Lil Durk is in some serious trouble after legal issues dogged him throughout his career the OTF founder has risen to become one of the biggest stars in hip-hop over recent years from there he seemed to embark on a positive path and rebranded himself but it now appears like he couldn't escape the streets of Chicago like he hoped and the pressure to prove that he was really about that life might have caught up with him in the end because now he's looking at a serious case which could bring his Empire crumbling down forever it's your boy
l and this is Lil durk's road to a life sentence in recent years it seemed like Lil Durk had really turned a corner in his personal and professional life once the voice of the trenches Dirk had shifted from Chicago drill to make radio friendly tracks with the likes of jcole Drake and even country star Morgan Wallen on the personal side his days of putting on for lamon or repping the BDS seemed to be long gone instead Dirk wanted to be the model citizen who focused on music recently he took a huge step towards that when
he got him s a clean record dating all the way back to 2011 when he first had legal trouble everybody should get a second chance at life it's about what you do with it alhamdulillah my background wiped and cleaned all of my cases I ain't a felon no more who would have thought I want to thank everyone who helped push my vision forward thank you from the bottom of my heart # theice along the way he launched his neighborhood Heroes nonprofit organization in 2020 pledging to stop the Bloodshed in Chicago once and for all even
though he knew it was a tall order you know that's the number one goal I mean not that's number one goal to stop it but the the number one priority for like us in the streets and like politician wise is to stop the violence slow it down much as possible and it start with everybody like just coming together but like I say it's hard cuz you probably got him over here thinking he that but his young [ __ ] don't even respect him so even if he be like come on let's come together they looking
at his ass like the [ __ ] on you think as they continue to mature he got increasingly open about his own issues earlier this year he revealed that he was just back from rehab and effort to not only cure his addiction to Xanax and Codine but also to become an example for those who looked up to him I want to embrace it you know what I'm saying cuz it helped me a lot so I I want people to not run from or be shot from it was tough at first but it a it ain't
that tough cuz I really knew what I wanted I'm saying I knew what was holding me back I want the better know I'm saying I want to be a better man a better father a better leader thinking clearer you know I'm saying and my main my main goal is peace know what I'm saying being being with the family and staying out of Boo [ __ ] you know what I'm saying planning on building a rehab center in Chicago for others like him he also saved the life of his friend OTF Duty by paying $100,000 for
his own rehab stin now a Grammy nominated artist who has converted to Islam Dirk informed the world that this meant he couldn't be affiliated with anything illegal I don't gang bang I'm a Muslim basically what I was saying on my post in so many words you can't do both I'm going be the one who says it so if you follow me as a brother a friend an icon follow me to my new chapter of Life yeah when I make music I rap what I've seen and been through I'm not telling you to do it there's
a huge difference the music won't change but my life goes will despite the fact that he has spent time behind bars for firearm offenses and beat an attempted murder case with his late friend King vaugh in 2019 Durk had rehabilitated His Image to the point that Aiden Ross wondered if he would ever see the inside of the pen yo Derk yo I'm reacting to the new song bro it's really good you like it really really good bro um I have a question though yeah in the uh in the video I see a bunch of mug
shots is that you yeah all of them uh all my mug shots like in my past you've been to jail they ain't a good thing n yeah like how many times though bro how many M up there H yeah nah no BR I love the song though bro um I'm really happy you dropped this it's very good I'm I'm going to I'm going to add it to my music for sure with successful albums that were certified gold and platinum Dirk was looking to carry on that momentum with the release of a new album entitled Deep
Thoughts in November from his early mixtapes declaring amaha to Leading a foundation that's made a real impact on his community Dirk has come a very long way his transformation was recognized in a big way earning him not one but two separate keys to his City but it seems like Dirk in front of the cameras and The Man Behind the Scenes were twoo different things because it appears that even though he said he wasn't in the trenches anymore he might have still been pulling the strings as a result Dirk's attempt to change how the world saw
him only increased the shock when the news broke that he had been snatched up on some seriously heavy charges coming off his first Grammy win earlier this year Chicago breed rapper Lil Durk is now facing charges in connection to a murder for higher plot following the arrest of four OTF members in connection to the death of cev Robinson better known as L PAB rumors began to spread that the net was closing in on the people at the top of duro's organization but it was still hard to believe that it was actually going to be the
Grammy award-winning artist himself who would be next to find himself in handcuffs oh Chad Durk has been locked up in Broward County jail he's there right now this is this Flor yes Broward he's in Florida I got his I got the whole thing on I look on my stream I got it oh my God bro taken in on a Federal indictment they claim that OTF members engage in violence including murder and assault at the direction of Dirk and to maintain their status in OTF as for the murder for the higher Chargers specifically they reported that
Durk said he would quote pay a bounty for the murder of quando Rond which is ot's longtime enemy whose crew killed King vaugh after an altercation outside of a hookah lounge in Atlanta from there a plot came together with Dirk allegedly telling his Association via text message don't book no flights under no names involved with me the accused OTF members such as otfd vonie and 072 Boogie headed to California to meet Kayon Grant which is a high ranking member of the crew intent on catching up to quondo and his crew they tailed them throughout the
day until they reached the Fateful gas station where they would spring their attack while quando escaped unharmed low poob was left dead at the scene while the famed rapper cried out in pain over his Fallen Friend shots fired a fight taken to the streets and this chaotic scene the ending of a shooting that started in Los Angeles California sheriff's deputies pulling out a man who had been shot in an SUV Savannah rapper quando Rondo passenger in that car frantic at the site if you recognize that cry for help from quondo well that's because Durk actually
sampled it on the track same side with Rob 49 from there the Assassins headed to In-N-Out to discuss money before heading back to Chicago with the alleged Killers Behind Bars Dirk realized that the net was closing in and was reportedly trying to book flights to Dubai and Switzerland out of Florida but was apprehended before he could board them with the flights purchased by OTF associated credit cards it was alleged that in informance recordings played key roles in linking Banks to the murder for higher plan including Dirk supposedly offering music industry opportunities and cash rewards in
exchange for the killing of guando Ronda for a lot of people the news that Durk had got himself jammed up in a case like this after apparently turning a new life would be hard to comprehend but if you've really been paying attention then you would know that Durk has left a few little breadcrumbs hinting at his involvement in something like like this ever since the passing of his close friend and leading OTF s Durk has been told by shy rackology redditors who've likely never even held a gun that he had to quote unquote slide for
vaugh this is an issue I covered at length in an entire video which explained exactly why he shouldn't be getting involved in Revenge plots ever since then the hip-hop world has been debating over the whole thing generally telling Durk that he needs to stay out of it and just focus on the bag literally what could Dirk do right now today about like King Bond's M nothing except slide for him positively is no should Little Dirk grab his Draco and just go I don't know some [ __ ] up that he feel like are responsible or
had anything to do with um you know with V's death should he go do that today but while quondo Rondo remains alive and well it seemed like Durk may have been more rattled by the comments than he acted and set out a plan to get his revenge at times even openly alluding to the death of L pob in a way that prosecutors are likely to construe as him taking responsibility for the killing during an interview with DJ academics L Dirk spoke out about the endless calls for him to avenge his Fallen Friend and claimed that
things had eased off for some reason for some reason I just don't see them comments no more for some odd reason I don't know might be the water they kind of chilled out a little bit I wonder why we though we different inact feel like speaking of Parables I'm trying to like to code it a little bit this was around the time that he popped up on Nardo Wick's who want the smoke where he spit they' be on my page saying s for V on I know they trolling me outside with y'all big homie Beyond
I keep them folks with me got it back in blood y'all just don't know that's how it's supposed to be later on in that same track he seemed to explicitly refer to Lil Po's death when he said better do what Naro said cuz people die for pumping gas that one might not go over well in court also there's the incriminating comments from one of Dirk's La Associates brick baby in a recent interview the rapper who's been spotted in the studio with Dirk essentially seemed to dry snitch stirring up even more controversy SL for nobody yeah
they say you can't say that no more why oh yeah cuz of wait no wait no no like who died say you can't say that no more oh cuz of FG cash or who n cuz Little P oh what's that but I'm just saying they just say you can't say that no more that's the new term on like no more slide for V because a little pop now after that looking back this was a direct violation of how like to conduct his business because if he was more driven by clout he would have been all
over the Internet mocking quandoo instead he kept it in the strange blurred lines between reality and fiction that hip-hop represents where artistic expression and confession are hard to really Define the goal is not to go to jail so y'all will never see me do tough [ __ ] on here to look Street I am the streets as LP's death entered the rearview mirror and his family tried to pick up the pieces like Von's before him dur continued to publicly renounce the street life I'm going to start by getting the city together he told Rolling Stone
at the time to do my part to slow down the violence even if you do 99% of [ __ ] right you still got 1% of the Demons with you you get angry fast and one reply can [ __ ] up a billion dollars that's why I'm not saying names no more in my music I ain't speaking on the dead no more none of that I'm not chasing death no more I'm chasing a billion dollars I want our kids to grow up safe and sound to be able to have fun to have a real life
intent on acting like the street life was be behind him dur continued to act like a role model in the public eye but it's fair to say that he still adhered to elements of Street code for one thing he had a vocal hatred of informance not only that he claimed that he had an ability to sniff out a rat from a mile away just like he did with tekashi 69 I really hate rats with real passions like I hate you bad I'm looking to the camera I hate right but it turns out his senses weren't
as attuned as he thought as a result it appears he might wind up fulfilling the prophecy he delivered on Red [Music] Man despite Derk claiming that he could still smell a snitch a mile away the truth was that he appears to have had a few in his camp and now it came back to bite him little Dirk been picked up by the feds I don't know if you been charged with nothing probably questioning it putting OTF and a lot of things but I heard somebody named OTF Jam they said they've been calling him a rat
rat rat rat rat and basically he said okay I'm a rat well watch this this watch this that all this information that I know rat this I'mma tell this I'mma tell that my video earlier I told y'all man if somebody say Dirk name that's all it's going to take to say that man name and although it's alleged that there are a few informants OTF Jam is the one who's being pinpointed as the man that was wearing a wire and had given Dirk up but unfortunately all this proves is that once there are big prison terms
being dangled in front of people even lifelong friendships can go wrong in a recent interview Jam revealed that he and Derk had been tight long before the fame 12 years like 12 years did my time a't told on nobody ain't no fool [ __ ] on my name now I'm back I'm living a life I never thought I live you know yeah but like if you can't talk about it like uh why did you have to sit down for 12 I went to ja for it was more than that but [ __ ] that's what
I did my time for like how did you even get LinkedIn with uh this OTF period brother got this ain't no people I met now I knew them like I'm saying know Dirk was rapping he had he came out there after he came out from serving a 12year bid Dirk took care of him providing his friend and Ally with 50k in cash a car and even a home bro like I remember when the money one there you got you my lawyer money I my that's sure I going to [ __ ] nobody say like I
know I'm a real witness like a lot of n can't like my whole time straight to really rub salt in the wounds there is also footage of Dirk actively praising Jam while he probably had a wire tucked in his shirt just like that OTF Jam has single-handedly proven that when it comes down to it there are no friends in the street and according to OTF twin Jam was not the only one who was integral to Bringing Dirk down and unfortunately this is another case where Dirk saw a coming in his music on the track Federal
nightmares where he wrapped delete my eyecloud if they really on me though when triout come it ain't on your phone it be your homie though he on the stand with his head down like you don't know me though it ain't no plot in getting no lawyer if you're homie told now looking at a life sentence or even the death penalty in Florida it's easy to look at the betrayals Dirk has suffered and think that his friends sold him out but the sad fact remains that if he was really leading the life of a reformed man
that he claimed to be he wouldn't be in the situation despite the fact that the street mentality told him what he should have done every other Instinct and Circumstance of his life should have told him not to retaliate even King Von's grieving Uncle Range Rover H has said that it was in his hands to break the cycle and leave the street life behind once and for all as in his opinion it led not only to the death of King vau but Dirk's late Brother D thing too rest in peace to D thing if he die
I know if he died yet I'm heing on the internet I don't know if he died like but I'm not the type of niggaer y'all got to keep getting mad at like I [ __ ] with Dirk he BD I'm GD but I still [ __ ] with him and I [ __ ] with his music his movement he making money I'm not a hater I love to see what he doing shorty up 30 40 million dollars like I love to see that because he come from I'm from one block he from the next block
over my daddy used to hang with Dirk daddy think his brother been throwing parties for years nothing never happened to these things something just happened to him now because Dirk steady he s these people names and songs really you in a position to empower Chicago to make us a better City you should be like man I ain't know none of that no more the advice didn't just come from inside Chicago either during an appearance a million dollars of game wallo openly pleaded with Dirk to refrain from doing anything rash to get back at Rondo and
his crew to start he shared a personal anecdote about his own moral dilemma that threatened to consume him the living conditions [ __ ] you big that's not you you're not what the you going through so just hold on and keep going cuz I'm telling you man I can name 20 30 [ __ ] in my homies is day I'm here though and I'mma say some [ __ ] that like this is documented you know I got a TED Talk I forgave my brother's killer and I'm saying it to say this [ __ ] that
killed my brother my brother died in my grandma arms that house that we grew up in they get shot my brother he ran to the he ran to the house he died in n H when she open the door so I'm telling you this some real [ __ ] man but rather than heed the warnings of people like wallow Durk allegedly decided to tap into his old ways and because of this people like Charleston white feel that he made his bed and if he's not careful he might die in it now your favorite rapper go
to jail and look like he got a no bond like me that boy got a federal no I bet that [ __ ] ass hold and closed up he got a burp to pass G he can't even fart out his ass I know I know the feeling boy they get your ass and they put a hole on you now look y'all favorite rapper what he call himself the boy he got an album coming out won't be no album release party oh my good know them boy mad the mother money gone oh we in one moment
where your emotions override your best intentions your whole life can change and unfortunately it's looking like that might lead Dirk to no longer spend his nights in pen houses but penitentiaries instead since his early days Dirk was intent on making it as a rapper so even when his friends were in the streets music remains his Focus what what was your prior relationship with Dirk though like what what how' you guys become cool and what how did you guys become so close we out the block he just like how how we is where we from we
all real close like you see what I'm saying so it's just one the guys he just happened to be rapping he he figured out what he do want to do everybody else as a whole I'm going say as we don't know what we want to do well at the time I a know what I want to do we going to try to be the biggest drug dealers we thinking Street wide but he just want to guys he rapping this [ __ ] working from the very start of his career he's been trying to leave his
old life behind for good coming from feeling like the underdog to Standing On Top of the city it feels good it feels good to just be working and to be motivated by the hey going on but to still be able to do stop the violence programs and be a part of Chicago period Durk informed the fader way back in 2015 but I had to sacrifice to get here I had to sacrifice friends I even had to sacrifice my house because I used to live in the wrong area I had to stay out of the streets
stay out of the way I had to sacrifice the streets but rather than be able to reap the rewards of everything he had a accomplished Durk is now looking at a lengthy trial which might lead to a life sentence from the inside Dirk could no longer be the voice to helps to uplift Chicago instead he's just going to be a cautionary tale of what happens when that City and its Street Warfare clouds your mind and judgment dur can help his City from the inside all his team can hope for at this point is that there's
a way out of a predicament that looks impossible to overcome as always it's your boy Lua and I want to thank you all for watching today's video we worked really hard to get this out fast enough for you guys so I hope you appreciate it if you do you know drop a like hit subscribe and I'll catch you guys on the next one peace