all right if you're a salesperson of any kind that wants to get better or if you're a business owner who wants to get your sales people way better than you are you're probably wondering why your sales people or you get so many freaking objections and what can you do about preventing a lot of those from happening right you know what I'm talking about you get to the end of the call the conversation the meeting and the prospect says this sounds really good but I need some time to think it over I need to do more
research I need to talk to my spouse I need to you know talk with the board more my department head if you sold B2 be or you know what this sounds good but you know um I just I'm not sure if I'm ready to do this or I don't have enough time or maybe in the beginning of the conversation they say hey just tell me the price on T if I'm interested now the question is why do those objections even happen in the prospect's mind and how can you prevent them from even happening that's called
objection prevention come over to the vibe board I'm going to show you what to do here now I'm going to show you these three objections right here I'm going to show you why any objection happens in your prospect's brain okay first and foremost and then I'm going to show you how to prevent these three right here from happening this is just a a shorter training video I don't have like hours to go through every objection that you're probably getting we have courses for all that stuff okay so the I want to think it over why
does a prospect tell you they want to think it over or do more research why does a prospect tell you if you sold business to Consumer they need to talk with their spouse why does a prospect tell you in the first couple minutes of a conversation how much does a cost not t if I'm interested why does that actually happen have you ever wondered that okay now let me show you why and then I'm going to show you what to do about it all right objections are triggered reactions based on uncertainty in your prospect's mind
so write that down very important for you objections only happened they are triggered reactions based off the prospect having uncertainty about what you're offering now who controls whether the prospect has certainty or uncertainty you do the sales person not the prospect okay so let's start right there right now these are typically triggered reactions mainly from your tonality you might not have thought of that your body language even if they can't see you your facial expressions even if they can't see you because your facial expressions they're like the remote control to your tone right try having
like a a confused tone with a straight face you can't really do that right that doesn't make any sense they're also triggered by the words you're using the questions you're asking trigger that resistance and the frames or beliefs prospects have about sales in general or sales people okay now I'm going to talk to you so a little bit of my background so I went to University to become a psychologist and as a psychologist we are all taught at least my professors taught me that every patient called them a prospect human being has frames or ways
of thinking now your ways of thinking your prospect's way of thinking stay with me for a second this is really important for you very important for you right now your prospect's way of thinking or any human being ways of thinking comes from the way they're raised by their parents or maybe the church they went through or the cousins they hung out with or the friends they Associated themselves with if they're young now can be influenced by who they follow on Tik Tok like an influencer so their worldview or way of thinking is conditioned by who
they're around in society okay so what we have to do is we have to learn so your prospects frame might be I never make a decision on the spot when I talk a salesperson that's their way of thinking that that's a bad thing to do and if that's their way of thinking you're going to get that objection with that Prospect every single time so how do you take them out of that way of thinking that's called a deframe you're taking them out of that way of thinking and then how do you reframe them you might
have heard of reframing before how do you reframe them that's the process into a new frame or a new way of thinking you want me to show you how to do that on on those objections okay I know you do that's why you came here all right now your prospect has a belief system that they have to talk with their spouse before they ever buy anything you ever got that spouse objection if you sell two consumers now if you sell B2B I'm going to show you a little bit different here in a second okay so
a way you can start preventing that is earlier in the conversation start doing this early in the conversation and you're going to get way less I need to talk to my spouse objections than you ever thought possible and if you do get them because we're going to teach you how to build a gap from where they are to where they want to be and help them feel that pain of their current situation and have a fear of future pain that it's going to keep happening or could happen Okay way less spousal objections so in the
beginning let's say a prospect tells you a problem or how they're feeling about their situation or they tell you like some consequences of this problem that they have you simply say well how does your spouse feel about and you repeat back the problem and the consequence does that make sense okay how does your spouse feel about like you you guys not even having a policy to like protect them like when you pass away okay or how does your spouse feel about you guys like paying all those raid hikes with Edison power if you sold solar
so whatever problem they say whatever that Prospect complains about you simply can turn now if you sell businesses to business you're not necessarily going to ask them how their spouse feels about it in certain situations you could depending on what you sell this is more two consumers right here stick with me if you sell to companies though because I'm going to show you some tweaks uh with companies here in a second especially if I want to think it over or do more research okay so how did your spouse feel about and then repeat back the
consequence now here my tone I'm going to this is generic here so you can plug in whatever you sell okay now let's say the prospect comes back and say oh I don't really know because sometimes they can do that you can't just accept that that's not helping you prevent the objection okay now why am I asking them how they feel about how their spouse feels about the problem and the consequence now don't say how does your spouse feel about this problem because it's too vague it's too generic that they're they don't feel problem okay but
let's say if I sold oh I don't know uh let's say if I if let's say if I'm a business owner okay and my business is going down you're you're talking to a small business owner and let's say that they're struggling to scale and they're not even profitable and haven't been able to pay themselves for a year could I ask that question about their spouse that would make sense right how does your spouse feel about you not being able to pay yourself an entire year oh man she hates it right see what I'm already doing
I'm getting like why would I need to talk with the spouse if I ask how they feel about this problem and because of the problem the consequence if they're like oh she hates it like it's horrible blah blah blah blah blah I'm starting to take I'm starting to take him or her out of that frame that they need to talk to their house into a new frame or new way of thinking like they're already on board with this because they hate this issue and of course they want me to be able to pay myself I
need to learn how to run the business better if you sold coo coaching or something just making something up here but if they come back and say I'm not sure you can say well does she want you to have to not pay yourself another year okay if that was the same does she or does he want you to have to go through XYZ if you didn't have to well no he wouldn't want me to do that see how I'm triggering that response that the spouse would never want this these problems to keep happening or the
consequences to happen or they would never want this to happen oh now let's say you ask this first question and they're more positive and they're like oh yeah like he really hates that like he doesn't want me to have to do that blah blah blah blah blah okay so if they're more positive then I'm going to repeat back the benefit well does he want you to and then repeat back what they said they wanted so in that same example that business well do does she want you to be able to start paying your does she
want your business to become more profitable so you can start paying yourself way more than you are now well yeah she would have for sure see I'm now getting him on board with like the spouse of course she would want me to have all this so it reduces my chance now this is not all you do this is just the start of taking them out of that frame of I have talked to my spouse into a new way of thinking it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to remove that there's other questions you can ask in
the process to complete completely remove it I'm just giving you a few examples okay now let me give you an example that's industry specific let's say you sold network marketing or you sell a business opportunity or franchises or anything like that well how does your spouse feel about you having to work 60 to 70 hours a week because if I sold network marketing or a business opportunity that part of that pitch was like Hey reduce your hours at the office or whatever it's going to be hard for him or her to say no yeah he
just wants me to keep work 60 70 hours a week okay they're like well no they don't they don't they don't like me working that many hours okay now what if they say I'm not sure well I'm not sure I never talk to her about it okay well does she want you to be forced to work 60 hours a week and miss your son's basketball games now I'm not just making this up this would have been in the conversation let's say I'm talking to a dad and he says I'm working 60 hours a week and
I miss a lot of my son's basketball games I'm just plugging that in see I'm just plugging that in the problem working 60 hours a week and what he really wants is to spend time with the son at his basketball games or ball games well does she want you to be forced to have to work 60 hours a week and miss all your son's games well no she doesn't want that now notice a key word I used here was the word forced why would I say forced because nobody wants to be forced or made to
do anything see how I'm seeding that into the prospect's brain okay now let's say if I ask this first question how does he feel about you having to work 60 hours a week and they're like oh yeah he doesn't like it at all well does he want you to be able to work from home so you have time to go to your kids ball games or what does he want you to do no he definitely wants me to do that see what I'm doing there is I'm reducing the likelihood that that they're going to come
back and say after they said my spouse she wants me to work from home my spouse doesn't want me to work all those crazy hours my spouse wants me to spend more time with my family it's hard for him or her to then come back and say why need you talk to my spouse about about spending more time on like it doesn't make sense for them to do that they start to remove that out of their system that's not all you do that's part of how to start that process okay now another thing that I
can do further on in that conversation or I can do it right there these are called neq identity frames I'm going to enlarge this here for you okay actually hold on yeah here we go this is called an identity frame remember I talked to you about taking your prospects out of their way of thinking or their frames def framing them and reframing them into a new way of thinking or a new frame so this is called an identity frame an identity frame neq stands for neuro emotional persuasion questions now if you're one of our clients
in our virtual training courses especially our advanced stuff you already know all this stuff and 10 billion more skill level training that we do that I don't really do on these YouTube videos okay but identity frame is where the prospect either moves doesn't want to be known as that type of person or does want to be known as this type of person that's amazing okay or I can do a negative identity frame like I'm about to show you where they're like oh I don't want to be like that person like that's a bad person okay
so here's what I would do I mean good for you and your spouse looking at at this now I mean your your son's lucky to have a dad like you that cares so much to spend time with them so if let's say if I'm selling network marketing or some type of business to that's the frame I would do now if you're selling something different we would teach you you um how to do this different because there's little nuances you'd have to learn for every industry I mean good for you and your spouse notice I said
your spouse too not just you good for you and your spouse looking at this now I mean your son is lucky to have parents like you that care so much to spend time with him I talk to a lot of people out there and you'd be a surprise a lot of parents they don't really care about spending time with their kids you know what I mean see what I did there see what I'm doing there your son is lucky to have parents like you not not Dad I'd say parents like you okay because I'm talking
about the spouse that care so much to spend time with them I talk to a lot of people and you'd be surprised a lot of parents don't really care about spending time with their kids you know what I mean now what are most prospects going to say oh gosh like those are horrible parents like it's important to spend time with your kids see how I'm getting them to identify away from the negative type of people they don't want to be like okay now if I'm selling network marketing if they don't buy into that they're kind
of identifying with all those people that work 70 hours a week at their job that have no time with their families so they want to identify with having time families if this is what I'm selling okay I'll show you a few different examples for other Industries then you know what I mean by that most like oh no I would never do that blah blah then I'm going to say I mean for you and your spouse why is this so important to you now okay see what I did this is called an NQ probing question okay
this builds urgency in the sale to buy now not keep pushing on the road I mean for you and your spouse why is this so important to you now I mean for you and your spouse why is spending that time with him so important to you now though now though is right do it now the timing okay see what I'm doing there having them identify with why do this now or why is this this thing spending time with your son so important to you now okay and now they start to tell you why it's so
important but more importantly who are telling they're telling themselves why it's so important okay now if you a lot of you are asking like well how do I how do I prevent the spouse objection for what I sell I'm just going to give you the my number here so just text me 48637 2944 okay every day for about an hour hour and a half me and a couple sales trainers we lock ourselves in the conference room over here and we just answer your text messages so if you want to learn how to do this the
prevent spouse objection for what you sell uh just text us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can now let's go on to how to prevent some other objections are you ready for that okay good now if you want more training like this because I release about two or three of these training videos each week here on this channel your next step go and hit the Subscribe button so you can uh subscribe to it and make sure you hit the notify button so YouTube notifies you when I come out with a new
training video every single week I do about two or three a week hope that helps okay now how do you prevent that I want to think it over objection or frame from happening in the prospect's mind how do you build urgency for them to do it now not keep pushing down the road now here's what I'm going to show you what are the two biggest emotional drivers that cause a human being to want to change it's pain and the fear of future pain so if you can't help the prospect relive their pain of their current
situation or their past and then have a fear that that Pain's going to keep happening or could happen in the future that pain because maybe they don't pay now but it could happen that Prospect doesn't feel any urgency to change and if they feel an urgency to change that means you get objections like this and they don't buy from you now I will tell you that I need to think it over is not a real objection there's some concern they have that they're not wanting to tell you so they just tell you they want to
think it over I mean when you tell a sales person you want to think it over do you go home for the next three weeks and write out the pros and cons of buying or not bu and think it over you don't you just told them that to try to get rid of them or to make them feel better but more than likely you have some objection or concern and you didn't want to tell them like you didn't feel like you had the money or you didn't feel like it was a priority to spend money
on it or you didn't know how to work with whatever you had some objection you just didn't want to tell them that's a whole different training in that part so pain and the fear of future pain okay now like I said The more you get them to relive their pain of their current situation have a fear a future pain less likely they will ever say I need to do more research I need to keep looking around I need to think it over the reason why you're getting so many of those right now you don't know
how to do this yet you haven't learned how to use your tonality to trigger different emotions in the prospect's brain you don't use your your body language or your facial expression or you haven't learned the right questions to ask for what you sell to do that yet notice I said yeah because that's something you have to learn that we train you that's why people in your industry come to us to learn how to do those things okay now one way you can start to prevent this objection from even happening in the prospect's mind is simply
by asking what we call an npq probing question remember that stands for neural emotional persuasion questioning probing question okay so when the prospect says that you know they have this they want to change XYZ or whatever it is you can simply say can I ask why this is so important to you now though now why would I emphasize the word now because now is means urgency okay see how I'm emphasizing the word now because what would it sound like if I said this can I ask why this is so important to you now though see
because I don't really emphasize the word now because I don't verbal pause that little pause before I want to emphasize this word this doesn't really get into their brain their brain can't focus on it their brain starts to focus on all this I want their brain to focus on this word like why do this now builds more urgency can I ask why this is so important to you now though see how I get their brain because the way I frame the question because this verbal pause right here it's about one second right before I focus
on the words I want them to focus on because of the way I frame that question now they start to think why is it important right now urgency okay okay so a probing question also builds urgency in that sale okay that's one way to start eliminating the chances that you get I want to think it over I want to do more research I want to keep looking around objections at the end another way is to use what's called an neq identity frame remember I talked to you about identity frames a second ago and you typically
ask them right after you ask what are called consequence questions okay if you want to learn about consequence questions make sure you text me at that number I can explain to you a little bit more about those okay so after I ask that consequence question question I mean you certainly sound motivated I mean for you why why look at doing this now like why not push it down the road and keep paying the rate hikes like a lot of people who don't know anything about solar so if I sold solar that would make sense now
I'm going to break it down to you so after I ask this consequence question about you know what happens if they don't do anything they're like oh we need to do something blah blah blah blah blah then I'm going to put this party I mean you certainly sound motivated it's like I'm almost like pushing them away to get get them to pull me back in see what I'm doing there okay I don't want to push like push like pushy pushy where they push back against me I want to kind of push them away in a
sense where they defend themselves on why they need to change now and change with me probably a good thing for you if you want to assemble right I mean you certainly sound motivating I mean for you why why look at doing this now though like why not push it down the road and keep paying the rate hikes like a lot of people do who who don't know anything about solar now what did you see I did did you hear the verbal pacing of that question see all the verbal pauses I did what if I said
it like this I mean you certainly sound motivated John for you why look at doing this now why not push it down the road and keep paying the rate hikes like a lot of homeowners do who don't know anything about solar oh I don't know it's just you know you're not going to trigger anything there because you're asking the question in a monotone tone there's no emot you're triggering see how my voice my tone fluctuates see the verbal pausing I mean you certainly sound motivating I mean for you why why look at doing this now
like why not I don't know like push it down the road and and keep paying these rate hikes like a lot of homeowners do who who don't know anything about solar now because they already know any because they already know about solar because you're there at their house or virtually it's hard for them to want to identify with this person that keeps paying the rate hikes you see how I'm getting them to move away they don't want to identify with that dummy that keeps paying the rate hikes because they don't know anything about solar you
see where I'm going there okay let's keep going here uh now let's say if you sold for a marketing agency I'm just going to show you how to do these for a few different Industries so you can help tied into what you sell and let's say this company wants to get a higher quality lead so they can scale okay but for you why look at getting these higher quality leads now though like why not I don't know like why not push it down the road like a lot of companies do who never actually scale the
business or who eventually go out of business so if you're talking to a small company that's having this problem you might say like a lot of companies do who eventually go out of business right now if you're talking to a midsize company that's looking to scale and they want better leads who like a lot of companies do who never end up being able to scale right that would make more sense now if you're talking to a billion dollar organization about maybe leads about bringing in a maybe you're an outside marketing consultant that they want to
hire to come in and train their their marketing department how to do this better you're going to set that up okay but for you why why look at bringing in this say now like why not push it down the road like a lot of companies do and just kind of hope and pray your internal marketing team someday figures it all out see what I'm doing there okay would that make makes sense if I'm a marketing agency or marketing consultant I'm selling to a billion dollar plus organization that has an internal marketing team I'm not going
to say go out of business unlikely they're out business if they're doing a billion plus and I'm not going to say who never scale because they've already scaled I have to tie that in what actually Mak sense to the Prospect and what the prospect actually told you are you with me on that okay now if you want more training videos like this make sure you go and hit the Subscribe button right now so you don't forget and make sure you to hit the Subscribe button to hit the not notifications button here on the channel so
you get notified I typically release two sometimes three of these training videos every week so if you want more training hit the Subscribe button notification button and I'll see you on the next training all right I've still got a little bit more here for you okay now what about this oh hey if you have questions on what I just did about the think it over objection on how to tie it into what you sell easiest way to get a hold of me is just to text me so I'm going to give you my number 480
63729 944 go ahead and text me now so you don't forget okay I'm not going to respond to you probably right now uh but we'll respond to you here in just a little bit if you want to learn how to do that for your industry because there's some nuances every industry right all right so tell me the cost and I T I'm interested now you get on a conversation could be on the phone could be virtually could be in person doesn't matter what you sell and after about one or two minutes three minutes like hey
I appreciate it can you just tell me how much it's going to cost I'll tell you if I'm interested or hey enough of the questions can you tell me the cost I tell you if I want it what do you do then how do you prevent that cuz if you just tell them the cost without building any Gap unlikely there's any sale if you're like oh well I'll go over that in just a little bit I don't even know if I can help you let me ask you they feel like you're trying to avoid the
question you're hiding something and then that question is going to come up again especially if they're a type it's over you know what I mean so you have to answer it but answer it indirectly where it makes sense why you're asking the questions in the first place okay now why do you get this objection you ever wondered why you have so many prospects that tell you this in the beginning of a conversation I'm going to show you is because you haven't been trained yet with your tonality because you sound to monotone like a telemarketing salesperson
or you sound timid like you're nervous to ask questions or talk to them especially in a C- call or sometimes even work you're way too excited hey I'm so decided to be on this phone call do you have two minutes we can talk about my XYZ solution you sound like a freaking salesperson that people don't want to talk to there is a middle ground an expert you're the trusted Authority you're the expert they talk normal because they're not attached to whether you buy or not because if they don't buy it doesn't really impact you you're
not the one that has the problems the prospect does you're the one that can solve the problems so you're more detached Mak sense okay or why does this happen as well because you sound scripted you sound like a robot okay um and they feel like you're what interrogating them that's why if a prospector says Hey enough of the questions can you tell me how much it's going to cost a tell I'm interested the reason why is they feel like you're interrogating them because when you ask questions you sound like you're reading them from a script
or they're rehearsed they don't sound natural it doesn't sound like you're in a conversation with them I see a lot of salespeople do this I'll ask a question the prospect answers and they're like okay cool gotcha gotcha uh John let me ask you or they're going to say okay right right right um what I think I'm hearing is and you repeat back what they said it it just doesn't sound like like do your friends repeat back everything you say when you're talking to a friend no because that would sound weird it would sound unnatural it
would sound like a salesperson mirroring them all the time it's okay to mirror here and there but if you're doing it like every other answer or like you know 10 15 times during the conversation doesn't sound like a real conversation prospect's guard goes up has to sound like a real conversation where you're bridging from question to question using verbal cues that sounds conversational and how long has that actually been going on for over the past five months but what happened before then oh really now does your boss actually know about that oh really does your
boss actually know see I'm bridging with that verbal oh really does your boss actually know about that see I'm bridging rather than saying okay cool gotcha uh does your boss know about that sounds weird okay you want to use bridging from question verbal cues conversational okay so let's say if the prospect says that I'm going to show you what to do here okay all right hey uh Jeremy I really like this but I'm I'm just kind of out of time I don't have no time for the questions can you just tell me the cost I
tell you if I'm interested oh yeah we'll go through that for sure so first of all you just agree with them now why are you agreeing with them because what's your first job to get the prospect to what let their guard down because if their guard stays up it's over most of the time so you got to get them you just agree oh yeah we'll go through that for sure I mean it's really all going to depend on your blank your blank and your blank and once we understand like all those different details I can
go through all the different options we have for our clients would that help you it's really all going to depend on your blank your blank and your blank now what are the three things the pricing depends on for you for what you sell now think about this for a second here oh and like I said if you have question like how do I do this for my industry just text me at that number I am going to answer some questions on this a little bit yeah probably today and some tomorrow so just you can text
me on that number okay now let's say if you sell life insurance I'm going to show you to do this hopefully you can get this for your industry well can you just tell me how much the policy would cost I just need to know if I can afford this oh yeah we'll go through that for sure I mean it's really all going to depend on like your age you know your health conditions your expenses that you have especially with like the mortgage payment you have to do every month and once I understand all those different
details I can go through all the different all policy options that we have for clients would that help you more if I did that for you so what does it depend on like if I sold life insurance I don't know the price because it all depends on their age their health conditions what their expenses are why would I throw their expenses because if their expenses are let's say you know $30,000 a month right and if I'm selling mortgage protection insurance and their house payment 10 grand of that a month and I don't understand all those
details I might sell them a policy that doesn't really cover and pay off their home and their pass away or at least pay the payment for a while so they can sell the home in time where they don't have to foreclose so I don't know what the price would be without knowing these things it would be like let me give you the equivalent it would be like you pull up your car right you pull up your car to a mechanic you throw in the key like hey can you fix my car and by the way
how much is it going to cost what would the mechanic say well I don't know what it's going to cost because I don't know what's wrong with the car yet right if you don't know what's wrong with their situation if you don't know about those questions how can you know the price now to the prospect now makes sense why you're asking the questions and you're going to notice they like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah what what questions do you have and then they just become open to answering your questions see how that works okay uh
and then at the end they say well that help you if I did that for you now why am I asking that because who has the problems the prospect or you you the prospect not you so why are you qualifying to them I'm going to get them to qualify would that help you if I did that for you yeah that would help what what questions do you have or I could say would that help you okay because remember I'm getting them to qual would that help you if I would that help if I did that
for you see I'm doing them a favor by solving their problems not the other way around does that make sense okay all right all right now if you want to learn how to do this for your industry like I said I know a lot of you guys like Jeremy I don't know how to do this for industry that's why I left my number there you can go ahead and text me every day about an hour and a half I lock myself in a room with a couple sales trainers we actually answer your questions believe it
or not it's kind of crazy I don't know how long I'm going to keep doing it but we will answer your questions about how to TI to what you sell hope that helped you today your next step go hit the Subscribe Button as well if you want more training videos like this I release a couple every single week hit the Subscribe button uh have a good day remember I started this company for you to help you swh came out of retirement for you so you can freak in somewh so click the Subscribe button hit the
notification button so you actually get notified when I release a new training video I'll see you in the next one