4 Foods That Increase Testosterone (EAT THESE DAILY!)

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Live Anabolic
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and if you do it on a regular basis I promise you'll see your testosterone levels [Music] increase guess what I'm Mark mckill and this is live anabol and let's talk about foods that can increase your testosterone level and specifically I'm going to talk about four Foods today that can help your body maximize its production of testosterone so guys if you've seen any of my videos where I'm talking about nutrition or cooking or whatever when it comes to food you'll know that I'm incredibly lazy I'm a bachelor I hate to cook so pretty much anytime I
got I give you all some tips or tricks when it comes to food it's always super simple okay and I think that's a a big bonus right because anybody can put together uh a meal plan for you that requires all kinds of ingredients and cooking and and hours of preparation my gosh you know you know it's going to taste great but it's just a big pain in the butt and that ain't me so I'm looking for tips and tricks when it comes to food to increase my testosterone as simply as possible all right so some
of these foods are going to be super simple all right some of them are going to take maybe 90 seconds to two minutes to cook but all of them are crazy easy and the first one is eggs uh now eggs are high in HDL cholesterol so you know you got there's two different types of cholesterol and and one cholesterol one of them is actually good for you you need HDL and um part of the reason for that is that your body uses that as a precursor to make testosterone um and so that's why some of
these other videos Gary and I have shot will talk about don't ever go on a super lowfat diet because if you go on a really lowfat diet you won't get enough of the good cholesterol the the good fat in your diet and it will screw up your hormones so eggs are super simple guys almost everybody likes them um and you don't have to fry them up you don't have to have a bunch of you know stuff you know splattering you know out of the skillet you can just hard boil them and of course when you
hard boil eggs it means they're great to take on the go you know you can you can stick them in a little zipl baggie and take them with you I mean you can just pop it in your mouth grab a couple in your hand hop in the car you know as you're driving to work just Chomp down on them you know you don't need a fork or a plate or anything like that so eggs are super simple they have the good fat the good HDL which your body needs for for testosterone reduction and they have
a lot of protein each egg has about eight grams of protein so protein is also really important okay so the second food that you guys really need to to concentrate on getting into your daily diet and and and I mean that um sincerely you really need to do this kind of stuff on a daily basis day in day out I mean you can miss a day once a week but but if this is something that you just kind of throw into your diet you know two or three times a week it's not going to work
you really need good healthy nutrition on a daily basis and that is greens now most of you guys are going to start kind of wincing like I am right now when it comes to Greens you don't want your broccoli you don't want your asparagus um you know you don't want your spinach I'm trying to think you know all the green good healthy vegetables all right some guys just don't like the way they taste some people don't want to have to prepare them cook them they don't want have to go to the grocery store and wash
them Etc they they tend to spoil um but they're all fantastic for you and you need them because those veggies help your body to eliminate estrogen now guys we do have estrogen just like women you know and we're pretty much inverse to women so women have low levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen and we're the other way around so we do need some but if your body is holding on to too much estrogen if you're not eating a healthy diet that can happen and man it can really screw your hormones up so if
you have too much estrogen in your body guys it can really make it difficult for you to produce your normal healthy levels of testosterone so what's my trick all right I just told you you know it's that's kind of a pain all right I know I'm biased here guys but you got to try it supplements are super simple I mean Testo greens is something we've been selling for a while now we get fantastic reviews just click the link below this video all right I'm not going to even try to go into all the ingredients in
here because I can't remember them all but if you click the link below this video it'll take you to our website and then click on Testo greens and it has a long write up about it I it's really interesting um I think our group did a a great job of explaining what's in it why we put it in there why it's good for you and then guys man seconds you just take a scoop out put it in some water and boom you're done You' had all your Healthy Green servings for the day and then the
other thing is guys check out the reviews I I probably don't mention this enough but but every single one of our products on our website has got reviews at the very bottom just kind of scroll up you know until you get to the very bottom and then you'll see a whole long list of reviews and those are those are genuine customers those aren't you know fake things that we can create it's actually a software program that we use that that links into our our shopping cart so that when people buy it we know they're a
verified buyer and only verified buyers are able to leave comments so guys check it out it's way too easy not to at least try Okay the third food guys is potato and I'm laughing because I'm thinking about about uh when the Vice President Dan Quail tried to spell potatoes what was that 20 years ago he was at like a a fourth grade class and misspelled it that's something I would do I don't know how to spell potatoes but I know why they're good for you guys because potatoes are basically a a healthy carb it's a
whole food it's not processed okay and potatoes have a low glycemic index and basically that just means it takes your body a while to digest and absorb the carbohydrate which means it keeps your insulin levels from spiking all right that's kind of the drawback to sugar and other processed foods it really makes your insulin level Spike okay and you know and then boom it spikes and then that will dramatically lower your blood sugar level a little while later and then you get this big oscillating up and down so guys Whole Foods potato Es are a
really good complex carb and your body can use these complex carbs to help lower your cortisol levels remember we got just tons and tons of hormones I can't even keep track of them all I just know you know three or four are the most important ones and cortisol is a stress hormone we all produce it not just when you're stressed but it's just something you naturally produce and your body eliminates it when you're sleeping and resting and all kinds of things like that but having good healthy car carbs are necessary for your body to just
naturally process and eliminate cortisol because the more cortisol you have the less testosterone you can make you know your body uses an enzyme kind of a precursor to making both cortisol and testost and if you're making tons of cortisol then that means that enzyme that precursor has been taken up by something you don't want in your body so hence we're not able to produce as much testosterone so potatoes are great for you and there super simple guys you can take a big old baked potato or just a plain potato stick it in the microwave you
know you know nuke it for a few minutes I love microwaves all right throw some cheese on there a little butter boom you're ready to go or you can chop it up throw it in the skillet with some olive oil and fry it up tastes great both ways all right so the fourth and last for today Brazil nuts kind of what is that all right so my editor has got to go find some pictures of some Brazil nuts and throw those on the screen right now as I'm talking so you don't look at me talking
about Brazil nuts and get really bored well guess what Brazil nuts are high in something called selenium and you know I don't know all this stuff just necessarily off the top of my head I have to research this so guys selenium is another mineral that your body needs you know on a daily basis all right to help produce the maximum amount of testosterone that we just naturally can okay it's not going to make your tea levels Skyrocket but at least it will give your body everything it needs all right to to reduce the amount of
testosterone you know my body makes on a daily basis yours Etc but the problem is guys you can overdo it now most of these things are super safe and no big deal but selenium you can actually get too much selenium so don't go out and buy some selenium um supplements all right and don't go out and buy a big giant tub of Brazil nuts and then just crank that down every day you only need one to three between one and three nuts a day all right so there is such a thing as too much of
a good thing and you can you can definitely eat too many Brazil nuts real easily so max it out at just three a day and So based on the research that I've seen online when I when I kind of put all this stuff together you know Brazil nuts really can help your body produce more testosterone as long as you're getting a little bit of it every day all right guys so four simple Foods someone is Goofy and lazy as me a bachelor who hates to cook can easily put together every single day it's easy to
stick with and if you do it on a regular basis I promise you'll see your testosterone levels increase at least to a point that's the maximum that your body can produce all right it's not necessarily going to make it go Sky High and turn into a big steroid freak but it will make you feel better and remember you got to stick with it and never give up on yourself
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