Communism 2.5: Social Communism | James Lindsay

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The EVILution of Communism Workshop, Session 3 Communism is a religious view that has evolved and a...
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it's a good sign you're still clapping for me after those two last night so welcome to lecture number three which I titled communism 2.5 because I'm super creative I really wanted to force the 1.0 2.0 3.0 model that I'm barely even talking about um so I was like well what do I do with Western Marxism that's that's 2.5 uh it's also in this 20th century time period uh there are a lot of things that happened in the west but the primary difference between what happened in the East that being Russia and China or Soviet Union
and China and their satellites the primary difference is that they were taking over in the East feudal societies and peasants who they could basically boss around particularly at the end of the barrel of a gun because they just weren't ready for what was coming to them and they were promised bread in land or grain in land and uh more equal society and they were kind of in on it at the beginning The Peasants actually facilitated both revolts uh rather tremendously but in the west they were up against the capitalist culture and machine which turned out
to be strong and healthy and vibrant at least to a pretty significant degree so it wasn't as easy to just boss westerners around it wasn't as easy to affect a big military coup uh by you know rousing the population to turn on their governments and so it had to develop in the West in a completely different direction which as I mentioned last night is a subversive Direction so where you have this kind of top down Force going on in eastern Marxism or industrial Marxism over here in Western Marxism you have a very kind of infiltrating
subversive frankly whining bitching and complaining at the bottom sort of thing uh which is a different mode in a different line of thinking so this I don't know that this represents a gigantic amount of the evolution of communist thought particularly but it sets up the stage for the next leap which is why I didn't want to make this be a 3.0 moving on into a different one because Western Marxism until very recently didn't work it it it was very effective at taking over universities it was very effective at disaffect youth but it it didn't succeed
in producing a revolution they attempted this in 1968 and it didn't work the famous in France the May 1968 riots there were riots all over in ' 68 and 69 in the US that were fed by this and it didn't it it didn't take that method wasn't going to work here and um really this is kind of this long unfolding story of frustrated marxists um we could give it a million names but there's a lot of things going on so it gets really complicated I'm going to just kind of call it Western Marxism for the
moment and that includes a lot of different things cultural Marxism which is a no no word we're not allowed to say that I'm now engaging in conspiracy theories which we heard last night is Ma's bad element category uh critical Marxism which a lot of people don't even use that term they use the words critical theory which hides the fact that it's actually critical Marxism but I actually got it from a critical Marxist that calling it critical Marxism is more accurate and that's in a book not somebody I was just talking to uh then what I
call coming into the uh 7s and 80s identity Marxism so this is your birth of things like critical race Theory and later queer Theory uh feminism kind of taking a very revolutionary angle um and this all kind of culminates together in woke Marxism and so this Western Marxism evolves in our context into what I refer to more generally as American maoism or sometimes maoism with American characteristics so this is part of the reason why I wish that we had had time to do a full lecture on Mao because Mau becomes the pivotal character with the
toolkit that has to get imported to make it work so in other words that Eastern Marxism fails and fails and fails and fails in its industrial form becomes this kind of brainwashing personal conversion model under Mao and those techniques get imported to make the critical theory side which wasn't doing anything successfully make it at work uh in the popular front so this is going to be much more kind of that Gnostic vibe that we know the real secret of society and you don't than even the Vanguard of the East had the Vanguard was very explicit
we have the advanced Theory we know more than you these guys are basically you don't really understand the society you live in and sewing like that like I said that subversive element but it existed Western Marxism like Eastern Marxism existed to solve the problem that they determined that Marx was wrong these in our model of the evolution of Communism are evolutionary pressures put on Marxist theory in order to advance to the 20th century now in a completely different context this Western capitalist context instead of the Eastern feudal context um but basically Marxism did not follow
Marx's predictions of how it would unfold the capitalist masses did not spontaneously organized they did not undergo Revolution they wanted reforms instead of wanting to take over the means of production and especially here in the capitalist West where people not only had relatively decent lives but improving conditions especially as workers reforms started to come into the picture uh they were satisfying workers and this was a major problem like I said there's lots of threads here um I think that if we were to really spend all the time we need to to talk about what was
going on in the 20th century in Western Marxism plus or minus a decade on each side we would probably need four lectures honestly um so we have cultural Marxism and critical Marxism um which I've already introduced uh critical Marxism is cultural Marxism that has turned completely negative it no longer really tries to Aspire to any positive socialist Vision it explicitly says at times we can't name the thing that we're trying to get to but we know it's qualitatively different than what we have so we're just going to be very critical of everything but then there's
feminism feminism was a gigantic Western phenomenon and feminisms it's the feminism is huge right there are 20s something I think when we wrote cynical theories and I don't know if this is accurate if I even remember it correctly I think Helen pluckrose went and counted and found at least 26 distinct branches of feminism that you could name and describe none of which agree with each other at all in fact they all hate each other it's almost like hurting cat ladies but the feminists are responsible for importing from France not solely but largely responsible from importing
from France something that would have I think died on the French Vine to make a wine reference um which is postmodernism postmodernism was not popular in France it was considered basically academic screwing off and showing off by a bunch of kind of weirdos and the French weren't really interested in it the rest of Europe wasn't interested in it but by God British and American feminists were interested in it because it allowed them to deconstruct gender which they were so desperate to do and so the feminists that's not even controversial feminists get mad if you ever
blame them for anything because of course like all marxists they're never wrong um but they don't even deny having imported U postmodernism into the uh primarily into the English departments of ivy league universities particularly Yale Yale University basically imported postmodernism through its English departments through feminist professors it also actually though postmodernism actually came in through the postc colonial side of things as well the biggest post colonialist was uh Edward SED uh who's listed as a Palestinian American professor and he was deep deep in the Fuko the next most famous one is Gayatri SPAC and her
work is just thoroughly postmodern the third most famous one is homie Baba and he is impenetrable it's just postmodern goblook about the colonial context but then we have like I said cultural maoism which is kind of like critical theory 2.0 and really in the' 60s we're not going to get too into the details of this but I think in the 60s you see a split of critical theory and you have the maruza Branch goes off into what I'm now calling uh cultural maoism or American maoism and the H Moss Branch goes off and still does
dorky academic critical theory and I don't know hmas at all so we're not going to talk much about hmas because I haven't cared because the the maruza branch is the branch that matters because that's the branch that's been sewing revolution in the us for the rest of the time we also have like I said this evolving into to Identity Marxism that's the path that we call it intersectionality intersectionality I gave a talk about this at Northwestern University it was pretty controversial it caused a lot of trouble um where I said the intersectionality is American maoism
uh and that of course has evolved when they finally adopted the moniker in the 2010s of woke which I just think is woke Marxism uh which technically has a real name uh a real uh SCI not scientific one of the technical term for how they they operate which is called critical constructivist epistemology but to understand how that got there that's through critical education Theory there's a million threads here and then I skipped this tangent that we're actually going to start with in a minute which is fabianism and fabianism is British Socialism or English socialism which
Orwell famously called inok um it's kind of present if you want to see it in George Orwell I mean that's is his vision for them taking power but also there's some pretty interesting HG Wells versus Lenin things you can read where they were basically fighting about whether the British method of Socialism or the the Soviet method of socialism is better basically what this works out to be in the western Marxist content is a road to soft totalitarianism it's not the hard totalitarianism we saw in the East but it doesn't start off as totalitarian because it
doesn't have any power um but the goal is to seize the means of cultural production out from under a society and then as you gain power to that make it more and more and more that you have to agree with them or else you're on the outs with Society in other words they're going to criticize the existing hegemony of society the existing values and norms and then try to take control of the values and norms and make everybody play to their rules which is why we're supposed to all affirm transgender now uh for example uh
just very as a very pointed surface that's also why we're all supposed to say black lives matter and all these other humiliating things that they tried to make us do but this is soft totalitarianism you're not going to find ma this is one of the the um criticisms I get well if this is Marxism or maoism who's ma for the West no no no this this is made to feel like and I say that very deliberately made to feel like it's bottom up and inside out not top down but the Mals are a network of
nonprofits and corporate leaders and government leaders who are feeding this into the bottom to make it feel like a bottomup movement um it's very subversive uh instead of focusing on Force the production of the new man basically what you're going to do is agitate people into disbelieving in the old man so then they're going to be in this state of what's called enemy they don't know who they are they they're lost they're confused about their identity and they start searching for a new one that you've ready made and provided for them and you do this
uh through presenting new values which are going to be those theosophical transformational values while subverting the old values as a matter of fact the new values are going to be twisted versions of the old values we're going to take the idea of Liberty and transform it into Liberation we're going to take the idea of freedom and make it freedom from responsibility you get the you get the gist you're going to get the idea of caring for you know the underdog which is a kind of General Christian principle and make it hold up the oppressed or
lift up the oppressed or rescue the oppressed um and these guys take Marx's idea very seriously though that everything starts with criticism in fact Marx was famous for saying that his model was the ruthless criticism of all that exists and he based that off of a line from the mouth of Satan me mephistophiles in gerta's version of faou where fa I'm sorry where me mephistophiles says in that play which Gera wrote uh that all that exists deserves to perish so everything in the world is rotten everything deserves to fall away everything needs to be destroyed
and so this is that was Marx's Muse by the way was mephistophiles in G version of faou so if you want to read faou I think it's really an interesting um story it's extraordinarily long I went to read fa a couple of years ago and I I think I put on Twitter I'm going to read faou it's it's about time it was Marx's Muse oh my God it's 780 pages long so like I don't have time for this but like I said we're going to start with a tangent there are all these threads this is
going to be a little bit of like jumping around because there's so many threads uh but we're going to start with inok so is the name of the totalitarian government in 1984 and that's what I'm referring to uh to call the Fabian Society so two-tier Kier starmer in Britain is a Fabian socialist the Fabian socialists are not new in fact most of the prime ministers in most of the British Commonwealth throughout almost all of history Australia Canada and so on have had Fabian ties if they weren't outright fabians I think it's true somebody can fact
check it's either every or almost every Prime Minister of Australia has been or been connected to the fabians um you would know the fabians probably by their softer name that they frequently use in public which is the labor party which is a little bit scary when you realize how well they've been doing inak I GS o c was an abbreviation a creative abbreviation for English socialism and changing the E to an I I think is really clever because it has that idea like they're just barely hiding themselves um this is exactly the same English socialism
that Engles criticized as not being able to get its act together but their goal was um very different it was actually to very slowly infiltrate and subvert this is when uh this this model I was going to tell you something I haven't told you yet this is when George Bernard Shaw said that's later I've been reading my notes that you haven't read yet um they were going to infiltrate and take over from within which should feel very familiar you hear CLA Schwab say penetrates the cabinets well that's a very English socialism method um although that
does have Roots back to Lenin Lenin said the best way to control the opposition is to control it yourself or to become the opposition from the inside so this infiltration conspiracy thing pretending to be your enemy there's an old saying it's on uh beautiful trouble their their activist website dress like a republican so you can speak like an anarchist and they do this a lot and I would recommend to you that you consider that our side fighting back against this is much more infiltrated than you probably realize there are probably a lot of actors who
are dressing like Republicans so they can speak in ways that bring agit prop to our class if you will our political class so what was Orwell writing in 1984 Orwell was most likely he nowhere does he ever explicitly say this there are strong hints in his road to Wigan Pier but he nowhere explicitly said that this is what he was doing but the best guess of what 1984 represents is characterizing the Fabian socialists spending a century to gain the power of Stalin the Fabian Society was founded in 1884 now Orwell was tricky he published 1984
in 1948 so he said that he just SW swapped the order of the number of the year but as a matter of fact um it's very likely that he was imagining the fabians operating slowly for a century they have a symbol that's a tortoise or a turtle I think it's a turtle not a tortoise and it says underneath it when I strike I strike hard so you slowly slowly slowly slowly infiltrate and then all of a sudden it's like it came out of nowhere all at once everywhere the British right now are all asking in
the UK how did this happen so fast it's like it didn't it happened over a hundred years and they didn't tell you until they thought they had enough power with these last couple of recent big winds to reveal themselves so when I strike I strike hard so they hide themselves and then hit as hard as they can all at once but like I said this is the model of incrementalist socialism it's basically the Long March through the institution's British style as opposed to Marxist style um and because of this difference and we're focusing on communism
and and Marxism in particular that's why this is a uh kind of tangent their goals are political cultural and corporate capture from within those are their main agendas infiltrate the boards infiltrate the Committees infiltrate the governments they use education as much as they can as a root so the most famous educational institution they founded is called the London School of economics if you go there there's a gigantic Globe outside on the campus that is upside down so turn the world upside down is the imagery the big players the big characters there are more but I'm
going to name George Bernard Shaw cydney and beatric Webb and Annie bassant but there were lots more this isn't a big Fabian lecture and I'm actually not qualified to give a deep Fabian lecture um there are people in the room who are so I'm not going to embarrass myself that way there's a symbol that they have also at the London School of Economics which by absolutely dumb luck um the whole team here and I had the uh good luck to see with our own eyes last uh I guess October we walked over to the London
School of Economics Mike who's doing the sound and speaking the voice in the back um has had this vision of seeing the Fabian window which is a stained glass window that they had made of themselves for years and years it's in the George Bernard Shaw library at the London School of Economics they don't let people in for whatever set of reasons so we show up we're all dressed up and it turns out that there was a funeral in in in the room so we're dressed up and we say can we go up to the to
the George Bernard TR library and they say are you on the list and we say what list and the guy doesn't being very British doesn't want to say we can't go to the funeral so he says well just put your names on the list and go on up so we put our names on the list we went on up we crash a funeral we see the Fabian window there it is it's real um it's really fun uh so we actually did see it but the idea is it shows Geor George Bernard Shaw and I think
Sydney Webb with hammers at an anvil between them and on the Anvil is the Earth heated to Red Hot and they're beating it while the other fabians are working the Bellows which would be similar to the British version of Lennon's agit prop to heat the world up smash it to bits and it says across the top remold it nearer thine heart's desire so they're going to heat the world up which I think we're experiencing right now look at the look at Britain under inok now look at the Heat and then they're going to smash it
to pieces and then they're going to put it back together the way they want in other words they have predetermined solutions for the crises that they're stimulating and it's actually there's a stained glass window uh commemorating that that's their Vision um it turns out that George Bernard Shaw his his play my fair lady was originally titled pigmon we talked about the pigmon myth last night turns out that's exactly the same thing you're going to see if we can take a street rat and convince people she is what she isn't and it's actually a and if
she is then she gets to you know basically the gentleman win the bet and maybe she gets to pretend she's a noble for the rest of her life now these guys at the fabians rejected violent revolution so they're not Marxist they're still communist actually you'll hear George reard Shaw on a second say that he's a flaming hot communist but they didn't I they did not like the idea of violent revolution this is all subversive which is why it fits into this besides being Western so this is a difference of methods but not beliefs as far
as the underlying religious beliefs of transforming the world we just heard the Fabian window actually portrays that and imagine making a stained glass window which is kind of you know we associate this with churches um to to commemorate that that's your view of the world on that window by the way I think I have it in here somewhere else but I want to just point out they have their Cod of arms the Cod of arms for the Fabian Society is literally a wolf and sheep's clothing it is literally that you can look it up yourself
whenever you want it is literally look go to your search engine type in code of arms fabians and you're going to see a wolf and sheep's clothing on a shield so this is a difference of methods like I said but not of beliefs here's George Bernard Shaw saying exactly that he says until you have socialism you will never have state solidity because as we know if you have private property you will immediately split your stake so there it is he's against private property he said you'll get the class conflict the class struggle the confrontation of
interests between the Proprietors and between the proletariat and there you have something that is crumbling that is divided against itself then he added as a RedHot communist I am in favor of fascism the only drawback to Sir Oswald Mosley's move movement is that it's not quite British enough I really encourage you to look up some uh some videos of the things George Bernard Bernard Shaw said so you can hear it in his squeaky little oily Smiley voice um turns out this Oswald Mosley was a British aristocrat who was a socialist and funded a lot of
socialist activities and got pissed off that it wasn't going fast enough it wasn't working so he became a fascist in the early 1930s and so what's inok what is what is English socialism it's communism with British intelligence characteristics is what it really what it is and it operates through infiltration to set up a liberal conservative dialectic in the cabinets in other words a unip party we call them rhinos or we used to we call them natcon now that's a a very controversial statement but it's CL Schwabs penetrate the cabinets method which is like I said
has links to Lenin but it's very British and slick and polite and kindly so here's the kind the sickly kindliness and I really really hope you'll look this video up you can watch this we'll definitely have to throw this in when we put this together of George Bernard Shaw actually saying a very sickly kindly very communist thing um and it's really great his oily little voice so you'll get the what you need to search to find it it's very easy to find I don't want to punish anybody but there are an extraordinary number of people
whom I want to kill not in any unkind or personal Spirit but it must be evident to all of you you must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world who are more trouble than they are worth I think it would be a good thing to uh make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might come before the income tax Commissioners and say every five years or every seven years just put him there and say Sir or Madam now will you be kind enough to Justify
Your Existence if you can't Justify Your Existence if you're not pulling your weight in social boat if you're not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive because your life does not benefit us and it can't be a very much loose to yourself so you thought like my fair lady was cute it's not cute this dude's a demon kindly gentle I don't want to hurt anybody and he does talk when he talks about killing everybody
or whatever that that's of no use oh we'll just put them in a nice chamber with nice gas that puts them to sleep and they just never wake up no pain no punishment but you have to Justify Your Existence before an Obama Death panel every 5 to seven years apparently he also was a big fan like I said of the fascism this he's so he's really just a kindly gentle more sacran Stalin as George Bernard Shaw this is why I think Orwell had that fantasy of of of inok English socialism gaining the power of Stalin
and characterizing at his big brother so here's another George Bernard Shaw quote Hitler is a very remarkable man a very able man what Hitler should have done so this English kindly gentle what he should have done was not to drive the Jews out what he ought to have said was I will tolerate the Jews to any extent on condition that no Jew marries a Jewish on condition that he marries a German so you think that this guy might be a eugenicist he was big time so it's this weird halfway as you would say exoteric on
the outside but also halfway esoteric he's going to obliterate the Jewish religion which has matrinal lineage by making sure that no Jewish male marries a Jewish woman they all have to marry Germans so you're going to breed the Jews out of Germany was what uh he said Hitler should have done which means he never really read mine comp because he has this whole chapter of his race ideology that he got from Helena blatsky that says straight up that the mixing of blood actually Waters it down and that's why you can't do it um so he
probably didn't is Hitler but he's got his kindly British way and he's very polite and very cheerful and he's always kind of bobbling he looks like a living bobblehead actually with a nice little beard and he sounds very polite and very friendly and he's saying the most hideous things you can possibly imagine but you start to get this idea then of there's an optin tyranny you know I'll tolerate Jews as long as they do what I say which is it's actually extremely tyrannical thing and if you don't want to well that's too bad there's a
death panel or we'll drive you out right so it's opt in or your life is going to be terrible or maybe bluntly ended um and you start to get this seed of the opt in tyranny I keep driving opt in tyranny because we're going to talk about that this afternoon and it's key to how everything works now Fabian socialism operates on a model called the open conspiracy why because if the cons conspiracies are supposed to be secret so if you just tell everybody out in the open what you're doing people say well they can't mean
that they wouldn't tell us if that's what they're really doing so they just tell you literally everything they're doing you should see maybe the shape of things to come by HG Wells you should maybe look into what the fabians wrote and say what they're going to do they tell you extraordinarily explicitly what they're going to do they don't hide it because if it's out in the open they think nobody will believe it and guess what nobody does so this is actually a throwback to those secret societies that bab and Weiss hop were members of but
you now you're not going to hide the conspiracy you're going to hide the conspiracy in plain sight um this enables what are sometimes called open Comm Communications where they can tell their followers exactly what the next thing to do is I would suggest that the way that kir starmer is speaking in Britain right now is likely a lot of it is open Communications he's giving a veiled uh indication to the thug The Gangs of thugs that they won't be prosecuted but the people who stand up to them will and that's called an open communication they're
openly telling you what's coming but only the people who get it get it now Orwell car characterized the power of the fabians through Big Brother of course right now the UK is trying to even flirt with the idea of extraditing Americans who say things that inflame passions against Fabian interests in Britain uh and arrest extradite Americans for things they post on social media and arrest them in the UK like I'm not getting on the plane like but imagine living in the UK I mean the memes are great right now it's they're showing a bunch of
like cze and stazi characters from movies or whatever and it says do you have a meme underneath your floorboards but what Big Brother represents is not just a totalized surveillance state but one that you're meant to love one that you're meant to appreciate one that's doing it for your own good and you know it the very George Bernard Shaw character so it's a kindly gentle opt-in version of Stalin's power uh that's characterized in Big Brother and really the Big Brother model the screens and everything in 1984 are used to Contour beliefs of the people to
increasingly get on the party line or in other words to increasingly adopt the theosophical Socialist model this is like what Mao did but Hightech which gives you queasy Vibes about what's going on in the world right now uh of course they've got the cameras everywhere they're they said that they have an entire police force dedicated to monitoring social media for incorrect posts or arresting people for memes and posts in Britain right now so imagine what the kind of snitch state that you had under ma might look like if you had the technology of today and
that's what I want to say is being coordinated not just by the British government but particularly by the world economic Forum in the United Nations the world economic Forum connects the governments to the businesses with nonprofit backing so that they will project into the future that which would be profitable to build by figuring out what the plan is and then rigging the regulatory environment so that that's what the corporations want to build and that's where the big profit centers are going to be and also contouring the ESG scoring that's going to make sure that that
in the short term is profitable until the scam comes to pass another big theme in 1984 it's the only way to really talk about the fabians it's like we can just skip the fabians and just talk about 1984 because Orwell already did it for us is that oania that's the big kind of Western World Government there's three governments in the world there Oceania has always been at war with East Asia and kind of the joke is that it was that uh Oceania has always been at war with EUR Asia and then it switches to East
Asia uh but it was always been right so there are these three regions which are Oceania which is basically Western Europe and North America and then there's Eurasia which is roughly Russia and then you have East Asia uh which might be the eastern part of Russia I don't know but China and all of that you could imagine AS Global regions he's not too specific as where they are but you're always at war with them so you always have this external enemy which is why you have to have so much un within and it gives you
a focused concentration for your two minutes hate which is partly criticism of the external enemy and the other ways of life in the world that you're at war with but also self-criticism for how you're not living up to the big brother standard the Socialist standard which is extremely uh maoist actually in its flavor which Orwell would not have known what mauo was doing because mauo hadn't even done it yet writing in 1948 uh when Mau took power in 1949 but the idea is that that that we have the same system being implemented in three different
regions so there's a dialectical pseudo conflict between the regions that motivates the populations to all get in line uh to fight the so-called external enemy and the long-term goal is actually that those systems because they're all the same eventually could merge when you kind of work out the tension and get the people firmly enough on board that they don't need an external enemy to hate each other um or to hate outside of themselves I say so they would unify inside and so here we could say our Western Alliance has always been at war with Eastern
communism um the Chinese system today would be East Asia maybe the Russia Soviet Satellites would be Eurasia and it switches who were at war with but then you look at brics where those two have become an alliance and you have the Western Alliance versus The brics Alliance and you're like uhoh two systems same model what's going on we're not really going to talk much more about the fabians because I want to talk about Western Marxism particularly and these aren't marxists but they are communists um but I encourage you if you're interested to read Carol Quigley
I will you know just admit to you I have not I've kind of curs looked at some of some of things that he's written I'd encourage you to read a book called The Milner Fabian conspiracy uh if you want to see just how out there it is and you will see what's happening in the UK is written quite explicitly I'm told there um I want to also indicate that the fabians were instrumental in bringing the Frankfurt School of Western Marxism to America uh probably with money from the big foundations like the Rockefellers I don't know
the details and don't want to accuse things that are not completely uh nailed down here but just to say that they were instrumental in bringing the the Frankfurt School or the cultural critical marxists here and then um they were also tied up with any or sorry with Helena bvas theosophical Society through Annie bassant who is one of their founding members so you have the same exact theosophical religion present and now it's developing in a British context in a British way instead of in uh a Marxist way or this hippie dippy silly Robert meller un way
um like I said earlier the fabians run the governments in significant ways in most of the Comm commonwealth countries they have infiltrated the conservative parties as well as the uh left parties they are heavily infiltrated in American politics as well I won't name any names right now but they are on both sides uh so fabianism has been woven into and through everything that we're going to say for the rest of this lecture uh and can't really be fully ignored so I'm going to reference inok a lot and when I do this is what I'm talking
about I'm not just making a cute 1984 reference so people that see Clips on the Internet won't know that you're on the you're you're now my Gnostic disciples all right so we have to go back in time from where we left off last time we were talking about the 1950s and the 1960s actually um maybe even if we talk till Ma's death 197 76 um in the last lecture and we're going to have to go back to the World War I era uh here to talk about cultural Marxism developing into critical Marxism developing eventually into
woke Marxism which is a mixture woke is I'm not going to actually say a lot about woke it's just a blend of all of the other pieces that we're talking about critical theory or critical Marxism maoism postmodernism critical education and Liberation theology and American Mount like all these things are just mixed together and we get this Witches Brew that's kind of woke um which is very religious in its nature um people are mostly in fact it's almost a not to be be glib but it's almost a charismatic religion it's almost a most of the people
who are woke feel woke they don't know what woke is they don't know woke they feel woke their friends are woke their clubs are woke everything that they think is good and fun in life is woke and of course they're constantly Miserable as a result but it's a very IDE idealistic and religious movement that's very personal it's like a personal relationship with socialism that manifests in your specific corner of life however small it is which is why you have thousands of identities cut into the smallest possible granular features that still reflect the Communist ideal because
it's now a personal relationship with socialism if you want to put it that way that's what woke becomes and there's a ton to this story like I've already indicated and we're going to try to get through all of it sort of so we had a had a problem back in World War I for marxists had a problem I should say um outside of Russia we know what the thing was going on in Russia but the marxists in Europe in particular were at a complete loss during World War I there were no there were socialists but
there were no Marxist there's no cpusa I should say cpusa was founded After the bulvik Revolution so there was none of that in the United States yet but there were a lot of marxists in Europe who are trying to figure out what was going on and it was that Marx's vision isn't working out anywhere so imagine you've got your your religious profit and he had this perfect vision for how everything's supposed to go and he've been banging at it for decades and it didn't go right and they're very frustrated the only success story by the
end of World War I that you have anywhere in the world for for communism is Lenin which bucks the theory the theory said that it's supposed to be capitalist Society spontaneously organized and you have a Vanguard party taking over a feudal society that's wrong Marx didn't Marx missed something none of the western capitalist countries would organize the workers wouldn't spontaneously organize the workers didn't want to have revolutions the workers turned especially during the war to their nationalist identities and to Fascism as a matter of fact in response to war in the creeping threat of communist
expansion the workers wanted labor reforms and they didn't want anything but kind of improvements in their lives and the opportunity to build a better life for themselves they didn't want to flip Society upside down and lose it industrial capitalist Societies or economies were increasingly working well and this is what Lenin and Stalin constantly denounced as opportunism and they they smashed that in the East but it was too prevalent in the west already to Simply come in and smash it wasn't peasants trying to set up the ability to to make businesses and grow their opportunities it
was that those opportunities and businesses already existed as completely different circumstance so what they're looking at is that communism against Marxist theories only seems to work when you force it on a feudal State through a Vanguard party which won't even work where they are in the west but they want Marxism because they're religious marxists and obviously it's supposed to take over the whole world because it's the scientific truth of the of reality as they believe it or it's the religious belief actually in other words they needed the West to somehow reimagine what could be unburdened
by what has been and they didn't know how to do it so we have some major characters Antonio grami the Albanian Italian I used to just say he was Italian but the Italians got upset with me and said point out that he's Albanian I was like okay he's usually considered the father of cultural Marxism which we're not allowed to talk about um but there's an obligatory reminder here that Antonio gry was translated into English by Joseph Buddha jedge which is a very unique last name at Notre Dame in 1970 and so mayor secretary Pete is
a red diaper baby there's another character that's less well known than Antonio gry that's George lukach and he's Hungarian um he's actually probably the real father of cultural Marxism he was much more prolific which is to say something and actually not in prison which helped him you know disseminate his work he was also the uh Deputy commissar of Education in the Hungary s Hungarian Soviet regime while it lasted so he had a position of power in a Soviet satellite and he wrote prolifically from the 1920s until the 1950s and by communist standards he's actually a
fairly Lucid writer um gr's writings were locked away in a prison and then in a vault in Moscow until the 60s or 70s and he's not he's a rambler he is literally just rambling for thousands and I mean it thousands of pages um and then we have a big character in this cultural to critical Marxism pipeline named Max horkheimer we're going to talk about he was obviously German and uh he was not the founder of the Frankfurt School but was its first truly effective um leader it's uh I forgot what word I'm looking for but
I'll come back to it so um he is the creator of the critical theory Max horkheimer invented critical theory and therefore really organized the critical Marxism out of cultural Marxism so he is the kind of mutation spot in the uh the line of thinking and Western Marxism there for our Evolution Motif now we have to do an annoying thing which is a note on on the terminology of cultural Marxism Western Marxism is the safe umbrella term to use a lot of conservatives are running around saying it's cultural Marxism and then they get accused of being
a conspiracy theorist look at my Wikipedia look at my Southern Poverty Law Center hate profile they tell you that I traffic in the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory which is allegedly anti-semitic so cultural Marxism is a difficult term to use Western Marxism is the safe term and it encompasses all of the things that we're talking about here cultural Marxism though can sort of be rescued not against the scops but it can be rescued um because it refers specifically to the early 20th century attempts to bring Marxist critique into elements of Western and capitalist culture to subvert
them from within and it's it was a conspiracy sort of but an open one but it's not really a conspiracy theory um I will point out if you look at Wikipedia and you type in cultural Marxism on Wikipedia it takes you to a page titled cultural Marxism conspiracy theory and then you can link in the little text below to the actual page that describes cultural Marxism as a movement which was the page that was there back in 2020 and then I think I started talking about it publicly very accurately and all of a sudden it
became a conspiracy theory on Wikipedia I didn't say this on camera did I but that Robert Malone told me um that it's likely that Wikipedia is curated by the CIA um at least for these controversial things so you can you can guess why that got Rewritten it's not just it's not just um dorks on the internet trying to cover things up it's it's a deliberate operation of misinformation and disinformation and Mal information which is of course what we're not supposed to traffic in so Western Marxism is really the umbrella term a lot of people use
cultural Marxism as the umbrella term but it's fraught because it was a giant scops to make you look like a bad element as ma ma would call you for talking about cultural Marxism but it started in the 1910s and it blossomed in the 1920s and 30s and it evolved into critical Marxism by the late 1930s going into the 1940s and otherwise kind of fell out of fashion critical Marxism refers to the application of critical theory which was developed by the Frankfurt School Max horkheimer specifically in 1937 so after that we have his full evolution in
the cultural Marxism line the Western Marxist line we'll talk about postmodernism in this lecture by the way as well this is a 1960s really 70s 80s phenomenon it kind of dies out in the 1990s in its pure form it is labeled as a post-marxist theory in other words they gave up on Marxism no I'm going to just say that that's not right but we live in postmodernity because of the work of these people and if you don't like the crazy Topsy Turvy world of postmodernity a you can thank mass media and social media but B
you can think a feminist for uh importing it we're going to have to talk about critical education Theory which is imported actually from these third world Anti-Imperialist satellites in particular it was developed first in Brazil and across South America as the Marxist Paulo Fredy got exiled from one South American country after another um only to end up in Geneva protected for a long time flitting back and forth to New York and Boston and working with Harvard University and others uh in the meantime I'm not going to get into the big details of that yet uh
we have identity Marxism woke Marxism all coming up good times so cultural Marxism now that we've pulled back the veil on terminology we're just going to rock and roll with it the key concept here articulated by Antonio gry is cultural hegemony we already have this idea of hegemony in society that the force of it's kind of how it is is what it sort of means just as a generic way to describe it um or a simple way to describe it and so like a government hegemony is kind of very easy to understand definitely there was
a hegemony being inforced by Lenin and Stalin and Soviet Union well here's cultural hegemony there's no necessary hegemon there's no leader who's saying this is how it's going to be anywhere in the west uh at least not in capitalist countries but everybody seems to go along with the same norms and values so that's a cultural force of um how it is so to speak and so Lenin was trying to discipline this from the outside and what they noticed is that capitalist societies had too much of their own to accept that direct route and so the
goal for grami was to infiltrate and create counter hegemony within the cultural producing institutions the five cultural producing institutions that he named as particular targets are family religion education media and law with a particular emphasis on education because the others are largely down stream from that with the exception of family but you could also Drive wedges into the family by capturing education and getting the kids to turn on their parents or their culture and so the idea was to infiltrate the institutions in the broad sense not necessarily like you know a specific you know the
American Medical Association institution but the broad sense family as an institution marriage as an institution um religion in general not specifically say the Southern Baptist convention or some church um you're going to transform those from within by bringing subverted versions of their own values to them that predispose them to shifting to a socialist worldview over the course of a long time Generations actually and the way that this was supposed to happen according to Graham she was through characters called organic intellectuals so we're not going to have the Vanguard who are the enlightened theorists who are
going to be the leaders we're going to have organic intellectuals we're basically going to be workingclass people who live the s and suffer the the tumult of their lives in the working class exploitative environment but they're also being fed enough Marxist theory to become cadres or leaders uh or Community organizers and so I think the word that we would use in the modern parlaments for organic intellectuals is community organizers so you see these huge protest events that the left does we've watched a lot of them again this year and you wonder some of these are
very obviously losing battles for them why in the world are they taking the hit this is Recruitment and training for leaders for organic intellectuals you get people to show up you find out who takes naturally takes leadership roles then you offer them a position to come get trained to be a proper Community organizer because you figure out who are the ones who are naturally filling leadership roles so they use protests like we've been watching over the course of the last year these huge uh Pro Hamas protest for example say why in the world are they
doing that they're recruiting they're recruiting finding Future Leaders and training them to be Community organizers so organic intellectuals and they work these people work like the Vanguard but it's it's also a diffuse it's not a specific it's networked actually but it's not like highly organized and disciplined like the Soviet Vanguard was so it's that's why it's organic um so this is a reconfiguration of Len Lenin schema from top down power to what we would call Inside Out power you're going to work inside the institutions and Society itself and transform it from the inside out to
new values so homegrown which is in reality to say astroturfed or paid for terrorists instead of State terrorists are the people that are going to go around and drive communism in the west this of course parallels the liberationist approaches where you just go into the South American or whatever countries and you work the people up and let them have a revolution on their own terms which was a a Lenin uh project of anti-imperialism instead of just trying to force the mark angles Brew directly on people like the Vanguard in Russia did and the idea was
that the organic intellectuals would rise up by combining Theory with their lived experience of Oppression and thus they are effectively the precursor to culturally relevant education and to the entire woke movement that's why it isn't technically wrong to call what's happening broadly cultural Marxism I'm just telling you that if you do they're going to say you're a conspiracy theorist and a bad element and if you use Western Marxism instead they're on their heels and they haven't figured out how that's a conspiracy theory yet but they will and then that makes them look like fools because
there's a lot of literature out there talking very specifically about these things it's easy to cite and show that they're doing manipulation so what this really is though is that they're trying to figure out an organic way to build what we called the workers councils if we say it in English um in the Soviet Union and to make them an integral part of society all through Society in their organic contexts that they're going to rise up in rather than being party functionaries uh specifically now I didn't tell you the Russian word and my Russian pronunciation
is never good but the Russian word for workers councils is Soviet and so they're building an organic Soviet within the population to transform it from within that's cultural Marxism so grami named Western culture as an increasingly world hegemonic problem that was in needs of dismantling very quickly before basically capitalist culture took over the world uh so that we could Liberate the world from its grasp um his idea was basically that Marxism is apparently flawed but that's okay because it's pointed in the right direction in kind of Mau terms we would say that it's it's right
on nine fingers but wrong on one um so there's going to be some critique of Marx but it's going to proceed in the same Marxist vein and what that allows them to do as a nasty trick is to say we're not marxists we criticize Marx and then everybody's confused the current Mar this move can't be this movement we're dealing with can't be Marxist they criticize marks the postmodernists criticize marks the critical theor criticize Marx they're not marxists they're something different they're Neo marxists whatever right this just confuses the language and we can't name what's really
going on the point of this Workshop is to cut through all that BS and say this is Marxism as it has evolved and transformed through time in order to be able to take over our present Society so here's what gry says about this I'm not going to quote gry very much turns out the prison notebooks were were 3,000 pages long or more than actually he says and you'll get this feel of this rambly writing he says it's not important that this movement had its origins in mediocre philosophical works or at Best in works that were
not philosophical masterpieces so there's a little shade for you Marx what matters is that a new way of conceiving the world in man is born so there's your theosophy there's your religion of Marxism and that this conception is no longer reserved to the great intellectuals to professional philosophers but tends rather to become a popular Mass Phenomenon with a concrete worldwide character capable of modifying even if the result includes hybrid combinations popular thought and mummified popular culture so we're going to allow hybrid combinations of other models of thinking we're going to go into the context we're
going to use organic intellectuals to create a new Inside Out movement rather than a top down movement so the theosophical route is still present the methods have changed from top down to inside out and we're still working working on like it said what matters is a new way of conceiving the world and man is born in other words we're still working on seeing what can be unburdened by what has been Gram's idea his practice was to infiltrate the cultural producing institutions and bring socialism into them from the inside and it turns out they weren't very
good at that at first um that was to build out what I said is called a counterhegemonic view within the institutions that are now producing softness to socialism the modern word we don't use counterhegemonic very often in our discourse today we call it diverse diversity means counterhegemonic it means outside of the prevailing value set diverse to the value set of the West think of who they count as diverse when they're not doing the token game think of tokens and revolutionaries right just like with Mount the tokens have identities like skin color or sexual orientation the
revolutionaries however are what they're really after and what are the revolution Aries the revolutionaries are people who have values that are inimical to Western values they can be communist or socialist obviously they also can be radical Islam for example anybody who hates America is diverse that's what it actually means and the goal is to manipulate all of that to break apart the existing cultural values to open the door for socialism to come through now I will tell you of course the radical islamists or the Muslims have a very different idea of what's going to come
through the broken door um and historically speaking the the Communists have not done very well against them anywhere except in the weaker region of China um which already had a dictatorship set up to deal with that uh you can look at Iran Iran made a deal with the Communists in order to break their liberal government in the 70s do you see any Communists in Iran now they were told convert or die once the Ayatollah took over Graham she theorized a lot that's all the gry we're going to talk about but he theorized a lot I
just want to give you a flavor but most importantly he theorized through the 1910s and 1920s before he went to prison that's very important the bulk of his work was done in prison and what's published as the prison notebooks it's over 3,000 Pages that's what Joseph Budaj translated um and he wrote that in prison after the Italian fascist locked him up in 1926 and I quote to stop his brain from working for 20 years so he went to prison secretly wrote over 3,000 pages of marxist Theory so I don't think they stopped his brain from
working they just took him out of society there's some kind of a lesson hidden there somewhere those notebooks were immediately smuggled out of the prison into Moscow upon his death how they so fascism with all of its ability to smash communism could even stop the prison notebooks from being written in their prison or from being smuggled out to Moscow by 19 by the same year that he died and so they were kept in the Soviet vaults I don't know if they were translated into Russian or used I would imagine they were I don't know there's
this is a huge gap not just my knowledge but I spent like weeks looking into this a couple years ago because I wanted to find out if Ma knew what grami wrote and I cannot find any significant evidence that he knew what was in the prison notebooks but his work before he went to prison was well known and in particular his work before he went to prison wasn't just welln grami shared letters routinely with Lennon grami warned him about Stalin grami which didn't ingratiate him with Stalin very much and grami networked in went to meetings
even though his health was very poor with the founders of the Frankfurt School George lukach and and Antonio grami networked with the founders of the Frankfurt School and they shared ideas constantly so the cultural and critical Marxist meu were really kind of uh a crossover but over in Hungary at the same time and a little bit after as you have um Antonio grami writing you have George lukach and his most famous work is history and class Consciousness which he wrote in 1923 I find that to be a very difficult but very lucid read although you
I certainly will not understand it the first like seven times you read it but the key Concepts that we're going to pull out of that are social reification and the educability of class Consciousness educability is a big fancy word that means you can teach it so you can teach people to have class Consciousness you don't just go kind of rant at them about Marxist stuff while they have shitty jobs whoops I swore in a conference you don't just go rant at them about Marxism while they have shitty jobs and convince them to become marxists you
can actually teach them to become marxists step by step in a graduated process here's a little bit here's a little bit more here's a little bit more but then also social reification how you can use social pressure to make things become real of course he was doing it as a critique he was saying the capitalists use social pressure to make false Things become real and imbue false consciousness on the on the society that prevents them from adopting a class Consciousness that would allow them to become revolutionaries um so social reification is an extremely important Concept
in our lives today they try to force you to agree with woke through what I say is opt-in tyranny because your life will suck if you don't participate but woke becomes true when people believe that woke is true and so they try to force you to act like woke is true and if you don't agree that woke is true that's fine keep your mouth shut or we're going to make your life miserable we'll get you fired cancel culture is the example of that we'll Hound you we'll get your kids to stop talking to you whatever
it happens to be um we're going to split families up we're going to make this the most divisive you can't even be around your awful Uncle who spouts off Fox News politics at dinner literally so if we all make we all act like woke is true then woke is true because it's socially made real reification means making real um so when society believes something is real or believe something is true then it is that's the idea of reification so the technical definition is social relations are attach to the object of those relations and consider real
parts of them um so transgender is real when people believe in it for example which is why your participation unlike transexualism by the way transsexuals are people who are dealing with their mental illness in a particular way but your participation is not necessarily required transgender you better affirm them or they're going to kill themselves or something that's not even true they're going to throw a giant fit we all have to go along with it and there's an extortion racket in other words attached to this um and a pressure in coercion campaign you're certainly going to
get censored off of social media it's actually illegal to call um drag queens performing in front of children gers in Canada that's considered hate speech um you can be arrested or fined for it so everybody has to affirm the ideology in order to rify it or make it true another one that's more to to lca's point would be the economic reality is capitalist that we're actually competitive and that the economy flourishes when we each have our own try to make the best we can with our own according maybe to Jesus's parable of the talents or
something um but lukat would say that's only because people believe it because the capitalist have put out the ideology of capitalism to make people believe that's how it really is and so everybody's mystified into believing that that's reality when there's a different economic reality that's out there that they're now blind to and so their idea then the cultural Marxist idea then is that they've got to seize the means of the production of social reification they have to be able to convince or brainwash people to believe the Socialist thing and then they'll make socialism become real
rather than forcing it till people become it now we're going to get people to believe it until more people believe it until it becomes how it is actually um it turns out that what we're going to talk about George Soros some later today George soros's dialectical method that he calls reflexivity um actually generates very actionable social reification campaigns effectively through certain types of agit prop so we'll talk about how relevant that is um to a very famous it name at the end of the next lecture this introduces not just an inside out component but a
bottom up component so you've got top down bottom up and Inside Out are three different ways that you could push power to make a change and now you've we've talked about top down in the East but now we have this bottom up and we have this Inside Out aspects that are coming up um but the bottom up is fake it's influenced by the agit prop of the party and of the organic intellectuals going and sewing discontent and getting people it's not an organic or naturally emergent movement it's not just a result of miseducation though and
generational speak it becomes that but the goal is to make it so that whatever the people believe is actually true is that that the mass line um Mass lines are a way of making that happen um so yes it is related to the mass line for sure so in terms of the Communist religion this means taking control of the reality making components of your perceptions um in other words we're now going to be able to make you see what can be unburdened by by what has been but mostly in quiet subversive non-forceful ways we're just
going to convince you this is a better way of living and get you to adopt new values now class Consciousness we all kind of have that awareness of what Mark said you've got the classes that are intrinsically opposed the reason there's no Revolution is that the underclass does it's too consumed with its own competition and survival to realize that it's a class that has the power to make history and transform things so you have to wake up a class Consciousness so the so the proletariat thinks of itself as a giant human Colossus with massive amounts
of popular Force because they're a giant majority versus a tiny minority that's the theory at least um but like I said they're trying to solve this problem that the workers don't want this they're not actually interested they want reforms they don't mind if they learn some useful tactics but they don't they want reforms they don't want a revolution they basically just want basic concessions and a better opportunity um to to make from their own and maybe the hope the American dream of becoming the boss themselves if they work hard one day and they prefer their
National Religious and family identities to class identities in the west so class Consciousness lukach explains in the third chapter of this book in particular can be taught in stages by revealing slowly in pieces Marxist reality this is what Kamala Harris calls the root causes right it's not that you suffer because whatever because you know your job is hard or because things aren't perfect it's that there's actually you suffer why is the Border open we'll use comml haris say exactly there's a root cause that root cause is that the north the West America has created misery
for people all over the world and all these wars are raging and there's climate change so all these poor people have to come across the border so when she says we're going to get to the root causes that's coded language people who don't know people low information and low engagement will hear that and think oh she's going to get to the real bottom of it we're not just going to put a wall and pretend it solves the problem we're going to get to the bottom of why this is happening but her answers for why it's
happening are climate change Decades of Colonial abuse by the west and so we're going to solve the root causes in other words by injecting more Marxist theory so if anybody's curious about whether Madame vice president is a communist the answer is certainly yes and this of course meshes with the organic intellectual idea we're going to get the organic intellectuals to work with their friends and Neighbors in their organic contexts to teach them the class Consciousness so the first part of teaching class Consciousness is hey you're a member of a class and Society actually split into
oppressor versus oppressor it's stratified by class and you're a member of one of these classes and you have something to do because you're a member of one of these classes maybe you're the liberal white women crying on a zoom video so you have to atone and use your privilege to transform the world and be an ally or maybe you're an oppressed minority so you need to become an activist and change the world but you have to first have solidarity with all the other oppressed people but you're a member of a class and Society is broken
into these classes that are intrinsically in Conflict secondly you teach people that they I've actually kind of given you most the picture there but secondly you teach uh that you have common cause with your class all the oppressed people in the world all oppression is basically manifestations of one oppression so everybody in the underclass is in the underclass and you have common cause with them and if you're in the overclass the the oppressor class you really should think better and have better values and help the people down below and get yourself some virtue signaling points
third you don't just have common cause with your class if you're oppressed you have common cause with your class because you're all oppressed you're all suffering which is where you can turn the lever on the o on the oppressor class to get them to care fourth oppression actually is a dynamic there is no oppressed without an oppressor that oppresses them so it's two pieces of a single dialectical relationship and now you're leading them into Marxist thinking even if they don't know it's Marxist holy crap you're right wow you blew my mind you blew my mind
he said there's no oppression without an oppressor and an oppressed so it's all part of one big Dynamic and fifth this is the conflict the intrinsic conflict that drives history and either we can maintain the status quo or we can imagine what can be unburdened by what has been and sixth by the way did you realize that you are actually a historical actor within your class you can change history yourself now you have class Consciousness and now that you have class Consciousness you have to act that's the educability of class Consciousness that's teaching stages and
that's what George lukach brought that's actually if you ask me the real heart of cultural Marxism especially together with the idea of social reification um once you combine this idea with Gram's organic intellectuals and then you come up with uh as their ideal instructors who those we call these people culturally relevant teachers today which comes from Paulo freedy basically what you actually do is um unlock and extend into what we end up getting as woke this is the basis for where you get woke especially in education is you can teach people stage by stage to
see themselves as an oppressed class who can unite to overthrow the chains of Oppression that they're in by understanding the whole thing is a dialectical uh process and they never have to hear the word dialectic to know that they just have to feel it they have to int it now of course this whole withering away of Communism or of socialism into communism I should say the withering away of the state is still a huge concern for lukat I just want to give you um this to give you a flavor again of that Christ centered theosophical
State's going to sacrifice itself to save the world it's present there too he says this is the only part of lukach I'm going to read to you he says and you'll here it's Lucid but hard thus we must never notice it started with thus so you have to read the previous paragraph to know what the hell he was talking about thus we must never un we must never Overlook the distance that separates the consciousness of even the most revolutionary worker from the authentic class consciousness of the proletariat so a regular old worker hasn't had that
qualitative magical change marks was talking about he might be a crude communist but he's not a Transcendent communist yet that would put him in the authentic class consciousness of the proletariat which we just I told you how you educate people into that or brainwash them or trick them into it but even this situation can be explained on the basis of the Marxist theory of class struggle and class Consciousness the proletariat only perfects Itself by annihilating and transcending itself so there we go right by creating the classless society through the successful conclusion of its own class
struggle the struggle for this society in which the dictatorship of the proletariat is merely a phase is not just a battle waged against an external enemy the burgeois it is equally the struggle of the proletariat against itself against the devastating and degrading effects of the capitalist system upon its class Consciousness so you're constantly being poisoned by by capitalist ideology and you're going to become a class in order to get rid of class identity in there's a contradiction there he's trying to resolve right so the proletariat will only have won the real Victory when it has
overcome these effects within itself the separation of the areas that should be United the diverse stages of Consciousness which the proletariat has reached in the various spheres of activity that's the graduated learning of Consciousness that I was just talking about are a precise index of what has been achieved and what remains to be done the proletariat must not shy away from self-criticism for victory can only be gained by the truth and self-criticism must therefore be its natural element so in cultural Marxism in the west we have this huge idea now that we're going to um
transform ourselves to become the Communist man through showing how we failed to live up to our our authentic qualitative change class Consciousness or critical Consciousness or woke Consciousness and we constantly have to do this kind of religious self-criticism or confession in order to transform ourselves if we have any hope is we otherwise were're going to be crude Communists and he's kind of probably I don't know cuz lennin was at the height of this he's talking about the dictatorship of the proletariat and they were trying to solve these problems in 23 I think he wrote this
chapter in 20 actually so it's a little bit early but certainly at least looking back maybe a little anachronistically we understand that what the Soviets were doing turned into a monster and maruza is very clear later we'll talk about how maruza is very clear that the path that the Soviets followed was the wrong path they weren't doing enough self-criticism they weren't transforming themselves first so they just made a gigantic industrial scale crude communism that's a huge problem which is why we always hear real communism hasn't been tried so this is actually in 1923 which turns
out to be I think the year that Mau took over the CCP very similar to ma which is this we're going to have a internal personal rebirth through sacrificing our own values to new values through um self-criticism of our self-interest our class interest uh I can just say it again right learning to see what can be unburdened by what has been we're just going to keep I'm not kidding we're going to hammer that to where it stops being funny now that you've kind of heard this educability of class Consciousness and the transcending of your various
you know capitalist values and things stage by stage I want to read to you something that's deliberately the theosophical religion stuff okay just for comparison's sake so this is a little bit of a wild aside but I just want to really bring this out so this this is something you probably unless you follow my podcast probably haven't ever heard before um which is a passage from the key the most important hermetic religious text which is the Corpus hermeticum and as a fact a matter of fact the first book out of 17 uh books of the
Corpus hermeticum which is titled the pandr pandr is given in this uh text as the voice of God God is referred to as the mind or in Greek noose it's n o u s if you're looking it up not the thing that they pretended was in a NASCAR garage you have taught me these things well as I wished oh noose now tell me how the way back is found so that is this is the the Adept asking the mind of God to tell him how do we get back to who we really are right so
this is about halfway through the pandr to this pandr replied first in the disillusion of the material body one gives up uh one gives the body itself up to change the form you had become becomes unseen and you surrender to the divine power your habitual character now being inactive in other words you can see what can be unburdened by what has been the bodily senses return to their own sources this is like when markx talks about the transformation of Communism giving you new eyes and ears with which to see the world through the Socialist View
they then become Parts again and rise for Action while the seat of emotions and desire go to the mechanical nature thus a man starts to rise up through the harmony of the cosmos imagine if it was rise up to the harmony of class Consciousness right the first to the first plane he surrenders the activity of growth and diminution to the second the means of evil trickery now being inactive to the third Covetous deceit now inactive and to the fourth the Eminence pertaining to a ruler being now without avarice to the fifth impious daring and Reckless
audacity and to the sixth evil impulses for wealth all of these now being inactive into the seventh plane the falsehood which awaits an ambush which is believing that you've already made it when you haven't so he's saying that you're going to now to the way back is to start shedding first you get rid of a belief in the material world and your physical body that's not important we have a class that we're going to identify with instead we're going to be in solidarity with something larger than ourselves we're going to give away our physical form
and our individuality and mesh with something higher and then we're going to go through all of the different vices and give them away one by another rising and this is the Hermetic religion Rising through the planes of Enlightenment or planes of existence the mental planes so to speak um higher and higher and higher to try to achieve enlightenment and then when you finally get there he says then stripped of all activities of the cosmos so now you just don't care about the world anymore at all he enters the substance of the eighth plane with his
own power and he sings praises to the father with those who are present that would be the Angels by the way and the uh substance of the eighth plane would be like um it's it's actually right before the ploma so it would be like Eden you enter into that with your own power and sing the praises to the father with those who are present those who are near Rejoice at his coming being made like to those who are there together being made like to angels He also hears certain powers which are above the eighth sphere
singing praises to God with a sweet voice then in due order they ascend to the father and they surrender themselves to the powers and becoming the powers they are merged in God this is the end the Supreme good for those who have had the higher knowledge to become God that's the goal now remember Mark says we're going to get rid of God and replace god with man but man as a single uh metaorganism that's socialist right so we just we could do this again right they ascend to the uh communist Utopia and they surrender themselves
to the powers and becoming the powers they are merged um they are merged in the species being this is the end of supreme good for those who have had the higher knowledge to become the species being it's the exact same idea and they says well then why do you delay should you not having received all become the guide to those who are worthy so that the human R race might be saved by God through you which that would be Christ right this is Christ Consciousness is what it's describing this is where Christ Consciousness comes from
this is not a Christian idea so when you hear the people on Oprah talking about Christ Consciousness or maybe some conservative mouthpieces talking about Christ Consciousness either they're ignorant of what they're talking about or they're not ignorant of what they're talking about but it's certainly not Christian and some would say that maybe comparing that to the educability of class Consciousness presented in lukat but especially Paulo Fredy extended it to critical Consciousness later um is a stretch but I really don't think it is I think we're reading the exact same religion in two very different contexts
one being you know this kind of weird spiritual belief of the hermeticist and one being this social belief of the Communists but it's exactly the same model uh the the class the proletariat is um replacing the individual and when you understand that and rise up you now must act so that Humanity might be saved by you through your solidarity cuz the class which is a whole moves as does its parts so you have to take action you have to do practice you have to do the work and self-criticism strips away the layers of the material
Fallen world that you've come to inhabit the um belief in in individualism the belief in private property the belief uh that you can go make something of your life and not give over of your life to the collective I think it's the exact same story as a matter of fact um in fact in fact I think it's so strongly that I suspect Marx was aware of this and likely borrowed heavily from it in writing especially economic philosophic manuscripts but I haven't nailed down that case yet that's a big project I don't have time for in
the middle of a culture War it's a little bit academic honestly so what we have then is in collaboration with these guys grami and lukach back to Earth everybody back in collaboration with gr and lukat we have the founders of the critical theory School uh in in Germany collaborating I mean literally they're in regular communication also with Lenin working out communism as it's supposed to spread to the West which nobody knew how to do and the founders of the Frankfurt School were in that conversation and eventually established the school for that purpose it was established
at Gerta University in Frankfurt in 1923 it was originally named very briefly kind of like how Alice Bailey called her Publishing Company the Lucifer publishing company and a couple years later that's 22 and in 24 she change it to loci's trust so people is to on the nose right well here it was originally the Frankfurt School was originally called The Institute for Marxism and they thought well that might give it away so they very quickly renamed it the institute for social research so social research is a Marxist euphemism for Marxism or Marxist research or really
Western Marxist research uh this um project was to take existing social theory and show how it was inadequate to actually explain the conditions of the world especially the currents that were developing around them which included the world war the rise of fascism the weaknesses of liberalism the flaws of capitalism especially as it was uh developing in the industrial West the shortcomings of Marxism both in the East and the West they wanted to understand why all that was going on to formulate a better form of theory uh at the outset of the Frankfurt School its first
decade or so was actually designed to incorporate a lot of mythopoetic thinking in other was very religious symbolic thinking uh a lot of it being esoteric symbolic uh thinking drawn from Jewish mysticism through Walter Benyamin um who I'm not going to talk about really at all uh they so they wanted to bring the mythopoetic into Marxist theory in order to make it a storyline that people could buy into without actually knowing what they're buying into they also sought to incorporate very vigorously psychoanalytic and social theory the sociology of Max vber the uh psychology of Sigman
Freud um Marcus's first big project really was marrying Marx and Freud which don't really go together perfectly well although guess what they're both currents in theosophical thought so they can be hammered together because they're cousins within the same taxonomical tree of thinking so the first director of the Frankfurt School we're not going to talk about just to name him though was car Carl uh grunberg and the first major player I just mentioned was probably probably Walter Benyamin um but we're also not going to talk about him just except to note that he was bringing in
mythopoetic and and mystical elements directly into the thinking but the first significant player in the development of cultural Marxism into critical Marxism is Max horkheimer who became the director that was the word I was looking for earlier of The Institute in 1930 uh not very long after he became the director of The Institute they had to move because 1930s and Germany were not uh a good time so Hitler took over in 1933 became Chancellor and these guys were all at least nominally Jewish and so they got out of Dodge immediately realizing the writing on the
wall from the start so they moved to Geneva briefly and then like I said with Fabian help and likely uh Rockefeller money they moved to the United States and colonized Elite universities particularly Colombia University first brandise University and then they moved some of them maruza in particular out to Southern California and bitched and complained about how nice everything was all the time Andrew Breitbart I think has a very nice line about that that they went out in the Glorious Santa Monica sun and looked at the you know everybody having fun on the beach and just
grumbled about how terrible it all is these stupid people just don't get it so horkheimer developed the critical theory in an essay although I would almost call it a book called traditional and critical theory in 1937 it's like 80 Pages it's really an unpleasant read I read the whole thing again the other day for like the seventh time he actually developed the theory but not this essay in conjunction with his associate Theodore adorno who I've now mentioned and probably won't talk about anymore he's most famous Theodor adoro is probably most famous not for his hatred
of jazz uh which is true but also for uh creating the authoritarian personality scale the so-called f scale the fascist scale which basically is an 890 page pseudo psychological book concluding that conservatives are fasc fists and you can rate how fascist somebody is by how conservative they are it's a really um shoddy bit of work that's extremely long and therefore un unpleasant to try to read or pick apart so critical theory which was developed by horkheimer is the engine of critical Marxism which is what we're going to call it critical Marxism we're going to try
to get used to saying that instead of critical theory which euphemize it we're going to call it critical Marxism and it focuses not on capitalism itself but the ideology of capitalism M that's very important because now we're trying to undermine the social belief in capitalism it actually rehabilitates hegel's dialectical methods but still criticizing Hegel it doesn't actually become it doesn't accept Hegel but becomes more heelan I guess is a good way to put it and they claimed that they were trying to take the abstractions of Marxism and put them into a more concrete setting in
other words bring them to the realities the social realities that people were really in um it seeks to attack the means of cap capitalist cultural production which uphold people's belief in the capitalist system so it attacks a thing that they called the culture industry they said that the capitalist project was manufacturing a culture to sell to people an image of how they're supposed to be that they would then go purchase in consumer goods and uh want to go to work to purchase so you'd work your butt off all day because you're watching commercials for Chev
a Corvettes and you want a Corvette so you can wash it on Saturday and Tool around and drive and you know down the strip and everything and look cool in your convertible and so you go to work and bust your balls for somebody else specifically so you can have your cool little trinket that you were marketed you work at the Chevy factory so you can buy a Chevy right and so you uh are working hard for the Chevrolet bosses so that you can own a piece of the the company and really you're doing the Master's
bidding and not even realizing it uh and have been flattened out into a onedimensional person there's a really interesting movie I think it's from the 9s a documentary that's worth watching if you haven't it's called merchants of cool where they talk about how MTV had become deliberate in doing this they were going around to the youth cultures and finding out what was cool and then they were packaging it up as MTV programming as MTV started to shift away from actually showing music so that they could um sell cool to the Next Generation and produce all
of the consumer products that people would want to buy so if you haven't ever seen merchants of cool it was a real eyeopener for me at least 20 years ago when I watched it um the purpose of critical theory in criticizing all of this and saying that it's all so cynical like that is um as Max horer phrased it it is the struggle for a higher stage of man's life in community we could characterize that in comml as words if we want right it's the same transformative religion and this higher stage there's your logic of
the Spiral that we're seeing of the same transformative religion project there's a higher stage of life that we can have in a community but you yahoos can't see it because you're too busy buying your Corvette because Chevy marketed it to you and you got tricked by the marketing which is a form propaganda blah blah blah blah blah it's capitalist propaganda so this essay traditional and critical theory is really long let me just emphasize it's like it's only 80 pages so it's not super super long but it's like when you read it it's 18 days long
because it doesn't feel like it says anything ever it's not just got the every paragraph starts with this so you have to read back to figure out what it's hard to see that he's making a point at all you would think so if you were an if you were a normal person and not Marxist and you were going to write an essay defining critical theory you would probably at some point in the beginning of the essay say okay I conceive of the critical theory this way this is what I mean by that term this is
what he doesn't do that he Rambles for 40 pages about theory in general and the shortcomings of traditional theory and then he just starts comparing it to critical theory without ever really telling you what it is I read it the whole damn thing last week again because I wanted to find you like the money quote where he defines critical theory and there it's never there it's not there it's all this waffle so that the people who are kind of understanding what he's saying are picking it up but if you read it you just kind of
go blind now horer at one point if I remember rightly said that they did this on purpose because they thought that the very language and structure of how we communicate is captured by the capitalist ideology so they can't put things in this rigid form that you'd be able to see uh plainly what it would be because then you're just feeding into the system of capitalist organization which sounds an awful lot like the white supremacy culture stuff that the smithonian published a couple of years ago right the whole of our society everything that works everything that
functions is the bad stuff and it all has to be un undone by talking in euphemisms and talking in circles and everything else but he does consistently at least present critical theory as a different way of thinking that cannot actually be comprehended or accepted by the existing way of thinking or people trapped in it which is traditional theory um so it's inherently conspiratorial in a sense but it's sort of this like conspiracy that everybody's a part of but nobody knows they're a part of uh he also says that the the point of it is that
the entire way of thinking that our society engages in is naturally hostile to Marxist change yeah that is transformation and this isn't taken by him as a hint that the theory might be bad it is taken as proof that Society is corrupt so this is the normal Gnostic thing we know the secret you don't so you know we're good and you're bad so here's how he actually this is what one of the closest points to where I can actually quote him and he says exactly what I'm saying he's saying he says every part of the
theory presupposes the critique of the existing order and the struggle against it along lines determined by the theory itself I'm telling you it's 80 pages of that we'll read a little bit more why do you have to have this he says the critical theory of society is in its totality I think this is the closest to a definition he gets the critical theory of society is in its totality the unfolding of a single existential judgment to put it in Broad terms the theory says that the basic form of the historically given commodity economy on which
modern history rests contains in itself the internal and external tensions of the modern era it generates these tensions over and over again in increasingly heightened form and after a period of progress development of human powers and emancipation for the individual after an enormous extension of human control over nature it finally hinders further development and drives Humanity into a new barbarism so critical theory is designed because capitalism works and works and works and works and works until it doesn't and it's a disaster so we better criticize it before it gets there and that the critic the
society is getting increasingly barbarous but the people trapped in it can't see it so they're going to light Enlighten us to how bad our good lives really are and the reason it's barbarous is because it's all consuming um barbarous Pi by the way means not transformed or not Marxist haven't gone through that qualitative change of seeing what can be unburdened by what has been this sentiment is actually the thesis of their magnum opus of the entire Frankfurt school's magnum opus which is called the dialectic of Enlightenment which was published in 1947 10 years later by
horkheimer and adorno together um which basically has it's that's a painful confusing read it's all just shot through with mythology so if you're not up on your Greek mythology to the highest level you can't understand what they're talking about it all because it's all symbolism and myths and you know when you invoke when you invoke AOS you invoke Aphrodite then blah blah blah you don't know what he's talking about unless you go read all of that too um but the thrust is that reason becomes myth and reason becomes unreason and all of this myth and
unreason sets up a tyranny that parades itself as liberal freedom but in fact is a new tyranny of stupidity and it can't even tell that it's doing it that's the dialectic of Enlightenment the Enlightenment thinking unfolds to this point of being basically the covid protocols so critical theory builds itself as being more engaged than traditional theory the liberal Theory even traditional Marxist theory is Airy and detached this is actually down in the trenches it's understanding it's not alienated from what it studies and thus it's not alienating people from the object of study it's culturally relevant
that's not hor Ker's word for it that's the current word and it's also doing the work that's necessary because because of its engagement uh by the way cultural relevant teaching is sold as being more engaging to the students than uh other forms of Education the goal is to seize the means of production of the culture industry so that you can produce the culture and Veer it toward socialism so this is like gr's organic intellectuals but really on a entire system scale and it's of course in touched through its engagement with uh lived experience while remaining
analytical so it's kind of two-dimensional thinking it's more advanced uh it's also not crude and totalitarian like Stalin so he specifically actually says this he says critical theory is neither deeply rooted like totalitarian propaganda nor detached like the liberal intellia so it's actually the ideal way to think about the world so he actually in 1969 near the end of his life he actually gave an interview and tells you why he actually created uh the critical theory and it says the critical theory I conceived later is based on the idea that one cannot determine what is
good what a good free society would look like from within the society which we now live in we lack the means but in our work we can bring up the negative aspects of the society that we wish to change so that's what critical theory is really about it's to complain about everything in our society and not know what to do that would be better but we can definitely complain about what we have and so this becomes actually a negative transformative theology ology right we're going to strip away those different planes of of you know contamination
and rise up through the planes it's very hermetic in that way uh we're not actually able to see what can be but we still can be unburdened by what has been by bitching about it all the time and it is a completely negative philosophy or theology it is all criticism all the time and the belief is actually magical it is that the so it's Al alchemical actually it's the ideal Society will Blossom from what's left over when you strip away all the bad elements of the existing Society through the ruthless criticism of all that exists
that Mark said Herbert maruza was actually explicit about this point he says negative thinking is by virtue of its own internal Concepts positive oriented toward in comprehending a future which is contained in the present so we have all the pieces we need to have a perfect socialist society but we have all this capitalist crap in the way if we can strip all that away the seed of gold of society can blossom that's how Alchemy is supposed to work the lead has seeds of gold in it if you can strip away the mundane metal the gold
will blossome and the entire lump of metal will turn to Gold that's actually how Alchemy is supposed to work it's it's a negative alchemical process of burning away that which is fallen in order to emancipate that which is divine from within the Divine spark of society can be emancipated through criticism of the Fallen aspects which means belief in private property and individualism bimer actually kind of says this near the end of traditional and critical theory he says for all its insight into the individual steps in social change and for all the agreement of its elements
with the most advanced traditional theories the critical theory has no specific influence on its side except concern for the abolition of social injustice there you go guys what's social justice there you go this negative formulation if we wish to express it abstractly is the materialist content of the idealist concept cep of Reason spooky it's a dialectic of idealism and realism in a historical period like the present true theory is more critical than than affirmative as the society that corresponds to it cannot be called productive the future of humanity depends on the existence today of the
critical attitude which of course contains within it elements from traditional theories and from our own declining culture generally mankind has already been abandoned by a science which is in its imaginary self-sufficiency thinks of the shaping of practice which it serves and to which it belongs simply as something lying outside its borders and content with its separation of thought and action so we're going to transform the World by complaining about it until people Slough off the existing world and the new world which is socialist emerges that brings us to maruza but one more ominous comment from
Mar from from horkheimer was the change which critical theory seeks to bring about is not affected gradually so that its success even if slow Might Be steady in other words it's still revolutionary and of course critical theory on its own didn't get anywhere because nobody knew what the hell it was talking about and it wasn't very interesting and it didn't even really get into the universities because I don't even think anybody at the time knew what it was talking about uh and it was all negative it wasn't really they were railing on What's called the
positivist movement um that was kind of the big thrust in philosophy at the time was like we're going to be able to describe everything we're going to understand it all in real terms and it just didn't get very far it was just these kind of dorks that Were Somehow well-funded uh who did work in some universities and built up little disciple discipleship especially maruza but it um it didn't change anything really so it's just like planting seeds that are about to grow into a nightmare and most of a century later so now we turned to
Herbert maruza he's I think the most important figure in Western Marxism he's the pivotal figure we'll talk about him in the next lecture as well uh he is definitely the most influential leftist in the west um with the possible competitors of Paulo Fredy and uh Michelle Fuko so it's the critical education guy and the postmodern guy uh but he's probably the most influential here's how a CIA document about maruza described his relevance and this is out of context it's just a description there are these things called the 3m's there's a chant that they were giving
in the 60s the 3M which were uh Marx Mau maruza Marx Mau maruza the radicals would chant those three names so they're obviously somehow related and significant of what that movement represented and so the way the CIA actually summarized it was Marx the god marcusa his prophet and Mao his sword and so that's kind of what came together to produce what we're dealing with today so marcuz is different than these other guys he's still wholly negative but he's actually utopian in his Outlook he's open about the possibility of a Utopia being born in the world
and so his 1960s critical theory I'm not going to talk about his 1950s work uh is what I would call negative utopian the Utopia is to be freed from the existing Society through critique and his actual method was called the Great refusal his goal was to get the people to reject the entirety of the society that they live in on all levels to create a vacuum of belief that could then be filled in with a demand for socialism so in his essay on Liberation written in 1969 he says but while the image of the libertarian
potential of advanced industrial society notice lots of euphemisms here libertarian potential means becoming socialist Advanced industrial society means capitalist America with social reforms uh and worker protections so while the image of the libertarian potential of industrial society and I put in parenthesis because there's a lot of like back here that it which doesn't have to work because technology can meet or no that we don't have to work because technology can meet our needs is what he's actually talking about in context here uh so that's what Advanced industrial society would provide is a place where technology
automation makes it so none of us have to work very much which is the main Marxist fever dream so since the image of libertarian potential is repressed and hated by the managers of repression and their consumers it motivates radical opposition he could just say the corporate bosses and the people who buy stuff but he doesn't the managers of repression and their consumers it motivates the radical opposition you could actually say who he means but he doesn't and gives it a strange an orthodox character very different from the revolution at previous stages of History this opposition
is directed against the totality of a well-functioning prosperous Society a protest against a society that works he says but then he adds parenthetically a protest against its form with a capital f so not even the existing capitalist Society but its platonic ideal has to be rejected on principle we're going to reject the totality of a well functioning prosperous Society the commodity form of men and things against the imposition of false values and false morality which of course he'll determine for you what's true and what's false this new Consciousness in the indust the instinctual Rebellion is
isolate such opposition from the masses and from the majority of organized labor the integrated majority and make for the concentration of radical politics in active minorities mainly among the young middle class intelligencia and among the ghetto populations which Stalin and lennin would have called The Backwards people here prior to all political strategy and organization Liber Liberation becomes a vital biological need so we're talking about really transforming who people are because becoming a socialist becomes a biological need and it actually starts in active minorities the young middle class intelligencia and the backwards people in the ghettos
so who are in the ghettos by the way you're probably thinking racial minorities but it included sexual minorities it included people that were excluded from the University like critical theorists and feminists and so on but let's look at let's do a close read on some of his language protest against the totality of a well-functioning prosperous Society against its platonic form like that's a protest against what has been that we could be unburdened from right and so what's it supposed to give us it's supposed to give us a new Consciousness and instinctual Rebellion you don't have
to know why you're rebelling it's an instinct to Rebel because it's your biological need right so we're having a protest against what has been that's instinctual in nature because of a new Consciousness in other words by people who've been led to see what can be which is real socialism and this necessitates a new revolutionary base because the working class has been stabilized by the fact that they have good jobs and can make money and build a life and a home and a family so the falty to the working class can now wither away I put
in my notes LOL but that's really important because communism's gone corporate now and you have to get away from caring about the work or pretending to care about the working class in order to get to that place and the goal is to do this among people who have been given a biological need for social socialism and that appears in the third chapter of essay on Liberation but the first chapter of this essay is actually titled a biological foundation for socialism which sounds a little bit like Eugenics but he's very clear to me not literal biology
some other kind of biology where the vital needs are so psychological biology I guess in other words spiritual Evolution instead of physical Evolution but still spiritual Eugenics nonetheless which is exactly what this whole religion is about so what does it really mean if it's not literal biology it means destabilizing I in people until they can't handle the world that they live in so they instinctually rebel against it that means making people crazy it means making destabilized Youth and then feeding them a what he calls in the second chapter a new sensibility of how the world's
supposed to be we call it sustainability and inclusion that is we give them a new social contract which is a complete Inside Out transformation of society and then he gets really very theosophical if we go back to that biological foundation for socialism chapter again I apologize for for his difficult wording and I won't draw it out too much for you notice the first word of this paragraph This Union we have to go back and read more every time you cannot succinctly quote these people this Union provokes such a response because it reveals the prospective scope
of social change at this stage of development spiral of History the extent to which the radical political practice involves a cultural subversion the refusal with which the opposition confronts the existing Society is affirmative in that envisages a new culture which fulfills the humanistic Pro uh promises betrayed by the old culture so here we could reference Marx's comments about each Society being the Midwife or pregnant with the next we could also say able to see what can be unburdened by what has been political radicalism he says thus implies moral radicalism so you got to change your
values the emergence of a moral which might precondition man for freedom freedom means socialism here this radicalism activates the elementary organic foundation of Morality In the human being so there's that hermetic transformation we just read prior to all ethical behavior in accordance with specific social standards prior to all ideological expression morality is a disposition of the organism perhaps rooted in the erotic drive to counter aggressiveness to create and preserve ever greater unities of life so again we have this new thought kind of hermetic theosophical concept of unity kind of driving this new Unity on a
new basis as ma called it he says we would then have this this side of all values an instinctual foundation for solidarity among human beings instinctual we've changed what people actually automatically gravitate to even if they don't know why a solidarity which has been effectively repressed in line with the requirements of class Society but which now appears as a precondition for Liberation in other words you have to have this transformation at the biological level so new man can proceed uh not be created so it's not like uh Lenin now you thought we were done because
that was long but no that was only the first part because we have to do the rest of it to the degree to which this Foundation is itself historical and the malleability of human nature reaches into the depth of man's his instinctual nature changes in Morality May sink down into the biological Dimension and modify organic Behavior this means that people can be brainwashed if you destabilize them enough they're going to go crazy and have needs and you can brainwash them into that and what they crave on the way out once a specific morality is firmly
established as the norm of social behavior it is not only injected it operates as a norm of organic Behavior so there's our social reification process and we're using radicalized communities as the cells of transformation in societ iety he says once that happens the or organism receives and reacts to certain stimuli and ignores and repels others in accord with the interjected morality that means they're in a cult you ever tried to talk to a woke person and they what does it say here receives and reacts to certain stimuli and ignores or repels others in accordance with
his morality yeah which is an injected morality right where do I leave off cult okay which is thus promoting impending the function of the organism as a living cell in the respective Society same idea we've been talking about the whole time in this way a society constantly recreates this side of Consciousness and ideology patterns of behavior and aspiration as part of the nature of its people and unless the Revolt reaches into this second nature into these ingrown patterns social change will remain incomplete and even self-defeating so we have to transform people through massive brainwashing in
fact my notes say WTF is this lunatic talking about he's talking about the inversion of prais your historical conditions conditioning man at the level of his biological need and vital self but that's so pervasive that what you actually have to do is you have to get him to refuse the entire process because capitalist Society is constantly doing this in a way that supports more capitalism and will go to barbarism and fascism obviously and then he says repeatedly nuclear weapons apparently so this has to be disrupted from within from inside out change values change to transform
who they are and the way that this is done is through wholly negative theology beating them over the head till they're destabilized and crazy and crave this new thing that they've been convinced this Utopia they think that we might be able to get to if that doesn't sound like woke I don't know what does because that's exactly where woke really comes from so you're interjecting these new values and hoping it sinks down to the instinctual level which means they don't have to have read a page of theory to act that way because you've transformed what
they value they're so anti-racist and pro-social Justice that that's who they are and he specifically as we heard said that you're mostly going to do this with the young middle class intelligencia which means brainwashing students and he also heard that it's going to require using not workers but identity politics why would he say that stuff because he was a maist openly by confession and so he was adopted mau's successful cultural revolution tactics to the West he's one of the uh the the disease vectors for maoism into America so in an interview with Pierre God that's
a French name vanan Pont we'll pretend I said that right in 1969 the same year the question he was asked was you've been bracketed with Marx and Ma when people talk of the 3m's marks ma marusa what is your reaction so that's the question marusa gets asked and he says I don't understand understand Marx I have studied his work deeply but Ma certainly today every Marxist who is not a communist of strict obedience is a maist so of course I'm a maist is what he's saying every Marxist who's not an old school commi of strict
obedience is a maoist now Ma has affected the transformation of marxist thought and of course I'm one said I've always thought that there was an alternative to capitalism in my books I have not kept to the old Marxist ideology socialist societies as they are uh as they are set up today do not seem to me to sorry as they are set up today do not seem to me what I call quantitatively different I'm assuming there's a word missing there seem to be diff seem to be what I call quantitatively qualitatively different from other capitalist societies
they allow one type of domination to exist instead of another that is all true socialism is something else again it's an enlightened position right I am convinced that it is possible from now on to construct a truly socialist society without going through a stalinist type period a socialist society must be founded on true solidarity on true cooperation so now he gives us some great examples of that working out right he says the Cuban Revolution seems to me to be moving in that direction as for Chay meaning CH gavara he was the symbol of it very
far from the stalinist bureaucrats very near to socialist man yep that's what they're really about right there Jara major major murderer uh not a good dude not a good guy so bookmark all of that for the next lecture we'll come back to it so we're really only getting through critical Marxism it looks like right now but two other significant ideas are repressive tolerance which I'll just kind of touch on repressive tolerance is the two-tier C system of government that we have I'll skip everything that he actually says about how it's actually set up and read
to you the definition uh liberating tolerance then would mean intolerance against movements from the right and toleration of movements from the left pretty straightforward as to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance it would extend to the stage of action as well as discussion and propaganda of deed as well as word he said the goal of actually this would be to prevent the idea from ever entering conservatives heads so that would involve not just censorship but something he calls pre-censorship which I believe we experience on social media constantly go try to Google Trump or something
and you just get pictures of Kamala you don't even get a chance to see what's actually going on because they are pre- censoring your information um that's in a sense worse he also calls for the Long March through the institutions explicitly after his silly little revolution in 1968 failed and he was really mad he wrote a book called counterrevolution of Revolt in 1972 and he said to extend the base of the student movement Rudy deki has proposed the strategy of the Long March through the institutions working against the established institutions while working within them but
not simply by Boring from within rather by doing the job learning how to program and read computers how to teach at all levels of Education how to use the mass media how to organize production how to organ recognize and isue planned obsolescence how to design Etc and at the same time preserving one's own Consciousness in working with the others in other words he's describing now a viral model of spreading grami's organic intellectual Consciousness from institution to an institution and this could go on for days we're already actually kind of over the time by a lot
that I want to steal from your question answer time but we've got actually some other things to talk about unfortunately we won't talk anymore about that I'm not going to dwell on the postmodernists but I do want to touch on them I would say that um postmodernism could be called meaning Marxism or deconstructive Marxism it's the idea that some people have the power to set what things mean symbols words texts and other people don't and they therefore Contour our experience of society at a very fundamental level uh they are always pre-censorship that sounds like um
maybe what they're weaponizing against us and I think that that's really what we need to take away from postmodernism is that uh they're weaponizing postmodern techniques against us in order to affect their tyranny today the big kind of takeaway is from from postmodernism though is that they came up not just with this Marxist theory of meaning making but of also of truth that truth is actually just a socially constructed phenomenon and true is what Society accepts as true and that's going to be something Michelle fuk spent most of his work criticizing um and that is
obviously the social reification idea of lukach taken to another level um Power they would say is actually tied up directly with knowledge not knowledge is power like Francis Bacon said but Power knowledge as a single hyphenated concept as uh Fuko put it forth and what that is is that power actually moves through everybody all the time through policing through language through the structure of society how we are to understand stand a text like you know hunting for the author's intention with the words that he wrote instead of what you decide to take from it um
and these were called discourses which is why we are at a new discourses event because we need some new ones because theirs are all poisoned we have the character that I did an entire workshop on last year called John bodard he's basically the guy and they all get mad when you say this that was The Matrix The Matrix was an attempt to portray in film his his philosophy that he said did a very bad job of it but he said that we actually live in a desert of the real everything symbols of symbols of symbols
of symbols replications of replications of replications and we've lost the original so we actually can't access access reality at all um so power is therefore maintained over people by the constant creation of artificial images as the form of propaganda again I encourage you to tell I just encourage you to believe you live in that world on social media um I have lots of things I like to talk about with him lots of focus on language that's Jack Dara that's all we're going to say about Jack Dara today you can check out my friend wcal distance
and hear more about Jack Dara than you ever wanted to hear in your life um but I don't think that thinking think of this as post-marxist or this kind of you know just flopping existentialism taken to its nihilistic finish is the best way to think about it I mean Fuko is definitely nian in his orientation I think he was trying to become nich's character of zarathustra if you know that story who is the moral less man who therefore becomes Superman the Superman is the man with no morals cuz he can can't be told how to
be by anybody and I think that Fuko embodied that ambition um but I actually kind of want to talk about kind of the guru Dynamic and just one other thing here with the postmodern the guru Dynamic is this deconstruction means that nobody can make sense of anything for themselves at all and therefore you need Spirit Guides Through the Universe in other words you need a gender theorist to tell you whether a man is a man and a woman is a woman if nobody can make that adjudication for themselves you need people who can guide you
through it and who better than the enlightened postmodernists or the gender theorists Or the critical race theorist who can tell you what's racist and what's not it turns out that it's racist if a conservative says it or does it and it's not racist if a leftist says it or does it and they are the new enlightened elect who are going to be the gurus of this kind of weird hippie truthiness World um that we're all forced to live in and speaking of this truthiness a Marxist theory of what is and isn't true and when truth
is and lukat is social reification the other point I really want to bring up is legitimation by prology which is a big fancy term which means uh believing stuff because of social consensus this was put forth by John Fran leotard in his book the postmodern condition and so if you can force people to believe in a paralogical world false set of beliefs then that's true it's legitimated in made True within that Society now of course his critique was that that's what we live in already and I say that that's what they realized that they need
to use to weaponize against us and we they use a tool called nudge Theory primarily to nudge us into a new social reality and understanding so just as a point of historical reference who on Earth would be interested in this crap this is a universal assd it tears apart everything it confuses everything it's not popular in France who on Earth would care about this feminists that's over inly the answer turns out postc colonialists too but feminists because feminists were so desperate to deconstruct the connection between sex and sex roles that they would pick up anything
that could tear it apart they wanted to absolutely leave behind the idea that there might be intrinsic uh traits to men and women that uh statistically but not individually suit them toward things uh in preferential directions they wanted to destroy that so much much and to separate gender from sex so much that they imported the French postmodern theories and Incorporated it with their critical theory of P of patriarchy so woke Marxism is the blend of all of that including the American maoism imported by maruza including the postmodern feminism or post structuralist feminism as it's called
Uh and including critical pedagogy which we haven't talked about yet so if you think that woke sucks think a feminist and they get really mad when they're blamed for it but it's all their fault it is almost all their fault CRT is race Marxism they're going to this is our woke section CRT is race Marxism gender ideology is a critical constructivist epistemology of sex and sex roles queer theory is a critical constructivist epistemology of sexuality and sex postcolonial theory is Downstream from anti-imperial Soviet e efforts that adopted postmodern and critical methods to make it be
about national origin fat studies gender studies and disbility studies and so on are just kind of laughing stocks that come along with these programs but what it actually is is it's all mous these are the pieces of mau's identity politics imported to the American context hence American maoism and like I said we blame Herbert maruza for that importation um and for figuring out the way to set all of the what did he call them middle class intelligen youth student intelligencia and um and ghetto populations against themselves each other and society and this is where we
get Dei the theory that informs Dei and everything else uh all the way Downstream um but all of that wasn't going to be enough the activists and the universities alone weren't I think going to be enough to turn us woke um education theory was needed to actually take all these ingredients and Forge them in a crucible into woke and the reason the education theory is the place where it could all come together is because education theory has a different goal which is to educate or miseducate students depending on if you're Marxist or not right so
they have a purpose that allows them to pick and choose as they need in other words they get to be syncretistic again they get to pick which pieces they want and throw out which pieces they don't because their real objective is to forge an educational theory that allows them to bypass the reproduction of society from one generation to the next it actually comes out of the perversion of religion in the Anti-Imperialist campaigns of the Soviets in other words Liberation theology as it developed primarily in South America overwhelmingly Liberation theology becomes the bed in which critical
education theory was formed I already did a whole four Workshop four lecture workshop on critical pedagogy so we're not doing the nuts and bolts I just want to say that this probably created Herbert maruza and Paula fi created the ground gate game uh where um Ma and Mao successor dun sha ping and maybe George Soros have created the air game so to speak that has allowed them to wage this information war against us but I do want to tell you how religious Paulo Freddy is and what he's brought because we're we've had different models of
Revolution and I told you last night at the end that Ma brought in a model of continuous Revolution and that's what Paula freed brings very explicitly in order to wage if you successfully wage one revolution the first thing you do after you win is start another one it's a continuous Revolution ma talked about every single project as the next phase in the revolution which is this ongoing project that he could use to mobilize people but what Paulo Fred and his kind of softer way very hippie way says is because men are this is a really
important theosophical Point by the way because men are historical beings incomplete and conscious of being incomplete Revolution is as natural and permanent to human Dimension as is education so we are incomplete and know that we're incomplete so like we've heard from the theosophists I started with our goal is to complete ourselves and socialism is how we do that only a mechanistic mentality he says holds that education can create at a certain point or that Revolution can be halted when it attains power to be authentic Revolution must be a continuous event otherwise it will cease to
be revolution it will become sclerotic bureaucracy so this is that desol ization thing hitting everywhere Revolution is always cultural whether it be in the phase of denouncing an oppressive society and proclaiming the Advent of a just Society or in the phase of the new Society inaugurated by the revolution in the new Society the Revolutionary process becomes cultural revolution so he's pulling in MA he says that his method of Education was based off of ma that's in a footnote in chapter one in pedagogy of the oppress that he explicitly says that what we'll see I think
is later or some point I mentioned or can just say it now is that he actually is importing this from Stalin Stalin actually explicitly said actually Lenin said too uh that all education to be education must be political education and that's really what critical pedagogy is about uh all education has to contain political brainwashing elements and what Paula Freddy brought to the world was a way to get that under the radar so that it could be incorporated in our schools without realizing because his idea was that education or the material of Education the the um
the the curriculum is a mediator to political knowledge in other words the math question or math test is an excuse to have a political conversation with the students and that's exactly how they teach now and they're extremely good at it now this all was codified by not by Paulo Fredy he called what he did education for Liberation you know education for seeing what can be unburdened by what has been but he got Incorporated with these European theorists by Paulo fredy's main disciple whose name was Henry juru uh and that was further codified by a guy
at McGill University in Canada called Joe kincho um who is the one who coined the official name the technical name for what woke is which is critical constructivist epistemology uh which we're not I could dedicate a whole couple of lectures to that probably we're not going to I just want to point out that this really is a relig here's what Joe kincho said about critical constructivist epistemology he said in this unified context critical critical constructivism becomes a veltan schwang that is a worldview that creates meaning on the nature of human existence so he knows it's
a religion they're teaching religion in our schools they know they are he says it explicitly what is critical constructivist critical equals critical theory constructivist equals postmodernism so there's your Fusion of those two it happened in education using critical pedagogy as the excuse to do it and all the theory mixed together in our education schools primarily more than anywhere else and it creates a Marxist way of knowing or a Marxist theory of knowledge there are certain people who had say I'm a knower i my knowledge is official your knowledge is outside or insufficient indigenous knowledge is
you know or superstitions or whatever we're going to exclude them so some people are allowed to know and other people are not allowed to know and you have a Marxist theory of knowledge and knowing and for fre Freddy said that the point of this is to bypass it and use education to conscientise to awaken to a not class Consciousness now but a critical Consciousness in line with what horkheimer laid out and so we're going to go with lat's education of class Consciousness into a further education that adds in that once you finally get your Revolution
if you want the proletariat to wither away like it's supposed to to overcome itself like lukach said you have to initiate another Revolution and then as soon as you get that you have to do another one and another one in other words were never quite done and we get back to that pigan idea of carve away carve away carve away carve away and hope Aphrodite shows up to give us communism someday but this is that kind of constant movement idea that we read in that we started with right so it also allow something very important
which I did a podcast on and said this makes Marxism stupid that critical education made Marxism stupid but what it means is that every single person in their own personal context which is what woke is about can now make their own homegrown aget prop about anything outside is racist the sun is racist you know being able to go fishing is racist everything is racist everybody can just make it up and whine about it we've got the person in the Olympics right now doing their made up break dancing because the real moves are are somehow oppressive
and anti-queer so they come out and fling their arms and legs around and somehow we're all supposed to honor this and think it's fantastic and this person has a PHD in queer break dancing because our universities sold us out by making all of this uh acceptable but all of this is just recycled communist practice it's all just communist practice but the goal with an education before I tell you how religious it is and close this up the goal with an education is actually like I said to make uh the educa the the academic material a
mediator to knowledge so you can hide or hijack the educational process um without parents knowing that it's happening because the goal is to defeat the pattern of social reproduction we just heard one of them maruza or horkheimer complain again and again that Society reprod reproduces itself and reproduces itself and reproduces itself well how are you going to do that well you get the kids that's how and you give them a qualitatively different understanding of the world when we'll hear later this afternoon that that's exactly what CLA Schwab says you do too so here's how religious
this is though this is a long quote I've read many times but I want to share this from Paulo Fred to understand what we're actually dealing with in terms of woke being a religion and what they're teaching in schools is based off of him and here's how he conceives of what he's doing this new apprenticeship will this something you have to go read before this new appr apprenticeship will violently break down the elitist concept of existence they had absorbed while being ideologized in other words while becoming capitalist right the sinquin known the highest understanding that
this apprenticeship demands is that first of all they really experience their own Easter that they die as elitists so as to be resurrected on the side of the oppressed that they be born again with the beings who are not allowed to be such a process implies a renunciation of myths that are dear to them the myth of their superiority of the purity of their soul of their virtues their wisdom the myth that they save the poor the myth of the neutrality of the Church of theology education science technology the myth of their own impartiality doesn't
it sound like those hermetic levels that you have to strip away the seven planes from these and you go through your own Easter so on the eighth plane you attain Christ Consciousness it's the exact same model from these grow the new or sorry from these grow the other myths the infer of the inferiority of other people of their spiritual and physical impurity and of the absolute ignorance of the oppressed the people who are not allowed to know thus they're not allowed to be this Easter which results in the changing of Consciousness must be existentially experienced
the real Easter is not commemorative rhetoric what you do at church it is practice it is historical involvement the old Easter of rhetoric is dead with no hope of Resurrection it is only in the authenticity of historical practice that Easter becomes the death that makes life possible but the bis worldview basically necrophiliac which is to say death loving and therefore static is not moving is unable to accept this supremely biophiliac life living moving experience of Easter the bis mentality Which is far more than just a convenient abstraction kills the profound historical dyn dynamism of Easter
and turns it into no more than a date on the calendar there's your Christian Easter guys that's what they think of it the lust to possess the sign of the necrophilic worldview rejects the deeper meaning of Resurrection why would I be interested in rebirth if I hold in my hands as objects to be possessed the torn body and soul of the oppressed notice the clear iconography to Christ I can only experience rebirth at the side of the oppressed by being born again with them in the process of Liberation I cannot turn such a rebirth into
a means of owning the world since it is essentially a means of transforming the world so he's literally saying that the oppressed are what Christ represented and rather than go through your own personal Easter and become your own Christ you'd rather use that imagery use their literal physical oppressed body in exploit exploitative practices and if it's not clear that this is religious enough Henry JW is an outright Kami right his disciple and he write the forward to this book and Henry Drew is an outright Kami he's not a particularly religious guy right this Freddy was
a was a Liberation Theologian a Catholic is posing or communist posing as a Catholic right so here's what jro says about this he says as the reader will discover in this book Fredy is a harsh critic of the reactionary church at the same time he situates his faith and sense of Hope in the god of history and of the oppressed whose teachings make it impossible in Freddy's words to reconcile Christian love with the exploitation of human beings so there's your Liberation theology for sure within the discourse of theologies of Liberation Fredy Fashions a powerful theoretical
antidote to the cynicism and despair of many left radical critics so Freddy is their revivalist Western Marxism was on the rocks and now they have a revivalist the utopian character of his analysis is concrete in its nature and appeal and takes as its starting point Collective actors in their various historical settings and the particularity of their problems in forms of Oppression it is utopian only in the sense that it refuses to surrender to the risks and dangers that face all challenges to dominant power structures it is prophetic in that it views the kingdom of God
as something to be created on Earth but only through a faith in both other human beings and the necessity of permanent struggle the notion of faith that emerges in fredy's work is informed by the memory of the oppressed the suffering that must not be allowed to continue in the need to never forget that the prophetic vision is an ongoing process a vital aspect of the very nature of human life in short by combining the discourses of critique and possibility Freddy joins history and theology in order to provide the theoretical basis for a radical pedagogy that
combines hope critical reflection in Collective struggle now let me just stress that this is in a education book titled the politics of Education that was the education book that started transforming all of our colleges of education and if you wonder if the woke education that has followed in the critical pedagogy mold is religious instruction there's your answer our schools are teaching a heretical crazy theosophical faith that has managed to hide itself in math problems in Marxist goblook so that people don't realize what it is and of course what is building the kingdom of God thank
you what is building the kingdom of God here on Earth mean and Marxist terms means being able to see what can be unburdened by what has been how do we do that by completing man remember what Freddy said because men are historical beings incomplete and conscious of being incomplete Revolution is as natural and permanent a human Dimension as is education this is their religion and it developed this way in the west what is their religion it is the satanic lie of returning to Eden holy on man's own terms in absolute Defiance of God everything else
that we're talking about are just methods but it's very Western it's a you do you way back into Eden so heaven in this religion again is the is the concrete alternative of of maruza it is a stateless class Society it's socialism that actually works and can somehow produce with no social injustice and of course a short working day in a very low standard of living and even in reality they can't get that right they can't even make it work on a low standard of living but by God they're going to try and that's what we're
going to talk about after lunch thank you [Applause]
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