How to Pass Critical Thinking Assessment Test: Questions and Answers

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A critical thinking assessment test evaluates a candidate's ability to analyze information, make rea...
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this is very interesting question which requires you to do calculations based on the pattern that you need to detect you're presented with two squares small square is located inside the larger square there are numbers in all corners of the larger square as well as in all corners in the smaller square if we start looking at the numbers in the upper left corner and go clockwise you see the numbers 15 11 32 and 23. in the smaller square the numbers are 22 13 and 5 and one number is missing and this is the one that you need to calculate your choices are choice a 1 choice b 7 choice c 12 choice d 17 give yourself 10 to 15 seconds maybe 20 seconds possibly pause this video to see if you can come up with the answer do you see the pattern did you calculate the answer let's continue to see how we can get to the correct solution together as you might have guessed the pattern here is that the difference between numbers in diagonally opposite corners of the larger and smaller squares is 10. for example let's look at the upper left corner the difference between 15 and 5 is 10.
if we look at the bottom right corner the difference between 32 and 22 is 10 and the lower left corner the difference between 23 and 13 is 10 as well so to calculate the missing number we need to calculate the difference between 11 and 10 and the difference is 1 so the correct answer here is choice a 1 hopefully you nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test it is guaranteed that you will get question like this almost on any test you're presented with different shapes and you need to identify the missing shape in the sequence you're presented with four different choices choices a b c and d obviously you need to look and identify the pattern do you see the pattern let's continue to see how we can get to the correct solution and solve this challenge together let me first explain you the different shapes we see on the picture let's start with the inside diamond you see that inside small diamond changes the colors we have two black and side diamonds then two white and side diamonds and an inside diamond in the shape 5 is also black do you see the pattern now there is also a pattern of outside triangles you see that outside triangles in the shapes one and two are black in the shapes three and four are white and in the shape five are black does it ring a bell doesn't give you a pattern and then the third pattern are the sides of the larger diamond if you look closely you see that the sides of the larger diamonds in the first shape are black then we have two white shapes and then two blacks again let's recap shape 2 is the first shape in the pattern shape 3 is the second shape in the pattern shape 4 is the third shape in the pattern and then shape 5 is the fourth and last step in the pattern if you look closely at the shape 1 in the picture you see that this represents the last shape in the pattern so the correct choice here for shape 6 would be to select the first shape in the pattern which is the matching answer for the choice b so the correct answer here is choice b hopefully you've nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems in the test [Music] here's one of my favorite questions and it is my favorite because it is so unusual you are presented with the pyramid pyramid contains five different layers if we go from the top to bottom you have a question mark this is the number that you need to uncover the next layer contains numbers 24 and 28 layer below this contains numbers 10 12 and 14. next layer has 4 5 6 and 7 and the last layer has numbers 3 1 4 2 and 5. you're presented with four different choices for the missing number choice a 55 choice b 56 choice c57 and choice d60 do you see the answer you will be surprised how simple it is to get to the answer when we go to the next step give yourself 5 10 maybe 15 seconds to see if you can calculate and get to the correct answer did you figure it out let's continue and see how we can get to the correct solution together well here to be honest i tried to trick you i went in describing numbers from top to bottom but in reality you should be looking at the numbers from bottom to the top if we start from the bottom row for example with numbers three and one you see that the sum of three and one will add up to four but then it gets trickier if we go from the second row to the third row you see that the four and five does not necessarily add up in ten four and five adds up in nine and then you need to increment it by one if you go to the next layer you need to increment it by two and then in the final row you need to increment it by three so the correct answer here is choice 55 let's recap starting with the bottom row the sum of two squares results in the number in the next row for example two plus five equals seven however as each level continues the sum increases by one for example four plus five we need to increment and add one to get to 10 so the answer is calculated by adding up 24 plus 28 plus 3 which would be equal to 52 plus 3 and would be equal to 55 the correct answer here is choice a 55 hopefully you've nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test i'm excited to share with you a cool question which is easy to understand but which doesn't have an obvious answer you're presented with the 2x3 matrix this matrix has arrows inside there are two types of arrows solid arrows and then there are arrows that consist of three different shapes there are six possible spaces in the two by three matrix five shapes are present and one shape is missing you're presented with four different choices to identify the missing shape which is highlighted by the question mark you have choices a b c and d give yourself 10 to 15 seconds to see if you can identify the right answer did you figure out the correct answer let's continue to see if we can get to the correct solution together to solve these types of challenges you always need to look for patterns and there are three different patterns present in the sequence let's look at the pattern one if we start from the upper left corner and go clockwise you see that the arrows change alternatively in each subsequent box second pattern is that inside the box solid arrows rotate clockwise and then the third pattern which is a little harder to identify is that the previous arrow points to the next arrow start this is why the missing part the part that you would need to identify contains an arrow placed in the right corner pointing to the left so the correct answer here is choice b hopefully you've nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test but in case you need more problems and solutions please make sure to check out my ebook in the description section of this video and now here's the question for you to try if you can calculate the answer please post it in the comment section of this video so i can give you the grade we have two projects and to complete project 1 it takes 8 hours and to complete project 2 it takes 12 hours so how much longer in percentages it takes to complete project one versus project two you have four different choices choice a four percent choice b fifty percent choice c one hundred percent and choice d one hundred and fifty percent can you calculate the answer please make sure to post it in the comments section of this video so i can give you the grade thanks for participating and good luck some of you might disagree but calculating missing numbers is one of my favorite types of questions a lot of times you are presented with the three by three matrix typically a square which has small squares inside in our case we have numbers in a different colors presented in the smaller squares inside the larger square the numbers are 5 2 1 2 3 3 4 and 4 and then one number is missing and this is the one that you need to calculate once you complete the calculation you need to select one of the four different choices choice a zero choice b1 choice c2 and choice d3 take a look closely and see if you can identify the missing number give yourself 5 to 10 seconds maybe 10 to 15 seconds to see if you can come up with the right solution do you see the answer let's continue to see how we can solve this challenge and get to the correct solution together as usual my advice to you always look for patterns in this particular case we need to look at the patterns inside the rows and then inside the columns let's look at the first two rows to see if we can get the pattern the sum of five plus two plus one equals to eight the sum of two plus three plus three also equals to eight so there might be a pattern let's look if there is a pattern for the columns that have full sets of numbers five plus two plus four equals eleven two plus three plus four equals nine so there is no pattern in this case we can relatively simply use the pattern from the rows this would allow us to calculate the third row if we know that the sum should be eight we can assume that the four plus four plus question mark which would be representing the missing number would be equal to eight so the missing number would be equal to zero the correct choice here is choice a zero hopefully you've nailed this question on your own and now know how to answer similar problems on the test here's one of my favorite questions because it is very frequently used on a test you're presented with the matrix 4x3 matrix each cell in the matrix has numbers for example first row in the matrix has numbers 2 8 7 and 6.
second row has numbers nine five nine five and the third row has numbers nine seven four and one number in the bottom right corner is missing and this is exactly what you need to calculate you can choose from one of four different choices choice a five choice b7 choice c9 and then choice d11 do you think you can come up with the answer give yourself five to ten seconds this is about as much time as you will get on the test let's continue to see how we can get to the correct answer together the key to solve this problem is to determine the pattern and the pattern either can be in the rows or in columns in this particular case let's check the columns first and then what you see is that each column adds up to the value of 20. for example 2 plus 9 plus 9 is 20. 8 plus five plus seven is twenty seven plus nine plus four is twenty as well we also wanna check if there is a pattern with the rows and there is no pattern because the first row adds up to twenty three two plus eight plus seven plus six equals twenty three and the second row adds up to twenty-eight nine plus five plus nine plus five equals twenty-eight so there's no pattern based on this information you can calculate the missing value in the force column six plus five plus question mark equals twenty so the answer is c nine this is the missing value hopefully you figured it out and now know how to answer similar problems on the test i'm extremely excited to share with you the question that tests your pattern recognition skills you're presented with three columns each column has three numbers in the first column we see numbers two seven five in the second middle column we see numbers two three and four and in the last rightmost column column number three we see numbers 10 21 and then one number missing you need to find the missing value which is highlighted by question mark you need to find the missing value and you have four choices to choose from choice a choice b 16 choice c 27 and choice d 36 do you think you can recognize missing value give yourself 5 to 10 seconds to see if you can come up with the answer did you figure out the solution let's continue to see how we can get to the correct solution together the most important skill to solve these types of problems is pattern recognition skill to recognize the pattern you need to look closely into each column selective values in columns 1 and 2 by multiplication get to the value in column 3 and this is our pattern let's take a closer look for the values that already present if we multiply 5 by 2 we get to the value of 10.
second set of values represented by the middle row 7 multiplied by 3 equals 21. so the missing values here can be calculated by multiplying 2 by 4 and the end result would be equal to 8. so the correct answer to this problem is choice a 8.
i also wanted to share with you one of the typical mistakes people make as part of answering these types of questions people start looking at the columns themselves but unfortunately there's no pattern just by looking in the values in column 1 since pattern just doesn't exist if you look only at the values in column 1 or only at the values in column 2 or only at the values in column 3 you will not be able to come up with the answer you have to look across and take a global view across multiple columns to get to the correct solution can you do me a favor if you have a better way of solving this challenge please share your thought process in the comments section of this video here is an interesting question which tests your understanding of percentage differences you are presented with two projects project one and project two and you need to calculate the difference between completion time for those two projects it takes eight hours to complete project one and it takes 12 hours to complete project two so how much longer it takes to complete project two you have four different choices choice a four percent choice b fifty percent choice c one hundred percent and then choice d one hundred and fifty percent do you see the answer give yourself 10 to 15 seconds to see if you can do mental math and calculate the percentage differences the answer might be a little trickier than you think are you ready let's continue to see how we can get to the correct solution together to get to the correct answer we first need to understand the difference in hours between the two projects the difference is four hours and it is calculated by subtracting eight from twelve twelve minus eight equals four and that is the difference between project one and project two hours in the second step we need to divide the difference by the number of original hours and the original hours would be project 1 hours 4 divided by 8 is 0. 5 and then we need to multiply 0. 5 by 100 percent so the correct answer here is just be 50 increase hopefully you've nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test [Music] you're going to love this problem because it is so confusing you're presented with multiple set of calculations in our case we have two full calculations and one calculation is missing the final value the first calculation is 22 multiplied by 22 equals 16.
second calculation is 33 multiplied by 33 equals 36 and then the last calculation is 44 multiplied by 44 equals question mark and you need to calculate question mark you have four different choices choice a 52 choice b 56 choice c60 and choose d64 do you see the answer it's not obvious so give yourself 5 to 10 seconds maybe 10 to 20 seconds to see if you can come up with the solution ready or not i'm going to reveal the answer and we are going to get to the correct solution together typically to solve these types of problems you need to identify the pattern and in this particular case the pattern is that the sign and parentheses are hidden in between digits and are not presented on the screen let's look at the first two examples 22 multiplied by 22 equals 16. it is not obvious because it doesn't go along with the rules of conventional math but if you add parentheses and in parentheses add 2 plus 2 multiplied another set in parenthesis is 2 plus 2 you will be multiplying 4 by four and the result would be equal sixteen same thing with three by three if you add in parenthesis three plus three multiply by another set in parenthesis three plus three you will be multiplying six plus six and the result will be 36. so the correct answer here is the second parenthesis four plus four multiplied by another set in parenthesis four plus four which would be multiplication of eight by eight and the end result of this would be 64.
so the correct answer here is choice d 64. hopefully it nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test thanks for watching if you like the content please give us a like and consider subscribing thank you for your endorsement support and patronage please also check out additional resources in the description section of this video i also encourage you to check resources page on our website how to analyze data.
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