one of the greatest ways to help us clear our headspace is to just simply be present with one particular thing so for this practice we're going to be using binaural beats and theta waves this is great for helping you enter a meditative State however I want to note that brain waves are not appropriate for some people with certain medical conditions so make sure you look into this for yourself and make the right choice for you if you decide to move ahead it's recommended that you listen with headphones hit pause if you need to and come
back when you're ready let your body get into a comfortable position spine tall and straight shoulders rolled back slightly to open up that magnificent heart of yours Palms resting in your lap however as comfortable for you [Music] and gently close your eyes Begin by tuning in to your breath we're going to start with three deep intentional inhalations on your next breath in breathe in deeply feeling both your stomach and rib cage fully expand when the breath reaches the top hold it momentarily and when you're ready exhale with a long audible sigh at the bottom of
that breath repeat two more times at your own pace [Music] at the end of your third deep exhalation just return to whatever pace of breathing feels good to you foreign of this present moment more aware of your breath more aware of what it is like to be in your body right now [Music] throughout the course of this meditation if any thoughts or feelings come and go that's perfectly okay instead of getting wrapped up in them just return your awareness gently to the following sound let yourself become aware of this sound now perhaps you may want
to allow your awareness to travel inside your head where you hear the sound most let all of your attention rest here giving your mind a break giving it just this one simple task focus on this sound and if anything else enters in or out of your awareness you simply let it pass by as you continually return your awareness to this sound [Music] by focusing on just this one sound you may notice your body has some kind of reaction whether you feel like you are floating or perhaps feel various muscles twitching or moving just allow the
experience without judging it staying focused on the sound and allowing everything else to Simply Be I will leave you alone now for the remainder of this practice trust and know that whatever your experience is is perfect for you and the more you return to this the easier it will be to use this technique to clear your headspace enjoy allow yourself to begin to become aware of more than just the sound now hearing my voice hearing the music feeling your body where it is right now [Music] letting yourself really take your time to come back to
this moment more aware of other sounds other feelings more aware of your breath very good now take your time as you begin to wiggle your fingers wiggle your toes [Music] perhaps roll your shoulders and move your sit Bones from side to side and when you're ready slowly open your eyes back to the world around you and enjoy this fresh feeling [Music] foreign [Music]