welcome to the Daily Comm let's start today's session by finding a comfortable position with a tall straight back allow your arms to rest gently when you're ready close your eyes bring full attention to this very moment settling in and allowing the mind and body to still and with openness patience and curiosity bring your awareness to the breath taking a deep breath in and releasing it fully follow the breath as it flows in and out of your body and taking one last deep breath before letting the breath settle allowing it to feel natural and easy don't
try to force the breath or regulate it in any way just allow it to flow naturally on its own for for and we'll scan down the body now concentrating our attention from part toart start by bringing your attention to the top of your head and scalp feeling whatever is happening in this area you might feel tingling or heat throbbing or soft vibrations there may be strong sens or you might not feel much at all now lower your attention to your forehead face and jaw allow the muscles here to relax on your next out breath let
that sensation dissolve lower your focus to the neck letting the throat and sides and back of the neck [Music] soften notice any Sensation that arises on the surface of the skin or deeper Within now bring your attention to your shoulders noticing if there's any tension or strain breathe into your shoulders and if any parts feel tight allow them to relax extend your awareness down the arms towards the wrists palms and fingers on the next out breath allow them to soften now come to the chest observing the rise and fall of each breath notice how the
lungs expand and contract direct your attention to your upper and lower back there may be some intensity is this is an area where we commonly hold stress if you notice any tension or warmth or discomfort just observe what's there with each breath you take soften just a little bit more moving your focus around to your abdomen notice it expanding filling up with air and slowly emptying on the exhale and bring your attention to your pelvis notice where your body makes contact with the ground or your chair and direct your breath into this area relaxing into
Stillness Now scan your legs observing your thighs notice where they make contact with your cushion or chair lowering your attention to your knees and your shins and calves let your legs soften tensions release when you're ready breathe into your ankles your feet and [Music] Toes Let Them relax and become soft sinking into a state of relaxed awareness and as we near the end of the session take a moment to notice how you feel you may find that you're more relaxed as this is often a common outcome of meditation this is one of the reasons why
it's so helpful to meditate during times of stress when we're experiencing stress our amydala fires up and it's difficult to make thoughtful decisions so if we find our mind is clouded due to overwhelm we can use meditation as a tool to calm the Mind down ideally we want to meditate in a preventative way so we don't get to that point but the practice is here for you whenever you need it and as we near the end of the session bring your attention back to the room wiggle your fingers and toes and slowly open your eyes
I hope you enjoyed today's daily Cal I invite you to bring this state of peace peace with you into the day and we'll see you back here tomorrow