What Happens NEXT After the RAPTURE? Dr. David Jeremiah

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Dr. David Jeremiah dives deep into God’s prophetic timeline, discussing the Rapture, the tribulation...
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you know it's awful risky to be saying that we think we're in the end times because you don't know yeah I don't know Jesus could come back today or he could come back many years from now but there are some things in the in the in the area of the stage that are different like Israel being at home in her country uh the rise of anti-Semitism there's some signs that are appearing that make us believe that our Redemption is drawing I and we should take advantage of those signs and while the the Rapture is imminent
which means you cannot know when it will happen and nothing has to happen before it happens it's still a good thing to be ready and uh and to watch for the signs MH when you look at the millennial reign of Christ and you see that Jerusalem is at the center of that Reign it is the capital of the world at that stage is what you write in the coming Golden Age um how should that change our understanding of Jerusalem today of Israel our approach you know what if you want just this might be more of
my personal opinion than anything else I want to be 100% on the side of Israel when they fight their enemies I think we're going to see that again in the near future and I believe that God will have his hand on that and that Israel needs to be there they're the best friend we have in the Middle East and they have God's prophecy written all over them and the the future is in Israel I never could understand when I first started studying prophecy how that little postage stamp State could be so important in the end
of the age but look at it now it's in the news every single day all over the world yeah one day Jesus will come back and when his feet touch on the Mount of Olives a great Chasm is going to develop one of my favorite things about the book is that water will fill that will run for the ends of the Earth and part of it will Encompass the Dead Sea and when that water that comes from that Separation on the Mount of Olives hits the Dead Sea the Dead Sea will be fresh water and
one of the passages in the Old Testament talks about people standing around the edge of the Dead Sea and fishing there are no fish in the Dead Sea now but they're going to be someday yeah for the viewer watching right now who doesn't know what uh the Millennium is what the Millennium kingdom is what is that exactly before we dive into the timelines sure yeah the Bible says that we are living today in the church age which is really true and the next event on the schedule is the rapture of the church which is going
to take place when Jesus comes back from heaven and he takes those who have received his son received him as their savior to heaven and the Rapture uh could happen at any time there the Bible doesn't tell us when it's going to happen and we shouldn't be telling people when it's going to to happen cuz we don't know uh all I can tell you about that is the Bible says it's sooner than when we believed which I think is a pretty good in interesting question but uh when the Rapture happens we will go to heaven
but those who haven't received Christ will live on on this Earth for a period of time of seven years of Great Tribulation uh I mean when you see what's going on today in Ukraine that's kind of what the tribulation is going to look like across the whole perspective of war and death and all kinds of terrible things and at the end of the tribulation period the battle of Armageddon will be fought and Jesus will come back from Heaven and the Bible says he returns with his Saints and his angels that means if we've died and
gone to heaven we'll come back with Jesus and we'll be there at the battle of Armageddon and when that's over we'll be ushered into the kingdom which is a period of 1,000 years the word Millennium is made up of two words Mill which is th000 and uh Annis which is uh a year so it's a million year A Thousand Years and we'll be living with Jesus during that time and uh will be reigning with him he will be king and David will be his vice president and will be running this world and we will see
the world that God really intended for us to have before sin entered in Genesis and it is such a hopeful picture of the future and I think sometimes we look around and the world is feeling like it's so chaos filled you know we see division in politics that are full of hatred and we see Wars and Injustice and suffering and we wonder can the future um be full of Hope and it can this is what the Bible saying and that's what this is all about because the Bible says that in the Millennium there'll be no
sickness uh people will live uh if you're a Christian and you go into the Millennium you will not die you will you will be a thousand years old uh and there will be no sickness there will be peace one of the verses I love the most says and we will study war no more in other words nobody will have wars uh if if you're in the Implement business you're out of luck because your store is going to close nobody's going to be involved in hurting other people and the Bible says in that period of time
the lion will lie down with the lamb so the antagonism in the in the animal world will be gone animals that you knew before were enemies will now be friends um there will be Holiness the Bible says that when Jesus comes back to start the Millennium the nation of Israel is going to have a topological change it will be actually elevated until there'll be a mountain in Israel that's the tallest mountain and on that mountain on the top of that mountain will be ezekiel's Temple and from that from that place Jesus will reign not just
over Jerusalem and Israel but over the whole world and the thing I love about that story is that the road that goes to that place is called The Highway of Holiness in the Bible and uh it it will be just such an incredible time all of the things that happened at the end of the garden when the curse happened I like to say it this way the Millennium the curse is reversed everything that happened then will be made right death will no longer be an issue uh uh the Bible says that during the Millennium crops
will grow so fast that the that the reaper will follow after the planter because it will be so close they won't be able to keep up with it the imagery of all these little stories and and things in the Old Testament about that period of time are just fascinating what I find so interesting about this idea of the Millennium is it really feels like a foraste of Heaven it is um and in fact many people read those stories and passages about the Millennium and they say this is heaven but of course that's not true Heaven
is even one more step because in heaven all sin will be removed and there will be no evil there will be evil in the Millennium because people who are go into the Millennium will have children and their children won't be necessarily Godly children because as you know I like to tell people God doesn't have any grandchildren he only has children if you're going to go to heaven you have to know Jesus personally and you can't go to heaven on the coattails of your parents so um there will be sin in the Millennium because there will
be children born into the Millennium but according to what I've read sin will not be tolerated it will be dealt with Jesus will be the judge the jury the prosecutor and the defender and he will take care of it all just like that and it will go away there won't be any longterm uh uh results of evil in in that world but when you get to heaven all that is gone oh one other thing I should tell you during the Millennium Satan is bound in an abyss for a thousand years so the devil isn't here
anymore during that time he's not on vacation he's suffering in a terrible place when you look at the picture of who Jesus is as King in that Reign how would you describe Jesus magnificent uh overwhelming incredible everything you know about any great leader that you've ever watched and for those who have struggled with issues of being hurt or they struggle with feelings that the world is unjust or unjust things have happened to them how is justice found and um pursued and accomplished in the Millennium Justice is a child of Truth I've often said to people
when I'm dealing with Personnel issues in the Ministries that we run if I could just know the truth I know what to do but but you see we're dealing with the omniscient God he knows the truth and so Justice will always be perfect there won't be any excuses there won't be any defense because almighty God Jesus Christ the King he will know everything as it actually was and as it actually is and you can't fool him you can't you can't pull uh any stunts on him because he knows everything because he knows the truth as
you said a few moments ago um you know the the children of those who have gone into the Millennium could have sin in their hearts or you know evil ideas or Wicked intent um yet Satan is bound and taken away and so I thought it was interesting because it shows that the human heart still has wickedness in it we often just think everything's Satan you know what Laura you hit on one of the most important things and I'm glad you mentioned that because I should have mentioned it already the the deal with Satan being bound
for a thousand years is it takes away our excuses you can't use Flip Wilson's the devil made me do it anymore because he's not here he's gone and and what that tells you is the Bible says that we all have uh two Natures we have if we're Christians we have a uh you know the nature of God and we have our own sinful nature and um so what this proves is that you are not sinful because of Satan he may Advance the Temptation and make it more easy for you to sin but during the Millennium
he won't be here and nobody's going to be able to say if it weren't for the devil I wouldn't have done that no you can't say that he's he's in a pit somewhere in the middle of the Earth and he's not here he's not responsible so it comes down to Free Will free choice just like we saw in the Garden of Eden we continue to have that free choice even in the Millennium what I think about uh is for our viewers watching right now who are listening to this prophetic timeline of the world according to
the Bible and are saying what choice have I made have I made that choice for Jesus because you talk about those who are raptured up and those who are raptured up before the tribulation before the battle of Armageddon before the Millennium um they've made a choice for Jesus and God has um brought them up in order to protect them in such a season when the tribulation becomes very unbearable that that is the wonderful truth that we have to offer people today if you put your trust in Jesus Christ as Savior Jesus says because I live
you shall live also and because I live you shall never die and what he meant by that was you won't die SP spiritually you won't die separated from God so when you become a Christian you don't have to worry about the Judgment the Bible says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus what a wonderful truth that is if you become a Christian God forgives all of your sins and here's what I like to tell people past present and future and people argue with me about that he can't forgive my
future sins I haven't even sinned yet and then I always ask asked them how many of your sins were future when you got forgiven the first time all of our sins are in the future and God forgives them all so that when we stand before him someday if we've asked him for forgiveness the guilt is gone and the Bible says he he he pushes them as far as the East is from the West he throws them behind his back he doesn't remember them anymore so the beauty is when you become a Christian you take hold
of the future and you don't have to worry about that anymore and I'm so thankful for that and I think about you know when the Rapture occurs if we're here still on Earth and and we experience that I know that it will create chaos for those who are left behind what does that look like you know a lot of people that I've talked to over the years say some pretty silly things and here's one of them I don't know that I believe in the Rapture I'm just going to wait and see if the Rapture happens
and if it does I'll just get saved in the tribulation but that's a pretty dangerous road to walk on first of all let's suppose you get saved in the tribulation like Jesus comes back and 10 days later you get saved you're going to go through seven years of the worst tribulation you ever experienced on this Earth because you're not going to get raptured you're going to be here for all that time yeah and secondly there is a spirit of deception in the tribulation period that rules the Earth and it may seem like you'll be able
to believe better then than you can now because you will see what happened but the spirit of deception will hover over this Earth and U and and the Bible seems to indicate that people who've had a clear understanding of the Gospel in this age are not going to be on the a list when it comes to going to heaven from the tribulation and the season of tribulation which is 7 years uh in your book The Coming Golden Age you note that the Bible says the Antichrist will rise up in that season and um and so
there is so much darkness and and terrible that's the spirit of deception I was mentioning yes um and the Antichrist will have will have a certain R like rise to power it will unfold a certain way and he'll have a certain goal tell us a bit more about that well the Antichrist is exactly what his name says he's anti chist but it's even more than that he's instead of Christ he tries to convince people that he is the Messiah and actually as you know uh they call it the um the Desolation he goes into the
temple and sets himself up as God has people worshiping him because he believes he you know he actually believes in his heart that he is the the Messiah and he has the false prophet as his helper and Satan as his leader and uh the Antichrist will deceive many according to the scripture and uh some people believe he may be alive even today I can't say that he will I don't I like to tell people I don't know who he is but I know what he does and when you know what he does you don't want
to be a part of that yes and one of the other points of focus that the Antichrist has along with I know you refer to that group of three as the Unholy Trinity they also have a focus to destroy the Jewish people right and anti-Semitism you note in your book I believe that what we're seeing today Laura yeah may be indication that the uh anti-semitic Spirit from the Antichrist has begun I can't say that I know that to be true but listen I've never seen anything like that in our country I know when I've read
about the Holocaust I've been overwhelmed that I visited the Holocaust Museum twice in Israel and it affected me for weeks afterwards just going there and seeing what happened but when I watch what happens on our University campuses today and the hatred that people have for the Jews ask yourself why is that yeah they hate him because he brought forth the Messiah they hatred for the Jewish people is hatred for Jesus and the Bible tells us what a foolish thing that is the Bible actually says the Bible says uh uh that God will bless those who
bless Israel and curse those who curse them uh in the last election when I heard that Mike hakabe was going to be the ambassador to Israel I was so thrilled I know him personally he's a he's a devout Christian a former Southern Baptist pastor and he's the perfect person to hopefully push back the tide of anti-Semitism that we face in our country yes it's very terrifying in terms of the season of the world for the rise of anti-Semitism what we're seeing you know it's interesting you pointed out that the Jewish people are God's chosen people
from the Old Testament and then you know we're grafted in in the New Testament but what's interesting about um God's prophetic timeline for the world world is when Jesus returns the actual Topography of the Middle East changes yes it does and we see Jerusalem rise up and physically rise up right and so it shows me and you know you document that in the coming Golden Age you point out the Bible verses but it shows me that Israel the Jewish people and Jerusalem are still at the center of God's they at the center of God's heart
and you know we forget sometimes that our Bible is mostly Jewish our savior is Jewish our Salvation comes from the Jews we are so indebted to the Jewish people we should never have even one little ounce of anti-Semitism in us unfortunately Laura I know some Christians who have developed a spirit of anti-Semitism and that's a really scary thing it certainly is um and you know of course we look forward to Jesus return in the battle of Armageddon as that that anti-Semitism even there is unfolding so rapidly you document that in in your book and you
talk about what the Bible says about that as Jesus returns in the battle of Armageddon it is a striking moment where he stops the Antichrist he stops that Unholy Trinity he stops the anti-Semitism tell us about that moment well you know one of the things I never understood until I did this project was the Bible says that the the angels and and the Saints are going to accompany Jesus in this war and they're going to be dressed in white and I thought to myself who goes to a war dressed in white then I read the
rest of the story and the rest of the story is the Saints and Angels don't have anything to do except watch the Bible says that Jesus will destroy the enemy with the breath of his mouth and I told people in my church one day he's going to go and it's over and that's the power that he has over the enemy we will be there to see it witness and rejoice but we won't be on the front line fighting the battle of Armageddon the Lord Jesus will take control of that and the last battle raging on
this earth except for that little Uprising at the end of the Millennium will happen and uh like I said the Millennium is we study war no more and something I read in the book The Coming golden age was that even government institutions uh prisons hospitals those places won't be needed in the Millennium no no if if you um if you were in the military implementation business you'll be out of business there won't be any uniforms to go by cuz there won't be any uniforms made because there won't be any War for people to wear them
it's it's um I remember reading a statement by a j ver McGee an old an old pastor friend of mine who's in heaven now and he talked about all the things that won't happen there won't be any gun and you won't be able to buy a gun there won't be any gun stores there won't be any uniform stores and he went through all this list of things you stop to think about the impact that the military has on our culture all of it gone and you know the interesting thing if you go to New York
City and you go to the the the place where the uh United Nations meets across from the entrance to that building there's a statue and the statue has as its purpose they shall beat their plows their swords into plow shares and and that story from the Old Testament book of Isaiah and it's so funny to me because that's what they're supposed to be doing across the street and they don't do it yeah you know we have to wait till Jesus comes back before that happens yeah uh you talked about King David's Reign alongside Jesus supporting
him and I found that phenomenal King David is a Bible person that I have loved I don't call him a character I say a person CU he was real but it's somebody that I have you know his story is incredible why do you think God chooses King David to uh support Jesus basically as his prime minister in Canada but for you guys you would say vice president well you know the Bible has been historically um very clear that Jesus is from the line of David and uh that when he reigns in the Kingdom that David
will be his associate I I've preached that in some Bible conferences in the past and I've had ladies come up to me and say I don't think that's true I'm never been able to find that in the Bible so I was very careful in that chapter to print like five or six different places where it refers to David being the vice Regent of the Millennium and in that chapter is all the research about that you know it's really interesting to think about God seeing a human like King David and saying I see what you've done
in your life I see the state of your heart and what you were like and I believe that you're meant to support Jesus and all of his failures and there were many was a man after God's heart MH um I have a friend we laugh about this at our church because I have a friend in India named Satish Kumar he's the pastor of the largest church in India maybe the largest church in the world I preached for him once I went there and preached for him five services on Sunday over a 100,000 people came to
church that day oh wow he has three and 400,000 people at Easter and Christmas he's just an amazing person but he calls me men of God he coms me on the phone he goes men of God how are you today and at first I wasn't sure what to think about that and then I thought to myself I don't know if I am a man of God but I know I want to be a man of God yeah and I think that's what it means to have a heart for God to want your life to be
so controlled by who God is and that he's he's in charge of what goes on and what you do every day yes and you see King David you know is a man who fell committing adult adultery also causing the death of somebody to cover up his sin and the bad decisions he'd made but yet he turns to God in all humility and remains a man after God's Own Heart well that's a true thing that's a true story the Forgiveness of God is amazing and u i remember uh reading and preaching on Psalm 32 and Psalm
51 which are the two Psalms that deal with David's sin mhm and David had a long period of time I don't know exactly how long it was when he didn't acknowledge ex sin then one day Nathan came pointed his finger at him he said you're the man you did this yeah and David repented and uh the story of the joy that came back into his heart when he got right with God was is such an amazing thing and a real testimony to the power of God's forgiveness and the importance to repent right to know that
we're never Beyond God's forgiveness but we do need to come to Accord with what we've done and repent and repentance is not just sorry that you got caught repentance is deep sorrow for what you did and a determination to go 180 the other direction and you know it's interesting you mentioned uh Nathan coming to King David and calling him out and saying this is what's happened and I see such a powerful role uh of community and relationship in that moment and when I think about the millennial reign of Christ you see the whole Community there
worshiping Jesus 24 hours a day 7 days a week that astounded me when I was reading it and and you know just think about what it would be like in our culture if all of the negativity was taken out for one day all of the anger and all of the retri retribution that is on everybody's tongue and I'm only to get even if I get elected and I'm going to make sure this happens and all if that all went away and we lived in peace with one another because we had God in our hearts what
difference would it make it would make a huge difference and that's what it's going to be like in the Millennium and ultimately in heaven something that's interesting to me is that uh Satan does cast sorry Jesus does cast Satan away at the beginning of the Millennium how come for a thousand years um he's bound but why doesn't God just have Jesus completely obliterate Satan at that point what do you think interesting question but I think U there's one more brief period of rebellion allowed okay before the final Judgment of the great white throne and it's
just another you know one of the things about reading the book of Revelation that's astounding if you look for it are the parentheses in the book of God's mercy everywhere you turn you think oh when this happens this is over and then you see a little thing about the mercy of God God is such a merciful god he he doesn't want to say this is it until it it really has to be said so one last time there's that little Rebellion at the end and then it's over so in God's Great Mercy he gives us
more time he does I believe that what's happened to us recently in our country is is just a matter of giving us some additional Time For Peace and for preaching and for salvation and I Rejoice at that you know we better take advantage of it it's a gift that doesn't come back often and so we need to do that I think with the coming golden age I appreciate it so much because you help us dive deep into scriptures connected to the prophetic timeline of the world God's prophetic timeline and that it's critical that we know
about these timelines because we need to be praying you know in unity about what God is doing in the world we also need to be inviting more people to meet Jesus Jesus said one time he says you know a lot about the coming of the weather you watch for the signs of the weather but you have no clue about the signs of the times that's an indictment upon us and it shouldn't be true of us if we're Christians one of the reasons why I have spent so much time in that part of the Bible and
finding the truths about that it's because I see the hope that is in it and I also realize that it's a great platform to tell people that if you put your trust in Jesus Christ today you can be part of the good plan that he has for your life and I hope that people who are watching us will take seriously that opportunity and you don't have to be in church to do it you can you can ask Christ to come into your life right where you are tell him that you're a sinner that you know
he's come to save you we have written letters from people all over the world who have prayed that prayer in the Simplicity of their own heart and their lives have been changed and God will change your heart too if you'll do it Dr Jeremiah if somebody's watching right now and they would like you to lead them in that prayer would you be willing to do that I be happy to do that thank Father thank you for the people who are involved in this discussion with us at the other end and we thank you for the
privilege of talking with them about such important things and Lord if there's someone here who needs to trust you help them to Simply pray this prayer in their heart dear God I know I a sinner I know that I cannot save myself I don't have any ability to be that good and Lord I believe that Jesus Jesus is your son that he came to this earth and that he died on the cross that he was buried in 3 days he was raised from the dead and I believe all that Lord and I accept that as
true and today I want to ask you to come and live in my life and be my savior so that I can go and be with you in heaven forever thank you for hearing my prayer I will seek to live for you from this day forward in Jesus name amen amen it's such aesh start and a new start it's so exciting for those who have just made that decision and we know Heaven is rejoicing Dr Jeremiah we know God rejoices with every soul that comes to Christen just a few questions more but um as the
millennial reign of Christ winds up and Heaven appears for us tell us a little bit more about what that Journey will be like between the Millennium it will be a a very kind transition yeah going from the Millennium to heaven and um you know I'm I'm I'm going to write a book next next year about heaven yeah so that's my next project and and I'll have a lot more things to say about that but uh Revelation tells us a lot about the home that we're going to have with Jesus forever in heaven yeah yeah and
for that person watching right now who feels uh maybe they're discouraged by their situation in life their health uh maybe it's the news maybe it is what's happening with their families and they don't know if God can do all of the things he's promising in the coming Golden Age what would you say to them you know look around there are Christians everywhere who can tell you what God has done for them yeah uh when we witness we just tell people this is what Jesus did for me how he's changed my life how he's given me
hope and not despair how I know that if I should die I'm going to go be with heaven right away I'm not going to have to wait and uh so I think the uh the hope of Heaven is everywhere around us if we just look it certainly is and um you know one thing is that many people can think about the end times in a negative way and they're afraid of what's to come but if they've made that decision for Jesus what's to come you know you can if you preach to an audience if people
are scared about all of this they're not Christians yeah but if they're excited about it they know Jesus because the best really is yet to come that's right that's right The Best Is Yet To Come Dr Jeremiah we're really anticipating uh that The Best Is Yet To Come not just in the millennial Reign not just in heaven but soon in North America and we're praying on 100 Huntley Street that God would cause a Revival amen I'm ready for Revival wherever it starts amen and I'm wondering for our viewers what would you say to them to
be Revival ready what can they be doing pray seek God's face yeah cry out against what's wrong mhm I think we saw some of that in the preparation for the election don't let it die yes and in that way you know you tie in uh in the coming Golden Age The Lord's Prayer yes bringing Heaven to Earth we can have come on Earth as it is in heaven it's never happened but when the kingdom happens that prayer will be answered indeed it will be Dr Jeremiah thank you so much you're welcome for being with us
today thank you for writing this incredible book that in Golden Age your scholarship and your pastoral heart to so many across the world nice to be with you Laura thank you for having me [Music]
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