welcome to a new video this is going to be a lengthy one we are going to talk about the levels of awareness because it's so important let me help you um discern between high energy and low energy Consciousness because every content creator out here on the the Internets the internets and every human in real life and every institution has a kind of frequency if you know how to discern frequencies you can navigate the game of life easier every content creator has a certain level of energy your perception of the world determines what your level of
energy is energy below 200 so if we take the skill it's an arbitrary skill but it's if you become familiar with the zero to a th000 skill of Consciousness you start to find life interesting because you can discern between different energy levels and you can also more accurately help yourself increase in energy where you need to so below 200 everything is about getting so below the levels of 200 you you see this all the time that those are the parasitic people Paras parasites just like in nature you have parasites you have Consciousness levels that are
so low in Consciousness so low in light that they need to steal from others in order to sustain themselves this is where astrop parasites also come from this is not because they're evil it's just because they are like animals they need feeding you wouldn't demonize a shark for needing to eat so these entities need feeding and they feed of of energy so your emotional energy it's also referred to as lch the term lch was going by Robert Monroe so um by the way so the credentials go to him Lu is um the energy you accumulate
everyone is looking for energy there's no way around this everyone is looking for energy you don't want outside things material possessions you don't want anything from the outside world you want energy energy that's all all you want is energy life is very simple let's simplify everything you just want energy and how you acquire it determines your level of Consciousness High Consciousness is acquiring energy from within recognizing you are the source you are all that is being connected to the source within that's where your freedom is that's where all your energy is that is what you're
seeking low Consciousness is believing the energy is outside so you need to get from the outside world world but it's never enough because it's the opposite of the truth nice fire so you need to understand that this is a realm of energy it's not nothing has to do with matter material things it's about the lch talking about discernment okay so you have Matrix programming you look at internet internet you look at influencers so-called influencers let's look at everything from an energy perspective right now you look at an influencer what's the influencer doing most likely the
term influencer is they want to influence you to consume something they are selling to you so what do they do below 200 level energy in this game of life means you need to consume you are very hungry below 200 Consciousness is a very um nice Market to Leech from because those on those levels of consciousness people never have or feel enough so they are great consumers if you want to have a successful business you Market to the consumers that are always hungry and never have enough you marketed your luxury products to them your Cosmetics you
marketed anything to them travel in order to fulfill their void that they feel inside of themselves it will never be enough for them so they are great consumers they are great consumers below 200 energy is also where greed comes in greed and um it's it's essentially Never Enough It's never enough okay so if you look at influencers if you look at influencers from from an energy perspective you can see that they are full of you can see that they promote they show off a thing you need which you don't really need marketing is all about
showing you things you don't really need but they will convince you you need them because they're having so much fun they're having so much fun and you really need the things they have thus they have a contract with a company and company goes to them makes a deal and they sell you the stuff you don't need you are buying stuff you don't need all the time look at your clutter look how much you don't use look how much has been marketed to you that you don't really need look at how many people are overweight and
over consume so much because of that void inside this is a below level 200 energy level and you um below 200 you can be taken advantage of because especially the 125 which is strong craving desire they are they are the best people to Market to because they go to all the festivals all the parties they drink all the alcohol they're hedonistic in nature they need all the things to fulfill their lacking sense of self which actually comes from within so how do you rise from that hellish state of being where you consume and consume and
it's never enough how do you rise from that you hire you elevate you elevate your energy and this is that serious you can elevate your energy uh just by the knowing that I tell you that you are enough you are worthy because you are the whole Spectrum which is awesome you are all that is just by that one knowing you relax a little bit you are a little bit more at peace the hunger that the ego feels that that you feel at that energy level is insane it's Insanity it's like drinking gallons of water liters
of water and never your thirst is never quenched it's a it's hell that's the state of Hell below that is um below desire is even worse because you have less energy available and that's where the strong addictions come that's where the depression and deep deep grief come from that's where Astro you become susceptible to astral parasites so people very low so around 30 and 50 state of consciousness they have a lot of issues with uh demonic possession astral entities and they see things that are actually real they are feeding off their energy this is where
illness comes in this is where disease comes in if you are above 500 energy level you rarely get sick anymore you cannot get sick you don't feel pain as much people in for example in 70 energy is very self victimized is um is is uh victimization mode grief uh self-pity they feel pain the most if you are in apathy you don't feel pain because you're completely disconnected with your body and you're completely susceptible to uh asop parasites so here's where demons come in etc etc you you know you know all the horror movies unfortunately there're
a Sy symbolic for this so it is a phenomena that is in existence itself because Consciousness wants to experience every level talking about discernment talking about discernment if you look online and you see for example this is a big one people showing off their lifestyle and then make you feel less than if you're susceptible to that if you feel less than it is because you have a void inside of yourself that you didn't fulfill yet with your own energy you are meant to fill the void with your own energy not with things and experiences and
stuff because it won't work it won't fill you you fulfill yourself with your own energy which is love unconditional love and wisdom and power which is what you are you are Consciousness you are Divinity playing a human game you fill yourself up and you know you are worthy of everything in existence because you are it you know you create every moment up to now you are the Creator with that said at the levels 475 to 530 it's all about my creation of reality my will my creation my power above 540 of energy your will is
actually replaced by Divine will because you realize that there is higher which is the Divine will so you give up your personal will to align to the Divine will because you know you are all that is and everything in creation is you so you become Unity you become in unity with Divine will that that's the most beautiful thing that you that you can experience because if you surrender your own fragile will which is quite limited to the Divine will it's feels like the whole universe has your back and you are fulfilled you are in fulfillment
and in connection there's no incentive to hang on to your personal will because it's based on illusion so the closer to truth you are the less ego you have above 540 you don't experience a separate self anymore and then you ascend even higher to True Enlightenment in all those States all those Blissful states which you can catch glimpses of but in this realm we mostly experience the lower energy levels because that's the game here that's the game we're playing so in the 600s you essentially it's the state of not having any memory so who am
I without my memories who am I if you had no memories in this moment who are you you're just an observer right you're just nothing you're just nothing so that's Enlightenment and then you have the void 700 then you have the 9900 to the thousands which is everything in creation itself and um everything becomes silly everything becomes silly after a certain point because you'll realize that um life is not that serious because you're Infinity itself experiencing Illusions and it's just a giant Cosmic joke just a giant circus and you you laugh you know but most
people in the 200s or below you you don't laugh life is very hard and serious you don't laugh you can't it will be impossible for them to see someone in in the 600s they don't understand how could you laugh you don't you see a suffering how could you also knowing the scale of Consciousness brings you compassion and more wisdom in your daily life because you can really realize that people in the 200s or hundreds are suffering so bad that you can feel compassion for them because for them it's real and you are them you are
experiencing those low levels of energy so they are starving for Consciousness they are starving and the media and any any influencer makes you believe that what you are looking for is outside in stuff in status in things in a more grandio house in more um status in more validation approval in more things stuff doesn't matter it's it's not what makes you valuable what makes you truly valuable is consciousness itself and this is a hard pill to swallow if you have believed your whole life if you've worked your whole life to attain the material things and
then you hear hear someone say it doesn't really matter that's a hard blow to the ego and it will even kill your ego so don't take this information lightly if you tell this to a person that has worked their whole life to gain approval from others and gain material status or anything in this world and they have strongly identified with it if you bring this information to them you will destroy their ego in an instant so be aware of what this information does also if you sell your soul to materialism what happens if uh what
happens okay you made it you um made it so you have a lot of things now but you still feel empty because the only thing that truly fills you up with Consciousness and awareness and soul Evolution then you think I feel empty what should I do more things more stuff more validation let me go on uh Tik Tok live or YouTube live and uh just um broadcast my lifestyle and and through their validation then my lifestyle is validated so I'm I'm I'm fulfilled then so I need their validation to to approve my lifestyle so I
can feel whole oh my God what kind of hell is that so if you go if you see persons people Al line they say okay you should do this you should do this to main that you are if you anything gets validated online because you focus on it there are always people and levels of consciousness you attract that validate your own your own state so this is tricky because that that keeps you in stagnation so I I realized with the internet um the internet is like the ego it doesn't promote change you stay in a
state where you are not changing and then people with that similar energy level confirm your whole lifestyle your whole state because they are in that same pendulum and then it keeps you stuck in the pendulum and this is the reason why humanity is stuck in The Human Condition because if you stay in a pendulum like that you don't grow and what our soul wants is evolution and experience of higher levels of energy because that's what we're all looking for you're not looking for a new job more money more riches more people relationships you're not looking
for that you are looking for energy energy is all energy let me get that really really clear because it's so easy for to forget and if you broadcast your your luxurious lifestyle online to in order to get people get the L to validate your lifestyle then it feels like yeah you see I'm good you see I'm doing something good because I have all this validation no you're not doing something good because you don't go within and feel the empty void that you're trying to fill up all the time you are distracting Yourself by being and
staying in the Lower State and and and have external people valid your state of being and that's just what it is it's just the Human Condition so in this way once you see that different channels promote a frequency channels promote frequency you can subscribe to different frequencies and I tried this myself I sacrificed my own sanity to experiment buying into other stuff that that are external from me and I'm telling you my results were mind-blowing I was in such a low state if I believe a certain thing if I believe I need to get things
outside my state just drops into minus 300 in in infinity and that's when I knew it's very powerful whatever you are watching or tuning into it is so powerful especially when you're high sensitive and you get drawn in very quickly I would remind you and suggest you become conscious of the levels you are tuning into because this level I'm teaching you how to become more Discerning I'm giving you a tool to become more Discerning about your own frequency level so that you know what you're emanating out I don't see many channels really explaining this in
a good way I would recommend the book by Frederick Dodson levels of energy he's um he has a very good understanding of the levels and it's just a tool you know it's just a tool you use to navigate this reality but it's very very helpful if you want to understand humans and if you want to make your life more interesting because once you see everything is energy life never is the same and you see everything as energy and frequency and then you know nothing is a mystery anymore because you know whatever you give out you
get back whatever people in a certain frequency give out they get back so if you are for example a liar then you get back 10 more Liars to you you will be lied to if you are a liar you will be cheated on if you are a cheater this is just the mirror effect of the world if you are loving unconditionally you get unconditional love back and it's the most beautiful thing you can experience if you create art and Beauty you get art and Beauty back it's so simple and yet we are thinking we need
to get from the outside but there is no outside there is no outside it's all an illusion and um whenever you tune into channels that are that are raping your Consciousness and inserting themselves into your field is just so um it's very dirty it's dirty energy you are allowing to yourself if you hear someone say limitations limitations and that's cursing that's the true black magic okay I am not powerful enough to create my reality so I have to take from others that's a very low frequency I would stay away from I would run from it
you know not because I'm scared of ITC but because been there done that because you have been programmed in the education system that you have to be in a certain very limited way in order to get your needs met and it's such a disgraceful way of teaching children how to be in this world it's such a disgraceful way no esoteric meaning all the life skills I had I had to teach myself and um this will be more common knowledge the levels of energy will become more common knowledge in the near future and we need to
become more Discerning about the energies so whenever you see a company you can feel you can sense the level of energy you can do the testing of levels of energy with muscle testing you can do it with your emotional skill so um if you feel a certain way around um you can do it with things for example if you take a plant and you say okay this this plant is level 300 and you feel positive emotion okay this plant is above 400 you feel light positive em emotion it's above 500 and then you feel like
a contraction or negative emotion then it's below 500 and above 400 and then you can play with it you can also use Muscle testing so just research how that goes but it's not it's not absolute always use your discernment always use your discernment and if you become more familiar with how energy works and how things make you feel you would you automatically have a skill for yourself okay this type of information these types of people make me feel low these types of people make me feel high make me feel powerful these types of people make
me feel peaceful so this is this is what we are learning right now and many many people go into the Trap of being one frequency then they limits to one thing they don't identify with the whole Spectrum the whole richness of Consciousness so yes even the lowest to the highest the0 to a th000 for example you rob yourself of everything you are all that is you are every every level it's not a hierarchy you can drop down to any level it will be harder for a 500 being to drop down to zero it will be
like an Annihilation but you you waver through the energy levels my lowest is um yes I think apathy apathy I can go from 500 to apathy and um it becomes if you expand your awareness it becomes increasingly painful to drop down and you instantly feel it like you you are putting your hand in the fire and you just pull away so it's like dipping into the lower States you can stop dipping into the lower States it's not necessary anymore but when you think the world is a certain way and it's solid and it's not fluid
then you start being stuck in lower States so that's the message I'm telling you this is all an illusion you're never stuck in a certain level or state but you can dip into any state you can also dip into Enlightenment you can also dip into um pure grief or anger you know and it's actually good if you're in apathy apathy or grief it's good to become angry become angry when you're in in a very low state or shame or guilt or fear if you become angry you you raise your level of Consciousness and it's a
stepping stone so it's very appropriate to get angry and then you can go into willingness and then appropriate action will unfold so don't discount or judge any level but just choose the state you prefer because it's all within and don't let people out there some external projections tell you you you have to acquire certain material things or some intangible status in order to feel good you do it right now you are all that is you are valuable Beyond you are valuable beyond measure valuable beyond measure all right and you don't need and above 500 you
don't even need any concepts anymore everything becomes ridiculous you don't need the scale of Consciousness anymore it becomes ridiculous you don't need dimensional structures you don't need anything because you are in joy and peace and so in awe of life that you don't care you don't care you're just too blessed to be stressed about anything Joy feels better than study um Peace feels better than conceptualizing being feels better than all the states below so that's why you don't see the yogis or the the masters of energy read or study their students do that because they're
elevating from 400 to 500 and 600 but it's all an illusion and from a perspective of 600 or 500 even all the lower levels are just identification with separation it's just separation Consciousness it's just the same but when you are in the lower levels it seems very different and then you try to navigate yourself out of it it or you stay in it and indulge and think it's just a solid reality you have to conform to a high level being does not wait for the circumstances to change to be who they are they are it
and they embody it right now tune in wisely any channel that you come across notice what level of energy they are mostly in my algorithm I have animals because they really they they keep me they elevate me to very high States because I love animals and they're so cute I have um funny funny funny things and nature because I'm in awe of beautiful nature I also have yeah mostly those things and silence I need silence to be in a high State and I'm very selective with what I tune into right now so if anything makes
you feel down you can guarantee it's a lower State of Consciousness that you tune into and it's not real it's it's not the real truth you are the Creator you create your own reality you have been imbued with Divine control and once you know you control everything you get humbled because then from that point on you know you've created all the mess that you created up to now and also the blessings you created up to now then you wonder am I ready for this responsibility and then the Divine in you says yes you're ready because
I made you this way and you it's your destiny to become the Creator in god mode in this human game it's your destiny and you will fulfill it because it's my will and my will is my Divine will it's one thing so this was it thank you much love bye-bye