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don't tell anybody about the secret chili [Music] come on come on Chris two four times [Music] awesome oh my God so cool wow so he built this for like us basically I don't know like I feel like probably these chairs are like 300 years old literally here we go a little super villain office very vintage masculine yeah yeah very vintage mask if we're in like the medieval times I feel like this is like your grandparents house like when you're not allowed to like touch the stuff like this is like this room in that room [Music]
do your calcium bigger I don't know I feel like they might be a little bit bigger but I like about it just shrimp okay it's all about proportions yeah exactly close his legs mostly back how many square feet is the place you know I think the actual like this part the gym floor I think is a thousand outside [Music] real men go on train so I don't go up here ever I'm sorry that's our one piece of cardio equipment so I'll do cardio there sometimes we do have a crown so that counts too yeah sometimes
or just walk up and down these stairs you know like shits just turn up and down yeah sounds cool wow there's an old house that you just converted or yeah it was actually a business it was like a like some sort of like specialized like Furniture business or something weird yeah so it's like when I was like uh I was training my first met him in my 40 and then like when I kind of just ended there I kind of told him I was like hey man I'm like I don't really you know know you
know how to approach this but like I'm kind of leaving to do my own thing he's like oh he's like yeah no big deal he's like I was actually like this close to telling you I'm gonna like open my own place and just try and like get you away from here anyway yeah I was like oh sweet and he's like all this fast track he's like we'll get something to build and open as soon as possible and I was like holy [ __ ] I was like all right sweet and so literally we just started
like looking around places and this real estate agent like a first we'll look at a bunch of like you know kind of like Warehouse style like buildings for gyms and then she like she's like because you know Dave's he like likes with all the fancy like you decorate all that [ __ ] I just picked all the equipment yeah but I like the design stuff like I don't know about fancy things and so anyway she's like I got this really like kind of like cool unique building she's like I don't know if it'll work for
a gym but like I figure I'll show it to you yeah and so you basically said like he had an idea of like well we can keep that he wanted an office out of his home as well too so he's like you think we can fit everything in this part and I'm just like yeah sure and honestly like I just kind of like I did like some like really rough like square foot sketches and stuff and had a pretty guy I was like I'll just order a little bit less stuff to start and then just
like kind of piece me all together and uh yeah it worked out perfect that's great yeah he's already younger than I did like this when did you turn pro I swim Pro 21 yeah you're super young that's something that shows though I've only done like 11 or 12 shows total yeah so that's a good deal that's really nice that's the rough part yeah well maybe let's do um maybe we'll just start so you don't have to go like ape [ __ ] heavy they're maybe we'll just um like I like super set maybe like leg
curls and leg extensions and then get everything warmed up and probably do like maybe probably like the way I preferred it is maybe it's like one hard set of everything today and then maybe towards the end if we have something pretty locked in maybe two sets on something but start with the isolation stuff and that way we don't have to do a billion plates if we do like a squat variation or leg press variation or something sure it's not good beautiful sweet tiny things yeah like normal so I need slight leaves that warm up lower
back a little bit [Music] on this one tried before you lock that down slide your legs a little closer together and actually turn it there you go your kneecaps point a little bit more straight up so turn that way just tap there you go see how that feels like this one okay is that what you want yeah that yeah all these warm-ups just pause both ends kind of like you were doing about most of me yeah full pause don't quite let it rest okay do a couple where you bring it down just about three inches
right to my hand pause then back up and then full wrap down at the bottom all the way hold it up about three inches and back and then full breath let's do a couple more like that right there pause halfway yeah back up squeeze out just a little bit back in hard sleeves there's one more each way like that pause go down squeeze slow out right there all right squeezing again okay are you opposed toes up down Point kind of guy it doesn't matter if somebody doesn't say it's like dramatically like I'm feeling something either
like cramping in my lower leg if somebody says I'm feeling my calf cramping or my shin you know that at muscle cramping I might cue them something but if nobody says anything I just need wherever they go oh let's do a couple of the same things here so I'm all the way to the top a little longer hole bring it down just a little bit right there back up good same thing at the bottom slow down a little pause part way up all the way back up hard to squeeze all the way down up squeeze
same thing one more each way I squeeze part way down to slow heart contract okay nice nothing super fancy between those pauses or whatever but like obviously you think about it's like the kind of Common Sense thing but obviously if you're doing an exercise you're doing it intentionally to use your muscles yeah but sometimes obviously if you're just kind of going through the motion even if you just do the pauses sometimes you're still just kind of going through the motion or if you literally even give yourself because obviously the distance doesn't matter but if you
go from like a full contraction to like okay I'm gonna bring it down three inches and then contract again and the same thing at the other end of the range because nobody messes up in the middle you mess up with the ends on that exercise basically so just like a little I'll do that half time when I'm warming up just to see I'm like am I actually thinking about the things that I'm doing or am I just yeah I'm just going through the motions because I was like that's the I think the most neglected none
I could say that about a lot of things but one of the most neglected things for people is their warm-ups where it's like all they're thinking about is getting their top sets it's obviously that's half the point of them but it's like well if you can just do a couple of really simple things to think about like am I using my muscles the whole time yeah and obviously it's a more effective use of your hormones and then some stuff as well too for people that are like actually strong like if you can do things to
make things just a little bit harder like I don't have to get too caught up with the tempo stuff you know we're doing like you know Eight Second negatives or really long pauses or things like that like I like the idea of having something somewhat standardized but if you can make it a little bit harder again like from the top they'll pause making sure you're really getting contractions and it's going to be at least still as challenging on the muscle you know and you won't have to put quite a billion pounds on let's Tell them
in the joints too yeah yeah exactly especially like your big movements that's what I tell people all the time with like squat patterns and things like that's almost every double like little slower sound tricks a little longer pause in the bottom and it's like it'll you know humble you a teeny bit yeah it's like your muscles your quads are going to get just as much stimulus but then you have don't need as much loading your entire spine torso everything else we're at last in this machine good it's a little pause still so just get a
little squeeze I'm saying it definitely heavier than okay expect it to be that's good that's the stuff that I think makes a subtle difference over time kneecaps going straight forward and just do pause reps here you don't have to do the end range like the short ones just a little pause at the bottom hard squeeze at the top there you go and just think really smooth into that top no bounce nice hard contraction squeeze good just whatever one or two more yeah all right on the isolation stuff and then a little less volume on the
big stuff um but I generally for hamstrings too I like it I don't do a whole lot of like different rep ranges by like muscle group but for some reason I do think hamstrings respond a little bit better to slightly lower you know so generally I'll always do like a working set with hamstrings like in five to eight you know whereas most other things not that's a huge difference but most other things are normally kind of you know lower ends more around like seven eight something like that have you used a seat belt before not
on this no I'll be trying I mean it's pretty straightforward but I'll show you just real quick a little yeah I feel like Chewbacca was probably a beast in the gym I just think it makes sense so obviously I'll just hand you this but just before you get yourself in I'll do the same thing but obviously I'm showing how to use a seatbelt like a flight attendant I [ __ ] know how to use a seat belt but just the tightening is this part right here so just yank that as tight as you can go
and that's basically how I want it set up as tight as you possibly can before you're in here and I'll do the same thing while I'll put this down because that's why I did that before is so then I want you to smash this as tight as you possibly can down on your thighs yeah just so basically have nothing moving and then um the only thing that'll be slightly different on this is like you actually want to like use it so it's like normally when you start a leg crunch or you're kind of like smashing
into here when you start when you're coming into the Finish like that's the only issue obviously you should get heavier is the the weight is pulling you that way so it pulls you out of the seat just feel like you're pushing into the hamstring as you're excuse me into the seat belt as you're coming into the finish that makes sense yeah so actually again want to use it this is where he goes to show that like people think equipment manufacturers know what they're doing just because machines exist but I always say like the number one
proof like if there's any machines that you think would have like seat belts maybe like a leg curl or like a leg extension it's just literally like [ __ ] cease on you out but they don't do that they put it on the Hammer Strength shoulder press right have you seen that you know what I'm talking about that's like the one that always and so it's it's the one that pushes you [ __ ] down in the seat and that's the one they put a seat belt on I was like let's just lets you know
they have no idea what they're doing that's the case like the whole gym tips over while you're there the only one that does it right is the uh pullover oh yeah yeah some of them some yeah good news the whole benefit of the exercise top pause there we go let's please these first one just practice kind of pushing into that seat belt as you finish pause good hard squeeze just thinking traction to finish don't worry about where it goes just contract there we go because that's real spatulence just a finish of a double good but
again I'll take a little further on this one and try it squeeze I feel I feel good those are pretty just like that that's all you're thinking about how hard can you make the top all right good man you know where they count come on now best reps come on hard you just think the same thing visualize the same thing at the top how hard can you make it good come on again all the way up hard squeeze there we go keep going couple more like that just think about your quads how hard can you
control go go go go again slow on the way down no bounce hard contraction come on up up up up up up up up up one more come on smooth oh well come on 10 out of 10 the hardest you can hard as you can finish finish finish what is up YouTube we are here with Mr Joe Bennett he's over there chugging his mason jar option yeah caught him out of that time aka the hypertrophy coach we're down here in Tampa for a summer shedding day three right now whatever and half Joe if you could
put me through a workout he puts me down and said he just trained legs so he's not trading with me but pre-laved the excuse is always necessary last time we turned legs together and he kept up so I'm not too worried about it it's true I haven't done it's documented so look back yeah without YouTube So yeah so you can't [ __ ] out but yeah he put me through a leg workout right now we're here at is the gym have a name or is it just kind of like Incognito the Lion's Den yeah private
Little Gym that no one's allowed in so Hero by ourselves Miss Olympia in the background train legs she's somewhere back there I think I already know but that's really all that's going on that's what we're gonna be doing today training some lights so stay tuned and listen to Mr Joe because he's full of knowledge and I'm here child learning to get big likes um perfect everyone like that the top hard sleeves good again thanks smooth to the Finish don't think about where the pad goes just contract those in there we go good again claws contract
contract contract good we got another one a little longer pause at the top here on that stretch [Music] come on you don't get that one third let's move it yep that's why I'm holding this up there you go nice when you don't move yeah that's the point it's good not doing a ton just keep them pretty don't think about reps just keep them the same I got that finish for you smooth pause hard squeeze yeah good we got another one squeeze squeeze squeeze we got one more last one go go go go go go go
go okay how much do you stretch on you staying there Lean Forward keep pressing down just a little bit wrap on here just like hug it there you go and hold I'm gonna count 30 seconds keep some pressure on here light pressure down and there you go don't let off keep going come on about 20 seconds left perfect keep some tension on breathe into it nice and slow 15. good man keep going light pressure 10. keep going keep going five four three two and a half two one and a half one nice I almost feel
bad sneaking that stretch on you I'm glad you stuck it in yeah I like not anticipating it same thing just keep that thought process keep them hard at the top great reps that's your focus now better every rep good nothing to do with the pad how hard can you contract come on there we go okay okay there we go good Revenue come on best ones now same page don't rush out of the bottom hard squeeze good lower don't drop the control everything the same now come on up up up up up up up you got
another one slow on the way down let's go hard up up up one more come on that's her up now that's right let's go finish finish finish it's really nice is it really heavy it is heavy this one we have a robot five now yeah maybe it's a once everybody we just got one two months ago honestly it's probably my favorite one um but I like the Atlanta second favorite but this one's just my favorite nothing really magic I honestly like that it's really heavy like I said so you don't have to put a billion
plates on it yeah but then two I just really like the platform angle that's one of my favorite ones so it's basing my main defining factors for like a heck or a pendulum is really kind of the platform angle relative to the arc because you have some shitty ones that people get on like they don't like you know the way it feels or with their knees sometimes like that's the subtle differences normally the angle is like too closed and that's what tends to grind up people's knees the angles too up and too close yep yeah
too much on your knees yep because it's as soon as you basically have to the point where you know as you're folding you want your knee to be able to travel forward as soon as this doesn't fold anymore then it's got to go somewhere else next joint line is going to be the knee so if you're not taking it to the end of your ankle Mobility generally it's going to be more comfortable on the knees and the other thing is just making sure that you have a stance you know that's comfortable for your hips as
well too the better your ankles can move and the better your hips move the easier it is it's gonna be on your knees and then obviously generally it's easier for you to get more to your quads so yeah it's easier to bring them down just a little bit and back up if I'm off you can take them down if that feels more comfortable so how does that feel I feel fine good damn bro I can hear your knees and these are crooked it smells like it sounds like crappy mine are so much worse than that
honestly my knees have gotten until you get better like I honestly have some like the loudest like crepitus on the knees ever and um it's not a good thing well I don't know why like they were in 2017 they were the worst yeah and they were like bad for a while and then their last year yeah it's been the best they've been yeah hopefully getting better I mean that's one of the weird things normally the crap it is the sound of frayed cartilage on frayed cartilage it's like the first signs of not gonna be good
um but I mean it's a little bit of again the controversies can you like regrow cartilage or not yeah and some people say no but who knows but if you can find because like that's half the the cliche things for some things like some things are tough to tell when you're doing them it's going to be like orthopedically better not like tendon stuff is kind of different but with like cartilage like when you have kind of like a you know two bones articulating you have cartilage on cartilage like if you can really find places that
are immediately more comfortable it can kind of spare that basically so it's like the joke too is if you find things or foot stances or positions that are less loud then you're literally just because it's it's a just a matter of like a surface context so if you literally adjust stance and stuff sometimes instead of putting more pressure in this position it's more pressure in this position so you can actually have kind of different wear patterns so you like to do the exact same every single time that is one of the arguments for having slight
adjustments and like you know movements and things like that I've come more narrow of my stance over the years yeah does that feel better for you it feels now it does okay I feel like maybe you just because my hips out there yeah yeah but I used to like squat like super like pretty wide yeah and now I can like come here and like yeah Michael and Billy got better if something's like come closer and then yeah maybe it was exactly that yeah yeah you kind of built pretty well so if you can go either
way then kind of just go where you're coming [Music] really work on that pace Landing slower into the bottom fight that Bond there we go oh interesting for this um somewhere like eight to ten ish maybe yeah don't go what do you normally put the most volume someone's like like let's say like beginning of an off season and the end of offseason with the prep like where do you have the most like probably right in the middle of like kind of in the middle of the beginning of prep so like typically like so what I'm
doing for Terrence right now is um because his his recovery phase I took volume Rock Bottom yeah and then so now we're kind of starting the point where you can grow a little bit and so I'm just we're working up now but I'll kind of keep this like kind of like what I would call if I'm looking at different levels like kind of medium volume Yeah medium volume but look older it's probably I'll work up slowly to probably twice as much volume as we had in the recovery phase and then when he starts a prep
you know I might the first maybe anywhere it depends just kind of the state that he's in where his nutrition's at like that's why I just have an idea what he's doing from this coach you know there might be a little bit of a taper up there again so like generally in the beginning of a prep anywhere from like you know if it's he was doing like say a 16 week prep 16 you know weeks out to you know maybe somewhere for 10 I might taper it up just a little bit see how it's going
and then Jenna will get to a point where it kind of stabilizes then at some point in time I start to taper it back down then yeah but it's one thing I try and really prioritize I'm still much rather prioritize intensity than volume pretty much at all times because I still always go back and forth like you know it's like there's so many moving Parts it's like for me to honestly compare when we do those volume ramp UPS slight because I like basically I know that we can and then Theory you should lead to a
little bit more growth but then I still always debate like would it be better if we just kind of left it where it is and just wouldn't be able to progress a little bit faster so I always mess around with that subtle amounts like from you know off-season to prep or whatever because again I still think you know again intensity like what he's doing for specific exercises for specific rep ranges is more important than you know how many sets can we do yeah as far as you needed to finish some of the room perfect that's
your goal every rep like that I'm nothing changes I'll keep it the same on that bottom all right good keep going now come on I'm making harder man come on make these reps better than the first ones own it Own It own it tomorrow press don't bounce out of bombing can you pause come on make it hard down there control on that bottom there we go come on we got another one come on best reps now come on people pretty control control car push hard push one more last one come on one more let's go
man stay tight control control hard push hard push Finish First finish finish yeah yeah I really just watch it that much that feels like you're hitting a wall and can't move it but yeah this thing is difficult yeah I haven't used the petalum in a long time yeah that was a good set like honestly I literally like I put my I'm sure you could probably feel when I put my hands on but like the like the third to last one I literally just have my hands on the second to last one I probably literally gave
you like a couple pounds so I'm just giving it the right spot so if it feels like I'm doing more than I am and then on that last one obviously just that sticking point but I'm you know just doing a little bit same thing I don't have to [ __ ] feel like you really like it yeah I know like half it is it's like that one you feel like that sticking point feels like oh [ __ ] I just couldn't go back down really fast right and where it's one of those things where half
is just training that that again if you just stick with it I can give just a little bit right through that point and it's not bad to get up because it's the same thing it's like one like I said I don't I don't want to see you die today I don't want you to die today so I don't have to do a [ __ ] ton of work but it just takes a little bit kind of getting used to that point I'm just knowing okay if I'm I'm gonna hit it I'm gonna make sure that
you get through it nice and smooth and also not getting the point where it's counterproductive like it's the point where you're just doing like 10 past failure things are shaking and ugly you can't feel anything the workout's over after one set yeah exactly I like this what's that what kind of like places you want like well maybe back just to knew it [Music] you good yes I'm good hello hi your shoulders and legs just try to get in a little pump for me I use your chest too then just chest and arms I meant for
the Bro cone sauce wow is like when before you go almost feel like you're trying to lift your leg up just a little bit so pressing more kind of through the top of your thigh so again not having your you know knee pressed down so hard like just lift it up just a little bit and then really feel like you're just pressing through the top of your thigh as you come up does that make sense yeah almost like lifting your knee up just a little bit yeah you don't want to go eat [ __ ]
to where you feel like you're actually trying to like hip extend the whole weight but that'll make sure that we don't have kind of any of this type of you know if you get your knee pushing down here that's what really allows you to kind of uh pivot your pelvis up you see when people like lift their ass up yeah and obviously because your hamstring crosses over your knee and your hip so most people you're trying to shorten it but as you Hip Flex because it crosses over your hip it's basically kind of stays the
same like that but I'll say for for simple purposes is it's shortening at this end and lengthening at this end that makes sense so right when you're getting the front where it's the artist most people will intentionally lift this up so that the hamstring doesn't actually contract anymore you're just kind of almost holding it in the same spot yep just just looks great just like that squeeze perfect squeeze good same thing nail that top of our contraction good yeah that's perfect how do I feel I feel good [Music] just come on let's go uh another
one come on you're working on let's work up there you go oh wow thank you [Music] foreign [Music] man everyone like that we got a couple to go you just think squeeze I'll get you there perfect another one control are hard good let's go another one go go go finish I got you I got you finish nice thank you exactly that's why he's gonna Rush make it hard one more [Music] time keep them in that range keep going come on don't stop keep going come on don't stand all that keep going man no brakes let's
go keep going come on you got foreign get your head on man come on two good same thing all you focus on that Contraption drive that thigh into the pad I'll get you there good let's move reps I got you come on we got one more keep it smooth thigh press into that pad yep yep just a couple reps just keep them smooth hard squeeze perfect not a ton here just keep them pretty drive that thigh down hard squeeze we got two more like that come on squeeze yep yep yep come on one more good
down slow just the bottom half right there not even that high keep them slow right there good keep them going right there not even that high right there come on five four three two last one that's good yeah the chili the chili don't tell anybody about the secret chili people don't really think it's chili all right kids it's gonna be wrap on today's workout was the real dad of raw nutrition actually I'm the fake dad he's a real dad intelligence and children wise so wrap on this workout I appreciate you putting me through it yeah
sure some nice little tips all the time is also a thing that I was forgetting then I'd turn on someone like you who always transformed them oh yeah I should probably be doing that more so yeah appreciate it and it's always good to train them so much better than you so you learn a thing or two because ego's get in the way man I know how to do what I mean like you're saying everyone's like I don't want to train but like yeah there's always you can be better and you always forget a little bit
or yeah so much appreciated and yeah glad you guys made it over yeah cool spot yes sir very good spot nice to get the train here today yeah the dream coming soon private gym but yeah thank you guys for watching be sure to check out the hypertrophy coach for all your training needs he's got an app everything you can desire lots of free information on his channels so check them out thank you for watching and I'll see you guys later
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