Inteligência Artificial EXPLICADA de maneira SIMPLES em APENAS 20 minutos

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hey hey you there you know what artificial intelligence is Ok Google what is artificial intelligence according to Wikipedia in technology artificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines when performing complex tasks associated with intelligent beings in addition to being a field of study academic Alexa What is artificial intelligence artificial intelligence refers to systems or machines that imitate human intelligence to perform tasks and can interactively improve themselves based on the information they start although it has images of robots similar to high functioning men that it dominates the world artificial intelligence is not intended to replace humans its goal is to significantly improve human abilities and contributions wikipedia explanations and jokes aside i want a more complete explanation on this subject i want you to have a more complete explanation on this subject and this is the mission of this video being you a person who likes technology, there's no way you've never heard of Artificial Intelligence, too, right, the subject is very recurrent in science fiction movies and series, especially usually with something kind of apocalyptic happening with my case of the Terminator and the Matrix series. I love to see these movies Finally voluntarily it ended up polluting a little our view of what artificial intelligence is most people when they think about this subject end up bringing to their minds images of humanoid robots many times even thinking of them as a threat I I don't blame people for that really cultural aspects influence a lot on how the page something that is as abstract incorporeal as an artificial intelligence that's why I went to talk to Gilmar Silva a Brazilian who is a relationship manager as NVidia developers and works directly with artificial intelligence for almost a decade for him to clarify some things at the end of this video you will understand what artificial intelligence really is how is the professional area of ​​this segment that is currently being talked about what you need to know to work in this area what equipment you need to have to start and how to know if you fits the ideal profile to work with this type of Breaking Technology giving some tips on where you can start thank you very much to the people here video for having given up their time by the sea for the opportunity the conversations I had with them really helped me a lot creating this material here OK Google you are an artificial intelligence Yes all my artificial intelligence Alexa if you are an artificial intelligence definition You might even say I'm a robot But I'd rather quote Raul and say I'm like a walking metamorphosis I realized that whenever we talk about artificial intelligence, there has been a great abstraction of knowledge. What is in a way even understandable is with If you work in some IT sector, simply saying that you work with the ICU or that you work with computing to someone who asks you what you work with is undoubtedly comprehensive enough for you to avoid more specific and direct explanations but today we will not be satisfied with the generic explanation Artificial Intelligence a set of technologies that we try to make computers think of as human beings and it is not something new in the studies with artificial intelligence started Amazingly in the 50s of the last century women of the century in the lap were born in the funny talk last century later in the 80's we started to study a Milene and Finally right around 2010 shaving didn't even appear and that changed everything so don't sum it up Artificial Intelligence is the attempt to make the computer reason like human beings and all part of the study of how a neuron and our neurons works basically does both if they arm store information and they pass information to other neurons that are connected to it according to some criteria what we do Artificial Intelligence is basically that we create an artificial neuron it will store information and it will decide if it passes this information to whether or not the idea of ​​teaching a machine to think probably makes you question the concept of thinking that a human being has what it means to think that there are many ways to approach this question some philosophical some biological but I will stop at what the dictionary says I think it's more than what the South thinks is to submit something to the process of logical reasoning exercise judgment deduction and conception the simple fact that you look at the sky and see a dark cloud and then deduce that it might rain is an example of logical reasoning of thought you are able to deduce this because you can gather and process diverse information you know that rain G It usually comes with clouds of this type because you already had an input of information in the past that referred to this What was passed to you and you also know the result of this action Usually things get wet this allows you to make decisions or think precisely about elements that can help you to deal with this kind of scenario if you want How to take an umbrella with you when you came in a closed time Just like the words computing or informatics don't say much about a specific branch the branch of Artificial Intelligence also has some main ramifications nowadays, which are practically three major areas , right The first of them, the oldest, is for machine learning, which basically is you use machine learning algorithms to solve some problems in general you can solve problems that are understandable in quotes is by humans , so I'm talking about fraud detection, I'm talking about projection of consumption Finally, the projection is a mix of using advanced statistics with air techniques, this area of ​​a Shirlane the second branch is The Deep Lane branch, which is already the front of deep learning, right the name deep-vein because neural networks have many layers right, they are very complex neural networks in general, Deep Lane solves problems that the human mind can no longer understand how to solve that and how, for example, the truth of the human being to do this intuitively, right but recognizing objects in an image is a specific case right, in the case of Medicine recognizing a certain anomaly in the image exam and so on and another area that is growing a lot now is the area related to natural language processing that this is the area in which the computational demand is gigantic, you said about the of the inflection points of evolution has a recent graph even released in some NVidia events that shows the increasing complexity of the computational demand of these Int technologies Artificial intelligence compared to the law of love the difference is so absurd that you can barely see the graph of the law of love the technology is vast enough for you to believe that maybe you don't even need to know this branch of computing artificial intelligence the truth is that you are probably wrong the establishment of intelligence the Cobal of the present in our daily life is another one of those milestones that are approaching that are historic of Computing AND human technology as was the personal computer there in the 80's as was the internet in the 90's and in the 2000s Artificial Intelligence is one of the next big Steps whoever has been more aware of this subject before will have a better chance of reaping Good Fruits in the future but don't take my word for it I just asked Gilmar why he thought people should learn about it artificial intelligence is for the software developer, right and it's being applied in practically everything we do, let's start go from the beginning of how it works, right, we inside traditional softer development where I have an Initial dataset I have an algorithm the famous business rule that I have to apply and I have an output dataset of this processing is like this that we've been doing computing since it was created back there, so this logic invests a little because there are problems that we are going to solve that are so and from the computational point of view that it is extremely difficult for you to create an algorithm that solved that problem by more than we try to break, we have to break our heads, right, the human being's ability to compare parameters is limited If I'm not mistaken, five or six parameters at a time that we can analyze when I have this many parameters, I managed to relate everything this is a herculean effort, right, what we do with artificial intelligence we use artificial intelligence in quotation marks it gives the algorithm that makes and this set of inputs would give me a set of outputs If this is done well when I deliver to this neural network a set of inputs that it has never seen it will hit with a very high precision the output of that neural network in general does not respond yes or no for things it gives a percentage of correct answers So for me it is one of those technologies that will soon become ubiquitous you know we start to use it first without realizing that we are using it and the time we see it is a lot people are using it in a simplified way And then the developer will make a difference because then it's not just developing the technology, it's developing the technology with a degree of usability that anyone can use So for me this is the big one.
It's cool, in general, we can solve extremely complex problems that we wouldn't be able to with traditional computing, luckily for you who want to take your first steps in this direction, there are some shortcuts that you can follow in courses that you can take and things you can test I was thinking about the neural network and when I started talking to friends who were already working with it and say look, there are two ways to do it basically the first one is part of Mathematics So there is interest in the articles courses videos that will teach the mathematics behind Artificial Intelligence, which is basically matrix and vector calculus and the second way is for you to eat the tutorial without a little course more easily with more peace of mind to make you start implementing things with artificial intelligence and from there you go study in mathematics according to your curiosity or your need like an idiot who graduated in engineering aria I missed Mathematics I said I'm going to Mathematics it's been 15 days I gave up I thought that really wasn't for me I thought you really needed to have a PhD, a master's degree and so on, heavy academic training to understand all that only time is pressing need also right so I always tell everyone that 's ok before I need it this is valid for going to this it goes to languages ​​too right And then I saw that this is in the afternoon and I was going to be put in a situation so I wanted to have to use it Then I said I don't have to take it again And then there was an email like this advertising that I received on a Wednesday a Thursday of Carnival with the promotion of this course is absurd if r$ 15 on YouTube and Then I bought the course and I don't like carnival so I said I'm going to look at this here to see what it's like , it's for me it was such a didactic rag such an almost playful experience, right, don't you start doing neural network doing calculation by hand this here is the part cool story Oh, right, and I saw it, I was marathoning the course like this and that was the way, right. It's a time that there are several specific niches, right, but I think this foundation that this course that I talked about about artificial neural networks in Python is worth It's too bad, right, he's not even going to talk about the father who doesn't want to see Decoration language despite having spent ten years program to win I discovered the desire to program completely on hardware specifically you can do CPU processing and you can do GPU procedurally, right Which it is the great advantage of the GPU the CPU it was developed to be performed and it excels in maintaining the latency in operations that is basically what it is for the GPU was made for you to do massively paralyzed processing and to start using your NVidia's acceleration technologies use this shell most of it is open-source and practically everything is free you don't know if you have a professional GPU you can't get the GeForce that if use it to play and it will support most of our prize Words there I want to work with deita Science and test GPU acceleration can be a project they think that call rapids that video I set up we have rapids container there container ready for production a we have a container with demo we have a container peace everything so I want to install it there learn this thing healing driver on the machine I recommend using Linux drivers the cuda for docker a little package of Doc from NVidia a command line you BA and it already raises in yours Harley consideration machine the Jupiter notebook open for you to access this whole environment as you know Nvidia is a gigantic company in the world of technology and has several projects related to artificial intelligence with the delivery of several people to work with this type of thing so what exactly they look for someone when they're reviewing CVs to work not only he video But any big company and luckily we have Someone from within the industry to be able to ask this question and give us a glimpse, first of all, I think knowing the technologies that are behind it, right? It has a very large theoretical basis and it all depends a lot on the place where it will be.
within it seen from any other company So there are opportunities that are extremely niche so that guy who is very good and applying air to embedded computer vision is one thing, right there are people who are much more generalist to be able to work, for example, as a solutions architect and in-depth some areas of this Artificial Intelligence and he knows a lot about practical applications is ee How to translate a real world problem so that it can be solved by ia the demand for professionals Artificial Intelligence is gigantic we are just not evolving in the Brazil because of the lack of these professionals there don't believe me don't take a look at Linkedin the amount of vacancies there are ara Iara open source developer in Brazil and in the world is huge experience in programming in real case by Gilmar But I'm a student how am I going to have experience in real case I already gave the tip Here opensource is full of open source ai projects that solves the real world problem and it may solve a plan for you to have in your house or a plan for you to be able to simulate in your house so instead of studying theory theory theory my I get a project like this to call having a child and start playing with it because then you will follow the real development of a project you will see how it cuts a blog is a blog how to discuss a new Fit you will learn to develop suffer while you are studying still working with the open project -source So for me it's fundamental This involvement with open source projects is and this is the type of professional that the market is looking for today, so it's that story we don't know everything but we need to know where to look or who to ask later find out which of these areas is the area you have the most affinity with What do you like the most or suddenly until the contact discovers what is the problem you want to solve in your life what do you want to help humanity solve I believe a lot in career from this point of view You know what I want to solve for my life right So see that for Nossa wants to help solve humanity solve and you will find out which piece of Artificial Intelligence will help you with this and in the end of that is what motivates you know it makes us get out of bed in the morning and it makes us say I have to get this thing to work I have to learn this thing because my purpose is bigger and then basics of the basics right i already told languages ​​guys please study in english be fluent in english not only speak the same is a hollywood actor but be able to express yourself because this will open your horizons a lot and access to information tions from other countries Spanish is also very important because there are a lot of cool things and a lot of cool jobs here in Latin America for those who work with Artificial Intelligence and it's Guess which operating system you need to have mastery of to work with artificial intelligence there which one is the operating system that I have to know to work with Iago Linux guys because then you will find Linux on the server you will find it there on an embedded board because Artificial Intelligence we use only on notebook servers it is widely used in robots on embedded devices in general so here it is for me it's basic Okay but that's it Linux Linux and Linux Will you now stop thinking about the Terminator when there's artificial science I don't think frankly it is but there are several different application areas with us at sometimes you can't see it so it's important to know about neural network technologies because more and more we are using n networks eurals in everything we do is even funny when I started studying this I started remembering problems that I tried to solve in the past And that I couldn't solve with computing eee so the solution Cuiabá exploded in my head is one of them it was a problem of network traffic management at the time that started there in video data and etc.
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