I've been suffering all my life I'm sorry it's not enough but you can't change what you really are you and me we don't even have a choice see we're born with a Killer Instinct that you can't just turn off and on like some some radio you know what it's like to be poor and you know what it's like to work hard now you're going to learn what it's like to sweep floors and bust your ass and accomplish twice as much as all the kids around you and I won't mean anything because they will still look
down on you I'm sorry but you don't get the easy path the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey you have to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer you have to make that a tattoo on youring brain so when that hard time comes again you don't forget it we have to be right in the middle of the action cuz we're the Warriors and without some some challenge without some damn war to fight then Warrior may as well be dead [Music] stallion welcome to the first day of
your new life a life when you decide every moment of every day to better yourself to make those uncomfortable choices to get you where you want to be without pain without sacrifice we would have nothing I tried not to think of the word serum or flesh stop this is your pain this is your burning hand it's right here and I realize that life isn't fair it's not fair and you better figure out some tools in some ways to stop feeling sorry for yourself cuz no one is coming to rescue you no one feels sorry for
you so the amount of suffering that you understand the amount of pain that you've gone through makes you appreciate the happiness and the Beautiful Moments with much more intensity but I didn't get here doing everything that I love I did a load of [ __ ] I hate and I did it for a very long period of time and I did not have anyone to root me on and in fact I had many people who were actively trying to destroy my path and tell me why it was a terrible idea my biggest fear in life
is if there is a final resting place in this world and there's a final judgment and you talk that's how I live my life I now know that there is no cap on the human mind there's no cap we capping ourselves right I got to get stronger I got to train differently the weight training program that I'm doing I got to tailor it for an 82 Game season so that when the playoffs come around my legs are stronger and that ball gets there so I look at it with rationale and say okay well the reason
why I shot air balls is cuz my legs aren't there I well next year they'll be there that was it once test you resolve man he does once test your ability to go to distance guess what's going to happen he's going to find out where his world ends and yours begin several people live to be 100 years old and they have great lives and they have great kids the kids go to college and all sort stuff but somewhere in their life there was a point where they had a decision to make they can go left
or right on this path left was the easy route right was the hard route a lot of people take the easy route and they had a good life that way but the better life was going to the right side and you may have 20 years of pain and suffering to get past it but a lot of us die never truly starting our journey so what you waiting on what do you dream Elliot you scraping so hard like you ain't never asked yourself this before I said do you want to be here right now and I
don't mean like here here I mean here in a cosmic sense bro like existence could be beautiful or it could be ugly but that's on [Music] you dream you got to find out the future you're fighting for sometimes you got to close your eyes and really Envision that bro how can I deal with the fact that this is painful for me and the answer is the fact that it is painful is the reason that it's working yeah that if it wasn't you stepping out everybody else that has to try and step out into this new
life faces this same thing too every single person does that's why most people don't do it yeah like this is what hard feels like and this is why most people don't win mhm so continuing to push through and almost seeing that level of discomfort as a signal it's like a way marker that's been planted in the ground yes more this way mhm because if it was all just super easy well how are you going to get anything different to what everybody else has got if you do the same thing that everybody else does and one
of the best selectors for people not doing a thing is discomfort so the route that has a lot of discomfort down it usually on the other side of that ends up with something which is valuable and you see this guy just fighting I love the guy who just fights and so I put these things in as reminders that you're going to have toing suffer man man you're going to have to suffer to to to to go from this fat insecure motherucker to one of the best guys on the planet Earth this journey is going to
take something that is going to be incomprehensible to most people that's why losing in life is so important whether it's getting dumped getting fired losing a game Lo loss those feelings where things didn't work out your way that's important because it lets you know this is the bad feeling that comes when it goes wrong and you improve and then makes the good feelings of Victory all the better those feelings of failure are really critical for your motivation a lot of us speak in Hollow words I used to speak in Hollow words I don't do anymore
everything that comes to my mouth has substance is real and we all have these feelings in our bodies and our minds and our souls I act on mine a lot of us who are afraid of something we allow our minds to choose the path that least resistance so we go a different route I'm afraid of something is telling me you must coner that you must do that yeah you have to go that way and most of us don't understand that mentality wake up stop sleeping on yourself the biggest problem that you have had it's not
that you don't have resources it's not that you don't have supporters it's not that somebody doesn't believe in you it's that you have not believed in you stop sleeping on yourself step into your authenticity step into your intelligence and your Brilliance release your gift God is giving you something great release it people don't get it there's there's great joy in The Grind Great Joy in the suffer it it totally cleanses your body out man of any kind of hate makes you grow up and so like if you want to do something that most people can't
do literally just extend the time Horizon on the things that most people can't weather like there's so much opportunity on the other side of being willing to persist for an extended period of time on the correct path without getting positive reinforcement from your environment and the longer you can stick with something without that positive feedback loop in terms of the big external thing the the the easier the opportunities are because so few people can pursue them and the only way to see who the baddest motherucker is is to suffer because why what I found out
through my life was I thought of myself as some weak little B kid once you change one thing your mindset you can attack everything your brain is the only thing you have when you're going through depression when when you're going through hard times you're going through death real life [ __ ] you can't Google that man but there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets if you can't
control your own brain and your brain controls you you're [ __ ] you got to tell your bra where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you got to control it if not it's over you need discipline you need personal discipline there's times when you don't you don't feel like doing what needs to be done to get this um and but you got to say feelings has nothing to do with it um this is my dream this is what I'm going to do and I'm going
to do the things that I don't feel like doing I'm going to do the things I don't want to do I'm going to do the things that that don't come easy to me that do not come natural to me I'm going to get up and do it you can't live your life on feelings you cannot let your feelings dictate what you are or are not going to do I want to see that guy who immersed himself in in hell and he thought about quitting and leaving and and his wife and his kids and why am
I he is this is it worth it all this crazy [ __ ] is still said and found out a way to get through it we all want to read about how we can quickly get somewhere that's why there six- minute abs and all sort so powerful did you may get some results from it they're not permanent imagine if you could use pain as a fuel imagine if you could use the pain as a passport imagine if you could use the pain to push you to condition you to prepare you for the stages and the
rooms you got to walk into and the tables you've got to sit at and the stages you have to stand on what if the pain can make you better what if the pain could build muscle what if the pain could cause you to reach higher to LEAP farther to run faster what if the pain could help you what if all pain isn't hurt but it's help my name is David Goggins I created go gogin goggin is the guy that can take anything you put in front of him you want to break my mother legs so
be it was I wanted you to go home that night after you beat the living [ __ ] out of me and I smiled in your face I wanted you to think about me knowing that I'm comfortable being very uning comfortable you can't just go through life just showing up eating sleeping and going to sleep you're going to get depressed like your your organism the human organism needs problem solving it needs complex problems it needs stress it needs some sort of difficult thing that you have to overcome and through that you relax you can't just
have happiness all day you have these tools your life was basically the perfect the perfect grounds for training for where you need to go in your life all the beatings all the all the bullying all the you know you going through uh learn disabilities all the struggles it was the absolute perfect training ground for you to go to where you need to go and that's how I start looking at my life if you have a sufficiently noble purpose the suffering will justify itself and I think I think that's empirically testable and I do believe it's
the case because I've watch people do very difficult things like and what that shows is that if you turn around and you confront the suffering voluntarily you find out that you are way tougher than you think it's not that life is better than you think life is as harsh as you think it might even be worse but you are way tougher than you think if you turn around and confront it and so then what you discover is that there's a spirit within you that pursues that can pursue something meaningful that has the resilience and the
strength to contend properly with the catastrophe of existence without becoming bitter his life is Relentless you better keep coming back from all your failures all your doubts all your sh you better keep fighting keep getting up never lay down for that's one thing we should all agree on if you've been broken once you know how that feels that means it try and break me again one thing in life suffering has no expiration date it don't give if you're black white poor Rich where you come from how you were raised it will keep coming after you
that we need adversity we need difficulty we need struggle you need you need a weight to carry and if you don't have any of this you do not get your character tested you do not advance in your own perception of who you are in this world and how you how you engage with all the other people around you yeah well there's a difference between something missing and am I satisfied right cuz I'm not satisfied I mean I always want to go like I never get done with the end of the day and go cool mission
accomplished like it's like close M's going to always guide you in a spot that wants to make you feel comfortable and nice and secure and it's in those spots that there's no growth without friction there's no growth tell me all the time it's hard to find myself with this sense that success has to be earned and the only way to earn it is to inflict pain on yourself and if you're not in pain you didn't try hard enough and it would have been better if you'd suffered more life isn't a constant party life is a
battle a Relentless struggle against mediocrity and excuses want to know the secret ingredient that separates winners from dreamers it's discipline discipline isn't pretty or elegant it isn't a luxurious Spa where you relax and feel good about yourself discipline is a trench where you face your inner demons where you decide if you control your destiny or let life dominate you how many times have you looked in the mirror and told yourself you could do more how many times have you let the chance to change your life slip by because you felt comfortable in your safety zone
it's time to break those mental shackles and Unleash Your Inner Beast this whole thing about suffering yeah it sucks really bad uh really really bad but we all live on this side of suffering on this side this nice box that's very comfortable that we know when everything's going to happen we're in it it's good we know how everything's going to turn out it's those few people who are willing to go on the on this side of suffering and once they get through that ask him how he feels now his mind how far he grew in
that short period of time he grew so much more than the normal person cuz he was willing to go outside himself cuz on the other end of suffering is greatness embrace the pain pain is good for you it's great for you this is no fun but when you finish and you gone through weeks and months you feel some you the the value that you get is much greater than the pain that pain that resistance is good for you you need to love pain however mentally physically love it you need to love it if not stay
where you are tell me one thing one thing in your life that is great that came as a result of being comfortable cuz everywhere I look and everywhere I I I see in today's society everybody's doing everything they can to be more comfortable right they're looking for the more convenience they're looking for the quicker they're looking for the faster all the great things in my life all the great things in other high Achievers lives all the reasons that these successful people that you look up to that you aspire to be like are the way they
are have all come from a place of being uncomfortable okay so understand that when you're trying to avoid the pain when you're trying to avoid the struggle when you're trying to avoid the hard things in life you are actively choosing to be average you are actively choosing to be mediocre and you are actively choosing to move further away from what you want in life because that hardship and that pain and that struggle and that frustration they give you the skills that will Forge you into a champion but every day I do something to strengthen the
mind we're all looking for this great mythical mental toughness mental toughness doesn't come from sitting on a couch it doesn't come from wishing it would come true it comes from putting in the work and you have to start developing your mindset mindset is not developed by wishing mindset is developed by doing and actually putting into practice hustle is putting it all on a line hustle is waking up one day the day before you die and realizing you gave it your all into the parenting of your children the building of your businesses the philanthropy that you
wanted to do whatever you define it's just you know all in every every single person who has ever done anything worthwhile or exceptional or difficult or extraordinary anyone whether it's great artists or authors or mathematicians or whatever the it is everyone encounters difficulties there is no easy Road it does not exist it is impossible everyone has issues do the thing that your heart is asking you to do regardless of the external circumstances you just [ __ ] do it and the reason why I say that is not because of what you might get by taking
action in the direction of your dreams because the goal the prize on the other end of it is not nearly as powerful as who you become when you do the damn thing so what I want to invite you to do what I want you to consider is that every single time you go and do something hard a lot of people their excuses are it's it's easier said than done it's too hard right this is really basically what your your story is that's the story you've told yourself that it's easier said than done you know it's
it's kind of hard to do that well it's supposed to be hard look if growing stronger and building muscle were easy there would be no growth if there was no Challenge and that's my invitation to you is to realize that it's supposed to be hard it's supposed to be difficult if it wasn't difficult there would be no resistance there'd be nothing to force you to grow stronger with and that's why I say the most important reason the most important thing the most important gift that you receive by taking action in the direction of your dreams
is not attaining your dream it's you growing stronger and becoming a stronger version of yourself through the challenges through the resistance and because it's hard the most important question you ask is what pain do you want in your life what are you willing to struggle for anything worthwhile is going to require some degree of pain and struggle so if you're oriented toward the pain and the struggle you're probably going to be more aligned with what you're capable of accomplishing rather than if you just Orient toward the pleasures the amount of pleasure that you will eventually
experience is directly Rel related excuse me to how much pain you experience a good life we could say is a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure and even better is a good life is a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure and includes pleasure through motivation and hard work and understanding this pain pleasure balance whereby If you experience pain and you can continue to be in that friction and and exert effort the rewards are that much greater when they arrive It's Like a Knife driving through it it's painful sh guys
oh you know a weird way maybe I'm sick in the head but when I know that knife's coming in there that I know my muscles are going to a point down a path that's not beaten they're going down a path that no one's been on especially them pushing their means of what they're used to that knife represents growth every success in life guys is masked by temporary pain everything in life that's wor worthwhile every present you want to unwrap that you want to get in the inside of that present to get it cuz you want
that present so bad every present that's worth well to you in light is rat in pain welcome to the pain unwrapped the pain find life what I found is that winning doesn't happen on show day it happens on early mornings painful workouts long cardio sessions and hungry nights happens in those moments of fear we all have when faced with a difficult goal and then more so in what you make of that fear it happens in every second of every day before you win if you can take every opportunity you have to bring yourself closer to
your goal win every one of those opportunities all while becoming more resilient in the process how can you lose that is an exciting opportunity how bad do you want it there's two options to continue forward pushing upward and if you do that dream is given birth and forever you will live in the reality of it if you stop quit throw in the to I promise you there's no distance you can travel far enough to find that dream again for it is dead and in his death it's replaced by regret and literally I started feeling Victory
just by put myself in the battle it wasn't about going to Navy SEAL training it wasn't about being the 23rd guy in that chair I started realizing man just by going to war with myself every day and putting these challenges and these goals and these obstacles these insurmountable obstacles so it was about losing 106 lbs me losing five pounds was an accomplishment the more I did this the more I gained confidence when the excuses all go away and people can actually confront the fact that this is all because of me and this is it hurts
but is also unbelievably empowering because if these problems are because of me then I'm capable of fixing these problems so even though extreme ownership hurts and is painful it's also liberating because now you have control over your fate and over your destiny pain is temporary it may last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place if I quit however it will last forever behind that pain is a understanding that I don't have this skill or is an understanding of
I didn't try hard would you still be an example to the world if I Whi in your closet if I went through your basement if I went through your attic if I went through your CER Council if I went through your house how personal is your purpose you are able to get up every morning have no passion no drive no motivation no and still get up with that kind of fire you will be successful in life I guarante dantee you that you don't have to feel good about it you just have to keep going the
feeling will pass but you will remain you are greater than your feelings going to bed late and waking up early to work for a few days won't kill you you're not going to burn out you're doing what it takes if you're one of those people that push work life balance just remember the people who like working a lot don't care I've never regretted trying harder at anything ever hard times last long but an epic story feels like a lifetime your motivation motivation you need discipline because motivation is not there every day motiv I'm missing motivation
most days through this through through discipline through self-discipline through repetition do tons of repetition the same thing that you don't want to do that's that's the key thing do repetition the things you don't want to do you develop like an armor for your mind start to armor your mind mind's like okay we suffer we suffer every day it's what we do we do stuff that sucks every day so then when the suck stuff comes you're ready for it that's because that's the that's part of the unforgiving part is the losing part that part is unforgiving
it's what's really inside of them so what they're seeing when they look in the mirror they're just trying to see what's on the surface but winning and losing wants to know what's inside of you it wants to know what makes you tick it wants to know what your desires are it wants to know what your ego is it wants to know what your limitations are it wants to know what your mindset is it wants to know everything about you because winning does not lie when you look in the mirror you can lie and see what's
on the surface cannot lie what's going on inside and that's what people are not willing to see the lies that are truly going on inside of them that that are not allowing them to win over and over sometimes even win once your mind has to be stronger than your feelings your mind has to be stronger than your feelings think about every poor decision you've made in your life gosh there was more emotion that was involved in it than there was mind every single one of them think about it your feelings keep you in bed your
mind tells you get up whenever I get to a low point where I think why do I even bother I just remind myself this is where most people stop and this is why they don't win and this relates to another one which is a reminder for the Gladiators in the arena who feel beat up and scarred with no hope sight building a business is hard hard feels shitty this is what hard feels like and this is why most people can't do it but you can maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles
quit don't quit noodles don't noodles you are too concerned with what was and what will be is a saying yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present because if I just think well tomorrow I'm just going to coast and eat Twinkies and watch TV oh hello sadness my old friend hello depression because when you're not doing anything you feel like [ __ ] and that's just a part of being a human being and we can pretend that we're something other than what we really
are and we could pretend n me man I'm just cool just chilling doing nothing [ __ ] you're human you're a human being you you evolved from the in hundreds of thousands of years of hunters and gatherers and people that were struggling those were human reward systems are carved deeply into your DNA and if you don't respect that if you don't respect the mechanism of happiness and fulfillment and what you really need to do in order to feel satisfied in life comradery struggle testing yourself learning all those things are imperative they're all giant part of
being a person what's the the the biggest mistake that you've made in your life that you can share you know with [Music] people same mistake that all four of us made Trust M so trust every morning I get up in a mirror and I say you know I say to myself and I'm you know brushing my teeth I said you know what only person I can trust that person right there cuz we all know we can trust ourselves but we all always know somebody else is always going to let us now it's 1:00 a.m. I'm
going for my third workout do I want to go to the gym absolutely not I rather you know lay in my house and and sit in the movie theater and watch movies but you know to be the best you got to work overtime to be the best you got to work overtime let's looks like the winds are changing ah change is good yeah but it's not easy I know what I have to do but going back means I'll have to face my past I've been running from it for so long that ow jeez what was
that for it doesn't matter it's in the past yeah but it still hurts oh yes the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it you see at some point in your life after many breakups after you realize we all pay taxes after you realize you're not always going to be the one chosen for a promotion you're going to be passed up on promotion sometime a guy that's lazier just because they're related to the mother of the business or the SE of the business is going
to get the promotion over you and that pisses you off because you stayed up every night till 10:00 and I schuck gets the promotion over you just because his last name is Johnson and yours is not and you can never compete with that kid then you start realizing saying listen man this fashion stuff I'm sorry I work a lot harder than the other guy what does he deserve it you start kind of getting a little bit of this and about 30 to 40 years old you sit there and say maybe I need to start making
some logical decisions as well I think to myself man I'm afraid of doing this and I'm like no I'm not I'm afraid of what this person's going to think about me because if I were to be able to fail in quiet in complete isolation then I wouldn't care and then I think well what if I what if I what if I don't succeed in public what do they think then nothing right they don't think about me at all and so obviously that comes from the perspective of uh seeking to gain approval and attention from others
anyway so it's like listen if you're insecure which everybody is let's be real um you might as well use the insecurity to get something out of it and so a lot of people think that they need to fix their conditions in order to get like the perfect conditions before they start but the perfect condition is whatever one you're in because it gives you whatever assets you have that's the cards that you're dealt and so you just play the hand and a lot of people have great cards it's like man I'm so afraid of it's like
use it it's like I have nothing it makes you very dangerous cuz you have nothing to lose right like one of the um really interesting things about I think about from a business perspective but it probably applies to everything is that there's always an advantage and a disadvantage from every possession I was like there's always a position and there's always an advantage I like you just have to play the one you've got and most people just look at what everyone else's Advantage is and don't think which one do I have my body was breaking down
it was it was just how it was going on I said you know what this is my new Norm so my mind said it's like going to work like you go to work you put your suit and tie on I go into suffering every day every day suffering being broken duck taping my feet up stress fractur shin splits being broken this is my new norm and your mind says if we're not broken this ain't normal we got to be broken so then your mind starts to get tougher and tougher and more C people how how
did you run on broken feet broken broken shins my mind knew this is how we operate we're in we're in Navy still training this is what we are I became hell and that became my new Norm I gave myself no way out there was nothing outside these walls of Hell nothing I became I love God but for a short period of time I became the devil cuz that was hell I became I became the boss the owner the CEO of Navy seel training that was my mindset and that's how you get through things you put
yourself you immerse yourself wherever it is you become that you become that and give yourself no way out what's that like in the moment is it hell or do you get some kind of a weird neutral point where you're just in the moment being this guy breathing and feeling the pain what is that like the scariest thing in the world about that no pain no gain I can only give the pain to others that I have received already my bones can only be as hard as I have hit whatever was hard like that and so
that means take it as a challenge everything that hurts you find a way to overcome it everything that you feel is difficult for you find a way to still do it the discipline can seem like it's your worst enemy but the reality is discipline is your best friend it will take care of you like nothing else can and it'll put you on that [Music] path the path to strength and health and intelligence and happiness I'm trying to get to where I'm going and you read a bunch of books and you think that you know how
theing mind works and I had gone through hell I had lived hell and when you put yourself in hell that's the only time you can figure out how to to get through that mother you can't you can't read somebody else's book about some theory on how to do some guy who sat up in a nice warm office and read and wrote some book with a nice cup of coffee in the hand no I want to see that guy who immersed himself ining hell and he thought about quitting and leaving and is it worth it all
this crazy the permanent result comes from you I say it all the time you have to suffer Chosen and unchosen suffering mhm so unchosen suffering is going to happen in life your parents are going to pass away loved ones are going to die your Rel relationships are going to break down your body is going to fail you you're going to become ill or sick or destitute things are going to happen that you have no control over mhm and the only way that you can prepare yourself for unchosen suffering is with chosen suffering right you can
elect to put yourself into a position to become a stronger alloy of whatever the metal is that you're made of and by purposefully choosing difficult things you will armor yourself against that situation it's still going to suck mhm but think about how much more fragile you would be if you hadn't overcome all of this stuff I've been in three hell weeks Ranger school overcome so many obstacles in my life this last 30 miles of this race is when I realized a human being is not so human anymore we have the ability to go in such
a space if you're willing to suffer and I mean suffer your brain and your body once connected together can do anything in this 30 miles was the lifechanging moment I was out of it I was in the worst pain in my entire life I was to me on the brink of death ain't nobody going to stop me or whatever going on the talking and the captions or whatever the memes it can't stop me because it's a vision that I have and it's goals that I have done set out for myself that I got to get
there no matter what the suffering before your mind starts saying we need selft talk so what I tell myself is I go back to the months and years of preparation to get to that day and I'm telling myself at 3:30 in the morning and I'm looking at my shoes and I want to go out there and run 30 miles I have to in that second in that moment of this selft talk my mind say you got to find more you got to find more I once again calm down go back into my mind in my
cookie jar I call it and I had to reflect back on the sh I did to get here and that becomes my selft talk selft talk does not work unless it is real most of us lie to ourselves in the selft talk it doesn't work it has to be real it has to be something that you've done to make it really work I'm doing something I don't want to do every time I start doing things I don't want to do I grow and if you earn it you'll keep it that's the thing about it man
like we like to take these very quick fixes in life we want the six minute abs approach to life yeah no man there's no permanent in that there's no permanent in that man there's no scarring there must be scarring people are terrified of this thing that you're saying that there's no end that there's no Finish Line that every day is a new thing that you have to earn it still after all the [ __ ] you've done every day you get up and you have to earn it yes and I was really big in visualization
and um I always equated working out to struggle I struggled my whole life but I ran from it so I started realizing man I got to start facing the struggle and I got to be mentally strong for the struggle so that's why I started coming up like I I'm training for Life mentally I'm training for life I'm not training for like to to live 400 lounds and I found out on my own pretty much is that through this through through discipline through self-discipline through repetition through tons of repetition of the same thing that you don't
want to do that's that's the key thing through repetition of things you don't want to do you develop mental like an armor for your mind start to armor your mind your mind's like okay we suffer we suffer every day that's what we do we do stuff that sucks every day so then when the suck stuff comes you're ready for it we're slaves we going to act like we free and one day our children will be free if the slaves would have just said we quit we give up we would have died in the Middle Passage
but some slaves said I don't care what we go through we going to survive this 400 years of slavery we going to get through this and you can't get through a 1825 you can't get through a writing class and you got two T after tutor resource after resource the problem is you ain't never felt no pain before you're soft it's a soft generation you quit on everything mind knows it's not going to quit and this is what I found out this is my 40% rule when your mind knows it's not going to quit your body
will adapt to whatever is in front of it I end up running 20 more miles I did 101 miles in 19 hours and 6 minutes and that one day CH that one 19 hours it wasn't seal train it wasn't Ranger school wasn't Delta Force it wasn't any that crap I went through it was this 19 hours in 6 minutes that forever changed my life to know that we as human beings are capable of anything and we don't need any special kind of parents or tools to get there so I end you with this don't stop
when you're tired stop when you're done thank you I don't blame him but don't be mad when you're laying there in your bed and you're in the hospital and you're 70 80 90 years old you're thinking I feel like I didn't do something cuz you did you didn't do it you didn't do [ __ ] you may lived a great life man but you're always going to feel empty inside I was honest look at yourself man look at yourself and it was that day I just got real at myself and every day I came home
I called the accountability mirror what am I going to do today to change what I see in this mirror get control stop scrolling stop clicking and start living and today I'm no longer being a loser today I'm going to change my path I'm going to get on the path of success I don't care how long that road is I'm going to see it through no matter what because you know what I've been living enough years in this hole and I don't want to be anymore a simple truth in life is things are not going to
go your way things are not going to work out the way you planned things are not going to be the way that you wanted them to be I would recommend you use the resources you have to create the life you want and so if the cards that you have dealt right now are anger and fear and disappointment then you can either wallow in those or you can turn something good out of it and so I mean I love the say you can either let life beat the strength out of you or you can it beat
it into you and so it's just a decision of whether these circumstances are going to serve me or I'm going to serve them and so I think that whatever your raw materials are a lot of people uh lament what cards they're dealt but you don't have control over those cards you only have control of how you play the hand and so I think everyone just needs to move past that and you know stop the pissing contest on who had a s upbringing you cannot take any more time for granted you don't know how much longer
you're going to be here you can do great things it's all just a matter of will you choose to blossom into the greatness that is what been you create a life that you can't wait to wake up to I saw that I live that life I literally I hate to sleep I love every minute of my life what you say the most consent straight amongst successful people you can do be consistency like consistency doesn't guarantee that you're successful but if you're not consistent you can guarantee that you w't reach success one every single [ __
] time so you there's a thousand ways to say this but listen cuz I'm only going to say it once I fought for it because no one gave it to me because I it was just me me alone in the gym me alone in the mirror me alone in my head no one did it for me I worked for it and I'm never going to let someone else take that from me everybody just want wants to be comfortable everybody wants to sit in the I don't want to go outside it's cold I don't want to
do this it's hot like you've got to do things that you don't want to do cuz you show your body that your mind is the boss your mind is telling your body what to do and then you have control keep repeat the consistence is the most difficult thing just doing it every day yes every day do you ever wake up and you say I don't want to do it today I fight against that you know it's it's the big challenge it's when you not willing to do something but you have to do it this is
is the main point this is why I say our mind it's it's a box of surprises and you have to challenge yourself to be consistent I repeat sometimes it's hard it's what many people say um you like to go to the gym every day of course no it's not true nobody like to go to the gym every day but you have to do it if I'm running on a a treadmill and I get to mile 9 and I get complete cramp in one of my legs and I know I've told myself I'm going to run
10 km today he goes I will have to limp The Last Mile even if no one's watching because I can't let the demons in and if I let the demons in they'll show up in the 11th round of a championship fight when there's 50,000 people watching me in the audience and I know deep in myself story that I'm the type of person that quits when things get hard because I got a fat treadmill at Mile 9 when no one was watching it would modify myself Story the commitment we keep to oursel and what we do
when no one's watching is the most persuasive evidence that governs everything we then do every day thereafter the problem is you ain't never felt no pain before you're soft it's a soft generation you quit on everything our people did not quit Harry and tman not only made it she went back and got some more she said you know what I made it but I'm I'm going to walk all listen to me sh not ride the bus I'm going to walk all the way back down to the South to get some more life is suffering right
indisputable what do you do about that you you voluntarily accept it and then strive to overcome the suffering that's a consequence of that and you do that for you and you do that in a way that makes it better for other people and then that works no one can tell you how it will work for you it's the thing that your destiny is to discover that and you have to make you have to make the decisions to begin with It's like because you can't do this without commitment you have to commit to it first that's
the act of faith that that kard was so insistent upon you have to say I'm going to act as if being is good I'm going to act as if truth is the pathway to Enlightenment I'm going to act as if I should pursue the deepest meaning possible in my life and there's there's reasons to do none of those they're real reasons so it's really a decision but you you can't find out what the consequence of the decision is unless you make the decision cuz sometimes we don't understand like what is this thing what is my
purpose why am I here why do I have to go through this pain why do I have to go through this fear all the time why can't I just be peaceful all the time see that wouldn't be life you know it wouldn't be life we have to we have to take life at it turn life on life terms not our life on our terms in chances it's important that I stand up here tonight and represent those that are looking for second chances you can be this guy you can change you can turn it around I
promise you can baby I once heard a man say that you don't change until the pain to remain the same is greater than the pain it takes to change and that's what it takes I love you Texas don't underestimate the whole your absence would leave you know each of us we're remarkable creatures and we have something to offer to the world to our people we love to the World At Large it's our responsibility to make that manifest and we move a little farther away from Paradise every time that doesn't happen see the thing about life
we're going to die right eventually we're going to die but our Legacy and live on the Imp P can be non perishable forever but it's got to be built right they're going to speak we don't live forever our Legacy does we're going to make sure that's solid again you only live once but if you work it right once is enough my friends you know if your time your time comes when your time comes you know you you can't control that and your brain is the most powerful weapon I talk about that in one of these
chapters your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world World once you put away your phones and your computers and all that sh have nowadays that's great we're up to date your brain is the only thing you have when you're going through depression when when you're going through hard times you're going through death real life you can't Google that sh man you're alone you're alone you may have a shrink you're going to you may have a best friend you're going to but there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and
your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets if you can't control your own brain and your brain controls you you're you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you got to control it if not it's over it makes me think about when it says don't be pushed by your problems be led by your dreams you're not going to score on every shot right doesn't mean
you shouldn't take the shots doesn't mean you shouldn't try to to hit the goal but part of part of being able to continue to take shots is to have the strength of character to tolerate the fact that that in that instance you weren't on top I know why you hate me you hate me because you're probably in the bed right now you're probably underachiever you're probably somebody who doesn't want to do anything with your life so I make you question everything about yourself so I'm going to continue making you question yourself by coming out here
and being even more successful so about four months ago I had a major leg surgery I got placing screws in my leg that's the edema that's in it these my fingers so a lot of you know I like to run that got taken away from me for a few months but who cares life will not always be 70 and Sun Life is the ultimate competitor it's Relentless it will continue to attack you you least expect it we must learn to adapt and overcome to any and all obstacles that are in front of us we have
to evolve and the way I evolved when the obstacle gets in front of you don't let it stop you don't let it deter you na get around that [ __ ] every morning every day of Our Lives we have choice to make you have the choice to stay in bed to say forget it I'm not going to work out today or forget it I'm not going to work hard today you always have a choice every single day of your life and I look at it as like a like a rock and you find this rock
and that rock is you and every day you fight not wanting to get up and you do anyway you chip another piece off that rock and every day you eat the right foods and every day you go to train you train harder and harder and harder and harder and you get up earlier and all these things you do to start forming yourself you're chipping another piece of that rock up before you know it you have this beautiful piece of of of of artwork that that you built you you got to do something to get control
of your brain of your mind you got to check yourself I don't care how you do it I don't care if you if you set an alarm every 45 minutes so you can audit your thoughts so you can audit what is influencing you so you can control what's influencing you control the things you think about you can actually control how you feel you can control what you think and you can definitely control what you do do not be a slave to influence you got to be the master of your mind you got friends that like
to party right they like to go out they like to drink and go out to the clubs you're around those people all a sudden you start feeling that little urge and you got other friends that are disciplined they are going to go to the gym early in the morning they make you want to work out if you aren't careful you can slide down the path of least resistance the path path to weakness telling you as I leave I was homeless for 2 and 1/2 years and the problem with most of you you never felt no
pain before yall spoiled y'all spoiled some of y'all spoiled just bottom line your parents have done everything for you you a never had to do nothing for yourself you're spoiled we going to keep it real tonight some of you are spoiled brats every time you ever got in trouble somebody in your house got you out of it every time you done something you're not supposed to do people say Eric your mother's a tyrant you're right she kicked me out you're right she's mean but she developed a man because she put me out there and said
you going to have to grow up and some of you have never learned to grow up and so every time something get hard you quit you call Mama I dare you to take a little pain you ain't going to die at the end of pain and success I want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people I wanted to be the guy I don't care if you like me I don't care if you don't understand me I didn't give a once I went through this journey this path of life you ain't got there a whole bunch of
guys that don't like me I don't give a I'm a warrior a wor a mother who says hey I'm here again today I'm here again tomorrow I'm going to be here the next day I'm 50 years old I'm still getting after it it's a person that puts noing limit on what's possible every day I wake up and I don't want to do some I'm like okay man do you want to be a b today do you want to feel like a little do you want to walk around all day knowing that you could but you
didn't life is one big tug of war and you don't win that tug of- War by pushing the Rope you have to pull that motherucker and a lot of times you have to pull yourself through life this morning I did not want to get up so I to pull my out of bed but guess what the more and more I got into that run each step into that run I started gaining more and more confidence but to gain that confidence you have to be willing to pull yourself out of bed pull yourself out of a
funk pull yourself out of whatever the life is throwing at you to gain that confidence by the time the Run was over I was like you mother I once again beat your ass you got to be willing to find the confidence stay in the fight stay in the war stay in the battle armor your mind you are eliminating another form of discomfort I torture myself physically I'm always working out I'm always exhausted I'm always taking ice baths I took a I was in the sauna before I got here today I'm always doing something always I
never have a day where there's not some kind of struggle if I have a day where I just lay around I'm like this is weird like it's one of the things that I have to do on vacation when I get up in the morning whenever I'm on vacation the first thing I do is work out I'm like I got to do this otherwise I'm not going to be able to enjoy this time off with my family I got to get up before everybody else and I got to work out hard you know it's like when
someone says well today I just need to sleep in it's said [ __ ] yeah you don't need to sleep in this country was not built on sleeping in so let's get up in the morning and let's get on that bike and let's do some exercise and don't even think about it don't look at your email or anything like this let's just get going boom boom boom let's get going let's start building and so that's the idea is just not to be overly soft and overly kind of like sensitive and everyone is in the victim
kind of a thing I just don't buy into that a lot of just me so when you're waking up every morning by yourself and you're [ __ ] getting after it by yourself and and it's the it's the hidden work people see one minut you know video of me running and [ __ ] like like these Fighters you know they they see during the fight or after the fight they don't see these [ __ ] man what they deal with every [ __ ] day I'm not good enough I'm not good enough I shouldn't be
here I shouldn't be here because every day even though they're [ __ ] the best in the world that little mother seven or eight years old is still in there saying oh man we we don't have so we're not good enough it's not real all those mornings that you want to get up and and I look at it as like a like a rock and you find this rock and that rock is you and every day you fight not wanting to get up and you do anyway you chip another piece off that rock and every
day you eat the right foods and every day you go to train you train harder and harder and harder and harder and you get up earli and all these things you do to start forming yourself you're chipping another [ __ ] piece of that rock up before you know it you have this beautiful piece of of of of artwork that that you build this was Society is too weak and why because of all the technology which is available right now so you don't need to use your body anymore I always think about in the in
the stone ages do you think somebody in the stone ages had depression yeah or even a more modern uh variation the Spartans do you think they had depression yeah but nowadays how does the time look you can sit if you want from morning till evening just in front of the screen and nothing's going to happen anymore look when you're a kid you're all potential it's chaotic potential it can manifest itself in any number of ways and you maybe you don't want to give that up so you're like Peter Pan you want to be a kid
forever because you don't want to give up the potential and you look out in the world and all you see are Captain Hooks you know who've lost a hand who are chased by death because that's the clock in the crocodile it's already got a taste of him he's terrified by death and he's a tyrant well I don't want to grow up to be that so I won't be disciplined at all well that's no good because the way the potential transforms itself into actuality is through discipline and I think psychologically the advantage that that that gives
me over over a lot of people that I'm have been in competition with in different situations is it's difficult to take the first step when you look how big the task is the task is never huge to me it's always one brick I I believe uh and I learned very young that you you don't try to build a wall you don't set out to build a wall you don't say I'm going to be build the biggest baddest greatest wall that's ever been built you don't start there you say I'm going to lay this brick as
perfectly as a brick can be laid there will not be one brick on the face of the Earth that's going to be laid better than this brick that I'm going to lay in this next 10 minutes and you do that every single day and soon you have a as soon you have a wall and then the next day comes and you're back playing again and you understand that life has a cyclical nature where it's you know what you do on Monday it's fantastic but then Tuesday it's a bad day but guess what there's Wednesday so
are we just supposed to live our lives like this the whole time you know versus just staying like this and understanding that it's really just a journey of evolution every day it's just constant Improvement constant curiosity constantly getting better the results don't really matter uh it's the figuring out that matters yeah and we all get obsessed about the results like we get obsessed about like the output not the input of not figuring it out and not like changing things what used to trial and error like the experimenting I can see my kid they have 12
years old the mentality are not the same they are not suffer that what's the difference the anger I think the anger I think that they have the things more easily everything it's easily they don't suffer and I think it's they don't care if there's potential inside of you which you know it's there but you're too scared to tell anyone else about it and you go on and on get old and old and old and old and the windows of opportunity start to close and you knew it could have been given birth to but you never
did it I promise you it will haunt you it'll be more it's a living nightmare dude that fact that you have the ability to do something and you're two week to turn the key and start the engine on it is a greater disappointment and a greater burden to carry than any of this physical Sweat Equity or pain in the gym or or or sacrifice all that is just nothing compared to a life where you're burdened by regret guys I don't know what to do it's like that's okay nobody does go do something do the best
thing that you can think of put the best plan you have into practice it's not going to be perfect and it will change along the way but it will change partly because you become disciplined pursuing the path and as you become disciplined you become wiser and as you become wiser you become able to formulate better and better plans I've I've never really viewed myself as particularly talented where I excel is [Music] ridiculous sickening work ethic you know while the other gu sleep sleeping I'm working while the other guys eating I'm working hey what are we
doing today or we going to engage now and once we engage we commit there's no half commitment There's No Quarter commitment there's no three qu it's full commitment once we engage it's everying day we engage cuz that's the better life and the people you will surround yourself are like-minded and they're better friends friends and family for Life man they have your back they're solid individuals doing solid tasks leaving a solid impact of Legacy for other people people that's a solid life man it's your option though what are you going to do there's no easy way
around it no matter how talented you are your talent is going to fail you if you're not skilled you know if you don't study if you don't work uh really hard and dedicate yourself to being better every single day hope ain't going to get you because you it's not in your hands hope is not in your hands you can't control hope man you can't you get belief until you callous over the victim's mentality that the world is out to get you because of you are the only you got to change that man yeah but you
don't understand my life David yeah I do that's the thing about it and that's why I can talk about but yeah I I get what you're saying a lot of folks don't under I get that mentality I once had that mentality that no one understands I'm going through and if you keep that mentality you're going to stay in the same exact spot that you're in it might be April where you are and you expecting nice weather but it's 20° so you might be somewhere where it's too [ __ ] hot so you might have sore
legs sore back sore shoulder so the struggle is real it never gets any easier you you got to get harder I was out yesterday getting after it had one of the best runs I've had in a long time PR that [ __ ] so no one cares what you did yesterday the only a m is doing today those who take me literally so I'm a cheerleader for those who want to be better not for those who want to stay the same hard what does losing feel like to you uh it's exciting why is it exciting
um because it means you have different um ways to get better there's certain things that you can figure out that you can take advantage of right certain weaknesses that were exposed um that you need to shore up right so it was exciting I mean it's sucks to lose but at the same time their an is there cuz we forget we are in control of our mind we believe it's the other way around no we put in our minds what we should do but we believe our mind is telling us it's giving us all this feedback
we have to reprogram it and tell us no no no we're good we're good we got this sucks but it's okay the easiest thing in the world to do is to complain blame and quit and settle that's the easiest thing in the world to do but it takes real work to deconstruct and to reconstruct the thought process and the mindset of an individual when they're trying to change something that's why I always say to people what's more important what we acquire or who we become you're not where you want to be you feel like you're
supposed to be somewhere else you said it well say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be I bet you'd still feel this way not in the right place the point is you can't get so hung off on where you'd rather be that you forget how to make the most of where you are what are you telling me take a break from worrying about what you can't control live a little live a little you got 24 hours in a day 8 hours you sleep right and most people work at 9 to
5 so 8 hours you working 16 hours okay so we have 16 hours we got breakfast lunch and dinner so we at what we at n this 19 it take you an hour to get ready so we at 20 hours so I cannot spend you guys can I spend 4 hours going to about oh they lying oh I like this photo oh they faking sending photos to other people y'all got to get focused I'm where I'm at cuz I'm focused tunnel vision I'm focused on what I got to do y'all got to have a game
plan I'm feeling I feel right now as bad as it feels it's a hell of a lot better feeling than a life where you throw the Talon that's something you never recover from tomorrow morning I'll wake up stronger I'll feel alive and I'll have the belief and confidence backing me up that's a good night's rest I can only get better when towels down in life there is no there's no more rounds man you throw it in I feel like [ __ ] right now I can pick the towel back up and I'm going to be
stronger tomorrow the next round life guys it's the plan of action if you don't have the plan I guarantee you someone's going to use you as part of their [ __ ] plan stop going about the day as a servant become the master run your day and stop having it run on you believe in yourself be that one of a hundred has a belief instead of just jaw jet talk of intent huge differential hair differential is somebody just breathing life and the other one taking the most of the opportunity of time of life remembrance otherwise
forgotten what do you think is the biggest stumbling block that most people face with this kind of Journey honestly is they have the well was me mentality it's too hard life isn't fair these things in life are are are not easy for me you you you look to your left you look to your right and you start to judge yourself off other people like if you're a female well well she's skinny and she doesn't work out as hard as I do and everything starts to corrupt your mind you start to look around too much at
other people what they're doing and that starts to corrupt your own Di we are judging ourselves against too many people you have to judge yourself against yourself and that's the one thing I started learning man this race against David goggin and David goggin alone and once you can silence all that [ __ ] all the outside interference and things that are attracting your mind to everything you can then start to grow in realizing I'm stressed out for no reason this is my own little race this is my own timeline and this is how I'm going
to run it it's all in your mind whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life if you continue to believe as you have always believe you will continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to get what you have always gotten if you want different results in your life or your work all you have to do is change your mind you had a gut feeling that maybe you were meant for more cuz you weren't really sure what the next best steps were to achieve it me too so
what's your more what's your your your destination and I'm not talking about just more money or more things I'm also talking about more love more joy more Choice more balance more trust what's your more it would line up to be perfect for them and because they're waiting for this and because it's never coming they never go and when they never go they never become anything and that's what leads to a wasted life so you have to realize conditions are never going to be perfect things are always going to be hard so he's like I gained
20 lbs I can't find my why I can't find my purpose I can't find motivation can't find a gy he went on and on so I said hey okay relax just relax can you find your balls once you locate those I need you to grab them after you grab them I need you to go find some shoes if you got some shoes you can go walk you can go run as far as a gym you can't find do you have a floor where you live do some [ __ ] push-ups do some sit-ups we're waiting
to find purpose we're waiting to find why we're waiting to find all this before we start the thing about it is this start now so when you find your purpose you find your why you can get after it stay hard senica famously said that the mind focused on future events is miserable I see so many people focusing on the things that they cannot control they want to make a million dollars but obviously you can't dictate the specific day that you're going to become a millionaire they want to develop a better physique but you can't specifically
dictate the day where you'll be proud of the body that you have if you're overweight or if you're too skinny you need to understand that you can't be focused on in the future what you need to be focused is on the present moment what you can control today the habits that you input today the amount of work ethic and good attitude that you've portrayed today these are the things that matter the stoics used to speak about these things because it is so easy to either reminisce in the past or to be Conjuring imaginary scenarios of
the future often times negative that lead a present moment of stress and a state of being miserable so if you want to be in a life that is full of equinity equinity means the calmness of the soul and a life that is full of Peace you need to be here now focusing on what you can control if you want to make more money perfect clock in if you want to become more financially literate you're going to have to pick up the books and get educated if you want a better physique you're going to have to
eat healthier food and you're going to have to exercise not focus on the future but focus on what you can do today and by natural law for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction the universe will give you exactly what you deserve don't live a life of Misery by living in the past or living in the future but live a life of peace and equinity by being here right now yeah what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined um well I mean I mean every day I mean
since you know 20 years it was an everyday process and trying to figure out strengths and weaknesses for example jumping ability man my vertical was a 40 it wasn't a 46 or 40 45 um my hands are big but they're not massive right so you got to figure out ways to strengthen them so your hands are strong enough to be able to Palm a ball and do the things that you need to do uh quickness I was quick but not insanely quick I was fast but not ridiculously fast right so I had to rely on
skill a lot more I had to rely on angles a lot more I had to study the game a lot more and it just never changed the struggle is real it never gets any easier you got to get harder I have to ask this guy I have to understand like why he works like that so after the gamees I'm like hey Co like why why were you in the gym for so long he's like cuz I saw you come in and I wanted you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work that I'm
willing to work harder than you cuz I know every mother ain't going to do what I'm going to do that's how you level up for me I was more miserable trying to make everyone else happy than I am now with everyone else unhappy with me because when nobody's looking that's the time that really counts that's the time that really matters the working out at 5 6:00 a.m. and then all the practices and all the extra conditioning like that work that you do every single day is is key because that's what you're going to be able
to fall back on and that's what you're going to be able to like rely on when push comes to shove a life without pain is a life without Challenge and a life without challenge is a life without growth we're built for struggle we're built to contend with the world we're built to contend with reality you want a challenge and the best way that you can take on a challenge because a challenge fortifies you so you don't want to be secure you want to be strong and you get strong by taking on optimal challenges and so
you lay out your destiny in the world and you take the slings and arrows of fate and you make yourself stronger while you're doing so and you might fail and Fortune might do you in but it's your best bet don't you want to be more successful stay getting up at 4:00 in the morning every day before anybody else and grounding my thought process is in the no one will outwork me no one mother won't outwork me all starts with this two hands putting to work I'm already working all of the hours that I'm awake and
I've already given up Saturdays so the only thing that I have left is like Sundays and evenings I am no longer going to be watching any football and I'm no longer going to have Netflix at all that's what I'm sacrificing and I think a lot of people create these to-do lists when in my experience it's been so much more useful to write down all the things that I'm willing to sacrifice because if you sacrifice everything there's nothing left than to do the one thing that matters I discovered work ethic and how far could push myself
and I discovered one immutable truth I could get so good that people would be terrified to lose me there you go and in fact Kobe has a quotes even better which is booze don't block dunks you can get so good people can't stop you I can go back to that moment and just not be afraid just just recognize that I look whatever could be out there I could have it so what's the Great Divide of human beings who are you on those days you don't want to do things it's easy to conquer when it's good
weather got good sleep work's going good the family's good you feel great those are the easy days to come but who are you on those [ __ ] days when all Hells broke loose your body's [ __ ] up you're sore you're depressed you're miserable you're not the favorite person at school you might be getting bullied might be falling behind your life who are you on those days when she all fed up that's the Great Divide those people who get up on those days when everything's up and still grind that's the separator right there stay
hard hope that you have is to become someone who can push through that hard regardless of what the is going on and if you can build that level of discipline that level of mental toughness to execute when things are not ideal when things are extremely hard nothing can stop you on your journey to becoming whatever it is you're trying to become nothing absolutely nothing like life is very difficult and in order to Thrive with this difficult life if an opportunity is presented to you be you shouldn't be so arrogant that you dismiss it and it's
really easy to be arrogant especially if you're smart because you think well I'm smarter than everybody else it's like actually no there's lots of people that are a lot smarter than you you just haven't met them yet I want to inspire I want to motivate I want to show people that there is a way out that there is a way to do more more to get more to obtain more but I personally don't want to lose all that I've been able to get so I need to make sure that I do everything to keep it
so I can't be content M so there is an understanding but I refuse to click on the switch of so even if you like even if you have more money than you'll ever spend for the rest of your life that's not what it's about no it's about the inspiring people and the influence and constantly giving back and moving forward in a positive way and the only way you can do that is to stay active it's the story man hey dog you do realize that this could be the year that you change your life if you
just lock in a whole 365 days AG go day in and day out toward your goals with no distractions we ain't hearing the excuses no more your future is tired of that 2024 should be an apology T to all the BS that you did last year lock in and change your life like your life depends on it because it do can you admit something in your life that you don't feel like you deserve or have [Music] earned can you admit a goal or or a dream that you want to chase but you're feeling like nah
I can't fly that high I'm I'm not equipped I don't I don't really have the ability I'm not [Music] qualified can you admit something in your life that guilt is keeping you from getting can you admit something that you don't want to start continue or finish because you're afraid to say it aloud to yourself write it down [Music] confess Adit it everybody judges by success of money or or business accomplishments or games you want and things like that the the true measure of success is how happy are you if you get up every day and
you're really happy and you really do enjoy and love your life and you love doing you you're surrounded by people you love doing it with you could not be more successful no look I think failure has to be Quantified if you fail that you never can get up from it again you know that's not a good failure I think I think failure and adversity are the two things I think about for me as an entrepreneur and very entrepreneurial and always in my own stuff all the failures along the way even going back to like the
baseball card show when I was 13 and I paid $400 for a table and nobody showed up to that baseball card show that was a Learning lesson those micro failures were super super important I think you know it depends on your stomach right like if you if you really fail like go out of business I think people take one of two ways right they're like just finished and they're never able to get off the mat and they go in a different direction so to me I think quantifying the failure is important to me my mom
is 84 years old and she's at home watching Mom I just want an Oscar my journey started on a boat I spent a year in a refugee camp and somehow I ended up here on Hollywood's biggest stage they say stories like this only happen in the movies I cannot believe it's happening to me this this is the American [Music] dream dreams are something you have to believe in I almost gave up on M to all of you out there please keep your dreams [Music] alive believe you looking for her she's in the past the past
is not my concern there's this thing about people and they talk about manifesting it's real man manifesting is real when you figure out who you are and what you want to do and you devote your life to it like like like a maniac like you're all in on this thing and you manifest most of these people end up you know doing what they say they're going to do and being who they say they're going to become and there's no excuses there's no days off there's no uh you know not willing to grind and you know
everybody's against me and this didn't happen for me because of this and that and all this whining puss [ __ ] that a lot of people do these days is these people who dive in and they're hardcore and they're focused and they know what they want they know who they are and they lay out these short-term goals and this road map on how to get there most of those people make it it haunted me okay the voice in my head said you know what man you're going to die never even trying to reach your full
potential and how's that going to feel I'm going to be haunted by the mere fact that I literally just that's what I was wasted that life that's what I was man you look back and here lies David gogin a punk that's it right and I get to live so whatever heaven or hell is you're in Hell the rest of your life so if you lose and you jump right back up and you haven't really changed I mean really really changed from that loss you're never going to learn from it and you're never going to really
truly know the unforgiving race to Greatness Life Is Life it's tough sometimes gets tough every day but we got to make it no matter what it is no matter what you're going through don't be so complacent with yourself don't get so relaxed with yourself don't be so comfortable with yourself be uncomfortable get yourself in a situation where you feel a little bit about a challenge you're feeling something about being challenged you're understanding that challenges are good for you challenges are going to make you better going to make you stronger going to push you through any
adversity that you may face in life because these things are intended for all of us to endure but a lot of people don't understand that a lot of people don't know how to go through it a lot of people don't know how to weather the storm but you my friend can do it you have to do it you must do it just think about that for a moment it can get worse every day for you it can get much much worse tomorrow for you it doesn't matter but as long as there's breath in your body
as long as you're breathing as long as you're moving you're grooving and that's important so don't get so relaxed don't get so complacent don't suffer in a way where you feel like the suffering that you're going through that it means it's over for you sometimes we got to go through something to get something more out of life pick up your damn suffering and B it and try to be a good person so you don't make it [Music] worse so I got to email me up day this guy's talking about he's struggling to get up once
to go to the gym and start grinding early in the morning I said when I was 24 I had the same condition man the same problem so I started to study it well I studied it came with this crazy conclusion I'm just being a [ __ ] I say [ __ ] it's not gender specific it's a mindset in godish it means weak soft feel sorry for yourself get your ass up and Lace them up stay hard a warrior is not always that a Warriors and says hey I'm here again today I'm here again tomorrow
I'm going to be here the next day I'm 50 years old I'm still getting after it it's a person that puts no limit on what's possible there is no excuse for not being the hardest worker yeah someone might be bigger stronger faster quicker younger whatever else but there is no excuse to not be the hardest worker there and when you believe that you have the ability to do something that the life that you're living right now is going down this direction youing hate where it is there is nothing else to do but to change direction
a believe that I cannot go that way anymore I got to go this way and what do you have to lose you know the outcome if you continue the same [ __ ] why not just just just commit one time in your life to something see what happens there are no losers in the word in the world of passion and commitment to something no one loses there the losers are the people that sit the starting line and never initiate it's the belief that Supremacy exists there's so many examples in the Olympics and every day we
see the Common Man with the odds against them overcoming what people thought could never happen and probably he didn't even think it but there he stands Victorious and a role model to all of us like oh my God we want to be him but before he was him he was us what got him there was an undying belief and every drop of sweat that came out and every pain and ache and everything else was just a a Telltale sign that he's getting closer and closer to to that dream that we were when we were kids
of being a reality why not believe in it what's the other option there is no other option it's a life forgotten man why are you out running 4:30 5:00 in the morning and not later in the day or why do Fighters do that because I don't want to do it I mean you have to discipline you have to do things that you don't want to do I don't I want to get for run I realized man if I want to be good I got to I got to wake up in the morning I got to
do the extra work and and I got to show up when other guys aren't and I've got to learn I've got to continue to be open to learning focus on what you can control focus on what you're getting not what anyone else is getting whenever you get an opportunity you take advantage of it you treat it like it's the Super Bowl you treat it like it's game day go out there and treat practice like no one else does you have no idea how great you really are because you are using such minimal minimal of what
you have so in this job you look you you look for cockroaches looking for rodents and stuff like that and this next morning or this next night I went to work and I hit the I don't like cockroaches too much I hit the motherload of cockroaches and this restaurant got full of cockroaches and rodents and everything else and I sat there and said this is my life I said this is my life you are exactly who the this is it and I said this ain't going to be it for me so in that restaurant I
quit my job left my canister in that restaurant my my spray canister got back in my eolab truck and I went home and I started working out like somebody I was I became the most obsessed person on the planet Earth life is difficult it really is what makes life difficult for a lot of people is they don't think life should be difficult and so therefore they're looking for a quick way a quick answer an easy way there are none it truly is uphill all the way and to go uphill you have to be intentional nobody
ever accidentally climbed a mountain nobody ever accidentally got up to a new level if you climb higher you're intentional you're putting forth energy effort Time Muscle to make that happen we have uphill hopes but we have downhill habits so if you want to go uphill get rid of the downhill habits no matter the circumstances no matter how hard it may be seeming right now in your life we all got to go through something to get something that we want in life things may not always go the way you want it to go but I promise
you if you continue to focus on the positive rather than the negatives you will be all right cuz when you start thinking you start making things up and you start thinking about luxury and all those things that you could be doing instead eggs yeah whatever and so I just just stop all that just get up and just do what you're supposed to do but from day-to-day basis I mean you know the fact that I've got I've got friends a lot of friends that aren't here that don't get to live their lives anymore that were killed
and I want to make sure that I'm taking advantage of every minute and every second that I have and living a life that if they're they're watching me right now they're thinking all right all right good joo's getting after it come on come on anything we can do not unless you can change the past you got to put your past behind you look kid bad things happen and you can't do anything about it right right wrong When The World Turns its back on you you turn your back on the world life is not a perfection
game life is an adjustment game it's not about getting it right it's about when you inevitably get it wrong how you handle it your ability to adapt what's the answer you would give them if feel like how do I gain more confidence it starts with yourself man you got to start diving into those things that you are afraid of you don't gain confidence by going to the spot that makes you feel good it's could be a false reality in the second life gives you that challenge all you want to do is go back to or
what gave you confidence is that happy spot where gives you confidence not being afraid it's overcoming the fear I used to stutter severely bad so right now I don't know how many people are going to watch this you know what gives me confidence is know I'm no longer care if I sin her start stuttering to you yeah that's what gives me confidence is facing these things overcoming them and maybe not overcome them every day but facing them and facing and facing pretty s like this you know what man this is where it's at it's not
in that comfort zone it's in the discomfort zone is where my confidence is getting built negativity you can protect yourself from negativity and that's what stops most people negative thoughts you know I get tired sometimes that's different from being negative because I get mentally drained for my job at time but to coat your mind from negativity the way you can put a coding around your mind is with one simple thing gratitude gratitude erases negativity I'm going to show you how this works if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts Man this
ain't my day I woke up on wrong side of being I'm tripping I just don't feel myself every time you feel in the middle of the day if you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for not everything you want everything you already have because what you have is substantial you want to know why our grandparents stayed together because they weren't looking at Ash cheeks all day on Instagram and and refreshing it don't take today off not today wait until
tomorrow don't don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear shut that down do not listen to that midle voice instead go through the motions lift the weights Sprint the hill work on the project get out of bed you need to get things done when tomorrow comes you still feel like you need to rest or you need to take a break then okay but the chances are you won't you won't need that rest chances are you will realize that the desire to rest was just weakness it was just the desire to
take the path of least resistance the downhill path the easy path and by simply going through the motions you overcame that path and you stayed on the righteous path the disciplined path you stayed on the war path which is right where you know that you belong the the majority of success that I have had have come on the back end of pain pain has pushed me to levels unknown for me at the time all I know that that was pain but on the other side of it all of a sudden I became better in an
area so when we go through those situations in our lives pain helps you develop those things that is going to take you to the next level of whatever it is believe that I'm a living testimony of that see there's a purpose for my pain as you've been listening all and you probably read all this week I suffered from depression I went through it mightily my rookie year I suffered through suicidal thoughts and I wasn't just suffering through Suicidal Thoughts I was actually planning the way that I would kill myself so my wife would get the
money not yet not yet but what that pain did for me it it it increased my faith exponentially I have grown Leaps and Bounds because of the things that I've going through and that's one of those things that I went through and when I say went through that mean I came on the other side of it so for those who are going through right now there's hope you do have hope there is something on the other side of this don't get caught up where you are don't stay where you are keep moving keep pushing through
you always have to be the person who roots for you before everyone else does and it's usually a single clap so the other day I went out for a run and I see this young man he passes me he comes back catches me gets beside me starts giving me his resume about his life he's going through talking about everything he's done he gets to the point where he says I gradated C with 3.8 GPA I ask him what's next he gives me a look like he's bewildered kind to say congratulations I said what's next because
basically if you have a long laundry list of [ __ ] you want to accomplish in life you sit back and you're very happy you sit back on your accomplishments and say wow it's like a nice warm blanket it's nice and comfortable you don't want to do anymore a lot of us have these I love me walls certificates trophies plaques I put all that [ __ ] in storage as a reminder I have more to do greatest is something during every day hey kid I'm proud of you stay hard but keep on [ __ ]
working my legs are all beat down Rong was me tired feel like sh but guess what I know how about days off one day but not today hang on a second man you can achieve the absolute imposs you don't need great parents you don't need like a private school you don't need to have this humongous GPA and all other what you need is the one thing I talked about my book which is straight up brutal work ethic you have to be willing to outwork everybody in the world for the next 2 years all I'm going
to do is get good grades I didn't date I didn't party I didn't drink I literally didn't leave my dorm room I worked I put my head down for 2 years and I just worked so today I decided to try to PR my long run so the first half of the run I'm feeling great my mind is clear nothing going on think about nothing but my just my running pace what I'm doing my breathing everything like that get to mile 15 I turn around and the demon start to creep in that inevitable wall is creeping
up on me when you push so hard something's about to give and I started to give my mind started to break down I started feeling my legs starting to hurt I started feeling dehydrated started feeling sorry for myself started looking around no one knows I'm out here running why don't you go ahead and just stop call your girl have her pick you up and that's when I feel like a little and this is when your mind has to change you got to start thinking I'm the grittiest mother in the world you're dehydration your legs are
all SAR you f got shin splits and stress fractures no you don't you got to sore legs get out of your head and stay hard I call the rocky cut scene and almost every successful person that I have ever encountered has gone through not a month or a year but many years years of doing work without reward where they have to do things that other people find boring and they have to sacrifice things that everyone finds interesting that most people want to do during that entire season of their life and they basically sacrifice a season
of other things that they would prefer to do to do stuff that they would not prefer to do because of the one thing they want most and that's the rocky cut scene and instead of lasting 5 minutes it just us usually last 5 or 10 years never seen myself as particularly talented where I excel is I'm willing to die in the process of acquiring skill there is no perfect time to start you got to start now with changing your life we're all being tested in life and guess what this is one test you can't cheat
on we all have our own test some of us are obese some of us depressed some of us insecure in the military this big old Ru sack on the back have batteries water extra gear your extra gear is just dealing with in life and the only way to overcome it is for you and you alone to face it you have to do your best work when you're at least motivated so those days you don't want to do it guess what you got to do you got to suck the up and do it and you're talking
about it's not you that's afraid of failing you're afraid of other people's opinions about why you're going to fail there's going to be things in your life that you don't have control over you know like for instance someone gets a terrible disease and or their kids gets gets a terrible disease and no there's nothing you can do about that what you can take ownership those is how you respond to that situation and so that's what you have to do there's things that you can control there's things you can't control now I will tell you that
human beings can control a lot more than they think they can and often times it's pretty easy just to say oh that's not me that's not on me and I think that's that's the whole Genesis of the idea of extreme ownership is most of the time or much of the time people say that's not my fault there's nothing I can do about that and more often than people think there is something you can do about it and you can and it is your fault so when I win it's awesome it's always great to win winning
is is is a great feeling in business in sports in life there's going to be wins and there's going to be losses and you have to take them both in stride and you have to be able to you know what I mean these are all part of being in the game when you're in the game great things happen and really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day strap your shoes back on and get out there and go to war again your
tired body that unmotivated mind and get out there and do it anyway you know you better fight yourself cuz you're not only winning when things are going your way you got to figure out how to win when things aren't going your way you got to figure out when your body's fighting you when your mind's fighting you how do you still you know just say it I'm going to I'm going to beat my mind today or do you just give in your mind and say oh I'm tired today I'm lazy I don't want to do it
it's too hard no one else is doing it it's a weekend it's too late these already off hours oh exactly what I want isn't happening right now like okay great you know who that's great for your competition you want that attitude to permeate the people that you're competing against you want them to give in to their mind you want them to say oh it's too hard I can't do it but you want to be the one that says [ __ ] I'm going to do it anyway I know I don't feel good today but I'm
going to go out there and I'm going to prove to myself that even on days that it doesn't feel right I push myself the only way to gain confidence in yourself is to build something it's not to wait for it to happen hey Vick your life just happened in front of you just show up today and make it happen Tom you had to do a lot of [ __ ] today to get to this day that no one really knows except you so that's why you appreciate it because you had to go through a lot
of stuff to get to this day now only you know what it took to get here and that's why you value it hey look a whole new year a whole 365 days to make this joint right me and you both know you didn't stick to the script last year but it's okay though because this year we call for everything that we lost and more this going to be your year if you act right you're the only one that can make it right but you're also the only person that can mess it up the pressure on
your shoulders but you got to embrace it and if you lock in at the end of the year you can look yourself in the mirror and say I'm proud that's real motion but is it so bad that a person has millions of dollars in the bank is it so bad that a person has two of the top books in the world popular list of all time is it bad that a person has broke all kind of Records is it bad the person been the Navy SEAL Army Ranger going to Delta Force training going to Air
Force just smoke jumper is is that bad is that bad that by 47 years old you're trying to find what to do next is that so bad because you done everything in the world because the second you thought about it you did it if that's bad I don't want to see what good is so why it's bad to most people because it looks exhausting and it is exhausting and that's why it's bad to most people most things that are bad to people is because they can project what the it takes to get there the whole
world is in chess any move can be the death of you do anything except remain where you started and you cannot be sure of your end none of us know our end really or what hand will guide us there remember that howsoever you are prayed or by whom your soul is in your keeping alone life is not easy it is not don't try to make it that way life's not fair it never was it isn't now and it won't ever be do not fall into the Trap the entitlement trap of feeling like you're a victim
you are not get over it and get on with it and yes most things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get them best advice you ever received a man named Rich told me once in Diamond Bar we're in a meeting and we're looking at everybody and we're in this backyard and I'm in the corner I'm looking at everybody everybody's having dinner and there at these tables and I put Rich aside I say Rich give me the one best advice and he starts I said no I said I want one above everything he
said look at everybody here they're all going to read just a few books and learn a few quotes few titles few stories to tell from the books they read and once they make 100 qu million they're going to slow down he said if you keep out improving these guys consistently eventually none of these guys will be your competitors and he was absolutely right so I came back I took self-improvement to a whole different level based on what he told me and uh it became an obsession and I noticed you know what he was right you
can't drive your car looking in the rearview mirror you can't if you keep looking in the rearview mirror you going to keep crash in your car there's a reason why the rearview mirror is this big and the windshield is this big that's a reason for cuz all the rearview mirror does is allows you to see what you've passed and to prevent what you passed from coming up on you again that's all the rearview mirrors for the windshield is your future it's where you going it's where you head when you wake up in the morning don't
think about anything don't sit there and start thinking about rationalizing just get up and do what you're supposed to do just turn off your brain and go and execute and just don't think you will have good days and you'll have bad days but you will always learn something more or something new and you will learn more overall on bad days than good days you will learn more about yourself you'll learn more about relationships you'll learn about life and principles and it'll build your character you ain't going to grow in patience until you're put in a
place to wait if you didn't go what you've gone through you wouldn't be who you are today challenge yourself you know your strength you know your dreams you know your heart so why don't you sit down and reflect for a moment and ask yourself what do I really want to accomplish that I haven't accomplished yet I mean get on your agenda get in your area in your space and say I need to challenge me when you challenge yourself you're challenging yourself in an area that is close to your heart and it's who you are I
rather you hate me and get better than like me and stay the same a lot of us are full of [ __ ] I was one of those people back in the [ __ ] day and sometimes I'm still full of [ __ ] we think that we're working our ass off working hard you know we've been working out hard in the gym for a month but we haven't seen any results so we get off down and poopy pants and Sh you study for 30 minutes for a test and you didn't do as well as
you thought what the do you expect you're not putting in the work you have to do more you got to stop telling yourself that you're doing enough in life it's never enough until you feel this overwhelming feeling of [ __ ] man I'm out working the crowd I'm not working everybody I'm doing more it's not until then once you get there that's when you know youve done enough stay hard so what's the Great Divide of human beings who are you on those days you don't want to do things it's easy to conquer when it's good
weather you got good sleep work's going good the family's good you feel great your body's not injured those are the easy days to conquer but who are you on those [ __ ] days when all hell's broke loose your body's DP you're sore you're depressed you're miserable you're not the favorite person at school you might be getting bullied might be falling behind in life who are you on those days when this off up that's the Great Divide those people who get up on those days when everything's up and still grind that's the separator right there
stay hard we're here to get stronger in order to get stronger we must fail accept that know that that who we are right now is not what who we are but where we are and we're going forward with the belief our belief guys drives this workout believe in the difference you can be stop being average when your potential is crying to come outside and be more than that two forms of pain pain that breaks you and a pain that changes you that's the pain of the change right there that's the pain of progress the pain
that destroys you isn't this it's later in life knowing you could have been more and all it's left is you and the miror and tears of a possibility left that you allowed to die own your life guys you have every opportunity there's no excuse not to be the hardest worker in the room and all your endeavors schoolwork the gym your career your relationship your needs attached to it it's got to mean more than anything worked on my gift I realize that all of us are born with a gift but you got to hone it you
know it it's just not you're not going to become great you know greatness is upon you and I realized that my gift wasn't going to create itself my gift wasn't going to nurture itself my gift wasn't going to perfect itself that was something I had to do you know very few people bet on the underdog M but if you would have you would have W big and that happened to be we us we bet on on ourself sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die for yours to live and for me
it was like when I when I continued to every day not want to wake up that was my wake up call where I was like either I continue to live this way and not want to be alive or I just risk the fact that I'll die to everybody else and I think that that like it was the hardest decision in my entire life by far all the all the hard stuff we went through still the hardest decision in my life if you make all the right decisions but you have like you absolutely think that it's
impossible for you but you still do the right things you will win so what keeps me going I've quit several things I know what on the back end of quitting it's a lifetime of thinking about why the did I do that and I ain't doing that no more you made it through cuz you're here you made it through and the things that you made it through is preparing you for what's meant for you everything that you went through it made it through I'm sure you can think right now all the times you feel like man
my life is over my story is done but you made it through it everything that you went through and made it through is preparing You Was preparing you for what is meant for you I know you might be in a bad chapter you might be in a bad season you might be in a hard time but your story is not done I know you might be in the biggest storm of your life but your story is not done I know you might be in the biggest struggle of your life your story is not done your
dreams I don't care how old you are they are far from finished and I know sometimes seasons can be tough but always remember this my friends seasons change everything that you're going through is preparing you for what's meant for you pain is a beautiful thing challenge is what life is about a life without challenge a life without pain is a life without growth and where there is no growth there is stale stagnant energy and that's where most people live because most people's lives are designed around treading a path that is void of challenge the minute
they recognize challenge or pain they move the other way this is a primal Instinct and normal and natural but a weak perspective your likeness is found in your pain embrace it love it and grow from it nothing lasts forever except quitting nothing lasts forever except giving up nothing lasts forever except throwing in a towel in your life all the great things in my life all the great things in other high Achievers lives all the reasons that these successful people that you look up to that you aspire to be like are the way they are have
all come from a place of being uncom comfortable when you're trying to avoid the pain when you're trying to avoid the struggle when you're trying to avoid the hard things in life you are actively choosing to be average you are actively choosing to be mediocre you actively choosing to move further away from what you want in life because that hardship and that pain and that struggle and that frustration they give you the skills that will Forge you into a mother Champion the easy route never pays well the only route in life that pays well is
the hard route the struggle the pain the frustration and the overcoming of those things and not only do they pay they fulfill you as well because it shows the people around you it shows your kids it shows your brothers your sisters your friends your community what is possible and there's nobility in that everybody believes that at some point in time they're going to turn it on or some point in time they're going to catch momentum or some point in time they're going to become what it is they want to become just by circumstance or by
default or by breathing the air that's not what it takes bro people who think that get to the end of their life and they're like I wasted my life okay that's what what they end up thinking and there's really nothing worse than that there's nothing worse than getting to the end of your life and saying damn dude I didn't even really try you don't have forever right so what is important to you cuz you only have 24 hours in a day so what's important to you find out what that is and do more of that
and try to figure out like how to how to make enough money so that you're not starving that you're doing well but don't just chase that chase what you're trying to do a person's strengths are awful their biggest weaknesses and so that also means that their weaknesses can be their [Music] strengths so me I am weak but I don't accept that I don't accept that I am what I am and that that is what I'm doomed to be no I don't accept that I'm fighting I'm always fighting I'm struggling and I'm scrapping and I'm kicking
and clawing at those weaknesses to change them to stop them some days I [Music] win some days I don't but each and every day I get back up and I move forward with my fists clenched toward the battle toward the struggle and I fight with everything I've got to overcome those weaknesses and those shortfalls and those flaws as I strive to be just a little bit better today than I was yesterday where is the wealthiest place in the world do you know it's not China it's not Dubai it's the graveyard because in the graveyard you
will find inventions never invented businesses never erected songs Never sung books Never written ideas never nurtured people never realized because they were scared to take a risk scared like you but you want to know something else you're not in the graveyard yet that's the thing success and failure are generally slow processes either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them [Music] down and that's why I say you've got to pay attention you have to watch you have to to watch every single second because those seconds they turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and
hours turn into days and days turn in to [Music] years and so that second that second the just went by that counted and so did that second and so did that one and in those precious seconds you were either building or you were decaying you were either gaining ground or you were losing ground in that second and in every [Music] second every second counts so make every second count if somebody ever told you you only live once they a damn lie you only die once you live every day get up and get it Helen Keller
was once asked what on Earth would be worse than being born blind she said it would be so much worse to be born with sight but no vision why can't we have cures for every disease known to man why can't we have clean water food education for every person on this planet why can't we have peace on this planet why do we have to die to go to heaven the Earth is already in space we can have heaven right here right now just a shift in this why not it test you it test you and
see how how much is this you can take before you say let's just just be finished with this you know I mean it wants to show you something he wants to see how much you can take how much you can handle with life you say you love life you want to live life I'm going show you life life is beautiful but you have to accept the good and the bad is being beautiful we lose somebody our life sucks Life is Beautiful cuz life give us the ability to just know them and our journey in life
we met them we love them we cared about they cared about us that's that's the purpose of life just to enjoy what we had where we journey through it people don't care about you as much as you think they do massive amounts of people leave greatness inside of them out of fear of what others will think you know and I did that for a very long time it took me a while while to get to the point where I would put myself out there all out of fear of what people think when you come out
of the storm you won't be the same person that walked into it that's what the storm is all about when you can't control what's happening to you control how you respond to it that's where your power is I Come From Hell and a lot of it I created we can be our worst enemy why is the truth so important it gives you a starting point you have have to have the truth to have a starting point once you come face to face with who you are you have a starting point and your true self is
found honestly in that very uncomfortable Zone we all look for toughness we all want it but we look for it in a comfortable environment you will not find toughness in a comfortable environment those of you who are listening to this you will not find it I was trying to look for it everywhere the only way you find it is to drown yourself in a position where you're just out of sorts where you can't swim and you're drowning you're drowning you're drowning in life but you say you know what ma'am that life what is life what
the is your life are you happy with it and if so it's just the intake and out take a breath that makes you put a smile in your face that's something your mother gave you you haven't earned that what have you done with your life they make it something else besides the normality of everybody else the intake and the outtake of what you call life is nothing more than time andless done something with is forgotten about there's no footprint of your existence left for anyone else to follow life is time and a life that's remembered
where footprint is follow behind and footsteps of inspiration and motivation is when time is met with opportunity and action they Collide to be a life of remembrance the problem is most people don't have a plan and without a plan of your own life you become the plan of someone else's life you're not running the day the day is running you the differential between those people is belief one person with belief overrides a 100 people with just intent intent is thought process thinking War gaming and never putting a foot forward never putting their their face or
their name to the fire Bel is going after and figuring it out along the way this workout is going to bring that belief back in your life it's a back workout and after this workout not only will you have a stronger back you have belief and confidence put into action life no longer is your life filled with stop signs yield signs and halts and this then life begins now if it doesn't begin now your life is over and you don't need reminded of it but I'm going to remind you anyhow life is hard okay fellas
life is hard it's always been hard from the beginning and it will always be hard no no you have to hit rock bottom that's the way up mhm you hit rock bottom is beautiful the struggle of the struggle of coming back is beautiful that struggle it doesn't appear like it's beautiful while you're going through it but it's just being it's just being tested and without a test there's no testimony life tests you sometime life annihilates you but it's only up to you if you want to take some more it's going to dish it out but
eventually if you don't quit it'll be merciful to you stop waiting for life to be easy stop hoping for somebody to save you you don't need another person lying to you things don't all add up but you are resilient face some hard facts and you could have an incredible life you guys W start believing yourselves your life will be nothing for anyone to ever follow a one you have to believe what you're doing is making a difference because it [ __ ] is here's the deal no complacency no complacency no backing [Music] off no slack
whatsoever fight fight that ticking clock with everything you got so like the end of a hard day you can put your head down with ease [Music] satisfied that you've given your best failure is not the opposite of success it's a part of it mhm right failure is not the opposite of success it's a part of it and the reason that I'm saying that is because when it says don't be pushed by your problems problems are part of the journey opposition are part of the journey right adversity is a part of the journey like it's all
a part of development and growth as a person and so when you got dreams and you got problems I look at it as it's interconnected right you got your dream you got your goal you got your aspirations problems are going to happen along the way conflict is going to happen along the way uncertainty is going to happen along the way but the thing that's important is putting things in place to fight it but you know what I discovered when you working at your dream somebody said the heart of the battle the sweeter the victory oh
it's sweet to you it's good to you why see when you when it's hard and there's a struggle see what you become in the process is more important than the dream that's far more important the kind of person you become the character that you build the courage that you develop the faith that you're manifesting oh it's it's something that you get up in the morning you look yourself in the mirror you're a different kind of person you walk with a different kind of spirit and people know that you know what life is that you have
embraced life you know it was hard but you did it hard in the auditorium for a very long period of time it is a slow clap that's just you rooting for you um and that visual I think is one that you can kind of take because it is people struggle to do things alone and the path of the exceptional person is one of an exception which means that you are not with other people your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results
of other people's thinking don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice and most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truly want to become everything else is secondary make your life your own movie that actually make it better than a movie make it better because it's [Music] real it's real so it is better and you know what real comes with some downsides real comes with some [Music] Darkness but that's okay I feel like people are just trying to rush and trying to
hurry up and do this and this knowing that that going to take years they want to go viral on that they want to go viral so fast like it's like bro like you have to wait I just say I just say play the back until it's time to play the front and when it your time to play the front you you go Full Throttle like today like now is the time