The Deadliest Man Eaters to Ever Exist

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Prepare for a thrilling journey into the wild as we explore the dark side of the animal kingdom. Fro...
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let's start with the most horrifying maneaters on the list and slowly work our way towards the stuff of nightmares number eight the spotted devil of gapore the spotted devil was the nickname given to one of the most feared leopards to have ever lived in the 1940s in the state of Tamil Nadu India the leopard would claim 250 Mi of jungle as its personal hunting grounds but the reason this leopard was so feared was for its Proficiency in hunting humans now if this isn't terrifying enough leopards are nocturnal Hunters so any attack that would be carried
out would be in the darkness of night where you would never see it coming and 42 people across multiple Villages would meet this horrifying fate the spotted devil became so feared that after a while people in The Villages began to barricade their doors after Sunset and refused to step foot outside including to use the restroom causing a Health crisis in many villages and in its frustration the leopard would begin to enter homes through Windows roofs or by any means necessary snatching people in the dead of night and dragging them into the forest to be devoured
it wouldn't be until the famous Hunter Kenneth Anderson was called for help that the leopard would finally be challenged Anderson was a notorious hunter that specialized in hunting big game animals especially those that hunted humans it would take him three nights to finally come face to face with the cat where he would be woken up in the middle of the night by a stray dog that he befriended that night when it began to violently shake with uncontrollable fear and when Anderson looked up at the roof he would catch a glimpse of the devil before losing
it in the darkness he then began to actively search for the cat and after a few minutes had gone by he would be alerted by a bark from the Stray Dog causing Anderson to quickly turn around and seeing the leopard charging straight at him and in that instant he managed to let let off three shots from his fori caliber Winchester killing the cat in its tracks after examining the body Anderson would discover porcupine quails lodged between the toes of the leopard's foot an injury that prevented it from hunting its natural prey resulting the animal to
turn to human flesh as for the Stray Dog that Anderson befriended during that hunt he would actually go on to adopt him number seven the Tigers of chaur this was a pair of Bengal tigers consisting of an old tigress and her young adult Cub which over the course of 5 years managed to accumulate 64 confirmed kills this all took place in the kuma division in India from 1925 through 1930 the pair of tigers would turn a 1,500 M mountain region into their own personal hunting grounds this terrain would include multiple Villages which they actively hunted
they would alternate attacks from Village to Village as this tactic allowed them to to catch the villagers off guard and after 3 years of pure hell the locals began to reach out and seek the help of Jim corbette Jim corbette was an indian-born British Hunter who specialized in hunting man-eating tigers and leopards but to catch this pair of tigers it would take corbette three separate hunting trips that spanned over a period of 2 years eventually on his third trip on the 19th day he would finally come face to face with a pair of tigers he
headed to the small village of Kala AAR which was the last place the Tigers were known to be there he began to hang buffalo meat as bait in the hopes that it would lure out the cats while on post corbette would be alerted by a companion that they had heard the Lions nearby and before he knew it he would turn a corner and catch himself standing right in front of the Tigress at a distance of 8 ft she was sitting next to a large Boulder when corbette would take the shot killing her and putting an
end to the attacks he would then kill the young adult Cub shortly after upon further investigation he would discover that the Tiger Claws and can9 teeth were broken and her front teeth completely worn down causing her to turn to humans as her primary source of food number six Osama the crocodile this was a terrifying crocodile that lived on Lake Victoria in Africa from the years 1991 through 2005 It is believed that this one CR crocodile has eaten over 83 people it's very difficult to confirm these numbers since the crocodile would often times attack people that
were fishing alone and of course would consume them whole there have been multiple instances where pieces of clothing would wash ashore from someone who had recently went missing but sadly ripped pieces of clothing were not the only thing to wash ashore sometimes an arm or a leg would too the locals have even reported seeing children dragged from Shore after a attempting to fill their buckets but the horrifying nightmare doesn't stop there the crocodile would even develop the skill of capsizing boats by slamming the boat from underneath sending the fisherman flying into the water becoming easy
lunch this crocodile was such a menace that he would often times Just Launch himself vertically out of the water and belly flopping directly onto people's boats clamping onto fishermen's legs and dragging them into the water and out of all the people people this crocodile attacked only 15 of them would survive to tell the tale but thankfully in 2005 the crocodile would finally be caught where he was then killed and made into luxury handbags number five the man-eating leopard of Rudder prog the first attack came in 1918 in Benji Village in the Ruda prag District of
India this would Mark the start of a bloody and gruesome Killing Spree that would last eight long years leaving 125 people dead dead during this time period very few people would even dare to step outside of their homes after Sunset fearing that the leopard would be waiting for them outside as he often would since he preferred the taste of human flesh over anything else and when people stopped going outside the leopard began to adapt he would begin to break down doors leap through windows and even come in from the roof which were made from plants
and once inside he would grab the person and dragged them out to the Dark Forest where he would devour them after hundreds of people met this fate units of girka and British soldiers were sent in to track that animal down but failed miserably the British government even offered a handsome reward to anyone who could manage to kill the cat and many well-known and famous Hunters stepped up for the task and failed as well but on the 2nd of May 1926 the legendary Hunter Jim corbette would personally take this task on for himself this would lead
him on a 10-week hunt Through the Jungle where he would track the cat down and shooting it dead completing a task that many thought was impossible and after examining the body corbette would discover that there was nothing inherently wrong with the cat well nothing that would prevent it from hunting its regular prey since it did have some bullet wounds from Hunters who had recently missed its vital organs but other than that it was fine corbette came to the conclusion that the cat had developed a taste for human flesh when it was still very young you
see a calora outbreak occurred years prior and many people who died from the disease would be taken to grave sites where they were left un beared and to a young cat this would have been easy food but when the disease inevitably slowed down the bodies did too causing the cat's food supply to dwindle down so naturally the cat began to hunt and consume the food that it had always eaten number four the man-eating Lions of Sabo if there was any man-eating animal on the list that you might have heard of this would probably be the
one the savoo maneaters were a pair of male lions in the savoo region of Kenya these Lions would Target construction workers who were working on the Uganda and Kenya Railway between March and December of 1898 the pair of lions would stock the campsites and strike in the dead of night by grabbing workers from their tents and dragging them out to devour them it's said that anywhere from 28 to 138 people met this fate around 30 Indian workers and an unknown amount of native African workers for some reason no one kept records of the African workers
that went missing that's why there's such an enormous disparity in the fatality count and when the attacks first began only one of the Lions would enter the camp at night taking one victim to be split among the pair But as time went on the pair of lions would become a lot more bold with both of them going into camps and each of them claiming a victim for themselves these attacks would be carried out on an almost daily basis with all the workers personally knowing someone who had one missing it wouldn't be until hundreds of workers
abandoned the job site which caused the entire project to come to a complete stop that the officials were finally forced to find a solution sending in around 20 Indian soldiers to hunt the pair of lions down where they would go on to completely fail but on December 9th 1898 Colonel John Henry Patterson would catch one of these Lions approaching Camp he would go on to tag it with a high caliber rifle on the back leg and aaring it off just for it to return back the same night where Patterson would tag it once more piercing
its heart the second line on the other hand was an absolute tank he managed to survive getting shot nine times with three different guns across an 11-day period and it wouldn't be until Colonel Patterson yet again placed the final shot on its head that the lion would finally be stopped today these lions are proudly displayed at the Field museum in Chicago number number three Gustav Gustav is a large Nile crocodile from Burundi Africa he is rumored to have killed anywhere from to 300 people on the banks of the rosi river and in the connecting Lake
of tanganika all the locals in Burundi claim to know someone that has been taken by Gustav or someone who has simply vanished without a trace a few locals have even been attacked by him and were lucky enough to live to tell the tail their bodies left covered in scars from the encounter but here's the terrifying part not only only is Gustaf a Maneater who takes every opportunity he can to devour humans he is also not a typical size for a n crocodile in fact he is much much bigger being the largest n crocodile to have
ever been recorded here's an image of your average siiz Nile crocodiles and here is Gustav scientists have speculated that his unusually large size prevents him from hunting his regular prey so he had to resort to other means Gustav is easily identified by the scars across his body the scars that were left after being shot multiple times with an AK-47 after multiple attempts on his life the locals are now convinced that his height is so thick that it actually makes him bulletproof to this day there have been multiple attempts to capture him but have all ended
in failure and as far as we know he still roams The River To This Day number two the panar Maneater the panar Maneater was a male leopard who was responsible for over 400 fatal attacks which were all carried out in the darkness of night this leopard single-handedly terrorized the villagers in the panar region in alur District of India during the early 20th century years would go by with the leopard having his way and picking villagers off with ease the locals grip with fear refused to even step outside of their homes after Sunset the leopard would
eventually adapt to this and began to snatch the villagers from inside of their homes dragging them into the jungle to devour them the leopard was so efficient in hunting humans that the government eventually had to step in and offer some assistance the best way that they knew how they called upon Jim corbette the legendary Hunter who had a reputation for killing maneaters as we already covered some of his stories on this list but to kill this elusive animal it would take corbette multiple hunting trips before he would ever even get a glimpse of the cat
corbette would travel for days on foot through the dense Indian Forest to reach an area where the leopard was known to hunt and on his journey he would even contract malaria and that was still not enough to stop him once he finally reached the village where the leopard was last seen he would set up a base on top of a tree but not before tying up a small goat 30 yard away to hopefully lure out the cat hours would go by while he waited at his post and as it began to get dark the birds
would be the first to give him a sign as they would begin to act out in complete fear and soon after he began to hear something brushing against the bushes right next to him and all he could do was sit and wait and this would go on for a few minutes but eventually whatever was in the bushes slowly worked its way towards the small goat and killing it and in the complete darkness corbette was forced to guess where the monster could be taking a shot towards the direction of the goat followed by an angry Grunt
and for a second the scenery lit up from the shot seeing the cat falling backwards and hearing it run back into the forest the villagers were persistent and convinced Cor bet to track the animal down that night instead of waiting for the morning like he wanted he told them that the only way he would do it is if they promised to hold their ground if they came across the Beast as they would be the only source of light that he would have they agreed and promised they would then begin to track the blood trail left
from the cat following the trail Through the Jungle when out of the darkness the cat would emerge charging straight at them with the local villagers running for their lives and in their Panic they began to trip over one another dropping the Torches to the Jungle floor and in the chaos corbette would take multiple shots at the leopard and killing it he would go on to write in his book that if the locals had not fallen down and tripped over each other he would have been left standing there in the complete darkness and the cat might
have been the one walking away instead of him number one the devil of India this is the single deadliest animal to have ever lived and would make one Hunter an absolute Le Legend the devil of India was a Bengal Tigress responsible for an estimated 436 deaths which she acquired in Nepal and the kumal division in India from the late 19th and early 20th century the Tigers was even entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for holding the largest number of fatalities by a single animal the killings first began in Western Nepal where the villagers
were tormented and eaten for three long years Hunters would eventually be sent in to track the animal dam down but she would prove to be too elusive eventually the nepes Army was called in and they would succeed in scaring her away forcing her across the border and into India where she would continue to hunt for humans in the kuma District rotating her kills between multiple Villages picking anyone off who would venture into the woods and since all the kills were done in broad daylight this would leave the villagers completely paralyzed with fear preventing them from
working and leaving their homes this nightmare would last for a dreadfully long 4 years but eventually a handsome reward would be offered to any man who can manage to kill the Beast many welln and famous Hunters would attempt this task but would all return home with a taste of defeat but in 1907 a young and unknown 31-year-old Hunter would take this Challenge on for himself and surprisingly he would refuse the money as he accepted the task simply to help he would begin this hunt with a 4-day trip on foot through the dense jungle before reaching
the town where the animal was last seen on arrival he would be shocked to discover a ghost town since everyone was locked inside of their homes with the locals claiming that the animal had been roaring in the nearby jungle for the last few days the young Hunter would then proceed to the site where the last victim was taken discovering nothing but a few of the victim's bones while investigating word of a new attack reached the village it was from the neighboring town the hunter quickly set out on foot once again but by the time he
reached the town he would discover that a newer ATT attack had just taken place he would reach the new attack site and began to follow the trail of blood seeing nothing but a small glimpse of The Tigress on the horizon but he was forced to abandon the pursuit since Nightfall was but moment away the following morning the hunter came up with a plan he instructed the villagers to make Loud Noises by screaming and banging pots as he began to walk through the dense jungle and working his way to the grasslands at the edge of the
forest the villagers would begin to make noise too soon the hunter was was left with no choice but to run as fast as he could through the dense jungle slipping and falling on rocks and Roots trying his best to get to the edge of the forest before the Beast once he finally arrived and out of breath he feared that he might have missed her he waited for a moment catching his breath and she appeared walking out of the forest like he predicted he would ready his rifle and take the shot wounding the animal on the
back leg as the giant cat began to climb over a rock the hunter took his second shot and missed with the cat over the Rock and out of sight the only option left was to track her down once he climbed over the rock to see where the animal had gone she would instantly appear standing on top of another rock where she would begin to charge him head on and in that instant the hunter would let off his third shot sending the animal from a complete charge to collapsing onto the floor laying on the grass she
would take her last last and final breath upon inspecting the body the hunter found that the Tiger's top and bottom jaw were completely broken a hunter long ago before she was ever a Maneater attempted to kill her for sport permanently injuring her preventing the animal from hunting and eating her natural prey resulting in her having to resort to eating humans as a means of survival but after seven long years and devouring over 430 people the nightmare would now come to an end the people from countless Villages would finally have true peace and their normal lives
returned to them and for the young Hunter who killed the Beast he would go down in history as one of the most prolific Hunters to have ever lived he would be remembered for generations and would even have the first national park in India named in his honor this 31-year-old unknown Hunter was no one other than Jim corbette [Music] oh
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