You're going to be hearing back from someone (don't ignore this sign) – Joe Dispenza Motivation

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POWERFUL Dr. Joe Dispenza: The Hidden Messages That Are Trying to Reach You | Law of Attraction In ...
Video Transcript:
Right now, in this very moment, there's a message waiting for you—not just any message, but one that could completely transform your life. I'm going to tell you something that happened to one of our students that will show you exactly what I mean. This woman, Sarah, had been practicing our work for about six months when something extraordinary occurred.
She had been stuck in a job she hated for eight years, constantly thinking about making a change but never taking action. One morning, after her meditation practice, where she'd been focusing on becoming no one, going nowhere, in no time, she checked her phone. There was a message from someone she hadn't spoken to in over a decade.
This person had randomly thought of her and reached out with a business opportunity that aligned perfectly with Sarah's passion. Now, most people would call this coincidence, but what if I told you this wasn't random at all? You see, when Sarah changed her energy—when she stopped being the same person, thinking the same thoughts, and feeling the same feelings every single day—she opened a door in the quantum field.
She became available to information she previously couldn't access. This is what quantum synchronicity looks like in action. It's not magic; it's science.
It's what happens when you step out of your past personality and into the unknown field of infinite possibilities. Think about it: How many signs, how many messages, how many opportunities have passed you by simply because you were too caught up in your routine, your stress, your family, your emotions to notice them? The universe is constantly sending us signals, but we're often too busy living in survival mode to receive them.
We're too busy being the same person we were yesterday to become the person we could be tomorrow. Now think about your day-to-day. When you understand how to become receptive to these signs, when you learn to tune your energy to the frequency of possibility rather than probability, that's when the magic starts happening.
That's when you stop living as a victim of your past and start becoming the creator of your future. And the best part? This isn't just theory; we can measure it, we can quantify it, and most importantly, we can teach you how to master it.
And let's face it: we don't live in a vacuum; we have massive pollution. Sarah's story isn't unique. Every day in our workshops around the world, we witness people receiving exactly what they need at exactly the right moment.
But here's what you need to understand: these messages, these opportunities—they don't come when you're desperate, when you're living in stress, or when you're stuck in your analytical mind. They come when you've prepared your body and mind to receive them. They come when you've done the work to change your energy.
Now, what's actually happening in your brain when you start noticing these signs? There's a bundle of nerves right at the base of your brain called the reticular activating system. Think of it as your brain's bouncer; it decides what information gets through to your conscious mind and what doesn't.
Every second, you're bombarded with millions of bits of information, but your conscious mind can only process about 2,000 of these bits per second. That's why, when you buy a new car, suddenly you start seeing that same model everywhere. Those cars were always there; your brain just wasn't paying attention to them before.
But here's where it gets really interesting: your reticular activating system isn't just filtering random information; it's specifically looking for information that matches your beliefs, your thoughts, and most importantly, your emotional state. When you're living in fear and survival, guess what? Your brain is programmed to notice more reasons to be afraid, more reasons to survive, and more reasons to stay stuck in the same patterns.
Let me share something fascinating from our research. We've done brain scans on people during our advanced workshops, and we've seen something remarkable. When someone shifts their attention from their external environment to their internal world, there's a measurable change in their brainwave.
The frontal lobe, which is like the CEO of your brain, starts working differently. Instead of processing the known and familiar, it starts creating new neural networks, literally rewiring itself to perceive new possibilities. And this leads us to a new level of being.
This is where quantum physics comes into play. In the quantum field, everything exists as a wave of probability until it's observed. Your attention—where you place it and how you direct it—is literally collapsing these waves into particles, creating your physical reality.
This isn't just spiritual talk; this is proven science. The double-slit experiment in quantum physics shows us that the mere act of observation changes how particles behave. Think about what this means for you.
Every time you break free from your routine thinking, every time you shift your attention from problems to possibilities, you're literally changing the quantum field around you. You're opening new doors in the field of infinite possibilities. We've seen this thousands of times in our work.
When someone changes where they place their attention, their entire reality starts shifting. The evidence is clear. In our research, when people learn to sustain elevated emotions like gratitude, joy, and inspiration, their brain starts operating at a higher level of order.
They become more aware, more alert to opportunities, and more receptive to messages from the quantum field. Their brain literally becomes more efficient at recognizing patterns and making connections that were always there but previously invisible to them. Your life is constantly speaking to you through patterns of meaningful coincidences.
That song that keeps playing everywhere you go, that number sequence you keep seeing, that name that keeps coming up in conversations—these aren't random events; they're messages from the quantum field trying to guide you toward your highest potential. But here's the thing: most people are. .
. Missing these signs completely? Why?
Because they're trapped in what I call the chemical addiction of everyday life. They wake up every morning, check their phone, feel the same stress, think the same thoughts, follow the same routine, and go to bed feeling the same emotions. They're literally addicted to their past, to their familiar personality, and when you're addicted to being yourself, you become blind to new possibilities.
Let me give you a real example from our workshops. There was this businessman who always complained about never having enough time for his family. Every time he tried to take a vacation, something would come up at work.
But when we helped him shift his emotional state through our meditation techniques, something fascinating happened: suddenly, he started noticing opportunities to delegate tasks he'd been handling for years. He began seeing patterns in his work schedule he'd never recognized before. The time for family had always been there; he just couldn't see it through the lens of his stressed, overwhelmed emotional state.
You see, your emotional state is like a frequency you're broadcasting to the universe. When you're operating from stress, anxiety, or fear, you're tuned to a frequency that only picks up more reasons to feel stressed, anxious, or afraid. But when you shift your emotional state to one of possibility and gratitude, you start picking up a completely different set of signals.
Notice this transformation when you experience fear and anxiety, which will follow soon after. Being positive? Notice your emotional state shift to one of peace and gratitude.
When you shift your emotional state to one of peace and gratitude, think about turning a radio dial. When you're tuned to 101. 5 FM, you can't hear what's playing on 98.
7 FM. Your emotional state works the same way. When you're tuned to survival emotions, you can't pick up the frequency of opportunity and growth.
This is why people can be surrounded by amazing opportunities but never see them; they're simply not tuned to the right frequency. When you expect something to happen, your brain doesn't know the difference between the expectation and the actual experience. This isn't just positive thinking; this is biology in action.
Every time you have a thought, your brain releases specific chemicals. These chemicals flow through your body, changing how your cells function, altering your genetic expression, and literally reshaping your physical reality. And here's what's fascinating about expectations: they create actual physical pathways in your brain.
It's like walking through a field of tall grass. The first time you walk a path, it's difficult, but walk that same path every day, and soon you'll have a clear trail. Your brain works exactly the same way.
Every time you expect something negative, you strengthen those neural pathways. Every time you expect something positive, you create new ones. But here's where most people get stuck: they try to create new expectations while their body is still addicted to their old emotional state.
Your body has become a living record of your past. If you've spent years expecting things to go wrong, your cells have become addicted to the chemistry of those negative expectations. That's why just thinking positive thoughts isn't enough; you need to change the chemistry of your entire body.
This is where heart coherence becomes crucial. Your heart generates an electromagnetic field that's 5,000 times stronger than your brain's field. When you create coherence between your heart and brain through elevated emotions like gratitude, appreciation, and joy, something remarkable happens: your body starts producing new proteins, new genes get activated, and your immune system strengthens.
You literally become biologically prepared to receive what you're expecting. We've measured this in our research: when someone enters a state of heart coherence, their brain waves synchronize, their nervous system balances, and their body starts producing what we call pleasure chemicals—dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. These aren't just feel-good chemicals; they're the exact chemicals your body needs to be in a receptive state for new opportunities.
Let me share what we've seen in our brain scans: when someone is in this receptive state, the frontal lobe lights up like a Christmas tree. The analytical mind becomes quiet, and the creative centers activate. Blood flow increases to areas responsible for intuition and pattern recognition.
Your brain literally becomes more efficient at recognizing opportunities and connecting dots that were invisible before. This is why athletes visualize their performance, why musicians mentally rehearse their concerts, why successful people practice gratitude before achievement. They're not just going through a mental exercise; they're literally programming their biology for success.
They're creating the exact chemical state their body needs to recognize and receive opportunities when they appear. Your identity is nothing more than a series of memorized thoughts, behaviors, and emotional reactions. Think about that for a moment.
Everything you believe about yourself, every limitation you accept as truth, is simply a program running in your brain. It's a program that says, "This is who I am, this is what I'm capable of, this is what I deserve. " But here's the revolutionary truth: you are not your past programming.
Look at your life right now. Are you constantly scanning your environment for problems? Do you automatically expect things to go wrong?
This isn't your fault; it's how your brain was programmed for survival. Your brain is like a sophisticated prediction machine. It takes everything that's happened in your past and uses that data to predict what's going to happen in your future.
This is why change feels so uncomfortable: you're literally fighting against years of neural programming. But here's where meditation becomes your most powerful tool for transformation. When you sit in meditation, something remarkable happens: as your body becomes still and your mind quiets down, you're no longer reinforcing those old neural networks.
You're creating a space between stimulus and response. In this space, you can finally stop being the same person you've always been. We've documented this transformation.
In our advanced workshops, when people learn to meditate properly—not just sitting quietly, but actually entering into a state of pure consciousness—their brain wave patterns change dramatically. The analytical mind, which is constantly reinforcing your old identity, begins to quiet down, and the creative centers of your brain light up. You literally enter a state where new neural networks can form.
This is why we teach our students to meditate with a clear intention; you're not just trying to relax; you're literally rewiring your brain. Every time you sit in meditation and hold the vibration of your future self, you're creating new neural pathways. Every time you practice feeling the emotions of your desired future in the present moment, you're programming your cells with new information.
Let me share a powerful example: we had a woman in our workshop who had identified as a naturally anxious person her entire life. She believed anxiety was just part of her personality; it was written into her genes, her family history, her very identity. But through consistent meditation practice, she started breaking free from this programming.
She learned to recognize that anxiety wasn't her identity; it was simply a program running in her nervous system. The key breakthrough came when she stopped trying to fight the anxiety and instead focused on creating new neural networks of calm, confidence, and clarity. She spent time every day in meditation, not just visualizing, but actually feeling what it would be like to be naturally confident and peaceful.
Within weeks, her brain started creating new neural pathways, and her old identity as an anxious person began to dissolve. This is the power of focused intention combined with elevated emotion. When you can hold your attention on a single thought while maintaining an elevated emotional state, you become more than just your programming.
You literally begin to transform the neural networks in your brain. You stop being a victim of your genetics and start becoming the creator of your destiny. The science shows us that it takes about four days of consistent practice to start breaking old neural patterns and forming new ones: four days of choosing a new thought over an old one, four days of maintaining a new emotional state instead of falling back into familiar feelings.
This is why most people never change; they quit before their brain has time to build these new networks. When you understand the quantum field, you understand that everything—every possibility, every potential, every opportunity—already exists. It's not something you need to create; it's something you need to tune into.
This field doesn't operate by the rules of time and space as we know them. In quantum physics, we call this non-locality: the idea that everything is connected, regardless of distance or time. Think about your cell phone for a moment.
Right now, there are countless signals, countless radio waves, countless pieces of information passing through your body. You can't see them; you can't feel them. But the moment you turn on your phone, you can access them.
Your consciousness works the same way. In the quantum field, every possibility exists as a wave of probability until you observe it—until you put your attention on it. This isn't just theory; we see it in quantum experiments every day.
When scientists observe particles at the quantum level, the mere act of observation changes how these particles behave. Your consciousness does the exact same thing in your daily life. Every time you place your attention on something, every time you hold an intention, you're literally influencing the quantum field around you.
But here's where most people get stuck: they try to create their future from their past. They try to solve problems using the same level of thinking that created those problems. This is like trying to build a house by rearranging the furniture in your current house.
It doesn't work because you're trying to create from matter instead of from the field of all possibilities. Let me share what we've seen in our advanced workshops: when someone learns to create from the quantum field, they stop trying to figure out how their dreams will manifest. Instead, they put all their energy into maintaining the emotional frequency of their desired future.
They understand that the quantum field responds to who you're being, not what you're doing. This is why meditation is so crucial: it allows you to step out of space and time, out of your identity, and into the field where all possibilities exist. When you're truly in this state, you're no longer creating from memory; you're creating from possibility.
You're no longer trying to force reality to conform to your wishes; you're simply matching your energy to the reality you want to experience. Remember Sarah from earlier? When she received that unexpected message, she wasn't sitting there figuring out how to make her dreams happen.
She had learned to raise her energy, to tune into the field of infinite possibilities, and to stay in that elevated state regardless of her external circumstances. The opportunity didn't come because she was pushing and forcing; it came because she had matched her energy to the frequency of that possibility. Now let me share with you the exact process to enhance your receptivity to these messages from the quantum field.
Your morning practice is absolutely crucial because this is when your brain is most receptive to new programming. The moment you wake up, your brain is still in theta waves—the same state you experience in meditation. Instead of immediately reaching for your phone and programming your brain with stress, take advantage of this receptive state.
Start with this simple but powerful morning meditation: sit up straight, close your eyes, and place your attention on your heart. Take slow, steady breaths—slightly longer on the exhale than the inhale. As you breathe, begin to generate feelings of appreciation and gratitude—not just thinking.
about what you're grateful for, but actually feeling the emotion in your body. This creates heart coherence, a measurable state where your heart and brain enter into perfect synchronization. We've measured this in our research: when someone maintains heart coherence for just six minutes, their body starts producing nitric oxide, which reduces stress hormones and increases feel-good chemicals.
Their immune system strengthens, their intuition sharpens, and their brain becomes more efficient at recognizing opportunities. After your meditation, take out your journal, but here's the key: don't write about your current reality. Write about your day as if your desired future has already happened.
Write in the present tense with gratitude and excitement. I'm so grateful now that this isn't just positive thinking. You're literally programming your brain with new information, creating new neural networks that will help you recognize opportunities aligned with your future.
Number three: list out the things you want in your life. What are the things that will help you recognize opportunities aligned with your future throughout your day? Practice what I call environmental awareness.
Most people move through their day on automatic pilot, letting their environment trigger their same old thoughts and emotions. Instead, set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour. When it does, stop whatever you're doing and ask yourself three questions: What am I thinking?
What am I feeling? What messages is my environment trying to show me? This hourly check-in breaks the pattern of unconscious reaction and puts you in a state of conscious creation.
You'll start noticing signs and synchronicities you were missing before. Maybe it's a conversation you overhear that gives you exactly the information you need. Maybe it's a book that falls off the shelf with the answer you've been seeking.
Maybe it's an old friend who reaches out with an opportunity. But here's the most important part of your practice: you must maintain your elevated emotional state regardless of your external circumstances. This is where most people fail.
They do their morning meditation, feel great for an hour, then let their environment drag them back into their old emotional patterns. Remember, the quantum field responds to who you're being, not what you're doing. That's why we teach our students to create what we call state reminders.
Put Post-it notes around your house and office with words or symbols that remind you of your future self. Create a playlist of songs that match the energy of your desired future. Set random alarms with empowering messages.
These aren't just motivational tricks; they're pattern interrupts that help you maintain your connection to the quantum field throughout your day. Here's a powerful technique we use in our advanced workshops: end your day by reviewing any signs or synchronicities you noticed. Write them down, even the small ones.
This trains your brain to become more aware of these messages, and it builds your trust in the process. Remember, what you appreciate appreciates. Here's where most people get stuck in their creation process: they can't let go.
They set their intention, they do the meditations, they raise their energy, but then they strangle their dreams with anxiety and control. This is like planting a seed and then digging it up every day to see if it's growing. You have to understand: surrender isn't giving up; it's trusting the intelligence of the quantum field.
Think about your heartbeat for a moment. Are you controlling it? Are you telling your cells how to metabolize nutrients?
Are you consciously directing your body to heal a paper cut? No, there's an intelligence far greater than your conscious mind handling all of this. This same intelligence knows the perfect timing for your dreams to manifest.
In our advanced workshops, we've seen something remarkable: the students who manifest the most extraordinary synchronicities aren't the ones who are pushing the hardest; they're the ones who have mastered what I call relaxed readiness. They maintain their elevated state, they do their practices, but they're not attached to how or when their desires will manifest. This is where gratitude in advance becomes your most powerful tool.
When you can feel genuine gratitude for something before it arrives in your physical reality, you're operating at the highest level of creation. You're not trying to use gratitude to get something; you're grateful because you understand that it's already yours in the quantum field. Let me share a profound truth: your desires are already fulfilled in the quantum field.
The moment you have the desire, it's created. Your job isn't to make it happen; your job is to match its frequency and allow it to find you in divine timing. This isn't spiritual bypass; this is quantum physics.
In the quantum field, everything already exists as a wave of probability. Your surrender, your trust, your gratitude—these are the frequencies that collapse those waves into particles, transforming possibilities into physical reality. When your manifestation is approaching physical reality, your body knows it before your conscious mind.
You might feel tingles running up your spine during meditation. You might experience sudden waves of excitement for no apparent reason. Your heart might flutter unexpectedly when you think about your future.
These aren't random sensations; they're your body responding to quantum possibilities collapsing into physical form. Watch for changes in your emotional landscape. You'll start feeling an unexplainable sense of certainty—not the desperate certainty of wanting something to happen, but a calm knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly.
You might find yourself feeling peaceful about things that used to worry you. You might notice a natural detachment from outcomes while maintaining your elevated state. Your environment will start speaking to you through synchronicities.
You'll notice number patterns appearing everywhere; songs related to your desire will play at perfect moments; people will randomly mention topics connected to your future. Your dreams might become more vivid, more specific. You might start dreaming about places you've never been, people you've never met.
. . Never met, but somehow these dreams feel more real than your waking life.
These aren't coincidences or your mind playing tricks on you. Remember, in the quantum field, the future is pulling you toward it when you've done the work to raise your energy and maintain that elevated state. When you've practiced being the person you're becoming rather than who you've been, the universe has no choice but to reorganize itself to match your new frequency.
The universe is sending you messages right now; your future is reaching back through time and space to guide you. But receiving these messages isn't a passive process; it requires daily devoted practice. Right now, in this moment, make a commitment to yourself.
Commit to your morning meditation practice, not just when it's convenient, not just when you feel like it, but every single day. Start each morning with 20 minutes of heart-centered meditation. Follow this with your gratitude writing: three full pages about the future you're living into.
Throughout your day, set those hourly reminders to check your energy. Ask yourself, "Am I being my future self or my past self right now? " Keep your manifestation journal close.
Write down every sign, every synchronicity, every unexpected message. At the end of each day, review your entries. Ask yourself these three questions: What signs did I notice today?
What emotions did I maintain? What actions did my future self guide me to take? Remember, you're not just trying to receive a message; you're becoming the kind of person who naturally attracts these quantum possibilities into physical form.
You're training your brain to recognize opportunities, your body to resonate with elevated emotions, and your consciousness to collapse quantum waves into physical reality. The message you're waiting for is already in the quantum field. The opportunity you're seeking is already reaching out to find you.
Your only job is to maintain the frequency that allows that connection to happen. Be bold in your practice, unwavering in your commitment, and absolutely certain that the universe is conspiring to bring you everything you need at exactly the right moment.
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