The Four Stages From 3rd to 4th Density Consciousness

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Aaron Abke
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the greatest act of service to the universe is to work on one's own frequency and raising one's own frequency because wherever you go you contribute to the rising of frequency the room you walk into elevates in frequency steps up in frequency when you walk into the room you must learn what it is to live from the heart for yourself before you can guide others to live in the heart if you want to know what your soul is meant to do here you don't need to go thinking about it you don't need to go wandering around
searching for your purpose just get into the heart embody heart-based Consciousness become a fourth density being the more of us who enter the heart and become the fourth density being the more we'll see these communities being created new technologies free energy technologies that are going to change the world overnight these things will start happening before our eyes [Music] a number of months ago I did a lesson on the four stages of the transition from ego to heart-based Consciousness this is what we're all about here in foru right this is our purpose to teach and facilitate
this transition from third to Fourth density Consciousness and so I want to give you an analogy for what the third density is is uh kind of a picture a metaphor for what our soul comes into when we incarnate into a third density planet and I think this metaphor or analogy will give you a better idea of these four stages of the transition from ego Consciousness to heart-based Consciousness so we know that the third density is the density of the choice or the choosing so this is the density all throughout theit Universe on every third density
planet where souls are incarnating to make the choice between the two polarities which polarity does my soul want to experience and refine for the next you know billions of years of my soul's Journey Through the Universe and so I want you to picture the third density as a great ocean where you know millions billions of people are treading water and kind of flailing and floundering in this ocean and on one side of this ocean there's a a great uh green heart-shaped ship or station or boat however you want to picture it and it's shining bright
radiating and it's drawing light to people to see like kind of like a lighthouse of hey come over here if you want to step onto land and get out of this this ocean and and stop treading water if you're tired if you're weary come come this way come towards the light but then on the other side of the of the ocean you see you could sort of picture like Lord of the Rings and ominous looming dark clouds billowing dark clouds over top of a giant black pentagram shaped boat or you know ship vessel in the
ocean and that's on the other side and this is the picture of third density is billions of people kind of drowning crying out for help in this great ocean of ego Consciousness and there's these two vessels available and only these two and so many people begin to see this um this Choice that's available right and so people start deciding which vessel they want to swim towards for their safety and so on the on this side of the ocean there's the giant black vessel the pentagram vessel which represents the negative polarity of course and there's dark
beings on this ship that are calling out to those who are drowning saying if you drown 10 people I will rescue you and bring you aboard my ship and give you great power and so some people listen to this call and they like the way it sounds and so they start to push other people down while they're drowning so that they can keep their head above water and in the process they drown other people yeah and after 10 people are drowned then a giant kind of lasso of ropes is thrown to them and encapsulates them
and pulls them into the pentagram vessel the pentagram ship and then they climb aboard and they don't have to tread water anymore but now they're a slave on the ship so this represents negative graduation on the other side we have the green ray heart-shaped vessel which is calling out to anyone who wants help to be of service and the prerequisite to getting on this ship is that you have to ask for help why because the positive polarity isn't just going to go save people without them asking for it the positive polarity honors the Free Will
of all beings right so the heartshaped ship the green ray ship is waiting for people to cry out for help and now in this great ocean where people are drowning and trying to keep their head above water as they're Treading Water a lot of people are trying to stay above water through their own efforts right they think that they can just save themselves somehow so they haven't really tired themselves out yet so the vast majority of people in this ocean are not swimming to either the dark or the light ship right they're just Treading Water
thinking I got this I can do this and many of them are failing in their own efforts and eventually they're getting so tired of treading water that they start to drown and then they drown and sink to the bottom of the ocean but then they appear in the sky as in a new body and are dropped back in the ocean again and so as you're treading water you can imagine this scene right of people drowning bodies appearing falling into the ocean some people swimming towards the dark vessel some people swimming towards the light vessel and
you're like okay I think I see what's going on here if I if I make a choice I'm going to drown and come back again right so I might as well make the choice so which vessel do I choose and if you look at the dark pentagram shaped vessel with the ominous clouds above it and the dark beings calling out to saying come over here I'll help you all you must do is drown 10 people and I'll save you you know the people that are in a fierce State like the way that sounds no problem
I just want to stop drowning so I'm going to I'll happily drown 10 other people so there you know you're dunking people under the water and you're seeing people drowning so you're like I I don't want to go towards that ship that looks pretty dark I like the the look of that green ray ship that's shining bright and luminous shaped like a heart so you start swimming towards it and as you swim towards it you notice that the light beings on the ship have these life rafts life preservers ready to throw to anybody but they're
only throwing them to the people who ask for help and so you realize this and you say over here help help I'm ready to climb AB board and then one of the light beings takes notice of you and says here you go my brother or sister throws you a life preserver so you grab onto it and then you're pulled onto the ship as you get pulled onto the ship you're exhausted you're wearied you've been swimming in the ocean of ego Consciousness for lifetimes and so you're not ready to help others yet are you you need
to gain your sea legs first you need to gain your bearings first you need to catch your breath first and as you get onto the ship and you're you just collapse onto the floor and these beings of light come to you and they start taking care of you and giving you water and saying it's okay my brother you're safe we've got you welcome to the light that's what it is when we choose the positive polarity when we graduate to Fourth density positive and so in this process from going from drowning in the ocean of 3D
Consciousness to climbing aboard the fourth density vessel of heart-based Consciousness and then becoming an agent of service there's four primary stages here that I just laid out so I want to walk you through these stages of this analogy so that you can understand how you yourself are to make this transition from the solar plexus chakra to the heart chakra there's four main stages we can say that you must move through and so the first stage obviously is when you're stuck in the ego when you're treading water and and trying to keep your head above water
and for a while you think you can do this of your own merits but eventually you start to get really tired which represents suffering yeah and the more you suffer from ego Consciousness the more willing you become to call out for help when you still had lots of energy and you're swimming you're too proud to ask for help I don't need h i don't need a life preserver life preservers are for the week I'm going to swim and make my own place out here I'll be fine that's the pride of ego that's the pride of
people moving through life self-centered thinking that they can gain enough pleasure from the world to live a happy fulfilling life and in this pursuit of worldly pleasure and outcome happiness you suffer and suffer and suffer you're let down again and again and eventually you're like okay I need some help that's the first stage right flailing in the water crying for help you have to call out to God for help before God will save you why because God will never violate your free will God's like hey you want to be a big fat ego walking through
an egoic world looking for egoic pleasure no problem you have the free will to do that you can do that for as many lifetimes as you want my child and so the universe will let you do that right the universe must hear your cry for help before the transition from ego to Heart can begin because the universe will never violate your Free Will so the first stage is when you realize you're a predicament I'm drowning in the ocean of ego Consciousness with everybody else I don't like it I don't want the negative polarity so I
must call to the light for help that's stage number one recognizing there is a problem and doing something about the problem asking for help the second stage is when you're thrown that life preserver by the universe and you grab onto it and you begin to get pulled to safety while you're getting pulled to safety you know shivering trembling with weakness holding on to that life preserver just hanging on for a dear life please save me God please save me Universe I can't do this anymore that's the second phase once you genuinely cry out for help
the universe will always send you the teachers and the teachings that you need to begin saving yourself from your own bondage and this is in fact the whole reason that any of you are here today right the universe guided you here in response to your Cry for Help God Drew you here to this community to these teachings in response to your asking that's the second stage right as Jesus said ask and you will receive Matthew 7:7 so you're given the teachings the community the people the influences the the helpers the help that you need and
You Begin responding in to that help you you take hold of it and you know that it's your salvation you trust in it and so you're getting pulled to safety that's the second phase of ego to Heart the third phase is when you climb aboard the vessel yeah when you step into the heart and you start to learn how to gain stability there and now on the Journey of Spiritual Awakening this is by far the longest of the three stages because the first stage where you recognize there's a problem usually that's only a short period
of time when you finally come to terms with the fact that I've been living like a big fat selfish ego it doesn't work it will never work I need help that's pretty much an immediate decision right immediate recognition the second is the asking for help and the finding of those people influences teachings that you resonate with and taking hold of them and you start passionately obsessively studying spirituality whatever modality is drawn to you right the third phase is when you begin to climb a board yeah when you begin to enter the heart and you learn
how to gain your sea legs in the Heart Right your stability to recover from the hypothermia the the weakness the outof breathness that you have from struggling in third density Consciousness for so long that's usually usually the longest phase of the transition because it takes time to enter into this new way of being this new State of Consciousness and to adequately understand it before you can then begin teaching it to others and so here's why the third phase tends to be the longest phase because it comes with a great Pitfall the pitfall is the greatest
Pitfall is being in too much of a rush to help others before you've sufficiently helped yourself and this is you almost might say this is a good mistake to make if you're going to make one which you are it's good to want to help others it's nothing wrong with it at all it's very Noble and righteous to want to help others but if you want to if you try to help others before you're truly ready to it will become a detriment to yourself and potentially with others as well and so here's what you need to
always remember is that the universe doesn't need me me to save other people right the universe isn't like hurry up man these people are suffering and you're the only hope that's the ego thinking that that's a prideful belief that I have to be the savior of the world no you don't there's plenty of other teachers and helpers out there who are already helping and teaching and so the most service you can provide to the world is to fully and completely heal yourself and to completely enter heart-based Consciousness for yourself first to gain stability there to
get grounded there to understand it and then through your own experience of it you will naturally become a teacher of it you will naturally become a guide Into the Heart right you must learn what it is to live from the heart for yourself before you can guide others to live in the heart that's obvious right it's the oxygen mask anal ology if you go around trying to help other people put on their oxygen masks before you have you're going to pass out before you realize it you're going to grow weary right if you try to
help others while you're still suffering your service will become a burden to you it will weigh you down it will become a stress point for you and a lot of people are too quick to jump into some kind of ministry or service when they themselves are still suffering and working through big distortions and blockages and so this is very much a fifth density wisdom type of understanding but the fifth density being understands this on a very deep level that the greatest act of service to the universe is to work on one's own frequency and raising
one's own frequency because wherever you go you contribute to the rising of frequency the room you walk into elevates in frequency steps up in frequency when you walk into the room you don't even need to go around propz and preaching to people because your energy is doing it already and when your energy does it you better believe people will ask you to preach to them please help me give me advice how do you have so much peace why are you so loving and and happy all the time how can I become like that and so
then you'll have the opportunity to teach them but uh I want to say it's St Francis of aisi said preach the gospel always use words when necessary preach always use words when necessary that's the path of the heart the heart has to be a living demonstration through you that you embody of what love looks like your words really do no good to anybody if you aren't first demonstrating those words if you're not embodying them to such an extent that your words have power and authority because people can feel that you're speaking from direct experience right
people always know when you're speaking inauthentically when you're speaking from head knowledge or book knowledge that you haven't integrated and as we teach here the a spiritual ego will absolutely use every spiritual concept you've learned but have not integrated it will use it and weaponize it against you to torment you to make you feel that you don't measure up that you're always inadequate that it's it's too far-reaching you'll never really make it to that level of Consciousness that's too Advanced for you you know it'll it'll Gaslight you in these ways using your own Concepts against
you so in the third phase we should be very very interested in embodiment not preaching teaching and serving yet now of course you always want to be of service in every moment every every situation you walk into but when I'm talking about service I'm really talking about your Dharma right your life's path your your gifting your talents your abilities that your soul came here to embody and to give to the world that Dharma needs to wait for embodiment to take place first there is no Dharma without embodiment without heart-based Consciousness the heart is where your
giftings find actualization if you want to know what your soul is meant to do here you don't need to go thinking about it you don't need to go wandering around searching for your purpose just get into the heart embody heart-based Consciousness become a fourth density being and I promise you your purpose will flow through you before you even can snap your fingers or blink your eyes the heart is your point of contact with your Soul's Dharma and so the problem is people are wandering around saying what's my purpose what's my purpose I just want to
find my purpose and it's like before you get into the heart your only purpose is to get into the heart right before you've graduated from third density your only purpose is the choice when you're floundering in the water drowning your only purpose is to get on board that vessel can you see that it doesn't make any sense to be drowning yourself and saying how can I start saving others from drowning like yo bro you're about to drown that's the last thing you should be caring about right now get onto the ship ask for help get
a life preserver put yourself in a position where you can actually be of service so that's phase three is grounding yourself in the heart gaining stability there and of course step four the one we've all been waiting for is to step into your Dharma you then in stage four become a agent of help and healing you become an agent of service where you now are on the boat throwing life preservers to those who are asking for help so the question is how do I know when I'm at that stage when it's safe for me to
fully step into my Dharma and now the truth is you'll step into your Dharma to the exact extent you've stepped into the heart it's not like there's one moment where it happens it's a gradual thing yeah but as you emerge into your Dharma you will be emerging into it as you embody heart-based Consciousness and so what I want to focus on today are these kind of Five Points I wrote down that from my own EXP experience of living in heart-based Consciousness constitute someone who's now living in the heart who's become the fourth density being and
is ready to radically and powerfully step into their Dharma and so the first one which should come as no surprise to anyone here is an intensity of Devotion to God and an abiding communion with the Divine internally a natural awareness of Love's presence that's the first first Focus point we should have when we're trying to get into the heart is to develop that bakti that fire of Devotion to where your your entire attention and focus is caught up in the Divine in love in God and you're you're naturally wanting to commune with God and so
this is you know how we how we cross that bridge of our attachments our addictions our distractions our patterns all of Us in ego Consciousness are inundated with addictions attachments patterns to the third density way of being that are holding us back from cultivating the fire of devotion and so it's like how do I overcome those attachments so that I can cultivate devotion and the truth is it happens at the same time it's not like you say okay let me put off devotion for a while I'll I'll get to devotion later right right now I
need to work on these dang attachments you can see the conundrum right you cannot pull yourself up by your own bootstraps you cannot rise above the current level of Consciousness you're at unless you first reach for a higher level so the goal is also the path the goal of devotion is also the path to get to the goal so Devotion to God is the path and the destination if that makes sense so it means don't wait to start practicing devotion until you feel like doing it until you have no resistance to it no practice it
right now if it resonates with you at all if any part of you says I want to be a fourth density being and hello why else would you be in 4D University if you didn't so this applies to everyone listening but if you resonate with this idea that I want to enter my heart and be a being of the heart a being of Love of unity Consciousness the fourth density being that's my purpose in this life then start practicing Devotion to God now what is devotion we talk about this all the time devotion is consecrating
everything you do and think and say as an act of worship to God devotion is a radical commitment to living in alignment with the Eternal it means I do not want of my own free will to step out of alignment with love love to step out of alignment with truth and so I have these kind of like internal Radars in my conscious awareness for anywhere I'm deviating from Divine Law and when I notice my state of being con constricts at all when I notice my inner peace is diminished at all I know I've stepped out
of alignment somewhere and I look for it I Repent I ask for forgiveness I ask for love to bring me back into the light whatever I need to do to square myself back up with Divine truth and Divine Law that's devotion it is Devotion to the highest the highest ideal and so this happens Moment by moment in every conversation that you're in in every action you commit in every thought you think as devotion grows in you the awareness of stepping out of alignment grows the sensitivity to being out of alignment grows stronger you start to
notice sooner when you're wandering away from love and you're thinking you start to notice sooner when your ego takes over in conversation when you maybe cut people off talk over top of them when you're not in a giving receiving State you notice it sooner why because you want to notice it because you're committed to living from Devotion to living from the heart nothing matters more to you than living from the heart when you get to that stage where nothing matters more more when You' have fully faced up to the fact that everything in the world
is Vanity nothing in the world of form can fulfill you it's all water that makes you thirsty you thirst again and again and again and you want that Everlasting water that you can drink of and never thirst again you want the Water of Life which is love you begin to search for that water everywhere you can find it when Love At Last is all you want love is all you will see right right of course in Miracles so the intensity of devotion building devotion is the first way that you know you're entering the heart there
is no heart-based consciousness without devotion because the heart is Devotion to love the second quality of being in the heart and or how you work your way into the heart because remember the path and the destination are one the second quality is humility and this is just a genuine preferring of others over yourself humility is when you're genuinely more interested in blessing other people then how can I bless myself how can I find some pleasure for me today how can I do what I want to do how can I make myself happy in this moment
because you find that the best way to make yourself happy is to make others happy and so humility begins to grow in you because you realize as I bless others I bless myself so I'm always looking to to elevate to serve to bless to heal to help it's my greatest joy and so I want to keep my tiny ego out of the way as much as possible I don't want to let my ego keep getting in the way of my service my giving my presence and attention to others you know you walk with more of
that inner Stillness and you're looking out to to others to be of help and service rather than looking in of what do I want right now what's going to appease me and make me feel happy when that voice starts to quiet humility rises in direct proportion the heart is humble right the heart comes to serve and to bless the heart has no motive of its own it has no Personal Agenda its only agenda is to help and to serve I'll give you a uh an interesting experience I had not too long ago of uh doing
these these communions with the angels uh on the Asen path uh I believe it's was it Wednesday Wednesday evening I believe is the communion with the angel of love and I was deep in this meditation and I had this really profound experience where the angel of Love Actually communicated to me in this really interesting way and uh I was doing breath work during my communion and doing some long retentions as I like to do and uh I just kind of became aware out of nowhere I I had sort of known this conceptually but I experienced
it and it became true nosis in this moment which is that on the in breath retention and we're going to do a lot of this at the retreat by the way on the in breath retention you're kind of sending your Consciousness up in frequency to the higher Realms where you receive downloads insights Visions things like that and then when you finally let go of that breath and you exhale to the bottom and then you hold that out breath for a long period of time you kind of plunge into the subconscious in yourself and you're into
the you sink into the inner Realms of yourself and that's where a lot of your own baggage may come up and you'll see distortions unhealed things that need to be loved and healed and so I kind of recognized that that was happening and I went to the bottom and normally when we go into the deep subconscious we kind of go there with a bit of trepidation you know what I mean like okay I'm in the shadows so let's be on on guard and be ready to meet light with darkness and you know like some scary
stuff may come up and so you're kind of like wandering through your subconscious with a bit of that caution well I had had such an incredible blast off on this round of breath that when I came back down I knew I was in my own subconscious and there was this totally different attitude about it where I was like what's down here let's go on the hunt let's find something that needs to be healed and loved and as soon as I entered that attitude I embodied it I didn't know that this was the angel of love
until after the experience was over cuz when you're in it you're just in it right but a a being of light communicated with me and it was in the form of a black woman and it wasn't there was no visual of this energy it was just like a voice and an energy a presence that I felt and it felt like a you know like an A wise African-American woman and I was kind of hunting through my subconscious for Shadows like come out come out wherever you are I'm going to love you you know and she
came and she was like in in in the snap of a finger she communicated to me she said normally the ego is the predator and and we're the prey right the ego is prowling around like a hunting lion seeking whom it may devour and it's trying to grab our attention and and eat it up and possess it and she says but when I'm here I'm the predator and the ego is the prey and she said I'm a predat but I'm a predator of light I I don't come to kill steal and destroy I come to
help heal and to bless and then she leaned Into Me In This Very sassy way and she said but if it's up to me everybody's going to get it like love wants everybody to get some like I'm not going to stop looking into until everybody gets some of my love that's the attitude of of the heart you know it's not this like oh I'm just here to love who wants some love it's like I'm on the a I'm on the affirmative right I'm on the offense I'm coming to get you you better run you better
hide cuz I'm Coming Love is coming that's what humility is like actually if you can believe it humility is like I am so interested in being of service that I'm quiet I'm attentive I'm present because if it's up to me everybody's going to get some of this you see that that's a powerful attitude to carry when you start to embody heart based Consciousness that becomes your attitude the third quality of the heart is a natural recognition of the Perfection and unity of everything and this this shows up as a a total inability to resist the
flow of life so you can pay attention to how much you're resisting life which means any degree of stress any degree of anxiety of oh tomorrow I got to do this or I wish this wouldn't happen this way you know those kinds of thoughts represent an absence of heart-based Consciousness because when you're in the heart you have no ability to resist the flow of life because the heart is completely connected and in tune with reality and so the heart knows everything is perfection everything is perfect intelligence demonstrated itself and so I may not know right
now what the purpose of this experience is but I know for sure it has a purpose and that purpose is perfect it cannot be resisted it cannot be avoided and so in the heart we have a natural inability to resist life anymore that's a Hallmark sign of being a fourth density being is no matter what happens if a bomb goes off you don't run into why is this happening you just run into service you just run into to be of help to those who need it you don't waste any time resisting the flow of life
that's number three number four is like it and could be the same really but I like to break them up just for the sake of understanding the fourth quality of heart-based Consciousness is an innate compassion and understanding towards all beings most especially people right the heart has a total inability to judge others for where they currently are the heart just knows everybody's just where they are and their actions in time and space are demonstrating where they are so why argue with it why argue with someone's current level of Consciousness by judging them and casting blame
upon them and things like that the heart doesn't do that the heart understands third density is an extremely difficult level of Consciousness and everyone's fighting a difficult battle here and so the heart just wants to be kind yes even to the murderer the pedophile the psychopath the Tyrant the heart is still compassionate towards them because it understands their pain and their suffering has caused them to become this and so the only remedy is love you want to get rid of the murderer love them forgive them you want to get rid of the pedophile love them
forgive them you want to get rid of the evil Tyrant love them forgive them CU if you do anything else you cocreate that Distortion with them perception is creation right we Hammer this all the time here how you perceive somebody is how you create them you add your mental energy to who they are when you say oh that dirty little thief and you're you're proclaiming with your I am power you are evil you are a thief you steal from others I agree with who you believe you are so if we want to save the world
do you think that's going to be very helpful so don't expect your average ordinary person to understand this because they won't they the average third density person the ego really sees loving people as a total agreement with their every thought and action which is totally insane right you don't even agree with with your own mother and father and child and spouse and brothers and sisters whom you love with with all your heart even the people closest to you you don't agree with everything they think or say or do and yet it doesn't matter cuz you
love them so it is with everybody love everyone unconditionally and look to help them where they need to be helped if someone's in blindness and ignorance you'll want to help them in that position but it doesn't mean you have to hate them before you can try to change them right Only Love Can Change anybody paradoxically without seeking to change them love loves them where they are now meets them where they are now and accepts them where they are now and that's what brings the power of transformation cuz what you resist persists yeah what you fight
you strengthen so to fight who someone is in any way is not a function of the heart heart-based Consciousness does not judge anybody where they are it has total compassion and empathy and understanding that people are suffering deeply and so they behave in these insane ways they don't know the light they don't know truth they're estranged from love so of course they do these things I'll be the love and the light and the truth that they need and then I can actually get rid of the murderer the pedophile the psychopath and the Tyrant that's the
only way to get rid of evil is by loving it because love depolarizes negative energy the fifth quality of the heart heart-based Consciousness is a strong desire to be of service to the world finding your purpose finding your Dharma in this life and beginning to expand upon your chosen path of service the heart let's say it this way love is not really love if it's not extending itself love is a forward movement yeah love is moving towards everything at all times love never shrinks away and resists anything love has no fear there is no fear
where love is and so when you enter love heart-based Consciousness you only want to be of service it's your highest Joy you can't think of anything more exciting more epic more Cutting Edge more fulfilling than blessing others and so that's another Hallmark sign of being in the heart is a a strong desire to be of service and specifically through finding your Soul's Dharma what is that gift I came to express here where does the universe want and need to plug me in to the collective we need people at every single level from the farmers to
the medicine workers to the teachers to the to the engineers to the technology workers to the spiritual teachers to the Musicians to the artists to the innovators to the studiers to the archaeologists to the geologists we need heart-based Consciousness everywhere if we're going to build the new Earth we need to bring higher Consciousness to every modality on Earth because that's why our current planet is so corrupted because we've only been infusing third density Consciousness into all these modalities and so we we've got what we get right we have a corrupt planet that shows that fact
and so this planet must be healed by you and I people of the light fourth density beings gradually trickling into every single sector of society one by one into architecture into engineering into computer science into astronomy into art into music and uh we're definitely seeing that right now we're seeing more and more conscious music you know hitting the scene and Topping the charts we're seeing more and more conscious movies and films being made uh we're seeing you know Hollywood starting to put out more enlightened content than ever before we're gradually emerging into this new Earth
but we've got a whole lot of work ahead of us right because the service to self powers on our planet are going to fight tooth and nail to prevent the light from encompassing the planet and their demise is inevitable they are gradually getting kicked off the planet generation after generation but that doesn't mean we should lay down on the job right and get slack about it and lazy about it we should be very proactive in creating the new Earth in creating conscious Community where new Earths can be created and so the more of us who
enter the heart and become the fourth density being the more we'll see these communities being created new technologies free energy technologies that are going to change the world overnight these things will start happening before our eyes faster than any of us expected them to when we enter the heart and start following our Dharma your passion will take you there your your highest excitement will take you there but you have to say yes to it first and you have to become a fitting recipient of it you have to make yourself worthy of your Dharma by leaving
ego Consciousness and entering heart-based Consciousness because if we know one thing about the ego is that it is not a good Steward of anything of the light it wants to use everything for itself right and so we're going to keep perpetuating this competition-based world if we let our gifts be hijacked by the ego if we want to enter the world of cooperation versus competition Unity rather than separation let's put our Dharma on hold so to speak for a bit and focus all our energy and attention on getting here moving that Nexus point of our Consciousness
from third to Fourth chakra and then our Dharma will find us our purpose will find us and we will together walk hand in hand into the new Earth into the light that we co-create once we're in the heart the heart does all of it right so these are the four steps of how we do that first we have to recognize the problem all of youve already done that or you wouldn't be in 40u we have to ask for help from the universe all of you have done that already or you wouldn't be here so we
are at this great Nexus point the third stage of entering the heart which is finding stability there learning what the heart is mastering the qualities of the heart within our elves and embodying them to such an extent that we naturally can become a true agent of service on the planet the fourth stage of entering the heart and we're all at different you know places on those three to uh third to Fourth steps of entering heart-based Consciousness some of you are already on stage four you're embodying heart-based Consciousness in a huge way and your Dharma has
found you and you're stepping into that purpose and thank you thank you thank you for doing the work on behalf of of all of us I give you great gratitude but to those of you in the third phase who are still gaining your bearings trying to learn how to get into the heart stay in the heart abide in the Heart Live from devotion live from the heart I also thank you because you are already emerging into that fourth stage where you can truly be of service and anyone who even Endeavors to do this to enter
the heart has already given Humanity the greatest act of service that is available which is your love your embodiment of the Creator in yourself the light that you embody is your greatest gift and again none of you would be here right now if that wasn't already your heart's desire so I'll wrap up this lesson by saying from my heart to yours as one who's walked this path and continues to walk it thank you for walking this path beside me thank you for choosing heart-based Consciousness but we got work to do people we got a whole
lot more love to integrate and embody and that's why we're here in this community I can't think of any more exciting purpose for being alive than being here with you all at this time in our planet's history right now [Music]
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