kobby lame is the number one subscribed to Tik tocker his career seems like a dream over 160 million people follow him he has countless viral videos and almost everyone has heard of him but if you dive a little deeper you'll discover that his Fame resulted in a worse darker outcome that you might not have expected so in this video we'll be getting into the main reason why kabby lame is receiving such an insane amount of hate but firstly I want to say this guy does not deserve the hate in my opinion some of the comments
made are just disgusting and rude and I do not agree with them in any way and so with that let's get into it kbby lame story starts out very wholesome during the pandemic kabi lost his job in a factory and began to make Tik toks before quickly catching popularity and becoming a Tik Tok sensation so in my opinion it's cool to learn that Tik Tok made someone who needed Fame famous his videos contain clips of useless ideas and inventions that you could easily just use a normal action or tool to complete [Music] and I know
a lot of people already know his like style of video but I know there's a few people watching this that aren't going to know so I just want to give some background to what content he makes the Tik Tok audience saw his content as funny harmless and enjoyable so he didn't receive much hate at first of course during 2020 kobby and Charlie demilio were both fighting to be the most followed Tik Tok account and finally by a few Millions Kobi managed to pass Charlie holding the title as the king of Tik Tok but all of
a sudden everything changed it all started when kobby lame posted a simple message on his Instagram in 2021 say no to racism was all it said and you think everyone who saw his story would take one glance and say yeah agreed but no this actually brought him tons of backlash tons of people were in the comments stated that they were going to unfollow him now all because he made an anti-racism post insane and with the snap of a finger kabi began to bleed followers I even found a Tik Tok comment claiming they only followed hobby
so that he could beat Charlie while this backlash was stupid other stronger backlash in the future would be significantly worse now it's unclear why so many people unfollowed Kobe due to the anti-racism post maybe some people thought it was too quote woke I don't know but copy ended up responding on his Instagram story where he claimed he doesn't care about the numbers anyway and if people want to unfollow him they can kind of ridiculous that people ended up getting mad over this but here we are obviously the people who unfollowed did lead to a smaller
amount of views but the impact wasn't very significant and let's be honest those people he lost he was probably better off without fast forward to year 2024 and kobby lame can't release one Tik Tok without the top comments being forgot this guy existed Let It Go bro it's over and you used to be famous now you're like a nobody once you think about it this is incredibly strange he has 160 million followers fans whatever you call them why can't they make the top comments why are the top comments trolls the first reason is simple kabi
became too repetitive for the Tik Tok audience on Tik Tok in order to stay what most would call relevant you have to constantly change and invol revolve I forgot the word whatever the word is to fit new expectations and most Tik tokers do this by switching up their content to keep the audience's interest take Ryan William Johnson who came back after being popular on YouTube in the early 2000s and he came back with YouTube shorts where he changed from roasts and reactions to viral Clips to True Crime shorts by constantly changing and involving I still
can't remember the word Ryan is able to keep the audience's attention it's not really Kobe's fault the average Tik tocker has the attention span of a fish but of course no one on Tik Tok cares once again I absolutely in no way hate this dude I'm simply recording the reasoning behind the backlash trolls rushed to his videos and one even commented you're telling me he has more followers than Charlie and they use the wrong y see you're telling me is correct I'm just kidding delete your paragraph anyway well not be as big as he was
in early 2022 and even though a decent large chunk of between 60 to 70 followers are completely inactive he still does pull decent views but the criticism hasn't stopped at coming after Kobi for being repetitive some claim he's a sellout a Tik Tok has recently released showing some store items and kabi released some items in the store such as a taco holder set garlic peeler and bull hugger the internet can call this guy what they want but he is making some serious money right now people are also Alo commented annoyed feelings towards the constant advertisements
Kobe now has but once again this is him making a lot of money so it's understandable why a Tik tocker would take this opportunity I mean Tik Tok isn't exactly known for paying tons for Tik Tok views even though trolls love to fill every comment section and usually at least one top comment is hating Kobe lame has actually found some pretty good success as of year 2024 and he has even been featured in a movie with Will Smith had multiple advertisements and even got a fortnite skin okay I'm not sure what year the fortnite skin
was but you get the idea despite the trolls claiming he completely fell off and part of his audience leaving Kobe lame has been making some serious cash and his view count averaging over 6 million views per Tik Tok he may be receiving a lot of hate but his career is not over yet but with Tik Tok it can happen very soon as we know with so many examples such as Charlie demilio and countless others to put it simply while Kobe lame lost a large part of his audience due to a incredibly stupid reason and while
trolls constantly attack him and claim he fell off and everyone forgot about him he may be considered forgotten but he's not actually doing as bad as everyone claims that's it for today see you in the next one also a scientific study shows that every time you like this video 1,000 Mig of luck come your way also sorry about the last video it was getting blocked I don't know how to explain it but it got copyright something with copyright in the music so it was like like getting blocked I eventually just gave up and just privated
the video and I'm once again I know I said this before but I'm sorry I'm only going to be able to do one upload or two most likely just one a week because of school I'm really sorry [Music]