Napoleon Hill's 30 Ways To Get Over Failure » Russell Brunson

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Russell Brunson
In this video, Russell Brunson shares powerful insights on overcoming failure, inspired by Napoleon ...
Video Transcript:
hey this is Russell Brunson I'm here right now inside of the Napoleon Hill Foundation after hours they gave me the key to come here and look through all of the manuscripts the books a whole bunch of unpublished things nobody's ever seen before and I found some goal I want to share with you guys today in fact I'm going to share with you guys 30 ways to overcome failure because if you failing any area of your life could be a relationship could be business could be your health I'm going to show you guys how to overcome
it from some secret stuff I learned from my man Napoleon Hill right now in an unpublished book called The Wheel of Fortune so hope you enjoy this video to show you how to overcome all failures [Music] the first thing I want to show you guys for those who don't know Napoleon Hill he's written a lot of books a lot of manuscripts he's my favorite author the most popular book he wrote is called thinking girl Rich he also wrote out witing the devil which is my personal favorite book but this copy of thinking gr Rich I'm
going to show you guys something really cool he wrote this to a girl he met he's one of his students in one of his classes he was teaching name was Annie L Norman and it said with the author's best wishes and in recognition of her loyalty initiative ability and sincerity Napo Hill 1941 but then 2 years later he actually married her and then he resigned it again said now she has the book and the author 1943 for which he is grateful in the PO Hill so he wrote this uh signed it for initially when they
were dating and then again after they became married so this copy of thinking Gage is cool and the reason I'm actually at the foundation right now is we're putting together a challenge called The Thinking Gage challenge I'm trying to find all the best stuff he ever taught in fact we found a bunch of like videos and Theo Hill actually teaching this stuff so during the challenge people have a chance to watch the video footage of Theo Hill actually teaching these principles which is cool but anyway what I want to talk to you today is about
one of the manuscripts I found it is so cool one of the things you're going to love in here so this this is a two book series that he wrote that never got published the first one is called hand of Destiny if you're a member of Secrets of success I actually have the rights to republish this one so a lot of you guys actually own a copy of the hand of Destiny which is a really great book that he wrote that's never been published until recently but I found the second book here that I'd never
heard of it's called Wheel of Fortune and this is another unpublished Napoleon Hill manuscript and so today I read about 75 maybe 80% of it I sat here and I read it and got so many good ideas and some so many things I want to share with you in fact the one that's most important which is I started this video talking about he's calling this thing the whe of Fortune so again this is not something he wrote you know 20 years ago this was before the TV show will of Fortune was ever on this was
his thought he kept thinking about like success in life how it's like a will in fact on the title page here there's a quote there's a will on which the Affairs of men revolve and its mechanism is such that it prevents any man from being always fortunate I read that I was like that's so fascinating cuz we're always striving for success and achievement right and then as soon as we seem to get it then it goes away again and then we get it again it goes away and it's like he said this Wheel of Fortune
he's coming and going and coming and going and so his whole book is talking about that part of it's telling his story of the ups and the Downs of his own life but then also all the people he interviewed he got commissioned by Andrew Carnegie who at the time was the richest man in the world to go and spend 20 years writing the first ever philosophy on Personal Achievement and he went out there and did that and then from there he wrote The Laws of Success this is actually the original copy of the manuscript of
lesson one of Laws of Success which I found here in the archives if you open it I don't want to break this things from like early 1920s 1927 but this is like the actual manuscript from the book set it's insane I don't want to bend the pages cuz this is something you could easily sell right now for a quar million dollars online so I don't want to ruin it it's very precious but anyway kind of a cool artifact I found here as I was going through things so he wrote These Laws of Success basically there
were 17 Laws of Success later he shrunk him down into a book called Think and Grow which was specifically for entrepreneurs he wrote another one called how to raise your own salary which is for people who had jobs who wanted to raise their salaries and he's Rewritten the book multiple different times in different ways all coming back the same principles of success again he's my favorite author and in this book will fortun there are a bunch of really cool things that I got from here that I think would be really valuable for you guys today
so I took notes on where they were the first one here is on page 25 and in this he's having this conversation with Andrew Carnegie again who's the richest man in the world at the time Andrew carneg is about to give him this commission to go right 20 years of his life studying achievement and success and trying to figure out all these different things and Carnegie says this quote that I read today I was like this is the cool thing and this is one of the keys to being successful to keeping yourself out of that
Loop of success and failure success and failure so Carnegie said life is just one continuous series of opening and closing of doors and if we make life a success we become proficient in both the closing and the opening of doors the successful person firmly and definitely closes behind him the doors to every person every thought every experience which causes him annoyance or failure the unsuccessful person leaves open behind him the doors to every experience he's had and every person who has damaged him with the result that he makes the same mistake over and over and
over again and permits the same enemy to sneak in by the open door and defeat him at will so my thought for you is like think about this like if something bad happens it could be a bad relationship could be bad person person it could be a bad thought it keeps entering your mind right say successful people are good at shutting those doors and keeping those things away or unsuccessful keep them open so they keep kind of lingering in and keep coming in cuz some areas of my life I'm really good at like nope shutting
the doors in other areas I leave the door open I'm curious for you like what is it you know what are the ones that you struggle with you keep that door open when you know you should be shutting it then he goes on and talks a little bit more about this he says successful people do two things they do them definitely and immediately when the need Rises they close behind the the doors of all negative people and influence including the Stray negative thoughts which slip into one's mind Uninvited and they fasten the doors tightly so
they are free to turn their attention ahead of them where they have free hand to open the doors of opportunity as they come to them you see the successful person must be a good door closer as well as a good door opener the failure either leaves all the doors open behind him or an extreme cases of Habitual failure he actually stands with his foot in the opening so not even a chance or luck can close the door behind him of course he cannot open the door of opportunity because he's too busy holding the door failure
through which he has just passed oh it's so fascinating so I thinking about this like I want to get off this Wheel of Fortune that keeps happening right we have to be good at closing doors behind us our negative thoughts negative people negative emotions and it's hard right sometimes especially hard when it's like people you love or people you care about having guys have someone in your life who is the negative force keeps pulling you back down right someone you love some you care about it's like how do we close those doors those negative thoughts
aren't holding us back as long as that negative doors open people can slip in ideas can slip in and it keeps you from moving forward I love the analogy where he's like you got a foot you holding the door open you can't reach for the opportunity to open the new door because you're so focused on keeping keep the other door closed a lot of people talk about you let the dead bury this dead Yesterday's Gone Forever sler today burn your Bridges behind you and turn towards the future like those are the things he's talking about
to get us out of it so that's my first kind of big nugget I got from here as I was reading for all of you guys for me specifically was just okay think about the things that are holding back I need to close those doors and close those doors all I got some more cool stuff but before we do you guys want to see some more cool Napoleon Hill things okay right here this is actually Napoleon Hills pen if you ever look at like when Nao Hill signed most books it was in green ink and
this is the actual pen that he would use he carried with him to sign all of the books and stuff so this is his actual pen which is kind of cool another cool artifact I found here at the foundation was in P Hills glasses if you've ever seen pictures of him these are the glasses he wore everywhere what's crazy about it is look how small these things are he his head is like onethird the size of mine like my head is huge and one other cool napole hill artifact I found if you don't know napole
Hill one of his Laws of Success is the Golden Rule which is doing to others as you would have them doing to you right and what's crazy is almost every religion has a version of The Golden Rule and back then in the early 1900s everyone was talking about the golden rule for some reason nowadays we don't talk about it we don't discuss it no one ever mentions it it feels like yet for them it was such a big thing in fact before he wrote Law's success he launched a magazine called Hills Golden Rule he would
published it for a year and8 months I happen to have every single copy of the magazine cuz I'm kind of a nerd but anyway he was obsessed with the golden rule it's one of his Laws of Success went over and over and over again and the other thing I found is this Golden Ruler how cool is this it's the golden rule is really really heavy and has his initials NH Napoleon Hill So Not only was he obsessed with the golden rule he had his own Golden Rule that he had to keep him on the straight
and narrows so I thought that was kind of cool so all of us we got to remember the Golden Rule remember to do one to others as you would have them do to you cuz that solves almost all of the problems which is really fascinating okay page 29 he's talking about again one of his favorite laws my personal favorite law that napole Hill talks about is called definite of purpose which means you know exactly the thing you want right like I want to win a two comic Bo I want to get healthy I want to
win a State title I want like we know exactly what it is right we're very specific and so he talks about that a lot and here he says a really cool quote he says men who know exactly what they want and are determined to get it see to tune into some Supernatural power not available to those who drift with time and with circumstances because when you pick that thing here's the definite purpose I want he's like everything else Falls away it becomes a supernatural power your brain starts figing how can I get that thing how
can I get that thing it's fascinating when I meet people the first time they ask me how to be successful and the first things ask like what do you want and most people don't know they're like a I just I want to be more successful I want to make some more money I'm like no it's a purpose it's not a definite purpose like what is the thing you actually want like all the things in my life that I had success with cuz I knew exactly what it was right I want to be a state champion
like it was definite purpose I knew exactly when it was not only what it was but when it was I want to be a state champion by the time my junior year in high school boom I hit it right when I got in business I want to make a million dollar in a year took me a couple years and I hit it I was like I want to make 10 million a year then I hit it I want to make 100 million a year I hit it right but it all came back to like having
a definite purpose and so it's kind of a fascinating thing so you talked about like when you have a definite purpose says You seem to tune into some Supernatural power not available to those who drift with time or circumstance I thought that was really really cool okay the next thing I want to sh you guys is this was Andrew Carnegie who again was the richest man in the world world of the time this was his list as he was talking to P Hill he had a list of the major causes of failure I was reading
through this I was like oh my gosh if people understood this and really started thinking about like why they're not successful it almost always ties to one of these causes and I wanted to create this video for those who were struggling with anything right it could be business could be Health could be relationships we're struggling and we start understanding like what are the causes of failure and you start fortifying yourself against those things that's what helps you be more successful so I'm going to go through this list with you guys that was really cool so
the very first thing in the list causes failures he calluses the habit of drifting with circumstances without a definite aim plan or purpose and we talked about that right and Pa Hill talks about people who are driven who have a definite purpose versus people who drift and drifting is just I think about like this he talks about in Out the Devil calls hypnotic rhythm where you're kind of in this like drifting thing where you're just bumping around you're not doing anything there's no forward momentum in your life right if you're failing life it's probably because
you don't have a you don't have a direction you're going right that's number one okay number two is unfavor physical hereditary Foundation which no man can control so that one's kind of tough basic saying you you have hereditary doesn't lie to be successful so we can't do anything about number two so we're not going to worry about that one number three a lack of definite major purpose as a life goal okay it comes back to the opposite of drifting which is actually having the definite purpose number four inadequate schooling in and out of school room
right so people who aren't learning enough a lot of people have problems but they're not trying to find the answers not reading books listening to podcast like they're just like I have this problem and they kind of get stuck in this motion right like if you want to have success in something you have to get the education I'm not talking about necessarily school I'm not a huge fan of the school system but becoming self self-educated finding those things and getting the schooling self-education right number five is lack of self-discipline generally manifesting yourself through excesses of
eating drinking sexual relationships and indifference towards opportunities for mental development so they don't have self-discipline me so they're just doing the things that give them pleasure immediately as opposed to working towards the things that give them long-term fulfillment okay there's always this this fight between pleasure and fulfillment right where you get the reward without the work when people just look for the reward like what's the quickest way for me get the reward without actually putting in the work that's when you don't feel fulfilled that's when your life becomes a failure it's that transition to fulfillment
and transition towards doing the actual work to get yourself the reward which is kind of fascinating number six lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity in choosing an occupation so just like I'm just going to do whatever I do like don't be mediocre and choosing your profession number seven ill health generally due to wrong thinking and improper diet okay health is when we can control 100% like we can we can control what we put into our mouth right that's a simple thing to do so ill health number eight unfavorable environmental influences during childhood that's a
hard one to overcome a lot of people are raised in bad circumstance es bad areas bad things and that's when we have to figure how to get ourselves in a spot where we can change our environment our circumstances nine lack of persistence in carrying through on finishing what one begins a lot of people who start a project but they're not good at finishing a project starting a project anyone can do that but unless you finish it it doesn't actually matter so that's number nine number 10 is negative personality in which habits offensive to others are
developed a lot of times in The Laws of Success the polio talks about having a positive personality and a pleasing personality where you can get along with people this is talking about the cause of failures having a negative personality right you have to learn how to communicate with other humans and happy and have energy and excitement right number 11 lack of understanding and control through transmutation of the emotion of sex I'm not going to go deep into that one but obviously there's a whole bunch of problems if you can't control that part of your life
number 12 is uncontrolled desire for something for nothing usually expressed in dishonesty and the habit of gambling the reward without the work like gambling is all about how do I shortcut things how do I get the reward without actually doing the work and so gambling is another one that causes failure number 15 lack of the habit of reaching decisions promptly and firmly you can't make decisions you're going to struggle in life right we have to learn how to be able to say okay two options which one looks and take it right learning how to make
decisions is one most powerful things you can do to keep you from failure a lot of people sit in their life drifting for so long because they're too scared to make a decision and they never get out of it and not making a decision is always the worst of the decisions right so you have two decisions but you always actually have a third one which is doing nothing a lot of people default to the third okay let's keep going you guys have good good time so far you learn some cool Napoleon Hill stuff from an
unpublished manuscript this is insane okay and this is stuff that Andrew Carnegie literally taught to Napoleon Hill which makes it just that much cooler the richest man in the world's like this is the reason why people fail like what does he know that we don't know like these are the things okay number 14 one or more of the six basic fears the six basic fears we have in this focusing too much on fear of poverty fear of criticism fear of ill health fear of loss of Love fear of old age fear of death number 15
wrong selection of a mate in marriage I always tell people you can only be as successful as your spouse or significant other will allow you to be so make sure you're picking the right mate in marriage the habit of being over cautious in personal relationships so it's negative to be over cautious so you need to be willing to like go all in on relationships and get to know people even though it could be scary even though there could be risk associated don't be become over cautious personal relationships number 17 is lack of all form of
caution so some caution is good otherwise you're going to get some failure number 18 wrong choices of Association in business and social relationships picking the wrong friends right number 19 wrong selection of vocation or total neglect to make a choice it's not having a job you want we're not picking at all number 20 lack of concentration or effort we got Le how to concentrate number 21 the habit of an indiscriminate spending without a budget control income and expender don't be spending how much money you don't have learn how to budget your money don't spend more
than you make this comes back I always talk about like you need to produce more than you consume if you consuming more than you're producing that's where the imbalance happens right in health right like if you are consuming more calories than you're burning that's when you gain a lot of weight right this is true in all areas of life if you are consuming so spending more money than you are producing and you're making that's when you get into debt people always ask me wrest how do you get rich I'm like you have to learn how
to produce more than you consume like what do you mean how much money do it cost you to live like $2,000 a month that's how much you're consuming so you learn to produce enough value right if you're only producing $22,000 a month of value then you're only going make $2,000 a month you learn to produce $10,000 in value a month and you're only consuming 2,000 that's when you start making profit right you get the point where you're producing $100,000 a month in value or a million dollar a month in value that's where you get rich
right so learn how to produce more you consume which comes back to what this talked about here 23 which is lack of controll enthusiasm you got to be excited but be controlled with it number 24 intolerance a closed mind based particularly on ignorance or Prejudice in connection with religious political or economic subjects so be tolerant of other people not intolerant we got a few more you guys number 25 inability to neglect or cooperate with other others in a Spirit of Harmony number 26 a possession of power not acquired on Merit Rich men's children for example
so again if you didn't earn it you're getting the reward without the effort number 27 lack of the spirit of loyalty based on intentional dishonesty you got to be honest in all your dealings number 28 egotism and vanity are not under control number 29 the habit of forming opinions and building plans based on guesswork instead of organized facts and the last one is lack of insufficient imagination to recognize favorable opportunities and then self-reliance to brace them if and when they are recognized so if you are struggling with failure is probably one of those things I
go back through that listener look at what are the things I'm struggling with like wow I am consuming more than I'm producing wow I am not having concentrated focused effort I have no definite purpose I am drifting like all those things are signs of the things that are keeping you from the thing you desire the most again it's all here inside this book Wheel of Fortune which is so cool like how do we get off of this Wheel of Fortune that goes up and down up and down okay I think I have one last thing
I want to share with you guys maybe two so one of them is the quote that Andrew Carnegie gave Napoleon Hill as a definition of success I'm always looking for this CU everyone has their own definition of success for me my definition is Success equals achievement plus fulfillment I feel like to be successful you to have these two things like the thing that you're trying to achieve and strive towards plus fulfillment when you have both those things that's when you're successful Earl night's got a whole different definition of success and this is the one that
Andrew Carnegie gave Napoleon Hill which was cool he said success in the broad sense of the word is the power with which to acquire what everyone wants in life without violating the rights of others and remaining in good terms with your own conscious so I thought that was kind of a fascinating thing a couple other cool things he talked about this is another great Napoleon Hill quote he got from Andrew Carnegie he talked about failure right we get these failures but he said if you look at it he says every failure brings with it the
seed of an equivalent Advantage so you have a failure that's coming to you and it's like you get that thing it also comes with the seed of equivalent Advantage uh one of my favorite stories about this for my life 12 13 years ago I had built a company we had about 100 employees at the time it was growing and it was like everything was working well and literally almost overnight everything collapsed like we lost our Merchant accounts uh I had employees walk out of me everything and I went from having 100 employees to shrinking down
to about five and I had to get on my lease I had to like it was definitely the most dark and painful time of my life I had friends who I thought were my best friends who walked out on me I had family members who worked for me who literally walked out on me like it was really weird like it was a really hard time in my life my biggest failure at the time and I remember thinking like I'm a failure and it took me 3 or 4 years to rebuild from that failure but in
the rebuilding I shrunk down to five or six employees we got this little tiny office we were trying to figure things out during that process is where when we're trying to figure out what we're going to do with our lives I bought a company that I couldn't afford but I bought this little company long story short I needed a programmer who Ruby on Rails I didn't have a Ruby on Rails developer I couldn't find one I put an email out to my list and I met Todd Dickerson who became my partner in clickfunnels and Todd
started working with this and from there from the seed that was planted during that failure grew a company that's now done over a billion dollars in sales called clickfunnels it's just fascinating so that quote is so powerful for all of us like every failure brings with the seed of an equivalent Advantage so like when you're going through failure and struggle it's like looking like what's that seed I don't know what it is yet but somewhere in there there's coming a seed that if I plant it and if I water and I nurture it it's going
to grow into something amazing okay and it's always easier in hindsight to see it but having faith in the moment of the failure like okay I don't understand this doesn't make any sense I believe God's got a plan for me there's a seed somewhere I'm going to keep planting this and watering it hopefully it sprouts into something amazing another cool thing that Napoleon will talk about he says success and failure often hinge upon a person's interpretation of the obstacles he encounters whether he access them as a stumbling block or a stepping stone a permanent failure
or a temporary defeat so when there's failures come like the difference between someone's successful and someone's failur is well how you look at those failures right is it a stumbling block or is it a step to the next opportunity which was such a cool analogy as well he said anyone can quit when the going becomes hard and that is exactly what The Drifter without major purpose or plan in life does but you are no Drifter you have a definite goal worthy of all the sacrifices and struggle you can put into it all right I got
one last thing so again to come back to the story I started with Napoleon Hill when he was a young man went to Andrew Carnegie the richest man in the world and he had a 3-day interview he interviewed for magazine and during those three days Andrew carneg gave Napoleon three principles and Napoleon said at the end of the 3D said it was the nucleus of what became the Laws of Success okay and The Laws of Success again is this is the the original manuscript from it but the Laws of Success was in fact I have
the actual manuscript for law of success right here behind me I'm going to show it to you guys real quick cuz this is one of the coolest things in the world I do not own this I wish I did I could sell this on the market today for probably two and a half to$ three million doar which is crazy and this is the actual handtyped book The Law of success so this is the size of the book like this is insane so Napoleon Hill interviews Andrew Carnegie and then goes on a 20-year uh journey to
write this book set right and it's insane and in here there are 16 laws of succcess and throughout time NPO changed it eventually uh he partnered with W CL Stone they added a 17 law so depending you might hear there's 16 law of success there 17 but there times there were 15 but this is like the The Laws of Success and when he finished with with Carnegie he said Carnegie gave him three laws he said this became nucleus for the entire work that was his entire life for a lot of success for thinking grage for
all these different things like this was the nucleus of the information he got from Andrew Carnegie so the three things the first day he spent the entire day teaching him about the Mastermind Principle what's the Mastermind Principle so you take two people in the room put them together it creates a third mind which is the Mastermind right so if it's just you thinking or just someone else put them together it creates a third mind when now all the ideas become better right and he talked about Carnegie how he built the biggest company on the planet
at the time right how he became the richest man in the world he's he didn't know the answer to all the questions but he got all the people around him to build a mastermind group and then they went and then from that he raised the money he poured the steel he did all the things to build Carnegie still which became the biggest company in the world right and theno talked about also like the the power of a mastermind even when you don't know people like in thinking G there's a chapter where he talks about he
calls it his invisible Council and some people think it's kind of woo and weird but he's like I couldn't afford to have a mastermind group of people so he said I thought about my favorite people like Abraham Lincoln and uh Ralph Waldo Emerson and all these different people he looked up to his favorite authors who had passed away and he thought about him so he have he'd have an idea he sit there he start thinking like what would what would Lincoln say what would so and so say and he'd read their books and stuff and
like from there ideas start popping into his head right so even you don't have a physical Mastermind you can still like visualize people and and these ideas will come into your head and he talks about actually in The Wheel of Fortune book so The Mastermind principles the first thing the second one was a principle of definite purpose knowing exactly what you are and number three is a principle of the habit of profiting from your failures so looking at your failures not as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones right learning how to actually do that and
so those became the three principles and uh he gave those to Napoleon Hill and if you read A's books those are some of the Three core principles initially and then from there Napoleon Hill went on his journey where he went and interviewed Henry Ford who built Ford Motor Company he interviewed Thomas Edison he interviewed all these different people and from there kept learning from all these different people start adding these different Laws of Success and principles to it but the beginning were these three and still three of my favorite The Mastermind principal the principal of
definite purpose and then the principle of the habit of profiting from your failure so if nothing else you get from this learn those three things right build a mastermind group choose a definite purpose and then go through all the things we talked about about how to not fail like going through that list I just went to earlier right these are all the ways that people fail in life I go through that list figure things out figure how to not have those things happen to you learn how to close the doors behind you to the failures
to the negative thoughts so you can keep moving forward and uh those are some of the things I learned today as I was studying this insanely cool manuscript for a book that's unpublished no one knows in the whole world called Wheel of Fortune by Theo Hill I hope you enjoyed the summary and got some cool ideas from it if you did let me know your favorite thing was it something from will of Fortune was it the idea of closing the doors did you like seeing Napoleon Hills Golden Ruler was it the statue uh was it
his cool pen or the eyeglasses like what was your favorite part about this let me know and let me know if you enjoy videos like this where I'm going deep into these books and pulling out some of the cool Concepts and ideas that I loved and if so let me know and I'll I'll find some more stuff again in this room alone there's tens of millions of dollars worth unpublished books and manuscripts that I have a chance to go through right now and it's a lot of fun so that thank you guys so much for
listening and watching and uh tune in for the next video where I tell you guys some more cool stuff about this man Mr Napoleon Hill
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