ho ho ho Cult Light in the Christmas mood today bringing one of the most requested videos we will talking about crop steering man did you know that you can accelerate increase your income and leave your plants healthier by controlling several factors we talk a lot about temperature humidity EC but today we are going to talk about frequency irrigation times and irrigation strategies irrigation in general G So guys come with me that today the video is a spectacle then [Music] call So guys let's go I divided the structure here in introduction about crop research steering definition and concepts management in practice climate plant management irrigation crop cycles and strategies at the end references But I also I put the references here and I will tell you you why So guys alert like if you are going through this stage here Leave a like and subscribe, this helps a lot We're fine now let's go to the video I saw that you didn't click click there now yes now let's go for the video call So guys let's talk a a little bit about the research the main research I used this one here, Controlling Plant balance by irrigation, controlling the balance of the plant through irrigation the objective here Guys, let's explain this concept a little bit. Balance and also how this balance impacts in productivity for example by doing certain irrigation strategies we can indicate the plant to do certain actions this would be the crop steering Harvest steering steering of plant we are basically putting several factors for plants to do what they People want it, man, this is awesome several variables influence this would be irrigation regime is uec concentration and electrical conductivity the concentration right of your solution watering frequency volume of watering all this influences but crop steering People talk about the whole thing, right? So the climate temperature humidity temperature difference day to night all this will also influence We will basically talk about management here a lot of irrigation but all those things too encompass crops steering So the studies also will give some practical tips I even found some more specific blogs about cannabis that will help us a lot here to know how to apply Indeed, because it is very theoretical but in the end I I put the practice summary, obviously you will need it May you guys study more too This thing here is more complex So guys I decided to cite the references here first because this time I used a lot of references like I said this article here I used this as a basis control implant balance but man I took a lot chroma farms patreon reference for who want to become more experienced, right?
Learn from others. more experienced is a patreon that is worth a lot Too bad I highly recommend it and I only shared a little of the things there too so I won't expose damn the content but I also took it from the blog Arya has a YouTube channel that talks about a lot about crops steing I took a lot of stuff from there many of their graphics are also this rmj Supply prop steering guy and these two other studies here's the one about grodan which is a book, right? and Plants Dara that is from 2024 including a very new study cool So man I took these things out of these Good sources here I tried to summarize and simplify to bring a concept that is more complex in a way easier for you guys so let's go guys crop steering what is this plant steering harvest direction At least that's how it was that I basically understood guys we are going make a complete strategic adjustment of the environment to manipulate growth to make it the plants come in and at the stages we want for example crop steering is divided into two in two types of growth there is the growth of low stress which is here o vegetative growth and the growth of High stress and the growth of High stress which is regenerative and they and when when the plant is in different stages it produces different things and it has an induction different from hormones So depending on our objective at that specific point in life plant we can guide it to what we want her to do it so stay with me this is very important beauty in growth vegetative the plant has vigorous growth of leaves and stems already in regenerative growth the plant has a greater development of flowers and fruits So guys, you can already see that there is a certain difference there is a certain difference but there's a great idea here too will use vegetative growth during a stage of flowering we go to flowering start with regenerative after a few weeks vegetative because it is what makes A fat of the Leaves and we will finish with regenerative again then the plant will go through a stage of flower formation fattening completion this This is also the question but we will talk about it more of the cycle later on Okay then that crop steering guys it's a matter of us optimize time and accounts grow faster healthier more vigorous all conditions will be perfect remember what we said of vpd Ah when the vpd is there at the perfect level the plant grows faster because it perspires better breathe better man it's basically the same thing only for soil moisture levels So That's what we're going to be controlling now.
soil moisture then only in vegetative growth here on the left the plant focuses on this production of leaves from non-growing stems more in having more structure grow more roots when she is in regenerative development she has a greater focus on the production of flowers and fruits right Huh growth in general is a little slower because she is focused on forming the fruits, not on setting them stems leaves etc right and also in development of secondary metabolites this for us would be trichomes more resin more power and now guys I'm going to talk about climate control remember what I I said crop steering is everything so I'll pass Here is just the summary that I took from this article that talking about Plants steering, right? It's more generalized but I summarized it here a little for you basically for us to direct this towards vegetative that we would have to have a little humidity higher a low difference in temperature of night and day this change from day to night more vague this difference right this part here which is not that relevant but for us to do this direction towards generative we would have that having what is less humidity he even says of higher temperatures but we have to remember that we don't like cannabis to stay so high otherwise we lose quality, right? So we have to take that into account consideration and difference and greater temperature right overnight this would be what aa night well colder than the day 5º difference to have this difference So here we go I put it here the values that would be for vegetative cannabis 26 to 30º 65 85% humidity regenerative I was already going speak regenerative again 23 to 27º 50 to 70% of humidity I also put the vpd and the difference of temperature night and day so this would be great for you to do this crop steering one another thing that I found really cool talks about plant management cara plant management a trima our pruning can also direct the plant for these different types of growth that we can have for example, look at the pruning of these leaves the lowest leaves, right man?
can Direct towards generative growth and look how cool we usually do this in flip moment, right, when we're going to flip the plant and remove all the leaves And then man this already does this direction, right? for the generative I found it very interesting and also the pruning of small fruits he called here, right? It was a study of tomatoes.
Pruning of small fruits can also be Direct for vegetative growth this can be interesting considering the first few weeks of flowering when we are in the first weeks of flowering What do we have face we have this birth of popcorn we can take this out and it could be interesting because we move on to vegetative growth want to do this there in the third fourth week we will talk in more detail later Go ahead guys now we're going to get into the part which is more complex than we talk about management of irrigation two important points that will be here and electrical conductivity the standard metric that tells us about the concentration of our fertilization and humidity in the substrate watering frequency will also matter here beauty this this graph here I took from aroia blog man these guys are sinister croppers steering basically these three metrics here are what we are going to control to control irrigation and do this direction that the We want to do different stimuli for both. so let's go vegetative stimulation is one and more low substrate plus a moist one plus watering and less volumes So you water more and Less volume to leaving the substrate more humid as the generative one is a higher s drier substrate less watering and larger volumes, then it's a little more separated a little more separated now guys talking about a little bit of the cycles This was a stop that I I found it on Jack da Atena's Linkedin, right? is one of the top guys there Consultants and he posted this little table here B basically guy would be the our strategy for using crop steering during the different life cycles of the plant It's what I told you in the vegetative stage Initially the plant is there initially our The objective here is to use what this steering is vegetative, right, that would be low and substrate well moist to promote rapid root growth stems and leaves in the first three four weeks When flowering, the plant goes through this stretching, right?
that she passes she stretches well so we go is using a growth targeting generative guys for her to start training das Flores So we will have a bigger dryback I'll tell you what it is in a bit but this is basically what dries from one day to another and one and higher here the intention is form flowers form flowers then guys later that the flowers were formed there between the fifth and the seventh week we want them to gain weight this booking phase for them to fatten us up go back to vegetative steering I put it wrong here I put it wrong here in this table so the we go back to vegetative direction to she gets fat and finishes maturing and when it ends up being ready we go back to generative for her to finish the show then guys and notice, it will stay with substrate with s lower right at the end so she will be with little of the vegetative but with little of the generative which is the drier substrate, so many of these techniques that we use manuals, right, in flowering letting it dry more makes perfect sense and is completely like this has this backup of science right science showing this type of strategy Guys Now I need to explain some things that are a little more complex are not so complex so the images that have a lot of information and then it can end up confusing, so let us know exactly when to water what times and how much and we created this division, didn't we? scientists created this phase division of irrigation then irrigation has different phases So let's go the lights turn on here oh lights connected here where is my silk show after the moment the light turned on, this one in blue is humidity of the soil water content of the substrate then after of 2 hours this substrate after the light turns on and humidity starts to drop, this would be the pz0 is the natural drop in water volume show this It happens normally after 1 hour for me0 2 hours we begins our first watering sequence which is what we call p1 So guys but first I just want to talk about these irrigation phases give a disclaimer that we do this more here when we have the automated rule because There are many moments, right? But anyway, getting back to talking from P1 then we arrive here at P1 we want to go up the humidity until we have our runoff but we Don't do it all at once, we do it in small steps small intervals shots So we're going to do small shots there with an interspersed frequency to gradually increase soil moisture until she reaches the moment she begins to drain that is it starts to leak underneath started leaking below we keep it in P2 which is the next would be maintenance the P2 would be kind of so we want to keep the great here in this level and now we will maintain this level until the end of the day until almost the end of the day right?
so we will keep this level very high until Two hours before the lights go out then fine then we make the P2 P2 entries would be these rules to keep then oh fell until here come back fell until here, come back fell until here then in p1 we have about 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 waterings in P2 we have three in p3 it would only be night drying what is the dryback the dryback is from up here since the last time we watered until when we wake up humidity here the next day, right? Until when? we will water again that would be how much percent it's drying out, right?
And we have to let it dry overnight this removal of water then in practice we will see phase by phase P1 So we have P1 here One Du hours after the lights woke us up makes small applications of 2 to 6% of the volume of the watering substrate at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes the goal is to reach saturation we want start leaking water underneath and you want 5% of it to leak volume of the vessel if the volume of the vessel is 5 l it has that 250 ml leaks at the end of this process, right? And then the applications would be 2% of 5 l which would be 100 ml 100 ml then we 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml until it leaks until it leaks underneath if you use lower volumes 2% You will probably have to do more than 9 right And if you use 6% you will have to do less this involves a little bit of test it too guys now in practice the P2 we want to keep this humidity here inside this ideal range while the lights are on we stop watering about 2 hours before lights erase beauty but we try to keep it there in the Ideal in vegetative stimulation these shots are less frequent are sometimes not even that necessary right, especially during Vega sometimes you don't even need it because the humidity will already stay on the plant He's not drinking that much yet, he's still relatively small the substrate is already damp so sometimes it doesn't need that much but in the generative stimulus we will probably need more right because We want to have these bigger shots but less frequent but leave the substrate dry then it will dry overnight but this here It happens guys, but why is the plant flowering? she pulls much more water she is doing much more process then it is something that will happen naturally Sometimes you don't even need to water here during the Vega but during the flowering you will see that it is very dry very dry and in practice the p3 just allow this drying to occur, right?
basically just this to avoid rot of the roots to allow them to breathe to that they dry right So that they dry our The goal here is to stimulate growth generally oh in vegetative growth we have less dryback in generative has a greater dryback it gets drier, it wakes up dry but that reminds me also that the plant pulls more pulls more and guys in practice I also made a summary based on in the information I learned with chroma, right? It's a summary of what these P1 P2 and P3 would be like right, that would be the dryback of each of the stages divide here into days according to weeks to get a little more organized then at the beginning of flowering we would have three rules of p1 a 30 50% weekly runoff right That was something also very important that I learned from him about doing a weekly runoff even though we be and working with automatic irrigation because sometimes automatic irrigation tends to accumulate So it's cool to do one twice a week forced runoff to ensure and also measure right E also measure the output oe to make sure it's ok close to the entrance so guys you must be noticing that during the Stretch phase the P1 it grows and then we start to need it of P2 before it starts only with normal P1 in the phase of booking we are going to a P1 and that will stay basically until the end right 4 to 6 of 4 to 88% and the P2 it stays static, right? 2is the same thing for finishing but the finishing will dry but right, and the runoff we're going to do a little bit biggest These are the differences guys So guys for us to conclude this matter I also wanted make it clear that this was a summary introduction of crop Steel you can go into much more depth much more there is still a lot to talk about you about this, including other forms of crop steering which would be the crop steering of nutrition and microorganisms they also do part of this crop steering But it turns out that bro is a lot of things and it's a lot of knowledge and that shows that we can evolve in cultivation many many things still right and that makes me excited, man lots to learn if you're angry So guys It's a more complex topic I hope I have managed to illustrate a little it facilitates a little for you this is a topic that generally we do a little more when we have the automatic rules, right?
I've seen people talking about crop steeling with irrigation and manual in organic but then I confess that it was something I never did. It was just something i can do in the automatic rule By while still not yet And not yet perfectly yet I'm evolving and improving mine here until teach you better then some tips It would be in coconut fiber to work with vases smaller like 3. 7 L than these phases P1 P2 p3 occur on the same day, this makes it easier for you a lot to have a crop steaming that goes every day be the same, right?
And then it guarantees this replicability. this is really cool and also guys the automation It's essential for us to level up in cultivation for example crop Steam that I mentioned here it was basically and I illustrated the theory but These rules are all automatic rules guys automatic rule sensors measuring sensor EC of the substrate substrate moisture all this It helps a lot and we have the data to get it do right These practices are practices that require more data but you can also do them manually I'm even going to study it more how to make them manually to bring a video for you about this too especially in the organic but as it is something I am studying more recently I'm in the mineral organic I haven't gotten my hands on it yet so if you know Leave your tips in the comments too Guys, do you want to help us? Did you like the video?