Upon Learning Of Husband's Affair, Heads For Abortion... At Divorce, Banker And Mistress Freeze...

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Welcome, dear viewers, to a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the unexpected twists of fate that ...
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welcome dear viewers to a gripping Tale Of Love betrayal and the unexpected twists of Fate that can lead us to our true destiny enjoy the story Olivia Hartley stared at the pregnancy test on the marble countertop of her opulent bathroom willing it to change the morning sun streamed through the stained glass windows casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the tile floor she'd lost count of how many times she'd been in this exact position over the last four years please please please please she whispered her manicured nails digging into her Palms the timer on her phone
chimed and Olivia's heart raced as she reached for the test one line just one stupid mocking Line damn it she cried hurling the test into the trash can it clattered against the goldplated rim before settling among its predecessors a graveyard of crushed hopes and dreams Olivia gripped the edge of the sink her Knuckles turning white as she stared at her reflection at 32 she was still stunning all honey blonde hair and Azure eyes but the strain of years of disappointment was beginning to show Fine Lines had appeared at the corners of her eyes and there
was a tightness to her smile that hadn't been there on her wedding day what's wrong with me she whispered to her reflection why can't I give Ethan a baby as if summoned by her thoughts her husband's voice floated up from downstairs Liv you okay up there Olivia quickly dabbed at her eyes with a tissue fine she called back forcing cheer into her voice just finishing up my makeup she heard Ethan's footsteps retreating and let out a shaky breath how much longer could she keep this facade up how many more disappointments could their marriage withstand little
did Olivia know as she composed herself and prepared to face another day that her world was about to be turned upside down in ways she never could have imagined 2 weeks later Olivia found herself in an unfamiliar waiting room nervously tapping her foot against the lenium floor the community Women's Clinic was a far cry from the private practices she usually frequented but desperation had driven her here Mrs Hartley a nurse called and Olivia jumped to her feet she followed the nurse down a narrow hallway the smell of disinfectant burning her nostrils the exam room was
small and outdated but Olivia barely noticed as she changed into a paper gown with trembling hand hands Dr Patel entered a kind smile on her face Mrs Hartley what brings you in today Olivia took a deep breath I I've been trying to conceive for 4 years now no luck but lately I've been feeling different nauseous tired I'm probably just going crazy but I had to know for sure the doctor nodded sympathetically well let's take a look shall we as the cold gel hit her stomach and the ultrasound wand moved across her skin Olivia held her
breath she'd been here so many times before always with the same result but this time was different Mrs heartley Dr Patel said softly I have some news for you Olivia's heart stopped yes the doctor turned the screen towards her pointing to a small bean-shaped blob congratulations you're pregnant the world seemed to tilt on its axxis Olivia stared at the screen unable to comprehend what she was seeing I'm what pregnant Dr Patel repeated her smile widening about 6 weeks along I'd say tears began to stream down Olivia's face as the reality sank in a baby her
baby Ethan's baby the one thing they'd wanted more than anything in the world oh my God she whispered a laugh bubbling up through her tears oh my God as she left the clinic clutching the ultrasound print out Olivia felt lighter than air she couldn't wait to tell Ethan he'd be over the moon maybe they'd go out to celebrate or maybe they'd just stay in and bask in their happiness together little did she know fate had other plans in store Olivia hummed to herself as she drove through the gates of their exclusive Community the ultrasound photo
tucked safely in her purse she rounded the corner to their street already imagining Ethan's face when she told him the news that's when she saw it Ethan Sleek convertible was pulling out of their driveway but he wasn't alone in the passenger seat sat his secretary Jessica a Ley redhead half his age as Olivia watched in horror Ethan leaned over and kissed Jessica passionately before speeding off down the street Olivia's World imploded she sat there Frozen as cars honked behind her eventually she managed to pull over to the side of the road her entire body shaking
no she whispered her hand instinctively going to her still flat stomach this can't be happening but it was the image of Ethan and Jessica's KISS played on repeat in her mind each replay like a knife to her heart how long had this been going on how could he do this to her to them in a days Olivia drove home and entered their mansion she wandered from room to room searching for what evidence some sign that her entire life hadn't been a lie but the house was Immaculate as always no lipstick stained glasses no stray earrings
no rumpled sheets it was as if the affair existed in a parallel universe one that only intersected with hers for that brief devastating moment on the street Olivia found herself in their bedroom staring at the framed photos on the dresser their wedding day their honeymoon the day they'd moved into this house she picked up a photo of Ethan studied his smiling face who are you you she whispered in that moment Olivia made a decision she couldn't stay here in This House of Lies she couldn't face Ethan couldn't bear to hear his excuses or watch him
try to explain away what she'd seen with her own eyes with shaking hands she began to pack the taxi pulled away from the curb leaving Olivia alone on the bustling train platform she clutched her suitcase feeling small and lost of amid the rush of commuters the weight of her decision pressed down on her making it hard to breathe last call for the 3:15 to milbrook a conductor shouted Olivia hesitated for a moment was she really doing this running away from her life her home her husband but then the image of Ethan kissing Jessica flashed through
her mind and she squared her shoulders yes she was doing this for herself and for the tiny life growing inside her as the train pulled out of the station Olivia watched the skyline of the city her home for the past decade Fade Into the distance she placed a protective hand over her stomach it's just you and me now little one she whispered but we're going to be okay I promise the journey to milbrook her small Hometown took just over 2 hours as Olivia stepped off the train The Familiar sights and smells washed over her the
old-fashioned Clock Tower in the Town Square the scent of freshly baked bread from Miller's bakery the sound of leaves rustling in the tall popler trees that lined Main Street she began the walk to her childhood home her heels clicking against the uneven sidewalk the streets were lined with modest two-story houses their paint faded but their flower boxes bright with Summer blooms it was a far cry from the manicured Lawns and mcmansions of her gated community but to Olivia it felt like coming up for air after being underwater for too long as she turned onto Maple
Street a familiar voice called out Olivia Olivia is that you she looked up to see her mother Margaret hurrying down the sidewalk towards her a look of Joyful surprise on her face mom Olivia cried dropping her suitcase as her mother enveloped her in a warm hug oh sweetheart Margaret said pulling back to look at her daughter what a wonderful surprise but is everything okay where's Ethan the mention of her husband's name sent a fresh wave of pain through Olivia's heart it's it's a long story mom can we talk inside Margaret's brow furrowed with concern but
she nodded of course dear I was just heading to the store but that can wait come on letun get you settled as they walked arm in-arm towards the house Olivia felt a glimmer of hope she might have left her life in the city behind but but here surrounded by the love and memories of her childhood maybe she could find the strength to face whatever came next after a tearful conversation with her mother Olivia excused herself to freshen up she climbed the narrow staircase to the second floor The Familiar Creek of the third step from the
top bringing a flood of childhood memories as she reached for her suitcase a deep voice from behind startled her need a hand with that Olivia Whirled around her heart pounding there filling the narrow hallway with his broad shoulders stood a tall man in a form-fitting workout outfit it took her a moment to place him but when she did her eyes widened in recognition Nathan Nathan Cooper his face broke into a warm smile the one and only welcome home Liv Olivia felt a blush creep up her cheeks Nathan had been her nextdoor neighbor growing up always
looking out for her like a protective older brother but the man standing before her now was a far cry from the gangly teenager she remembered he'd filled out all lean muscle and chiseled jawline I wow it's been so long Olivia stammered you look different Nathan chuckled I hope that's a good different here let me get that for you he reached past her to grab the suitcase his arm brushing against hers and sending an unexpected jolt through her body as they maneuvered Ed the bulky suitcase down the narrow hallway Olivia found herself acutely aware of Nathan's
presence the spicy scent of his cologne the warmth radiating from his body The Gentle Way he guided her around a tight corner so Nathan said as they reached her old bedroom door what brings you back to our little Slice of Heaven last I heard you were living it up in the big city with some hot shot Banker the mention of Ethan felt like a bucket of cold water Olivia's smile faltered it's complicated she said softly Nathan's expression softened hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry listen if you ever want to talk or just grab
a coffee and catch up I'm right next door still in my parents old place if you can believe it Olivia managed a small smile thanks Nathan I might take you up on that as he headed back downstairs Olivia couldn't help but watch him go she shook her head trying to clear it of the confusing thoughts swirling through her mind she was pregnant separated and emotionally raw the last thing she needed was to start noticing how attractive her childhood friend had become but as she unpacked her suitcase Olivia couldn't shake the feeling that running into Nathan
might be more than just a coincidence maybe just maybe coming home was exactly what she needed to heal and find her way forward a week after her return to milbrook Olivia found herself sitting in the waiting room room of the local Women's Clinic her leg bouncing nervously she'd managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from everyone even her mother but the constant Mourning sickness and mood swings were becoming harder to hide Olivia heartley a nurse called she followed the nurse to an exam room where she was introduced to Dr Laura Bennett a kindf faced woman
in her 50s so miss heartley what brings you in today Dr Bennett asked reviewing Olivia's chart Olivia took a deep breath I'm pregnant she said her voice barely above a whisper about 7 weeks along and I I don't think I can keep it Dr Bennett's expression remained neutral I see and may I ask why you've come to this decision the words tumbled out of Olivia in a rush she told Dr Bennett everything the years of infertility discovering the pregnancy catching Ethan's infidelity fleeing to milbrook by the time she finished tears were streaming down her face
I just can't do it Olivia sobbed I can't raise this baby alone tied to a man who betrayed me please Dr Bennett I need your help the doctor listened patiently then leaned forward her eyes filled with compassion Olivia I hear your pain and I understand why you're feeling overwhelmed but I want you to consider something this baby this miracle you've wanted for so long it's a part of you not just Ethan but you and from what you've told me you're a strong resilient woman I believe you have the strength to be an amazing mother with
or without a partner Olivia shook her head but how I have no job no home of my own how could I possibly provide for a child there are resources available Dr Bennett said gently support groups financial assistance programs and you have your family here in milbrook you're not alone Olivia as Dr Benn continued to speak explaining the risks of termination and the Alternatives available Olivia felt her resolve wavering could she really do this could she really become a single mother she left the clinic with a stack of pamphlets and more questions than answers as she
stepped out into the warm summer air a familiar voice called out to her Liv everything okay she turned to see Nathan jogging towards her concern etched on his handsome face and in that moment looking at into His Kind eyes Olivia made a decision that would change the course of her life forever Nathan Olivia said her voice thick with emotion I I could really use a friend right now without hesitation Nathan wrapped an arm around her shoulders I'm here Liv whatever you need they ended up at Lou Diner a local institution that hadn't changed a bit
since their high school days as they slid into a worn vinyl Booth The Familiar smell smell of coffee and apple pie wrapping around them like a comforting blanket Olivia felt some of the tension leave her body so Nathan said stirring sugar into his coffee want to tell me what's going on I mean you don't have to but I'm pregnant Olivia blurted out Nathan's eyes widened his spoon clattering against the side of his mug wow okay that's congratulations Olivia let out a bitter laugh yeah it should be except my husband is cheating on me I ran
away from home and I just spent the last hour begging a doctor to give me an abortion she watched Nathan's face carefully waiting for the Judgment the awkward attempt to excuse himself from her mess but instead he reached across the table and took her hand Liv I'm so sorry he said softly that's a hell of a lot for anyone to deal with but listen to me you're the strongest person I know always have been whatever you decide to do I know you've got this Olivia felt tears welling up in her eyes you really think so
Nathan squeezed her hand I know so and hey for what it's worth I think you'd make an amazing mom as they talked really talked for the first time in years Olivia felt something shift inside her the panic and despair that had been her constant companion since that fateful day in the city began to recede replaced by a tentative Hope by the time they left the D the sun was setting painting the sky in brilliant shades of orange and pink Nathan insisted on walking Olivia home their arms brushing occasionally as they strolled down the quiet streets
thanks for today Olivia said as they reached her mother's house I really needed this Nathan smiled The Fading sunlight catching the gold Flex in his hazel eyes anytime live I mean it day or night if you need anything I'm here as Olivia watched him walk away she felt a flutter in her stomach that had nothing to do with morning sickness she placed a hand on her belly a small smile playing on her lips maybe we'll be okay after all little one she whispered the weeks flew by and as Olivia's first trimester came to an end
she found herself settling into a new routine in milbrook she'd started volunteering at the local library losing herself in the familiar smell of books and the quiet companionship of the elderly patrons one sunny afternoon as she was reshelving books in the children's section she felt a familiar presence behind her fancy meeting you here Nathan's voice rumbled sending a shiver down her spine Olivia turned a stack of picture books in her arms Nathan what brings you to the library he held up a thick legal Tome just some light reading for work but I was hoping I
might run into you Olivia raised an eyebrow oh and why is that Nathan's cheeks flushed slightly well I was wondering if you might want to grab dinner with me tonight at the lake cafe they've renovated the place and I hear the food is actually edible now Olivia's heart skipped a beat was this a date could she even consider dating given her situation but as she looked at Nathan's hopeful expression she found herself nodding I'd love to she said softly that evening as Olivia entered the lake Cafe on Nathan's arm she was struck by how much
had changed the dingy Diner of their youth had been transformed into a Chic beastro with soft lighting and Sleek modern Decor as they settled into their seats Nathan's eyes roamed over Olivia's face you look beautiful he said softly Olivia blushed smoothing her hands over her dress at 14 weeks pregnant her belly was just beginning to show but the flowing fabric concealed it well as they ate and talked Olivia found herself relaxing in a way she hadn't in years Nathan made her laugh drawing out stories from their shared childhood and filling her in on the town
gossip she'd missed as the waiter cleared their plates Nathan's expression turned serious Liv there's something I need to tell you Olivia's stomach clenched what is it Nathan took a deep breath I've had feelings for you for a long time since high school if I'm being honest I never said anything because you were always out of my lead league and then you moved away and married Ethan but seeing you again these past few weeks those feelings have come rushing back Olivia sat in stunned silence as Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet
box I know this is fast and I know you're going through a lot right now but I want you to know that I'm here for you for both of you he said glancing at her stomach I love you Olivia and if you'll have me I want to build a life with you and your baby tears welled up in Olivia's eyes as Nathan opened the box revealing a delicate diamond ring Nathan I but before she could finish a commotion at the front of the restaurant caught their attention Olivia's blood ran cold as she recognized the voice
where is she where's my wife Ethan had found her Olivia froze her heart pounding as Ethan's angry voice grew closer Nathan immediately stood positioning himself protectively in in front of her Olivia Ethan bellowed pushing past a startled waiter when he saw her his face contorted with rage what the hell is going on I've been looking everywhere for you Nathan stepped forward his voice calm but firm sir I'm going to have to ask you to lower your voice and leave you're disturbing the other patrons Ethan's eyes narrowed and who the hell are you I'm Olivia's friend
Nathan replied evenly and right now you need to go e Ethan let out a bitter laugh friend is that what you're calling it Jesus Liv I knew you were upset but I never pegged you for a cheater at that Olivia found her voice she stood anger replacing her fear a cheater that's rich coming from you I saw you with Jessica Ethan don't you dare try to turn this around on me the color drained from Ethan's face you you saw every disgusting second of it Olivia spat now get out we have nothing left to say to
each other for a moment it looked like Ethan might argue further but then his shoulders slumped the fight going out of him Liv please can we just talk in private Olivia hesitated glancing at Nathan he squeezed her hand reassuringly it's up to you he murmured I'll be right here if you need me taking a deep breath Olivia nodded fine 5 minutes Ethan that's all you get they stepped outside the cool night air a stark contrast to the heated atmosphere inside Ethan ran a hand through his hair looking lost Olivia I'm so sorry he began what
you saw it was a mistake a stupid one-time thing Jessica means nothing to me you're my wife the love of my life please come home we can work this out Olivia stared at him this man she'd loved for so long but all she felt now was a dull ache like pressing on an old bruise no Ethan she said softly we can't because it's not just about the affair it's about the years of putting your career first of making me feel like I was failing you because I couldn't get pregnant our marriage has been over for
a long time we just didn't want to admit it Ethan opened his mouth to argue but Olivia held up a hand this is my decision Ethan respect it or I'll get a restraining order I mean it for a long moment they stood in Silence the weight of their shattered marriage hanging between them finally Ethan nodded okay he said quietly if that's what you want but Liv I really am sorry for everything as Olivia watched him walk away she felt a strange mix of sadness and relief one chapter of her life was ending but another was
just beginning when she re-entered the restaurant Nathan was waiting anxiously are you okay he asked pulling her into a gentle hug Olivia leaned into him breathing in his comfort ing scent I am she said surprising herself with how true it felt she pulled back looking into Nathan's concerned eyes now about that proposal the next few months were a whirlwind for Olivia as her pregnancy progressed she found herself embracing her new life in milbrook with open arms she and Nathan took things slowly dating properly despite the rather unorthodox start to their relationship on a crisp autumn
day as they strolled through the town park handin hand and Olivia finally gave Nathan her answer yes she said simply squeezing his hand Nathan stopped in his tracks a look of confusion Crossing his face yes what Olivia laughed the sound light and free yes I'll marry you you big dummy Nathan's face lit up with joy he swept Olivia into his arms spinning her around carefully really you're sure Olivia nodded tears of happiness glistening in her eyes I'm sure I love you Nathan you've been my rock through all of this and I know you'll be an
amazing father to this little one as Nathan slipped the ring onto her finger the same one he'd offered that fateful night at the lake cafe Olivia felt a sense of Peace wash over her this was right this was where she was meant to be the months flew by and before Olivia knew it she was holding her newborn daughter Emma in her arms Nathan was by her side beaming with pride and love for both of them but their happiness was soon to be tested when Emma was 3 months old Olivia received a summons to appear in
court Ethan was finally pushing forward with divorce proceedings unaware of the life-changing surprise that awaited him Nathan who had revealed himself to be a skilled lawyer took charge of the situation don't worry Liv we'll face this together I won't let him bully you or take advantage of the situation the day of the court hearing arrived Olivia dressed Emma in her prettiest outfit a tiny floral dress with matching booties with Nathan by her side and Emma in her arms Olivia entered the courtroom her heart racing there on the opposite side sat Ethan with Jessica by his
side Ethan's eyes widened as he saw Olivia then dropped to the baby in her arms his mouth fell open in shock and Jessica gripped his arm her face a mix of surprise and anger as the proceedings began Nathan presented their case with skill and passion he argued that Ethan's infidelity had irreparably damaged the marriage and that Olivia had every right to seek a divorce all the while Emma CED softly in Olivia's arms drawing curious glances from everyone in the courtroom when Ethan took the stand he seemed distracted his eyes constantly darting to the baby he
stumbled through his prepared statement about regret and wanting to make amends but his words lacked conviction finally it was Olivia's turn to speak she stood adjusting Emma on her hip and faced the judge your honor Olivia said her voice strong despite her nerves as you can see there's something the court needs to know 3 months ago I gave birth to this beautiful baby girl Emma is Ethan's daughter a collective gasp went through the courtroom Ethan slumped in his chair his face pale Olivia continued I discovered I was pregnant on the same day I saw Ethan
kissing Jessica I left because I couldn't bear the thought of raising my child in a home built on lies and betrayal this baby was the one thing I wanted more than anything in the world and when I finally got my Miracle my husband wasn't there to share in that Joy he was too busy betraying our marriage vows she turned to face Ethan directly Emma gurgling happily in her arms I've built a new life in milbrook surrounded by love and support Port this is where Emma belongs I'm not asking for anything from you Ethan I just
want to be free to move on and give our daughter the stable loving home she deserves the judge nodded thoughtfully her eyes softening as she looked at Emma Mr Hartley given this new information do you wish to amend your petition Ethan stood slowly his eyes never leaving his daughter I I had no idea a baby I'm a father he turned to the judge your honor I need time to process this can we can we postpone the proceedings Jessica tugged at Ethan's sleeve Whispering furiously but he Shrugged her off the judge considered for a moment given
these extraordinary circumstances I'm inclined to Grant a brief recess we'll reconvene in one week I suggest both parties use this time to reassess their positions and perhaps engage in mediation as they left the courthouse Ethan approached Olivia hesitantly Jessica hovering a few steps behind Olivia I can I hold her please Olivia hesitated then nodded she carefully transferred Emma to Ethan's arms the baby looked up at him curiously then reached out to grab his tie Ethan's eyes filled with tears she's beautiful Liv I'm so sorry for everything I know it doesn't change anything but I truly
am sorry Olivia watched as Ethan cradled their daughter a mix of emotions swirling inside her we can arrange visitation Ethan but you need to understand Nathan has been there for Emma since before she was born he's the only father she knows Ethan nodded reluctantly handing Emma back to Olivia I understand I I'd like to be part of her life if you'll let me as Ethan Walked Away Jessica trailing behind him with a scowl on her face Olivia turned to Nathan a watery smile on her face letun go home she said softly it's been a long
day for all of us Nathan wrapped an arm around Olivia and Emma guiding them towards the car as they drove home Olivia couldn't help but feel that despite the emotional turmoil of the day they had taken a significant step towards a new chapter in their lives one where Emma would have all the love and support she deserved N9 months later Olivia stood in the backyard of her and Nathan's new home watching as their friends and family gathered to celebrate little Emma's first birthday the baby girl giggled in her high chair frosting smeared across her cherubic
face as Nathan lit the candle on the cake Olivia felt a wave of gratitude wash over her she thought back to that day in the opulent bathroom of her old life staring at yet another negative pregnancy test if someone had told her then where she'd be now she never would have believed them but here she was a published children's book author happily married to her childhood sweetheart and mother to to the most beautiful little girl in the world as everyone sang Happy Birthday Olivia caught Nathan's eye he winked at her mouthing I love you Olivia
smiled her hand unconsciously moving to her stomach where the earliest signs of a new life were once again making themselves known she hadn't told Nathan yet that would be his birthday surprise next week as Emma smashed her tiny fists into the cake eliciting laughter from the gathered crowd Olivia felt a profound sense of contentment this was her happily ever after messy imperfect and more wonderful than she ever could have imagined
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