Revealed: The AI Crypto Research Strategy That Finds Hidden Gems!

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Coin Bureau
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is one of the most exciting technologies to date. It’s no wonder the...
Video Transcript:
everyone knows that AI has been making millions but did you know that you can use it to make money in crypto as it so happens you can actually use AI to find the next 1000x moonshot and today we're going to show you exactly how you can use AI to find crypto gems and tell you about a few other AI tools you can use to maximize your crypto gains let's dig before we go any further though there's something I need to make clear I'm not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered Financial
or investment advice this is purely educational content which hopefully provides you with a bit of entertainment as well so with that out of the way let's begin if you've been following this channel for some time you'll know that we take pride in giving you the highest quality crypto content out there and we do this by researching every crypto topic and crypto project from top to bottom leaving no stone left unturned while this is what we're best known for it does take time a luxury not many have thankfully as technology advances there are new ways to
Dy some of which can save you hours of precious time the proliferation of artificial intelligence or AI can be used to quickly deter determine if an opportunity is worth exploring or if you could put your time to better use after all time is money however we should make a few things clear right off the bat while AI can be a powerful tool to help you do your research it's far from perfect as such you shouldn't exclusively rely on AI tools to do your research for you instead you're much better off using AI to Kickstart your
research which you can then follow up on manually this is something that many researchers at the coin Bureau have been doing and if you're wondering which tool they've been using the answer is perplexity which provides the sources it used to generate responses so you can verify the information yourself and this is important because lots of AI responses can be inaccurate or outright garbage this underscores the fact that regardless of which AI tool you do use you should never use an AI response to guide your investment decisions remember AI should only be used to speed up
your research but not to replace it the trick to use an AI in your crypto research is to use the best prompts to shape the answers you get in return and this can be tricky but don't worry we'll give you a few examples throughout the video to help you out also a pro tip before we go any further unless the questions you're asking are a direct follow on from a previous response we recommend using a new chat stream for each search that's simply because AI chat Bots these days will remember the information they've been providing
in previous answers so far and this can actually confuse future responses anyway for the purposes of this video we'll be using chat GPT since it's probably the one that most of you are familiar with and if you want to learn more about chat gbt and other popular AI tools you can refer to our video about that using the link in the description Oh and before we get stuck in if you're enjoying this video so far be sure to give it a boost by punching those like And subscribe buttons and drop kick that Bell as well
so you catch our next one so then with that out of the way let's start by finding a crypto to research in the first place and this is where AI quickly reveals its powerful potential and that's because you can quickly identify multiple projects in One Sweep best of all you can get a brief summary of each of them to know exactly what you're dealing with for example let's say you're interested in a particular narrative but you're not sure which specific crypto is worth your hard-earned cash normally you'd have to sift through sites like coin market
cap or coin gecko find a list of cryptos that fall under that category and then go through each of them individually with AI though this can be done in seconds but remember it's all about those prompts a neat trick is to ask your chatbot to summarize multiple white papers in simple terms and you can even have the list of results ranked if you'd prefer so as an example let's look for projects in the deepen narrative for this we'll use the following prompt summarize crypto white papers within the decentralized physical infrastructure deepen narrative keep everything easy
to understand give each project an overall rating out of 10 based on technological innovation likelihood of mass adoption and whether it is currently undervalued now as you can see this simple search gave our AI chatbot a handful of specific parameters to use because it knew exactly what we were looking for it was able to narrow down the list to just seven promising crypto projects including helium filecoin render Network arweave and a few others we got an overview of each project a quick explanation of the tech the potential for Mass adoption and even an analysis on
the Project's relative value it's pretty awesome right but say we can't decide between two projects in the list well we can use a follow on to focus specifically on the ones we want to compare so let's use AI to compare two fairly similar projects filecoin and arweave both of which are focused on decentralized data storage since this is a direct follow on and our chatbot remembers what's been said so far will use a simple prompt compare file coin or fill with r weave or ar okay cool we can now see that filecoin offers a decentralized
Marketplace for storage rental whereas R we focuses on permanent and immutable data storage we can also compare the two projects across a few metrics like their consensus mechanisms how they generate fee revenue and the pros and cons of each we even get a handy table at the end that makes everything super simple [Music] [Applause] the coin Bureau deals page it won't make you stronger but it will make you better at crypto now once you've selected one of the cryptos from your list you'll want to check its pulse after all if a project has been abandoned
by its team or its Community it's basically well dead in the water normally the step involves going through every social media tied to that project everything from a Project's X to its telegram account Discord and even GitHub accounts and this gives you a sense of how much engagement a project is generating from investors and how active the team actually is we'd also go scrolling through the Project's blog post and check every reputable crypto news site out there for any recent headlines and then we check out if there are any interviews with the projects Founders or
other key members of the team for updates about the Project's milestones and road map as you can imagine this can sometimes be the most timeconsuming part of doing crypto research but we can now leverage AI to do the leg work for us and potentially save ourselves several precious hours so let's take a project from our previous list let's go with helium note that we'll be using helium going forward for the purposes of this video but this process would be the same no matter which crypto or narrative you do indeed choose so just like the last
section we'll start a new chat stream and use a prompt that should tell us if the project we're looking at is alive for this we entered analyze the activity levels on helium h&t tell me how many followers it has on social media platforms check out how frequently the team updates the Project's GitHub check if helium has been covered by any reputable news sites lately also analyze recent interviews with the founders or the team from this we can now see that helium has a few hundred thousand followers on X and is even followed by other industry
professionals on LinkedIn the GitHub activity looks good and the project has been featured across various crypto news sites on top of this we can see that the team have spoken in interviews about expanding helium's use cases and are working on collaborations with various Partners to explore new avenues nice now if you're happy that the crypto you've chosen has a solid use case has an active community and a team that's consistently building then it's time to take your AI research further and dig a Little Deeper what you want to do here is build up some background
that will help you make an informed decision about the future potential of your project so you'll want to know when the project was founded and by who and you'll also want to know about their motivations as in what issues were the founders trying to address and how have they gone about addressing them and while we're at it we should find out if the team has any relevant well past experience as for the project itself you'll want to know how it works under the hood so it would be good to know what consensus mechanism it uses
and how scalable it is you might might have already had a brief explanation of the consensus mechanism but you'll want to know more about this in detail and finally you'll want to know about any key Partnerships and if the project you're looking at could possibly be tied to another one in some way all in all there's a lot to cover here now sticking with our helium example we'll open a new chat stream since this isn't a direct follow on and we'll use a single prompt to save time so what we entered into our AI chat
cpot is as follows explain helium h&t to me in simple terms tell me who founded the project why they started it and how helium will solve the problems it's trying to address explain helium's consensus mechanism and tell me about how scalable the project is are there any notable Partnerships and is helium linked to any other crypto projects now as you'd probably expect the answer we got back was quite long if you really wanted to cut your research time down you could always use a follow on and ask for it to be a condensed down into
simple terms but we recommend you stick to the slightly longer response here because this is where all the juicy details will be our AI reveals that helium had three founders one of whom previously founded Napster which some of you might remember was a popular peer-to-peer music file sharing application we also learned that helium aims to disrupt the mainstream Broadband companies that cost a fortune and yet don't always provide you with good coverage we learn a bit about helium's hotspots and we now know that they're used for helium's proof of coverage consensus mechanism we also have
a few names for Partnerships and what each of these companies does and here's a handy tip for you if any part of the response you get is too technical you can use a followup to understand how the project would work IRL and this will help you visualize a concept that could otherwise be gibberish so let's use a followup here and ask chat gbt to explain proof of coverage using a real world example we now have a response that compares helium to living in a small town where people have installed hotspots to power up iot devices
like dog collar and weather sensors allowing them to earn h&t as a reward not sure about you but this concept suddenly becomes much clearer so now now that we've determined what makes our project Tech there's just a few more things we need to check the next thing you'll want to do is ask your AI chatbot to break down the project tokenomics now if tokenomics is something you find a bit confusing then we'd highly recommend you check out one of our previous videos that explains everything you need to know we'll have a link to that in
the description for your convenience assuming that you're comfortable with tokenomics you'll now want to determine several factors and these include things like token Supply and emissions and what the token is actually used for you'll want to know the demand drivers for your crypto and you'll also want to know how the governance of the project Works after all this will shape its future success you'll be glad to know that because tokenomics incorporates most of this by Nature we can keep the prompt surprisingly simple for our helium example we created a new chat stream and entered the
following tell me everything I need to know about helium's tokenomics keep it simple from this alone we can see that helium's h&t had no maximum Supply to start with but was later kept at 223 million h&t we learn that h&t is used to reward hotspot providers as well as accessing certain Network Services we also see that initially there were 5 million h&t distributed monthly but helium goes through a hard in every 2 years similar to bitcoin's BTC we learn that helium has two other tokens both of which can be converted into h&t and there's also
details about a burn mechanism too not bad for a quick search eh okay the last thing we want to do is analyze a few onchain metrics so we want to find out which exchanges our crypto is listed on and what trading volumes it's experiencing this will tell you if the price is legit or if it's been manipulated by whales on some shady offshore exchange and more about that in our video about it right over here it would also be good to know the circulating Supply and if any tokens are subject to any vesting schedules so
let's use our AI chat bot for One Last Time e as you have guessed we'll open up a new chat stream and let our AI know what we're looking for in our prompt in our example we entered analyze helium's onchain met metrics such as Market listings trading volume circulating Supply and vesting schedules include any other useful info and keep it simple from this we can see that helium's h&t is listed on the largest exchanges which are home to tens of millions of dollars worth of daily trading volume we can see that of the 223 million
Max supply of h&t 172 million h&t are currently in circulation and according to the results there are no vesting schedules mentioned in the immediate search results okay folks by this point you should have plenty of information to make an informed decision about your investment although we should reiterate what we said at the start you should always double check these responses particularly if your AI gave you a response that didn't sit well with you for whatever reason now we've covered a lot here and yet this is just the tip of the iceberg of what AI can
achieve there are new tools being developed by the day and there's already a bunch of AI trading Bots out there to make inves in fully automated although we would definitely advise caution with this one and you'll have to do your own research on that feel free to check out our blog post on it which will of course be linked to below now hopefully you can see that AI can be a powerful tool to help you dig deep into a project very quickly just remember not to use it exclusively you can think of this as a
way to speed up your research rather than replace it entirely on top of this some AIS will allow plugins and so we thought we'd end today's video with a little bonus for you by telling you about three chat GPT plugins that you could find very useful just be aware though that these will require a chat gbt Plus account which costs around $20 per month if Yi these tools aren't absolutely necessary but they will help you take your AI research to the next level to access these head to the menu on the left and select explore
gpts search for the one you want and click Start chat the first is defi llama's plug-in now most of you would have probably used defi llama at some point to check all sorts of onchain data well this plug-in lets you search defi llama for multiple data points at once such as tvl across multiple chains the top gainers and losers of the week and even emerging Trends and this can help you quickly identify where the next opportunity could be the next plug-in is called smarter contracts which is a tool you can use to analyze a token's
smart contract address for any blockchain that's evm compatible what's great is that it can detect if a token is a potential scam by checking for any suspicious function or transaction history and this plugin would be a godsend for any mem coin Deens out there looking to avoid getting wrecked by a Honeypot scam and finally for those of you so obsessed with crypto that you dream about stacking SATs in your sleep this last one could be for you it's called crypto jobs list and as the name suggests could present you with opportunities to work in the
most Innovative industry in the world and TR us folks as the market goes into overdrive there's nowhere we'd rather be okay that's all for today folks we hope you enjoyed it and if you found this video useful give it a boost by giving it a like And subscribe as well and don't forget to turn on your notifications to make sure you get more content like this and if you know someone you think could benefit from this video why don't you take a second to share it with them thank you all very much for watching this
video on AI but now it's time for me to fly so this is Nick saying goodbye [Music]
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