Top 10 Alimentos que Pessoas Magras Precisam Comer (Para Deixar de Ser Magro)

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Laércio Refundini
Aprenda como ganhar massa muscular sendo magro 🔥Meus Cursos na Muscle : Você...
Video Transcript:
This video is only for those who suffer from being thin and have great difficulty gaining weight. And in it I will bring you all the foods you need to eat to increase your muscles. The tenth on our list is one that you have a lot of in your day to day, bro.
White rice and white noodles. We're talking about two sources of carbohydrates that deliver 20 grams of carbohydrates to every 100 grams at home. And here comes a detail, ok?
100 grams of it ready, cooked, ready for you to eat. And why is it important for you to know this idea of ​​carbohydrates? Because, basically, this macronutrient will provide you with energy, both for you to build your muscle, for you to do your things during the day, and also for you to have energy to train.
And then, you will train better and consequently we will build more muscle. But one thing that happens a lot with ectomorphs and thin people is that they need to eat a lot. Wow, what if there comes a time when you can no longer eat rice or pasta?
Here comes the ninth on the list as strategy. and I'm going to tell you a story of mine about him. We're talking about grape juice, the whole kind, or orange juice.
To give you an idea, while you would need to chew 100 grams of rice or pasta to provide you with around 20 grams of carbohydrates, 200 ml of a relaxed grape juice provides you with 30 grams of carbohydrates. While the orange provides you with 20 grams. It's super easy for you to drink this juice.
At the height of my bulking, I couldn't eat anymore. I made my return there with Felipe Donatto, at the time, he was the one who was taking care of my diet part, the preparation. And I got there, he managed to evolve, we increased the weight.
Let's continue, I'll increase your food. I was, for God's sake, bro. I actually came here to ask you to cut down on the food, because I can't handle it, man.
And then he said, bro, here's what I'm going to do: I'm not going to touch your food, can you at least keep it the way it is? I can. So, bro, I'm gonna add the grape juice.
And it was there that we managed to implement a significant amount of carbohydrates into my diet, without causing me all the discomfort of having to eat more. And here's some important information for you. When you eat carbohydrates, you.
. . saves your muscle.
Carbohydrates enter, insulin is released, which is an anabolic hormone. And our body always works by balancing anabolism and catabolism. So, if anabolism went up, catabolism went down.
So if I ate carbohydrates. . .
Insulin went up, anabolism went up, my catabolism went down. Because our biggest fight is not basically gaining weight. You think it is, but in the end it is not.
It is avoiding losing weight. And the eighth food is honey. It's basically just plain bro carbs.
Do you have any idea? 100 grams of honey will provide you with around 82 grams of carbohydrates. It's a lot of carbs.
So, it's a good strategy and it fits in very well in your post-workout. After your workout, you can have an açaí, but you can also add some honey on top. We can even pour some condensed milk on top.
Hey, bro, you're managing to greatly increase the amount of calories from this carbohydrate powder, from clean stuff, which will help you gain weight, but not increase fat weight, increase muscle mass weight. The idea is that you gain weight. .
. with beautiful physique. And all this carbohydrate post-workout is very important, however, your muscle will be built with other raw material.
We're going to talk about protein. This post-workout had all these carbohydrates, which are good, but what protein do we normally send there after training, huh? That's right.
Whey Protein is basically the most consumed supplement in the world. This video is about food, right? Whey Protein is a supplement, but we're cheating in our video here because Whey is super important to bring to you.
The big question about Whey is, it provides you with protein and we are talking about an easy way to consume this protein. A dose of Growth Whey, for example, has 23 grams of protein. It is also easy to digest.
You take a dose of whey protein in about minutes, that dose has already passed through your stomach, has already gone to your intestine, and is already providing all that protein to your body. The reason this is important is precisely because of gastric emptying. You need to eat a lot and if you eat something that stays in your stomach and takes a long time to digest, you will feel bloated and won't be able to eat any more.
You need to eat a lot of calories. That's why I'm bringing you foods here that are higher in calories, foods that are denser in terms of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. But you need to be careful with catabolism, remember?
And also with foods that stop in your stomach and stay there for a long time. And I talked about Growth Whey here and I will, of course, recommend it to you here. You have the link to the official Growth website below, you can find all the products there, including other items that I will talk about on this list, you can also find them there.
And there are discount coupons on the website and you accumulate points with each purchase, did you know? And you exchange these points for products later. Dude, go to the Growth website, take advantage, strengthen.
Still using the protein theme, a basic protein that will work well in your daily life and you probably already eat chicken, and then we're going to talk about chicken fillet, which is basically chicken breast, and white fish. We usually eat a lot of tilapia. The more sophisticated crowd says it's SaintPeter, but it's the same shit, it's the same fish.
What's the big question here? It will provide you with a good amount of protein. 100 grams of chicken, an average of 30 grams of protein.
And 100 grams of tilapia, an average of 26 grams of protein. Remember? Whey, one dose, took 23 grams.
It is easier to consume. Besides the fact that you have to chew this protein, and then chewing chicken is a little harder than chewing tilapia, and then you're going to say, fuck, Lala, seriously? Are you saying it's hard to chew the thing?
When you're doing really heavy bulking, you'll understand this, right? You must have seen the video on the internet of super heavyweight athletes blending food in a blender, because there comes a time when it gets tiring, faggot. And I'm bringing you tilapia and chicken because they're more digestible.
So I'm not just thinking about giving you what to eat because it provides carbohydrates, protein and such, but I'm thinking about which food will work best in your routine, in the whole idea of ​​consuming them. There's no point in me asking you to eat a food that's super dense in calories, etc. But, man, it'll leave you stuck for the rest of the day.
Let's go back to carbohydrates for a moment. This carbohydrate is widely used in athletes who are about to go on stage, in the finishing phase. So here you can learn a little about the behind the scenes of bodybuilding.
Raisins. Raisins have a bizarre amount of carbohydrates, man. 100 grams of raisins have 79 grams of carbs.
That stuff is pure sugar, bro. So it's interesting for you to eat raisins in your daily life. And those people who curse their mother, grandmother, aunt, who put raisins in Christmas rice, in mayonnaise.
Do you like it, Ranezito? No. Don't like it?
So now you're going to start putting it on. You're the one who always cursed. Wow, why put raisins in rice?
You will understand that it is cool to eat raisins with rice. In fact, it is very common backstage at championships to see athletes eating white rice with raisins. So we are associating two foods with a bizarre amount of carbohydrates.
And it's still cheap, right, raisins? It even puts your pocket at ease. Let's talk about another food that also provides you with a ton of carbohydrates, which is tapioca.
100 grams gives you 85 grams of carbohydrate. And if I do. .
. What's up, Ranizito? Tapioca with what?
condensed milk. So, if you also add tapioca with condensed milk, bro, after training, it will be really good. Just have a whey shake on the side and, man, you'll be getting a ton of both carbs and protein.
A while ago, people were talking about tapioca as being very good for weight loss. no shit. .
. You have to be careful even. 85 grams of carbs for every 100.
The strategy we are using to choose the foods for this video is for you who are thin and want to gain weight. Don't take this as a strategy for anyone with any goal. This is a very intense care that we have with our Muscle 60D students, for example.
Their diet is personalized and not only according to their profile and what they want, but also. . .
with their routine, with what they like to eat. Do you notice all the care taken in receiving a person and dealing with the person, understanding what fits best for them? And we also adjust all the training sessions for each student according to their needs.
I don't know, you feel discomfort in your shoulder, you feel pain in your knee. That's exactly why we also have physiotherapists and characters on the team, to ensure that all the knowledge I have, that I put on the platform, is adapted, adjusted to suit the person. And so, we can deliver an entire year of evolution results in just two months.
You are invited to be my student too. There is a link below. Click here and see what kind of work we do.
I'll bring you some bro-fashioned carbs now. People from the 90s and 2000s consumed a lot of this and I've seen a lot of nutritionists passing it on to their students and athletes. I know you like it and I like it.
I had a problem with that until now. Bro, meringue. Ranizito, do you like Meringues?
Very, very good. Wow, meringue is really good, man. meringue is a great source of carbohydrates.
Every 100 grams of meringue provides you with 92 grams of carbohydrates. It's a lot. Basically, bro, meringue is sugar and egg white, right?
Having that post-workout meringue is fantastic. Wonderful. I'll add an addendum, okay?
If you eat all these things I'm telling you here and train in an unregulated way, or don't train at all, bro, you're going to get fat. All of this will turn into fat in your belly. Take care.
But you need to take care of this macronutrient that I'm going to talk about now too. There will be a missing piece of the puzzle and you will not gain weight the way you want. I'm talking to you about fat, but it's good fat, It's not for eating pastries and coxinha.
Calm down, okay? People say fat. .
. Oh, fuck! !
! French fries. .
. That's not what I'm saying, okay? Good sources of fat, because there is bad fat and there is good fat.
Dude, peanut butter. Wow, this is super famous, right? Bodybuilders love peanut butter.
Be careful with those peanut butters that have a lot of flavor, a lot of things, because there will be a lot of sugar in there too. If you are bulking. .
. You really need all that stuff, but just don't dip it in peanut butter because you can gain weight more easily. Other good fats, olive oil goes really well, nuts, avocado is also super cool.
It takes a bit of work to buy that thing, right? But buy the avocado today to eat next week. Then it works, so you always buy what will work.
I used to do this when I ate avocado. Salmon will also provide you with a good amount of fat. The next item is a secret weapon and it will help you a lot if you are thin and want to gain weight, want to increase muscle.
Protein bar. The protein bar has a good amount of calories. There are protein bars that have more, there are protein bars that have less.
And the other one, it provides you with protein. Because like this, you eat some carbohydrates on a daily basis, you eat fat, I just talked about nuts, it's easy. But eating protein sometimes takes a little work.
How are you going to, I don't know, you're on the train, on the bus and you're going to take out a chicken steak and you're going to eat it? Not cool, right? You can do that, but it will be kind of inelegant.
A protein shake makes things a little easier, but then you have the shake, then you have to add water, you understand that the logistics are a little more difficult there. But not the protein bar, bro. You might have it in your pocket, you took it out here, look, poom, open it, eat it.
I made a point of including the protein bar in this video, because it helped me a lot when I was in the process of gaining weight and I taught many classes a day. between one meal and another, I was during class, I was teaching my student and I took out the protein bar and ate it. There's also a protein bar on the Growth website, and there's a ton of protein bars there, man.
Dude, there's protein alfajor. Oh, it's surreal. Go and see, you'll be amazed.
Now let's take all this information we had in this video and put it into practice so you can build muscle you can take all these foods and turn them into fat on your body, we don't want that. . .
In this video here, I'm going to teach you three fundamental things to help you build muscle and gain weight, one of them is nutrition, but how to structure everything we saw. . .
the other is about training how to train in the best way to stop being skinny once and for all, And the other is a great secret weapon that will help you a lot. So click on this video now, bro.
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