as you sit here something amazing is happening the universe is not just in motion it's creating opportunities just for you you might not see them yet but they're there waiting I'll show you how to find seize and use them to change your life pay attention because what I'm about to share isn't just an idea or a speculation it's based on quantum physics neuroscience and the power of your own mind every day I see Ordinary People achieving extraordinary results using these principles not through luck or hard work alone but by understanding how reality Works before we
continue send a clear message to the universe affirm that you're ready to embrace the wealth and success coming your way writing it down magnifies its power so comment with I am a winner and money comes to me easily most people start their day by checking their phones rushing through work coming home tired watching TV and repeating the cycle this is what I call the survival Loop they're stuck in the past reliving old feelings thoughts and habits no wonder nothing new ever happens in their lives here's the truth the universe responds to the signals you send
Neville Godard said feeling is the secret your emotions and thoughts shape your reality your brain can't tell the difference between real life and your thoughts when you think or feel something your body reacts it's all about science when you're anxious about the future or regretful about the past you're stuck in Old patterns but you can change this Neville Goddard talked about imagining and feeling your desires as if they're already real this matches what science tells us today you might know about the reticular activating system Ras in your brain it filters information based on what you
think is important if you focus on problems that's all you'll see but if you look for opportunities your brain will highlight those in dead each morning you choose live from your past or your future Neville said you are already what you want to be not believing it is why you don't see it think of it like this when you buy a new car you suddenly see it everywhere those cars were always there but now you notice them opportunities work the same way they're always there but if you're stressed or stuck in Old Habits you'll miss
them Neville called this living from the end you need to align your thoughts with the reality you want not what you lack the universe is full of energy and everything including your thoughts and emotions vibrates at different frequencies if you feel lack and limitation you attract more of the same if you tune into abundance that's what you get it's like a radio station if you're on 94.5 FM you won't hear 107.3 fm you need to tune into the right frequency for the life you want if this is resonating with you subscribe now it's free and
helps us bring even more value your way Neville Goddard stressed the power of feeling like your wishes are already fulfilled and science agrees your body reacts to what your brain believes so when you act and feel like your dreams are already achieved your body and mind align with that reality I see people transform their lives every day using these principles not through luck or hard work but by understanding how reality Works your brain handles over 4 100 billion pieces of information every second but you're only aware of about 2,000 of them most of your life
runs on autopilot driven by programs from your past experiences and conditioning these programs shape your reality even if you're not aware of it the good news is that your brain is neuroplastic meaning it can create new Pathways at any age every new thought emotion and decision rewires your brain Neville goddard's teachings remind us that we're constantly creating whether we realize it or not consider water when it freezes it forms crystalline structures that can be influenced by thoughts emotions and even words this is scientifically proven since your body is about 70% water your thoughts and emotions
are programming your C either for health or disease abundance or scarcity Joy or suffering Neville Godard said your imagination is God the way you think and feel directly affects what happens in your physical reality the universe gives you what you are not what you want your thoughts emotions and energy create a frequency and that frequency attracts matching experiences you're like a magnet drawing into your life the energy you send out this happens every second whether you're aware of it or not to get different results you need to change your frequency Neville goddard's teachings align here
assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and the universe will follow when you wake up tomorrow take 15 minutes to sit quietly instead of rushing into your day close your eyes breathe deeply and feel grateful for what's ahead not just what you already have imagine the emotions of your future as if it's already here this isn't just positive thinking it's based on quantum physics Neville Goddard said that feeling like your wishes are already fulfilled is the key to making them real your body might resist at first due to Old Habits but as Godard often said
persistence is key to change if you're focused on past failures or future worries you'll miss the opportunities around you your brain filters out everything that doesn't match your current state Neville Godard emphasized living in the end meaning act as if your desires are already fulfilled when you do this your brain's reticular activating system starts to show you the opportunities that align with this new state here's the science your body responds to your thoughts and feelings consistently L feeling gratitude abundance or love sends signals to every cell in your body it's not just a feeling it's
information programming your body for new experiences Neville Goddard stressed the power of feeling saying assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled this feeling is the foundation for the life you're creating Neville Goddard often said that our thoughts aligned with a specific emotional state influence our reality the universe gives you what you are not what you want if you broadcast fear and limitation that's what you'll get if you broadcast abundance and gratitude that's what will come into your life it's like tuning into a radio station you need to match the frequency of what you desire your
brain is adaptable through neuroplasticity forming new Pathways with new thoughts and choices meditation is powerful because it helps you focus on elevated emotions like Joy gratitude and abundance reshaping your brain structure Neville godard's emphasis on imagination mirrors this concept of creating new pathways through focused thought the universe responds to the energy you emit every thought and feeling sends a signal and the universe matches it with corresponding experiences Neville Goddard advised feeling as if you already possess what you desire when you live in the end you're programming the universe to align with that version of you
the frequency you hold now determines the reality you experience tomorrow think of water when it freezes it forms crystalline patterns influenced by thoughts emotions and words since your body is mostly water every thought and emotion programs your C in real time you're either programming for health or disease abundance or lack Joy or suffering Godard taught your imagination shapes reality and this science supports his claim to walk through new doors of opportunity you need to become a new version of yourself let go of old patterns and baggage raise your energy and align with the future you
desire this mirrors Neville's teachings act as though your desire is already fulfilled and you'll step through the doors opening for you your brain processes billions of bits of information but you're only aware of a small fraction most of your life is run by subconscious programs from past experiences but here's the good news you can rewrite them Neville Goddard said change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world you live in this is the key to shifting your reality instead of mindlessly scrolling through your phone in the morning try to enjoy your coffee
with full presence feel the warmth smell the aroma and take it in fully being present trains your brain to to notice opportunities right in front of you Neville goddard's teachings align with this idea of mindfulness reminding us to connect with our higher self and reshape our reality when you live in the present you're more attuned to the universe's subtle signs most people are too preoccupied to notice opportunities but when you align your thoughts with your vision and live in the present you start to see the doors the universe is opening as Neville Godard taught imagination
creates Reality by living as though your dreams are already here you see the opportunities that match that reality your thoughts and emotions are magnetic forces attracting corresponding circumstances when you're stressed your brain can't tune into new possibilities but when you relax and focus on feeling good your brain waves shift to receive information from the universe Neville Goddard called this praying from the wish fulfilled feeling the joy and relief of your desire desires already being realized every great breakthrough happened because someone was open to new information and saw the world differently they weren't stuck in Old
patterns or limited by past experiences they dreamed beyond what was visible Neville Goddard said the world is yourself pushed out meaning the world mirrors your inner beliefs when you change your beliefs and open up to new possibilities the world reflects that shift Neville stressed the importance of feeling it real when you live in the feeling of your wish fulfilled you change the electromagnetic field around your heart and brain science shows that the heart's electromagnetic field can be measured several feet away your feelings are broadcast to the universe as Neville said assume the feeling of the
wish fulfilled and watch the world rearrange itself accordingly opportunities and miracles come from a shift in your internal State when you focus on what you want rather than what you don't want you attract circumstances that match that state Neville goddard's teachings reflect this principle the outside world is a reflection of your inner world when you change how you think and feel the world around you begins to shift in response the universe responds to who you are in each moment not just what you want if you're constantly fearful worried or limited you'll attract more of the
same but when you shift to Gra itude love and abundance the universe reflects that back Neville Goddard emphasized being in the feeling of already having your desires when you embody that state the universe matches it each morning you choose run the same old emotional and mental programs or create new ones you can live from past limitations or future possibilities as Neville Goddard said you change the world by changing yourself this daily Choice shifts shifts your reality your thoughts aren't random they're signals to the quantum field every thought or emotion tunes into a frequency like a
radio station if you broadcast lack or fear that's what you'll get back Neville Godard taught your imagination is the only reality change what you imagine and you change what you receive think about your brain's power when you shift from stress to relaxation or meditation your brain waves change you produce Alpha and theta waves making you receptive to new possibilities this is where Neville godard's feeling is the secret Works in this relaxed State your imagination and emotions merge to create a new reality energy flows where attention goes is true whatever you focus on expands direct your
attention to Opportunities and the future you want and those things will show up Neville Goddard talked about living in the end acting as if your desires are already real focus on the end result and your life aligns with that Vision your brain's reticular activating system Ras filters information if you focus on problems it highlights more problems but when you focus on possibilities in abundance your brain shows you new opportunities Neville Goddard advised assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled activates this shift your body communicates with the quantum field through every thought and emotion Neville Godard
called this the power of your Consciousness when you align your thoughts and feelings with your desired outcome you're programming the universe to bring it to you before sleep instead of reviewing what went wrong focus on what went right Neville Goddard said the imagination is most powerful right before sleep falling asleep in the feeling of your wish fulfilled reprograms your subconscious as you sleep your brain enters a deep meditation State perfect for impressing your desires onto your subconscious your nervous system is a bridge between thoughts and reality genuine gratitude excitement or love sends signals to every
cell preparing for new experiences these emotions are information as Neville Goddard said the world mirrors what you're doing within yourself when you feel these emotions deeply you signal the universe what to reflect back water molecules form patterns based on emotions words or thoughts similarly your body's energy is shaped by your thoughts and feelings since your body is mostly water you're constantly programming your cell with the energy you broadcast Neville goddard's teachings reflect this imagining yourself in the desired State changes your mind body and the world around you think about your toughest challenges often it's not
the situation that needs to change but your response to it Neville Goddard said man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his Consciousness objectified what you experience externally reflects your internal State change how you think and feel about challenges and the external World shifts in response when you're present in the moment you're more open to guidance from the universe many people are too caught up in past worries or future fears to notice the subtle signs and opportunities around them but when you're Mindful and aware you start to see the nudges and
coincidences that guide you forward Neville Goddard called this moving into the state of the wish fulfilled when you act as if your dreams are already true the universe helps make them real Neville Godard stressed the importance of consistently feeling like your desires are already achieved science supports this when you hold on to gratitude and joy your brain releases chemical that change your state of being over time this new state becomes your norm and you start attracting experiences that match your new frequency that's why it's crucial to maintain the feeling of your wish fulfilled even if
things don't look that way yet every time you meditate or visualize your desired reality you're training your brain to see new possibilities Neville Godard called this prayer but not in the traditional sense for him it was about feeling your desire as real knowing the world would reflect that back when you hold this state long enough your brain rewires itself making your new reality a certainty think of electricity when you flip the switch the light turns on your thoughts and emotions work similarly when you consistently Envision the future you want you're essentially flipping the switch for
the universe to make it happen Neville Goddard taught that once you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled it's like a current of energy that attracts everything you need when you align your energy with the reality you want you shift the electromagnetic field around you science shows that your heart produces the strongest electromagnetic field in your body and when it's coherent meaning your thoughts and feelings are aligned it influences the world Neville godard's teachings Echo this assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and the universe will match your new state Neville Goddard believed your imagination
shapes your reality when you consistently imagine and feel the life you desire you're not just daydreaming you're creating modern Neuroscience agrees the more you think about something the stronger the neural Pathways become over time those thoughts and feelings manifest in your external World your body and mind are like a finely tuned machine every morning take time to sit quiet ly breathe deeply and feel grateful for what's coming this isn't just positive thinking it's preparing your nervous system for the opportunities ahead Dr Joe dispenza calls this firing and wiring new circuits in your brain the more
you practice feeling gratitude for your future the more your brain aligns with that Vision your brain is a powerful filter it processes billions of bits of data every second but you're only aware of what you deem important most of us unknowingly focus on problems and fears but the good news is you can train your brain to notice opportunities by shifting your focus when you align your thoughts and emotions with what you want your brain highlights the doors already open for you as Dr Joe dispenza says where you place your attention is where you place your
energy the quantum field responds to the signals you send out your thoughts and emotions aren't isolated they interact with this field like broadcasting a signal Whatever frequency you broadcast you'll receive back in the form of experiences when you tune into stress or scarcity that's what you'll attract but when you shift to abundance joy and possibility the universe mirrors that back it's not just wishful thinking this is how reality Works think of your thoughts and emotions as magnets holding on to anger fear or regret magnetizes more of the same situations but cultivating gratitude love and Trust
attracts circumstances that match those emotions it's like tuning into a new radio station you can't expect different music without changing the frequency your brain tunes into the new reality you're creating when you consciously shift your internal state every day we repeat the same emotional patterns living out the same experiences if you worry about the future or dwell on the past you're telling your brain to stay locked in those feelings but once you understand neuroplasticity you realize you can change you can reshape your mental and emotional World by thinking new thoughts and practicing new emotions this
is where change begins in the Mind by visualizing and feeling the emotions of a better version of yourself the power of being present is huge most people are so C up in yesterday's events or tomorrow's worries that they rarely live in the moment but the present is where your real power lies when you're fully present you become more aware of the subtle signals and opportunities around you mindfulness trains trains your brain to notice the doors that are opening instead of missing them because you're stuck in the past or future every great transformation starts with a
change in how you see things often we're so stuck at in our old ways of thinking that we don't realize there are New Paths available left to its own devices your brain will keep recycling old thoughts and emotions keeping you in familiar patterns but when you decide to see the world differently and believe new things are possible you start rewiring your brain as you do this the quantum field responds by presenting New Opportunities and experiences before bed you have a powerful chance to reset your mind instead of thinking about what went wrong focus on the
moments when you felt connected aligned or when things went smoothly by doing this you're telling your brain to bring in more of those experiences in the future your subconscious mind is very receptive right before sleep making it the perfect time to plant seeds of gratitude joy and abundance over time this nightly practice shifts your internal State aligning you with the life you want opportunities don't come from outside events they come from internal shifts when you start thinking and feeling differently the universe aligns situations to match your new state it's not that the world changes overnight
it's that your perception of the world changes your brain starts recognizing possibilities that were always there but that you previously missed it's like putting on new glasses and seeing a clearer more vibrant reality if you've ever wondered why some people seem to attract success or happy happiness easily it's not because they're lucky it's because they've learned to align their energy with what they want they focus on their desires feel grateful for them before they arrive and act as though they're already on their way this state of being attracts more opportunities because they're broadcasting the right
frequency you can do the same by practicing this intentional alignment in your life visualization is incredibly powerful when you imagine your future as already happening and feel the emotions that come with it you're programming your brain to seek out that reality the more vividly you can imagine your future the more your mind believes it this process primes your nervous system body and even the quantum field to respond to the images and emotions you create visualization isn't just daydreaming it's an active rehearsal for the life you're creating your heart is more than just a physical organ
it's electromagnet magnetic field is the strongest in your body and extends several feet outside of you when you feel coherent emotions like gratitude love or Joy your heart's field becomes more organized amplifying its influence on your surroundings this is why it's so important to cultivate these emotions daily when your heart and mind are aligned you become a magnet for experiences that reflect that state of Harmony the universe always responds to the energy you emit every thought emotion and state of being sends out a signal that the quantum field mirrors back to you it's not about
controlling everything outside it's about mastering your inner world when you get your inner state right the external circumstances start to shift this is why it's crucial to stay focused on the feelings and experiences you want to cultivate rather than getting caught up in what's not working transformation doesn't happen by accident it starts start with a deliberate choice to see the world differently think new thoughts and feel new emotions every time you make a new choice or step outside of your old habits you're creating new neural Pathways in your brain over time these new Pathways get
stronger and the old ones weaken this is how lasting change happens not overnight but through consistent effort and intentional Focus the more you practice this the more your life aligns with your desires in summary your thoughts and emotions shape your Reality by consciously choosing new thoughts and practicing elevated emotions like gratitude and joy you're rewiring your brain and sending new signals to the quantum field visualization and mindfulness allow you to focus on the life you want while neuroplasticity ensures your brain adapts to these changes the universe responds to your internal State reflecting back what you
feel and believe transformation isn't an accident it's a deliberate process of aligning your mind body and energy with the future you want so take charge of your inner world and watch your outer World shift in incredible ways the power is within you I hope you enjoyed this video see you in the next one