You Messed Up…Now what?

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Dry Creek Wrangler School
What do we do when we’ve made a terrible decision in life? Can we come back from it? Is there hope f...
Video Transcript:
good morning Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler School it's been a while since I've been on here seems like might feel like I've dropped off the face of the world and I kind of did for a bit and so we're going to do another video today but I want to catch everybody up and let you know what's what's been going on um the uh as those who are on here pretty regular as you know we were scheduled to go to Florida mama and I do a week-long ride down there so we were going to leave here
on the 18th and head down and and on the 17th we were going to make a video laying out all of our gear and packing and what we were doing and we're going to do a video on that we said we would well we got up Thursday morning on the 17th and we're stirring around and making coffee and making plans getting ready to make that video and I got a telephone call from Kentucky from my mom and she said they had taken my dad in the hospital and and then she started crying and asked me
if I if I could come up uh well when when your mom calls crying and asks if you can come home you go home that's what you do and so I grabbed I finished getting dressed and grabbed a duffel bag and threw it in the truck and it's about a four hour drive up there and hit the road and went up went up to the hospital and my dad said congestive heart failure for a lot of years a lot of years and uh and this was just the the end um and so he was in
the hospital for a couple days and then they told him that the right half of his heart had just completely shut down it was done and there wasn't anything anybody could do so we we took him home to hospice and so I spent 10 days my mom and myself and my three younger sisters and just pretty well Around the Clock watching him on hospice and then on on Monday the 27th he passed he passed away he was 76 years old had lived a very very good life a very honest life very hard-working life man with
a very good reputation a man with a legacy and uh and then so we had the funeral on this Thursday today is February I don't know what today is I think it's the fourth but on the second we we had his funeral and then I spent another day up there getting everything in order and for Mom and and then arrived back down here last night and so it's been a it's been a busy time there's been you know several inquiries on Rumble and about hey man you were going to make a a a video on
that new rifle where you at and and uh and all good-natured stuff and but we've been out of pocket for a bit and and there's going to be some I've got a lot of stuff on my heart and on my mind about things I've learned from my dad over the years that I want to share or next some of the next podcast or videos one or the other but I'm not really not really ready for that yet so we're not going to do that today but I just wanted to catch I just wanted to catch
everybody up um yeah yeah so I I guess ketchup time here I've had several over on the podcast side and this is going to be posted on the podcast as well as YouTube I've gotten several been contacted by several fellows wanting me to come and and to be on their podcast I did one but it just everything happened to fall out and had all already scheduled it when this thing when my dad came up I don't like to unschedule break schedules so my dad when my dad passed away um and I drove down the day
before the funeral and recorded that podcast with someone who who has all the technology and then drove back up for the funeral and won't be doing that anymore uh not saying I won't be doing podcasts but I've just been pushing just running too hard we got to get this school moved out to Wyoming the end of this by the end of this month so I've got a month to get it set up before classes start and so I'm just I'm stretched really thin right now so um so I'm not work pretty much everything except for
these videos in the podcast and and getting this school set up for this upcoming season is uh except for that everything else is just gonna have to wait it's it's on hold okay but I appreciate I appreciate everybody's patience and and understanding uh I won't talk about something today and it has nothing to do with what happened in the last week or last two weeks it's just a subject that's been on my mind a subject that I feel like a lot of people need um I'm pretty sure that you've messed up now the reason I'm
pretty sure that you've messed up is because you're a human all right and we're all humans now you have either messed up or one day you're going to mess up or somebody else is going to mess up that you are attached to and so this is going to apply to you from one side or another today yesterday or tomorrow and uh so if you hear this and you listen this today and you're like that's not really applicable to me today file it away it either help you help somebody else in the future or to be
there when you need it in the future all right so you've messed up now what now I don't know what your mess up is um you might have you might have cheated on on somebody you might have uh you might have messed up at work you might drove home drunk and got in a wreck or at least got stopped and got a ticket you might have done something very bad and very human and now it's eating you up it's eating you up and it's about to destroy you so you messed up now what what do
you do now where do you go from here what uh is is there is there a tomorrow is there a tomorrow well yes so I'm gonna I'm gonna lay some things out for you all right if you've messed up the very first step the very first thing that you've got to do is you got stopped whatever it is you did don't do it no more I shouldn't even have to say that um but that's the first thing you know it's such a thing these days for somebody do something wrong and say I'm sorry and go
back and do it again and say I'm sorry and go back and do it again uh after a while you get the feeling they weren't really sorry they were never sorry to start with there was a big difference between being sorry I did something and being sorry I got caught uh and there's a big difference between not wanting to do something and not wanting to get caught doing something all right so for you to get past this and get through this what it is first thing you have to do is you got to stop doing
it you have to quit now some things I I understand uh some things are they're chemical all right if you're um alcohol addicted or it involves drugs sometimes you need help gambling all right you went to Vegas and you spent your wife and yours life saving and and gambled away the house mortgage and the college tuition for the kids and whatever you may need some help oh excuse me been fighting a cold for two weeks but that's fine that's part of quitting but you quit all right uh if you're cheating stop just stop you feel
well I feel I don't care how you feel I don't care how you feel ings and morality are not the same thing we're not Clinton's we do not deal in situational ethics we stop doing what is wrong because it's wrong we don't stop doing it because we stop feeling a certain way about doing it and you want it and you want to do it but you get to the place where you're sick and tired of hurting those around you you're sick and tired of being that person and you stop because stopping is the right thing
to do and until you stop nothing else counts it doesn't count it doesn't matter it doesn't count so you stop all right whatever it is second you own it your decision is your decision and again this whole situational ethics um this will the situation makes it okay if I go ahead and do this we look for excuses there's no excuse well yeah but no there's no yeah buts and there's no excuse there is no excuse there is absolutely no excuse for getting behind the wheel of a car if you've had a drink none there's Ubers
there's taxis there's friends there's two dang feet there is no excuse there's no excuse for cheating on a significant other none well they're cold and they're distant so well they cheated on me so they did something that to you is Despicable so you're going to turn around and use that excuse to do it back congratulations you just descended to the level of that what you hate there's no excuse own it as long as you say well yeah I did it but I did it because of this man up I am I know there's other people
other than men but I talk to the men and if you're a woman and this applies to you bless you you're welcome but it's just for my linear thought it helps me all right man up all right just man up I did it it was me like the old spiritual hymn in church not my brother not my sister but it's me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer I did it doesn't matter what they did doesn't matter how I was feeling doesn't matter how bad my day at work was doesn't matter who was texting
me doesn't matter who was calling me does not matter who's in the white house does not matter who's in the doghouse it doesn't matter if you did wrong you did it own it own it all right you'll not get past it until you own it you cannot get over it you cannot get victory over it you cannot get past it unless it's yours and it's not yours unless you own it okay um so no excuses no blame except for yourself you did it all right second admit it to others you admit it to yourself you
own it Go and confess it and apologize all right it doesn't just have to be cheating it doesn't have to be infidelity could be anything all right you're at work you're driving a company truck a forklift a tractor excuse me you run it into a ditch you break it all right nobody knows who was out driving that nobody knows who did it you know who did it go to the boss and say look that was me I did that well what happened I was texting while I was driving and I wasn't paying attention I did
it now you might lose your job all right you may walk out of that office without a job but you'll walk out of there with a backbone and some self-respect it'll be easier for a next time for you to stand up man up and admit it I did it and I'm sorry I wish I had not done it but I cannot deny I did do it and I apologize and whatever my punishment is for it I'll take it whatever my punishment is for it I will take it I will deal with the consequences of my
action now on a side note here there's this there's this very foolish thought very foolish saying going around out in the world that uh love means not having to say I'm sorry you put that garbage out of your head all right a close true friend today is very precious it's very hard to find a a soul mate a lover a true one is very precious very hard to find they are to be protected they are to be treasured they are to be taken care of and when you wrong them if there's anybody on this planet
you owe an apology to it's the person closest to you the person who stands beside you the tightest they are the ones you owe the apology to the most because they are the ones you owe the most to all right confess it and apologize for it make it right you said well that's going to be awfully costly yeah but listen to me if you don't make it right the cost that you're going to pay is going to be much much worse to the degradation of your soul and the complete wiping out of your manhood and
your self-respect your dignity all right confess it apologize for it and make it right whatever it takes was that it no that's not it forgive yourself when you've gone through and you've done what needs to be done and you've made it right as right as you can make it to everyone that you need to make it right to and you don't need to make it right to everybody you didn't harm everybody but those you need to make it right till you've done that and you've left it behind now forgive yourself because ultimately in the end
we're all just humans we're all just flesh and blood and we live on a planet that's made up of a system that is set now to destroy us setting out to destroy us you can't listen fellas you and no excuse all right but you cannot stop by the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk and loaf of bread for the wife on the way home from work without having to walk down that aisle at the checkout with the magazines down the side with the pictures on it some of you live in cities the
Billboards are horrendous if you're still foolish enough to have TV and watch TV they sell everything from Cars to toothpaste using sex you bombard yourself with it they bombard you with it and uh and it's there and if we're not cautious and we're not careful we will fall we're surrounded by technology everybody texts us the Facebook thing whatever you're going to take all right and you get in the habit and everything's so wound up and you're going to text and you're going to drive all right you're going to fall you're a human there's no excuse
for falling it seems like a paradox but it's not a paradox okay but you've got to forgive yourself all right the past is the past and you've got to leave the past in the past and until you can walk away from the past you cannot have a future you cannot live in the past and the future at the same time now you've got to bury the past the past has to die and it has to be buried but once it's dead and buried you have to move on and there's nothing in this life that will
destroy you faster than you being unable to forgive yourself for your wrongdoings now it's hard when those we love and those around us cannot forgive us for our wrongdoings that's hard enough but when you cannot forgive yourself that's not survivable that's not survivable all right so walk away when you finish doing what is right and you've finished making everything right walk right the you that was you yesterday is not the you that is you today unless it is the you that is you yesterday is not the you that is you today unless it is but
when it is not when you have faced that man in the mirror and you have dealt with the yesterdays and you have dealt with everything and you have held the funeral and you have buried the past and you have buried the you that was that man in the past that is no longer you all right today's a new day today's a new you and so do not destroy yourself over a man that no longer exists all right you got to move on you got to move on and if you've done what's right to a degree
you have to make everybody around you bet you move on sometimes family sometimes friends they won't they won't let go of the past they won't let you forget the past and sometimes as you walk away from the past you've got to walk away from those who will not let you leave the past and you do what you got to do but you survive you survive become a better man a better man a stronger man a wiser man a more tempered man and a better man okay so yeah you messed up but it's not the end
of the world that it seems and it's not the end of the world that those would try to uh make it seem all right I just really on my heart this week and I just really wanted to encourage and just really wanted to see if I could help somebody with that uh what do we got going on here today um Camacho Connecticut nice really smooth easy going cigar and and so I just share that with you folks are getting on there folks still get on there and say I don't understand the cigar thing well let
me explain it to you uh in a way that you can understand all right my channel my channel my thoughts my heart my words my likes okay and uh can't explain it any better now so I hope you guys have a good one and where I'm going to set out I got Jessie's back down there and he came down here to be with me for Paw my dad everybody called him Paul we'll be talking about Paw but he's here so while I got a little help with the video I'm going to go ahead and try
and set up and and see if we can't get that rifle video over on Rumble okay and so we uh we wish you guys all the best I have a heart for you I know sometimes it seems like in this world nobody cares um but buddy somebody cares okay somebody does care so just keep going don't quit and just keep fighting through and and you'll make it you'll make it all right we'll catch you guys next time
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