Top 5 HIDDEN Benefits of Cialis

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Dr. Ford Brewer
In today's video we explore the top 5 hidden benefits of cialis beyond ED. Check out also how I use...
Video Transcript:
the little yellow pill Calis as of this point tens of millions back in 2014 over 40 million men had taken this pill to help their [Applause] [Music] [Applause] erections but that's not what this video is about anyway it's about the time five hidden benefits of cilis that you have not heard about let's look at Hidden benefit number one cilis helps reduce trips to the bathroom now if you're losing sleep because of the urge to urinate maybe you're dealing with Luts what is Luts this stands for lower urinary tract symptoms what are they well as I
mentioned getting up to go to the bathroom frequent urination slow stream splitting or spraying of the stream a boggy feeling in your pelvis spasm when peeing or having orgasm and terminal dribble you men who are listening may remember that old bathroom joke you can wiggle and you can dance but the last three drops still go down your pants now the leading cause of lots is another acronym BPH benign prosthetic hypertrophy in 2011 Calis was the first and only drug approved by the FDA for both Ed and BPH benign prosthetic hypertrophy by the way again Jesus
Dr JV the channel manager might have known that and gotten that into the script if he'd been spending more time studying and less time giving me grief now let's get back to the script speaking of if you are over 50 years old there's a 50% chance you already have BPH if you're younger you still may have it plenty of 40y olds get it I got it in my mid-40s and think about this forewarned is forearmed it's better to start preventing something earlier rather than waiting for two decades like I did and suffer some tissue damage
what a stylist got to do with BPH anyway a 2016 metaanalysis showed that 5 Mig of Calis daily for 12 weeks reduce the symptoms of Luts lower urinary tract symptoms or Bine prosthetic hypertrophy and it did it with few side effects we'll talk about side effects a little bit later in this video but let's talk about the science and the mechanism in order to do that we're going to have to get a little bit geeky hang in there it won't last very long tadalfil also known as Calis is a what we call a pde5 inhibitor
phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor now what's that well pd5 is an enzyme what we do need to know and we don't need to know any more than this inhibiting the pde5 enzyme increases nitric oxide why is it so important nitric oxide well it relaxes the blood vessels it relaxes for our purposes here on this video and Luts it also relaxes the muscles of the bladder neck allowing you to pee better it relaxes muscles in the prostate and seminal vesicles and urethra so those spasms I was talking about the inability to pee that I was talking about those
improve significantly with this medication you pee easier you empty your bladder better and because you're emptying your bladder better you're not getting up uh every couple of hours hours in the night and then having a problem going back to sleep so cilis also modulates the nerves within the bladder feeling less irritation let's talk about benefit number two cilis improves prostatitis well now what is prostatitis break it down prostate itis uh inflammation of the prostate now you need to be aware that most of this is bacterial infection so just taking silus alone is not going to
clean up a bacterial infection another thing you need to know is that there's acute and chronic prostatitis acute prostatitis believe it or not can be a life-threatening issue because it can cause sepsis a very serious even occasionally lethal infection of the bloodstream so prostatitis of either type is different from BPH because you've got that infection you've got the inflammation going on BPH is just as it says a benign swelling of the prostate cus does reduce the symptoms in chronic cases of chronic prostatitis one of the problems with prostatitis is pain but there are other symptoms
as well like fainting I mentioned that I've had some challenges myself in terms of men's health I've had acute prostatitis three times do not mess around with that sometimes I've known better but waited to late and yes it took me a day or two longer than it should have to get in for acute prostatitis to see a doctor now I had problems with fainting the first two times now why would fainting happen well you could say I'm a prosthetic wimp but I don't think that's the issue you know the prostate as well as other internal
organs are usually inovated by the vegus nerve the Vegas nerve slows you down decreases your blood pressure and and overstimulated can lead to fainting let's go back and talk about benefit number three silus improves chronic pelvic pain syndrome again another men's health issue very much related to the first two this is pain from the pelvis in genital area it usually comes with urine flow obstruction and it's a bad complication of prostatitis but how does cilis work here remember we mentioned it a few minutes ago Calis to delil relaxes the bladder neck evidence suggests 5 milligram
a day for 4 weeks can help significantly I'd love to hear from you if you viewed Calis successfully for any of these problems the point here is men often deny their health problems cardiovascular disease sometimes gets our attention but quite often something like prostatitis may take some time especially when the medication the treatment for it often is overshadowed by sex by erectile dysfunction so people begin to think about I'm not going to take that pill it's for erectile dysfunction and I don't have that or you may feel guilty asking for that medication or there's a
bunch of reasons why men tend to ignore Men's Health now let's get Beyond urinary problems for a minute let's move to Hidden benefit number four cus decreases blood pressure due to its effect remember on nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels it can decrease blood pressure many men by the time where Boomer age 50s 60s 7s are already on high blood pressure medicine medicines that will drop their blood pressure like beta blockers metalol Atenolol vadal all and alpha blockers the most commonly known and used Alpha blocker is Flomax again used for a very similar problem
to help increase flow through the prostate be careful about taking Calis with either beta blockers or alpha blockers and think about one other thing too nitrates remember nitroglycerin isosorbide medic that you take when you have angen when you take nitrates these medications for angen or alpha blockers or beta blockers and you add pd5s the little blue pill or the little yellow pill you can get dangerous levels of decreased blood pressure so if you're thinking about replacing one of your medications like a beta blocker or an alpha blocker or a diuretic one of your blood pressure
pressure medicines one of your prostatic flow medicines remember that the pd5 the Calis may help you with Ed but also help in terms of managing blood pressure so you may have to go off of one of the others one of the other medications before I get off of this impact on blood pressure let me just make one other statement be very careful if you're head having potentially a heart attack if you have chest pain it's not going away you called the EMS they come to pick you up be aware quite often the paramedic will want
to try giving you a nitroglycerin or one of the nitrates to see if that decreases the heart pain on the way into the hospital that if combined with Calis can give you a dangerous drop in blood pressure so again be aware of these interactions with other medications in summary with all this information about blood pressure don't do any of this without your doctor see your doctor talk with him or her about what's going on and come up with a plan now there is another type of high blood pressure pulmonary hypertension that's high blood pressure in
the arteries of your lungs it's very much associated with heart failure it can cause heart failure it can be caused by heart failure and those of us who are in their 80s and '90s it's far more common than you think Calis at higher doses 20 milligrams for example helps with pulmonary hypertension or high blood pressure of the arteries that go to the lungs actually pd5s the blue pill the yellow pill uh Viagra and isus the whole class of drugs were developed for this this issue pulmonary hypertension here's what happened they were working on this new
class of drugs for people that have heart failure and pulmonary hypertension and then they saw that a lot of men were having erections greatly improved erections and guess what big Pharma did what big Pharma does they looked for an opportunity to make a whole lot of money and that's what they did they made a whole lot of money with the Viagra and Calis but a whole lot of men and women have benefited from that silus does help with pulmonary high blood pressure even in women before we go to the last hidden benefit let's talk about
side effects and misperceptions one of the main side effects for Calis is low blood pressure we've touched on that multiple times already but there's another one called priapism that's an almost permanent erection and before you start your mind goes where I think it's going to go and and back to the bathroom jokes think about it this can be a real medical emergency I remember having a case of a young man come in he was 18 years old he had sickle cell anemia this was during my internship about 40 years ago we did not have the
pd5s at that point in time and sickle cell is a well cause quote natural cause for priapism when the sickle cell trait can help prevent or protect against malaria but when you have full Sickle Cell one from Mom and one from Dad you can get what's called sickling of the red blood cells that sickling can cause those red blood cells to pull up and block veins in the penis or blocking the penis from draining when an erection occurs the treatment at that time was an ice waterer enema and again that's not pretty that's not comfortable
there are even side effects with tissue loss associated with priapism before you get your eyes too wide open and say I'm never going to take this even if I have men's health problems remember this that's not common it's not common at all in fact the most common side effects are just head headaches and muscle pain now let me focus on something else while we're talking about side effects if you paid attention I've been quoting daily doses of 5 milligrams 20 milligrams for people that have heart failure uh and Pulmonary or uh hypertension associated with that
heart failure but 5 milligrams for men with Luts or BPH or chronic prostatitis you might think well taking a daily dose gives you more risk for side effects that's not really the way it works with Calis it works with higher doses so higher doses lead to more side effects that's not surprising but daily low dose does not there's the the story about the man that took silis and the silus caused a heart attack you hear about it in jokes you hear about it in movies and uh the guy took the blue or yellow pill and
then kicked the bucket died in his last performance in bed now in reality multiple papers have shown that Calis does not do that it actually might help prevent that which leads us to Hidden benefit number five can silus really reduce cardiovascular mortality some studies in mice and adults with Ed show that silus improves endothelial function you remember the endothelium the intima it's that delicate lining of the artery wall it's also called the glycocalix when people have pre-diabetes or diabetes what's happening is those high blood glucose levels those High insulin levels are damaging that very fragile
glycocalix causing vascular inflammation now is there the potential that cilis improves endothelial function well not only the potential but yes there is evidence in research indicating that let's go back and let's talk about the other side of this if you're taking away from this a statement from me if you're thinking I'm saying hey don't worry about lifestyle don't worry about all your other stuff just take Calis that's going to prevent your heart attack you haven't been listening and if you've seen any of our other videos you also know exactly our position there is no medication
whether you're talking about the ever popular statins for this issue pcsk 9's the new high-tech biological drug for this Bido acids other new drugs sequestrants aetam any of those things none of those have the kind of impact on your cardiovascular risk that lifestyle does you cannot out prescribe or outm medicate a lifestyle you cannot out supplement a lifestyle problem you cannot out stin or out bypass a lifestyle problem it's lifestyle and when it comes to Lifestyle diet is keing you cannot outrun a bad diet you cannot outlift or out work a bad diet that's just
the way it is let's get back to asylus the main takeaway is this there's evidence that supports it might even help with the health of Our arteries mostly for men with Ed there's just been very little evidence focused on people without it remember to talk to your doctor the issues about and the side effects associated with low blood pressure can be very serious and can be very complicated especially when you take the other medications that Boomers often end up taking like blood pressure medications or engine medications so especially if you have history of low blood
pressure or are already owned blood pressure meds again speak to your doc if you have a heart liver or kidney problem speak to your doc now you know the signs the top five hidden benefits of cilis but more than anything how men tend to ignore men's health problems because they're so focused we're so focused on some of the sexual uh benefits associated with drugs like cilis so cilis might not be the best medication to reverse plaque again we've already talked about that lifestyle is the key it's far more important a couple of our more popular
videos have to do with my own experience how I thought I was doing everything right for my cardiovascular risk and then I saw evidence of plaque that was just so frustrating and devastating again I taught this at Johns Hopkins I thought I knew what I was talking about and I practiced what I preached but I had some things to learn if you'd like to see that video it's right here
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