Everything is Energy | Once You Learn To Vibrate CORRECTLY, Reality is YOURS.

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Your Inner Guide
#lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #energy In this captivating video, we dive deep into the pro...
Video Transcript:
[Music] everything is energy from the chair where you are sitting to your thoughts and feelings energy is all there is energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only be transformed into a different form of energy we can only transform and redirect what already is you see you are more than just a body living in a physical world you are made up of energy and exist in a universe where everything is vibrating energy this means that you have the ability to send and receive energy so stick around until the end and we'll explore how
to harness this powerful force to manifest the reality you desire and use it to your benefit as Aristotle wisely put it the energy of the mind is the essence of life all life vibrates everything living moves all colors and sounds vibrate to a frequency nothing sits idle many of these frequencies were recorded in ancient Egypt by Hermes trism magistus some of the designs on ancient structures are actually the patterns of sound vibrations and when those notes are played they are music we are all familiar with 432 Hertz frequency music for example and each of these
different Hertz carry their own unique vibration life is vibration so is mind so is matter electricity or vibration is that same energy same power you can call it God all forces vibration as all comes from one Central vibration taking different form and as the electrical vibrations are given know that life itself to be sure is the creative force or God yet its manifestations in man are electrical or vibratory electricity is God in action seeing this feeling this knowing this you will find that not only does the body become revivified but by the creating in every
atom of its being the knowledge of the activity of this creative force or Principle as related to Spirit Mind Body all three are renewed the Buddha said anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body all matter in the universe vibrates at different frequencies including every living being on Earth the intensity and frequency of these vibrations are unique to each individual and can vary based on their experiences we are attuned to our own vibrations but they can be influenced by external or internal forces vibrations are a cohesive force in nature
as all force is vibration our bodies emit vibrations that control our mental and physical processes which are collectively known as the aura each sensory organ in our body reflects a different vibration according to the teachings of ascended Master s ger man raising one's vibration and frequency is the key to transforming any aspect of their life including healing of any disease achieving abundance and attaining Transfiguration of the physical body into the ascended realm he said I urge you all fervently I urge you to State unto the universe unto the Multiverse I am I am I am
I am life I am God I am as you state the knowingness within your breast you raise your frequency the vibration of I am will begin to pulsate within you this is because the vibrational frequency of an individual creates a resonance with the energy of the universe which facilitates the man man estation of their desires and enables them to access higher States Of Consciousness by raising one's vibration and frequency they can align themselves with the universal energy which in turn helps them to create their reality in accordance with their intentions to comprehend the potential of
vibrational energy it's crucial to recognize the human body as a sophisticated quantum physics apparatus the human body is composed of nothing but vibrating energy cells constitute human beings which are made up of atoms which are comprised of particles that are essentially probability waves most of the physical matter we encounter in our daily lives is actually made up of empty space essentially we are more vibration than mass and therefore we can be significantly influenced by vibrational energy either positively or negatively energy is the fundamental force that permeates every aspect of our existence it is the essence
of life the driving force behind all matter and experiences to truly tap into our potential and create a fulfilling life it is essential to understand and harness the power of energy the role of thoughts in shaping our reality has been a recurring theme in philosophy throughout history various philosophers have explored the profound interplay between the mind and the world it perceives one perspective assumes that thoughts operate like magnets attracting experiences that resonate with their vibrational frequency Emmanuel Kant a renowned philosopher did not explicitly discuss the Law of Attraction but explored the concept of the Mind
actively shaping the reality it perceives he argued that our mental framework or categories of understanding serves as a lens through which we interpret and give meaning to our experiences in this light our thoughts can be seen as active participants in constructing our lived reality Eastern philosophy also emphasizes the power of thoughts in shaping our reality Lau the ancient Chinese philosopher suggested that by maintaining a positive and harmonious State of Mind individuals could navigate life's challenges more effectively and attract positive experiences by saying watch your thoughts they become words watch your words they become actions watch
your actions they become habit watch your habits they become character watch your character it becomes your destiny the practice of cultivating positive thought thoughts through affirmations visualization and gratitude practices can be seen as a proactive step towards creating a more fulfilling and purposeful life these tools find support in the works of prominent philosophers such as Jean Paul SRA and Aristotle sra's existentialist philosophy emphasizes individual responsibility and the creation of meaning in a seemingly indifferent Universe affirmations which involve consciously choosing positive thoughts and beliefs resonate with sra's ideas that we are condemned to be free and
exercise our existential freedom to shape our subjective experience of reality basically like attracts like if you are vibrating at a certain level then you are going to attract people things and experiences that match that level of vibration if you want a new car you have a clear picture of it in your mind and you take the time to visualize it and feel how it would feel to have that car in your reality the universe has no other choice but to match you up with that vibration if you look around you and all you see are
the things that are lacking in your life that's the level at which you are vibrating and the universe has to match that vibration we must stay mindful this is why being aware of ourselves is so important because we are really creating our reality different thoughts emotions and feelings possess different vibrational energies or frequencies the energy of these thoughts emotions and feelings often exists in the form of words just thinking or speaking a word can emit a certain energy once the word is perceived it is transmuted to the conscious depending on the word and what type
of energy or frequency it generates the level of vibrational frequency can tell you what level of Consciousness the word exists within thoughts plus emotions plus feelings equal energy SL vibrational frequency for example the word love generates a higher vibrational frequency in your Consciousness in comparison to the word hate which generates a lower energy frequ frequency the word peace generates a higher energy frequency than the word worry and speaking the name of God produces one of the highest of energy frequencies whereas even thinking the name of Satan evokes one of the lowest of energy frequencies the
notion that emotions and thoughts possess unique vibrations is rooted in the works of ancient philosophers such as Plato the three parts of the Soul are at odds with each other and it is their struggle that accounts for the variety and complexity of human behavior this quote captures Plato's insight into the internal dynamics of the Soul suggesting that reason spirit and appetite each with its distinct nature and desires are in constant interplay in the current scenario the correlation between positive emotions and high frequency vibrations draws parallels with the philosophical musings of existentialist Albert kamu his philosophy
grounded in the belief of the absurdity of existence encourages individuals to seek significance and happiness in spite of life's inherent uncertainties and challenges kamu seminal work the myth of Copus reflects on The Human Condition and the tension between the yearning for meaning and the apparent lack of inherent purpose in the universe in this context the alliance with positive emotions emanating high frequency vibrations can be seen as an act of existential Rebellion it is an active decision to imbue life with meaning positivity and joy despite the absurdity of existence Camu urges individuals to embrace their human
capacity for creation and to assert their existence happily in the face of the existential void on the other hand the link between negative emotions and lowf frequency vibrations resonates with stoicism an ancient philosophical school of thought and particularly the teachings of Sena stoicism emphasizes the significance of Reason virtue and inner Tranquility in navigating life's challenges senica an influential stoic philosopher advocated for the Mastery of emotions and the cultivation of inner peace regardless of external circumstances the correlation with negative emotions emanating low frequency vibrations can be viewed through the stoic prism as disturbances to the Tranquility
that one should strive to maintain senica's writings such as his letters to lucilius underscore the stoic commitment to emotional resilience urging individuals to confront aders I ities with a calm and rational mind by drawing parallels between modern insights into vibrational frequencies and the philosophical perspectives of kamu and senica a holistic understanding emerges it highlights the profound interplay between our emotional states and our philosophical orientation toward life in embracing positive emotions individuals engage in a cusan rebellion against the absurdity infusing their existence with purpose and Joy on the stoic front the call to master negative emotions
aligns with senica's emphasis on maintaining inner Tranquility irrespective of external circumstances in essence this exploration demonstrates how philosophical perspectives from different eras converge with contemporary Notions offering a comprehensive framework for understanding the intricate relationship between emotions vibrations and our approach to the complexities of human existence David B A renowned Quantum physicist proposed a theory called the implicate order which presents an intriguing parallel to the idea of vibrational frequencies influencing reality according to bom reality is interconnected and infolded with visible aspects merely being manifestations of underlying unseen orders he posited that the concept of order is
somewhat arbitrary and there is always a higher degree of order that can be attained bom's work provides a fascinating insight into the fundamental nature of our universe and its interconnectedness which has significant implications for our understanding of reality throughout history the powerful link between the mind and body has been acknowledged with physical well-being playing a significant role in unlocking higher vibrations and optimizing overall existence this holistic approach recognizes the interdependence of mental and physical States and by prioritizing physical health one can pave the way for an elevated state of being in order to achieve optimal
phys physical function and sustained energy and vitality a balanced and nourishing diet forms another crucial element in the pursuit of higher vibrations it is essential to view nutritional intake not as a mere routine but as a conscious choice that impacts the body's energy levels whole nutrient-dense foods provide the essential building blocks for promoting overall well-being in summary prioritizing physical health through regular exercise and a balanced nourishing diet can help achieve an elevated state of being and unlock higher vibrations maintaining High vibrational energy levels is crucial for optimal physical and mental function adequate rest and relaxation
play a vital role in achieving this state sleep is the body's natural healer and a Cornerstone of this principle since it is during this time that the body repairs and rejuvenates itself incorporating mindfulness practices Hobbies or spending time in nature into daily life becomes an intentional Act of self-care that promotes relaxation the core premise of these practices is that Optimal Health allows energy to flow freely through the body aligning with the Eastern concept of Ki or Prana the life force that courses through the body when energy flows unimpeded individuals can tap into their full potential
both mentally and physically a visual metaphor for this state is that of a river flowing smoothly unobstructed by debris in this state individuals are more resilient adaptable and better position to navigate the currents of life therefore incorporating rest and relaxation into daily routines is essential for a well-lived life and maximizing one's potential the perspective of engaging viewers involves encouraging them to view their well-being as an integrated approach to harmonizing mind and body instead of a series of isolated habits this perspective acknowledges that the pursuit of higher vibrations is a holistic Journey which should be woven
into the fabric of daily life by consciously making choices in exercise nutrition and rest viewers are not only investing in their physical health but also raising the overall frequency of their existence this holistic approach is a call to action resonating with the understanding that our bodies are not just vessels but Dynamic components in the Symphony of a vibrantly lived life the human body is capable of producing and emitting various frequencies of energy which collectively determine an individual's overall vibration frequency to elevate this frequency there are several accessible tools and resources available one such tool is
meditation an ancient practice that enables individuals to quiet the mind and create a Serene mental Space by reducing stress and fostering a connection with the inner self meditation becomes a gateway to tapping into the boundless well of energy residing within each of us another way to raise vibrational frequency is through energy healing modalities like raiki acup puncture and sound healing these modalities recognize the subtle energies that course through our bodies and offer techniques to clear blockages restore balance to energy centers and Elevate our vibrational frequency affirmations and visualization become powerful tools for reprogramming the subconscious
mind these tools harness the power of the mind to create positive changes in an individual's vibrational frequency the use of these tools can help a person embark on a journey of self-discovery Y and revitalization tapping into the innate ability of the body to restore Harmony and equilibrium the practice of positive affirmations helps individuals align their beliefs with their Intentions by visualizing desired outcomes individuals can further enhance this process creating a fertile ground for positive transformation in their subconscious another effective way to raise one's vibrations is through nature connection which allows individuals to absorb the high
vibrations inherent in in the natural world this immersive experience can be achieved through activities such as hiking strolling in a park or simply finding Solace under a tree these tools are versatile resources adaptable to individual preferences and Lifestyles however the key lies in actively engaging with them and weaving them into the fabric of daily life by doing so individuals can embark on a journey of raising vibrations and experience a more vibrant and harmonious existence with the support and guide guidance of these steadfast companions the concept of raising your vibration is not just a one-time practice
it is a way of life by embracing the power of energy in our daily lives we can unlock our full potential and create a reality that aligns with our highest aspirations to harness the power of energy in your daily life you can follow some simple yet effective steps firstly practicing gratitude cultivates an attitude of gratitude which raises our vibrations and attracts more things to be grateful for secondly mindful living is crucial as being present in the moment and fully engaged in whatever you're doing raises your vibrations lastly surrounding yourself with positive energy is essential surround
yourself with people places and things that uplift and inspire you engage in activities that bring you Joy and make you feel alive by following these steps you can significantly improve your life quality and overall well-being thank for you watching your support means everything to me I hope you enjoyed the video till next time take care
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