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[Music] In just a few minutes, I'm going to be revealing over 101 different profitable niche markets that you can use to make money. Unlike the other gurus that tell you to go into weight loss or make money, these niches are actually hand-selected by me so that they’re guaranteed to have very little competition, huge profit potential, and can be done 100% with AI. Yep, this little list is about to change your life because, let's face it, if you have the right niche, you can make money online. In fact, some of these niches are high six-
and seven-figure earners, and not only am I going to show you the niche, I'm actually going to talk about this secret list right here. Yeah, this is a big one; this is what we call here at the Affiliate Marketing Dude the Offer Swipe File. This is a list of offers that you can use to put money in your pocket and when you pair the right niche with the right offer, that’s when the magic happens and you can turn a profit. So today, we're going to be looking at both. I'm going to talk to you about
these niches, why they work, how they make money, and this offer list that comes from years and years of making money online. I've used this offer niche on my own to be able to turn a profit online and with customer websites where we've helped them build, grow, and make money as well. But I’ve got to warn you, the results you are about to see—well, yeah, they’re pretty awesome—are not typical, implied, or guaranteed. In fact, the average person trying to make money online makes nothing. However, I think that’s because most people have the wrong niche and
give up before the magic happens, quite simply because they didn’t have the right niche to start with. Yes, I’m pretty adamant about the fact that you need the right niche market. Without the right niche, you’re going to struggle; you’re going to have competition; you’re not going to make money. And did I mention that these niches aren’t like the other ones where people are going out there and making 2 cents per click? No, this is not about tackling a giant niche and making a little money. This is about finding something very specific, meeting a need in
the marketplace, and making tons of money. In fact, one of the examples right here I used personally to bank over $9 a click. You might be saying, “$9 a click, Marcus? That seems a little excessive.” Yet, that worked on over 40,000 clicks— you do the math! This stuff adds up really quickly. But I’ve got to warn you, $9 was my best extreme example, but I’ve had countless others that have done really well—just not that good. So today, we’re cutting past the fluff. I'm going to lay it all on the line and show you exactly the
niche markets to go into, how they make money, and what you need to do to start turning a profit online. So if you’re excited, smash that like button! Let's hop over to the live set. I'll bring my lists, show you where to get the lists after we're done, and, more importantly, show you the one key, that missing thing that’s finally going to help you make money online. It seemed a lot more dramatic when I thought it up. There we go! All right, we’ll do it like we’re up in the club. Come on, let’s get started!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show today! We are going to go through this list of—it’s actually closer to 200 niches (niches, however you want to say it)—but we’ve got a lot of stuff to go over today, and I am going to show you where to get this list. It is not the normal place that you get notes for my videos; this is a different place. We are actually creating a challenge based on these niches and AI, so it’s going to be really good stuff. If you guys want to get that list and
some other cool stuff, I will have that for you throughout this call, but you’ve got to be on this call—that's my way of rewarding you for hanging out and, you know, talking about marketing with me today. So lots of good stuff here! Smash the like button if you are excited, and we are going to dive in and talk about how these niches work, what they mean, and the whole nine yards. So let's dive in and go through some of these niches here. What we're going to look at first and foremost is what the difference is
between a niche and a micro niche and a major niche. What we’re looking at here is the fact that we want to break something up into a smaller area. I think I need to go over here, right? So we'll go over here. When we’re looking at our niche markets, what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at something very, very tight-knit because if we can be an expert in something very tight-knit, then we could do a lot better than trying to go for something like mortgage or something like that. What we’re going to
be looking at is the difference between mortgage as a market and something very specific as a market—maybe like hardship letter for a mortgage, where you’re actually going out there and creating hardship letters for mortgages. This is a small niche; this is something we can do. This is something that’s going to be very difficult. We can’t do much like weight loss. Are you going for weight loss, or are you going for a long-tail keyword? Now, when looking at stuff like... Longtail keywords: we are going to see that not the gurus are not always right about longtail
keywords. It's not the length of the keyword that matters; it's the subject matter and what other people are doing. What we want to do is find things that other marketers don't know exist, and things that we can zero in on that work in a very specific way. That's what these niches are about. You're going to find that a lot of these niches I found through domaining. I do a lot of domain name buying, and a lot of these niches come from domains. So, what we're going to do is take a look at this and understand
exactly how it works. Now, while some people might say, "Well, I want to go into the AI niche," or "I want to go into the writing niche," or something like that, what we're going to do is refine this even more and focus on what we can actually get versus what other people are saying to do. Okay? So, what we're going to do is go through and take a look. Instead of just AI or something like that, we can go for something like creative writing prompts. Now, when going through and looking at our niche markets—niche markets,
however you want to say it—we can use free keyword tools like the free Ahrefs tool. There are some other tools we're going to have as part of the challenge in a little bit as well, which I'll show you in just a second. Now, if we were to look up something like "creative writing prompts," you are going to see that this actually does get quite a bit of traffic. Now, when looking at this, what we want to understand here is that, as shown in the popup for you guys, I think it is what we're going to
understand here is that there are thousands of people searching for this each and every month. Using this is very specific, whereas "prompts for AI" is not very specific. So, sometimes we'll have something like creative writing prompts that does get quite a bit of traffic and we can go through and make it work. Okay, so looking at this, it's very important we're going to understand: okay, creative writing. Now, what we're going to do with these niche markets is go through and we are going to understand where they are going to tie. So, what you're going to
have here is something obvious. If you go out there and you're like, "Okay, I'm going to do the niche market of mortgage," this is something obvious. It's like this leads to refinance and money and whatever. Now, when we get into the specific micro niches, the ones that we're going to talk about, what happens when you get a micro niche is that it gets a lot easier and less competitive. You're going to be in a world of your own, and it's actually easier to make money because you know more about your market. Knowing more about your
market is key. If I know someone is searching for "mortgage," they might just be looking for prices and terms and things like that. However, if I know someone is looking for a "hardship letter for mortgage," let me show you what this looks like. If we were to go again to our keyword tool and do something like "hardship letter for mortgage," we're going to see that this does, in fact, get lots of traffic. Now, a lot of people might be saying—and this is a common misconception—people say, "Okay, well, you know, hardship letter for mortgage, they don't
really have a lot of money if they're in a hardship." There are ways to make money off of free things. That's something we need to keep in mind. A lot of people think, "Okay, if there's no money, if the people are not rich, then I can't make money." However, think about Facebook. Do you think the majority of people on Facebook are rich or probably broke? I would say the majority probably struggle with money. There's a lot of people on Facebook—there's a billion people. There's not a billion rich people in the world; therefore, they are making
money off of something free. One of the biggest markets, the biggest money-makers I ever had, was a market where there was nothing sold. I didn't sell anything in that market; I made over $2 million in it, and it was very basic, very simple. So, understanding that free or people that are looking for free information, or information that's available other places—these are all misconceptions people have about niche markets, and they will keep you stuck. I get these comments all the time where they say, "Well, you know, if other people have content, how's my content going to
work?" Well, that's what these niches are about, and that's how we're going to understand them. If you pair this with the other videos that I have, it is a game changer. One of the niches here, so creative writing prompts, what we're looking at as the main keyword for this one is "writing prompts." So, your main niche is "writing prompts," and then the bigger market is education and learning, or writing, or whatever it is they're looking to write for. Now, when looking at this, we want to take a look at our niches and we want to
say, "What does this ultimately lead to? What are people doing?" Because here's the misconception: the misconception is that if there's no money in a niche, you can't get money. Therefore, it's not going to work. However, something like creative writing prompts can indeed be profitable. Fact: Work, because here’s the deal. Our people that are on Facebook and on other places, even though they have no money, are they buying things? Like, there are broke people who pay their rent; there are broke people who pay for a car payment that’s probably too much for them to afford. There
are lots of people that are paying for things, so there is money out there, right? Even people looking for coupons—there are websites making millions with coupons, and they’re not selling anything; they’re literally just providing coupons, and you’re buying the thing you were going to buy anyway. This is key: they are buying stuff anyway. It doesn’t matter what you think; it doesn’t matter what you believe about the market, whether it’s profitable or not. What matters is, are they buying stuff anyway? What are they buying? Now, I’m going to go through some of these big offers. I’m
going to go through some of them very briefly, and we’re going to show you where the money is at. Now, looking at something like creative writing prompts, we’re going to say, “Okay, well, what affiliate offers are there related to writing prompts?” Now, we’re going to look at this big offer swipe file. It is a gigantic file with a ton of niches and affiliate offers. Here, on this offer swipe file, we’ll have something like popular affiliate programs or maybe even AdSense alternatives, computer maintenance, cleaning products, HVAC, and all kinds of stuff. If there’s a niche, it’s
probably in this offer swipe. Now, when looking at this, what we want to do is say, “What is it these people would be interested in?” When looking at creative writing, we could say, “Okay, well, maybe they’re interested in something like Grammarly.” Here’s the deal: we need to think more. What’s going to keep you stuck is looking at a niche at face value and not going any deeper. If I look at creative writing prompts, I might think, “Oh, those are probably just a bunch of people in school trying to pass their test.” No, no, no! They
might also be writers; they might also be making content for the internet. There’s all kinds of stuff there. What you don’t know— we can’t pigeonhole and say, “Well, that is a fact. That’s what it is.” You’ve got to test it; you’ve got to make it work. So, looking at something like this, we can do Grammarly, which pays like 30%. I know—I just had to switch over my Grammarly account, and I pay like $5,000 a year for all the people that work here to have Grammarly. It’s a lot of money. If you got 30% of my
bill, you’d probably do pretty good. And guess what? Yes, I have looked up creative writing prompts. Now again, looking at these, we want to think about the niche as it is. See how these are easy? If we do something like writing prompts, you’re going to see that this is probably competitive. Creative gets a little bit better; other ones get even better. So, doing writing prompts, what we want to do is think about our niche as a whole. What are all the writing prompts they’re going to need? What would they be for? Here’s a high school
writing prompt; here’s a college writing prompt; here’s one if you want to be the next Shakespeare. Here’s one for this, that, and the other. Then, we’re going to pair it with all the different tools, apps, and things like that for AI. Now, I’m going to let you in on a little secret here. If you are in a tech niche that goes into AI right now, and over the last couple of years, you have a ton of money being poured into AI. Case in point: a lot of you guys think, “Oh, you can’t make money if
something’s not profitable.” All right, well, OpenAI is throwing money out the window like it’s gonna kill them or something. It’s crazy! They’re just making, taking, and spending so much money, burning so much money, and not turning a profit. This is what you call a startup with lots of money. Now, where does that money go? It goes to other businesses. So even though it’s not something huge and profitable, there is a money method there. There are lots of AI companies that are throwing money out the window, and it’s going to small businesses because those small businesses
provide something—whether it’s an affiliate program or whatever it is, those are out there. Now, creative writing prompts, I think, is a fantastic niche, and I think it’s a big niche. If we look at writing prompts for affiliate marketing or something like that or affiliate marketing prompts or whatever it is, we can go through and refine this niche even more. Right? So if we did writing prompts, let’s use the big one here, the regular AHFS, just so we can see deeper down. If we were to do something like writing prompts, you’re going to see all different
kinds of writing prompts. There’s like 87,000 global search volume, and then we can go through and see what it is we want. Like, why would we want Reddit writing prompts? They’re probably looking for Reddit writing prompts or a generator or something like daily, fun, or fiction. There’s someone writing a book or narrative or whatever it is. Right? So, looking at this, I think… It's a fantastic niche market, and again, it's one that a lot of people don't think about. They're like, "Okay, can I make a living talking about different writing prompts?" Yes, I believe you
can! Another one is hairstyles for curly hair. This is a really good one; again, think different. Alright, most people are thinking, "Okay, you know, hairstyles for curly hair. How are we going to make money with that? Where's the money?" They're just looking for basic ideas like, "Let's do hairstyles," or "Let's just do curly hair." This will actually show you something very interesting because when we look into curly hair, you see that "hairstyles for curly hair" is the second most popular with very little competition. So, getting traffic in that market means that if you have a
half-decent plan and a Pinterest account, you ought to be able to get a lot of traffic for hairstyles for curly hair. Literally, we can use AI to talk about different hairstyles; we can create images of the hairstyles. It's not hard to do. But notice that number one here is "best shampoo for curly hair." So, number one is an actual product, number two is the free thing that people think you can't make money with, and then there's number three, which is a free thing as well. Then you have some kind of conditioner or shampoo, so there
are lots of products here related to this niche. And again, it has to do with what you know. Someone looking up hairstyles likely doesn’t know exactly what they want, but someone looking up curly hairstyles? Well, we know they have curly hair, and people with curly hair have different needs than people with straight hair. My hair, for instance, is actually very easy to maintain. I just wake up and go about my day. But looking at this, we have to understand, okay, now I know curly hairstyles, and this is a huge, huge industry. People don't think about
this because they're too busy focusing on the guru niches and things like that. Could you not do a faceless YouTube channel on curly hairstyles? I mean, it'd be pretty simple. Could you not go out there and investigate what products are available for this? If we were to go to ChatGPT right now and say, "What are some major products for people with curly hair?" It will provide a list for us. You can check Amazon, you can look for offers on OfferVault—I'm sure there are products there. If we were to go to OfferVault and search for something
like "shampoo" or "cleanser," let me do this off-screen just to ensure we get clean results. Okay, cool! So we have various options like hair growth products and items for hair loss. We can find biotin and even hair straighteners. Hair straighteners are also relevant, and this is a market that is not that hard to get into. Considering the curly hair niche, that’s a market with considerable traffic, and it’s not difficult to penetrate, but people often don’t think about it; they don't delve deeper than just placing ads and hoping for low-cost clicks. No, we want to find
what we call the jugular offer for every market we venture into. We want that one that feels like it's going for gold, the one that's going to make us the most money possible. When looking at something like this, for example, if we were to find a good hair offer, many of these pay between $95 to $120 per sale. If we consider a $100 sale at a 1% conversion rate, that would translate to $1 per person. These numbers, if executed correctly, can work. Additionally, could you not build a mailing list for people seeking curly hair and
curly hair health tips and care tips? This is something that's very specific, but again, a lot of people just don't look deep enough to find where the money lies. When you become a full-on expert in something simple, it simplifies your life. If you approach it with, "I'm just going to do hair," well, good luck with that. Or if you say, "I'm just going to focus on mortgages or weight loss," that's a lot more challenging. We want to explore something very specific, and with an internet as vast as it is, there are countless opportunities. I'm going
to show you over 101 different niches, and I’ll also provide you with a complete list. It's a good list; it's a big list, and you're going to love it. Another one is "meme strategies," which involves strategies for gaming. Many people get really into hobbies like that—right? They’ll spend $10,000 on Lord of the Rings memorabilia, or whatever it is. I know; I did too back when I was smoking a pipe. I had to have all the pipes from the Lord of the Rings characters. Consequently, many people think… "Look like one of the Lord of the Rings
guys" — that's one of our top comments we get all the time. But at any rate, um, Mahjong is the same kind of thing where you're like, okay, Mahjong strategies. Again, think about this as a faceless YouTube channel. Could you not go through and be like, "Okay, now ChatGPT, tell me, what are 100 Mahjong strategies?" It'll go through, it'll find it, and start to look at and understand and say, "Hey, if I were an expert in this..." Like, I had a site years ago for the Sudoku niche. I'm terrible at Sudoku; I don't even know
the rules to it, but I was able to make a little bit of money in that market. I also had other gaming ones, like I had one for Mario games, for people who wanted to play Mario online. I think that one made about $80,000, and again, I still can't pass; I can't save the princess in Mario number one. I'm still struggling there, so I'm not an expert in it, but I was able to use that and make it work. Now looking at this, when you're looking at Mahjong, I mean, avoid holding too many pairs. These
are short videos you can use to build a Mahjong channel, or you can go out there and make blog posts for Mahjong. What you're going to see is that there are lots and lots of sites out there. Here's one specific to Mahjong — I think I said it right; I hope so. I don't know, I might not have, and if you were to go through and look at this in something like Ahrefs and understand, "Hey, check this out, I love Mahjong," which is short for the game, so we know that's about this. He's got 4,500
visitors per month. Now it is saying there's a traffic value of $800, and it's actually — this is a pretty new site. I mean, not super new, but he started hitting it pretty hard recently. When you look at something like this, I think if you had the right offer, you could probably make more money with this. It would take a minute to find it. You'd have to go out there and say, "Okay, what would be some good affiliate offers for this?" What are some good affiliate offers for this? Sometimes you might even find offers for
Mahjong; sometimes there are some. Sometimes you have to get a little creative or look for games or something like that you can find. But going through and looking at this is absolutely key because we're going to dive in. So you have Mahjong sets. Now, again, Amazon isn't going to pay me a ton. You have Etsy, eBay, online games, app stores, things like that. So again, looking at how we're going to make money in the best way possible, and we're going to go through and look at, "Okay, where do the keywords come from? What are they
about?" Like this guy wants to play online Mahjong. Maybe there's a way to get paid when they download it or something like that. Another one is fitness dating apps. Instead of just dating apps, you can do fitness dating apps for people that are wanting to be fit. Obviously, the way to make money on that would be to get paid on the actual dating app, which usually pays anywhere from like $3 to $7 per sale or sign-up, which means you don't even have to sell anything, which is cool. All right; next up, we have DNS configuration
guides. Now, this is one that's really cool because it's like one of those out there, off-the-beaten-path niches, where we're like, "Okay, check this out." When you have DNS stuff, you have people looking up all kinds of DNS errors, right? So if I go here to check GPT, okay, ClickBank might have some too. If I go over here to ChatGPT and I say something like, "What are the most common DNS errors? Just list the errors one after the other, please, at least 50," and it's going to go through and find the errors. You'll find that, like,
"Hey, wait a minute, these people are typing these in." Watch this: you have something like this. What do they do when their stuff doesn't work? They go to Google and they're like, "Well, what does this mean?" You're going to see traffic like never before — easy competition with legit, easy, super simple. What are we going to promote? You could promote different internet stuff; maybe a new router, some kind of different internet security or something like that. Just last night, I bought some internet security thing—didn't work too well, but I did buy it, right? And someone
got paid. Looking at that, we're like, "Okay, now we see 10,000 people a month looking up DNS probe whatever." You're going to see that this happens all the time. If we take this entire list here, and again, you don't have to be an expert, I could just Google this and say, "What does it mean? How do you fix it?" It is not hard to do. What's happening is I believe that a lot of people who are teaching affiliate marketing and internet marketing are just kind of regurgitating a lot of the same stuff where it's like,
"Go into weight loss. Go into this. Go into that." Where they're missing, "Hey, there's someone making seven figures with an internet fixing site," like, straight up. There's someone making six figures with this stuff. There are people making a lot of money in a lot of different things. Start to understand. Okay, what are they looking for? What do they want help with? Again, you're probably going to see videos here that talk about how to fix it. Um, some kind of developer, develop. So this looks like it might actually be website-related, I believe, or DNS or something
like that. It actually looks like it's hosting-related. I don't know; I'm not an IT guy, but going through and looking at that, could we then do that? I mean, host companies are advertising on this, which leads me to believe it might go into something that pays a lot. If we had a site like that—like if you go through, you will find sites that are just literally talking about, um, different issues. Like, here are some for Squarespace. There's probably one here that's going to be Netgear—that's a popular router. Super User—this one will have tons. Super User
is a big site that, um, talks about all different types of internet problems and, um, you know, things like that. What you'll see is they get a ton of traffic, right? Look at that—500 grand a month worth of traffic, 1.8 million keywords! I mean, it's game over. What's happening is you're looking at a lot of things that will work really well if you do it correctly. Another we have is, uh, anime stuff—very cool. Basketball drills—now the anime one's a little bit different because you probably go into collectibles and things like that, which can pay, but
it's not direct. When you're looking at like basketball drills, you could go out there and legitimately sell a basketball course. Like, you go over to ClickBank or something like that. We got to log into ClickBank again. Apparently, it doesn't like us for more than like 10 minutes. But we're going to see that, um, basketball drills—again, something that's very simple, very easy, um, that we can use. Basketball—something like this. So you have, um, lineup—probably don't want that one. Bedding? We want something more like teaching basketball, which I'm sure they're out there. Like, maybe there's, um, let's
see here—maybe ChatGPT can help us. We could do something like, um, find some courses for basketball drills or something like that. It'll find some courses with affiliate programs and different things like that, which, you know, you use those—very, very cut and dry. You talk about the different skills, you talk about the different stuff, and bada bing bada boom—there you go. And you can even do like "basketball course affiliate program," right? This is the kind of thing where it's like, "Okay, if I can major in this, I can do really well." Here's some basketball affiliate programs—um,
up promote Hoops King—that's probably a good one. Yeah, so this is Hoops King. I don't know what he's got. He might be—yeah, he's training, so it's all training, uh, which is cool. So I can do something like that. Here's Commission Academy, um, and some other things as well. And here's another one—um, college basketball workout affiliate program—that'd be perfect! That would be an absolutely perfect one. Um, and we just go through and say, "Okay, yeah, here's one for you." So there's tons, right? How many of you guys are like, "Wait a minute, this makes way more
sense than like going into fitness. Let's go into basketball drills." Why? Because now you're going to have something all to your own. This is something where there's so much less competition it's not even funny! Like, literally with a half-cocked plan, you can make this thing work. And if we were to go through, and it actually found us quite a few—there you go—a lot of courses! We can also go through and say, "Now list, uh, 50 basketball drills and moves," and just the names, and it'll go through and it'll make those for you. And what's going
to happen is now you're going to get your content strategy. Watch this—how many of you guys are digging this? If you're digging it, let me know by smashing the like button. And again, stick around long enough, I will give you the giant list of niches. There's actually two lists. I know I promised 101, but there's actually, I think, 191, maybe 196. I don't know; I didn't count them all, but, uh, there's a lot, and you can use these in a crazy way. This is how we go through, and this is how I find niches for
the high-ticket niche program, right? We go through, we look at domains, we look at stuff like this, and they will work if you do it. It's not even a question; it's like, boom, there we go! Um, Sky Tech says DNS topics should be done by someone who understands the info. I agree. I mean, do you have to? No. Um, but does it help? Sure! Yeah. So now we're looking at like pick-and-roll reverse layup. I mean, all of these do get traffic, and what you're going to see is like 300 here. You're going to see YouTube
is going to dominate this, and you're going to see lots and lots of views on stuff like this, right? Really, really cool! Like, if you go to YouTube and do like "reverse layup," right? You're going to see, um, 40,107,000—bunch of them—like tons and tons, um, and this is a coach that's doing that, right? And now we're seeing like, "Hey, check this out! This is a niche where people are making money." And if we were to go out there, and again, what I would recommend doing is when you find these niches, right, and you look for
like reverse layup… What you want to do is find a site that's doing what you want to do. WikiHow is not that. Basketball for coaches—that could work, right? Look at this guy: 293,000 views. Um, Hoop Student, Baller Boot Camp. Are you guys seeing how this is a niche? Like, nobody talks about it, but this is one where these guys are out there, and they’re making this stuff work. Right? BasketballCoaches.com—boom, 68,000 keywords, a lot of traffic there. If you look at Hoop Student, same kind of deal. You're going to see there is money in these niches;
you just have to go get it. I guarantee someone watching this probably knows a little bit more about basketball than I do, and look at his growth: like, he survived and even thrived after all the Google shakeups. Right? Here's that one. Let's take a look at Baller Boot Camp, right? Baller Boot Camp. And you’re going to see, like, hey, this is a legit niche where people are making money. Now, he's not that popular; looks like he got hit right around here, but nothing too big. Um, but the other ones show us that there is proof
in that market. Here's another one for personality quiz platforms: I actually just recently sold one of our premium domains in this market that is doing really well. The thing gets rankings and crazy, crazy stuff. We do this all the time. If you guys don't know by now that I practice what I preach, all I got to do is show you my GoDaddy. We buy domains like they're going out of style. Actually, so much that, um, I think it was 2021; my phone rang, and I get this call. And this is back before I had the
office house here. And I get this call, and the dude's like, "Yeah, I'm from GoDaddy," and I'm like, "Hi." He's like, "I just want to check on you because you're one of our top buyers." And I'm like, "You know, like, I work out of my backyard, right?" He's like, "Oh, okay, cool." But, I mean, knowing that—like, that's the power of this stuff. There’s so much out there, and I buy domains all the time. In just a minute, the second list we’re going to get to down here is based on domains, so we're going to see
real-world stuff based on domains. Um, that's a game changer. And for those that want to get the list, I will show you where to get the list real quickly. Let's see, where is it? I think I have to do this, so we'll switch over. You guys can get the list here—um, really cool stuff, really easy, and we'll have that up there for the remainder of the call, and it will show you where to get the list as well. But stay around here because understanding the list is more important than just having the list. I know
a lot of people like to collect PDFs, but collecting a PDF and not knowing what to do with it is not really going to behoove you. All right, tech discussion forums is a pretty good one. You can make a tech forum and things like that. Uh, reality TV—this one's crazy! Like, people don't realize the power of reality TV stuff. Um, one of the ones we were looking at recently was, um, it was a niche about restaurants that went under after Chef Ramsay fixed them, right? Like, the thing you could look up—like, uh, what are some
restaurants that are out of business after...? Does anyone remember that show? Oh, we’re zoomed in. There we go! All right, uh, what was it? Like, Kitchen Nightmares or something? And it’ll actually show you the restaurants that went out of business from Kitchen Nightmares. Now, just list the restaurant names only, please: 50 of them. And we're going to go through and look at this enthusiastic Marty Market. The enthusiastic traveler says affiliate marketing is a fairy tale, dude. Well, it’s a fairy tale that worked good for me. Uh, next year is going to mark my 25th year
being profitable online as an affiliate marketer, so I would say that was a pretty good fairy tale. I don't know; there are lots of people that make lots of money with affiliate marketing. Um, and that’s what we don’t want to do—we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say, “Oh, well, this doesn’t work 'cause I tried one thing and it didn’t work.” Chances are you probably didn’t do it the right way, and that’s what we’re talking about here. Watch this training; we’re going to show you how to do it the right
way because it all has to do with the niche you’re using. Um, so if we do just name the 50... watch this. Okay, so now watch this, and this will blow your mind because a lot of people are telling you, “Go out there and go for the word money,” and it’s like, “Bro, no. No. No. No. No.” Right? We want to go for stuff that others aren't thinking about. And did you know that this list right here probably has, like, 500,000 searches a month? Why? Because people watch the show, and then they look up the
restaurant. And you know, okay, what can we do? Well, we could probably—for the run-of-the-mill people—maybe we can have, like, a restaurant rewards credit card offer, or maybe coupons. Or maybe we can even anticipate that there are probably restaurants that are struggling watching the show and maybe get them into a restaurant rescue course. I mean, when you think about this stuff the right way, it’s literally game over. And I was wrong; I thought there were like 500,000. Searches a month, it's actually 1.6 million, and you see, um, Amy's Banking Company, the Glass Hat, all these different
restaurants that they're looking up, and I guarantee you if you look these up—I'm going to do this off-screen just to make sure it's clean. Got to be family-friendly here, right? Um, and check it out; there it is, right there. And watch this, you're going to find sites like Reality TV Revisited. Here's one here, uh, Kitchen Nightmares fandom. You have, uh, let's see what else we got. You're going to see all kinds of different sites that are doing this and making a living promoting this stuff. I mean, it's pretty easy to do, and obviously, make sure
you watch out for copyrights and things like that. But looking at stuff like this, Reality TV Revisited, the dude's getting a bunch of traffic. He got hammered in the last Google debacle, but he’s still getting 59,000 visitors a month and is still making money. If he focused on what's going to make the most money, like I'm teaching you, that's where the rubber meets the road. It's super, super important to look at that. Okay, uh, let's see here. Okay, I think you guys are just having conversations in there; doesn’t look like any questions for me yet.
Uh, coding challenges for beginners—this is a good one. You can do like how to learn coding, different things like that, and lead them to coding courses and stuff of that nature. Local news aggregators, you could go through and do, you know, hey, here’s the news for Florida. Um, there’s actually a guy here that, um, he's called Mike's Weather Page here in Florida, and the guy reports on all the different weather, and I’m pretty sure he does it for a living. If he doesn't, he needs to get some good advertisers or something, but he does really
good with that. Uh, we also have weather forecasts for travelers, fiction book summaries—check this out. When you look at book summaries, this is one where, um, you're going to have a lot of traffic. A lot of people don’t think about books as a way of getting traffic, but you know, there was a success story of a guy who thought about books as a way to get traffic. Um, and now, he is like, I’m pretty sure he’s one of the richest people in the world right now, named Jeff Bezos. He literally got traffic going for books.
Imagine if he took the guru's advice and was like, "Oh, I need a buyer market, I need this, I need that, or the other." He said, "No, I want traffic," and where was there traffic? In all the millions of SKUs from the different books that are there. Like if—watch. I mean, this is where we need to think differently as affiliate marketers, and this is where most people struggle. Because if I go out there and I do something like list the top 100 novels of 2023—so, like that, right? And we get the top 100 novels of
2023, what you’re going to see is that this thing literally gets a ton of traffic for each and every book. This is how Amazon was built, and a lot of people don’t think about this because they’re too busy listening to the people who have the loudest voices and, you know, whatever business advice. But I find that a lot of business advice is not for the beginner. It's not for the person starting out to understand the principles, and that's what my channel is about. We dedicate our time to helping you understand the basics, the principles, so
that you can build later on. Because what's happening is, without the right niche, you’re trying to compete with Amazon today with nothing. Like you’re like, "I’m going to make it." People come to me all the time, and they’re like, "I bought this online store from this guru for $110,000," and I’m like, "Dude, I would have felt bad if I charged you five bucks for it." Like it’s terrible; it’s not based on a niche. It’s auto-generated stuff. It took them 2 seconds, and you’re competing with Amazon with a site that’s not even good in a niche
that’s not even defined. But if you go through here and you’re like, "Well, could I compete with Amazon if I became the king of philosophy books?" Yeah, I could. Can I compete with Amazon if I want to sell this, this, this, and this? No, but if I just went for philosophy books—watch this, guys. If you start to understand what are the top 25 philosophy books—just the name, please. And now, when you think about it, it’s like okay, now it makes sense to make a philosophy channel for faceless YouTube videos because now I can promote stuff.
And starting to understand, like looking at this, just the names, please—actually, let’s do now just title and author like this: title, author. Let’s see if he does it right or whoever is in the chat GPT today. But hopefully, you guys are getting this. If you are, smash the like button, um, to let me know that this is making sense to you. And now if we were to take this list, we’re going to get one, the author, two, the book. And hopefully, I muted that in time; otherwise, that was probably really loud. But now we're going
to go through and we're going to say, okay, now we’re looking at this, and, uh, Traveler says even if you spend a lot of money and time trying to build an authority site to get accepted to affiliate networks, it will not guarantee you’ll get accepted. It's like if you want to get accepted, I’ll give you a... Tip that no one says: call the affiliate network. They just want to make sure that you're not going to, like, spam or do anything unethical; that's all they care about. I had a call, um, I think it was a
Blog Profit Network call, and someone was like, “I can't get accepted,” and they were angry. They were like, “Man, I can't do affiliate marketing.” I was like, “Just go call them.” They were like, “It's not going to work.” I'm like, “Just call them.” Before the call was over, the dude got accepted. He was like, “Oh wow, it actually worked.” This stuff is not as hard as you think. What you got to do is focus. When you're looking at being an authority site—an authority site in what? Like some big niche or something small? It's a lot
easier to be a big fish in a small pond than it is to be a small fish in a big pond. It is way easier. So now we’re seeing we got 2.6 million searches a month for these different names and things like that. Even though there are some that are competitive, this traffic's not as competitive as you would think. Okay, because we can do “YouTube real estate auction tips.” Notice how that's different than just “real estate.” Um, again, I bought a domain about auctions. I'll show you guys in a minute that actually ranks for stuff.
Using these little shortcuts—like in the um description of this video, we have some shortcuts, AI shortcuts—watch them. Game changer. When you realize that you can pair this stuff together and do things in a very deliberate way, that's where things start to change. If you look at real estate auction, again, this is going to get us some traffic. Real estate auction, and there you go. Now this one does have hard competition. However, what we're going to do is go off the beaten path and look for different places where these auctions are. Okay, like, you know, the
county auction or whatever it is. All right, let's take a look at some other niches. Domino game rules—much like the one we talked about earlier with the H1B visa application process. This is actually a really good one. Lawyers pay a lot of money for traffic. This ties into lawyer stuff. Social media handle checker. So, for this one, what they're looking for is a social media name. Matt will like this one because it's kind of like his podcast site, where they're finding podcast names. When you look at social media handle checker—or you could do maybe social
media checker or something like that—we'll have to figure out what the actual name of that would be. See if this comes up. Okay, so that would work. So, social media handle checker. Okay, it does come up down here. AHS was just being funny there. But looking at that, so what does this tie into? You might say, “Well Marcus, they just want to find out if ‘Bob123’ is taken.” Okay, yeah, maybe—maybe not. But what if I tie them into web hosting? I'm like, “Oh, web hosting. Hey, if they're doing a business, you should get the domain
that matches your handle.” Right? Like I have Affiliate Dude and Affiliate Market Dude, and I paid money for those. Hosting companies pay a lot of money for commissions, and it's not that expensive to get it. You're like, “Hey, you got all your social media handles; you might as well protect your brand. Click here to protect your brand.” Very simple, very easy. And now you just flipped a market that nobody knows exists into something that can make a lot of money. Looking at this, it is not hard to do. You could go out there and you
could make a tool. Like, you could just go to ChatGPT and be like, “Okay, just start basic. What are some places I can look to see if a handle is taken on social media?” What you would do is turn this into a social media marketing site, right? Like, “Okay, here's how to get the domains. Here's, you know, Linktree; they have an affiliate program,” and different things like that where you could use these sites. Then you could do different coding and things like that, which by coding we’re going to let ChatGPT do it. Watch my other
videos on that, and you could turn this into a business. Lacrosse gear—this is one where people spend a lot of money. This is a lot like one we're going to talk about in just a little bit, where it was for axe throwing. Crazy niche! A lot of people, they think, “Oh, sports” or whatever. Sports is not a niche; sports is a thing. Right? But if we do axe throwing now, you're going to see people look up targets, they look up games, they look up the AES, they look up all this stuff. Some people are crazy
about it. They got this stuff in their backyard or in their house, or whatever it is, and it's a niche that works really, really big. I mean, if you were to do—you could just ask ChatGPT, “How big is the home axe throwing niche market?” and it'll tell you. What happens is you’re going to hopefully—this is starting to give you an “aha” moment that helps you understand it's not about niches you think are going to work; it's about where the data is. So, like the axe throwing places—329 million for... Axe throwing? Right, that means there's a
lot for residential and stuff like that as well. I'm starting to understand, "Oh wow, this is a niche that isn't going anywhere." Car model specifications? I would do, like, if you're going to do car models, what I would do with this one is I would look at something like, um, cool car stuff on Amazon, right? Like maybe go through—this is where AI comes in handy—I can go through and be like, "What are the top car products on Amazon?" Think cleaners, cup holders, lights, etc., and it'll go through and find them. You can make a site
all about cool car things you can add or whatever. It is very, very simple. Comic book character profiles? That's kind of a weird one; I don't know if I'd do that. Piano sheet music? Game changer! That's one that ties into a market where there are piano lessons and things like that that pay a lot. Product trackers and apps, hockey rankings and stats? I mean, you might think, "Oh, someone looking up, you know, I don't know, I haven't watched hockey in a while, but Wayne Gretzky's stats or whatever..." Okay, they're interested in hockey. You could probably
sell them some hockey tickets. I know I'm interested in hockey, and hockey games are not cheap to go to. I've been to a few, and you know, they're not cheap. But looking at that, it's pretty cool. Memes! We had a guy on here last year who was making like $70,000 a month posting memes, right? I mean, crazy! So when you look at this, I want you to remember that it’s not what you think. A lot of people think that marketing is, “Oh, you know, you’re going to have a business and software and software as a
service and all this other stuff that a lot of people talk about,” but they don't think about, you know, looking and starting small. They don't think about starting small. Like, I could start small and do something like the social media handle checker. I could probably make some money doing that. Okay, then I could pivot it and create other tools for social media. Now I have software as a service! This is what a friend of mine did. We weren't friends until she became my student; I didn't know who she was. She came on one day and
she's like, "Hey, can I interview you for my channel?" I said, “Sure, let’s do this.” I interviewed her. She took my idea of making toolbars, and she does this for social media. She made a toolbar for social media, and last I heard she’s doing between $100,000 and $300,000 a month! Basically, all she did is start small, made a little tool that helped people with one thing on social media, then pivoted that into a business. These are starting points. Jeff Bezos did not start with Amazon as you know it today; he started by selling one book.
One day they were sitting there in the garage and they were like, “Hot damn, we sold a book!” The rest is history. But the problem is, you are comparing yourself today to Jeff Bezos today, and you're like, "How do I become the next Amazon?" You don't. I had a student on here, and he went back and forth on, like, “How am I going to take on Uber?” and I’m like, “You're not! That's not going to happen. Could you do something local? Maybe.” But we want to make smart business decisions like my friend here. You can
see her channel—she's got the interview up still from years ago. It's great to understand, "What if I start really small and build from there?" Let’s see some others. Online spelling tools and things like that, right? You could look at those Grammarly things like that—they work really, really well. There are actually some big grammar sites that do "What does this word mean?" You know, and things like that. You could do like, “What is the meaning of this?” or “What does this mean?” and you'll see, "Okay, what does this mean? What does that mean? What does this
mean?" There are even sites that talk about slang, right? How do you understand slang and different things like that? Frugal living for students? This is a jackpot market, ladies and gentlemen! This ties into a market that has so much money. I'm going to wait and see if someone can guess the market that this ties into because it's a doozy. I'll pull up some offers while we're waiting on that. Let’s see here. We’ll do one in SpyFu. Okay, so here’s one. Let's try this one, and we'll pull up an Offer Vault one. So the Offer Vault
one? Check this out. When we look at something like frugal living for students, chances are they've got student debt because like 100 out of 100 college students probably have debt. If we do something like student debt—right, like this student loan—if we could spell correctly, that would help. See? You don’t need to spell to make money. Student loans: $180 for a lead, $100 for a lead, $24 for a lead. I mean, come on! You've got all that. You also have student loans in SpyFu, which is going to show an ad amount. $15 a click? Is that
guaranteed? What you're going to get? No, but that tells you there are advertisers in this market that have a lot of money. You can also do credit cards for students. I mean, thinking about this stuff is key. And when you think about this niche, you don't... Want to just think about it in terms of how do I get ranked on Google SEO? Whatever. Could you make content on Pinterest, on YouTube, and on your blog, and on Facebook for Frugal Living for Students? Yes, absolutely! When you start to understand how key this is, now we're in
a market that makes a bunch of money. If you lay it out correctly, I actually have people in this market right now—one with a college website; they're dominating in search. They're doing better than I ever thought they would. Another one in the Frugal Living for Students market, and they're doing really well. It has to do with creating good stuff, things they can use. Think different, right? Maybe you can do calculators. Let's do like Frugal Student Calculators or something like that—very, very simple, very easy. Math games for kids, all right, ladies and gentlemen. A lot of
people, they ask you to make videos online; that's what you do. Well, I've been doing this for 25 years. Videos have only been really popular online since like 2005. After that, they got more popular. I really didn't start making videos until about 2017. Seriously, before that, I used it just to put videos up because I didn't know how to host videos on my own site and make them fast. Now I know about Amazon, and we host them there. But math games for kids, this is one. I had a student of mine back in 2010, and
he came to me; this dude was 70 years old or 67 or something like that. He said, "Marcus, I want to learn about these paper clips." I'm like, "No, what do you mean, paper clips?" He's like, "You know where you buy traffic on Google." I said, "Oh, you mean pay-per-click?" So we talked about that. But he built a website and got free traffic in the math games for kids niche. Now, I will full disclosure; there was an offer that paid per download. That's how it worked. He was making like $7,000 a month off of that.
Results not typical, implied, or guaranteed. That offer is no longer around, but could you make a math game for kids website and lead them to like Kumon Learning Center or something like that? Yeah, you probably could. Streaming service reviews—maybe doing reviews of Netflix and different things like that—could get you in, and that's something where you can make money recurring because they pay a recurring amount. Maybe even doing lists. How many of you guys like my wife? She makes lists of things we’re going to watch, and I'm like, "I don’t got that kind of time!" But
she loves doing it. Me? When it comes to pop culture, I know nothing, right? Don’t ask me; I don’t know. But she goes through and makes lists of, "Oh, hey, this is where you watch this over here; this is where you watch that over here; this is the one we need here," or whatever it is. A lot of people look for that. Like, you look for, "Where is streaming? Boom! Where is Oppenheimer streaming? Where is it streaming? Where is Bar?" I mean, there you go. You make info sites on where things are streaming, and you
could even add little reviews. You could be a movie review guy. There are people like me and you that are making a full-time living—a very good living—doing this stuff. French vocabulary building, obviously, you would link to something like Rosetta Stone. Movie streaming sites, cooking with leftover ingredients—that's a weird one. I mean, you could probably get them into like maybe selling an Instant Pot or something that would reheat really well—maybe an air fryer or something like that. Home renovation tips—this one is going to lead into a lot of offers on Offer Vault for like handyman and
renovation people. Online keyboard typing tools—this is one we did recently with the game we created. We created a game, put it on a website, and got the thing rocking and rolling. I’m pretty sure it's ranking pretty good. I know we just got it finished. Let me see how the rankings are doing. What was it? Uhh... something. I forgot the name of it. I buy too many sites. Uhh... Click Counter, something? I don’t remember. Anyway, it got a lot of traffic and did really well. Then you could lead them into typing games and things like that.
Next up, celebrity news updates. A lot of people do this kind of stuff. Basketball game schedules, hockey game, football game, baseball game—yeah, Spacebar! One, that was it. Let’s see how it’s doing. I know they just finished the content on it. Let’s see... oh, that’s not it. Was it Like Us or something? I don’t remember. That was it. Yeah, so it’s starting to come back, which is great. And yeah, so cool stuff, really cool. Next up, we have car battery maintenance. There are lots of ClickBank offers for that, and showing you like the Spacebar one—like tons
of traffic! Look at that—just insane amounts of traffic. And we made the game in AI. We made a little site about it, and pretty cool! All right, next up, let's take a look. You know, some people making a bunch with different celebrities—that's awesome. You have video game downloads, real estate market trends. This is a big one. People here in Florida—like Florida real estate is tanking. Actually, the entire country's real estate is tanking because it took people a while to figure out that... Inflation does make things cost more. I don't know; I thought that was pretty
basic, but you know, it took a while. And so, real estate is changing, and people want updates, right? If you were to go and do, um, YouTube, and you did like Florida real estate, you're going to see people getting tons of traffic. Like this guy—here's one: 8,000 views, and look at that; it’s a faceless video. Here's a guy with 166,000 views, 880,000, uh, 270, on and on we go. Um, and there are a couple of people that are just straight up doing Florida real estate, and that’s all they talk about, and they’re making a living.
Really, really cool! Um, video game downloads, fashion styling for men, digital marketing for businesses—if you're going to do this, I would go niche. I would not go broad. Uh, vintage vinyl record collecting—there you go! Right? You could, you know, show what they look like and things like that. Fishing techniques—this reminds me of that guy we talked about, uh, Frank Abagnale, who did fishing lures back in the Depression era. The dude made like $400,000 a year back then; like, the dude was crushing it, and all he did was little ads in, um, Popular Mechanics magazines and
other magazines, and he made a killing with it. Uh, dog walking business tips—watch this dog walking business. It’s a niche, right? I mean, that is something that you can use: dog walking business, right? Like this: and there you go, dog walking business—easy thousand searches a month. I think that means greater than a thousand a month. We could go in here and look on the actual Ahrefs to get the real value here, um, but this is people dog walking business. That ties into side hustles—that's a market that makes a lot of money. Understand that using this
and making good content is game over—you win! 1,500 side hustle culture; that’s what he’s doing, right? Um, here are some others: dog watching, walking business; six-figure dog walking business—make $100,000 walking your dog. Those dogs are pretty cool-looking dogs. I’d walk those dogs for free, but at any rate, um, looking at this, you’re like, “Okay, there’s a lot of money here,” which is great. SEO optimization for blogs—that’s another good one. Travel photography for beginners. Travel photography is a—like, if you want to get into the travel niche, this is a good backdoor into the travel niche, whereas,
you know, if you go into travel, you’re going to struggle. It’s too competitive. Travel photography—best camera for travel photography? Now we’re in something where it ties to lots of money: the camera—those are not cheap—and, um, other stuff. You can even get creative and put together like a kit, right? Like, get a backpack, get the thing, and sell it all as one. Um, I did that years ago, where we would promote something and we sold like headphones and things like that, bundled it all together, and made lots of money with it. Healthy eating on a budget,
DIY house cleaning products—house cleaning, this niche is insane! And when you get into this niche, could you do a specific one, like carpet or drapes, or something very, very tight-knit? Guitar chord transcriptions—and again, we’re about halfway through the first list. We’ve got another list to go through. If you want this list, check out airofitscoop.com. We’re having a little AI challenge, where we’re going to be putting together sites and niches and understanding things, and there are going to be some cool surprises over there. So make sure you hop on over to, uh, AI Profit Scoop. Let
me show you what it looks like here. Let me see—pull it up over here. AI Profit Scoop looks like this here, and, um, we’re going to be doing a challenge over the next, uh, couple of weeks to show you guys how to start this. Right, there are going to be all kinds of tools. This list is going to be there—info on how to start your first site and do it the correct way; all kinds of stuff. Uh, personal finance for freelancers, right? You could do like freelancer tax tips, or for freelancers; right now you’ve got
health insurance for freelancers. You think that ain’t got money? That’s got money! Do you think you could make a living with something like health insurance for freelancers? Probably! Absolutely! Um, and you can see here, there are probably sites that just, Freelancers Union—boom! There you go. And looking at this, you’re going to see the little outliers, and a lot of people are like, “Google doesn’t like little sites anymore.” Well, then why are they still on Google, right? This is a pretty little site; it is still on Google. Now, they were doing—I'd figure out why they're doing
less now, but they only lost—it’s not that much. Um, now, health insurance is a huge market, and understanding, “Okay, this is all about freelancer stuff and things like that.” Freelance contract templates—you could make a full site about little tips and things for self-employed freelancers, and you could do really, really well. Building tiny houses—I’ve got a lot of students in our high-ticket niche program that do the whole tiny houses and stuff like that; works really, really well. Pet adoption tips, mindfulness, uh, DIY outdoor camping gear—we just set one up for someone that’s doing well there. Scuba
diving techniques, digital art, college football highlights—probably wouldn’t do that one. Um, best laptops for students—there you go! Instead of just laptops, what if you had a site doing laptops for students? And you’re like, “Okay, let’s see if there’s a—” site that's doing just that, and I'm sure there's also YouTubers and things like that. Um, if you go long enough, you'll probably find just like a laptop review site. Here's one; look at that, 1 million views! Think he sold some laptops? He probably did. Um, let's see: if you go long enough, you'll find them, and then
you can find what keywords work well for them. Okay, but pretty cool stuff. There you go: The Student Room. Um, let's see, there's another one—Notebooks for Students. There we go; cool! So this is a Notebooks for Student site, and you can probably see what their traffic and their traction looks like here. Let's see. So here you have "Notebook for Student," "Homeschool Laptops," "Lenovo or HP: Which is Better for Students?" I mean, that keyword right there gets 150 searches a month—not too shabby, right? Starting to understand, like, hey, these niches have a lot of money, but
a lot of people don't talk about how these work. They don't talk about, like, "Hey, yeah, you don't need to be in weight loss or money or something like that; you could literally just be in whatever you want as long as there's enough traffic and as long as it ties to something that makes money." That is absolutely key. Uh, is novel marketing too niche? You mean like novels, like books? My issue with novel marketing would be that the best affiliate offer is probably going to be Audible, which doesn't pay a ton. So what we want
to do—and I'm going to go back over to this spot and do a little drawing here so I can turn the air conditioner on again. It got hot in here all of a sudden. Um, but what you want to do is find what's going to make you the big money. So, if you're going into novels or something like that, what is it that's going to get you the big money? Is it Audible? Is there some other book program? Is it selling the books? What is it that's going to get you that money? I think the—what
is going on? I think so. We'll see. I don't know; it is hot. All right, so going right along, we've got "Home Fitness for Beginners." Right? That's a good one. Where you could do workouts at home, things like that. "Graphic Design Software Tutorials." This is one that's crazy! Um, I've made thousands of dollars with little graphics tools and things like that, and I'm not even an expert—I'm terrible at graphics! If the program I used to use in 2000 still worked, I'd probably still use it. I'm using the one that I've used since 2003, and I'm
starting to understand, like, okay, there are people out there that literally make a living teaching Photoshop and different stuff like that. It's not that hard to do, and then you direct them to, you know, Fiverr or whatever it is—all kinds of different stuff they can use to make money. Uh, let's see, Warrior says, is it good to get a domain name that's similar to your niche? You should get it. Yeah! Um, I would watch the video in the description about how to start a blog because we show you how to buy domains that already have
a niche attached. The next list I'm going to show you after these 90-something (94) is based on domains. Okay, "Wedding Budget Planning"—huge niche! If you look at wedding budgets, and again the average wedding, people spend $50,000 on the average wedding. And while they might not be buying a planning template, we can get them into other things that will help us make money. Right? Understanding that is key. Like, can I do a credit card? Get this credit card, get 5% back on your wedding. The average wedding is $50,000; ergo, you're going to get two grand you
could spend on your honeymoon or whatever it is. Right? You do the math; figure it out. Uh, "How to Plan a Budget Wedding on a TH000 bucks" or whatever— all kinds of stuff. And you look at, like, "Wedding Planning Checklist," and you're going to see that this market is huge! Right? You have um, all different sites. "Here Comes the Bride," that's obviously about weddings. Right? So we just do site explorer, go in here, and see what this site's like. And in addition to some of these, I'll also give you a list of some sites and
things like that, which will be pretty cool. This one's actually doing really well; they lost keywords but gained traffic, right? I'll take those apples any day of the week! Uh, looking at that, he's getting $300,000 a month worth of traffic. And there you go. Right? Wedding venues, wedding checklist, and on and on you go. Uh, "Wedding Budget Breakdown," that's a pretty niche keyword, right? And that's one where, you know, if done correctly, you can turn one keyword into a living. Why? Because what you're looking at is when you look at a tool like Ahrefs or
any keyword tool, you're seeing Google's inventory. Right? This is like Google has an inventory of 51,000 or 5,100 searches a month for this keyword. What does that mean? That means that advertisers are there and there's certain money in this market. If I can maximize it and do it in a good way, then I can make it work—very, very simple. Okay, um, we have "Paleo Diet Snack Ideas." Right? Look, Paleo diet—there's tons of stuff! Again, going for Paleo diet is going to be more niche than going for just diet or... Weight loss, and when you understand
that specific stuff is what's going to be key. Now notice how this is all hard stuff. What if we did something like a paleo diet list, benefits, things like that? Starting to look at these in a different way, that's where the key's going to be. I don't think this is hard; this is probably a false positive. I don't think a paleo diet list is going to be too difficult. I mean, you have images, which mean— I mean, this guy's selling paleo diet lists on Etsy; like, how hard is that? You can make that in AI
in about 10 minutes. Obviously, make sure you do something good. Here's a guy with, uh, paleo diet, paleo AP, and you start to see, okay, this niche is something that's big. When you understand that the niches aren't just the 10 or 12 niches people are talking about— like, you know, I mean, you could probably type them in the box. We like, "Oh, okay, it's weight loss, it's money, it's, you know, mortgages," and they have a list of 16 niches that they just kind of regurgitate over and over and over again. Some of them get creative
and give you a niche that has no money in it, um, but for the most part, we need to look at this and say, before we start, where's the money? Online job search tips— game changer. There are people out there that are literally just reporting on different jobs that are online, like, "Oh, here's the Amazon online jobs, here's the Walmart online jobs, here's the Fiverr online," and they just go boop boop boop boop boop, and they get traffic. Pet health tracking, new niche with AI— that's going to get even bigger. Um, pet insurance, like this
one. If you do pet health tracking, let's see, I don't know if this word will get that much traffic as it is, but watch this. Um, let's do— please list 25 pet health tracking apps, and what we'll do is you just review the app, talk about the app, test out the app, and then you would get them into something like, um, pet insurance: $85 a lead, $85 a lead, $20 a lead. Email only means like they just put their email in and hit submit, and you get $2.40. Okay, how many people can you get to
do that every day? A lot. And so you start to understand— hey, there you go! Um, and looking at these apps— okay, now we have the apps. Now just list the app names. Watch this; this will change the way you think about marketing online, and very few people teach this strategy. Okay, uh, True Infinity says some of the stuff is super saturated, no matter what way you're going— untrue. Okay, there are a few niches— like five— that this might not work in, but there's always a backdoor, right? Like, pet insurance is super, super saturated, but
reviewing these apps— watch this— reviewing these apps. So let's go keyword explorer, put the pet health apps in— they're thinking about pet health. We hit search, and let's see if it's saturated. Nope! There we go; there's a six, a 26, another six, a 22. Okay, now you might be saying, "Well, Marcus, you know, there's not that much traffic for this." Well, we don't need that much because we're making a lot of money. But let's take a look— if people are reviewing the pedometer here, 127,000 views, 97— okay, I don't know if that's the— is that
the same pet ometer? Pet— pet ometer. Okay, yeah, I don't know what that is, but let's take a look at a different one. I don't know what that one's talking about there; uh, maybe like a PA Trak? There we go— Pawra. And you'll see that they do get searches: 79,000, uh, 810. Again, we're going to put them to something expensive. There's 1,500; uh, here's some others. Here— track your dog, GPS tracking, all tons of stuff. And looking at that, we're just doing a couple of these where you're like, "Okay, here's Pet Desk," you know, different
things like that. And it's like, "Hey, check it out! Now we got all this other stuff." Pet Desk, pet desk, pet desk— um, a lot of traffic there, right? Then we could do stuff like, um, you know, maybe cost of vet costs. Okay, vet cost. And it'll be like, "What's the average cost of, uh, you know, this or that, or whatever it is? How much does it cost to take a cat to the vet?" Alright, starting to understand that there's always backdoors— there's always a backdoor to an edge. Why? Because people that are buying this
stuff might not know they need it, and that's our job to figure it out. Guitar tabs, uh, freelance writing career— how to start a freelance writing career— um, outdoor hiking trails, home office organization, RV maintenance— right? Very, very cool. Um, that's just YouTube. Does it work for other sites outside of YouTube? Like Pinterest? It works for everything, like, straight up! Looking at that list, um, there was no competition on Google, right? So like "doggo" or whatever— like, if we do like "pet app reviews," what you'll see is we're going to find a site that's just
reviewing pet apps. If there— we go, Pets App. There can't get more targeted than a pet app site called Pets App, right? Um, and if we go to Site Explorer, you're going to see that they probably rank for all different kinds of stuff. Um, would I do a Google Blogger? No! I would highly recommend having your own domain name so that you control everything. I think that's absolutely key. Um, so you can see he's got... 51,000 keywords. Now, you would think—no, it might not be what you think! So, now this one is a lot of
actual places, which is fine, but we could probably do other apps and stuff, too. This looks like it's an app for different pet hospitals and things like that, but we can probably do volume, and the volume will show stuff like Vetco, Pet Project, Tractor Supply has a pet clinic. Oh, that's weird. Here are some other pet-related items, right? So, all kinds of different things related to pets that you might not have thought of before, right? Does that make sense to everyone? Where it's like, "Okay, this makes sense now." Or you could even go through and
do different apps or things like that or different tools, you know? All kinds of stuff. All right, let's take a look at a couple of others. We have remote work for teachers—it would be good to help them find jobs. Fashion trends, healthy breakfast ideas, personal finance for Millennials. A very emerging market! Science experiments—a good one! Much like the math one, automotive tips, budget road trips, fitness tips for seniors. This is a big one: workouts over 40, workouts over 50, workouts for men over 50, workouts for women over 50, HIIT workouts for women over… I mean,
it just keeps going and going and going. Very, very cool. Okay, next up: online language exchange platforms, podcast marketing strategies—there you go, Matt! There’s your marketing strategy where he’s in this, and it works really, really, really well! Which is crazy. DIY crafting—we just sold a site yesterday that was about the, I think it’s called the Cricut, the little thing that prints and cuts stickers. A really good site; it gets lots of traffic. Again, it’s a huge market—like, I think we looked it up, and the Cricut company sales were, I think it was 179 million in
sales. You know, that’s pretty good. Even if you got 1% commission, that’s still 1.6 million! So, can you make $100,000 talking about different sticker-cutting machines? Yeah, I think you could! Results not typical. Commissions vary. The average person makes nothing. But I think you’re understanding: hey, these niches are where it’s at. It works if you do it, and that’s absolutely the key. All right, let’s put that link back up so you guys can get the list there. Yeah, Cricut is huge! Awesome. Next up, we have education YouTube channels, chess tactics, self-care for moms—that's a big niche,
that’s a huge, huge niche! If you were to do self-care for moms, let’s see, so this does get traffic. You could also do things like how to take care of yourself when you have a baby or whatever it is. Sports memorabilia, urban gardening—huge market! Home brewing beer—huge market! Birth charts, astrology, tech startup and novel reviews. Again, this is one we’re doing with high ticket niches. We do this all the time where we get domains, we build you up in a niche, and it works really well. So if you’re struggling to find a niche and you
want to work with me, tietnit.com is the place to be, where we literally give you the niche. Now, the next list I’m going to go through, I’ll go through kind of quickly. These are all based on domains that we have used or currently have for our high ticket niches, okay? So stuff like this, where we have easy payments gateway—that’s a merchant account. If you go to SpyFu, they pay a fortune. You might be saying, “Well, Marcus, how am I going to get into the merchant account niche?” Well, one, the domain's going to help you; two,
watch for interesting things in tech. There’s always news. Actually, just last night, I was in my GoDaddy, and in my GoDaddy, I bought a new domain, and it said, “Do you want to set up for GoDaddy Pay?” This is a new thing; it has GoDaddy Pay. You could talk about why programs like GoDaddy Pay—gotta spell it right—are brand new, so it’s already getting traffic. But GoDaddy Pay is new, and it ties into merchant accounts. We could talk about why merchant accounts are better than GoDaddy Pay, which they’re always better than shared merchant accounts. But now,
we can tie them into something that makes a lot of money. You can also go in there and say, “Okay, watch this.” This backs doors into niches, and if you understand it, it’s game over. This is how we make content; this is how we do this stuff all day, every day. So, you could go through and say, like, GoDaddy Pay, what are some other simple payment tools for businesses online, right? And it'll go through, give you the list, and you'll see that they work really well. Okay, so now just list the name of the tool
or site, okay? And you can go through and make this work super, super simple. Okay, let’s see here—list 50; that way we get more. You guys digging this? Smash the like button if you are! Let me know. Okay, let's see what we got here. So now we have tons of them. Put these into our keyword tool and start to understand. Now I can go for this. This all ties into merchant account stuff—bada bing, bada boom! Watch competition drop. Right? So now we got some that are like fives and sixes, thirteens, on and on. Go, and
I could do this with anything. I could do like how to accept payments on WordPress or whatever. And when you look at the difference with something like merchant accounts, watch the competition here. Merchant account—now we're like super competition; crazy, crazy stuff, right? Some of them aren't that well. You see like Google merchant account, credit card merchant account—that's a big one. PayPal merchant account—a lot of these are big, and they tie into big money stuff. Look at that: $20 a click, $30 a click, $9 a click, $14, $13, $30, $16, $15—that's some serious money. This is
how you make it work. If you made a site reviewing different online payment platforms, online payment platform reviews, right? Find one here; there's going to be someone here, I'm sure. And this traffic is—there we go, online payment platform. There you go, copy link. Merchant Maverick—that's a big one as well, and starting to look at these. Watch the value of the traffic they get; it's absurd! So, 13,000—so they're valuing it at like a little bit over a dollar a click. I think we could probably do better than that. He shot up in a couple of years,
and it's a big one—huge. Same with the others, right? You have Merchant Maverick, same kind of thing. Do you have to be as big as these guys? No, you can do this in a small, small way, right? Looks like he took a big hit in his traffic, but he's still, you know, getting some. He had close to a million worth of traffic per month. But if you look at this and you look at where he struggled, it's probably because he was trying to blanket all the stuff. Like, if we do—let's see, what are we doing
here? Keywords—that's what we want. And if we go through and look at this: yeah, Ry, if you're looking to learn from us, Blog Profit Network is a great place to start. I'll put that back on the screen for you; it'll come up in a minute. But looking at this here, you have like payroll, Toast, all these other programs. If you go back, you can see where his traffic was. He had some non-specific big stuff, but starting to see like, "Hey, here's the fees, here's this, here's that—no fee credit card processing," right? This is big-time money
traffic. Subwoofer Mania—this is one we got for home and audio. Logo designers, personal development for introverts—instead of just competing with Tony Robbins, we're going for specific introvert stuff. Banner design, gemstones and jewelry, government auctions—this is the one I talked about earlier. Classroom resources for "Create Your Classroom." Survivor skills—mattresses. We do mattress sites all the time; they work really well. Construction, hair care, Christian prepping—specific for prepping for Christians, okay? Instead of just prepping, now we're in something that's probably going to, you know, get a good amount of traffic and do even better. Easy, let's do just
prepping. I think if we do here, Christian prepping, there's probably some subcategory words: prepping for Christians, maybe Bible prepping, stuff like that. And going through, you can make it work. And again, if you don't see a lot of traffic in Ahrefs, check your other stuff as well because it might be on YouTube. Dog care, maternity care, baby care—apparently a bunch of care ones. This one for like diapering was actually pretty, pretty interesting. There are people out there making money with like chicken diapers and stuff. Community Management, pet horse equipment, pool heaters—great niche there for pool
heaters; they're not cheap. We got a pool heater, and it wasn't cheap! Stories, roofing, cat care, college consulting—that's a good one, right? Consulting people on—or counseling for college. Domain info, Philippines, outsourcing, self-improvement, spirituality, online profit systems. IARE—we just did a big IARE site. Let's see how he's doing. What was it? That one—okay, so his traffic, yeah, he's doing good. He bounced back, got a bunch of his traffic back. Let's see—yep, cool, awesome stuff. And starting to look at this and say, "Hey, you know what? This works." You just have to really, really, really focus and
look at where your traffic is: self-improvement, spirituality, online profit systems, fashion, security systems—very good one there. Different baby products, eyewear, gate repair—how to repair your gate. Romantic love texts—that's a very good niche, and it ties into ClickBank offers, which again, it logged me out, but I'll show you what it looks like. I'll log back in for you. And let's see, so if we did—let's see here, affiliate marketplace, and we did something like—oh, we could just do romantic. So, creative date ideas; that would work in that market. Romantic texts—that would also work really well in that
market. Let's see what else we got here: wedding dance, popping the question, Tina the Psychic, soulmates. I know there's also like text messages, like dating—yeah, here you go, like seductive texts, how to text the men, text chemistry, text the romance back—all of these are perfect for romantic messages. And like legit, there are people that make videos about texts of what to say, what not to say, and looking at what people said and what they shouldn't have said. I mean, it's crazy! Understanding that you could make a living in a niche like that—it's not that hard
to do; you just have to really focus. Business solutions, natural supplements, reflexology. Meditation, baseball bats—this was a really good domain we got for, uh, baseball bats and knowing what type of bat to use and things like that. Tablets, uh, for like much like the notebooks for students, uh, novelty soaps, medication, comparing prices, compression—this was a really good one for compression, a good one for hammocks, celebration ideas, profit strategies, um, and on and on we go. We're looking at all these niches and understanding, "Hey, there's more than just the basic stuff most people are talking about.
There are people making livings in very small niches that other people don't know about." There's probably a lot. If there's a niche that you saw on this list that you had no idea existed before today, smash the like button and let me know in a comment, because understanding that we can go through and use these in a solid way, right? Like tactical drones, Pro Copter, um, noteworthy resumes—like the résumé market is absolutely gigantic. Starting to understand that these niches can and will work if used properly, but far too many people are going for too broad
of stuff and they're not really zeroing in. Right? Like best wireless doorbell—I mean, this is one where people are—you could major in this and then get them into security systems, right? Like wireless doorbell—I mean, how hard would it be? Like, you go out there and you could buy a bunch of wireless doorbells on Amazon instead of giving some guru 10 billion dollars to hang out with them for a day, right? Go buy a bunch of wireless doorbells, review them, and tie them into security stuff. Look, I could get 60 bucks for 20, and for 500
bucks, I could get a bunch of these, test them out, see how hard they are to set up, talk about them, be honest about them. Then I go out there and I'm like, "Okay, I'll make a little bit of money on this doorbell." Okay, so I could sell this video doorbell. Okay, so I could make some money on these. So I buy all the others, review them, point people to these, point them to Amazon, make money all those ways. Then I'll do home security, because after all, you're looking for a video doorbell because you're interested
in home security, and get 60 to $600 per call. Right? Are you guys starting to understand? Like, oh, this is about thinking differently. This is about taking your niche and understanding where you're going with it. Right? Because when you look at something like that, let's say I get 70 bucks or $75 for a doorbell and I get, I don't know, let's round low and say $100 for a home security system lead. If I get two people to get the doorbell a day and one to do this, that's $250. That's pretty darn close to six figures
a year! If I get one other sale of 25 bucks or something, now I'm at six figures a year. Starting to understand, hey, wait a minute, that's not that hard of a goal to get to. Does this market have that much traffic for it? Absolutely! The home security doorbell market is probably a seven-figure market if done correctly. Will most people make that? No. The average person makes nothing. But understanding the math and how it works—bada boom, bada bang—there we go! Here's a light socket security camera, and going through and doing it like you mean it,
right? Far too many people come on and they're like, "I just want a niche that I don't need a domain for and I want to do everything for free and I don't want to do any work." And I'm like, "Well, I'm sorry, this is the wrong channel for you." There are plenty of other people telling you how to, like, literally do nothing and make money. Okay, we teach you the next best thing. Is it that hard to do? No. Can you do it? I think you can. Um, do you need to do some work and
some effort and get some hosting and make it happen? Yeah! And for those that are really looking at it, and you're like, "Hey, there are niches out there that I can make a living in," I've just been taken every which way and I don't know about the offer swipe and stuff like this. Um, and if that's you and you're looking for free tips and the free report, check out airofitscoop.com. If you look at this and you're like, "Dude, Marcus, those are some OD niches you showed. They look really good; they look like something I can
do," and you want to work with us on this stuff, like the bread maker niche or whatever, check out highticketnit.com. I think you'll like it; there's a lot of good stuff there where we work with you on the niche. We try to help you make it work. Again, is it guaranteed? No, nothing in life is guaranteed. If anyone guarantees you something, like, run for the hills! They're not going to guarantee you money; it doesn't work that way. What they can guarantee, what I can guarantee, is that I'll help you find a niche that I think
will work really well, and I'll help you make it work and show you what to do. I'll show you what I would do if I was going to do that niche. Um, and what I would do if I was in the bread maker niche is I'd try to find some courses, or maybe drop ship a bread maker, or find something that has a high profit margin. Far too many people are doing the blanket method; they're like, "Oh, I'm just going to go out..." There, and I'm going to make a site about celebrity gossip, and I'm
going to put some ads on it. No, no, no, don't do that. What I want to do is find something specific. What is that offer that's going to pay me the most money? Notice in the security niche, I wasn't relying on ads. I said I'm going to go for home security, and I'm going to go for the cameras and the doorbells. That's what I'm going to do. If those weren't there, I probably wouldn't do the niche. If all I could do is sell on Amazon, okay, a $75 Ring doorbell, what am I going to get
for that? I don't know, like literally a buck. No, I'm not going to be able to do that. It ain't going to work for me. It's got to be something very, very specific. Brian says, "What's the volume range sweet spot on keywords?" Don't look at the volume range because it's elusive. I know sites that are getting 100,000 visitors a month that AHF says they’re getting like 800. You just have to look at it in terms of what people are searching for and how does it work. Then, when you're looking at the volume, look at it
as inventory. This is what people don't do—they don't look at the volume as inventory. If you look at it as inventory and you're like, "Okay, if I get 100 clicks and one person buys something for 80 bucks, well, that's 80 cents a click." Now you're going to look at those numbers differently. Okay, yeah, if I get 80 cents a click and I get 300 people, most gurus would say, "Oh, that's too little." Well, that's 240 bucks. Let’s get another one, let’s get another one, and another one. You don't need that many. 240 bucks a month
to equal $10,000 a month— we're getting closer to our goal by understanding the numbers and understanding where people are and looking at this as, "I want to go into this micro-niche and dominate it." I want to dominate it; I want to make it work at all costs. I want to go out there and make it happen. James says, "Domain flipping or affiliate marketing for a beginner?" Both. Why both? Because if you're doing domain flipping and you're buying domains that have rankings, you might as well make a living on them while you're waiting for them to
sell. That's just the way it is. Is digital art a bad niche? It is not. Digital art is not a niche; that’s a category. A niche would be, "How do I make digital art with Photoshop?" "How do I make digital art with clay?" "How do I use AI to make digital art?" "What are the best AI digital art creators?" We need to think differently in terms of like, if you can't answer the question of what does your market want—digital art—what does my market want? I have no clue. I don't know. AI tools for digital art?
Oh, they want tools for digital art? Yeah, that one I get. Does that make sense? Like, if you don't know what your market wants, you don't have a niche, plain and simple. Starting to look at that and understand is absolutely key. If you want to get the list from this, check out AIProfitScoop.com. Again, we're going to have a little challenge and walk you through some cool stuff. We'll have this list of the domains; it's not ready yet. I'll probably email it to you when it's ready, and that is a different spot. AI Profit Scoop is
not our normal spot, so if you get my normal notes, you're probably not going to get these. You need to be on the AI Profit Scoop one, which is really cool. So, hopefully, you guys enjoyed this niche breakdown. If you guys have any questions or want a follow-up video, let me know as a comment below. Use the list, start to understand your niche in a different way, and start to understand that it's about the people, not the category. I'm not in the health niche. People come to me and say, "I want to be in the
health niche." No, you don't. You don't want to be in the health niche. Health is not a niche; health is a category. Well, how about being a doctor? Are you a doctor? No, but I like health. Okay, again, that’s not a niche. So focus on that, and maybe I’ll have... Valeria, are you watching? If Valy is watching, maybe she'll help us make some notes on a schematic of how to know if a niche is a niche. Understanding that I need to know what my niche wants before I start. People going into RVs and boats and
bikes are going to get a bunch of junk traffic that's not going to make you money. We need to get into something that absolutely makes money and that we understand in an emphatic, easy way. When you look at some of the things that we get, I mean these are all examples. These are all domains I got for the high-ticket niches, sleep products, and they all are tied to something very specific. I only buy domains when I know they're tied to something I want to make money with. So go ahead and get your niche list, smash
that like button, and we will see you next time! Can you make a niche about a drum machine? You can! Yeah, I think we have a drum domain, pretty sure. But hopefully, you like this. Smash the like button, check out AIProfitScoop.com, and I'll see you in the video Friday. Also, let me know what you think of the new time. I think I'm going to start doing our live streams at three o'clock Eastern Time, like today. I like this time a little better; hopefully, you guys do too. Thanks for being here! Smash the like button. See
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