Wanting nothing, gives you everything

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Video Transcript:
I know that you are in a state right now where you feel like nothing is going to get better ever again I know that you are in a state right now where you lost a job where you lost a partner um where you where you just are not getting what you want and you don't know why you feel like life is against you instead of for you I was in the same position as you for the past months where even though I had everything I mentally was just failing I was honestly mentally probably at the
worst I've been in years and every single time I would go to bed it would just get worse every time I woke up so I had to find a way where I'm like Liz what is going on and how can we fix this last week it got so severe to a point where I just booked my flight back home and I haven't visited my mom or my family house in like a year or so because I just I just didn't like the house house where I grew up and it's just a lot of uh traumatic
memories but I I was so like through it that I booked it and I went uh to visit my family because I knew if I was alone for a little longer I'm not going to like I'm not going to be okay so then when I arrived home my mom looked at me and she said Liz what's wrong with you what happened like you have no life in your face anymore and I I could I could see it because I was I was literally I couldn't eat anymore I was constantly nauseous I was losing so much
weight and I was as pale as a wall in this video I will tell you how you can stop feeling lost and how you have to remember that everything will be okay because that is just facts hi guys my name is Li and welcome back to my channel before we get into it I want to show you guys my merch that is now available I will link the website down below this is the queen headback to remind you that you are a queen and this has a magic wand it's a pajama set this says I
am mesmerizing and I have matching pants as well I also have a lovely manifestation Journal that I created that literally guys whatever you write in there will happen so be careful what you write because I did that and my life turned upside down anyway so one of the first things you need to learn is Detachment and letting go why am I saying this okay so when I uh for the past months I had been trying to control everyone and everything around me okay I tried to control my life I try to control the people around
me their life because I didn't want anyone to fail or fear hurt or whatever okay first of all you can never control anyone you can never control whether someone stays with you you can never control if someone leaves because that is just not in your control people have free will people can do whatever they want okay second of all when you have attachment to something so hard what is that showing everyone around you and the universe and God is that you don't have that thing otherwise you wouldn't hold on to it so tightly so if
you're holding on to a job that you want so much or like oh I'm holding on to this partner so much and I don't want them to go and this and that it's like yeah but why are you scared that they will go because you don't believe you really have it because if you if you know that you have something or if you know you can get something you're not desperate for it you're not trying to attach yourself to it because you know it's there and it will always be there but whatever you try to
force by holding on to it so tightly eventually will crush the reason why I actually realized this was because the first day that I arrived here went to walk into into the woods and I like I said I'm talking to God and I'm talking to God as a friend so I'm basically like God please I need you to help me I'm going through it I feel like if I continue like this I'm not going to continue living much longer and so I when I said that whilst walking all of a sudden I hear a thought
in my head that says one thing nothing gives you everything then I like I start to repeat it out loud I'm like one thing nothing gives you everything then I was like oh one thing nothing gives you everything well I was basically shown what my sign was that I needed to let go and these situ ations in my life where I felt like I had lost everything was teaching me to let go because have you guys not noticed when we have like let's say a boyfriend or a partner or an ex right and they leave
our life the minute you stop wanting them they want you and they start to chase you why is it because there is no more attachment and Desperation to that thing so now you actually call back all of your energy to yourself because you know that you are good when you know that you are good and you know that you have everything because you really do you're looking for love you're looking for money which is abundance you're looking for all these things outside of you but they're inside of you you are the Creator right but because
you put so many importance on the people around you and the things outside of you you give those things power but they don't have that power only you do so the minute I started hearing hearing that sentence I was like it's just clicked for me and I was like I'm letting go of everything I'm letting go of wanting a partner I'm letting go of even being scared for my career I'm I'm letting go of like having fear of having no friends cuz I have everything I have a good career people will love me I love
me and it's like my friends I have like family members around me that also care about me and it's like instead of focusing on what you don't have start focusing on what you do have cuz right now if you look at your life what do you have have what is working for you instead of against you because what we do is we we focus so much on like the things that are not going well but so many things has gone right but because our human brain is wired to look at the negative First and to
believe the negative first that's where we always go but you have to be stronger than that you have to look at the positive things cuz there's a lot there's a lot guys look at the signs day in day out we get signs okay we get signs God gives a signs our guides give us signs we just don't notice the signs signs can come in angel numbers it can come in a person that says something to you and you remember it even a sentence that you hear and then you remember it you can't shake it maybe
a dream look at the signs because we are always being guided on Earth we just need to open our eyes and start listening and actually seeing deeper looking at things deeper than than just superficial things are very deep we are very very deep literally have to become in a state where you're like you know what whatever happens I believe that wherever I'm being guided to is my best path I believe that God will not fail me I believe that you know I've been guided throughout my whole life my whole life God has put me on
a path where I've been whether I want it or not I've been guided towards my highest good so why do I think God is going to fail me now why do I think that when God removes someone out of my life it's him failing me why do I not think I'm being protected from something here why do I have fear now instead of Fate once I I talked to God and once I walked in nature what I also did whilst I was in the Woods by the way when I was feeling terrible I went against
a tree I put my hands there and I was visualizing and I also asked the tree I was like please I was like tree I'm so grateful for you that you provide us with oxygen and thank you so much I I ask from you please can can you help me remove any blockages and remove any negative energy that I've been carrying can you please help cleanse me so when I said that I put my hands against the tree and I closed my eyes and I was visualizing like a removing like Darkness out of my body
into the tree and taking it into his uh Roots I was standing there doing that and I swear to God once I opened my eyes I felt like I had been in a trance it's insane these the nature these trees the plants these are all living beings work with them help them let them help you but you have to ask see what we have as our spirit and a soul in life is Free Will so we can do whatever we want and no one can interfere they can only help when we ask so God can
only help when we ask cuz we have our own free will to do whatever we want they cannot comment in between it we need to ask so then they can help after that I was like okay what can I do now I have not been to the gym in a very long time let's say like 3 months I haven't been consistently to the gym maybe once I went and whatever okay so I haven't been but what does the like exercise do it's connecting your energy to your body so you start to feel alive inside of
your body even when people they say like oh my God I was working out and my whole legs were Shak shaking or everything starts to shake it's your energy moving in your body this is stagnant energy when you have a lot of stagnant energy that is not growing that is not moving you will start to feel very bad inside of your own skin you'll start to overthink you'll start to become depressed because the energy cannot go anywhere it's just stuck inside of you but if you move and you move your whole body around and you
start exercising you start to open up that energy that energy can go out now it can release then I was like okay every day now I'm going to go and I'm going to do that I'm going to exercise uh my body and I started doing that and guys truly I cannot describe how much this helps another thing is being surrounded by people that truly love you for me this is my mom for me these are family members of mine and for me for the longest time I realized that I hold on to past mistakes or
I make them bigger than they are but sometimes when you have people in your life that truly truly just love you and that of course they will make mistakes and stuff you know you cannot punish them for the rest of your life for like small mistakes or maybe if they weren't even small to you people do grow people do change and I think with my family I had like a very difficult thing understanding that because I was like you guys you guys didn't treat me well but then I'm like yeah but these these people are
also growing now so they're now also relearning indoctrinated beliefs they're now trying to change and even when I'm back here now I'm really seeing effort like from everyone from my siblings from my mom from like to really understand me and it's something that I really appreciate because it's not something that I've ever had and this is why I'm also like trying to understand them now and trying to give them some slack and and and empathy for me family and friends and like these people are very important and I think in life if you don't have
a supportive family at all or they're very very toxic I don't like obviously you cannot deal with them but I would say create your own family find people around you that love you find people around you that want to see you do good find people around you that you can grow with build that system for yourself because if you have you know I call it the roots if you have good roots underneath you you can grow because you have that stable back route you know so other people when they think like oh she's completely alone
whatever she doesn't have anyone in her life they they will take advantage of you because they see you as an easy target you will be very easy target for narcissist sociopaths because you're very easy to control and manipulate make sure you built that system for yourself and surround yourself by by people that want to see you do well surround yourself by people that applaud you that want to see you win that want to see you grow because them pouring into you will grow you and same way you will grow them by pouring into them and
it's like an equal give and exchange so living in the present moment is something so important because when you have anxiety when you have all these fears it's because you're thinking into the future you're thinking oh this might happen oh what if this is going to happen oh my God this is and it's like no you only thing you have is right now only thing you have right have is what is happening right now so once you focus on right now you can expand right now you can make it something that you want and that
is also what I'm telling you like start to think about what you want instead of what you don't want I was watching this video of Joe dispenza and he basically said like a lot of people are living in the past a lot of people are living in the past mistakes past problems and that's what they're constantly recreating for themselves with their brain but he's like once you start to actually feel already like the thing you're trying to manifest so for example let's say you want to manifest love but you start to become very loving person
you love others and you start to give that love you already are feeling love so what happens is you become magnetic you your your aura expands your energy expands now everyone wants to be around you so now everyone wants to be around you and it's easy for you to find love now because you are love and you accept it that you are it and you felt it before it even happened so that's what your your body and your environment will create for you same way with wanting money and all these things like once you start
to feel abundant for what you already have those are the rich people you can have someone that has no money but they're so happy like just like having their life and they're so happy these are abundant people I know rich people they are not happy with their life it's never good enough they're poor in my eyes they're poor you know how unhappy they are it's never ever good enough for them it's always like an up game until when it's a game they will never win once you start pouring into like oh my God look at
this car that I have W beautiful car I love you I love you car you say to your apartment oh my God I love your apartment you're so beautiful or you say like uh let's say to your job even oh thank you I'm so thankful to wake up today I get to go to work today oh I get to study today I'm so thankful to study today because these are all privileges a lot of people don't have these privileges a lot of people will sell their leg to go to school once you start seeing your
life as a privilege instead of as a as a dread it becomes a privilege it becomes Something Beautiful also these days what I realize is I'm happy to be alive and I want to live I want to live and I'm happy that I'm healthy I'm happy that God gave me this body and God gave me this life I'm happy I'm grateful thank you you put gratitude put gratitude there's people that are in in hospitals there's people that are not alive today not alive every day that you wake up is a blessing it's another chance at
life God is not done with you you are not done with yourself yet if you were done and if you had nothing more to do you would not be alive today you also have to feed your body with good food but feed your body even if it's like whatever your body requires you need to give it to your body I heard this sentence in my head and it said when you have hunger it means you have hunger for life you want more in life and a lot of people when they're like this hungry what they
do is they start binge eating right but that's not that's not right what what your body actually wants is telling you to create it wants you to create something it wants you to create something more beautiful or bigger for yourself that's why it's giving you hunger as a signal it's not telling you to overeat because that's also not healthy but when you see for example people that refuse to eat like people that have eating zor and all these things like like I had what does that mean you have no more hunger for life you don't
want to live because that's truly what it is right it's not about being skinny because it's never skinny enough you're slowly just taking your own life so it's like give your body what it needs give your body what it's asking from you I think also sometimes in life you need to realize when something has served its purpose you need to realize when some when a relationship has served its purpose you need to realize when a friendship job when even a country that you move to has served its purpose when we start to hold something together
that is not meant to be there anymore and you feel like it's not meant to be there anymore it will slip away anyways and this is how we Crush that thing you know by holding it tighter you will crush eventually you need to learn like not everything in life is forever not we are not forever nothing in life is forever actually we are not forever nothing is forever okay when you when you are okay with that you know what nothing is forever and I'm grateful for what this person has taught me in my life I'm
grateful what they gave me I'm grateful for the love that I've experienced and the lessons that I learned even if it was bad I still learned lessons but it's it's okay you can go now you can go our mission in each other's life is done we have completed each other's soulle Mission and now we are both meant to move on it's good to say that to yourself it's good to accept that that is just the case but we as humans we tend to force things we tend to force jobs we tend to force friendship we
tend and we tend to settle for everything because we think like that's what what life is supposed to be but I don't believe that I don't believe that when you have this life you're meant to settle I think you can have more I think you can have anything you want but there's like certain limitations that we put on ourselves and we say like oh no more than that you cannot have but who told us that who told us that you know I hear a lot of people say like oh if you have a partner that
gives you love he will not give you money or if he gives you money he will not give you love you cannot have boat it's like why not people have boat people have even better why can I not have both I don't have to believe that I can believe that I can have both I can believe I can have more and that's what I will create the moment you become okay with not being okay that is the moment you actually grow because we always demonize negative emotions we don't want to feel them we want to
run away from them but the more we run away the bigger they get and eventually we will have to feel it anyways so what actually you need to do is face the emotions firstand feel them that's what I had to do these past months I felt like the ground was slipping away from underneath my feet and I was like stability I was losing everything okay but I had to feel that emotion in order to overcome it because now I feel more stable than I've ever been mentally everything but I had to First feel it I
had to deal deal with it feel it and that's it once I felt it now I've unlocked this new version of myself that I'm not really Disturbed anymore I don't have anxiety I I literally feel really good about myself and I wasn't like that even a week ago no I was shaking like this and now I'm like this stable you know the the negative parts of ourselves they need love the most they need attention the most but that's the parts that we ignore that's the parts we run from that's the parts we try to avoid
we only try to focus on the positive what about the dark side the dark side that never got that love your inner child that never had love that's still inside of you that still doesn't feel good but you don't want to feel that child you don't want to talk to that child so every day you're telling yourself you don't deserve that love because you're not pleasant you're not nice to feel so it it grows it grows it grows until you cannot handle it anymore and then it explodes right in your face face no it's time
to really face yourself and stop running from yourself you know I see a lot of people they run in everything they try to run in oh my God I want to find meaning for this I'm going to find this religion I'm going to find this spirituality something to follow and something to tell me who I am because I don't know who I am but instead you have all the answers if you would quiet everything around you and if you would just sit with yourself in a meditate meditative form and you listen into your unconscious mind
then you would know you know everything you know all the guidance you don't need anyone to tell you you don't even need me you just have to become conscious about your unconscious mind so whenever you write something even down like for example the partner that you want the life that you want that is you becoming conscious about your unconscious mind because now your unconscious knows what to focus on and what you will go to let's say for example I write in the manifestation Journal that I created right I write inside of it I am living
in Hawaii with my partner with my dream husband whatever what will happen is I will start to focus on Hawaii now I will start to be like should I go on a trip there should I move there all these things why because now my unconscious has a goal I wrote it down it knows where we're going now but a lot of you guys are all up in the air you're like I want to be rich how what are you good at what can you make money with how I I want I want want my dream
partner what is your dream partner have you ever written it down have you ever told your unconscious what exactly your dream partner is no you don't even know so start really knowing for yourself what you actually want so that you know what you can go to because right now it's like this you have the control to destroy your life and you have the control to fix your life it's all up to you no one is going to save you no one has to save you you can only save you that's it you're the only one
you got you're the only one you got anyways guys I hope this video helped someone I hope you guys learned something and yeah you will get through this don't worry you've gotten through much worse literally and God always guides you God always helps you you just need to start asking I love you guys so much and yeah I see you next video bye-bye
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