in the world we live in today it's never been easier to be exceptional there's endless opportunities countless amounts of information yet when you look up around you most people are just average if you want an exceptional life you simply need to do the things that most people are not and in a world where everyone's distracted that's not too hard to do so I'm going to offer you a simple framework a framework that if put to use will bring you a life that's pretty exceptional when you first realize that you want to improve your life you
see this vision of the future where you have all the things you could dream of the body the money the happiness you see these things and you realize that they're actually attainable and so you set out to attain them but a common Pitfall that most people fall into is we don't see the obstacles when we plan for the future we think things are going to be different we overestimate ourselves we see every area in our life that could use some improvement and we make a plan to improve them all at once and it sounds great
you write down your new daily routine you get all excited for a change in your life but life doesn't work like that if you look at most successful people they all have one thing in common they're really good at one specific thing when you have a bunch of different areas that you're trying to make progress down at once you end up just being average you start doing one thing get distracted by another before you know it years pass and you're not much further ahead than you previously were I get it wanting to improve Everything at
Once is extremely tempting but just trust me you're much better off focusing all that energy on one specific thing and a quick way to finding that one thing is this write down 10 things that you want to achieve by the end of next next year look at them think about them then remove nine of them from the list the one thing that you're left with is what's most important to you forget the rest of them that's now your priority now Life's a competition every path every goal every dream there's people out there who want the
exact same things that you want but what separates the people who get those things from those who don't isn't Talent it isn't luck it's the simple fact that they consistently put out better work than everyone else of course there's way more elements in detail that go into it but the overarching formula for success is that right there think of it like this all that anything in life really is is a game of problem and solution think about it when you have a work task in front of you all it is is a problem a problem
that requires a solution therefore if you knew everything there was to know about your specific field every element of every area you'd know exactly the best move to make in every situation this is the power of honing your craft not becoming the most skilled not becoming the most hardworking simply becoming the most knowledgeable so how should you go about it well you first find the skills in your field that underpin the rest for example on YouTube this would be storytelling for a marketing agency this would be human psychology the one main skill that's the driving
force behind the main result that you're trying to get now look to the pioneers of that skill read their books study their work put the information to use test it fail at it refine it becoming the most knowledgeable in your field is what will set you apart from everyone else who's also trying to succeed and a little bonus tip if you don't have the time or want to spend all your money on buying a bunch of books there's a platform that I use personally called short form they give you all the key information you need
without you having to spend all that time reading and for the price of less than one book you get access to every single one you could think of if you want to check it out there's a free trial and a link for 20% off in the description when you watch a video like this you think about everything you should be doing with your life you have all the ideas and you have all the information you need yet when it comes to consistently putting in the work you feel this resistance a resistance that for most people
will keep them paralyzed this is why most people fail and most people never reach greatness it's simply uncomfortable but that discomfort if used correctly can transform your entire life all of growth in life is behind a pay wall of discomfort we exchange short-term pain and suffering for long-term growth and satisfaction that's simply all it is a transaction and the sooner you come to realize that the sooner your life will improve most people never fully understand this concept they're in constant search for the easier path in life the path of least resistance but what they don't
realize is life is simply a system of transactions and through gaining one thing you're giving up another so leaning over the edge of discomfort is really the only choice you have and after a while things start to click the more and more you lean into the discomfort your brain starts to enjoy it it's almost as if the power from the resistance itself gets absorbed each time you overcome it I mean at the end of the day the pain is necessary so accepting that as a fact then pushing through it is the only chance you really