7 key things to do AFTER uploading your YouTube video

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Kevin Kolbe
After uploading your YouTube video, your work isn’t done. In this video, I'm sharing 7 essential ste...
Video Transcript:
so creating your video for YouTube can be fun and a lot of work but it's really only half the work so in this video what I want to do is share seven things that you really need to do after you upload your video to make sure you maximize the reach and the potential to get views and more people see your lovely work hey there Kevin Colby here and this channel is all about helping anyone over 40 make an impact with video especially on YouTube which is ironic because we're talking about YouTube we're talking about the
things you need to do after you upload your video to make sure you can maximize its potential to be seen by more people on YouTube so we're going to jump into my YouTube Studio it's a video I've uploaded is actually will be for my membership Group which you can join and there's a link down below if you want to check it out but I'm going to go through that as the example of all these things you need to do so we're going to first start with the title now if you notice it says right here
title required so if I just even delete that you notice right there it will not let me upload this without a title so I'm just going to give it a title here I'm going to call it uh YouTube rumors and Trends and I'm going to call it 2024 again I'm totally making up the title but you can put a lot of thought into your title what you want it to be there could be some keywords in there or not it really just depends on what you're you're going for so while we're talking about titles here's
here's some tips you want to be accurate in your title uh people get caught up all the time on clickbait clickbait is okay as long as you're delivering I mean you want people to click on your video and watch it so you want to make sure you're delivering how you title it you can have some keywords in in there if you want to try not to what's called keyword stuffing it really depends on your video what it's about and the audience you want to reach but think about your title A lot of times I'll come
up with a bunch of different titles and then I'll say this is the one I think I want for this and by the way you can change your title at any time so there's a key here that is very important see this save button right here whatever changes I make here if I don't hit save the changes aren't set so I'm going to go ahead and hit save after every one of these and if you notice it says changes saved and kind of this line will change up in here too and so it's once it's
grayed out you know that the title in this case the title took okay now let's talk about your description so so right here you're looking at a template now this is this is all stuff that I've put in here and there is a way you can have all of this in here where you don't have to type it every time I'll cover that in a different video if you want but right now this is a description that you want to fill in again you don't have to have this much you can have more than this
I will tell you this right now every one of these links is clickable and there is a video I did on that I'll put that down in the description it they don't look like they're clickable here but trust me they are and if you ever need to check it you can just go to the video and you'll see it so what what you need to do is think about the description now YouTube is very clear that descriptions matter they don't really say how much weight it gives and I've gone back and forth on descriptions where
I used to spend a lot of time on them to just kind of I would just copy and paste the title there kind of the lazy way of doing it and I've seen both work but what I would recommend is come up with a paragraph or something like that to that describes your video and what you're going to do in there what you're going to share you can add some keywords if you want to don't make it a blog post this ain't a Blog people it's YouTube so here's an example of what I added for
this one says in this video I'm sharing some of the most outrageous rumors about growing on YouTube I'll talk about why these rumors aren't real and what you really need to do to grow on YouTube now I'm a fan of keeping these short you could make it longer some people will say in this video um Kevin Colby oops can't even spell my own name you know shares so you can make it is that first person third person I can't even remember but you can do that if you want I actually just choose to make it
more about just kind of me talking I'm kind of undoing this on the Fly there we go and so you want to add some description there again whatever you want to add the rest of this you can add more you you can add less I I will say one other thing if you have any affiliate links if you're in the the Amazon affiliate program you need to put something on here this is a disclaimer this is on all of my videos now if a video is sponsored I just take that out and then I list
that it's sponsored if you want to use what I have here feel more than free to copy it and use it but you do need to have some type of disclaimer and again I'm going to hit save to make sure and now it's saved all right now let's let talk about end screens now let me tell you a little bit about what end screens are just in case you're new to this endc screens are the things at the end of the video thus your in screen a lot of times you'll see videos there that you
can put there and I'll show you exactly how to do that sometimes you may have seen creatives go hey if you want to learn how to create your YouTube channel click on this video there and when they're shooting it there's nothing there but that's something you can add on your in screen now you can also add a subscribe button and if if you're in the partner program and verified as your channel grows you can add other things like links sometimes I put a link to my book there or something like that it's really easy to
do but I wanted to give you an idea what it is before I show you how to do it end screens are done on individual video basis so we're still on this video I'm doing here I'm going to scroll all the way down and on the right hand side you see this says in screen I'm going to click the little pencil there and it jumps to this now what's really cool is if you've done this any YouTube will say hey do you want to use the import from your latest video I can do that and
it gives me these other options but I don't I don't want to do that I want to show you exactly what I'm going to do and it there's a certain number there's a certain length your video has to be to be able to have in screens we're not talking shorts but we're talking longer videos go to element and these are your options now you may not have some of these based on your channel size yet but eventually you will be so I'm going to click on video I want a video at the end now now
you notice it gives me these options most recent upload but you don't have to use that you can go best reviewer and it's like it says it allows YouTube select the video from your channel to best suit your viewer now think about this it's from your channel sometimes I just do this and let YouTube do it or you can choose a specific video and if I do that it's going to go here and it's going to get one of these so I'm going to put this one about my book and it's right there and here's
the other thing you can move it around sometimes stimes I move mine like down in here and you can add another one so let's say I just want to add my subscribe button there and it puts it right here again you can move it you can't have items go on top of each other notice it says it's it's red right there it's telling me I can't do that I can move it over here and then if I hit play You're so um you're going to see it but what I'm going to do is I don't
want it up that long so I'm going to move it down and I'm going to move this one down and then if I play right here about and you'll see him pop up if that makes sense now if you're watching this video on YouTube you click on that it will take you to that video so this is a powerful way to get people to keep watching more of your videos on there can you link to another Channel absolutely I've had people on before I link to their video I link to their Channel again when you're
done make sure you hit save oh one more thing about end screen so let's say that you've just started you've got one video well then you probably won't have a video that you can link to yet and that's that's okay but as you keep producing videos you can link to them and you can always go back and change the end screens at any time let's say you want to go to a different video or let's say you're doing a series of videos and you don't have the second one done yet you can still promote it
in your video as soon as you get it done go back in there and change whatever video you had on your in screen to that next up the thumbnail for your video all right to get to the thumbnail part we're on the same video we're going to scroll down to right here now you have these options you have upload file I'm going to show you that autogenerated and test and compare so we're going to go to autogenerated and these are three frames that YouTube picks at random and they are at random I have tried the
best of my ability to figure out where they pick them from they don't you can pick one of these you can hit done it won't show you that until I hit save I'll just go ahead and hit save right there and there it is but let's say we don't want that go here and I'm going to upload a file and here's one right here and I'll just enter that one and there it is says custom thumbnail and I hit save and you can see it right here now this is just a fake thumbnail I did
now I wanted to show you one other thing and it's the test and compare YouTube allows you to upload up to three images and they will run them to see which one gets the most watch time if you're brand new to all this I would focus on the one there's so many thoughts to this and I can talk about this in a different video if you want but right now that's how you would upload a custom thumbnail it's that easy once you hit save you'll see it right there and then this was the thumbnail you
will see whenever this video is shown or shared okay another note about thumbnails you can absolutely positively use one of the frames that YouTube grabs when you're uploading your video you may like that may say hey that's exactly what I want and if that's easier for you do it but over time you may want to do a custom thumbnail that you feel like you know I feel like this is a little bit more intriguing because the thumbnail will get your attention sometime and will complement your title don't overthink it but just you have those options
of either creating a custom thumbnail you can do the test and compare or you can just go with one of the frames whatever you go with remember you can can always change later if you want to next up playlists now think of this as a way where you can group together a bunch of videos that have maybe a common theme like one of my playlists is on how to use the YouTube editor I have a playlist on YouTube tips you can even set a podcast as a playlist you can do as many playlists as you
want and you can have the same video in different playlists but let me show you how to set that up so we're going to go all the way down here and under thumbnail you see playlist now when I click on the little uh down arrow right there these are all the playlists that I have created now some of these are private some are unlisted there's my podcast and these are all different ones that I've created you can actually create a playlist here if you want it but let's just go with one I've got we're going
to make this one I'm just going to put it somewhere it doesn't really matter advice and encouragement and when I click it and I click done you'll always see it here and again I can add this to other ones so let's say we add it to uh this one little dude roll on that's that's a playlist for uh for our little boy his music when he works with his PT I can hit done and you'll see two playlist and what that means is this video will appear in different playlists that you can share as well
you can put on your homepage again hit save right there change is save all right next up is the visibility of your video okay to find the visibility settings it's over on the right hand side and it's it's right there it says visibility now I have mine set up my upload defaults is set up to automatically make every video unlisted but you have these options you can make your video private unlisted now since I have memberships turned on and if you want to join it there's a link down in the description I have that one
public and then also schedule and I'm going to show you each one of these if you set your video to private nobody will ever see that video you can share the link can't see it you can only see it unlisted anyone can see it if they have the link now let me share one more thing about unlisted so again the way unlisted Works nobody can see it unless they have that link but if you put an unlisted video in a playlist and the playlist is set to public because playlists have the same type of visibility
options as an individual video if you set a playlist to public and you have an unlisted video in there anybody who has the link to that playlist will see that video so just keep that in mind and again you can set it to public when you set it to public and you hit save it will immediately be seen by anybody anywhere so those are those options right there and then you can also schedule and when you hit schedule right here now you can set it as a Premiere again since I have membership turned on I
can set it to Members First and then to public but you can choose a date here and I'll just set it on the 23rd word and I'll just make it let's say at oh I don't know 8:30 a.m. and I will hit done sorry I had to move my screen over a little and now right now this video will be scheduled for that date if I don't want it I can always overwrite it I can go back here I'm just going to leave this unlisted and I'm going to hit save and again once it's there
it's saved like that but this is very important to make sure video gets seen or not seen depending on what you want and now let's talk about comments comments is not only just a great way to engage with your community but it also kind of sends some signals to YouTube as well that people are engaging as well they're leaving comments you can always comment back I love to answer as many comments as I can I I unfortunately I'm getting so many now I can't respond to every one of them but there's different things you can
do like you can give it a thumbs up or a heart the beauty with a heart is only the channel creator can heart a comment so anytime that you leave a comment on anybody's Channel and they heart it that's kind of cool cuz that means that Creator saw that and gave it a heart so you know the creator of that channel saw the comment now by the way I went back and changed some things cuz again this is going to be a video that I'm going to just release to the to the members only so
that's why it may look a little different but if you go all the way over to the left hand side you see comments well right now there are no comments here but I'm going to show you a little trick to add a comment so when you publish your video it's already got a comment on it so I'm just going to grab something from here just just just to show you so I'm going to I'm going to put this right here and I'm just going to copy it then I'm going to go over right here is
the link to the vide the link that YouTube Signs it you can copy it or if I just click this it immediately jumps to the video if I scroll down there's the comment add a comment so I'm going to paste that comment right here and again it can comment can be anything this this link even though it doesn't look like it's clickable it is and I'm going to hit comment now here's a little trick I do right here see these three vertical dots if I click that and I hit pin pin this comment if you've
already pinned a comment this will replace it pin now what's going to happen is I'm going to go back to here but when this video I've already unlisted but when this video is scheduled and goes out it will automatically have this comment here I like to do that to point to an offer another video an affiliate link but this is a great way to at least start jump start the conversations by doing the comments on here as well so the goal with all of these tips is just to give your video the best chance possible
to be seen by as many people as possible so you can be sharing your gifts with other people as well now let's say you need help setting up your YouTube channel well check out the video on the screen H remember I showed you how to do that and it'll walk you through all the steps I'm so thankful you watch this keep creating and I hope to see you in the next video
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