you've probably heard me teach on the four levels of value if you're there are four levels of value in the Earth because every number has significance one is the number of unity the unity of God two is the number of separation or Holiness three is the number of God four is the number of the earth four is the number of the earth why is four the number of the earth well there are four directions on the earth north south east and west there are four seasons winter spring summer and fall the Earth is round they
say and but we talk about the four corners of the earth when was the last time you saw something round with one corner let alone Four Corners um we talked about the Four Winds of the Earth often times when we find things that apply to the Earth realm they show up in force right there are four levels of value there are four levels of teaching for four levels of learning there are four levels of parenting for four levels of child development but in this video we're going to talk about how you can get the most
out of the four levels of value that God set up in Genesis Chapter 1 what are the four levels of value well the lowest level of value is implementation implementation this is the low level then you got the next level then you have the next level and then you have the highest level so implementation is the lowest level of value if you are working if you make money on the implementation level you make somewhere between minimum wage and $80,000 a year on the lowest level of value implementation you can't like there's a very very low
ceiling on the lowest level of value because wealth okay let me give this to you first wealth is a spiritual outcome so not only is wealth a spiritual outcome I'm going to make some statements that I'm not going to necessarily back up right this minute but maybe I'll come back and revisit them wealth is a spiritual outcome poverty is always the result of spiritual warfare because Satan the enemy he cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy so lack is the result of Satan's interaction or effect on your life or my life
right so before the serpent spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden I'm not going to get into how white snakes could talk I don't have time for that go watch all of my other videos I promise you I addressed it in one of them okay so um but before the serpent spoke to Adam and Eve they lacked nothing except one thing they only lacked one thing and they were totally unaware of the thing they lacked because of all the abundance they had they only lacked access they only lacked um approval to eat
off of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil that's the only thing they lacked and they weren't even aware of that lack because they were so focused on all the abundance they had every freely of every tree of the garden that us freely eat that they were unaware of the what what was missing by the way that's called a lesson right what's it called a lesson and that's a lesson that can be a blessing what's the lesson the lesson is this when you're focused on abundance you're ignoring your lack but when you're focused on
lack you're you're ignoring your abundance so make sure you've got your attention in the right place right so it the reason you can't make a lot of money on the implementation level is because you're using a limited resource you're using your muscles over times time so you're working on something for so many dollars an hour muscle times time equals somewhere between minimum wage $80,000 a year who makes $80,000 a year on the implementation level somebody works on a Rolls-Royce somebody who works on a Bentley somebody works on a Mercedes they might be a mechanic making
$80,000 a year however if you if you stay down here like this is a seal this is your ceiling 880,000 is your ceiling your floor is minimum wage well if you move up to the next level which is unification unification is um you're going to make more money how much you going to make you're going to make somewhere between 40,000 per year and 250,000 250,000 a year okay cool um why because you're using some a different resource the resource you're using down here muscles over time or muscles times time the resource you're using here is
you're using your management skills times the people you manage more people you manage the more money you make okay so you're making 40,000 a year if you're managing Taco Bell 250,000 a year if you're managing a middle manager at Lockheed Martin right and so $250,000 a year is better than minimum wage we can all agree to that but it's still a level of stuckness involved in 250,000 a year because 250,000 years just it's about it's about um 21,000 a month gross now you don't want a whole month to go buy and you only make 20,000
$21,000 right so so how do I level up well I level up by breaking through to the next level everything above that dotted line is where wealth is created and so on this level is called communication the resource you use on this level is your amount caveat you have to have a mouth congratulations you phase one complete but you have to learn how to use it to have conversations that create cash flow to develop messages that move the masses when you do that on this level the amount of wealth that you can create is somewhere
on the low end you're going to make 100 Grand a year highend you could make a 100 million okay let me get rid of that because that was 100 million a year what communicators make 100,000 you might sell cars make 100,000 a year you might make sell insurance and make somewhere between 300,000 a year and a million a year or you might be a communicator who's an A-list actor and you might make a 100 million a year you might be an A-list singer create 100 million a year okay and you're using your mouth here's here's
one of the reasons so many people today are broke is because when you were a child somebody taught you the the erroneous lesson that children are to be seen and not heard sit still and be quiet communication nobody ever told you if you get really really good at talking you get really really good at communicating you can become influential powerful and Wealthy nobody ever taught you that nobody ever said that to me when I was growing up anybody ever say that to you no I didn't think me either okay now when we get to the
highest level the highest level is called imagination Oh I thought that was green I'm so colorblind until I started writing with it and I said that ain't green okay okay imagination imagine imagination now on this level there are two things you use use your mind or you use your money to make money on this level this level you make on the low end you're going to make a million dollars a year oops on the low end you're going to make a million dollars a year top end it's gone now to the place where we're at
trillions we have trillionaires now now since you get to decide where you make money it makes sense to decide if you desire to create wealth you're going to create way more wealth above the dotted line than you are below the dotted line in fact below the dotted line you can create wealth but you're going to have to invest your way to wealth but in that case you're going to go up to the imagination level anyway even if you make most of your money down here managing people for $250,000 a year you're going to take some
of that money and you're going to use your imagination and multiply that money are y'all is what I'm saying making sense now the fastest path to break out of poverty and into wealth is to become a better Communicator maybe that's being a songwriter if you're good at writing songs maybe that's being a salesperson maybe that's being a podcaster maybe it's starting a YouTube channel maybe it's starting um uh a newsletter but you communicate some message to people that they value and are willing to pay for now a lot of people find themselves in jobs where
everything they're doing is down here I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you how to get a raise they hired you to do this but if you start using this and this you'll get promoted at your job why because it's just how God said up in the beginning I know you're saying this is not I've never seen this in Genesis chapter one but you will so I'm I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you where it is in Genesis chapter 1 so you can start thinking about what I'm saying and stop
thinking about that okay okay Genesis chapter 1 here's what it says now God made three categories in creation this is going to be helpful God three categories in creation he created creation the son the moon the stars the water the grass the trees etc etc etc that's called creation that's called what creation then he created creatures he created What creatures creatures are dogs cats alligators chimpanzees horses etc etc etc mosquitoes Birds fish all that that's called creatures creatures what's it called creatures and then the last thing God created was he created creators some people like
to say creatives use creative Creator whatever you want to use it doesn't matter to me uh but he created creators he created many versions of him that are like him but not him now here's what's interesting when God created creation he said let there be let there be light let there be a firmament in the heavens right God said let there be when he created creation when he created creatures he said let the Earth bring forth and let the water bring forth the Earth brought forth the land animals the water brought forth the fish and
the fowl you are youall with me still but when God created man this is how we know this is one of the reasons we know man is not a higher form of animal God didn't say Let There Be man CU man's not cre man's not creation he didn't say let the Earth bring forth man or let the water bring forth man so that's how we know man's not a creature but when God made man he said let us make man in our image that's very different now and if God said let us make man in
our image guess what had to exist before God could say that the image had to exist first the ex if there's no image there's no image to make man in you you say let us make man in our image if there's no image there's nothing to make so the image of God and it's really interesting the image of God is invisible we know that because the scripture says that Christ was made in the image of the invisible God when he came when he like when God took on flesh right huh that's interesting so the image
is invisible so the part of you that's like God is not the part of you that I can see the part of me that's like God is not the part of you that part of me that you can see the part of you that's like God is the part you can't see but you can feel it can I get a witness right okay so the image existed first after the image existed now that the image exists I say after but the image has always existed but because the image exists God can say let us make
man well then God communicated he said it he didn't just make man he said let us make man who's he talking to well we're going to get to that in a minute but he after he imagine he communicated by the way communication was second he said let us make man who's he talking to he's talking to himself how's he talking to himself he's saying let us father son Holy Spirit man is Body Soul and Spirit we are made in the image of God I'm one person but I have three different Expressions I have my body
that relates to material things on the Earth right so M my body can experience materialism right or material my soul that's how I relate to other people that's my social aspect of my being and then my spirit that's my spiritual aspect that's how I relate to God everybody is everybody with me okay so when God said let us make man in our image he was talking to himself that but but the father Son and the Holy Spirit were in unity about creating man in God's image are y'all tracking hey thanks for watching this video I
hope you're enjoying it but I want to take some time time to invite you to join us at the make more offers challenge the make more offers challenge we do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or wouldbe entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any business I want to invite you to join us on the make more offers challenge click the link in the description below you will be glad you did join as a VIP and can make the rest of your
life the best of your life and now back to the video you were watching but the last thing God did was in Genesis chapter 2: 7 it says and the Lord God formed man at of the Dust of the ground that word formed is squeeze so he actually got down and did something physical God who is a spirit got down and did something in physicality I don't understand it all I'm not going to pretend to understand it all but I know he did how I know because that's what he said he did he can't lie
and then it says and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became the living soul I believe that God breathed the man that was made in His image into the body that he made for the image to have expression see Earth you ever man is like man is like a combination of heaven and earth right Heaven Earth Heaven gives Earth meaning but Earth gives Heaven expression but man we have we have we have we have both of those things expression and meaning wrapped up in one place and so so this
is where the four L now if I the more more I focus on the higher levels of value the more valuable I'm going to be to the people that I come across why because I'm going to watch you do something and I'm going to see clearly that you have a problem and I'm going to use my imagination to figure out what problem you have and then I'm going to use my mouth to communicate to you that I figured out a problem and then you're going to pay me and your life got better because of my
imagination and my communication and my life got better cuz your money came over to me and now it's my money do you see how that works and the same thing's true true about you like you're going to watch people have a problem and you're going to say I can't believe they have a problem with that I fixed that when I was in the seventh grade here let me show you how I fixed that and then you're going to explain to them how you fixed it and then all of a sudden they're going to pay you
and so and here's what's here's what's really interesting people people say well nobody's going to pay you um unless the thing you're B they're buying is worth what they're paying for it I I I disagree with that I think people are not going to buy something from you unless the thing they're buying is worth more than the money they're paying you for it if I say you give me a dollar I give you a dollar neither one of our lives were better off you give me another dollar I give you another we do that all
day long you can stand up here on the stage giving each other a dollar all day back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth and neither one of our Lives got better but if I say if you give me a dollar I give you $10 now your life just got better right so people only want to buy things from you when the thing they're buying is worth more than the money they're paying to buy the thing they're buying so how do I make myself more valuable stop thinking that because you're working
harder and longer down here implementing things do manipulate manipulating material matter because you think that's valuable because it's hard because that's what we were programmed to believe hard day work for a hard day pay you think it's worth more because it was harder to do I don't get paid more because I work harder I get paid because I know what to do and I know how to say what to do that's why I make 20 do you understand when you can demonstrate that you've thought about your ideal clients problem more than they have and you've
come up with way more elegant Solutions than they've ever thought about they will happily pay you this is how you get the mo like you thinking is the hardest work most people never do don't let it be the hardest work you never do right stop making your if you'll make your brain brain sweat more you can make your body sweat less and so if you will get better at these two then if you get better imagination communication that's automatically going to make you better at unification by the way all of us operate on all of
these there are things like I still do some implementation I'm doing implementation right now but I'm doing implementation of things I've already thought thought about right I'm doing right now I'm doing implementation I'm doing communication and I'm doing imagination all at the same time right but if I wouldn't have imagined it if I wouldn't have like if I wouldn't have read it in the Bible and I wouldn't have meditated on it I wouldn't have thought about it I would have never seen those four levels of value in Genesis chapter number one now here's what's really
interesting remember we were talking about um what God created so we're going to talk about how do I make how do I make the four levels of value like how do I get more out of the four levels of value for my life so God created three categories in creation he created creation what was the first one creation well when God created creation the interesting thing about creation is it was beautiful but it didn't know it was beautiful it was amazing but it didn't know it was amazing so it could not appreciate itself its attributes
or The God that made it so God created creatures and and it didn't do anything like a rock doesn't move it just sits there and rocks right so a rock can't move so all it can do is be a rock right A tree can grow and it can blow like it it can blow in the wind but like trees don't generally animate right and so God created creatures they can animate and like birds can use tree tree limbs or tree um Limbs and branches and twigs that fall to the ground to make nests they can
do things and beavers can build dams in the creek and so God made creatures to be able to do stuff but guess what the creatures that God made they didn't know that God made them they didn't even know they all they knew was what they knew and all they could do was what they could do and what they could do the first day they put were put on this Earth that's all they can still do today this whole idea Evolution evolution is a farce there's no such thing as Evolution Evolution like goes against the second
law of Thermodynamics which is entropy anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards Disorder so we say something evolved but nothing has ever evolved things develop we say I've evolved into a better person no you didn't you developed into a better person because if you say you've evolved you're implying that you didn't do anything and just got better right that's what evolution says well natural selection things just get better over time show me that in nature one place in nature that anything got better over time without intention show me one thing that's
ever gotten better without intention you can't find one it's like it's like there was an explosion at the Ford plant and all those parts just landed in the parking lot as 150,000 F-150s it doesn't work like that see we laugh when I say that because we know that's ridiculous there's an explosion and then order came out of the out of chaos really you really believe that okay do you I'm not even I don't even have time to mess up your delusion not to mention the fact that Charles Darwin was not a scientist he was just
a racist that's a fact his book The Origin of Species the other title for it is is a fight for the preservation of life in favor Graces that's the name of that go Google it don't take my word for it Google it and then look at images the first image you'll see like the original like original Origin of Species if you go type that in and then you hit images on Google it'll show you what the title look like I'm not making this stuff up Darwin was Hitler's hero we think this guy oh Evolution we
think we're doing something smart okay whatever different conversation for a different day creatures can't appreciate their are creatures in fact the Hebrew word for a beast is Baha you know what bemi means ba means in hey means what uh B yeah I mean hey means behold or look and ma means uh is b or means what so in basically it means in it is what it is horse is a horse is a horse of course a dog's a dog a cat's a cat a bird's a bird they can't like they don't even know why they
do what they do they just do it because that's what they're programmed to do so God made Man In His Image and the man could appreciate the image of the God he was made in he could appreciate God he could appreciate himself but God said it's not good for man to be alone how did God know that it wasn't good for man to be alone other than the fact that God knows everything well because man's made in the image of God and it wasn't good for God to be alone so God created creation as an
expression of his creativity that's why when I create something I feel partially fulfilled because I'm exercising my godlikeness what if you worked to exercise your God likeness instead of just working to make money how much better would your life be like lots better but then he created creation I mean he created creatures he created creatures and he created um he created man and still same thing with creatures like he made it he created creatures and they could do what they could do that's cool so God created creation so when we create we feel fulfilled but
guess what God could not connect with animals because they couldn't even appreciate the god that made him so God made Man In His Image so God would have somebody like him to appreciate him for who he is not not because he needed it but just because he desired it and it pleased him so he made Man In His Image that's why not only when I create something do I feel fulfilled but I also feel another level of fulfillment when I become connected to other people so God created us for the purpose of creating but he
also created us for the purpose of connection man severed the connection between God and man but man also when he severed the connection between God and man because man now no longer had the same appreciation for life Cain killed Abel and created a separation between man and man and so God put a plan in place he already had the plan in place before he created everything anyway because he created it to do the stuff that it does but that's a different conversation for a different day God created Adam after Adam and Eve Sinn what did
they do they made themselves aprons out of what big leaves and they tried to cover up the fact that they had sinned but it says the Lord Lord God made them coats of skin coats of skin H that's interesting what does that mean there had to be a sacrifice something had to die to fix the problem and that's contribution God did something for Adam and Eve that they couldn't do for themselves say why did you kill an animal because it was a it was a foreshadowing it was a picture of the fact that without the
shedding of blood there's no remission of sins and so what God did he said just like this animal had to die I'm going to send my son to die in your place and either you're going to trust in his death barrel and Resurrection or you're going to try to do it yourself through religion and you're going to you're going to come up short or you're going to trust in the contribution that I made that's why human beings we feel fulfilled when we are creating when we are connecting and we're contributing to something that can't contribute
back to us that's why we feel for fulfilled and you might have one of those and feel partially fulfilled but part largely frustrated you might have two of those and feel partially fulfilled but somewhat frustrated but when you have all three of those oh that's The Sweet Spot and if you will do that if you will focus on the four levels of value for the purpose of creating connecting and contributing not only will you change your life but you will be living in your purpose which is to do what live in your creative space and
make the world a better place I hope this blesses you