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Mensagens De Jesus
Todos livros - Luciano Subirá https://linktr.ee/mensagensdejesus Presenteie-se 🎁 e fortaleça sua fé...
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first epistle of Peter Chapter 1 I would like us to read from Verse 3 to verse 7 I believe dear that God does not just want to bring instruction from the word that alone would be very good I believe that God wants to bring a touch to our lives I believe that God wants to manifest grace I believe that he wants to involve us I believe that the Lord wants to strengthen you tonight I believe that he wants to bring renewed refreshment to your spirit from time to time if half a Dulce could say amen
I would be happy with that too God has something to do in your heart Amen First Peter Chapter 1 from 3 to 7 says so blessed be the God and father of Our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his great mercy regenerated us to a living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead for an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and im marí reserved in heaven for you who by the power of God are kept through faith for the salvation that is prepared to be revealed in the last time dear let us pause before the
six and 7 God called us to live according to an inheritance that is reserved for us in heaven you can say amen the Bible speaks of an inheritance that is undefiled, incorruptible, inaccessible and the apostle Peter with great grace, right, he declares that by the power of God you are kept through faith For what For salvation that is prepared to be revealed in the last time, whoever understands these truths lives what he says in Verse 6 in which you rejoice even though now for a little time being necessary you are saddened by various trials so
that the test of your most precious faith than gold that perishes even though tested by fire results in praise Glory and Honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ Hallelujah say with me so that the proof of my faith more precious than gold that perishes even though tested by fire results in praise Glory and Honor in revelation of Jesus Christ hallelujah which verse 8 says without having seen him before and in which without now seeing him but Believing you exult with ineffable joy and full of Glory reaching the end of your faith the salvation of your
souls dear in our days we have unfortunately we have experienced a deterioration of the Gospel the message is being preached in the media in many places it seems to make us believe that if you come to Jesus all your problems are over this is not true when you take a stand to serve God maybe you will have more of a problem now than I had before The other day I talked about this Someone said Nobody told me this When they preached the gospel I said it, nobody told them to sign the contract without reading the
clauses, small, the word of God is saying, dear, that we experience an ineffable joy, an exultation in that that the word of God awaits us speaks dearly of a Heavenly home awaiting us Paul says Our homeland is in the heavens where we await a Savior What is there that will transform the body of our humiliation to be equal to the body of his glory Paul tells the Corinthians Neither eyes have seen nor ears have heard nor has it ever entered the heart of man that which God has reserved for those who love him John has
an extraordinary vision, right on the island of Patmos which is reported there in the Apocalypse he speaks of some things he saw in Regarding what awaits us he says there will be no more pain there will be no more death there will be no curse there will be no memory of the past and he says God will wipe away every tear from our eyes brothers This is the great hope of each one of us in first Corinthians 15 Paul says if it is only for this life that we hope in Christ we are the most
unhappy of all men, another version says the most pitiful. So our relationship with the gospel cannot be centered only on an earthly life in what we are going to live here we have promises we have an inheritance we have blessings at our disposal but the center of all this dear is not the earthly rewards Jesus says Behold, come with me soon is my reward to give to each one of you according to his works and we need to learn to live dear, the joy of heaven, the greatest difficulty that we and the pastors encounter is
leading the people to live the consciousness of heaven, the consciousness of what awaits us, I believe, dear, that God has a life of Victory for us here, but we need to understand that the great proposal of the Gospel is to generate in your heart a hope and a continuous exultation of what awaits you of what awaits you only Peter says that in the midst of all this joy in Verse 6 he says In which you rejoice in eight he says again you rejoice with ineffable joy and full of glory and he says in the midst
of all this joy that awaits us and he says sometimes all this joy is scratched by small sorrows that come depending on what trials we will face so he says for a little while for a a little bit of time, in other words, God's plan is not that you live in these trials all the time, continually, the Bible says for a little while if necessary, it's only when you need it in the right areas, but the Bible says we will be saddened by trials and he begins to talk about the test of our faith and
in verse 7 he makes two relationships between our faith and gold, one is a contrast, the other is a comparison and says that our faith is more precious than gold, which perishes, interesting that gold as dear metal he does not perish But God is saying that everything that is earthly, no matter how valuable it is, dear One day ends and an hour ends and our faith is worth more than anything of value on this earth, no matter whether it is metal or any other type of value there is nothing more important than your faith and
your relationship with God, that's why Jesus said seek the kingdom of God first before thinking about food, drink, what you wear, you will put God first because this is the order this is the highest priority now he first says that faith is more valuable than gold then he talks about gold that is tested by fire when he says faith is more valuable than gold he is contrasting this here nor is it compared with faith but when he speaks of Gold which is tested by fire he is now relating it to the subject of the testing
of our faith our faith will be tested and we also dear the likeness of Gold which when it passes through fire is refined it is purified right, the best way to make pure gold is by subjecting it to fire, it melts, the impure metals that are there are released and you can make it pure that way. Passing through fire, our faith also as it goes through the tests of fire of this life it becomes better and God is saying that in the midst of all the joy of what awaits us, of being a people and
a generation can see our destiny, our Celestial inheritance and live therefore, therefore we will be when necessary for a little time saddened by various trials and I want to talk tonight about these fiery trials and how we have to deal with them that you will go through them dear it is a fact Isaiah 43:2 says when you walk through the fire it will not burn you nor the flame will burn in you God doesn't say if you happen to pass and he says when it passes then what you are going to pass will pass It's
just a matter of time a glory to God please pastor Turn your mouth that way I will turn you will pass through fire dear This is part of the walk with God This is part of our relationship with the Lord I know dear that normally it is not the type of message that excites the expression that the apostle Peter uses in the original Greek here when he talks about the test of our faith is of the kimas that according to de strong's concordance the lexicon of strong's concordance means to test examine to prove to verify
in the sense of seeing whether a thing is genuine or not to recognize as Genuine after examination to approve or to judge valuable is the whole extension of meaning of this word in other words our faith will be tested examined proved dear God does not need to prove your faith he knows your faith your faith is tested so that you know its condition as you are and so that you can grow in this whole process that God you can say amen I want you to kindly open your Bible to the book of Daniel in chapter
3 and from the book of Daniel I want to share with you what God has spoken to our hearts I committed today in the morning service we we were ministering an event at Tempo de Glória in Porto Alegre, I slept for about 2 hours, I think, I took the first flight and ran here, but think of a guy who couldn't wait to arrive and share with the church because I believe, dear, that on this day God is releasing us not only a word of instruction but a grace and a strengthening over our lives the devil
will try to discourage you he will try to stop you but we will continue stepping on the dog living what God has best for our lives you can say amen in Daniel in chapter 3 we have a story like this extraordinary, I believe in the entire Bible, even the cover, I always say, if there was any text in the Bible saying that I could fly, you see me running around with all this weight hitting my arms waiting for the promise to be fulfilled, and dear, if it weren't a report of the word of God would
highly suspect this story because it is too extraordinary, the Lord Jesus in the New Testament supported and validated the authority of the book of Daniel as part of the scripture and I believe in this experience that the friends Daniel Ananias Mishael and Azariah had, the Bible says that they were thrown into a fiery furnace and Miraculously and supernaturally they not only survive dear but they come out without a burned hair without the smell of smoke, right and it wasn't the fire that was different because the Bible says that the men who threw them into the
fire died they experiment an extraordinary miracle now the word of God says in Romans 15:4 that everything that was written for our teaching was written Paul says that many of the things that happened to Israel were written for warning Our for our example and I really enjoy looking This whole principle that we are approaching from the New Testament of the test of our faith, seeing stories that are not just the report of something that happened one day but that guide us, dear, because you and I will also go through tests of fire. God grant that
you and I let's not face the fire in a literal way But we will face fiery trials and there will be a dear moment where you will feel like you are in the furnace of the ordeal. I also look at this text and I am tremendously inspired about how to behave when we go through these fiery trials. Fire because if you haven't passed it now it's just a matter of time your turn will come you're in line maybe you've already been through some but the Bible talks about going through various trials this is a dear
part of the Christian life Hallelujah you are me looking so suspiciously at Daniel in chapter 3 we have this story I'm going to start reading from verse 133 but just do the background King Nabuco of the new Emperor, right ooooo man who was at the head of the First Empire of global proportions that controlled the whole earth he is confronted in chapter two by a vision he had Daniel tells and interprets and Daniel said to him look I saw a statue that had four different metals the golden head was you the silver chest and the
hands represent another kingdom that will come after yours, there is a third kingdom represented in the part of the belly which is made of bronze and finally a fourth kingdom represented in the legs and feet are made of metal He is saying in the days of the fourth Empire of the metal part God is going to do something in the vision a stone touched the statue at the feet crushes the statue he says this stone became the mountain that filled the whole earth this vision that God gave to no buur donor interpreted by Daniel said
that the moment when God would put the kingdoms of men on the ground and he would establish his own kingdom then the message that Nabuco Don Nozor receives is you may be the guy with the golden head but none of the other kingdoms will have the glory that yours have you will be replaced each one of them will be replaced until God puts an end to it if you think dear on the emotional level of someone who doesn't know God and receives this word It must have been something outrageous and revolting God is saying all
this about which You're proud, I'm going to take it down in chapter 3, this guy builds a huge golden statue by understanding what his soul is shouting about, I'm not just the golden head, no one is going to change me, I'm here to stay, I'm the statue. all dear that statue shows the ambition of his heart to protest against what God says and say I will not be removed and he orders everyone to Bow down to the statue when the music plays narcissist he or not And these three friends Daniel are there the Bible does
not mention Daniel and the functions he performed in such a large Empire make me believe that he was away on a trip, perhaps taking care of the King's business. I don't know, but when the music played, these three didn't bend because they remember the commandment, listen to Israel, Lord your God is the only God you will not make for yourself a carved image you will not worship them you will not worship them and they do not obey the order they were the only ones and it obviously attracted attention and left the king indignant almost possessed
in chapter eh 3 of Daniel from Verse 13 follow with me Say this in the mouth of the nozor in his wrath and fury he sent for Sadraque mesque and abidinego and soon these men were brought before the king he spoke in the mouth of the dozor and said to them it is true O Sadraque mesque abidinego that you do not serve my Gods nor do you worship the golden statue that I have set up now, for if you are ready When you hear the sound of the trumpet of the Flute, the harp, the zither,
the psaltery, the bagpipes and all kinds of music to prostrate yourselves and worship the statue that I made, it is good, but if you do not worship you will be thrown at once into a fiery furnace and who is this God who can deliver you out of my hands ? whom we serve can deliver us from the fiery fiery furnace And he will deliver us out of your hand O King but if not know O King that we will not serve your Gods nor worship the golden statue which you then set up in the mouth
of the Zor was filled with anger And if he changed the appearance of his countenance against sadrac mesac abdnego and gave orders for the Furnace to heat up seven times more than it was used to heat, he ordered the brave men of his army to attack and throw them into the fiery furnace, then these men they were tied up wearing their cloaks, their tunics, their turbans and other clothes and they were thrown into the fiery furnace. Now the king's order was so urgent and the furnace was so hot that the flame of the fire killed
the men who carried the sadrac mesac and abdnego and these three sadrac mesac and abdnego fell together into the fiery furnace, then king nabucco dosor was startled and got up quickly. He spoke and said to his advisors, we didn't throw us into the fire, three tied men answered the king the truth, oh king, he said I However, I see four loose men walking around inside the fire and they suffer no harm and the appearance of the room is similar to that of a son of the Gods. Then, when they arrived at the mouth of the
nozor, the door of the furnace of burning fire spoke saying Sadraque mesque abdnego servants of the Most High God, I came out and 20 and immediately they came out of the midst of the fire and the satraps, the prefects, the governors and the King's Counselors, being gathered together, saw that the fire had had no power over the bodies of these men nor had the hair on their heads been singed nor had they changed. their cloaks Nor had there been a smell of fire on them Alleluia spoke in the mouth of the nozor and said blessed
be the God of Shadraque mesque and abdnego who sent his angel and freed his servants who trusted in him and frustrated the King's order by choosing instead to hand over their bodies than to serve or worship God any other than their God for me for a decree is made that all the people nation and language that uttered blasphemy against the God of Shadrach mesac ABD neg be Shattered to pieces their houses be made a dunghill for there is no other God that can free in this way then the king made Shadraque mesque and abdnego prosper
in the Province of Babylon Leave this text open I would like us to think a little about the way we behave when we go through these trials of fire or what I prefer call it The Furnace of Trial the first question dear is why the trials What do the trials see we need to stop and understand this and the first thing I believe we need to understand and understand is that they are part of God's plan for our lives a Hallelujah, please, at least in James in the chapter one dear from Verse 2 to Verse
4 the word of God says so, my brothers, you have great joy when you go through various trials, knowing that the approval of your faith produces the perseverance and perseverance has its perfect work so that you may be perfect and complete not lacking in anything tell your brother your side God wants you to be complete you do not lack in anything and the Bible says dear that the test of our faith it will produce perseverance in us and it will lead us to this complete work and Tiago goes so far as to say tend for
reasons of great joy Are you serious about going through several trials he doesn't say look there will be only one in your life you can hold your breath Be sure that after this one In the end, there will be several people who take possession of this word PR in their lives, how many claim the fulfillment of this promise in their lives, but there is a reason for great joy and dear ones, you need to learn the correct way when you meet a believer, ask how are you, I'm in the test, brother This already comes with
the face and tone of someone who is depressed and we need to understand, dear, that the trials we face should be a reason for joy because we need to understand where they fit into God's plan, what they will produce in our life we ​​need growth and without trials dear we will not become complete but God be praised we will not live only on trials there will be Deliverance there will be victory there will be grace there will be sustenance but the trials are part dear When James says here in the Verse of the past through
several trials the word he uses in the original Greek is peir asmos it means experiment attempt test proof temptation of man's faithfulness this is the same word dear translated as ordeal it is the same word in the Bible translated as temptation can you make the distinction the word is the same it also means adversity affliction annoyance and has to do with this issue of testing or proving someone's character, faith or holiness there in Verse 3 he says knowing that the proof of your faith another version says approval of your faith at that moment he used
the word of kimon which is a derivation of that of Kimo which we mentioned meaning of proving what someone is tested by so with that word together we know that he is not talking about temptation but about proof and I understand dear that we need to look for the tests in the correct way as something that is part of God's plan and that produces benefit in our lives, the way you look at the test, dear, will determine your entire reaction and the way you will behave or conduct yourself during this process in Romans in chapter
5 a text that I really like from Verse 3 to 5 Paul says this and not only that but also let us glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance perseverance experience experience hope and hope does not disappoint because the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us, so they will produce dear perseverance, resistance, firmness in your life, the ability to continue moving forward, not to be discouraged , not to give up and not to abort the process that God has in your life or in the language that
Paul used, don't shipwreck in your faith, talk to someone at your side, even if it doesn't seem like it, approval is good and it will bless you Amen, this word that Paul uses here translated as tribulation in Greek and tips or something like that, I don't know If I'm pronouncing it correctly it means the act of pressing as they did for example with olives with grapes pressing pressure in the metaphorical sense of oppression affliction tribulation anguish and dilemmas he says let us glory in tribulations brother how can someone glory in tribulation when they understand the
reason why it comes what it will produce in our life and how we can get through it when we have the right vision dear we will not react with discouragement we will not bow down and the second thing that I believe we need to understand is that trials don't come because you're going through a moment where you made a mistake the big difference between a trial dear and any problem in your life is that when you're going through the test there's no reason for you to go through that our reaction when something bad happens is
always asking yourself when we go through a difficult time because of something we don't like is always asking yourself what did I do wrong and the other day I told a dear brother you don't need to ask me what you did wrong you did something wrong you know the holy spirit dear will report if you get angry you get angry you explode at someone you lose control you know you made a mistake if you have to forgive someone you know you have to forgive someone Sometimes you turn a blind eye you don't want to face
it you don't want to recognize it but deep down you know there are problems that come into our lives dear because we make mistakes and these sins and stumbles generate consequences The Prophet Nathan arrives to give says look your sin has been forgiven you will not die but the sword of the Ammonites that you used that Tur is will never leave your house what you did to the hidden guy's wife they will do to yours the lights of the day dear o sin generates consequences and there are many people facing terrible situations Because they are
only reaping what they sowed this is not proof this is an unnecessary situation that you would not need to be going through trials normally they come in a context of fidelity Why did these three end up in the furnace because they decided to be faithful to God, dear ones, if we are going to go against this system, not only the world out there, this physical structure that we deal with, but a spiritual kingdom that is contrary to all the values ​​that we live and preach, I want to tell you that you will go through difficult
situations because of his fidelity and not because of his lack of it in second chronicles 32 the Bible speaking of Hezekiah says that after all these acts of fidelity Hezekiah rose up Sennacherib against Judah and Jerusalem the Bible does not say that he rose up because of infidelity as This is the case of other Kings who were judged for their sin God sent an enemy precisely to judge them Hezekiah, not Hezekiah faces what he faced dear, the Bible says because of your acts of faithfulness the best way to understand if you are really in the
test and No, if you generated this type of problem it is because this is happening and what normally bothers us dear is when we look at our lives and realize that perhaps at the height of our fidelity to God we are facing difficult situations Paul and Silas were arrested in Philippi for because they were preaching the gospel They did nothing wrong they are not reaping the fruit of any wrong actions They are just being tested and we need to understand dear that the tests are not seen because of the lack of fidelity but precisely because
of it this has to be a very important point strong resolved in the middle in your heart because the emotional sensation If you don't know how to deal with it is that God is being unfair and rewarding the good in a bad way You never had feelings in your soul and God is paying you back for the good you did with the bad thing, you even gave a suggestion as to where he could divert that storm said That believer there, oh, it's worthless, he was the one who had to be going through this, not me,
right, no one here has ever acted like that, dear, we need to understand that tests come to perfect our faith producing perseverance are part of what God planned for us and it comes because of our faithfulness not because of the lack of it now the second one for how to act in the trial in the trial in the trials in the Verses here from Daniel 3 16 17 18 the first thing they say is no we need to answer you about this business Changing in Kids this is none of your business now why are they
saying they don't need it about the business dear something that I have already learned the more you discuss a subject with those who oppose you and I believe that in the business here as the emperor, right ooo king of that land at the time is a figure of satan and the Bible calls him the king or god of this world and if you start to argue dear You can probably be overcome by argument Eve got into an argument and ended up convinced Jesus countered every argument saying it is written it is written it is written
in other words he said I don't take this conversation forward you are wrong the way they act here I believe it shows how we should behave the problem dear is when we start to question our fidelity because the king arrived proposing an escape says the song It will play again just for the three of you You don't need to die and they say Look we don't need to answer you about this business our decision is not open to discussion this shows what dear a very firm stance of not negotiating your values ​​and they say in
Verse 17 and 18 our God whom we serve can deliver us from his hand he will deliver us and If we don't get rid of it, we die, hey, but there's no business, brothers, the problem for many when they start to face difficult times is that they quickly want to negotiate, dear, after at least 16 years of pastoring, I can tell you that a lot of people, when they sit down for a conversation in the office, he doesn't want to hear what you have to say he wants you to say what he wants to hear
and Normally when you don't say what to hear and he goes to look for another person to see if he agrees the moment to negotiate the values ​​we often sit down with someone and the person wants you to Pray for the financial problem the financial problem disappears but he's already arguing here pastor Do you really believe that a believer has to pay all the taxes and that he can do this without going bankrupt I believe brother even if you have to live under the bridge I believe that we have to obey what is commanded and
that's it, pastor Senor, I really believe that I have no right to divorce and be happy, pastor. You really believe that I have to love my soca brothers, I listen to everyone who you have no idea but things are getting tight and some are already negotiating dear we cannot negotiate values ​​and principles at any time I will leave the Amens late arriving we cannot dear we have to walk determinedly in obedience to God no matter what it costs the first behavior that we have to have wanted in the test, here's the thing, I'm not going
to negotiate values ​​because the devil always has a shortcut, dear, he always has an escape for you, I told you. This morning I remembered one day I was driving in the State of São Paulo and I'm on a road that already passed through there a lot, I knew where the guards were, where the inspection was, how it worked. And if that wasn't enough, everyone was flashing lights warning the speed of the road, it was 100 per hour, so I, as a precaution, said I'll go 80 because I I know they have the radar I go
through the radar I see where the guard is hiding everything straight ahead the traffic stop me and said you fell on the radar at 153 km/h I said your guard so better if I have the radar repaired I I said I came at 80 per hour I know where you stay I know the time of day how many times you stay there everyone on the other side giving birth and I came at 80 per hour and it's no use if I saw with this conversation and dis unfortunately until for someone to connect the radar, it's
153 per hour and I'm going to have to fine him, I said, so can you please issue the fine right away because I'm in a bit of a hurry until the inspection fines anything else you think you can also do but please quickly he says but it's going to be expensive you know what he means as it's going to be expensive right I said look you're being unfair to me and you know you're being unfair I have no other option Yes yes we can solve this for 10, I said no way, he says, my friend,
I don't understand, you'd rather pay such an expensive fine than contribute 10 dollars to our box to drink a coke, I said, if you stopped me and asked for the box, I would have given it to you. But now, if I hand it over, I'm agreeing with the Lord's attitude, I don't agree, I said, I'm a man of God, I have value, without mute, whatever you want, but there's no point, brother, many times you think it's R10, you could give the rest of the offering at church is not Although it never gives an offering but
it is the first thing that pulls God so why lose this money in the hands of the wicked, right? All the time, dear, you will be tested and proven, and I understand, dear, that we cannot negotiate principles. the first behavior in any situation that you will face no matter what is happening dear we need to walk by the word of God amen they will be by his side tell him not to negotiate your values ​​the second thing dear that we need to know for me is here at Verse 25 in 24 He asks, didn't we
throw the three men into the fire and that group that put it out just to agree with the king to say it's true, king in 25 he says I, however, see four men and say four is different, that man understands nothing about the theology of Revelation, none of God, but he says he is similar to a son of the Gods. I particularly believe, dear, that this is what in theology we call a theophany, an apparition or a limited manifestation of God I believe that this fourth man in the furnace is the Lord Jesus himself interesting
dear is that something we need to know God is with us every day you can say amen But there are times when his presence will manifest itself this presence that is with us every day he says behold I am at peace every day until the end of the century shine rain Eclipse it doesn't matter the Lord is with us every day but this presence that is always there in moments of great difficulty it can manifest itself in a special way My Best Experiences with God were in moments of greatest anguish and distress in my life
My Best Experiences with God were not in services, although I had many wonderful experiences in services, vigils and prayer meetings My Best Experiences with God were moments of great anguish because these are opportune moments for God to manifest himself in a special way and I want to tell you the greater and more intense and more difficult the test is I want to tell you there is a provision for you to experience the presence of God in a differently, I remember one day I was in the first year of my Pastoral ministry and I only needed
one, I think half a year to get discouraged and want to give up and one day I said to God I said Lord I know I can't walk for what I see or what I feel I can't walk, you know, in my soul I need it to really align with your word, I said it, but there's no point, I pretended that I'm not feeling it because the Lord knows what I feel, so you can be honest with you I feel like you locked me in this city, closed the door from the outside, swallowed the key,
abandoned me here, that's how my soul feels today and in that moment that you can't even call it prayer, it's crying, right? God and the day went by dear running working after the service we went to meet a family I arrived home at 2 am at the moment I was lying in my bed and I was trying to cut it off but someone gave me a huge scare before I could I get home, something that we always do with friends and whoever sows reaps, right? I remember when I entered the house, my legs felt soft
from the shock they had given me in the apartment's parking lot and I already came forewarned saying I'm not going to let that happen again I went into the room I locked the door Hello under the bed nothing I opened the wardrobe nothing I said now I'm calm I'm safe here but I lay down on the bed it wasn't for 2 minutes I remember I lay down on the side of my right shoulder it didn't adjust I turned onto my back No I turned over my left shoulder, that's all, I couldn't have done it in
a minute, a hand grabbed me on the shoulder Someone said pastor, you were scared, I said no, I had already released all my adrenaline down there in the parking lot But like when you meet a friend who you say hello, they knock then hold tight that hand takes me on the shoulder and I heard one of the sweetest most beautiful voices I've ever heard in my life saying you're not alone the moment that voice spoke darling I found myself in the morning praying saying all that to God saying as I felt alone and I knew
what God was saying I started to cry praying in other languages ​​it took me about 10 15 minutes to have the courage to open my eyes and take a peek to see if I saw anyone there I didn't see it dear But that her presence, I could feel it so strongly from the side of the bed and after that day, dear, I could never let go of that consciousness, no matter what I go through, no matter what I feel, the presence of God is there, but dear in moments of greater difficulty there is a provision
from God so that you can enjoy it in a more intense way Look at what Verse 25 says, he says, but I see four loose men walking around in the fire, your translation also says this, walking around Are you serious? Brother, the Bible isn't in a shopping center, in a park, in a garden, a furnace, in my head I imagine Jesus Speaking to them let's go to the hottest parts of the furnace I want to show my power and they walk along I don't know brother how they acted I would be the first one he
took one of the master's hands I was in Three I only had two hands no I know if there was a fight, right? I would knock one down to grab his hand for sure and the Bible says they are walking in the furnace. I can't imagine that walk in silence. I believe that at that moment he is saying something to their hearts, he is ministering to them. In my head, imagine even him saying sadrac, take a lit stump and sit down, let's talk about the things of the kingdom, I don't know what happened there, brother,
what would you have done there, Bertel, don't even give me a sniff of it, dear, we have a supply to enjoy the presence. of God in a special way in moments of difficulty, that's why the devil tries so hard to make you think that in the test you are being abandoned by God because he doesn't want you to discover what you can experience from God in one hour and in one moment. like this But I believe that the second thing we must do is enjoy the presence of the Lord because in dear moments of great
distress there will be a special provision of comfort you can say amen in Second Corinthians in chapter 1 the apostle Paul says this in verse 7 to 10 our dry hope of voice is firm knowing that as you are partakers of afflictions so will you also be of Consolation say Amen and said because we do not want brothers to ignore the tribulation that befell us in Asia for we were greatly oppressed Above our strength so so much so that even in life we ​​despair, someone has already gone through this and says because we already had
the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, who freed us from such a horrible death and will deliver us in those who we hope will also will still deliver us dear in times of great distress There is a great provision of consolation and we need to know dear In these times running to God I remember dear how my heart was crushed on the day of Israel's birth my my youngest son old man he was supposed to die he wasn't supposed to survive that
was a terrible situation and this is the time where the devil can speak in your head God may have used you to perform Miracles for everyone but the time you need him most he abandons you This is the dear feeling that the devil will try to play in your heart but dear the way that that day in the midst of all that pressure of all the struggle I was able to find and experience the presence of God was something special and I want to tell you dear that the Furnace will not last forever there will
come a time when you will come out of it and you will not get burned because God says when you pass through the fire it will not burn you nor will the flame burn in you so we need to understand dear that H a provision now How do we act when we are in the middle of the furnace not only understanding that we do not negotiate values ​​and that it is a presence but dear we have to have a correct attitude of faith at that same time I grumbled at God who had abandoned me I
remember that I was going through a time of so many trials and many of them I prayed I prayed and I didn't see anything happening and one day I said I said God I don't understand I'm a preacher of faith I teach faith I live faith I had so much experience of faith but this faith doesn't seem to be working, it inspired the expiration date, I said, I'm not seeing any results, I pray, I pray, And nothing and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, you don't understand anything about faith and you say your problem,
like many Christians, is imagining that faith is something similar to a magic wand that if you hit the problem and it instantly disappears dear there are moments where faith produces instant results I am grateful to God for them I have a lot of stories like this to tell but I have a lot in which the faith was not did not produce instant results and the Lord began to speak to my heart and he reminded me that Hebrews 11:34 in that gallery of Heroes of Faith he refers to these friends of Daniel and he says that
some by faith quenched the strength of fire the Bible doesn't say that they put out the fire The furnace is still burning the problem was still there the situation persisted but faith, dear, extinguished the strength of the fire, that's what we need to understand at the time of the test, while the problem is not resolved, we will not allow it to destroy us, we will not bow before it, faith has the ability to extinguish the strength of fire and suddenly you return from a blessed service and it moves you when you get home that situation
is still the same The furnace is still burning maybe your finances are the same or the situation at home has gotten worse, right? It hasn't shown any improvement either Maybe it is an illness that you are fighting in your body or that of a family member no matter what but sometimes you arrive dear and it still hasn't changed but you don't need to let it destroy you the Bible says in Hebrews 4:3 we who believe enter in rest there is a place in God dear where We enter that we will not be slaughtered we will
not be knocked down trampled neither by emotions nor by the enemy nor by circumstance For nothing you can say amen brother the Bible says when they left there was not a hair burned there was no smell of Fire on them there was no smell of smoke we can enter a place in God dear where Even if problems are not resolved quickly and Hebrews 6 dear says there in Verse 12 and 15 that faith and patience go together the Bible says we have to become imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises another
version uses time perseverance another still uses I like this patience better you have to be long-suffering you can't lose heart you can't lose heart now because what faith it needs to go hand in hand with patience because not always The result is immediate David Says I waited patiently in the Lord and he leaned towards me he heard my cry there are moments dear when the answer will not come quickly but we know it will come because the tribulation will not last forever dear approval will not last forever but until the time comes to come out
of the furnace you can be in it without allowing the fire to destroy you I like looking at Paul and Silas in Acts 16 brothers because of fidelity to God they are arrested the Bible says around midnight the hallelujah are so praying and singing praises most of us were already giving a sermon on God I dropped everything to preach the gospel to serve you that's what I get in return is that's what I deserve those two Alelu brother are only giving glory to God because everything they are facing does not have the power to bring
them down The Bible says in the book of Acts of the Apostles dear being flogged for preaching the Gospel the Bible says that they they leave full of joy we are considered worthy of suffering because of the Gospel brother are you serious the guys just took a beating most of us were murmuring to God threatening to give a hook for three months without dismo in him at least some have been without it for three months be the hook, right, when the hook comes at Three Years those comrades leave happy because darling because those who know
how to position themselves in faith don't let the circumstances determine what will happen to us it puts out the force of the fire and until the time comes to leave from the fire he stands with his head high he remains firm and so you and I will remain dear until all this passes in the name of Jesus you can say amen tell the brother next to you the test has benefits What are the benefits the first of them that catches my attention Verse 24 here of Daniel 3 says that the king says so we didn't
throw three tied men into the fire tied in Verse 25 he says I but I see four men loose brother the Bible says that the fire didn't burn a hair smell of smoke the fire cannot burn anything in these men but there was only one thing and the fire can burn the bonds that held those men and the position of faith dear will take you to a place where despite the fire of this test it will not destroy your bonds that hold you back They will be burned and when you come out of the trial
you will have come out better than when you entered areas of your life will have experienced a touch of God's deliverance restoration healing treatment you can say amen secondly dear the Bible says that they left without the smell of smoke, brother by their side The Furnace did not It will be a trauma brother you will come out of this without a scar without a mark without bad memories you will be able to look back dear and celebrate what God has done in your life you can say amen I feel dear that the Holy Spirit wants
to bring encouragement and strength to your heart third place to finish, look with me at verses 28, 29 and 30 Naburo dosor spoke and said blessed be the God of Sadraque mesque abdnego who sent his angel freed his servants they trusted in him they frustrated the King's order by choosing to hand over their bodies rather than serve or Worship any God other than your God for me, for a decree is made that all the people, nation and language, who have uttered blasphemy against the God of Shadraque mesque abdnego, shall be torn to pieces, their houses
shall be made a dunghill, for there is no other God who can deliver in this way. the king made sadrac mes and abg prosper in the Province of Babylon, tell your brother your side at the end of the test, exaltation comes, tell the other brother not to respect people, after approval comes promotion, brothers in the second of Peter 29 the apostle Peter says that the Lord knows how to deliver the godly from trials approval will not last forever dear this will not be your permanent style of life you will not be stuck caged in that
trial forever God knows how to deliver the godly from trials We read the text of first of Pedro he says for a little while being necessary It's not forever so you can even enter the fire go through the fire but there will come a time dear where you will come out of the furnace and when this is all over dear the relief is not just having coming out of the furnace some celebrate coming out of the furnace but brother this celebration doesn't make much sense I remember many years ago that she and I were leading
a group of couples and in one of the study nights we came in and we touched on the subject of the fight between the couple and the reconciliation afterwards and someone says that men are all the same, I say women are also a couple, also impressive when we are exchanging experiences together how similar things are And someone said, oh man, Apr is something horrible but the reconciliation afterwards is something so good Especially when it ends The way married people know Hallelujah and everyone started to extol Reconciliation, the brother in our midst said, I don't understand
you, and he said, it's the same thing as hammering your finger hurts, he just said it, but when it gives relief, he says better than the relief of stopping hammering was hammering your finger he's saying you're extolling reconciliation reconciliation just gives you back the state you were in before it's better not to fight Then we're all embarrassed we change the subject It 's it's it's it's it's over it's over all that emotion but some dear ones are celebrating coming out of the furnace as if it were the great Victory, that's the same thing as hammering
your finger and stopping afterwards and having relief When you came out, dear, you just went back to the state you were in before, that's not it your profit There is still a promotion and an exaltation that will follow the fidelity of those who honor their lord there will be dear after the furnace interventions of God in your favor like you have no idea and when these things are firm dear in our heart there ceased as truth of God that we can conclude if you see all this there is no proof that will discourage you there
is no proof that will bring you down because we will receive them with a correct heart giving glory to God and in his love for us we will succeed dear enjoy we will enjoy enjoy the proof and the presence of God in the midst of it, dear Look at the New Testament, take the book of Acts, the appearances of angels, with exceptions in the Bible, whether you take the Gospel with the Annunciation, most of the times an angel appeared, or is it because the thing was very difficult or was going to get very difficult so
God already knows that there is a greater consolation in moments of great anguish there is a great consolation but I mean you who are praying every day to see ang and disappear with reason think carefully about what you are you praying we need to learn in times of difficulty knowing how to wait for the test to pass and stay focused I will come out better Paulo says in all these things we are more than winners he is saying that in the end we will not only have defeated But we are going to experience something more
than having overcome the test God will have dealt with us worked our lives we will have been tested by fire we will come out better brother the gospel cannot be different from that Jesus says in the parable of the sower that one of the seeds fell into the rocky sun when the sun came out o the soil the sun pardon dried up the seed when interpreting he says that some receive the word with great joy but when anguish comes the persecution because of the word these people cannot bear it dear anguish will come with your
position in the word there is no gospel different from that now I'm not saying dear that you will live only by struggle we will live by victories the tests will not last forever and when it ends there is not only victory there is growth but after one test there is another in line waiting for you, I don't know how often or how often this happens, but every time dear you come, we 'll say like Paulo. I've Learned to Live Contentedly in any and all situations. happy, content in God when I am humbled when I have
abundance when I lack and says because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me we do not live by circumstances we live fed and supplied with the presence of God in our lives you can say amen let's go stand up we will pray close your eyes in Where are you I know this is not everyone's reality tonight but I know it is the reality of many many times we are facing situations that are difficult to understand I was now in Porto Joyfully in a conversation with the pastors and I called them to honestly
face our feelings when we then experience God using our lives so much in the lives of others we look at areas of our lives where it seems that God has not moved for us as He has for others for dear moments when even looking at so many good things that God has done, some areas begin to sadden us Why has this not changed why has this happened to me why has this picture not changed until now even under so much prayer and this great joy this exultation of what awaits us , dear , is sometimes
scratched by these sorrows, but God's purpose is not for you to be sad to this feeling of sadness because we are looking at it the wrong way I feel that tonight darling give a testimony in my spirit God wants to pour balm over our lives God wants to do special things in our lives I often sit with brothers They tell me pastor for What I say I have no idea but I learned dear that our trust in God does not depend on explanation Job says even if he kills me I will praise him he is
always right I may not understand what he is doing or why but he is always right , but at the same time he said, I know that my redeemer lives and he will rise on the earth, our heart needs to be better established, dear, at a deeper level of trust in God, where we do not allow ourselves to be betrayed by the feelings of our soul, which are owner 's feelings there are a lot of things dear that have not been treated healed resolved in our life we ​​let it all mix in the relationship with
God God never abandons us ever he says I am with you every day I believe that tonight God wants to dispel clouds of doubt of questioning that the enemy has thrown at you I feel the love of God dear in such a strong way wanting to wrap your heart heal your soul bring comfort to you tonight I wish we could have a time of prayer I want you to begin to talk to God where you are I want you to start crying out for the action of the Lord in your life by the action of
the Holy Spirit by the touch of God my God we proclaim your word in this place according to your guidance but we expect more than the guidance and instruction of the word we hope that it will be accompanied by a touch a touch of grace a touch of anointing a touch of balm from the Lord in our lives in the name of Jesus start talking to God dear open your heart with him forget about the person next to you start talking to him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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