he's doing up stop great i'm just gonna pat you down real quick making sure you got nothing on you right no weapon something like that all right can you spread your feet for me i'm gonna hold on to you please they're not gonna let you smoke i'm gonna hold on to you so you don't follow all right i know i'm just worried about you why don't you guys why didn't i don't think anybody believes that something's not wrong with you but i think you need to go see a doctor yeah a doctor yeah somebody's a
medical professional jackson that's all right sure yeah i think i want to make sure you're okay that's why we're going to take you to the hospital that's all you kept you told me what's up i you know what i'm saying you don't know what's going on that's why we're here that's why we can't let you walk around because you get hit it's on us i'm trying to watch out for you and now please smell the cigarettes you can't it's just it can't happen i i know you want to i would love you for it i'm
sorry we're gonna look give us a little bit a couple hours up there you chill you bounce that's it you go home you clean your house you get your son's stuff ready we're just trying to all right because what's going to happen it's going to fall out you're going to be pissing about an hour and a half and you can't fly this put that in your pocket i promise you when you relax this morning good man we're almost there i just want to smoke i feel i'm more anxious than you right now all right bad
anxiety sir jackson sit back slide back a little bit there you go so this is i'm putting seat belts on you only you lift your arms up i will feel way a lot better i already helped you out twice today you said you want to get rid of your box my man all right look at this look how you're looking fashionable all right whose birthday is it tomorrow bro let's get let's check him here real quick properly on that property in one spot so it doesn't get lost anywhere on the way [Music] yeah any property
you have on you know they have an extra bag or what we could use here you got anything in your pockets you got something in there all right well it's all got to come out what about your uh can we use your hat just to dump your property in that's kind of a bag [Music] yeah dump it all in there and then bring that in with it at the international i can ask him for a bag you guys have a bag that we could borrow or use like a plastic bag just so we could put
his property in yeah this is a small one thank you [Music] please where are you going to get the number from uh maybe a little bit bigger sorry i don't think you think that'll work okay i think that's okay but i think we'll make it happen we'll cramming it in there all right step on it over there buddy nope don't worry about all that don't don't get that climb out here there you go that's not coming with you so well pants are coming down bro i'm gonna grab all this stuff put it in this bag
okay come on please please please please smoke a cigarette no not right now you don't have nothing sharp in your pockets do you hopefully somebody would have caught that earlier a little bullet action you'll see people carry those around every day christine who's christine oh my goodness it's got names on different names on every single card you have on you [Music] that's your people stuff do you like the property guy hold on everybody stuff for him get it get his arm behind his back right now oh [Music] grabbing i'm going to comply bro [ __
] man let's go man dude it's still in there [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my hands is up sir don't move my hands is up get your hands up now get your hands up my hands is up sir get your hand up now get it up give it a go take your hand off put your hand up now you twist my arms sir get out in your room not he's still got a gun go get your hand up get your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't move man [Music] [Applause] put your other
hand up now [Applause] let go of it let go of it i'll let go of it search on the floor put your [ __ ] hand up now get your hand get your other hand up my other hand is up sir put it up above your head put it on your head get your right hand up or draw other hand dumbass get your other hand on your head now appreciate [Applause] get your hand up dude you got about four guns on you my hands you're making wrong [ __ ] nukes and you're gone you're seeing
that's why i'm saying my hand is up get your other hand on your head now i don't want to make get another hand up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] we want it up in the air right hand up in the air slowly slow the pounds get your hand down i do but [Music] do not touch the gun let go of the gun and put both of your hands up over your head over your head get your hand up and do it get your hand off i swear to god dude [Music] [Music] [Applause] let me
help him now hold on yes [Music] suspect secure andy are you good now get out here holster up where do you want him get him in that bed get him out thank you nine [Music] be careful he fired a shot off okay i don't even know how i didn't get hit put your hands up now you're fortunate to be fired andy's in the room with him okay get your hand up dude well you got you want to switch on you you make a wrong [ __ ] move and you're gone you understand that it's up
to you get another hand up now get your right hand on your head now put your other hand up dude my head is on my ass no get your right hand up dude come on look at your hands your other hand no put your hand on your head put your hand on your head [Music] [Applause] right hand up in the air slowly get your hand down now [Applause] davey if you take my spot i'm going to tase him get your hand up now quit waiting and do it i got you keep your hand cover go
i swear to god dude [Music] chasers [Music] [Music] [Applause] is our partner okay is anybody hit 14. [Applause] he's on the floor he's down