where are you going to hit me everywhere oh my God oh my God oh my God I mean it's the sound that's more the sound now if I handed are these hey okay I get it it feels kind of do my ass maybe hey what's up you guys yes today we're going to be doing another video on conspiracy theories but today's going to be a little bit different cuz we're only going to talk about one Theory and that's the Mandela effect so I've done a video on this before maybe a year or two ago but
since then there's been so much more evidence and more proof there's been more people people talking about it it's just become so much bigger of a theory So today we're going to go through the whole thing so for those of you who don't know the Mandela effect is basically when a lot of people have a memory of something but then when you look back it never actually happened so for example a lot of people remember September 11 actually taking place on September 10th but of course as we all know it wasn't so that would be
a Mandela effect and one of the theories for this happening is that some people think that we have actually switched into a different parallel universe or some people think that maybe somebody traveled back in time and changed something small and then that thing like affected a lot of other things kind of like the movie The Butterfly Effect when Aston cutcher went back in time he like picked up a pencil and dropped it or something and then when he went back to the future a bunch of little things were different and this makes a lot of
sense to me cuz think about it time traveling is going to be a thing like it might be a thousand years in the future but it will happen which means that people have been traveling back and forth through time they have to have been and if you want to get me on an even bigger conspiracy theory I think that UFOs are actually just time machines cuz they all look very similar but they all kind of look a little bit different like maybe one was built in this year one was built 1,00 years later and I
don't think those are aliens I think those are just Time Travelers but that's a whole another video so the reason it's called the Mandela effect is because a lot of people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison but then on December 5th of 2013 Nelson Mandela died and it confused a lot of people cuz they're like I thought he already died years ago and a lot of people thought that which is why it's called Mandela effect well now this is where it gets creepy so there's a book called English alive and it was published on October
1st of 1991 and inside of that book is a quote that says Nelson Mandela died on the 23rd of July in 1991 and that's in a book that was published years ago and you can't put things like that in a book if they're fake or else you'll get sued which means that this is a piece of evidence that he actually did die a long time ago just in an alternate universe [ __ ] creeps me out so now I'm going to go through some of the most popular examples of the Mandela effect once again I've
talked about some of these before so number one the barenstein Bears so everybody remembers the barenstein Bears being spelled e i n i mean I grew up on these books and these cartoons and I remember very specifically it was Baron Steen Bears then I find out nope it's been Baron stain Bears the whole time every book cover people have found every clip from the show that people have found have all said Baron stain bears but everybody remembers it is bar and steam just to give you proof I'm going to call my mom right now she
does not know I'm calling her and I think you guys should do the same thing go ask your parents if it's Baron Stein or Baron stain and I guarantee you they're going to say Baron Stein all right here we go hey honey I almost missed you I just got to the gym oh um I'm doing a conspiracy theory video right now and I have a question okay okay so do you remember a book series when I was a kid and it was like a family of bears like there was a mom and a dad oh
yeah the burn the barnstein Bears the barstein Bears yeah the be berstein or the be barstein one of them so it for sure wasn't the baron stain Bears right I remember as bur the Burnstein Bears exactly well actually it was the baron stain Bears the whole time but for some reason we all thought it was the baron stein bears how strange yeah so technically people think that we're in an alternate universe where for some reason it changed cool all right I like that all right have fun at the gy I was well here you guys
go my mom so everybody's been freaking the [ __ ] out over this cuz we all remember it being Baron Steen well a picture came out recently and it's going to freak you the [ __ ] out so one Reddit user looked in their garage and they found a really old tape of the baron stained Bears they posted this picture and on the front of the tape you can see it says the baron stained bears but then on the side of the same tape it said the baron steam Bears [ __ ] crazy now this
picture has been put through a bunch of tests people have uh investigated it to make sure it's not photoshopped and make sure it's real and it's [ __ ] real which means that is another piece of proof that the m Mand effect is real now another very popular Mandela effect is Sex in the City so everybody that I know remembers the show being called The Sex in the City and then you realize no no it's been Sex and the City the whole time and then recently this came out so here's a clip from some award
shows back in the day where they called it Sex in the City check it out for outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series are Kim catral sex of the city Kristen Davis sex in the city Cynthia Nixon Sex in the City of course I know [ __ ] crazy but that's not the only thing someone on YouTube who goes by the name of the whole world's watching posted this video he has a fan package of sex in the city that has like perfume and cups and stuff and they all say sex in the city check
it out all right you want proof of the Mandela effect Sex in the City no question what it used to be hard [ __ ] evidence now most of you are going to say oh he's a graphic Des designer he made the [ __ ] box plus the in you know it's a different color but thank God my girl still has every [ __ ] thing in here that says it again again and again stamped into yeah stamped into the [ __ ] plastic carved into the glass you [ __ ] name it now I
didn't go out here and make a [ __ ] Sex in the City uh soaps and all this [ __ ] so there you go it says Sex in the City that's not a typo because that's what it was it's what we all remember and you know the craziest part is I went to this video and I went to other articles online of people talking about the sex in the city Mandela effect and there's a very similar comment on all of them this comment I found says LOL it's always been Sex In The City the
creators even talked about it lay off the bong dude which sounds like a pretty normal like Angry YouTube comment but that's same exact comment was all over the Internet it was all like lay off the bong lay off the drugs it's always been this the creators have always said that to me kind of seems like whoever is in charge of this whole thing is like going around the internet trying to debunk it which I don't know creeps me the [ __ ] out another very popular effect is from the movie Snow White and that's when
the evil queen looks in the mirror and says mirr mirr on the wall or did she magic mirror on the wall who is the fairest woman yeah she said magic mirror on the wall but we all remember mirr mirror on the wall and then in force Gump we all remember him saying life is like a box of chocolates or did he my mom always said life was like a box of chocolates life was like a box of chocolates how come I don't remember anybody ever saying that it's always been life is then probably the most
famous one is we all remember in Star Wars him saying Luke I am your father no he didn't he told me you killed him no I am the father yeah he never even said Luke this next one I just read about which really [ __ ] freaked me out is fze so we have all remembered Febreze you know that fabric spray that like makes things not smell like [ __ ] I've always remembered it being spelled feze Fe e b r e e z e the breeze I literally remember going to the store and seeing
it there and grabbing it like I remember it being spelled like that let's wash it with for Breeze two more ways to breathe happy literally what that is not how it's spelled that is not how it's spelled it has always had two e that one [ __ ] hurts my head and this next one hurts my head even more Oscar Meyer wieners okay we all remember Oscar Meyer m e ye e r i even remember the song My balone has a first name it's o c a r my balone he has a second name it's
m ye e r isn't that how you remember it it's how I remember it looking at the name Meer you would think it would be me y e r nope my baloney has a first name it's o c a r my baloney has a second name it's m a y e r no [ __ ] no it is not a you know what M A ye e r is John Mayor that's how you say it mayor not Meer that's one of those ones that really [ __ ] pisses me off because I'm like no Universe
stop [ __ ] with me right now another one like that that pisses me off is GIF peanut butter which I always thought was Jiffy I feel like everybody else thought it was Jiffy I mean Jiffy peanut butter Jiffy Jiffy like that's how I remember it no it's always been GIF and the last one we're going to talk about is curious little George now you guys remember curious little George the curious little monkey he's had his own movies TV shows albums he's a cartoon monkey and we always remembered him as having a tale because all
monkeys have Tales well we were wrong check it out myy what no he has a tail monkeys have tails I remember Curious George swinging on trees with his tail I remember having a Curious George stuffed animal with a tail because I'd wrap it around my finger and throw it around no I just looked it up on Google Images and this is the toy that I found no tail but then this came out this is a picture that somebody posted years ago and it's of them playing a game at a birthday party called pin the tail
on Curious George so why would they make a game called pin the tail on Curious George if he didn't have a tail especially that game that looked like a game put out by the creators of the show so is that a mistake or is that just more proof that that alternate universe did exist and every month more and more of these things are coming out more and more proof more and more evidence because yes maybe it is possible that we all switched into a parallel universe and a bunch of little things changed but I feel
like if you switch constantly like if people keep going back and forth between time there's going to be little loopholes there's going to be little things that didn't change or little things that got missed and I feel like that's what's happening because I keep seeing more and more people find proof that it's real so let me know down in the comments are there any Mandela effects that I didn't talk about that you guys know of are there things that you remember that didn't actually happen did you always think it was Baron Steen Bears I'm very
very curious what you guys have to say on this and I'm just excited to see what happens next because I feel like slowly but surely it's starting to unravel and we're going to see the truth and I'm really excited to see what that is all right you guys that is my video for today hopefully you enjoyed it if you want me to keep making Conspiracy Theory videos please give me a thumbs up so I know and also subscribe to my channel right down below cuz I make new videos every single day and if you want
to see all my other Conspiracy Theory videos or creepy videos I'll put a link to a playlist right at the top of the description below all right you guys I will see you little conspiracy theorists tomorrow don't believe everything you see bye oh my God oh my God that tastes like a nickel I can't explain it put a nickel in your mouth that's exactly what it tastes like it tastes like metal this is not this is like stranger things like you should not be eating this you're going to go into a [ __ ] portal
a [ __ ] tree person is going to eat your legs off I'm [ __ ] barred