As Crianças lembram das Vidas Passadas - 21/08/24

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Vital Frosi
- Os véus estão sendo erguidos. - Nosso passado sendo lembrado. - A Luz adamantina dissolve os véus....
Video Transcript:
Good morning, my beloved ones. Today is Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Let's talk today about the children who remember past lives, the old souls who are reincarnating in these current times.
We will also address here that the veil of oblivion is being lifted, as the adamantine light tears these veils and our past is being remembered. The reaction to our actions is now immediate. Nothing will be hidden.
The light will show everything. and the knowledge that is already within us. Speaking of children who are remembering their past lives, there have been many messages from concerned people, mainly mothers, and some fathers too.
But mainly from many mothers who are simply, I would say, impressed and some even terrified, because the children are talking about things about their past lives, they are saying that they have another mother, that they have another house, that they once lived in another place, that they lived in mountain, who lived in a building, who lived in a city, and they tell details that people don't understand very well what is happening, and many seek help, seek clarification, and many times, I would even say, they are poorly advised, because who doesn't understand reincarnations. . .
Who doesn't understand what is happening now with the soul that we are, because we are not that body, that body is ephemeral. We are an eternal soul, we have many past lives. We also have the continuity of life as souls after disincarnation beyond the grave.
And we are also ending an old Earth cycle, a world of trials and expiations with a third-dimensional frequency. And it's good to say that when you talk about dimensions here, in these audios, in texts written a long time ago, in short, all the material that is brought through my social networks, When they talk about dimension, it is a frequency dimension of the soul . The worlds where souls live, our highest versions, and this fractal that is incarnated here on Earth, where the parts of our monad live, which has been said many times, that we are created as atoms, divine, in the creative source , that which is called God, who creates everything, who is nothing more than a source of light.
We are created by this seed atom and then we are divided into 12 parts, called 12 super-souls, and each one adds another set of 12, forming 144 super-souls, which are then divided into thousands of souls and each soul into thousands of fractals. When we begin to understand who we really are, it becomes much easier to understand that our soul is immortal, as it is a part of this consciousness, this energy, this frequency, this light, this divine seed atom, or spark of light from the creative source. .
So the children born today are also souls like us. They have lived other lives here on Earth like us. It continues beyond the grave, like us.
The difference is that, on this planet Earth, to live experiences at the furthest point from the source, almost in the absence of consciousness or absence of light, we also needed to forget, in each incarnation, all previous incarnations. But it has an advantage: From time to time the soul disembodies, as we know people who are born, grow, live and die. It is nothing more than the experience that the soul has while incarnated.
Afterwards, she disembodies, because without the material body she is able to expand her consciousness in the astral plane and makes a self-evaluation of herself. Because, remembering past lives and knowing the future, she knows what she needs to do in the next incarnation to continue to its evolution. The objective of souls as fractals on this planet Earth is to reach the end of their learning in this condition of simple, even ignorant, yes, because they don't remember anything.
She ignores who she is, but the objective is to ascend, complete her course, her learning in this school of souls, make the ascension to a higher world, a higher consciousness, move to a world of regeneration, where there is no longer the need for disincarnation, because consciousness, in the next phase of Earth, in the fifth dimension, is still above the fourth dimension, which is where the soul went before to remember its past and know the future. In the afterlife, the soul went to the fourth dimension, a frequency above that while it was incarnated. But now, in this ascension process, the soul makes its quantum leap into the fifth dimension, into the world of regeneration.
At this frequency, the soul always knows who it is, it knows that it is a fractal, it knows that it lived here in the third dimension, it knows what it needs to do, it doesn't need anyone to tell it, it has the innate knowledge within it. all the time. And as an ascended soul, she will be an ascended master, and will know where those souls are who were her family, her friends, her relatives, here while she followed the course of successive reincarnations in the third dimension.
And those who have not ascended will then have help as mentors to those who ascend, which is why they are ascended masters. These children who are incarnating today, in fact, some started coming in 1990 and onwards , even more so in 2000, 2010. In 2012, practically all of them are special souls, evolved souls.
And those that are coming now, after 2020, are even more special. The more time passes, the higher the consciousness of these souls who reincarnate now. We have already said here that the great characters in the history of humanity, known and unknown of all times, not of the last two, three thousand years, but of the last hundred, two hundred, three hundred thousand years, or maybe even a million years, souls that have already passed through here, went to other evolved worlds and are now reincarnated to be part of the great celebration of ascension, the end of the planetary transition.
Because they will be there in 20, 30 years, in the 40s, 50s, when it ends, at the latest by 2060, in the planetary transition. They come with a special mission, they come with a different energy, a much more evolved consciousness. And they then have a very important task of anchoring this energy, the new energy of the Earth.
And bring the knowledge they have within themselves. They choose their parents, their families, by hand, because among those who are incarnating, there are all types of consciousness. Each family, depending on their level of understanding of the conditions to support and advise these children, within what they came to do, receives the different souls.
Some are just souls ready for the new Earth and still come, sometimes, in very limited conditions, but with the condition of inheriting the new Earth, because they have a purpose too. in the place they are born, in the family they are born in, the situation they will face, the difficulties. Sometimes they suffer very difficult situations, but everything is for a greater purpose.
But you can also notice those little angels that just don't have wings, because they are really very, very special. Most of them will grow up without losing the memory of their past lives, as it was until recently. Because in recent times, in this current generation, I would say in the last century, in this current century, anyway.
. . children remembered a little about past lives, but they had the perception of seeing beyond the physical eyes, so much so that they could see, They can actually see disembodied souls.
Who has heard that a child plays in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, I don't know where, but is alone and says that he has a little friend, a little friend, or several little friends playing with him. Many times someone will sit in a chair, on the sofa, and the child says, no, no, don't sit there, he will sit on top of my little friend, my little friend. And it's true, they see these souls, these creatures.
But remembering past lives is a very recent thing. Child of one year, two years, three years, obviously when starts talking, because before talking you can't understand anything, because how is she going to report? But children aged one and a half, two years old, when they start talking, three years old, four years old, he reports.
Impressive stories. Saying where they lived, how they lived, that they had a father, that they had a mother, what happened in that situation, in that life. And people begin to be, in addition to being impressed, scared.
What to do? What to talk about? How to act at these times?
I've been saying for a long time that these children have much more to teach than they have to learn from adults. Learn from these kids. Parents, older siblings, teachers, those responsible for children, it could be grandparents, uncles, aunts, in short, nannies.
Learn from today's children. They are much more intelligent, much wiser. They have greater knowledge than most adults.
Obviously, respecting the understanding, because they are still children, they still go through the process. But they have a fantastic history and knowledge within them . Adults often tell the child to shut up , stay quiet, that doesn't exist, that's nonsense, and the child begins to withdraw.
Not only does she stop saying this, avoiding this conversation, because she feels that she is not receptive, but deep down, she is disappointed, she loses trust in adults. Because she is sure of that. In her innocence, but in her wisdom, she says, why?
Why don't you believe me? Do you listen to news on television, read writings, things that the child knows are not true? She sees people believe things that are true lies, or deception, illusion.
She says to herself, why can't she believe this is true? Because she has a sense of what is true and what is not. Children have a much greater sense of reality than adults, because they don't need anyone to talk, they know.
They already come with this wisdom. They have the veil of oblivion to remake. practically transparent what we adults still need to go through the process of lifting the veils.
That's why we will learn more from children than they will from us, as long as we know how to guide them lovingly, because if they lose trust, they will never say anything again. Because, as they say, they are children, but they are old souls, ancient souls, souls who have lived experiences that perhaps we have not. who have knowledge, many of them, of other worlds in recent times, while we were here in the third dimension, still in their infancy in terms of ascension, of spiritual evolution, they had already been there for a long time, many millennia ago even, in elevated worlds, of the fifth dimension, of the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, whatever.
And now they return to the celebration, to the party. Without the veil of forgetfulness, they can now narrate facts from past lives. And sometimes they have no idea that adults don't understand this, because they think it's normal.
If they know, why doesn't the adult know? This is the point of disappointment, sometimes, for children. And once she loses trust, it becomes very difficult to get her to trust again.
And it often happens even worse. They start to revolt. Because nobody understands.
They force her to learn things that she knows she won't need, that are of no use. And I don't believe in what really matters, which is ancient wisdom, the wisdom of other worlds, the wisdom of the fifth dimension. The light that arrives now is an adamantine light.
It is leaving its composition of photons, as it was known, which we called photonic light, to now be a crystalline light, crystal, the energy of the crystal, the frequency of crystals. And this adamantine light is tearing the last veils, including those of adults. When the long-awaited event arrives, it's close to it.
. . Even though we don't know exactly what this event will be, because the anticipation hasn't been said yet, nor the date, although there is a window of time, it's close to closing, it must happen within this window, with a safety margin, perhaps of a year, but if it is to happen by the end of 2025, or if it also happens in 2026, but I believe it must happen, within the stipulated window, without the necessary margin.
When this event happens, everything suggests that it will be an event of light for you. A frequency so strong, so loving, that it will dispel veils like the sun dispels fog on a spring morning. Once the veils are lifted, we will suddenly remember a lot of things, which is what we have been saying for a long time, that many people will get a shock, a shock of reality.
And we will need to help these people, because we know what will happen, we are prepared for it. We have been prepared in several incarnations before this one and we are being prepared in this one as well. It is obvious that it is also to be assumed that those incarnated souls who will not make the ascension will not remember past lives, because they have no meaning.
They always remembered, as we also always remember, when we went beyond the grave. And they will continue at this pace on another planet of trials and expiations. So, every time you pass away you will remember.
So, when they leave Earth to go to these worlds, they will remember. Naturally, as always, they won't realize it at the time of the event. Of course this is a possibility, it is not an absolute truth, because, as they say.
. . exactly what it will be and how it will be, cannot yet be said with certainty.
But it is a very big, very strong possibility that it is more or less along this line of thought. When the event comes, the adamantine light will then dispel the last veils, the fog that covered our consciousness, which prevented us from remembering past lives. These children already come without these veils, practically clean of these veils.
As they grow up, naturally they would remember, permanently understand. As the event is very close, there won't be any problems, because adults and women will come together in the same situation and understanding will be easier. But until the event we will need to listen to these children, understand these children.
Our past begins to be remembered even before the event. How many people are seeing visions of the past? whether in increasingly lucid dreams or astral travel.
And I have been receiving it now, in the last few days, last few weeks, I would say in the last month or two, three months now, but in the last few days things have become much more pronounced. People who are reporting that they feel disembedded. It's the term most people are using.
It seems like I have become detached from myself. It seems like I'm not living a normal reality. I feel out of touch with all reality.
It is obvious that these facts last for a short time, but they are stages. We are starting to feel what is coming. This apparent disconnection is, in fact, a permission that we are having to live parallel realities, simultaneous realities, which we call timelines.
Timelines of the past, of the future, timelines that never happened, but were predicted and at some point we felt that frequency of a timeline that stopped happening, but that was projected. Because everything, everything is possible to know in the highest consciousnesses. We can access timelines from other planets.
Because soon, we will be able to travel to other planets, through portals. As our consciousness rises, the capacity is multiplied in frequency, in incredible potential. Like those calculations we learned at school to increase power.
Ten to the tenth power. It's not ten times ten. It's ten times ten, times ten, times ten.
Ten times, right? Where will the number end up? And we are going to enhance our full, real, clear consciousness.
Then we will really know things without someone having to tell us, without lies, without deception, without hiding parts of the truth. That is why in the third dimension there is no absolute truth, only relative truth. But from the fifth dimension onwards the truth will be Absolute.
And everyone will have this absolute truth. We will now also see something impressive. Look, we've been saying this for several years.
What we did before and harvested in the next life, in the next incarnation. . .
I have given an example several times, it is planted in one season, it is harvested in another season. For example, plant something in the spring, harvest it in the fall. Then an incarnated life was planted, an incarnation, and in the next incarnation the harvest was made, the law of action and reaction, or the law of return.
As this is the last incarnation, as trials and atonement for planet Earth. And I will repeat it here once again. The last incarnation in the condition of trials and expiations on planet Earth.
Because I see, every time you bring this up, people. . .
"So we're not going to reincarnate anymore. " "Then I don't know what. " "Then one must die.
" Forget all that! Regardless of dying, of not dying, the condition of the soul, being ready for the new Earth, if it disembodies, returns, if it does not disembody, it stays. Yes, perhaps there will be a new incarnation, but already in the condition of a world of regeneration.
Whoever is incarnated has the last opportunity. In short, there is nothing to discuss because it is part of divine laws. I'm not the one making up this story or determining anything.
I'm just passing on information that comes from higher consciousnesses to be said. Take the information whoever you want, use it however you want, but arguing will get you nowhere, because no one will change the Divine Plans. The reaction to our actions, therefore, is immediate.
Everything I do, everything you do, is turn the corner and the result will come. In other words, within a short time, it could be a week, a month, a year, two years, five years, but it is in this incarnation. You will receive the product of your sowing within this incarnation.
You don't have to collect everything, you will need authorization to collect evidence and expiations there on the other planet. It will disincarnate here, it will incarnate there and it will continue to collect its own there. There will be many opportunities there.
If you want 100, 200, 500, or 1000 incarnations there. . .
No problem. There will be time! But those souls who are ready to ascend, if you make a mistake, you will not miss the ascension.
But he's going to pay the little debt now. Ah, I made a debt there, I made a mistake. No problem, the bill comes before you disincarnate, pay and leave, go to the fifth dimension, no problem.
No stress, as they say. But many people who are doing and practicing evil, even if they don't pay the entire bill here, because they can't pay in one life, they will have to pay in dozens, hundreds of lives in other worlds. .
. but they will fall from the pedestal in a short time. You can bet on it!
The photonic light that ceases to exist and gives way to adamantine light. . .
This very strong light, in terms of frequency, will directly affect low frequency energies. Let's take an example: When someone has a health problem, There's always that explanation, lowered immunity, the disease, the problem there. .
. they took advantage. Low immunity.
These are opportunistic diseases. What is immunity? It's a frequency.
A frequency within the physical body. Imagine a frequency of adamantine light arriving in a body that vibrates. .
. not even in photonic light. .
. it vibrates in darkness. It always vibrated in the darkness.
Because the attitudes, the thoughts, the ideas, the intentions are so black, so dark, that light was not allowed within that consciousness. Imagine the shock. How will you resist?
You won't be able to hide, you won't be able to escape, there's no one you can save. Ah, because I'm an authority, so I'll do what I want because no one will have power against me. The light goes, it really goes!
The light gently, lovingly, comes, does the work and there is no one. There are no weapons, no armies, no bunkers under the Earth. It can go to the center of the Earth.
The Earth receives energy in the crust and goes to its core, to the crystal core. There is no, there is nowhere to escape. And you won't be able to leave planet Earth.
In the past, it was possible, there were technologies that had never been shown to humanity that allowed us to leave Earth and go to other worlds, to the Moon, to Mars, to other planets too, even outside of Earth, to other stars. We will find out about this soon. But now these exits have been closed.
Because the creator had enough. It has a title from a text I wrote about seven years ago, six years, seven, eight, I don't even remember when. "The Creator has had enough.
" Just search on Google for "the Creator gave enough", and enter my name and it will appear. When this information came, the wormholes, the portals that these dark humans used to escape the planet were closed, because they were given the opportunity and they did not accept any offer, because they thought they owned the planet. Time will close, as they say, it will close.
Everything they do now will be discovered. We'll see that this year and next year. The revelations are probably postponed, because they were supposed to happen two or three years ago, but due to the risk that humanity would suffer if it were released earlier.
So it was delayed a little, but the revelations are coming in the next few months or perhaps next year. But the revelations will come. They come before the event.
Nothing will be hidden. Absolutely nothing. The light will show everything, because it is the light that shows what is there in the darkness.
It was very practical to hide in the dark. In the light no one hides. Nowhere.
And consciousness IS also light. How to hide this? And when we begin to truly understand who we are, what is happening, what is going to happen, we will be surprised, because we will discover that all of this was already inside us, just embedded in the veils, so that we would not remember, so as not to fail.
in the experiences that needed to be done without this memory. All knowledge is already within each person and it will emerge as the light intensifies. That's fantastic.
Children already come with this knowledge in their full consciousness. Therefore, what they say, what they do, what they understand is impressive. Adults need to have a clinical eye to look and see reality.
Because while adults are involved in the old Earth frequency, in that which will cease to exist, they are missing out on the best. They are missing the great opportunity to learn from these children, to understand a lot of things in a domestic way, without having to look for information so far away. Let's listen to our children, let's observe our children and let's learn from our children.
And now, I leave you with my embrace of light in each of you. Namaste.
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