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we're going to talk about how to become the top 1% how to make so muching money nobody ever gets to tell you what to do again I think today's a little crazy the world's gotten nuts and the only way to get real freedom is the green way I do think people have their foot on our necks and I want you to thank them later when you get to go scoreboard every time you look at your bank account I don't know if you guys know this but my very first job I was super rich like like
I don't want to brag or anything but I made $37,000 a year I made 37k and I thought kind of that I was like this guy I was like is it a Honda Civic or is it a Lamborghini I don't know and uh and it turned out pretty quickly I realized that that kind of money wasn't going to get me where I wanted to go and so I started doing a thing that I'm an impress upon all of you guys which is an underrated truth to never take advice from somebody who hasn't actually done the
thing that are giving advice on and I think the truth of the matter is we have to be kind of honest if we want to achieve big things in life and this world hates honesty they hate it they want us to sort of Lie to ourselves about the small decisions every single day and we're not going to do that here in this room the truth of the matter is for a lot of us we think that we need more buddies more friends more people to support us but what we really need are allies who are
going to celebrate your wins and be there there for your losses this is a picture I don't know if you guys know Paul Francisco what was interesting about Paul is when I first met him I told him a dirty little secret which was at the time I worked at a big company called State Street I really hated my job have you guys ever really hated your job like like the type of hate where you sit there and you wish that your life would Flash Forward you would get like minutes closer to death so you could
leave the office you ever feel that way that's how I felt at the end I was like if I could die sooner I'd like to and I told this to Paul and it wasn't State Street's fault it was my fault I hadn't progressed right it just wasn't the right role for me and I told this to Paul and Paul changed my life because he said you're acting like a victim and nobody is enslaving you to this place that is up to you he did the opposite of what a friend does which was like yeah they
suck boss is awful it's go girl and instead he was like it's your fault what are you doing and he taught me this lesson which is winners don't whine in fact you want to know how you know if somebody's going to be a winner or not do they whine do they complain are they the person that about things as opposed to proposes a solution and that lesson was a tough one because Paul had to tell me that I was not the winner in that case the second lesson that I thought I'd bring is that Simplicity
always beats complexity this one took me a long time to realize everybody know this guy Elon Musk he's popular these days or not depends on the room you know um Elon Musk is fascinating because he said a line and I twisted it slightly which is complexity impresses your peers and simplicity imp impresses your buyers or set a different way what's called the complexity trap and we see this all the time in corporations you guys have probably all been in a meeting where you have somebody who's talking at the head of the meeting and they say
so many words and yet so few of anything of substance have you guys been in a room like that because often times being complex makes you sound smart and it makes you no money and so I like to present this graph to my team this is called the Simplicity to complexity trap and basically what you see here at the very bottom you see a single spring one function mouse trap and at the top you see one that has six components to it in life a truth about getting successful is bigger levels bigger devils and so
what happens if as you guys become more successful in life let me ask Damen does it get easier to run a bigger company or does it get harder harder as you put more money in your bank account you actually have more issues my father told me a thing that always stuck with me which is I remember one night I was having a really hard time running my own business and my dad said something to me when I was having a night where I felt like nothing was going to work it was going to fail and
I was a failure because of it he said you're not in the game until you sat head in your hands dead in the night alone unsure of what to do next now you're in the game and I realized that again and again because we think that we have to be complex to win and it's not true it's a lie in order to win we have to realize we have to work longer than we want on simpler things that we want and I want to take you tactically through something for a second so Elon Musk if
you can see these numbers basically at the top 2021 Twitter 7,500 employees 224 3,700 employees now profits have also gone down but there's a story about Elon Musk that I love that I tell my team all the time he had a group of Engineers on his plane and the group of engineers said that the change in the business he needed to make in order to change I won't get into the technical nature of it but basically where they stored items was going to take them six months or a year to spin off and Elon said
turn the plane around we're going to go to the storage center directly and we're going to fix the problem in 24 hours and what do you think they did they did it it's this crazy idea that we make things more complex than we need because it makes us seem needed but what this number tells me is that you can run a multi- multi-billion dollar company with much fewer people than you ever think and as you start running your own own business and making more money you're going to realize that the best part about running a
business is the people what do you guys think the worst part about running a business is the people and so I want you to think about this idea where in my life can I make things that seem complex a lot simpler now this one I'm going to get a little personal with and I'll probably talk about something that I don't think I've ever talked about publicly before which is the truth of the matter is that we learn to fear we learn learn actually through what's called conditional formatting no child when they are born is actually
born with this fear Instinct from let's say in particular what happens from a corporate perspective and so in fact this is something that you can unlearn if in fact it was learned it's not biology and so I thought about this a lot because I was really successful later in my career I was working as a as a partner at a firm and I was doing really well and I had an awful boss like a truly awful boss you guys ever had one you're like Yeah Tim yeah I did I had an awful boss and the
boss was so bad I'm G to call him out his name is Dan and he sent me this text you guys can see it you're a part of a grand Endeavor and you keep dumbing us down I hope you gained more followers this week because you didn't help the firm wo I have saved that text for 10 years and can I just tell you the joy I get every time I look at my bank account versus that motherucker these days can I just tell you and the reason I want to tell you this is not
that there's anything wrong with Dan we all have moments although Dan if you want to win you will be surrounded by Dan they will be everywhere and you have to deal with the consequences of that action in fact those who can't be controlled they are hater and if you don't think that's true just have some fun on my Twitter comments a few of you guys said you follow me on Twitter Instagram anybody follow me oh yeah have a party go into my comments I mean look at some of these I think she's pregnant I'm calling
it early not pregnant by the way thanks guys uh you know she's never done any of this why is she not wearing a bikini for that I put on a crop top today just for you guys usually don't do that so the moral of the story is if you're not getting a little hate you're probably not doing anything that interesting and I've taken that with me through my life and I hope you take it too and that moment that you get that Dan text the moment that your boss embarrasses you in front of everybody else
the moment that you get told no that you don't win that you aren't good enough that it's not possible for you I want you to keep it I want you to keep a little screenshot of all those haters and I want you to thank them later when you get to go scoreboard every time you look at your bank account there are six rules to properly handling haters SCI scientific theory I thought we'd go through them quickly the first one is if they don't have your life who cares ignore them most of the time the people
who will talk about you poorly have not achieved nearly what you have I have never had somebody hate on me who had more than me monetarily I'd never I've never had somebody who was in a relationship that was more successful than mine hate on my relationship I've never had somebody who was in better shape than me tell me I'm out of shape what does that tell you about the people who tell you poor things it is a mirror to themselves and you will have to remember that the second rule is don't feed those trolls they
live under the bridge we leave them there you know what I'm talking about and I think if we did that on the internet a lot more we'd have a happier place and certainly we'd probably enjoy social media a little bit more the third is you guys are the 1% and you know why you're going to win because most people don't want to do what it takes they want to do what they want most people want to look rich they don't really want to be be rich most people want to look successful they're not willing to
do what it takes to be successful and people won't tell you this because they're going to Pat your head and tell you that you're enough and let me tell you the truth if you want to be part of the 1% there's a couple things you got to know there's a famous monk um in India and uh and a friend of mine became very close to him I don't know if you guys know Jay shett he was telling me this story picturing a napkin so you have your napkin flat on on your hand and Each corner
of the napkin is whoever is closest to you could be your best bud could be your mom your brother your sister a colleague well as you rise up what happens to those other corners of the napkin for a period they get left behind right and so it's natural that they feel this tension between you leaving them behind as you're growing but what happens if you keep lifting the napkin they rise with you don't they and so as you are on your career your trajectory of success expect your first stage to be terrible the faster you
progress the more they will hate you and that is okay because at some point you lifting them up is doing something that no one else maybe in your generation has done so expect it the last is have you guys heard about what crabs do in a bucket we see this a lot actually I ran a a large business for years in Latin America in almost every way America is the best country in the world for people who want to succeed we cheer people on here whatever your racial background is or your sex people in us
they want you to succeed by and large if you go to other countries that is actually not normal and it's a little bit like crabs in a bucket so there was a fascinating phenomenon we covered a business and looked at investing in it it was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen it was like like um so it was in Washington and they had these crates kind of like they're stacked on top of each other water flowing in no Lids on them full of tens of thousands of crabs they are on a pier Over the Ocean
Escape is that far for tens of thousands of crabs no Lids why they don't let each other get away and I think in some ways humans are not that different from crabs now we can change that we can be the few who push up and we can be the napkin that pulls but don't expect everyone else to be when you win the last is a really famous quote from have you guys read 48 Laws of Power really important book if you want to climb hierarchical structures this line or rule has always stuck with me careful
when you outshine the master why do you think Ferrari Dan with a probably a small man complex sent me that text why do you guys think because I had outshined the master I had made him maybe not look as good by shining too bright now you could say that that was Dan's fault or you could say I actually didn't know the game I didn't realize the game we were playing and so be careful when you outshine the master you start to realize that you go wide in your 20s and you narrow as you get older
and why because the 1% is constrained there's only so many people that are in it and I wish somebody some had told me that when I was younger now if I could tell you one thing that would make you more money than anything else in the world it is this it is that the faster you are the more money you will make that your bank account is actually a reflection of how fast you move which is hard for me to take at times the reason why Uber became a multi-billion dollar company is Travis kenck the
founder at the time was a psychopath that's why he got pushed out but he was a psychopath in one way that was really good he cre created one of the first tech to service feedback loops with a speed at which he could Launch Cross nationally faster than The Regulators could catch him and that is why they're a multi-billion dollar company and they didn't get shut down and there's lots of ways to play this game there's lots of matrices that can help you I like the Urgent versus the important Matrix because how many of you guys
get into the office every day and you're like I got top three things I need to cover today I'm going to handle those and then happens 300 other things 300 other urgent things that are not important I was sitting with one of my mentors Bill Perkins who wrote the book die with zero I asked him bill you know you're worth a lot of money you've made hundreds of millions of dollars you've given away tens of millions of dollars to charity um why do you think you've been so successful and he kind of looked at me
and he thought for a second and he said I move really fast by the time somebody else has thought about an idea Tak it to investment committee I've already started made three mistakes and found a better way and I take this with me non-stop into every one of my businesses because the truth of matter is most people are not that smart they just move fast they take risks and they work a lot that's kind of it and if you can find that Truth where you can take a thing that is normal and compress the time
to action you will win and you don't have to be smarter richer or better positioned at our company we have something called the 24-hour rule how many times have you heard somebody say yeah let's Circle back on that when when do they say say it louder next week we'll Circle back on that next week right super standard at my company if Tanner was in here somewhere he would tell you not allowed not allowed why next week where do we come up with that number why can't we move faster than the average person if all we
do is we say let me Circle back to you on that tomorrow 24 hours we don't have to be smarter better funded or anything but faster than our competitors and I took that to heart the last thing that I realized when it comes to speed to action is this truth which I'm sure you guys have heard from Peter Ducker very famous Management Consultant what gets measured gets managed you guys heard that before the truth of the matter is we don't do that so much right and so I like to go to the greats Jerry Seinfeld
is one of the greatest comics of all time do you guys know why any ideas it's really one word Jerry Seinfield wrote jokes and spoke jokes publicly every single day for his entire comedic career how do you keep up with a guy who every single day is doing the thing that most people only do maybe once a week on Friday or Saturday he wasn't really funnier he just had so many reps he made the compet ition irrelevant and the truth of the matter is that consistency beats quality every time most people are the guy on
the right they prep they prep they prep they prep be the guy on the left show up do the thing that sucks repeat I thought today that I'd share one thing with you two things really one I thought I'd share with you some cheat codes that I have so one if you want these slides take a screenshot you get them I'll send them to you afterwards two I wish I knew ear ier mathematically some of the businesses that have the highest success rate because the truth of the matter is even if you are the guy
who shoots but you aren't aiming properly at the right object you're not going to win and so I wish I knew that sooner but there's an unfair advantage to being the person in the room who is the dumbest this is do we know who this is Buffett Sage Omaha one of the best investors of all time so a friend of mine had dinner with Buffett by by the way this is not my friend but he was too cool to take a picture so I pulled this off the internet and uh plagiarized the photo but my
friend had dinner with buffet and I asked him afterwards I was like Alex how's that like like what happened Alex is a big H hedge fund manager I sit on the board of his hedge fund and he's like you know the weirdest thing happened um Buffett asked me all the questions and I realized I told him everything and I didn't really ask him any questions the richest man man in the world at that time was being the dumbest one in the room how often are we the ones talking a lot when in fact we probably
should be the ones sitting back and asking the questions and Alex taught me that in fact I remember the first time that I came to an event just like this I stole a VIP badge and and I stole the VIP badge because I couldn't afford it at the time and it was sitting on a table and it was like looking at me in the eye you know and I like kind of like was getting closer to it and getting closer to it and I knew that the person had already left cuz I had watched them
and I grabbed that bad boy and I went into a VIP room except I made a fatal flaw and the Fatal flaw was everybody in the VIP room knew each other so all of a sudden you know I'm turning the badge around I'm kind of like holding it because I'm definitely not Nancy or whatever name was on that badge and as I'm in the room with all of the other VIPs they're like who are you because it was a group of CEOs I was at a CEO Round Table not a CEO I was in college
and uh so you could imagine how much I stood out and from somewhere I I don't know where like you ever hear that little voice in your head and I heard this little voice that was like uh I'm here to take notes on behalf of Nancy today because she can't be here and I was not in fact associated with Nancy at all so I sat down in that room and all I did was take notes I didn't ask questions I just kind of shut up and wrote notes and it's one of the most formative moments
of my life to realize you can get into the right rooms even and maybe especially when you don't deserve it one of the other lessons I learned is that when you start out when you're young you're going to do everything then as you get older you specialize in a few things this is my friend aan who took a company from a million bucks a year in Revenue to $85 million and he told me a lesson that I hope you see later on which is in the beginning you're the janitor CEO of a startup equals janitor
who's an owner that realizes this yes you do everything but after a period you go through a ccle it's called the generalist to specialist cycle and here's how it works the first cycle you're the you're the generalist you do everything the second cycle you hire generalists who do do things for you the third you hire Specialists who run the generalists and finally the Specialists run everything if I had learned this earlier my business would have grown faster but most of us hire generalists to do just about everything I want to talk about Luck first for
a second so there's a concept in Psychology called the luck surface area and it has two components one component is the luckier you get is due to the action you take plus the amount of telling about the action that you did how many times you've been on a team and you're the one that's doing all the work but somebody else is getting all the credit does that ever happened to you the unique component of winning is this balance between doing and then being your biggest cheerleader and there's sort of four components to it so we
all know typical type of luck how we think about it no ability to affect the outcome blind luck the second type of luck is from more activity it's called luck from motion so if I do more it turns out I seem to get luckier right the third is luck from awareness I'm doing more plus I'm talking about doing more which means my luck increases overall why do you guys think I won't shut up on the Internet do you think it's because I want to be famous no worst thing in the world I don't shut on
the internet because when I talk about the things that I do what do I get I get more deals I get more investors I get more employees my luck surface area increases who else does this although he's not that popular these days some stuff going on with Jimmy but Mr Beast Mr Beast is really really rich how rich he makes about $700 million a year on YouTube which is wild to me he's like kind of stuck at that 14-year-old range but the reason why Mr Beast is so rich is because Mr Beast has put out
809 videos he has been putting out videos since he was 11 years old so he just doesn't stop and then there's this type of uniqueness that only comes along so often this type of uniqueness in luck a friend of mine Jack butcher does anybody know who this is yeah what's fascinating about this guy is he's kind of famous in like one tiny segment of the internet Jack butcher got famous on the internet for doing what you can see here which is kind of creating these very simplistic graphs on the internet during The nft Craze what
do you think he sold this nft for how many a million 5 million 69 million this guy has sold $104 million in fake online graphic designs and nobody's mad about it people are happy because Zach knew about nfts he knew about graphic design he knew about a movement in Twitter and he took action and as you get more successful you're going to find this unique blend of your skills aligning to success and I think what happens with this type of luck is you start attracting things to you instead of you having to chase them the
last thing I want to talk about here is do a lot of people these days talk about work life balance the truth of the matter is you guys have incredible competition today if you want to win today this is who you're competing with much love to these people I don't want to work anymore I don't want to work anymore do I have to go to work not to mention they put this on the internet do you know how hard it is to get a job after this I think it's sad in some ways because I
do believe that humans were born to labor and there's dignity in it but I want you to think about this for a second because the second that you get intimidated or that you think you can't just save this screenshot just put this on your background and realize that most young people are here and that's okay for them that's their choice but that's who you're competing with because the truth of the matter is if you want to earn like the 1% you got to work like the 1% did when they were the 99% and for some
reason in society we've stopped telling people that and we've lied to a generation and said that this isn't actually needed when it is when you know what I think we should be doing instead we should be realizing that we stand on the shoulders of our parents who did some crazy ass to get us to this country to get us the opportunity to work here and to put us in seats where my my father didn't go to college I don't know uh he didn't have a chance to do that he was a carpenter and then he
was a small business owner and he would never call himself an entrepreneur because that word probably it just didn't exist in his lexicon he was like I sell rocks because that's what he did he sold marel Granite but that's what he said and I think we've forgotten that this is where we come from and we got to go back to this a little bit the truth of the matter is that it is never too late so I see most people in the audience are pretty young but I wish maybe I knew when I was a
little bit younger that it's never too late but you can have regrets I didn't do a lot until I was in my 30s I was working in corporate I was growing my skill set but I didn't actually start my entrepreneurial Journey until I was in my 30s so a lot of times I think kids these days think man am I going to be able to make it I'm still I'm 22 and I don't have a Bentley you're going to be fine you're going to be totally fine and the truth of the matter is I thought
I had peaked at 30 and it kind of just keeps getting better also wild thing about money makes you look younger you know if you guys see my videos old school I got a different nose I bought a new bad boy I upgraded we got a whole new look and so the truth of the matter is you don't need to worry about it being too late you're going to be fine as long as you do the things now that you need to do I was too much of a wuss to leave my corporate job too
scared so I had to build up my income on the side before I even left my paycheck so start wherever you are but I do want to be honest with you guys everybody see this David Beckham thing how good was this he's like be honest um it's a great skit if you haven't seen it highly recommend so I'd like to be honest at the end with you guys is that okay small room we're all best buds nobody will tell anybody on the internet right all right here's the truth I think today in society we've lost
our Collective Minds we are pointing at each other and blaming each other and we are turning ourselves into victims nobody gets to label you a victim except you do not accept this label that it is harder to be a Latina that it is harder to be a woman that it is more difficult out there that you won't get funding that you're not going to be able to make it that you know why they tell you that because energy is contagious who cares what your melanin is one way or the other I don't care I've never
hired somebody because I was like melanin right in the right angle never once on my job description and I think that is more true than we ever realize and yet nobody says it you're not your race you're not your color and in fact You're Something Beautiful way more beautiful than any of that which is that you're a human placed here to provide dignity to work there's a there's a saying have you guys ever heard about putting red and black ants in a jar and what happens when you shake the jar so if you don't shake
a jar and you put red and black ants in it you know what happens anybody not a damn thing the answer just like yeah I'm chilling you're chilling we look a little different no big deal but when you shake the jar they start ripping each other apart and so today especially for the Young Generation I think you got to ask who is shaking the jar and do not let them Shake yours you are yes you guys are so much more capable than I was when I was younger you're smarter you have better tools you're better
educated than I have have you guys seen the Olympics like in the 70s before Simone biles what won an Olympic medal back then it was like this this was like winning Olympic medal back then and then you see Simone bile act today it's a whole different caliber and that is exactly what you guys are you guys are the Simone biles you guys will be more successful than I will be but we have to push back on dudes like this who tell us capitalism is dead who tell us the American dream is dead who tell us
that you can't achieve I'm going to tell you this it's not dead it is under attack and it needs a change of hands and it's asking you one thing which is to get your fingernails a little dirty one of my favorite quotes about the American dream is this it's the land where there is no ceiling on your ability no foot on your neck of progress and where man can be an owner and not owned I do think people have their foot on our necks but I do think you guys have every opportunity to win as
owners so it's your chance to go and take it thank you so much for having me here today thank you thanks for watching guys if you haven't make sure to subscribe to the channel we just did this crazy analytics where we saw the percentage that subscribed versus the people who keep keep coming back spoiler a bunch of you guys are missing out so make sure you hit that subscribe button and you guys can actually get a bunch of numbers and math to help make you money instead of a bunch of nonsense and news
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