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Promoção DEsconto Volta para o Futuro Go: - Nesta semana comemorativa, nas c...
Video Transcript:
Welcome to Nerdologia! I'm Atila, biologist, researcher and we still need roads Today we are finally going to talk about time travelling After all October 21st is the day in which Marty comes to visit us in the future We still have no flying cars Nor dehydrated pizza and thankfully we don't wear that lot of colors or two ties But the most importantly, We don't have a time machine The easier way to travel throughout time is going to the future Just spend energy, a lot of it and speed up According to the special theory of relativity the
faster we are the slower time passes If the Flash obeyed the special relativity for example, the closest he was to the speed of light bigger would be the difference of the time that we feel when he speed to 99,99% to the speed of light to give the punch that we quote in the Nerdologia 9 every single minuto to the flash would correspond to an hour and ten minutes for someone watching from outside keeping this speed for a year he would travel more than 70 years in the future Another way to travel to the future using
the relativity is increase the gravity as we already explain in the episode of interstellar But we want to go to the past as argument that the travel to the past or at least the past that we are wouldn't be possible, Stephen Hawking already asked, if time travel will be possible, where are the turists of the future? Carl Sagan already has proposed that time travelers if they exist they are disguised around here to do not change the past like a picture if the hipster from 1940, although is scares it's not a time traveler, that outfit and
glasses it were already common in that time about time travels in internet John Titor it's just the last encarnation of one kind of spam shared since 2001 The reaseachers Teresa Wilson and Robert Nemiroff Sought evidences of travelers in internet and they didn't find posts and dont use twitter with information that really predict future events The bigger problem of travel to the past it's the changing of time that creates explained by the grandfather paradox What does happen to the time traveler who return to the past and kill his own grandfather? before of his father born, how
could the traveler have been born and lived ultil he enters in the time machine? in the movie we see some solutions Harry Potter uses one of them, where travel to the past is possible but the travel dont change the time line The traveler go backs to the same universe where the travel had already happened in anyway and the past always had been changed like in 12 monkeys there's only on time line here if somebody backs and kill his own grandpa will descover that who died wasn't his real grandfather and that now yes, your grandmother can
meet the true father of her children Another solution is that the traveler can go back and change the past but it does'nt change the future, just like Terminator where the universe end always in the same way We continue having a single time line tha cannot be changed here a traveler who go back if he tries to kill his grandfather, he will could not do that or would be son of the twin brother of the grandfather or always would have been son of a robot or the traveler would be a robot ou some crazt plot that
the universe of treminator would invent the other way out we se in Go back to the futere é someone who can go back in time and change the past and even kill his own grandfather or hava a incestuous relation with mother the effect is a alternative line of future where that really happened with all the consequences of every single change or every single interaction with the past that happens, a new time line is created now if you think the fiction is complicate it's cause you dont know the reality the current laws of physics allow time
travels in the way that it doesn't violate the known principles but insted of a time machine we would have to create a worm hole with a deformation of the space also in a way, the time would be possible to create one fold in the space and time that connect two diffent points of the universe far way just not in space but like in time while crossing the worm role of interstellar, for exemple, the system of gangantua also could be in anothe period and passing from a side to another we could go to the future or
past the issue is that is just possible go back in time where the first output of the worm hole was created because of this we would not see the spacial turists, they are coming back but only to the future where the worm whole had been already created and still left the grandfather paradox But could a particle coming back to the past interacts with itself and change the future the physician Jacque Piennar from Autrian Academy of scieces worked exactly with that and show that yes would be possible to a particle interacts with itself even in the
past but it would put the particle or Marty on a state similar to the cat of Schrodinger where it exists at all possible time lines where it interacted and didn't interact with itself A quantum overlay where many unverses exist but the ones who have paradox they cancel and left only one final time line and coherent with the quantum overlay or not the Marty and Doctor Brown have not yet resolved the bigger problem Whiile tardis travel in space and time score to Doctor Who The delorean only come back in time but the wearth is in motion
besides turning around of itself, the earth move around the of over 100 thousand kilometers per hour in other words if he come back an hour to the past in same spot in space he will need astronaut clothing and it is not only the earth the solar system is in motion around of the milk way for over 800 thousand kilometers per hour besides the motion of the Milk way Good lucky for whom is only 88 miles per hour dont forget to like and share the video subscribe our channel for more five minutes travels to the future
of the time and culture and to the next thursday. the acknowledgement to the Jacque Piennar for the help. This nerdologia was a offering of nerdstore And started promoting discount for the future This commemorative week in purchases over 100 reais you win Without limit of value you can buy for example an action figure of Marty Mcfly from hot toys Better known as darth vader the extraterrestrial planet vulcan Check the rules of the site and enjoy at Please, reviews, comments, suggestions and topics below and in our profiles on twitter and facebook
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