[Music] there are things that belong only to you and God in a world that thrives on exposure where people lay bare their lives for attention the chosen ones of God must walk a different path the Bible says be still and know that I am God some things must remain between you and him alone because when you you speak too soon you invite voices that were never meant to hear what God whispered in your heart thing number one your personal struggles with sin there are things in life that must remain between you and God alone and
one of them is your personal struggles with sin every believer faces Temptation the Bible says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God no one is exempt no matter how strong your faith may be no matter how many years you've walked with the Lord the enemy knows where to strike he studies your weaknesses waits for the right moment and then Whispers lies in your ear and when you stumble shame follows making you feel unworthy to even lift your eyes to heaven but here is the danger not everyone should hear about your
struggles not everyone should know the battles you fight behind closed doors the world today encourages people to expose every detail of their lives to confess their weaknesses to anyone who will listen but the truth is some things should only be laid before God when you reveal your struggles to the wrong people you open yourself up to judgment gossip and even manipulation some will pretend to understand but in their hearts they will use your weaknesses against you you others will act as if they care but when they walk away they will spread your failures like wildfire
Judas walked with Jesus listened to his teachings and even shared meals with him but in the end he betrayed the Son of God for 30 pieces of silver if Jesus himself was betrayed by someone close to him how much more should we be cautious about who we conf fight in the enemy will use the wrong people to break you further to remind you of your failures and to keep you chained to guilt and condemnation the Bible teaches us to confess our sins but that confession is first and foremost before God he is the only one
who truly understands the weight you carry he does not condemn he does not expose you to shame he forgives he restores and he cleanses there is a difference between seeking wise counsel and carelessly sharing your struggles with people who have no spiritual discernment a Godly Mentor a true man or woman of faith can lead you back to the cross with love and wisdom but opening your heart to just anyone can lead to deeper wounds sin is not something to be taken lightly but neither is it something to be broadcast ask for the world to see
in today's culture people are encouraged to Heir their sins publicly to seek validation from others rather than repentance before God some wear their struggles as a badge of honor boasting in their Brokenness rather than seeking healing but sin should never be glorified the enemy wants you to believe that exposure will set you free but true Freedom comes from surrendering it to Christ not the crowd David was a man after God's Own Heart yet he fell into sin he committed adultery he orchestrated a murder and for a time he tried to cover his transgressions but when
conviction gripped his soul he didn't run to people he fell on his face before God he cried out against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight he knew that only God could cleanse him only God could restore for his soul this is why the private battles you face must be taken to the throne of grace there is power in confession but that power is not in telling the world it is in humbling yourself before the one who can redeem you sin seeks to isolate to make you feel alone
in your struggle but the truth is God is near to the Brokenhearted when you bring your failures to him he does not turn away he Embraces he forgives and he strengthens you to overcome many have fallen because they sought the approval of men instead of the mercy of God they placed their trust in people who did not carry the heart of Christ and instead of finding restoration they found judgment be wise in where you take your struggles there's a place for accountability but it must be rooted in Godly wisdom the enemy would love nothing more
than to use your own words against you to remind you of who you were instead of who you are in Christ but when you go before the Lord in Repentance your sins are cast into the depths of the sea the world may remember but God wipes the Slate clean thing number two the depth of your faith Journey there are moments in life that are meant to be shared testimonies that encourage others and lessons that bring wisdom but there are also those sacred experiences Divine encounters and personal Revelations that are meant to remain between you and
God Alone the depth of your faith journey is not something that can always be explained nor should it always be spoken of some things are too holy for human words too precious to be placed in the hands of those who may not understand faith is deeply personal it is not just about what you believe it is about the relationship you have with the Living God it is about the moments when he speaks to your heart in the quiet when he Reveals His presence in ways that only you can comprehend some of the most powerful encounters
with God happen when no one else is around when it is just you and him when your soul is laid bare before his throne these moments are not meant for the world to see they are not meant to be debated or dissected by those who have never walked in your shoes the Bible is filled with examples of men and women who had encounters with God that were too profound to explain when Moses stood before the burning bush he was alone God spoke to him in a way that no one else could understand calling him to
a mission that would change history if Moses had run to others to explain what he had seen many would have doubted him mocked him or tried to convince him that it was nothing more than a delusion but Moses did not need validation from people he needed obedience to God Abraham was called to leave his homeland and go to a place that God would show him imagine the doubt the confusion the questioning he must have faced from those around him where are you going Abraham why would you leave everything behind how do you know this is
from God but Abraham did not have all the answers all he had was faith he could not fully explain what God was doing in his life nor did he need to his journey was between him and the Lord Joseph received dreams from God visions of his future but when he shared them with his brothers they despised him for it they could not understand what God had placed in his heart and their jealousy LED them to betray him not everyone will celebrate the calling God has placed on your life not everyone will understand the the vision
he has given you some will doubt you some will Envy you and some will try to destroy what they do not understand Jesus himself often withdrew to pray alone though he had crowds following him disciples learning from him and religious leaders questioning him there were moments when he needed to be alone with the father he did not reveal everything to everyone he spoke in Parables so that only those with spiritual eyes could see only those with Open Hearts could understand there were things too deep too sacred too Divine to be explained to those who are
not ready to receive them when God begins to work in your life there will be moments when he speaks directly to you there will be times when he calls you to something greater when he places a vision in your heart that others cannot see if you are not careful sharing too much with the wrong people can unnecessary doubt and discouragement some may try to talk you out of what God has called you to do Others May laugh at your faith not realizing that what seems impossible to man is possible with God faith is not meant
to be put on display for the approval of others the world often demands proof evidence and explanation but Faith operates in the Unseen the Bible says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen It is not always logical not always explainable and certainly not always understood by those who have never experienced it there are times when God will lead you in a direction that makes no sense to those around you he may ask you to take a step before showing you the path he may call you to trust
when everything around you seems uncertain Noah was told to build an ark when when there was no sign of rain imagine the ridicule he must have faced the questions the disbelief why are you building a boat Noah where is this flood you keep talking about but Noah did not need the approval of men he needed obedience to God had he spent his time explaining himself to everyone who doubted him he may have never completed what God had commanded instead he chose to trust to walk in faith to obey even when he did not fully understand
there will be times when God takes you through valleys through seasons of testing through trials that no one else can comprehend there will be moments when he speaks a word into your spirit that others are not ready to hear if you try to explain these moments to people who lack spiritual discernment you may find yourself discouraged doubting what you once believ so strongly not everyone is meant to walk the same path as you not everyone will have the same level of Faith some people operate in fear in doubt in the limitations of human reasoning when
you share too much with those who do not believe you risk allowing their unbelief to take root in your heart Peter walked on water because he had faith in Jesus but the moment he took his eyes off the Lord and looked at the storm he began to sink when you focus too much on the opinions of others when you seek their approval instead of God's your faith begins to waver the enemy will use the words of others to make you question what you know God has spoken he will send people to plant seeds of Doubt
to make you feel foolish for believing but faith is not about what makes sense to the world it is about trusting in the one who holds the world in his hands there will be times when God tests your faith in ways that are difficult to explain when he asks you to let go of something you thought you needed when he calls you to step into the unknown without revealing the full plan when he allows trials that refine you shaping you into the person he has called you to be these moments are deeply personal they are
not always meant to be shared because not everyone will understand some people will question God's ways because they have never experienced his power some will challenge your faith because they have never walked in true surrender Paul had a vision of Heaven a revelation so powerful that he could not even put it into words he said I heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words things no human is allowed to tell there are moments in your walk with God that are too Divine to be explained there are things he will show you that
are meant only for you not every encounter with God needs to be shared not every word he speaks to your heart is meant to be made public some things are between you and him alone there will be Seasons when your faith Journey will take you places others cannot follow God will separate you set you apart call you into deeper waters where only he can sustain you some people will not understand understand why you are so devoted why you pray the way you do why you refuse to compromise they will question why you still trust when
things look impossible why you still believe when the world tells you to give up but faith is not for them to understand it is for you to live thing number three your future plans and God's calling there are things in life that God reveals only to you things so deeply woven into his purpose for your life that they are not meant to be shared with just anyone your future plans and God's calling on your life are among them when God places a vision in your heart it is often in its earliest stages fragile vulnerable and
easily shaken by doubt and opposition if you share it too soon you risk allowing others to plant seeds of uncertainty where faith is me me to grow not everyone will understand what God is doing in your life and not everyone should some people will discourage you not because they wish to harm you but because they cannot see what you see others however will actively seek to derail you to make you question whether you truly heard from God at all Joseph was given Dreams by God visions of his future that set him apart but when he
shared those dreams with his brothers instead of celebrating they hated him they mocked him resented him and eventually betrayed him what Joseph did not realize at the time was that not everyone is ready to hear about the calling God has placed on your life some people even those closest to you may be threatened by what God is doing in you they may feel insecure jealous or even fearful that rise means their Decline and in their weakness they may try to stop you before you even begin God's plans for your life are not up for debate
when he calls you he does not ask for the world's approval he does not require validation from your friends your family or even your own understanding his ways are higher than our ways his thoughts beyond our own if you seek too much input from others you may find yourself stuck between their opinions and God's Direction when you listen to too many voices the voice of God becomes harder to discern Abraham was called to leave everything behind to go to a land that God would show him he was not given all the details only the command
to go imagine the doubt he must have faced from those around him why are you leaving Abraham where are you going how do you know this is God's will but Abraham did not have all the answers he only had faith if he had waited for the approval of others if he had sought permission from those who did not share his vision he might have never taken the first step sometimes the people around you cannot see what God has revealed to you they may judge your calling to the lens of their own fears their own limitation
ations what seems possible to You Through The Eyes of Faith may seem impossible to them when David was anointed to be king he was still a Shepherd boy no one saw royalty in him not his father not his brothers not even the prophet Samuel at first but God saw what no one else could see if David had sought validation from his family if he had waited for the the world to recognize his anointing he might have never stepped into his Destiny instead he trusted in the one who called him he did not need everyone to
believe in him because God had already chosen him when God has called you it does not matter who sees it or who does not what he has spoken over your life will come to pass in his time in his way there will be times when God gives you direction that does not make sense to those around you he may ask you to step away from a comfortable situation to walk away from what seems stable to pursue something that others do not understand he may call you to a place that looks Barren to the human eye
but in the spiritual realm it is full of promise when he led the Israelites to the Wilderness it did not seem like the path to the promised land but it was the only way to get there sharing your plans too soon can invite unnecessary obstacles some people will discourage you out of love thinking they are protecting you from failure others will discourage you out of Envy not wanting you to succeed where they have failed and some will actively try to sabotage what God is doing in your life the enemy Works through people and He will
use those closest to you if he can when Jesus revealed who he truly was even his own Hometown rejected him they could not believe that someone they had known as a carpenter's son could be the Messiah sometimes the people who think they know you best are the ones least able to see what God is doing in you there is wisdom in keeping certain things between you and God Jesus often withdrew to pray in solitude though he walked with his disciples taught the crowds and performed miracles in front of many there were moments when he sought
the father alone not everything needs to be spoken not every plan needs to be announced some things are meant to grow in silence until the time is right Noah built the ark before there was any sign of rain imagine if he had waited until people understood imagine if he had sought approval before obeying the vision God gives you may not make sense to anyone else and that is why it must be guarded Faith moves forward without full understanding while obedience does not wait for permission the enemy loves to attack what God has begun he cannot
stop God's plan but he will try to delay it distract you and make you doubt it he will send voices to discourage you circumstances to make you question and trials to test your endurance but if God has called you he will also sustain you if he has given you a vision he will make provision if he has placed a dream in your heart it is because he intends to bring it to pass some of the greatest moments in your faith Journey will happen in secret long before they are revealed to the world the preparation the
testing the refining all of it happens in the quiet place Joseph was thrown into a pit then sold into slavery then imprisoned before he ever saw the fulfill filment of his dreams but in those hidden years God was shaping him David was anointed king long before he ever sat on the throne and in the meantime he was tending sheep facing lions and running from Saul there is a season for Revelation but there is also a season for silence there is a time when God will place something in your heart and it is not yet meant
to be spoken not because it is not real not because it will not happen but because it must first take root a seed does not break the soil the moment it is planted it remains hidden growing beneath the surface unseen but alive the calling of God on your life is sacred it is not meant to be debated it is not meant to be explained to those who do not have spiritual understanding when the time is right God himself will reveal what he has been doing in you when his plans unfold they will be undeniable but
until then be wise with what you share be Discerning with whom you trust and above all be obedient to the one who called you thing number four your acts of Charity and Good Deeds there are things in life that are meant to be seen and there are things that are meant to be kept in the quiet place between you in God your acts of Charity and Good Deeds fall into the latter category the world today encourages people to broadcast their generosity to Showcase their kindness for recognition but the word of God teaches something different the
purest form of giving is done in secret not for Applause not for admiration but as an offering to the one who sees all things Jesus said be careful ful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them if you do you will have no reward from your father in Heaven when you give when you serve when you help those in need it should not be for the approval of men it should not be for praise or acknowledgement it should be out of love out of obedience out of a heart that
desires to reflect Christ in all things if the motivation behind your charity is recognition then the reward you seek is not from God but from men and the reward of men is fleeting temporary and empty true charity is not about being noticed it is about being faithful it is about giving when no one is watching serving when there is no gratitude loving when there is no reciprocation the greatest acts of kindness are often the ones that go unseen ACC quiet prayer for a struggling Soul a meal given to someone who has nothing a moment of
encouragement offered to a heart that is weary these are the things that matter in the eyes of God when Jesus spoke of giving he warned against the way the Pharisees practiced it they would make a show of their generosity announcing their donations with great pride ensuring that everyone knew just how righteous they were but Jesus rebuked this kind of giving calling them Hypocrites their hearts were not truly set on helping others but on exalting themselves they sought honor for men rather than the approval of God in contrast Jesus taught that when you give your left
hand should not know what your right hand is doing it should be done quietly humbly without seeking recognition the father who sees in secret will reward you in ways that no earthly praise ever could there is a danger in seeking acknowledgment for your good deeds it can lead to Pride to a heart that gives not out of love but out of a desire to be admired it can turn charity into performance kindness into self-promotion the moment you give for the sake of being seen the purity of your offering is Tainted it is no longer an
Act of Faith but an act of self glorification God call calls his people to be generous but he also calls them to be humble he calls them to serve but he also calls them to do so with a heart that does not crave attention the true measure of Charity is not in how many people see it but in how willing you are to give when no one is watching some of the greatest acts of kindness in scripture were done in private when the Widow gave her two small coins at the temple no one paid attention
to her no one except Jesus While others were giving large sums of money with great display she gave all she had in quiet humility and Jesus declared that her offering was greater than all the rest because it was given from a heart of true devotion when Jesus healed he often instructed people not to tell anyone when he fed the hungry when he cared for the broken he did not seek fame or recognition he simply did what was right what was needed what was in line with the will of his father this is the model of
giving that Believers are called to follow not a giving that seeks credit but a giving that seeks to glorify God not a charity that demands to be noticed but a charity that reflects the love of Christ there is a sacred Beauty in helping others without them ever knowing who helped them there is a power in serving without expectation in giving without seeking repayment the world teaches that generosity should come with recognition that kindness should be rewarded but the kingdom of God operates differently in the eyes of the world unseen acts of Charity may seem insignificant
but in the eyes of God they are of Eternal value the enemy will tempt you to seek validation for your good deeds he will whisper that no one appreciates what you do that your efforts go unnoticed that your kindness is wasted but God sees God knows and the rewards of Heaven far outweigh the fleeting Praise of man when you give give as unto the Lord when you serve serve as though you are serving Christ himself when you show kindness do it with a heart that seeks nothing in return for in the end it is not
the Applause of the world that matters but the approval of your father in Heaven God blesses those who Give in secret those who do good without seeking recognition those who reflect his love without demanding acknowledgement he rewards those whose hearts are pure whose motives are sincere whose acts of Charity are done not for their own Glory but for his there are many who give for the wrong reasons some give to build a reputation some give to gain influence some give out of obligation rather than love but God desires a cheerful Giver one who gives out
of joy out of Faith out of a deep desire to bless others as they have been blessed giving is not just about money it is about time about energy about compassion it is about listening to someone who needs to be heard it is about standing with someone who feels alone it is about lifting up the broken feeding the hungry clothing the poor visiting the sick and praying for the lost the world is full of need everywhere you look there are people struggling people hurting people desperate for Hope and God has called his people to be
be his hands and feet to be a light in the darkness to be a reflection of his love to those who need it most but this calling is not about recognition it is about faithfulness some of the greatest rewards will not be seen in this life some of the most powerful acts of Charity will go unnoticed by the world but they are never unnoticed by God every act of kindness every moment of selfless love every quiet sacrifice made in his name is recorded in heaven the day will come when all things will be revealed when
the true motives of every heart will be laid bare and in that moment it will not be the ones who salt the praise of men who will be honored but the ones who gave without seeking recognition who served without expecting reward Who Loved without needing acknowledgement for it is in the Unseen in the quiet obedience in The Hidden of faith that the kingdom of God is truly revealed thing number five your spiritual battles and divine Revelations spiritual battles are real they are not fought with swords or Shields but in the depths of the soul in
the mind in the heart they take place in unseen Realms where forces of light and darkness wage war over your destiny your faith your relationship with God many people go through life unaware of the battles being fought over them they see their struggles as ordinary their hardships as coincidences but there is nothing ordinary about the spiritual realm the moment you choose to walk with God you step onto a battlefield the enemy does not waste time attacking those who are already in his grip he targets those who have chosen to follow Christ those who are seeking
to live in righteousness those who are pressing forward in faith the enemy knows he cannot take away the salvation of those who belong to God but he will do everything in his power to weaken them distract them and discourage them one of the greatest weapons of the enemy is deception he whispers lies to make you doubt what God has spoken he tries to convince you that you are alone that you are not strong enough that you will never overcome he brings confusion trying to distort the truth of God's word word from the very beginning he
used deception as his primary tool in the Garden of Eden he question what God had said to Eve twisting the truth just enough to lead her astray he does the same today planting seeds of doubt in the hearts of Believers making them question their calling their worth their standing before God spiritual battles are often fought in the mind thoughts of fear anxiety temp ation and discouragement are not just random they are fiery arrows sent by the enemy to weaken your resolve but God has given his people weapons to fight back the word of God is
a sword sharper than any two-edged blade prayer is a shield covering you in Divine protection Faith extinguishes the attacks of the enemy making him powerless against those who stand firm in God's promises the enemy knows that if he can get you to focus on your circumstances instead of God's power he can weaken your faith this is why spiritual battles often intensify when you are on the verge of a breakthrough when Jesus was fasting in the wilderness Satan came to tempt him trying to make him question his identity and his mission but Jesus did not fight
with physical strength he fought with the word of God every time the enemy spoke a lie Jesus responded with truth that is how you fight spiritual battles you do not argue with the Enemy you do not entertain his lies you stand on the truth of what God has spoken there are seasons in life when the battles feel overwhelming when everything seems to be going wrong when it feels like the weight of the world is pressing down on you in those moments the enemy wants you to believe that God has abandoned you but but God never
abandons his children the presence of a battle does not mean the absence of God in fact it often means the opposite some of the greatest spiritual battles come right before the greatest spiritual victories job was a man who faced unimaginable trials he lost everything his family his wealth his health he did not understand why he was suffering his friends accused him his own wife told him to give up but what job did not see was that there was a battle happening in the spiritual realm the enemy had sought permission to test him believing that job's
Faith would not endure but God knew that job would remain faithful what job lost was restored to him in Greater measure and through his suffering he came to know God in a way he never had before Divine Revelations often come in the midst of spiritual battles when you are being tested when you are being refined when you are in the fire that is when God speaks Moses encountered God in the wilderness after years of wandering Elijah heard God's voice not in the wind not in the earthquake not in the fire but in the still Small
Voice after a season of despair Paul received Divine Revelations while imprisoned while Shipwrecked while persecuted some of the deepest truths about God are not revealed in times of ease but in times of struggle God allows battles not to destroy you but to strengthen you he allows trials not to break you but to build you every battle you face is an opportunity for God to reveal more of himself to you when you are weak he shows you his strength when you are lost he shows you his guidance when you are in darkness he reveals himself as
light spiritual battles are often followed by Divine encounters Jacob wrestled With God all night refusing to let go until he received a blessing he walked away from that battle changed with a new name a new identity and a deeper understanding of God the disciples feared for their lives in a storm but it was in the midst of that storm that they saw Jesus walk on water they would not have known his power over the waves if they had never faced the storm many times the Revelation you seek comes after the battle you endure it is
in the pressing that the oil is released in the crushing that the fragrance is revealed Joseph was thrown into a pit sold into slavery falsely accused and imprisoned before he saw the Fulfillment of the dreams God had given given him but each of those trials was a step toward his Destiny what the enemy meant for evil God used for good when you are in a spiritual battle you must remember that you are not fighting alone God has already secured the victory the battle may be fierce but the outcome is already decided the enemy can attack
but he cannot win every trial every hardship every struggle is Under The Sovereign hand of God he is using it to refine you to prepare you to strengthen you the revelations God gives you in battle are not just for you they are meant to be shared to encourage others who are fighting their own battles when Peter was tested Jesus told him when you have turned back strengthen your brother what you learn in the fire will help someone else walk through through their own spiritual battles will come but they are not without purpose they are not
random they are not meaningless every battle is an opportunity for God to show himself Mighty every struggle is an invitation to draw closer to him the enemy wants you to see the battle as a sign that God is far from you but in reality it is proof that God is near he is training you he is refining you he is revealing himself to you and in the end you will stand Victorious not because of your strength but because of his through every spiritual battle every trial every moment of struggle God is working he does not
allow battles to come without purpose he does not leave his children defenseless he strengthens he refines and he reveals himself in ways that can only be understood through faith the enemy May attack but he cannot Prevail the storms may rage but they cannot overcome the one who stands firm in God's promises the greatest Revelations often come in the midst of the fiercest battles when you feel weakest God's strength is made perfect when you feel lost his guidance becomes clearer when you are tested he is preparing you for greater things what the enemy means for evil
God turns for good hold on to his word stand firm in his truth know that the battles you face are not a sign of God's absence but of his presence he is shaping you teaching you and leading you into a deeper understanding of who he is and in the end Victory belongs to those who trust in the Lord for he is faithful he is Sovereign and he never fails