Entenda o impacto do plástico nos oceanos | Oceana

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Oceana Brasil
Por volta de 8 milhões de toneladas de plástico chegam aos oceanos todos os anos. É preciso reduzir ...
Video Transcript:
our oceans sustain life an abundant ocean can feed a billion people a healthy meal every day forever but now they are being filled killed by throwaway plastics the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped in the sea every minute 17 point six billion pounds every year plastic is everywhere in our ocean floating on the surface mixing in the saltwater and sitting on the ocean bottom miles and miles deep and once in the ocean it never goes away over hundreds of years it breaks down into small pieces but those pieces even the tiny ones
called micro plastics are still plastic sea turtles are choking on it scientists say that over 60% of whale and dolphin species are affected by it Zhora plankton the base of the ocean food chain eat it and so do we it's in the water we drink it's in our food micro plastics have been found in our salt our honey and our beer and sometimes even in the air we breathe companies are choosing to make something that will be used just once from a material that lasts forever if you don't like what throwaway plastics are already doing
to our world brace yourself we face a tsunami of throw away plastic in our and the oceans future four times more plastic will be produced between now in the middle of the century than has been produced in all of history four times more what can we do recycling of all the plastic ever generated as of 2015 only 9% was recycled even when it is recycled plastic degrades your plastic soda bottle maybe becomes a shampoo bottle then a floor hat even in the best case it doesn't recycle it down cyclists and then it becomes pollution that
ruins our beaches and chokes sea animals forever we should not be forced to pollute the ocean every time we eat drink or go shopping we need to be given a choice a plastic free choice this is not hard to imagine indeed some responsible companies are already leading the way there are throw away plastic free aisles in supermarkets beverage companies already offer plastic free soda and salsa water restaurants offer plastic free service there are plastic free rooms and hotels an airline is now offering a plastic free flight and oceania and our allies are winning plastic free
victories following campaigning by Oceania Peru passed the law that keeps plastic out of national parks and beaches Belize is getting rid of styrofoam Chile stopped stores from handing out free plastic bags and the European Union has mandated reductions for throw away plastic throughout its 28 member countries but with your help we can do more together we can create a movement to reduce throw away plastic we can make sure we're all given real plastic free choices we can help our cities towns schools and workplaces establish zones that are free of throw away plastic let's stop plastic
pollution from wrecking our beaches and our oceans and have healthy oceans that delight the sustain us for generations to come please join our campaign go to Oceana org slash plastics today
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