let's be honest most of y'all have not accepted yourself most of y'all have settled for a version of yourself that you don't even like but you simply don't believe that you can be any better or that you deserve any better so you don't think the steps to do it and don't get angry at people like me that will simply be okay with who they are but also strive to be someone better because I never want to stop evolving the only way I will ever stop evolving is when I'm dead to make it self-acceptance but you
can still mix changes in your life I believe that we can all accept ourselves but I don't believe that we should just be who we are because you set yourself up for failure so instead of oh just accept yourself and let's be happy I am going to tell you guys what you actually can do and what will actually work hi guys my name is Liz and welcome back to my channel okay so first things first you have to come to terms with your situation look at your situation right now maybe you're overweight maybe you're underweight
um maybe you're not happy with your financial maybe you're not happy with the home that you're living in whatever is happening that is going on maybe you don't have good grades I don't know look at your situation and be like okay it is what it is and you know what it is what it is it's such a good affirmation because it's not positive it's not negative it puts you in a neutral state for you to start thinking about Solutions so if I this actually also helps with anxiety and overthinking so if I put myself in
a state of okay this person uh ghosted me this person assaulted me whatever it is what it is Liz you lost that brand deal it is what it is uh you didn't get the job you didn't get the good grace it is what it is when we put ourselves in a position where we come to terms with our situation we can actually look forward and we can actually look at okay what can I do now so after you come to terms with your situation then you have to look at what can I control right now
if somebody hurts you really badly you can control how you react to it you can control how you allow the other person to make you feel right now um you can control how nice you are to yourself how you take care of yourself you can control what you put in your body you can control how you move your body if you have a lot of financial stress right now you can control how you budget your money you can control um like looking for other ways to to get money and it doesn't matter what kind of
job it is just get a random job like even the the most embarrassing jobs a job is never embarrassing if that is what what gives you money or like food on the table like it's important it's a survival thing never think like oh no if I take this job I'll be embarrassed whatever no that's what you need to do in order to survive or or have like food on the table it doesn't need to be your career job is just right now so you have money like that's good okay if you don't want if you
don't want that to be a career it doesn't matter as long as it's giving you money as long as you are working towards your purpose you are doing very very well you can control what you watch what you listen to look at the things that you can control right now and that you can change realize that you have the power to change things try something new for the next 30 days and stick to it I do not care how small this thing is whatever it is try to do it if you for example if you
say for the next 30 days I'm not gonna drink soda anymore well amazing if you stick to it for 30 days you will actually prove to yourself that you can be consistent on something and if you can be consistent on something small you will be able to be consistent on bigger things see if you keep promising yourself things and you never deliver and you keep lying to yourself like that you will never be able to trust yourself and you will never be able to change your situation or get out of it so I want you
to set a goal and it can be as small as like I don't know but at least set a goal and do it for the next 30 days and I promise you you will feel differently about yourself go somewhere that involves being around other people whether it's going to the gym whether it's going to yoga whether it's going to a painting class uh whether it's just going to the park walking and seeing other people do that uh when people are in um a very bad situation they tend to isolate themselves I have done this I
know my friends family they do the same thing but the issue is with that is when you come out of your isolation and somebody starts to talk to you you get major anxiety and I have time and time again experience this because I am a person I'm very introverted I like to be in my own space but then I sleep myself for a long time and then I go outside and somebody comes up to me like oh you're the wizard of this I get so shy because I don't surround myself enough with other people I
don't have a job or I have to surround myself so I literally now I always like I joined the gym that has like a personal training program and then like three times a week I'm literally talking to other people I'm engaging with other people um and I always go for every single day I go for uh to get my 10 000 steps and I've been doing this religiously for like two months now every single day and by the way honey the body changes as well my personal training body changes so go somewhere where you are
surrounded by other people you don't you don't even have to talk to them just because so you see other people that you get out of the place that you're isolating yourself and and that you get into a new space so you literally get yourself out of that negative environment sometimes negativity is not only in our minds it's also in the in the room you know what what the thing is like uh for example when I go back to the country where I grew up I cannot be in certain places or restaurants because I remember stuff
that happened there and it leaves like a negative energy for me and even like being in my old room is like icky for me because I used to be very depressed there or even the clothes that I used to wear back then I don't want to wear now because it I I feel the the energy is still attached to it so that's why it's so important to get yourself out of your space right now where you don't feel good and and into another space seeing another environment another thing is nobody cares about your life okay
um I'm gonna tell you something this is quite harsh nobody literally cares whether you make it or you don't because people are so self-obsessed and people are so focused on themselves and you thinking that anyone is coming to save you coming to help you get you out of that rut no that will not because people have so many problems with themselves that they are trying to fix especially in this day and age they cannot afford to take other people's problems on them this as well people don't really care what happened to you or what you
went through they only care really what you can do for them and how you make them feel because people are our core like how we are is we are selfish you know people are selfish so so when when you are just draining people or complaining all the time most likely you won't have a lot of friends because they simply cannot stand to listen to you for example I right I I tell a lot about my trauma I talk about it my abuse everything people don't really care about it and I don't think they have to
but even they even use it against me because when anything and when I say anything that's controversial they say oh you can see she's a traumatized person oh you can see that she's not healed they try to use my trauma against me because that's how people are they're vile so first of all you know what I'm gonna say this honestly if if um if you have been through a lot of stuff and Trauma do not just share that with people because people will really lose respect for you and that's just how they are I have
seen it in my own environment people start to label you as a traumatized person as a crazy person as a person that went through something do not just tell everyone tell someone when you really really trust them um the only reason I ever spoke about this was to help other people in the same situation otherwise I would have never ever in my life disclose this to the internet because honestly it just works as a disadvantage just come to terms with nobody cares um okay so whether you you try something or you don't uh whether you
you succeeded or fail at it everyone is just going to continue with their lives so you can sit there and cry and cry okay or you can actually do something so you can evolve with other people or you just stay behind this is how the world is supplies that you are the problem see a lot of you people are very toxic a lot of you people have a lot of issues that you have not dealt with and then you wonder oh why do I not have a lover why do I not don't I have friends
um why do I not have this why why do I not have like uh can I not create a business do I don't have Financial things first of all you guys may be spending like crazy uh you guys cannot keep a job um some of you are just like the people also that complain like oh why did I gain so much weight whatever some of you are just plain lazy and that's it to be honest with yourself me too like I looked at myself and I was like whoa Liz um these behaviors of you are
toxic let's fix them let's go to therapy um when I barely went to the gym or wanted to do anything I kept binge eating I was literally like girl like you have so many mental health issues first of all and second of all you're just lazy you are lazy you you are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone and that was the truth and I told myself but sometimes you have to come to terms with the situation and be like okay this is this is what it is it's not bad it's not bad you're
just being honest with yourself because you need a reality check it's the reality checks that wake us up to who we are supposed to be another thing that the self-acceptance cult loves to preach is that other people should also accept them um no you guys should learn how to deal with other people I am not the same with a very religious person as I am with uh an open-minded person because I'm not gonna say stuff that is going to offend them because you have to respect people other people have different beliefs they come from a
different background they were raised in a different way it's the same way that people think that they can go to different countries different cultures and like uh oh no I have my own ways they have to accept how I am no you have to respect the country you're going to that's just how it is so narcissistic in my opinion to think that anyone should accept you no everyone has their own beliefs you should just learn how to deal with different people you should learn how to communicate and talk with different people once you learn the
art of communication you will actually see how how beautiful it is because you can start to network with a lot of people and a lot of chances might get your way because the more you know how to deal with people the more you get bigger chances into evolving your life you get what you focus on see if I tell you today listen I want you from now on to only focus on the red cars okay think about red cars whatever I promise you the next few weeks whatever you will see a lot of red cars
why because that's your focus now if you're constantly in your mind thinking this is what's going wrong this is bad about my life this is negative you get what you focus on that is what you are attracting because your subconscious mind doesn't know any different they just only know you and what you tell them and what you focus on so if you're constantly telling your subconscious mind I am ugly I don't have money I will never succeed that's where your subconscious mind believes they think oh okay that's an ugly person that will never succeed and
doesn't have money that's what you will create but if you start to divert your focus to okay how can I fix this what can I do to fix this what can I listen to that will actually give me good affirmations in my mind and how can I change my self-belief about myself and you don't immensely have to believe what you're saying you just say them and sometimes I literally say something ridiculous like uh a month ago I got a complete crash on my face I was filled with rashes and um I kept every single day
doing my skincare routine I kept continuing and I kept saying my skin is clear and glowing I kept saying that to myself and literally my skin cleared up and listen it might not have been because of the affirmations I said and it just naturally cleared up yes that's true but I much rather stand there and say that to myself and yes I I also thought like this is what are you doing or I didn't really believe it then be like oh I hate my skin oh look at my skin whatever no I refuse to talk
to myself like that and also realize that everything was created in the mind first example look at this thing like this is a toy for my cat right it's a tail I don't know what this is literally somebody had to think about this first before they created it so everything you do you think about first even when you get up in the morning you think oh okay I have to get up now and then you get up the mind is powerful the mind is powerful so you have to realize what you are thinking is what
you are attracting even if you want to create a future you want to manifest if you visualize yourself in a certain way that that thing will come to reality I remember when I had nothing I would visualize myself having everything and today I did manifest it because I had like you know when when you have nothing and you're at rock bottom you've become like kind of delusional it's like the only thing you have so you start to fantasize in your head and you you create like this outside world that you would like to create yourself
but you're actually manifesting you are without you realizing it so me I would actually create like this whole world that I would love to be in and have and I attracted it because I that was like my Escape my head was my Escape but before I would go to bed I would actually like feel it like me being that person and now I am that person so if you you if you you have to try it if you don't believe it try it I promise you your mind controls your life as important as the mind
is so is the gut what you eat is important we do not know what they put in these processed foods listen if I was in power right and I wanted to control the masses I would put certain chemicals in the food to control the masses and to make them depressed to make them lonely to like do whatever you know but to make them anything but strong and healthy I would I would do that because it makes sense it's the it's like that's how you control the mask you cannot control healthy healed people you can't control
them think about all these over processed foods that you're eating there must be stuff in that food that that you're not realizing but that is also affecting your mood your mental health everything start to care about what you put in your body read books about this read books about nutrition read even books I'm reading a book right now it's about glucose and glucose pipes and insulin and how it leads to so many disease so you you have to get knowledge about these things most people don't know it and and people also don't want to teach
it because if people start to get knowledge about this they will actually start to care about their health instead of going to the pharmacy who's subscribed to like 10 000 pills and make these people more ill than they are take that power back and realize that your gut is literally connected to your brain if you eat certain types of food it will affect your mood it will affect your brain realize these things this is not a joke another thing is it's okay to do things differently but at least do something do something right now you
don't have to do like how any successful person your age is doing it that doesn't have to be your way because you guys did not come from the same place and it will you will never end up the same you will never feel the same way you get the thing that they have you know and they might even portray to you that they're so happy but they're not so don't base your goals on a lie base your goals on what you want okay see my dream version of a person is me at my best potential
there is no one else I want to be like know that for yourself and know that no matter how you do it or whatever Road you take or how far like how long it takes you how far it is for you how easy it is it doesn't matter as long as you do something do something like that quote says if you can't walk start crawling for the next 30 days spend your time one hour a day wisely one hour a day where I don't want you to be scrolling on social media I don't want you
to be scrolling on Tick Tock don't want you to be watching stupid things I want you to actually for one hour a day watch something that that you can uh learn from like a podcast an interview that's actually like that brings value that can teach you something read a book for one hour a day um you can choose to meditate for one hour a day journal for one hour a day something that you know that you're spending your time wisely even cooking for yourself cooking even cooking is meditating you know meditating people think you have
to sit on the ground and do like sound and be be there still no meditating is just doing something you love and not thinking about anything just enjoying your time that's meditation so one hour a day I want you to do something that will evolve you the thing is get moving at least 30 minutes a day whether it's small workout that you do at home or you go for a walk 30 minutes a day I'm telling you I'm getting my 10 000 steps in every single day since two months now every single day and my
body has leaned out so much I know people that were overweight that literally just because of walking lost a ton of weight but they just do it consistently and you can walk around actually you can walk around for one hour a day whilst you're listening to something that will evolve you something that you can learn from you have done two birds in one stone start journaling start writing down what you're grateful for start writing down uh questions like I said hundreds of times because it's so important look up journaling questions look up Shadow World questions
and write them down and at least like I don't know maybe you do like two questions a week or something you write them down and you answer the question honestly so with journaling you really get to know yourself you get to know the depths that you have been trying to hide from yourself when I Journal things come up that I was like whoa Liz I didn't even know that this was going on it's because we're so busy and our mind is always stimulated with other things that we never realized that still those kind of things
that happen to us are stuck in our body but when you're journaling you're actually releasing it and once you you start releasing more and more first of all you feel much more lighter you're less likely to get a disease because a lot of stress that we hold in that we are not even conscious of can lead to Serious diseases later on in our life because and I'm literally telling you things like this will save your life and as well when you get to know yourself more when you're more confident you're more likely to make changes
in your life because you know who you are nobody else can tell you who you are when you know who you are last is you have to pick yourself up you know you know what I hate to see and I get so frustrated because I'm a very empathic person with my friends and family when I see them and they're not living up to their potential and you know what the saddest thing is like seeing a person living but losing their potential and you can see that potential but they can't see it for themselves and you
keep telling them come on you can't do better come on you can do this all if you try this you would be amazing but they don't want to try it because they don't think that they deserve it they don't think they can do it and that's the saddest thing ever like um I read I don't know where I read this or heard this it was like the graveyard is the saddest place on Earth because it's filled with people that never realize their potential that's so sad you have to realize there is people there now yeah
they are realizing their potential and they're trying to do the best they can in order to become that version that they want to be and and like you just settling for a life you don't want basically nobody will care about that and nobody will come and pick you up and say hey let's go with me no most of the time they will leave you behind because you know what when you evolve in a certain way you're on a certain vibration and you cannot even energetically be with those kind of people anymore because people that constantly
complain bring these people's vibration down and they cannot uh energetically stand to be around you so it will get very lonely for you so you have to realize the only person that will be there in order for you to move forward is you but I just know that you can do it and you have to know that you can do it so you have to pick yourself up and be like you know what this will not be my story my story is different and I will create that story for myself and nobody is going to
stop me until I get there anyways guys thank you so much for watching I love you guys so much and yeah I see you in the next video bye bye