Generate Video from ANY Photo! │KLING AI Tutorial

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Kling AI is a powerful text-to-video and image-to-video generator that was previously locked off to ...
Video Transcript:
cling AI is a powerful text to video and image to video generator that was just released and using it feels like being in Inception in which everything from the mundane can become surreal and you never really know how grounded a scene is until it fully plays out here you're the architect and you can direct any scene to be anything at the moment it's free to sign up but you only get a few generation credits so today I'm going to generate some videos use up some of my credits that way you can determine whether or not
this is an app that is worth trying for you and you can see some of the limitations and where it really excels at I'm going to be going over some tips and tricks that I found we're going to be trying out some of the text to video the image to video and really diving in and pushing cling to its limits I'm super excited I know you are too all right let's [Music] go so for a little context we've covered other AI video generators before like runways gen 3 Alpha open AI Sora pika labs and even
Luma Labs dream machine so this release is just one of the many video generators out there but it's also one that I've been most excited about and it's been the most difficult to get access to until now the reason being is that this one is made by a Chinese AI company and before it was just not available to those who are not inside of China so today I'm super excited to make this video and dive in and see how well clling can actually make some stuff because I've been seeing a lot of impressive Generations coming
out from the community okay so this is what it looks like when you first sign into clling and you instantly get 66 credits which will expire within 24 hours so not a lot of time to get a trial period and that's why we're making this video that way you can get a sense as to where this AI really excels at and where it really struggles so that you're not just wasting your time and energy and money so let's hop right into this the first thing that you're going to see is that we can also generate
AI images but that's not as interesting because there are plenty AI image generators the real winner here that most people have been excited about is the AI video generator from cling and we can take a look at some of the generations in the gallery here you can see that it it really excels at taking an original image and turning it into a full video so it takes this and changes it into a model filming a commercial smiling blowing in the wind and it definitely looks believable however if you take a look at some of the
surreal aspects such as a hunting dragon flying sand in a fantasy film and it really does struggle a bit here cuz it is this slow motion kind of warping looking effect which is not that believable compared to some of the human subjects here so another thing that it also does well is animals so we have this cat wearing an astronaut helmet this does look believable but not too much motion here whereas something like this camera looking down at a volcano is very impressive because we get so much details in here a lot of the physics
are getting shown and this is some of the generations that I think cing is really beating out some of the competitors like P labs and Runway at the moment here's another awesome example of clling ai's capabilities to where you can see this is the original image of a dog in a pool swimming and then it actually generated the video of the dog swimming now not everything is perfect but it does look very convincing so let's go ahead and test this AI out for ourselves I'm going to go all the way up here to the AI
videos Tab and click on this and you're going to see that we have the text to video options here as well as the image to video right next to it text to video we can describe whatever prompt we want to use for the image and then we have these additional settings such as creativity and relevancies we have a standard mode and a professional mode with the professional mode being locked to an upgrade to premium so let's just go ahead and keep it to standard at the time being and then we can also change the length
of the generations using a shorter length will save more credits whereas using a longer time such as 10 seconds will use up more credits for this for the frame ratios we can change it to a 16x9 or a 9x 16 or even a 1x one so a lot of flexibility here compared to some of the other AI generators another feature that we have is the ability to control the camera movement in the shots which we've seen in other AI video generators as well and at the bottom we also have a negative prompt which is optional
and this is typically where people may put in keywords that they don't want to see such as Distortion or disfigured low quality grainy footage things like that so let's go ahead and start off first with the image to video I'm going to use an image that I've generated from mid Journey so I'm going to use this image generated from mid Journey which is a beautiful woman wearing a yellow dress standing in front of a huge Larger than Life yellow flower anyways I'm going to plug in the same prompt into the image and prompt area here
so let's drag in the image and then here I can just paste in the prompt and let's leave all of the settings to default and hit generate which you can see is going to use up 10 credits now at the moment we're already at about 4 or 5% so I'm going to go ahead and pause this because I think it's going to take a few minutes to finish generating wow okay and in 5 minutes we have a finalized generation from clling and I got to say this looks pretty impressive one thing to note is that
I am noticing a bit of artifacting around the eyes and around the hands so I am wondering if this is just a matter of it being in the standard mode which it does say is a faster generation speed whereas the professional mode would prioritize visual quality so that could be a little issue here when not signing up for a Premium plan but at the moment this is a really really impressive generation just based off of that single image and the prompt I got to give this a solid eight out of 10 here it's really impressive
so let's go ahead and try out something a little bit more difficult for it so this is an awesome generation that I have for Mid Journey which is a behind the scenes image of Rick essentially on a movie production set while he's awaiting a camera crew so let's use this image as well as the prompt and plug this into clling Ai and see how well it does now some of the things that I think it's going to mess up on is the fact that this is not an anatomically correct human this is a little bit
of an interesting clation mixture style here so maybe it's going to mess up on the hair fibers a little bit I have no idea it's going to take this but let's go ahead and see what it does okay and we're leaving all of the settings at their default again and hitting generate which is going to use 10 credits okay so we have the final generation here and I got to say this is a weird video Yeah it it's pretty cool he does not have any uh movement of his mouth or his eyes which is very
jarring and then it also adds in this other person which is a little creepy into the scene but I got to say I appreciate that it has at least a solid one to two seconds of usable movement here in the video footage tour you just left it at this here it does feel like this is a short scene like maybe he's reacting to something I got to say this one is also maybe a seven out of 10 here because we don't have as much usable footage as we did with the other generation but it's better
than I did think it was going to do I thought it was going to mess up on the hair but the hair looks completely fine whereas it's the face that is the weird weirdest part of this all let's go ahead and try out something else another one that I'm super excited to try out where we went from a human subject with a little bit of a surreal element to a cartoon clation animation in a real world setting which is a very difficult thing for it to do I could imagine but let's do something that is
fully out of this world okay so this one was inspired by the Planet of the Apes movies except if it wasn't an ape and instead if it was a nice red Pand so here we're going to use this image let's plug this into cling do the same process as before and again leaving all the settings to default so let's see what it creates for a cinematic action shot of a red panda King wearing tribal headwear surrounded by a colony of apes and pandas lunging towards the front view yeah there there's a lot of details in
this I'm not even sure how it's going to handle not even doing any prompt cleanup whatsoever we're literally taking this directly from mid journey and plugging it into cling for a direct comparison to see how it does yo okay this is freaking sick this is so cool I was not expecting this at all it even added in elements where the original mid Journey prompt had forgotten so I love that it goes from this closeup into this wide frame shot which it shows the gorilla surrounding our red panda Kings now I do notice again a bit
of artifacting some little mess ups here and there if you look too closely but then again we are on the standard mode and I am really impressed with what they consider to be their lower quality results so this is super impressive just mind-blowing I got to give this one a solid 9 out of 10 here this is so so good all right let's go ahead and keep going so here I want to plug in an image that does not have a distinguishable singular character as its main focus instead we have this large sweeping cinematic shot
of a futuristic cyber Punk Ocean City there's a lot of details in here so I'm really curious to see how it comes out with the AI from cling another thing to note about this is that it does have a bit of an artistic styling put onto it so it's not entirely photo realistic it does look like it is a bit of an illustration at the same time let's go ahead and see how well it does anyway so I'm going to take the same prompt again and let's hit generate wow I got to say this is
stunning it looks so impressive now obviously there are some artifacts and it does look a little bit lower resolution that I'd like it to be but for creating the scene having these birds flying different cyberpunk Vehicles flying the boats here interacting with the water and leaving trails even though there's a little bit of weirdness going on here all of it still looks pretty good if you step back a Solid 5 ft so it's not perfect for a cinematic setting but for something on Instagram or something very quick and possibly as a segue point for some
more complex compositing I think this is is going to work really well and that's why I got to give this a solid 9 out of 10 great job cling now we only have 26 credits left so let's go ahead and test out just the text to video option let's use the same prompt as before except let's not use the image at all and see what it generates I'm actually going to delete a little bit of this because I feel like I want to focus more on large buildings emerging from the ocean I think that would
make for a compelling shot let's leave all these settings to the default okay so this is what it created now I got to say this is not what I was expecting I do think it did not follow the prompt so well in terms of it being futuristic and cyberpunk however we do get a very realistic Ocean City with large buildings and it is in the middle of the ocean so I got to give it props for this however I do love the way that it generated the video based off of the image prior to this
when we combined it with mid Journey so for the text to video option I got to give this one a seven out of 10 it's a still an awesome video but just not stylistically what I was hoping for okay and last but not least we're going to try out this cinematic shot of a futuristic movie set with a crew building a lush jungle made of neon plants with a portal to another world in View and so on this is a highly detailed prompt there's so many different elements going on in this image so I'm very
curious to see how well cling does so let's go ahead and click generate which will use up the final remaining credits and I like that they give you six more credits which will expire within 24 hours knowing very well that six credits is just four credits away from actually being able to generate anything here so not a fan of their Shady business tactics okay and I think we may have found where this AI does not do well because this generation is very strange very glitchy and is not that much better than some of its competitors
so I got to say I I think Luma Labs definitely killed it and made a much better scene than what we're seeing out of clling AI for this so one thing to keep in mind it does not do these surreal highly detailed scenes well just yet and you're probably better off sticking to things like characters Ultra wide large Landscapes and definitely nothing that has to have way too many details in it and too much styling going on another thing to note is that if you have human subjects it probably is going to handle them much
better than some of the animated and cartoony stylized counterparts if you enjoy checking out clling a I highly recommend you check out this other video in which we talk about web Sim which is an awesome AI that lets you generate websites on the fly with just text prompts it is super powerful a whole lot of fun and we get to exploring so many amazing creations with it anyways thanks for watching I hope to catch you all on the next one until next time peace
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