God, Give Me Your Wisdom and Knowledge to Guard My Life Today | Morning Prayer

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Grace Oasis
Seek the wisdom of God and unlock His divine knowledge for your life. In this prayer, we reflect on ...
Video Transcript:
the Bible speaks about many things and it gives us important guidance that we need for our lives it teaches us that God is a jealous God meaning he desires our full devotion and loyalty we are not to worship idols whether they are physical objects or even things in our hearts that take the place of God it's clear that Jesus Christ in his great love sacrificed himself on the cross and then Rose again defeating death for our sake the Bible also speaks plainly about the realities of Heaven and Hell these are not just abstract ideas but
real destinations for every soul and one day there will be a day of judgment a time when each person will stand before God and give an account of their life these are serious truths but alongside them the Bible also tells us something crucial for our journey on Earth we are encouraged to seek and acquire knowledge in Proverbs 18:15 we read this beautiful truth an intelligent heart acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge let's take a moment to reflect on what this means it is telling us that those who have wisdom those who
have a heart that understands are always eager to learn and grow these are people who don't settle for ignorance but are constantly seeking to know more especially about the things of God but why is knowledge so important the Bible doesn't just ask us to learn for the sake of learning knowledge equips us it protects us and it enables us to live in the fullness of God's purpose for our lives in Hosea 4:6 the Lord warns his people saying my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have re rejected knowledge I also will reject
you from being priest for me this is a sobering reminder that rejecting knowledge especially the knowledge of God has severe consequences when we ignore God's word and forget his ways we become vulnerable and can fall into destructive paths beloved friends we need to understand that knowledge is essential especially when it comes to the authority we have in Jesus without this knowledge we are like soldiers in battle without any armor or weapons how can we walk in Victory if we don't even know the power and authority God has given us through Christ how can we Face
life's challenges if we don't understand who we are in Jesus and what he has already accomplished for us having knowledge isn't just about being smart it's about knowing the truth that sets us free Jesus himself said that the truth would set us free and that truth is found in knowing him and knowing his word when we lack this knowledge we can be easily deceived the Bible tells us that even the devil can disguise himself as an angel of Light meaning that deception can look appealing and even seem righteous without the knowledge of God's word people
might see impressive signs and wonders and assume they are from God not realizing that the Bible warns us in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 that the enemy the Antichrist will come with false Miracles and deceptive signs when we don't take the time to grow in knowledge we become like ships without anchors easily tossed by every wave of false teaching we might accept any Doctrine follow Any teacher or be drawn to any miraculous event without Discerning whether it's truly from God this is why Proverbs 1:7 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge fools despise
wisdom and instruction the first step in gaining true knowledge is to rever God to acknowledge his greatness and to humbly seek his wisdom without this Foundation all other knowledge will lead us astray but with a heart that fears the Lord we are open to learning to receiving instruction and to growing in wisdom knowledge is a gift from God but we must be willing to receive it now let's pray together trusting in the Lord's goodness and wisdom Lord Jesus I bow down before your greatness knowing that you hold all power and wisdom my heart is filled
with reverence and awe for you and in this moment I want nothing more than to draw Close to You My Savior I ask my king that you would look upon me with mercy and Grace and bless me with wisdom that only you can give life can be confusing and overwhelming at times and I often feel unsure of the right path to take that's why I'm asking you now Lord please grant me the knowledge and understanding I need to go through the challenges of life in a way that pleases you your wisdom is far greater than
anything I could ever find on my own and I need your guidance to help me make choice voices that are in line with your will father I don't want to miss out on your blessings because I lack wisdom so I come to you as your word says to ask for wisdom trusting that you will provide generously because you are a loving and all knowing god Lord please help me to be wise not just in big decisions but in all the small everyday choices I make guide me in my relationships my actions and my thoughts so
that I may live a life that reflects your love and truth Lord I invite your Holy Spirit to take complete control over my life I realize that on my own I am weak and prone to make mistakes but with the Holy Spirit leading me I can walk in your ways and live in a manner that honors you may your spirit teach me how to live according to your will I need his guidance to show me the right path when I am uncertain and to give me strength when I feel weary Lord May the Holy Spirit
teach me to walk in righteousness to live in a way that reflects your goodness kindness and Holiness I know that I cannot do this alone and I'm so grateful that you have given me the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me your word in Isaiah 11:2 speaks of the spirit of the Lord resting upon us and I long for that Spirit to rest upon me as well may your spirit of wisdom and understanding fill me helping me to see things with Clarity and discernment May the spirit of counsel and might be with
me so that I may be strong and courageous in the face of challenges and may the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord guide me so that I may walk in reverence and awe of you always keeping your will at the Forefront of my mind even though I am like a sheep among wolves in this world I trust that your spirit will protect and guide me giving me the wisdom and strength I need to face whatever comes my way Jesus I also pray for your mercy I know that there are times when I
fail to see the spiritual truth that is right in front of me I can be so easily distracted by the things of This World by what I see hear and feel that I sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture if I am lacking in spiritual understanding please open my eyes and ears to your truth help me to walk by faith and not by sight trusting in your plan even when I cannot see the way forward your word in Ephesians 5: 15 to18 reminds us to live carefully and wisely making the most of every opportunity because
the days we are living in are filled with evil it is so easy to be pulled away from from your Truth by the distractions and temptations of this world but I don't want to live foolishly Lord I want to live in a way that honors you and aligns with your will help me to stay focused on you and not get caught up in the things that don't matter instead of being consumed by the temporary pleasures of this world may I be filled with your spirit who gives life peace and true fulfillment father I ask for
your help in Walking carefully in your ways I know that the path of righteousness is narrow and difficult to follow but I want to walk it Faithfully Lord I Need Your Grace to help me live a life that honors you a life that is mindful of the choices I make and the influences I allow into my heart help me to avoid anything that tolerates or encourages evil even if it seems small or insignificant I want my life to reflect your Holiness Lord and I know that this requires me to be vigilant about the things I
allow into my mind and Heart Lord Jesus Christ I pray that you would help me to keep my heart with the utmost diligence guarding it against anything that could lead me astray life is short and I want to make the most of the time you have given me here on Earth help me to use my time wisely not wasting it on things that don't matter but focusing on what is eternal help me to make the most of the gifts and talents you've blessed me with using them to glorify you and to serve others May everything
I do be for your glory Lord and may my life be a reflection of the love and grace you have shown me Lord I also ask that you fill my heart with humility it is so easy to fall into Pride especially when things are going well but I don't want to rely on My Own Strength or understanding I want to rely on you in all things recognizing that every good thing in my life comes from you give me a heart filled with humility Lord so that I may exalt you in all of my actions and
give you the glory for everything father I know that the days we are living in are evil and the morals of this world are becoming more and more corrupt it can be discouraging at times to see how far the world has drifted from your truth but I don't want to be influenced by the values of this world I sincerely desire to be filled with your Holy Spirit who will guide me away from my own carnal and foolish ways and Lead Me On the Path of Purity and wisdom May the Holy Spirit transform my heart and
mind helping me to desire the things of God more than the things of this world Lead Me Lord in the way of Truth and help me to live a life that reflects your goodness and Grace thank you for listening to my prayer and for the promise that you are always with me guiding me and giving me the wisdom and strength I need in Jesus name I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and please
let us know in the comments section if you would like us to pray for you specifically May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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