Por Que Viemos à Terra? O Propósito da Consciência - 07/12/24

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Vital Frosi
Vital Frosi aborda dois temas centrais em sua mensagem. Primeiro, ele explica que estamos na Terra p...
Video Transcript:
Good morning, my beloved ones. Today, another Saturday, December 7, 2024. Here today we have some more questions that we will answer through videos and audios, because answering more complex questions in writing is much more difficult, as it requires a better explanation of the topic.
Let's see here today about the question presented by a follower of the channel and asks the following: If we are a greater consciousness, what did we come here to learn? What did we come here to evolve into, if we already are? So, it's interesting, the question is also interesting to really understand what we are doing here.
When we say that we are much more than we think, it is because we are not just this fractal of consciousness that is incarnated here in a human body. And it's true, if we have our highest versions, and there are many, in fact, why would we come here? Experience something if we already know so much?
Before answering this question properly, let's once again provide a summary of how co-creation works. Who we are and why we are here will come next, to answer this question. Let's start with the creative source.
What is the creative source? The creative source is a consciousness, which is also called uncreated, because it has always existed and will always exist. And our limitation of consciousness, there is no way to understand this today, here in a soul fractal.
We cannot answer things here that our conscience does not understand. Firstly, because even I wouldn't understand, secondly, because you wouldn't understand either. So there's no point, no answer would be of any use.
When we think about the creative source, this greater consciousness, we can also understand that this consciousness is the Creator, the God that we learned about. I have said here so many times that God is not an entity, he is not a being. God is a consciousness that functions as an inexhaustible source of information, energy, and life.
This consciousness created the universes, the multiverses, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the moons, and everything that is on each planet, on each moon, on each star. We call the source of the permanent emanation creative light, because it is the light that creates. Light is also information, and information creates, because everything is consciousness.
When we begin to understand this mechanism, it becomes easier to understand later what is hanging from this mechanism. If consciousness emanates from the creative source, and everything is consciousness, including a. .
. Galaxy is a consciousness. A universe is a consciousness.
A multiverse is a consciousness. A star is a consciousness. A planet is a consciousness.
A moon is a consciousness. And what you have on a planet like Earth, for example, everything is consciousness. Every vegetable, when it is born, grows and lives, has a consciousness there.
He has an intelligence. Otherwise it wouldn't develop. If a plant were not a consciousness, it would not reproduce, it would not have the instinct for survival, for the perpetuation of the species.
It would not produce flowers, seeds and fruits nor would it develop. He could start development and get lost, because he wouldn't know where to go. Each part of your plant body is consciousness, just as we have a body made up of cells, viscera, organs, tissues, and each cell is a consciousness that is linked to the consciousness of that body, of that soul that inhabits that body.
Planet Earth is a consciousness, we have already said here, Gaia consciousness, a feminine consciousness that co-creates, which is why Earth is a planet of feminine consciousness, to be able to create. A galaxy is a consciousness because it has a synchronized spiral movement, where its hundreds of billions of stars and many other planets and moons have a perfect circular, spiral movement. If I didn't have this awareness, a galaxy would disperse.
Soon, planets and stars would escape their orbit, they would be lost in infinite space, in the infinite cosmos. Therefore, everything is consciousness, everything is organization, everything is intelligence. And coming back to us, we are then created there in the source a seed atom, a divine seed atom, as a seed of the Creator.
And we will reproduce everything he has in his consciousness, because we are part of that consciousness. We are that divine spark, or also, as many prefer, the higher self. The consciousness of our monad, because we are a monad formed by this divine seed atom, which divides into 12 super souls and then 12 more.
Each time it divides, in fact, this consciousness divides into smaller parts. So we divided the atom into 144 supersouls in total, and then into thousands of souls, of which we do not know the exact number. And each soul is divided into fractals.
The quantity is also unknown, but there are also thousands. Then this atom divides itself into parts and forms the famous monad. So talked about monad.
So we are part of this monad. We here are the smallest particle of this monad. A fractal of a soul that came from a super soul.
And in turn there are 144. And finally, everything forms this divine seed atom. The sparks of light from the source, the higher self.
Then the consciousness that comes out of the source, which is from the Creator, is divided. And when it divides, it takes with it all the properties, characteristics, information from its larger nucleus, from the source. So we are, by definition, gods.
Obviously, this is no reason to inflate the ego, because we are. . .
pieces, particles, crumbs, but we have within us all the information that is at the source. We cannot access everything because of limitation, because this monad is nothing more than a consciousness. The monad is a single consciousness called a seed atom or a seed.
Then there are the seeds that split into pieces. Obviously within the versions of me, yours, because if we are the little piece, there are larger parts of ourselves. So this tiny part of consciousness, which today inhabits a human body, has its highest versions, which are nothing more than consciousnesses.
Parts of the greater consciousness, the higher self, that knows everything that exists. Because the information that reaches the source is passed in real time to this seed called the higher self, which is our conscientious core. But not everything that is passed on to the higher self passes on to its lower versions, which is where the secret lies.
Because these lower versions, these smaller parts, don't have enough consciousness to understand everything. It's very limited. But that's exactly where the secret lies.
These lower parts of our monad, which are the souls and soul fractals, are the great workers of the monad itself. So let's talk here about the fractal, which is what we are today. Our consciousness was so limited that it does not take with it, now in its full consciousness, from this incarnation, the knowledge of its highest versions, precisely so as not to hinder the co-creation, here on a third-dimensional planet, of trials and expiations, as Earth.
What we are learning here is not yet known to our higher versions. And that's why we're here. So the question I was asked is, if we are a greater consciousness, what did we come here to learn?
What are we going to evolve here if we are already all that? And I say, we are nothing like what we came here to learn, because this is something new for our monad. Our versions know infinitely more than what we know here today as a fractal.
But what we are learning here, our higher versions are not yet aware of. So we came here to look for the new one. Experiences not yet lived by any part of us, anywhere in the infinite cosmos, because here on planet Earth only one fractal of our monad is needed.
Where are the other fractals? There are thousands. From our own monad.
Where are the souls that number thousands? Sisters of our soul who dismembered this fractal? They are spread across the infinite cosmos.
Precisely in galaxies, in stars, in planets, in worlds different from ours, mining new experiences, new knowledge. Because if one day our higher versions or our higher self stops receiving new co-creation information, what is the point of it living, continuing to exist? If you go on vacation for a month and have nothing to do, you can't go beyond two weeks.
Imagine an eternal life without doing anything. The infinity of lives that we know as lives, which are actually incarnations, but the infinity of idle time would be a boredom so great that no evolved soul would be able to bear it. So she creates all the time in all its versions.
And this is how the Creator, who we call God, creates worlds and backgrounds, because: nothing is created by him directly. He creates through us, his representatives, his children, his creatures, because we are him personified in every place in this infinite cosmos. Each human being here on Earth is a fractal of a consciousness, of a superior soul, which is of a superior other, of the superior other until it reaches the source, which is of the source, which is of God.
So we are the particle, a part, a crumb. But we came here with every guarantee that we would be supported and that one day we will return with the experiences we gained, created and that added up to what we already are, what we already are, what already exists. We came here to look for new things, we came here to create non-existent things.
So much so that the planet is also constantly evolving. So here on planet Earth we have co-created throughout the time we have been here, hundreds of thousands of years, through successive incarnations. We came here to constantly co-create within the evolution of the planet itself, because the planet itself, which is a consciousness, also evolves by itself and also through us.
There is no consciousness of the planet evolving without human consciousness evolving, without the consciousness of plants, animals, minerals, elementals evolving. . .
Everything is progressive and everything is proportional. Obviously, the category of souls, of fractals of souls within the hominal kingdom, has a difference because they have their monads already constructed, different from vegetables and animals, which are considered kingdoms still in evolution, which will one day reach a consciousness of the hominal and they will absorb a consciousness, part of a monad. For now, they are dust of consciences, because they still have no responsibility.
They are evolving along with the planet, as part of the planet, as part of the whole. Because deep down, deep down, we are all one, one source, individualized only in experiences. And everyone lives anywhere, in any universe, in any galaxy, on any star, in whatever way they choose to experience it.
When we begin to understand this mechanism of the divine, it is so grand that our consciousness begins to have difficulty understanding it. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of concentration to start forming the design of the puzzle, because there are many pieces to fit together, but we will gradually climb the steps, as I always say. And little by little we began to understand.
And look, we've evolved a lot in recent years, but we're still on the first rungs of the ladder. What is to come is too great to be explained in a few words. Therefore, we are going to gradually put together this drawing so that we can understand it better.
The part, as we have seen, is in the whole. And the whole is in the part. When we co-create any little thing in this part, it fits into the whole.
Some guidance given to us says it's real time. When I co-create something here, now, it immediately passes to all my higher versions until it reaches my higher self and reaches the source, there in the seed atom. And arriving at the source, the other monads and all other consciousnesses spread throughout the infinite cosmos Within your equivalence, because obviously the other monads also have fractals and are not knowing, but there your higher self of each monad will know my experience.
So I'm not co-creating and learning just for my higher self, for my monad. I am also helping to let others know how my experience impacted here. The information passes to my monad, but it also passes to the others.
So, others also experience it and also pass it on to my knowledge, even though they are from another monad. This exchange of information is given up there, in the higher self. Below the higher self, not everything experienced by other monads passes into knowledge.
of supersouls and souls, because sometimes they are not able to absorb information according to the level of information. I hope that this question is really understood in your answer, because it is important that each of you understand how this monad is constructed and why it is constructed. Without this division, without this separation of parts, the lowest worlds would be left out in the open, without any use, because our highest versions cannot inhabit worlds of lower frequency, due to their incredible power of magnetism, electromagnetism, because it's like an atomic bomb.
That's why we are an atom. If we have atoms, and we have a human body that also has atoms, but at a level that won't explode anything around us. Because they are limited, but we have within us the formation of a body that is also, in a certain way, atomic.
I would say that more or less the answer would be this. Perhaps I could add something here. Different, but I don't see the need, since it would extend the topic even further, and you'll have to repeat the same thing, because there isn't much to say about it, beyond what has already been said in other audios, in other videos, in others previous, ancient texts , today just to confirm and deepen the understanding of this a little.
We didn't come here to learn what we already know. That wouldn't make sense. We came here to look for something different, that our higher selves, our highest versions , our spirit there at the source, the atom, the seed, it has knowledge, yes.
So much so that we can't even imagine, but we came here to look for even more knowledge to pass on, as baggage for our monad. We are not wasting time here, no. When we say that there in our versions we have a higher consciousness, yes, when we make the ascension now, we will see how much.
. . we have knowledge, but it is not in this fractal, it is in our highest version that we will be integrated .
So we're going to be this higher version. We will have a broader knowledge and more of the knowledge that we bargain here, mine here as a fractal. And today there is time to answer one more question.
Another person reports the following issue. I am married to a narcissist, who already has some degree of dementia. And this is causing me a lot of harm.
The question is, if I abandon this person, is it a solution or will I create karma? So. .
. We can never say yes, no, separate, continue, change, don't change. No, these answers we cannot give, because they are each person's free will.
Not even my guides and mentors tell me simplified answers. They always give us. .
. information so we can put the puzzle together. In this case, it's the same thing.
Being married, and here it must obviously be a woman, because she said I'm married. If it were a man, it would be I'm married. I am married to a narcissist.
Well, there are many men married to narcissistic women and there are many women married to narcissistic men. Only those who go through the experience know what torment it is. Because the narcissist is a psychopath on another level.
The traditional psychopath is dangerous, you never know what he could do, he could even kill a person, for example. Or at least one hopes. He's kind of cunning and schizophrenic at the same time.
But, not to mention that we can say that he is a little crazy too. But the narcissist is a human being who is aware of what he is doing. He is not outside your consciousness.
He is fully conscious. And he knows exactly how to use these mechanisms of dominance, persuasion and deception, because he easily deceives. He is cunning.
The narcissist prepares you. As the popular saying goes, prepare the bed for the other person to lie down on. He actually has two very distinct personalities.
One where he appears as a benefactor. And the other one he appears as a real executioner. So he presents his personality.
according to your interests. The narcissist normally presents a benefactor personality to everyone who knows him, except for one or a few people in his circle, which is where he appears with the other personality. The narcissist is hardly a problem for people outside of the family.
Sometimes there are some friendship relationships, neighborhood relationships, work relationships, etc. But the narcissist shows himself to be really real, his true face he shows with his family, with someone within the family. Not all.
Sometimes he is a loving person for part of the family and an executioner for one or two people or three, depending. They handpick who will be the victim. The narcissist is a true slaver, because he enslaves the person he decides to dominate.
Perhaps it is one of the most horrible relationships that can exist on Earth. Living with the narcissist. They're not always psychopaths, I told you.
So, generally the psychopath is also a narcissist, but not all narcissists are psychopaths. He has different personalities, depending on the moment. So he knows when to use each mask.
But there is a lesson for those who also deal with a narcissist. There's a lot of learning. I would say that these are some of the most difficult tests we face in this Terran school.
Learn, learn to deal, learn to understand the narcissist. Because if someone is experiencing difficulties today because they live with a narcissist, this experience has probably already been experienced in past lives, as such. Because we experience polarities, both sides of the coin.
A time. . .
on one side and the other, in different lives, different incarnations. And sometimes we abuse the experience too much, then we have to pay the price, it's the law of return. So whoever lives with the narcissist is not a victim either, they are rescuing a dark, dark past, which exaggerated its actions.
And now he is paying off the part of the debt that still remains, since this is the last incarnation in the trials and expiations. Being married to a narcissist and still having some degree of dementia. Well, then the situation starts to get worse.
Because the narcissist, when he starts to show signs of dementia, can become a psychopath. Or else he becomes useless. It depends on the degree of dementia, what is affecting your neural system.
What part of the brain is being affected by dementia. I'm not going to go into details here because my work is not scientific, it's spiritual. In the spiritual vision, in what we understand and receive information about the laws of cause and effect.
evolution of the soul itself, because we are soul, we are not a physical body, we are an eternal soul. I would say that if the narcissist begins to have a degree of dementia, they have to take certain precautions, yes. It's a question of survival too, but a question of security.
There you may need some help. from some responsible person, authority, whatever. You have to seek help because it is difficult to make a decision here.
What to do in this case? You may be taking some risk. Because if, in addition to being a narcissist, he starts to have dementia, then he starts to lose his reason.
Because the narcissist knows what he is doing, even knowing that he is harming the other. But if you have dementia it becomes more difficult. And it is obvious that the Earth is using it very badly, because it is a painful life.
But the bigger question here would be the second part. To abandon this person or not to abandon this person? What is the solution?
It's a question we can't answer, I already said it before. But, look, if you abandon the person, you will feel guilty. So that's another problem, you leave one problem and enter another.
Guilt is not good company, perhaps it is worse than the narcissist. Because the narcissist can get rid of him suddenly, when the other person disembodies. Or else, get out of his life and that's it.
But the guilt will stay with you, it will follow you wherever you go. Abandoning a person who is already suffering from dementia. Well, I think that's where charity comes in.
Taking care of someone who needs care brings us credit. And that paying off past debts is a bargaining chip. Not because he's a narcissist, but because he's demented.
Now, if it becomes dangerous, you have to find a way out. You cannot take unnecessary risks. I'm not going to say that you have to abandon it, you have to find a solution.
Maybe hospitalization, maybe a care home, I don't know, there are some forms, or some medication that is used today for these cases. it makes the person a little doped, so it no longer poses much risk. Leaving one's own luck is not the solution.
But there are other ways. And a narcissistic and demented person, what would his wife, since you are a woman, what would she be doing in the life of a guy like that? What is the meaning of life?
I think there is no longer the role of husband and wife, wife and husband, anyway. Maybe charity will remain, yes, friendship, because we don't need to bear the pain of what we've already been through. Oh, he was a narcissist and he bothered me my whole life and made me suffer a lot.
Yes, you paid a bill, he even helped pay a bill, he even did a favor. If it wasn't him, it was someone else. If it weren't a person, it would be a furtive affair.
An accident, a misfortune, a loss. A disease too. Everything according to the energy weight of the bill you paid.
So he is not the cause of your misfortune. It is the vehicle, the instrument that was used, and you chose this before incarnating, to settle certain outstanding issues. Remembering that we are in the last incarnation of trials and expiations and we need to settle the bills in this incarnation to have access to the new Earth, to the ascension of the soul.
So he is not responsible for your discomfort, your unhappiness, whatever you say. He was just an instrument. So see what you're going to do.
Yes, you can abandon it, if you want, it's a choice. Depending on the degree of responsibility, there will be consequences, obviously, of the law of return. But there are ways to get rid of the problem without abandonment.
Remember that I have already written, I have said many times, the difference between letting go. . .
and letting go. Letting go is abandonment. Letting go is letting go.
Leaving is going somewhere, with someone. Find a solution. You are not obliged to remain the wife of a husband who already causes you suffering.
But you can be a charitable soul who finds a solution, a way out so that he doesn't suffer too, beyond what is necessary. Because the pain you alleviate in someone else, you will alleviate in yourself. Remember this.
It's always like that. If it weren't like that, it would be simple. Isn't it good?
Send it to pasture. Send the beans, as they say. But we have responsibilities, we have commitments, we have a soul plan, and we are an evolving soul.
And we still have tests, we have expiations, we have learning. It's not long, but it's still there. We must never abandon, not an animal, not a person, or anything.
We should look. What am I going to do with this? What are the possibilities?
What solutions can I find and see what best fits the situation? And it's not just in this case of the narcissist and even demented, but in all situations, for all the other people here listening to this video, this audio, any situation always has several solutions. a range of probabilities, finding the best solution within what is love, what is compassion, what is respect, because these are characteristics of a soul that is rising, that is atoning.
We have to think that what we do well will alleviate the wrong things we have done in this life or in past lives. And it will add up to the final average, favorably for each of us. So it is difficult to give a dry answer, but we leave here some guidance for this case and for other cases, and when we act with compassion, with respect, with unconditional love, we are doing work more or less as training for when We are ascended and we will help souls who are.
In worlds of trials and expiations. It is a training of an ascended soul. A soul that will inherit the new Earth, which will be in the fifth dimension.
No longer in the world of trials and expiations, but in the world of regeneration. And if everything is evolution, it is the appropriate time to climb a few more steps. Doing the best.
There is no need. . .
to stay where you don't feel good, there is no need to stay where you suffer, obviously, suffering is an option, but choosing to serve in the way that we can serve within what is ethical, what is honest, what is fair. Because looking at others with. .
. Compassion always elevates us. And now I finish, leaving, as always, my embrace of light on each one of you.
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