, okay, I'm not saying that anyone in particular did this Um I know who did it but sometimes people even complain about it I sometimes teach the worst student um for a very simple reason sometimes people get angry no why do you keep saying that to people who are late it makes us waste time dig No never waste time remember certain things but if you tie two donkeys together um let them run what will be the speed of the pair that of the slowest right the slowest is the ability to delay the fastest but the fastest cannot drag the another, so the guy who understands the least is the one who needs to receive more explanations and those who already know this, right, will be a little bit reinforced in this thing, so it's always good to repeat this, so I wanted to ask you to re-read it, we even put it online Ceran is online, chapters one and two of Ceran's book, intellectual life That is absolutely indispensable, Father CTI states that the exercise of intellectual life is made up of the virtues of certain virtues, the ability for you to know things accurately, capacity your discovering the truth is part of virtue , it's not a matter of there being no such thing as intelligence .
The only and main quality you need to have for you to take this course is ISO, you have a love for the truth and you have a love for the truth in the first place, you want to know the truth about yourself, um, in the sense that this has when you reach layer eight, that is, you You are a person who knows about your insufficiency Um, you know you have You have problems and defects that you have never managed to overcome throughout your life and you will never be able to overcome because this business of pretending virtues and practicing virtues is something very very ugly, it's right, the very expression practicing virtues is completely wrong because virtue is a strength and that strength is God who gives, sometimes he gives, right, so virtue can also become a habit, what a habit is is something you have Hum And you you have it through repeated practice, then it becomes incorporated into you and you forget that you have it Um, so these are the virtues that you don't even know you have . son, he told me the following after It was after moving to the United States that I found out what a friend is in Brazil, I didn't know how to find, for example, Loyal people who love you who want what's best for you, who want you to go forward, this had never happened in Brazil, all my friends saw some people pulling the rug from each other, that was normal, pulling the rug, depressing the other, right, making that kind of sarcastic joke, which is sadistic, right? You know it's going to hurt the other.
and you do it because you're going to hurt the other, that was normal , so I ask, of all the people who went through my course, how many people can I have this type of relationship with, for example, my wife is here, she's known me for 30 years, she knows that any person who asks me for help I never say no I don't want to know if the guy is a criminal if he is dishonest if he is never, right, never, never, never, so ISO, then I say, oh, this virtue I really have because it became natural in For me, it's not something I do because I want to do it, I do it because I don't know how to do anything else, right, but Sen will deceive you, he said it doesn't matter that if he deceives me, it's his mistake, not mine, right, and if he deceives me once twice three times when it's the third time I tell God because I'm already scared, I can't live with this guy, he's going to hurt me, um, for how many of you, are these attitudes normal, or for example, forgiveness, when you examine yourself and see if you have the instinct of Forgiveness Um that When someone does something bad to you if your first impulse is to forgive or is it seek revenge and it will give a beautiful, moral justification for that um another other criterion when do you think you should get into a fight um when do you think you have the right to get angry and for example hit someone or denounce them publicly Hmm, so I'm going to give a criterion which is I think that for all people who have an obligatory intellectual personality You only have the right to get into a fight if it has an objective moral importance, not for you but as an example PR Humanity in general if you Don't look at things this way, so you have another layer of criteria, for example, I'm sincerely honest, I say from my heart, I don't think offending me is a sin, nor is it harming me, um, is there a commandment that says it won't harm Olav, um, no, no. So, I don't think it's bad for people to do this now, in certain cases the individual's conduct is serving as a bad example, he's uneducated to others and he's harming himself, so we have to get into it. For me, it's already become an obvious thing, right?
and I would have the presumption to transmit this to all my students Um because if we don't learn this we won't achieve it is great enough to have let's say an intellectual layer to develop ourselves a layer of an intellectual personality and be able to act publicly in a way that be good and useful, this means that, for example, personal offenses, a person of intellectual level never gets involved much with personal offenses, um, why Because she is busy with something else, the real offenses, for example, this intellectual situation in Brazil deeply offends me, the total disrespect What he has for his knowledge of high culture in Brazil offends me deeply, right now, cursing me, cursing Hello, fal, well, you cursed Hello, just Hello, you're going to end up hurting, I'm harming no one, now if there's an element of spite or contempt for high culture, then it offends me. um not to mention what offends God himself um and normally in Brazil people who offend God himself they always do it In the Name of God always Enter there in the name of Jesus there are always three or four biblical invocations, right so the individual sometimes commits the sin itself against the Holy Spirit wants to deny a truth that it knows is true, right? And at that very moment, it's there quoting Jesus Mary, etc.
, etc. , and it doesn't realize what it's doing, so people like that, my God in heaven, don't have much to talk to us about. There's nothing to learn from me Um, so although I prefer in these courses to maintain an attitude, let's say descriptive and analytical and never exhortatory, never say what people should do today, I thought I had to do this, which was an obligation because the As we transmit new materials, new information, opening access to ideas for authors and facts, the person's intelligence is being stimulated, but let's say intelligence without the proper emotional and moral basis is a problem because it always becomes a pretense, either.
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