it was one night I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe and I knew in that moment like this is it I'm dying and there's nothing else the hospital can do to help me relieve this asthma attack I prayed and I just said please help me like I don't want to die I started to feel on my left side this loving energy energetic presence who I just knew it was Mother Mary as I'm lying there there's another presence this presence was Archangel Michael they started to literally breathe their Essence into my chest I was starting to
feel relief and as I was feeling relief I just started I just started leaving my body my thoughts and my Consciousness were completely intacted so I just said what's happening and Archangel Michael said this is a divine intervention we are here to tell you that you are not your body you are not your mind you are part of a whole with source [Music] [Music] my name is Amber Baker and I from Malibu California I was a little bit different as a child I was very quiet and introspective very much alive in my inner world like
thinking and imagining I was an artist and I painted and I would draw a lot and I knew that that was something that I had to pursue so I went to art school I had graduated with a degree in Fine Arts and and I got married quite young 25 years old I really embraced more the role of being a wife and I had my first son at the age of 28 and then I had another son at the age of 30 I think that when I got married quite young I lost a a sense of
my own identity even though I loved being a mother and I felt fulfilled in many areas of my life I knew that there was something missing I started to ask myself questions like is there something more to life and so I started to explore myself and to really like I said ask those questions and the questions that I asked led me to the conclusion that I wasn't in the marriage that really I felt was where I wanted to be and so I did get divorced and it was a very difficult time because I had young
children and my son was struggling at school he had some learning disability he needed Services he needed a tutor and I couldn't provide for him what I thought he needed my ex-husband he was not able to help financially and the feeling of maybe not being able to provide for your children is um it's just difficult because I I think I felt like a failure at that time and I felt like I you know was in my mid to late 30s and that I should should have it together by that time I really got caught up
in the emotions of the experiences that I was going through and the struggles I was in this Loop of not knowing what to do but then not knowing how to get out of it some people can say it's a Dark Night of the soul but for me it was a real crisis I was also going through a lot of health issues I developed this autoimmune disorder that later was diagnosed as as pots syndrome I basically wasn't able to regulate my blood pressure and so when I would stand up I would start to feel like I
was going to pass out I think my body was just completely having a nervous breakdown I had asthma growing up and if I were to get sick with my asthma it would you know make it worse of course wor and so this illness that I had it immediately caused this inflammation in my throat and my chest and this weight on my chest so I was going to the hospital I was going to different Specialists and doctors getting on a very high dose of steroids getting my own breathing machine at home but nothing was working to
have any sense of relief this illness uh just wasn't going away and the as was getting worse and worse and worse and so I was bedridden and feeling at this point like I now I'm I think I'm going to die I don't know how to catch my breath I was in this period of just feeling helpless it was one night I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe it was the middle of the night and it when went from bad to worse and I just knew in that moment like this is it like I'm I'm dying
and there's nothing else the hospital can do to help me relieve this asthma attack I prayed to my grandmother who had already passed she was in spirit we were very very close our growing up my whole life with her and so I prayed to her because I really didn't know what else to do and I prayed to her from um a a place of surrender and a deep need and I just said Grandma please help me like I don't want to [Music] die a white Misty form came from across my room her presence was all
around me it felt like she laid her hands on my forehead when she laid her hands over my forehead I just started to calm down and feel a huge sense of relief and peace and my whole body was able to to just relax and I really felt like I was kind of like sinking into the bed and then my chest was starting to open and I started to be able to feel like I could breathe just a little bit I started to feel on my left side this loving loving energetic presence who I just knew
it was Mother Mary it was just like a th% knowing and mother Mary felt like she was anchoring me in this loving presence she really felt uh like she was the anchor of love she was UN she is unconditional love and my grandmother was there too and a part of this and she was also unconditional love as I'm lying there I'm looking in front of me and there's another presence this presence filled the entire space and he was at least 20t tall and he also I knew was Archangel Michael and he had a sense of
a form but it is not like maybe the depiction of you know Archangel Michael with the sword but he was a male presence and he was enormous the way that he filled the room and made himself known I've never felt such presence in my life he he permeated this this presence and so as I was lying there I had my grandmother and Mary and Archangel Michael just surrounding me they shared with me what I was storing in my lungs what I was storing in my lungs was grief and sadness and Trauma and I was holding
on to the guilt of my divorce they told me I was holding on not just to my own emotions but to what I felt like I was doing wrong as a mother they said to me you have to release this sorrow they started to literally breathe their this energy their Essence into my chest and I felt like I was starting to open up my chest and I was starting to feel relief and as I was feeling relief I just started I just started leaving my body I just had had this very visceral feeling of this
lightness floating up away from my body my thoughts and my Consciousness were completely intacted so I was I just said what's happening I said I talked to my grandma and I said I I I thought you were here to save me and now I'm dying that's when my grandmother stepped aside and Archangel Michael became the communicator and he said you are not going to die this is not your time I'm traveling through what feels like this tunnel the tunnel felt warm it felt like it had this kind of orange glow but it was dark at
the same time and he starts to take me what feels like on a journey of looking at where I'm at in my life at that time and he said this is a divine intervention we are here to tell you that you are not defined by your thoughts and your struggles you are not your body you are not your mind and you see I thought I was my illness like I thought I have asthma I am asthma I can't breathe that's it I don't I'm struggling financially that's who I am I'm sad I'm depressed that's who
I am and so that in itself was this like Revelation as he would communicate with me the words would Infuse into me the truth of what he said so it was like this instant realization like oh yes yes that is true you know so it felt like he was was expanding what I knew to be true at that time he was also showing to me my life and he was showing Me by Example like it shows a scene of me crying you know you are not your emotions you are a seed in the universe I
am unlimited presence and power I am omnipotent and I am part of a whole with Source he said in order for you to fully understand what I am revealing to you you are going to become one with this Consciousness that is Source this one omnipotent power and so I started to travel again at that time what I felt like I was going towards the center of the universe it felt like my Consciousness was becoming one with the one Consciousness that we are all a part of what I realized is God is a Consciousness it is
an energy it is all of us together and so I was able to experience the the the merging of me with Source the experience of being able to feel the Euphoria and The Eternity of that and the complete Oneness really absence of thought and feeling and just in this permanent state of kind of like Rapture just this state of bliss when you align into that state of being you are no longer just in your physical body you are energy and now I understand no matter what we're experiencing we are this expanded Consciousness and so I
had that jux toos of before the nde really feeling confined and and attached to my feelings and creating my reality in that confinement and then I had that experience of unlimited power and presence so we create our our reality is what I realized we have free will we have unlimited power and potential we are that expanded Consciousness but because we're so powerful we also get to create the reality that we live in so if you believe that you are limited or if you believe that you are the feelings that you feel or the thoughts that
you think then you're going to create that reality it's the biggest gift I could have ever received in my whole life that no matter what you're feeling or thinking you have the power to awaken into a new state of being and there's nothing in your way no circumstance no circumstance you know I had all the circumstances that maybe should have looked like no you're not that you're not successful no you can't do that like no you're you you know in a horrible like phys you know physical state but then they showed to me who I
Who I Really Am he said to me your mission is to teach others how to connect to their own divine presence and to teach them that we all are unlimited power and potential and possibility at all time that is just the truth of Who We Are so we experience you know thoughts and feelings but we're not defined by them after I was one with Source my Consciousness slowly moved away from that state of Oneness I was still with Archangel Michael and I was still completely out of my body and I guess you could say you're
traveling through maybe realms or or stages of Consciousness I was just really moving through what felt like this void they said you're going to go back into your body now and they explained to me that our Consciousness is stored in our in this chakra system you know these these energy centers that we have in our bodies and so they really this was a gift because they really showed me how to access my Consciousness in the physical body and when I was reassimilated back into my body the expansion of my Consciousness that I experienced in the
Oneness of source was then infused in that whole state with each chakra so that my divine presence was fully integrated into my physical body so so that Divine activation also in a way cleansed or transformed um My Mind Body Soul it I had a a release of of like the feelings and that that struggle that I was in and I really felt the awareness of yes this is who I am I am a Divine [Music] being once I was fully dropped back into my body the guides Archangel Michael they really spoke to me as one
it felt like and they said meditate on the silence you are one and there was a gentle swirl of wind a little bit of like a breeze next to me and then all of a sudden they were gone I came back into my body I remember looking around and crying and just knowing that my life would never be the same I was able to go down this like empowering path of really tuning into my body this Mind Body Soul connection knowing that my emotions can be stored in my body knowing how to release my emotions
and feel them and not attach myself to them really actually helped me heal not just from my asthma but to be able to move on in my life in this empowering way after the nde it wasn't like my circumstances changed it was that I changed I had this sense of freedom because I knew that I was able to now transform I knew I was not my circumstances and because I wasn't allowing myself to be defined by them I was able to make that choice to move forward in A New Path my life completely took a
360 every second of the day I was reading and and uh watching and and looking for Spiritual information I was hungry for it it was like I couldn't get enough of wanting to know more and experience more of what I just experienced I started to study energy healing and then I started teaching other people how to tap into that expanded State of Consciousness how to tap into who they really are at that soul level who they really are as a Divine being [Music] I do think that it's really important that we know the difference of
living only thinking that we are this physical body and that this is all there is to US versus knowing that there's this whole other possible realm that we can tap into cuz we're not taught this in school and we because of that it can lend itself to lead in our life in a very disempowered way and so I think that's why I love to share my message because it's changed my life so [Music] much we are unlimited possibilities and potentials at all times and really the only limitations that we have are the ones we accept
or what we place on ourselves and usually it is us that creates like the walls in the prison that we might live in we have to take responsibility at some point for what we allow to be our truth and so yes there is this whole realm of angels and beings that want to help us and they do they step in at times of need but this human life the purpose of it is for us to make our own decisions and to learn and to grow from our experiences and through our own free will nobody can
do it for us we have to learn ourselves and because our Consciousness is free and unlimited we can create our reality through our Consciousness no matter where you're at right now in your life whatever circumstance you're in whatever emotional state or state of being that you're in it it matters there's wisdom there and embracing where you're at is important the first step towards transforming into your divine presence will always be to honor and embrace where you're at now but to look further to ask yourself questions are you out of alignment with your path what is
what are these emotional feelings or these these thoughts trying to teach you within that exploration of asking yourself questions is for you to know that no matter what state you're in now because you are a transformational being and because all possibilities and potentials exist for you and for me always no matter what you have the ability to heal you have the ability to transcend to awaken and to tap into your whole Essence your true Essence and it might take many many times of going from a a place of struggle or a place of identifying with
insecurities and then remembering again who you really are but every time you awake back into who you are you learn something you find yourself again and you expand the light of source because every time you remember who you are that is the purpose of our evolution is to expand Consciousness you are love you are unlimited potentials and possibilities you can transcend you can transform at any time back into your loving Essence and that is who you really are [Music] w [Music] h [Music]