10 Dark Psychology Tricks to Sell ANYTHING

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Patrick Dang
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I'm going to give you a complete list of my most powerful sales tactics I've used to generate millions of dollars for myself and my clients these are some of the strategies the top companies in Silicon Valley use to generate millions and I'm going to show you how you can use this for yourself by compressing all these learnings into this single video so the first tactic I have for you is going to be called perceived control you want to make the other person feel like they are in control of the entire sales situation but in fact
the salesperson is always is always always in control so let me give you some examples one technique I often use is asking questions and allowing the prospect to give me a yes or no so when they give me a yes it's going to make them feel like it was their idea and they gave me permission to move on to the next step for example let's say I'm in the beginning of a meeting and I say hey John do you mind if we go ahead and get started the other person's going to say sure sounds good
so I was able to control the conversation start the meeting ask a question and then John will say sure so now because he allowed me to get started this person feels like they are control but actually I am the one in control let me give you another example so if I'm about to pitch my products and services but I don't want to come off as salesy I could say hey John now that I understand some of your challenges do you mind if I go ahead and tell you how I think I might be able to
help you of course he's going to say sure sounds good please tell me how you can help me make more money so using this techniques to make the person feel like they're in control is extremely powerful because nobody likes a pushy salesman that's trying to sell you something you don't need but by asking questions and always getting the yes then it allows a prospect to feel like they're in control and the goal is you you want to do this through the entire sales process from the beginning middle end all the way through now I'm going
to give you a very powerful technique and some people have even called it manipulative when I explained it to them so it's going to be called mirroring so mirroring is essentially when you copy a person's body language their tonality the words that they say even the way they dress in some cases people trust others who are just like them and if that person trusts you because you are like them they're more likely to buy from you because they trust you so the more you are similar to another person the more they buy so when it
comes to the selling environment it starts with the moment you shake someone's hand all the way to closing a deal so when you shake someone's hand your mirroring already starts this is getting very technical but let's say you're shaking someone's hand and you basically match the grip of their handshake have you ever had a situation when somebody had a very weak handshake you're like that's kind of weird or when someone had a very strong handshake like they're trying to like kill you feels very weird but if you just kind of touch them here and then
match the handshake they're much more likely to feel like you and them are more in common so then from there the next step is tonality so how you speak so if you're going crazy like yo what's up man like you want to buy my products they're going to be like whoa total turn off right obviously you want to be confident in yourself but at the same time if you match the tonality of how they speak how fast or slow they speaking how loud they're speaking and even the words that they say you're just like subconsciously
getting the other person to like you more more more so if somebody sits down I'm going to sit down if they're going to talk in this particular speed I'm going to talk in this particular speed so all I'm really doing is mirroring and when you get really good at this it's really in your subconscious you don't have to think about it too much you just have to to basically copy the way they act their mannerisms people don't even know that I'm doing it to them but some reason they feel like wow I really like this
person and then that's how you get the sale and real quick guys if you are interested in starting your own business and taking the skills you've learned from your 9-to-5 job or maybe from your personal experience and want to monetize that you definitely want to check out founder X which is our free entrepreneurial Community that's going to show you how to build your own online business and get your first paying clients in six weeks now the link is in the description to join this free school Community where we're going to have free courses for you
guys free weekly q&as as well as one-on-one founder Clarity calls so you can get clear on what your entrepreneurial goals are and see how we might be able to help you now if you want to join this free school Community founder X make sure to check the link in the description I'm going to show you how to use pain to get people to trust you so here's the thing about people everybody has a story to tell but they don't feel like they trust anyone to tell their story too everybody has trauma everybody's been through a
bad breakup or a bad business business deal or whatever in their life and it feels really good to share these things with other people because we feel like we trust them we feel like we're getting some kind of emotional support and so from a salesperson's perspective once you build that trust by let's say building Rapport copying their tonality their body language the next step is to ask questions to uncover their pain because in a sale if there's no pain somebody doesn't feel enough problems in their life to take an action or pay money to make
the problem go away they're not going to buy it so all you have to do is ask questions start surface level then you get deeper and deeper and deeper you can ask things like so so far what have you tried when it comes to social media and then they'll tell you and say oh so you tried shorts already but it didn't work out like you're only getting like three likes per post is that right and then they'll say yeah you know we've been trying to post but it's just not working then you can ask deeper
questions like oh well what have you tried to you know increase the number of likes that you get per post or get people to watch it and then they'll say oh I tried everything I read all the books I did all the courses but somehow it doesn't work and so you're kind of like secretly positioning your let's say marketing agency for example if you help people with Instagram content you're positioning yourself as a solution to their pain the key to using pain in a cell is you want to one identify their pain and you want
to make this little tiny problem into a very big problem so big it becomes a priority on their radar and that allows you to easily sell your products and services for example if I was selling services on how to growth hack somebody's Instagram account I'd be like look man like you're killing out on YouTube your shorts are blowing up your long forms blowing up but I really think that you're missing an opportunity to grow on shorts there are these other creators in your particular Niche and theyve been crushing it they've been getting so many quality
leads and getting more clients from that that it's now a profit generating asset for them and they don't have to do anything because they're just reusing content yeah you know you're doing YouTube and things like that but in the future it's going to get more and more competitive especially on Instagram and right now in my personal opinion for your particular Niche it's not saturated at all so if you wait until later you may not have the same opportunity to grow as quickly because I think you make amazing content on YouTube I'm very confident I can
take that content cut it up put it on shorts and blow you up see that's how I would pitch those kind of marketing Services if I just said hey you know like I'm going to do shorts for you it doesn't sound that interesting if I first dive into the problem of have you done shorts first why did you fail and then I create more problems of like your competition is already doing it now it becomes something that's urgent and they're more likely to buy because of these urgencies and these pains and the fear of missing
out everybody has a latent pain a latent pain is a pain they have but they don't know they have and so it's a salesperson's job to make them aware of that problem only when they are aware the problem are they in the mindset to actually fix it and buy something to solve their problem and there are situations where I've sold new consulting services to different clients and it would be a situation where I don't have a website for this thing I've never sold it before I don't even know 100% if it works but I really
do believe that I can help them so what I do when I'm selling something new is like I just ask some their problems and I say hey do you mind if I share how I think I can help and then I just remedy all their pains based on the problems they tell me but it only works because I would spend like an hour understanding their problems and then I would say I think I might be able to help this is very different from saying hey let me do this for you and they'll be like why
should I trust you and so understanding their pain allowing them to speak about their pains is going to build that trust with you and them for you to finally pitch your products and services you want to combine these two psychological elements right number one is build rapport build that trust number two is identify the pain let them talk about their pains really make that pain really big and what happens if you actually get to the stage is that person trusts you so much much that when you finally pitch your product or service they're just much
more likely to hear because of that Journey you took them on now tying it to make this even more powerful is creating a desire dream scenario for your prospects so everybody has this pain and you think of it like point a and then there's point B where they have a desired outcome of what they want their life to be like what you want to do is get them to tell you what their desired dream state is so you cannot force what you think their life should be like you should ask questions to encourage them to
share with you what they want a lot of reasons for why people are motivated to buy or be successful in something is usually not a business thing it's a personal reason so it might be like I want to make this amount of money because I need to support my family because I just had a child it's usually those things that motivate people the most and so when you get close enough to somebody like believe it or not even if it's on the first call if you ask these questions the right way they will tell you
like their deepest darkest fears because they trust you enough and they believe that you can help them so that's when selling becomes extremely easy because if you have something that can actually bring value in their lives and you help them achieve their dream state then they're willing to tell their dreams and things with you and then all you're really doing is saying hey I know your problem I know where you're trying to go I know how to help you I've helped people in your situation do it before I've done it for myself and if it
doesn't work I will give you your money back 100% so now it's becoming a very easy sell and bonus tip on top of this is you want to ask them what's stopping them from their dreams if they could already achieve what they want they would have done it already but there's something stopping them them maybe they don't have the knowledge the skills or maybe they need some kind of help when you ask them hey so like you seem like a very smart person and you're very capable I'm just curious to know why haven't you got
to where you want to go yet and they will say oh I've been trying but and then they will tell you that big butt right there so what you want to do as the salesperson is say okay I think I might be able to help with my solution and remove that blocker so you can get to where you want to go that's really all selling is there's no high pressure it's just so logical how you're going to get them from point A to point B but it's also very emotional because they trust you so much
you know assuming using all the strategies that I'm sharing with you right now now I'm going to show you how to get people to sell themselves by being negative and doing the opposite of what people expect so I'm going to give you an example in let's say like dating and relationships right this is about sales but I think it's a funny example so I remember when I met my girlfriend at the gym I saw her you know I thought she was cute I wanted to start a conversation so I just cold approached her said hey
how's it going I'm Patrick great to meet you and we just started talking and then from there I ended the conversation early okay I'm going to go now and do my workout but let me get your contact and then I'm going to go and then we exchang contacts and she probably was thinking like oh like he ended the conversation pretty early so I left and went to do my thing as she was leaving she came back up to me and then she said hey um it's good meeting you and you know we should totally uh
hang out again sometime and then I said yeah yeah just text me when you know you're at the gym and I'll see if I'm there and she's like no no no no no like we should hang out for coffee or something like that and I was like oh you want to go outside the gym huh you see what I'm doing here it's like instead of just jumping in and saying like hey you know know let me take you out to dinner I'm just saying like hey like I'll be here around text me whenever and so
it's very opposite of what people expect at the time wasn't really trying to do that it just kind of happened that way when you do the opposite of what people expect you somehow build more trust placing yourself as high value when it comes to sales it's very similar let's say so you're trying to close a deal and then someone's like yeah you know I'm ready to move forward and you just bust out the contract in your pen okay well sign here they're going to be like whoa whoa Whoa man you're pushing way too fast I
I said I was ready but not that ready but if you do the opposite and you kind of push them away which is like a negative in like dating is called negging right let's say somebody says yeah Patrick I'm ready to sign the contract I'm ready to go and I'll be like right this is really good that we got to this stage before we even sign any contracts I would just want to make sure one more time that this is something you really need because if it's not I don't want to force you to buy
anything like I'm only looking to work with people who are 100% committed to this what ends up happening is they're going to say it with their own mouths and say no no no Patrick you don't understand I am committed to this you already know you're going to get the sale but by doing the opposite of what people expect you're going to get them to sell themselves and now they're saying no I want to buy this thing that Patrick is offering because I want to achieve my goals it's not you telling them that they're telling you
that and they're trying to say hey I want to buy from you please work with me and so now it changes the entire Dynamic of the sales relationship so that's pretty much how it works when you use negatives so I'm going to show you how to use scarcity to increase the demand of your product and also get your customers to sell themselves so what is scarcity really scarcity is basically how limited the supply of something is and how that's going to affect supply and demand so the less there is of something the more demand there
naturally is so for example one time I went to the Rolex store and I said hey if I were to buy like this watch how would I do that and they said you can't buy any watches at the store but we can get your email and name and phone number and when it's comes in stock we'll let you know it's been like a year they never called me back as you can see it creates this fake Demand right could they sell me that watch right there and do they have the manufacturing capability to do it
absolutely but they choose not to and they choose to sell their watches to certain type of Distributors to create that scarcity which increases the demand for their product which keeps the prices of their watch healthy on the secondary Market if you're selling consulting services and you're selling your time for example you can say hey look right now I already have four clients we only have capacity to do five at a high level now I am talking to you and this other person personally between you and I I would rather go with you so if you
could make the decision by this day I would really appreciate that and they would be like okay like Patrick's in the band obviously if I don't tell him I'm going to work with him this week then he's going to go with the other guy then he's fully booked and I can't do with that I got to find another consultant see you you're creating this feeling of scarcity which can be very true and it's going to increase your per received value which also allows you to increase your prices if they don't have alternative option now I'm
going to show you how you can get somebody to negotiate against themselves and get them to buy your products and services so this technique is called anchoring anchoring is essentially when you pick a price and you put it next to another price and the first price typically is a lot higher than the second one and because the first one is much higher the second one doesn't look as bad and actually somebody used this technique on me recently when I was looking for certain coaching services and I'll tell you how it went so I'm on the
call it's a good fit to work together on both sides and we're going to talk about pricing for this particular coaching program right so that's me paying for another person to coach me I'm like okay cool everything sounds pretty good what's the price looking like and they're like okay really good question Patrick well we have different tiers depending on what you need we have tiers that go up to $50,000 some entrepreneurs go with the $30,000 services at the lowest here we have $7,000 just curious based on your particular scenario like which one would you feel
like you fit in now obviously like $30,000 and $50,000 is quite a lot for coaching program so I'm like I probably would be in the $7,000 range but I don't even know what am I getting from these things right so if I was getting the $7,000 like what am I getting so now what that salesperson did is he reversed it on me so he basically got me to admit my price of like what I'm willing to pay for something and then he got me to ask him the question so if I pay 7,000 what do
I get and now he's allowed to pitch without sounding salesy because I was the one that asked him what do I get in this package and then I'm the also the one to ask him if I paid $30,000 What would I get and so that's how you anchor somebody to make the price of $7,000 feel much cheaper let me show you a reverse example of how anchoring will change the perception of $7,000 so if he said our lowest end is going to be $2,000 and on the high end it's $7,000 and for really high level
entrepreneurs it's $3 $3,000 what ends up happening is I'm going to be like oh now I want to spend $3,000 $7,000 seems kind of expensive but because by anchoring the price is so high and making the lowest one $7,000 I'm more willing to buy it because of that price anchoring so the key lesson there is just shoot High because it's all perceived value anyways another way to Anchor if you're negotiating is let's say you're willing to accept $7,000 if you start off with hey you know normally it's going to cost $112,000 but if you can
get the deal signed by the end of the month we can actually should reduce it to $10,000 so what ends up happening in this situation is you're willing to accept 7 you told them 12 but if they sign by the end of the month they're going to get 10 so they get a deal so they're going to say I would love to get 10 but is there any chance we can reduce the price from 10,000 to 8,000 and then you can basically say okay we could do that but we got to take out these services
or we could do that if we do that and I get the special discount for you I'm going to need to get that deal signed by the end of the week and they might say yeah yeah that's that's fine I want that $4,000 off but you're willing to accept s so what's going on here well in B2B sales like you don't put your price on your website so you can say your price is whatever you want it's all perceived value like I was saying so that's how you would anchor high and let them negotiate against
themselves and just keep offering things that allow them to get discounts until they get to a price that they're willing to accept and you're willing to accept as well so you never want to give them the price that you want off the bat because they always want to push you lower so you have to know like hey they're going to push you lower anyway so start high and let them negotiate down I'm going to show you how to diffuse any conflict and turn your customer objections into opportunities for you you to sell your products and
services so conflict usually arises from two things one a difference in philosophy number two a misunderstanding and for most sales situations it's going to be a misunderstanding not necessarily a philosophy so the first thing you have to understand is your goal is to get to the truth it's not to be right or wrong so youd never want to get defensive and say oh no our prices are this I know I'm valuable no nobody cares about you what you want to do is just try to understand their situation so if they say something like hey you
know the I think your prices are way too high I talk to your competition everybody's cheaper so I'm not really understanding why I should pay what you're asking if I'm not getting more value so the first thing is you just have to kind of hear and feel what they say empathize with them so I would say hey man I totally get where you're coming from I get you talk to all these other people who supposedly have similar services to me and they're charging a cheaper price relative to what we're talking about today is that right
and they're going to be like yeah all I'm really doing is empathizing with them summarizing what they said to show them that I actually listened not getting defensive the show I'm on their side I'm trying to help them so from here a common technique is to reference a previous client so it's like this feel felt found formula I hear what you're saying some of our clients felt the same way what they found was that when they worked with these other guys they said they could do this and that but in the end the services that
they were promising and the results they were guaranteeing just never came to fruition so after working with those guys for a month and they switched over to us to see if they we were any different uh because of our higher prices we were able to provide a much higher quality service and get them the result they wanted on the surface it might be the the same when we're talking about customer testimonials and happy clients I think our testimoni is kind of speak for themselves and I can do you one better if you would like I
can actually set up a meaning between me and one of our happy clients who felt the same way you did and after working with us he can kind of explain the differences between me and maybe the other guys that you may be talking to what do you think of that that's a very strong way to take an objection and turn it into an opportunity of strength but if you don't have like customer testimonials and things like that you can't really use the feel felt found formula what you can also do is you can make recommendations
and offer a different perspective now I'm going to show you how to close more deals using a technique called the call out which is just calling out your gut feeling now there are going to be times in a sales meeting where you feel like everything's going well but something deep in your gut is telling you like nah like I don't think they're going to buy you don't know what it is sometimes it's your subconscious sometimes it's a guess sometimes it's just the way they looked at you but you feel like something is wrong now you
might feel very afraid to say what's on your mind but let me tell you a trick if you feel it say it meaning if you feel like hey like this person really does not have the money just say it just say like hey you know for some funny reason I feel like maybe the pricing might be too high for you is that right it's a very scary question to ask because you're basically doing the opposite of what someone expects and you could potentially kill the deal because you feel like you're disrespecting them but if you
feel it it probably is true or you might say like hey you know everything seems pretty good and it seems like you can make the decision but my personal gut feeling is that there's more people involved in the decision- making process and I know you said that you're the key decision Mak it and you're signing off but I just want to make double sure that there's nobody else that we need to bring into the conversation and a lot of times when you call them out on these things they might be like oh well I am
the person that signs off but I need to talk to this particular person first or let's say you're doing a sales presentation and the person's like dozing off on your presentation right they're falling asleep you say Hey listen we're doing this presentation and I respect that you know you're giving me the time to do this but it seems like you're kind of falling asleep during the presentation and I don't want to waste your time I don't want to waste my time either so I just want to make it clear like is this something you're interested
in because if it's not you could totally just cut it here and kind of move forward and they might be like oh no no no no I just didn't have good sleep last night and I really do want this or they might be like yeah you know to be honest I'm not really into it so let's go ahead and not waste any more time because a lot of times as salese our time is the most valuable thing we have and if you're feeling something weird or awkward in the sales meeting say it just say it
and get to the truth do not be afraid
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