GF Forgot Her Phone At Home On Proposal Day What I Discovered Made Me Plan The Most Brutal Revenge!
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this story is titled my girlfriend forgot her phone at home on proposal day what I discovered made me plan the most brutal Revenge hey guys I'm still processing all this [ __ ] and needed to get it off my chest so I 30 male met my girlfriend Avery 28 female about 3 years ago at this coffee shop I used to hit up before work I was running late that morning trying to grab my coffee and bolt to an early meeting in my rush I did the most cliche thing possible turned too fast and slammed straight into this girl who was waiting for her drink my coffee went everywhere all over my white shirt my pants probably ruined my only decent pair of work shoes instead of being pissed that I nearly baptized her in hot coffee she laughed like genuinely laughed not that fake polite laugh people do when they think you're an idiot but a real one then she grabbed a stack of napkins and handed them to me you always make First Impressions this memorable she asked with this little smirk that I still remember perfectly I'm standing there coffee dripping down my shirt looking like a complete disaster but somehow managed to stammer out something about buying her a replacement drink she said yes which shocked the hell out of me even more shocking I got her number at the end of it our first date was at this dive bar she showed up looking way too good for that place I remember thinking I was totally outclassed Avery worked in marketing had this fancy executive title at some big firm downtown meanwhile I was just a regular Code Monkey at a software company nothing special we hit it off a immediately though talked for hours she was smart funny ambitious Everything I Wasn't but somehow it worked fast forward a year and we moved in together got this decent apartment downtown nothing fancy but the location was killer we were that annoying couple that seemed to have everything figured out talked about the future about marriage kids the whole package deal and I was all in Jake my best friend since college would always give me [ __ ] about being whipped but what did he know he was still living the frat boy life at 30 dating a new girl every month I had something real or at least I thought I did the first couple years were honestly great we had our routines Sunday brunches Netflix binges weekend hikes we'd take trips when we could afford it nothing crazy just weekend getaways to the coast or up to the mountains for my birthday last year she surprised me with tickets to see my favorite band for hers I got us a couple's massage at this fancy Spa she'd been dropping hints about for months then before I knew it started changing about 6 months ago small stuff at first Avery suddenly started having these late shifts at work always on Tuesdays and Thursdays she said it was for this big client project that would lead to a promotion made sense Avery was always career focused always hustling for the next big opportunity but she'd come home different on those nights sometimes extra chatty other times weirdly quiet her perfume smelled stronger like she just reapplied it once I noticed a drink stain on her blouse that wasn't there in the morning rough day I asked client meeting she said without missing a beat you know how it is and I believed her because why wouldn't I that's what normal people do they trust the person they've been with for years around the same time she started being more protective of her phone would take it with her everywhere even to the bathroom which she never used to do changed her laptop password too said it was for work security reasons which sounded plausible enough one night I woke up around 2: a. m. and she wasn't in bed found her in the kitchen furiously typing away on her phone when she noticed me she jumped like she'd seen a ghost Jesus you scared me she said quickly putting her phone face down just checking work emails at 2 in the morning but I didn't push it just went back to bed and tried to ignore the weird feeling in my gut I noticed other things too she'd get these calls that she'd take in another room started doing more girls nights with co-workers I'd never heard of when I'd ask about her day she'd give these vague answ that didn't really tell me anything but every time those doubts crept in she'd do something that made me feel stupid for worrying she'd surprise me with tickets to a game or cook my favorite meal it was like she could sense when I was getting suspicious and knew exactly how to throw me off the scent so I decided to double down on our relationship if something was wrong I'd fix it started planning more date nights brought her flowers randomly even took her on a weekend trip to this Winery she'd been wanting to check out and then I figured it's time I went Ring shop shopping spent way too much time researching the four C's of diamonds like I suddenly needed to become a gemologist asked her friend Mia to help pick something out that Avery would like you sure about this Jake asked when I showed him the ring I was looking at that's a lot of money for a Little Rock she's worth it I said confidently like the absolute clown I was I dropped 3 month salary on that ring made a reservation at this fancy Italian place downtown that's impossible to get into called Mia to help plan it all out she was going to make make sure Avery wore something nice did her nails all that stuff girls apparently care about for proposal photos the day I planned to propose I was a nervous wreck kept checking my pocket every 5 minutes to make sure the ring was still there paced around our apartment waiting for Avery to come home from work so we could head to dinner that's when her phone rang she'd forgotten it that morning something she never did the phone kept ringing same number not saved in her contacts four calls in 10 minutes I kept thinking what if something was wrong what if she was hurt so I picked it up telling myself I was just being a concerned boyfriend hey babe I've been trying to reach you some dude's voice said can't wait to see you tonight same place as always and just like that my whole world went to [ __ ] my hands went completely numb holding her phone like literally couldn't feel my fingers anymore the room started spinning and I had to sit down on the couch before I fell over hello Avery you there the voice said again I hung up without saying anything what the hell was I supposed to say hey man this is actually the boyfriend please tell me you're not banging my girlfriend yeah right I sat there for maybe 30 seconds just trying to breathe then my hands started moving on their own I opened the phone it doesn't have a password although I told her to put 1 million times I checked her messages with this number no contact name just the number that was the first red flag who doesn't save their contacts these days what I found made me want to throw up six [ __ ] months of messages between them half a year of my life that was apparently all [ __ ] there were meeting times at the Hyatt downtown hard emojis sexs that made me want to bleach my eyes nudes of Avery and the worst part jokes about me he still doesn't suspect anything one of her texts read from a couple months back too busy with his video games to notice I'm getting [ __ ] down twice a week LOL I was about to throw up I'm not even a big gamer I play maybe a couple hours on weekends with Jake but apparently that was enough for her to paint me as some oblivious loser While She Was Out cheating and then there was talk about their future plans to move in together eventually how she was going to break things off with me after the holidays because she didn't want to ruin my Christmas how [ __ ] considerate of her right wouldn't want to spoil my holiday spirit before she destroyed my life as I'm scrolling through this nightmare another text comes in from this guy don't forget to delete these messages like always your boyfriend's too trusting for his own good you [ __ ] think think [ __ ] then I heard her key in the door I barely had time to put the phone back exactly where she left it and try to look normal whatever normal looks like when you just found out your girlfriend of 3 years is a lying cheating piece of work she walked in all smiles looking hot as hell in her work clothes but for the first time I was disgusted hey babe sorry I'm running late work was crazy today she gave me a quick kiss like nothing was wrong let me just grab my phone and freshen up then I'm all yours for date night I watch watch her face change for just a split second when she saw the missed calls her fingers flew across the screen probably telling lover boy she couldn't meet tonight because of our date then she disappeared into our bedroom I stood there like I was frozen engagement ring feeling like it weighed 1,000 lbs in my pocket while she got ready I could hear her humming in the bathroom [ __ ] humming feeling proud of herself running two relationships at the same time I went to the kitchen and poured myself a drink needed something to stop my hands from shaking my my brain was racing a million miles an hour what the hell was I supposed to do now confront her immediately start screaming throw her [ __ ] out the window the whole dramatic scene or just pretend I didn't know and catch her in the ACT somehow follow her to one of their meetings my last option was say nothing gather evidence and plan my exit carefully I've never been great at confrontation plus I was still in shock so last option was while she was in the shower I took pictures of the text with my my phone all of them sent them to my email back them up to my cloud drive no way was she going to delete the evidence before I had receipts then I texted Mia need to talk ASAP important about Avery she replied almost immediately what's up not over text tomorrow morning coffee shop on 12th 9:00 a.
m. sure everything okay I didn't answer that one nothing was okay and wouldn't be for a long time Avery came out of the bedroom looking gorgeous wore this tight black dress I'd always loved hair perfect makeup done smelling like that expensive perfume I'd bought her for Christmas ready to go she asked grabbing her purse I'm starving I nodded not trusting myself to speak more than necessary somehow managed to get us an Uber to the restaurant without losing my [ __ ] on the ride there she chatted about office gossip some drama with a coworker I'd never met I kept thinking is this co-worker even real or just another cover story for her late shifts I nodded along made the right noise at the right times all while my brain was screaming she's been cheating for 6 months you idiot we got to Vincenzo's and got seated at the table I'd reserved weeks ago the one by the window with the City View the Romantic one that cost extra to book the hostess gave me a little wink she knew about the proposal plan what a joke Avery looked around impressed wow this place is fancy what's the occasion just wanted to take you somewhere nice I managed to say without my voice cracking the ring box in my pocket felt like it was burning a hole through my pants I ordered something different from my usual Avery raised an eyebrow she knew I was a creature of habit everything okay she asked Reaching Across the table to touch my hand you seem tense just work stuff I lied funny how easy it was to lie when you needed to maybe I'd learned from the best she launched into this story about her day at work spinning lies so effortlessly I almost had to admire the skill the challenging project she'd been working on the difficult client how her boss was so impressed with her lately Oscar worthy performance really if lying was an Olympic sport Avery would have all the gold medals throughout dinner I watched her check her phone under the table at least four times each time her fingers would move quickly across the screen before she'd put it away and smile at me like nothing happened sorry work email she'd say can't escape it even at dinner sure it is at one point she asked I guess she was trying to make up a convers because I seemed a bit tense couldn't help it remember our first date how you kept dropping your fork because you were so nervous the memory hit me like a truck I'd been so into her so excited now I was wondering had there been others before me how many dudes had she juggled at once yeah was all I could manage while she chatted about weekend plans with our friends I thought about our apartment my name was on the lease most of our furniture we'd bought together we shared a bank account for household expenses 3 years of entangled lives would take time to unravel my phone buzzed Mia had replied to my text from earlier getting worried is this about the proposal second thoughts I didn't respond would deal with that tomorrow the waiter brought our food I pushed mine around the plate while Avery ate like she didn't have a care in the world even ordered dessert chocolate mousse that we supposedly shared though she ate most of it so what's the special occasion she asked again with a smile you've been so secretive about tonight I almost pulled out the ring right then just to see the look on her face instead I took another sip of my drink and said just wanted to do something nice you're the best she said reaching for my hand again I'm so lucky to have you the irony was almost too much to bear here she was telling me how lucky she was while planning to dump me after the holidays while [ __ ] some other dude twice a week during her late shifts by the time we got home I was exhausted from pretending everything was normal I laid awake all night watching her sleep peacefully next to me the person I thought I knew better than anyone the person I was ready to spend my life with turned out I didn't know her at all the next morning I met Mia at the coffee shop got there early ordered the strongest black coffee they had and grabbed a corner table where we could talk without being overheard hadn't slept more than an hour my eyes probably looked like I'd been on a three-day Bender Mia showed up right on time looking confused and worried she was Avery's friend first they'd known each other since college but we'd gotten close over the years too always thought she was straight up one of the good ones what's going on she asked sitting down with her fancy latte you look like absolute [ __ ] Tyler how long have you known I asked cutting right to it no point in small talk her face changed immediately got all defensive known what about Avery cheating on me she froze the look on her face told me everything I needed to know before she even opened her mouth I I don't know what you're talking about she stammered but her eyes wouldn't meet mine cut the crap I said keeping my voice low but firm I saw the texts I know she's been seeing some guy for 6 months during her late shifts at work Mia set her cup down slowly looked around like she was hoping for an Escape Route finally she sighed listen I found out a month ago she admitted quietly I saw them together at that hotel downtown the Hyatt I was there for a work thing and saw them in the lobby kissing my stomach dropped even though I already knew hearing it confirmed by someone else made it real in a way the teex hadn't a month I repeated you've known for a month and helped me plan a proposal Mia looked away guilt all over her face I confronted her about it that same day she swore it wasn't serious said it was just a physical thing that she was going to end it and you believe that [ __ ] she's been my friend for 10 years Tyler she was crying saying she made a mistake said she loved you but was frustrated that you hadn't proposed yet I almost laughed at that so it's my fault she's been [ __ ] someone else for for 6 months I didn't say that Mia shot back I told her she needed to end it and come clean with you she promised she would when exactly after the holidays that was her plan right Mia looked confused what do you mean I pulled out my phone and showed her the screenshots I'd taken her face got paler and paler as she scrolled through them I didn't know about any of this she whispered she told me it was just a fling these messages they're talking about a future together about telling you after Christmas yeah Merry [ __ ] Christmas to me I said taking my phone back so you knew she was cheating but helped me buy a ring anyway what kind of friend is that I kept telling her to end it Mia insisted tears forming in her eyes she swore she would I thought I honestly thought if you proposed she'd realize what she was risking that she'd choose you I stared at her letting that sink in so you used me as some kind of test to see if she'd pick me over him that's not I wasn't thinking of it that way who is he I asked do you know she shook her head some guy from her company's LA office Derek something they met at a conference about 6 months ago that tracked with the timeline Avery had gone to La for a marketing conference back in June came back all energized about new connections she'd made guess she wasn't talking about professional Ones Does anyone else know I asked not that I'm aware of look Tyler I'm so sorry I should have told you the moment I saw them together I just she's been my best friend since College I thought I knew her I thought she'd do the right thing we sat in silence for a minute I already knew what to do finally Mia asked what are you going to do I pulled out my phone again and showed her the email I drafted the night before it was addressed to Aver's parents her sister her close friends and several of her co-workers attached were screenshots of the most damning messages and her photos that she sent that's brutal Mia said quietly you know what's brutal I replied planning to propose to someone while they're planning a life with someone else Mia didn't argue with that when are you going to send it today after I talked to her I already called Jake this morning he's going to help me move my stuff out while she's at yoga you're leaving just like that what would you do I asked stay and try to work it out she's been lying to my face for six months Mia talking [ __ ] about me to this guy planning to dump me after the holidays what's there to work out she had no answer for that before I left I asked one more thing did you help her cover for her at all Mia shook her head firmly number I never lied for her when she told me she was with me on those nights I didn't know she was using me as an alibi I only found out when I saw them together I nodded wanting to believe her I'm going to need the spare key back I said holding out my hand she dug in her purse and handed it over for what it's worth I really am sorry yeah I said standing up me too I spent the next few hours in autopilot Mode called work told the them I needed a personal day called Jake filled him in on the situation called my landlord got my name taken off the lease called the bank separated our joint account Jake showed up with his truck around 11: Avery was at her regular Saturday morning yoga class the one real thing in her schedule of Lies we worked fast just grabbing my Essential stuff clothes Electronics personal items left all the furniture except my desk and gaming chair left the TV we bought together left the fancy kitchen stuff she'd picked out by noon we'd loaded up Jake's truck in my car with everything I couldn't bear to leave behind 3 years of my life packed up in a couple hours you sure about this man Jake asked as we did a final sweep of the apartment not that I blame you but it's pretty final that's the point I said I'd left my key on the kitchen counter along with a note that just said I know everything we'll be back at 1 to talk be there Jake helped me unload my stuff at his place offered to stay for moral support but I told him I needed to do this last part alone at exactly 1: p. m.
I walked back into the apartment Avery was already there eyes wide tension radiating off her she'd seen the missing stuff she'd seen my key on the counter she knew something was coming what's going on she asked her voice tight why are your things missing why is your key on the counter I didn't bother with words I pulled out my phone hit play and let her own voice destroy her her sweet little message to Derrik filled the room full of I miss yous and how she couldn't wait to see him again she froze color draining from her face I can explain she started already scrambling don't bother I cut her off coldly I saw it all the texts the photos your little plan to dump me after the holidays Mia filled in the blanks this morning her eyes flared Mia told you like that was the biggest betrayal not the fact she'd been screwing another guy for six months but that her friend had enough of a conscience to spill she didn't have to I saw your phone your boyfriend called four times yesterday guess he forgot the part about deleting the evidence that's when she switched gears face hardening defense mode look it's not what you think she snapped We Were Never official Tyler I don't have a ring on my finger do I I waited for you to commit for 3 years what was I supposed to do just sit around forever while you made up your mind I had to consider my options I laughed a low sharp laugh options that's what you call it exploring options by sneaking around like a coward I stepped closer dropping my voice you think you were some victim of my indecision I was going to propose to you last night her face cracked Confusion And Regret bleeding through what I pulled out the ring box and tossed it onto the coffee table yeah I had it all planned dinner at Vincenzo's ring in my pocket Mia helped set it up but then your phone rang and I got a front row seat to reality so congratulations Avery you didn't get the ring because you were too busy getting bent over in hotel rooms by Derek she reached for the box like it could somehow fix everything like it was a Lifeline she was about to drown without we can fix this she said weakly it was a mistake he didn't mean anything to me I moved the box out of her reach 6 months of mistakes isn't a mistake it's a lifestyle and you lived it well her fake tears dried up fast anger took over so that's it 3 years and you're Throwing It All Away over one little indiscretion little I scoffed Avery this wasn't some drunken accident this was planned coordinated you played house with me and played mistress with him you insulted me behind my back you lied over and over that's not little that's you showing me exactly who you are I pulled out a folder and dropped it onto the table I'm off the lease utilities done joint account closed your half is already sitting in your personal account I'm gone her face crumbled you're just leaving after everything now that I know you were going to propose we can fix this I laughed bitter and sharp yeah convenient timing now that the safety Net's gone you suddenly want to work it out no Avery there's no we anymore there's just you and your regrets she stepped closer reaching for me like I was still that idiot who would have fallen for it you don't mean that you love me I know you do I stared at her calm solid that person I love doesn't exist anymore I headed for the door then turned back oh and check your email in about 5 minutes along with your family friends and co-workers her face went pale what did you do just shared the truth I replied something you should have done from the beginning if you were so unhappy with me not committing to you her expression changed a panic you didn't Tyler please don't do this I'll do anything should have thought of that before you started [ __ ] Derek from La I said and walked out the door in my car I hit send on the email then turned off my phone it was done 3 years over just like that and the craziest part under all the anger and hurt there was this weird sense of relief like I just escaped something much worse than a breakup the next 48 hours were a straight up blur after I sent that email and turned off my phone I drove around aimlessly for hours ended up at some random park on the other side of town just sitting in my car staring at nothing like a complete zombie when I finally turned my phone back on around midnight it exploded with notifications texts calls voicemails emails everyone weighing in on the nuclear bomb I just dropped on Aver's life her sister called me seven times leaving progressively angrier voicemails her parents each sent these long disappointed texts about how this isn't how adults handle problems and how I should have discussed this privately [ __ ] that noise where was all this family concern when their precious daughter was cheating for 6 months Mia texted that Avery was completely destroyed and hasn't stopped crying cool story don't care the most interesting responses came from her co-workers turns out good old Derek from La wasn't just some random dude he was a senior director at her company who was very much engaged to another woman and now everyone at their company knew he'd been banging Avery behind his fiance's back career suicide for both of them one of Aver's work friends actually thanked me said Derrik had been using his position to pressure younger female employees for years but no one had proof until now Jake let me crash at his place set me up in his spare room with an air mattress and some sheets brought me a six-pack and didn't ask questions when I drank all in one sitting you need anything else man he asked a time machine would be great I said go back and never meet her in the first place Jake just nodded you did the right thing walking away most guys would have dragged it out tried to fix things nothing to fix I mumbled can't unfuck another dude I spent Sunday applying for transfers at work my company had offices in Seattle and Austin figured a fresh start might be the only way to get past this mess next day things got even more insane Derek fiance had seen the emails and screenshots I'd sent around she'd apparently confronted him and he tried to blame everything on Avery said she was obsessed with him and wouldn't take no for an answer classic move throw your side piece under the bus to save your own ass the Fon wasn't buying it though she contacted me directly asking for everything I had on their Affair I sent her the whole folder of screenshots and pictures she thanked me then proceeded to send them to his entire family friend group and their wedding party two lives imploding for the price of one can't say I felt bad about it meanwhile Avery was doing damage control with everyone she knew according to mutual friends she was telling people we were practically broken up anyway and on a break in her mind said I was never around and always gaming with the boys instead of paying attention to her such [ __ ] I played maybe three to four hours a week with Jake Topps the rest of the time I was either working or doing stuff with her then Friday night the night before I was set to drive to Seattle she showed up at Jake's again this time she was sober and Jake called me to deal with it she says she's not leaving until she talks to you he said want me to call the cops no I sighed I'll handle it I went downstairs to the building entrance where Jake was keeping her in the lobby she looked terrible like she hadn't slept in days hair a mess eyes puffy from crying wearing what looked like pajama pants and one of my old hoodies she must have found at the apartment 5 minutes I said flatly that's all you get we sat on a bench outside Jake's building it was cold but I didn't invite her up no way was she setting foot in my temporary safe space you're really leaving she asked wrapping her arms around herself yep so that's it you're just going to run away I laughed that's rich coming from the person who was planning to dump me after Christmas how is this any different except the timeline got moved up she flinched those texts it wasn't serious with Derek we were just talking I wasn't actually going to leave you [ __ ] [ __ ] I said I saw everything Avery the hotel meetups the plans for him to move here all of it I was confused she tried you weren't proposing we weren't moving forward I thought maybe you didn't want the same things I did so instead of talking to me about it you decided to [ __ ] some other guy that was your solution she started crying again God the tears like a faucet she could turn on and off I made a mistake she sobbed the biggest mistake of my life I love you Ty only you Derek was just I don't know an escape a distraction a distraction I repeated for 6 months that's a hell of a distraction Avery please she grabbed my hand I pulled it away immediately please don't leave like this we can work through this go to counseling start over I'll do anything would you have done anything if I hadn't caught you if I'd proposed that night like I planned would you have come clean then she hesitated just a second too long that's what I thought I said standing up your 5 minutes are up Tyler wait she called as I walked back to the building entrance what about the ring can I at least have that to Remember You by I stopped not believing what I was hearing turned around slowly you want the engagement ring I was going to propose with the one you didn't get because you were too busy cheating on me that ring she nodded tears still streaming down her face I was going to say yes you know I always wanted to marry you just not enough to stop [ __ ] another guy right I shook my head in disbelief goodbye Avery Youk regret this she called after me as I walked inside no one will ever love you like I did yeah thank God for that I left for Seattle at dawn the next day didn't tell anyone except Jake when exactly I was leaving afraid Avery might try to make some dramatic Last Stand The Ring went to a pawn shop got less than half what I paid for it but whatever at least it was gone mostly I felt free like I'd escaped something worse than just a bad relationship I'd escaped a life with someone who could lie to my face for months while planning to leave me all along sometimes the trash takes itself out you just have to be willing to let it go the drive to Seattle was long as hell but weirdly therapeutic just me the open road and a playlist Jake Made For Me called [ __ ] cheaters real creative right 10 hours of angry breakup songs and enough gas station coffee to kill a small animal I rolled into Seattle late Saturday night in the pouring rain of course and found my temporary apartment it was this tiny Studio above a Thai restaurant downtown furnished with the most basic Ikea crap you can imagine first week passed in a blur of new faces new projects and takeout dinners eaten alone in my sad little apartment I'd mute my phone during the day but every night I'd check it to find more messages from Avery or about Avery Mia texted that Avery lost her job apparently the whole Derek situation blew up spectacularly at work he was engaged to the daughter of one of the company's biggest clients so guess who got thrown under the bus not the senior director with Conn CS that's for sure Jake reported that Avery had shown up at our old apartment complex looking for me even though she knew I'd moved cities told the neighbors I was having a mental health crisis and had run away during treatment what the actual [ __ ] her sister found my new email somehow and sent this long guilt trippy message about how Avery was in a really dark place and how I should at least talk to her for closure closure my ass she had 6 months of Dick appointments for closure while I was planning a proposal thenay night happened I was just getting back to my apartment when my phone rang with a number I didn't recognize against my better judgment I answered hello Tyler it was Avery slurring her words drunk dialing me from yet another new number I should have hung up but some masochistic part of me wanted to hear what new [ __ ] she'd come up with what do you want Avery I'm coming to Seattle she announced I got a job interview there next week we should meet up my blood ran cold no way was this happening no way was she following me across state lines don't I said firmly don't come here don't try to find me we're done you can't tell me where I can and can't go she slurred it's a free country and Seattle's a big city maybe I want to live there too Avery listen to me closely we are never getting back together never if you come here trying to find me I'll get a restraining order she laughed this ugly bitter sound for what I haven't done anything wrong harassment I said I have hundreds of texts and calls from you and your friends after being repeatedly told to stop contacting me that sobered her up quick you wouldn't try me she went quiet then she promised she'd prove she'd changed said she'd move to Seattle stay out of my way and wait until I was ready to talk I shut that down fast I wouldn't be this wasn't some movie where a grand gesture fixes everything it was over she tried again but I hung up and blocked her number I texted Jake about her job interview and how she might move to Seattle he called me right away calling it some Fatal Attraction [ __ ] I agreed was she serious with Avery who knew but I wasn't taking chances I changed my address to a po.