hey everyone Liam moley here and today I want to point out the most common reason that I'm seeing in our community as a whole are people trying to start AI businesses or AI automation agencies and failing and not succeeding and that comes down to being overwhelmed and trying to do too much too soon and this links to this is coming off the back of my free community Q&A and my school Community which you can join in the description if you're not already but I do free calls every Friday um for an hour with anyone who
wants to come on so we usually get 100 people on there every week and some of the most common question I get is how can I start and people being overwhelmed with not knowing where to start or what tools I know there's so many different tools I tried to learn all of them now I know a little bit about all of them but I still can't really build anything and this is such a common thing that I'm seeing at the moment and I I guess I'm to some degree part of the part of the problem
here by putting out so much content and different um showing you different builds and and other people as well in the space beginners getting into what think that they need to know everything all at once and and learn it immediately so that they can be successful and that is is what I want to point out in this video is not the way to go and it links into one of my favorite homos isms or his podcast that he's done at one point which was talking about taking weight off the bar and linking entrepreneurship to um
the gym and and weightlifting and training in that there's guys who go into the gym and um homos says he always respects the guy who can go in there and uh maybe he's training with someone a little bit bigger but he can go on and maybe doing the bench press and he goes on and and the guy perform goes and does a does a a weight that's suitable for the guy of his size then the smaller guy comes on and he goes you know what I'm going to take a little bit of weight off the
bar because I'm self Weare enough to know what my skill set is and what my level is so that I'm not biting off more than I can chew and the same thing applies to entrepreneurship and that when you're coming into this you don't you shouldn't be looking at myself or looking at at other people in the space as well and being like that's the point that I'm trying to start right now I'm running three different businesses my morning side AI my agency my education business trip accelerator and ative and I had to do entrepreneurship for
6 years to get to the point where I could and also get amazing business partners and people working around me to be able to do that stuff so while I do want to show you through the stuff that I do the end point that you can get to and I mean I'm always pushing forward trying to do new stuff and and really map the the way out for you all but if you're getting started you need to stop when I started bench pressing and started squatting when I was 14 in the gym I was doing
it with a empty bar cuz my my coach my gym teacher at the time was like you you need to get the technique right you need to just start start off light and eventually you work up and of course over time I did you have to get the technique right you have to learn the basics before you can start to put in your weight on so I get this a lot people talking about SAS and product I services and this the S using all these bud buzzwords and I'm like mate you haven't even like got
a client yet or been successfully delivering multiple for multiple clients you guys need to just narrow down what you're doing well firstly these are really the main takeaways for this video is that when you are starting in order to take weight off the bar and not be trying to do more than you're able to do is come into this and be like okay I'm going to one slow down and extend my time Horizon if you're thinking if I told you you need to achieve something in the space of 3 months you would have a very
different plan to if I said you have 2 years to achieve it now let's assume that you have two years to achieve what you want to in the AI space you going to take a much different approach and that let's start with learning the skills first if I'm going to be in the space long term it's going to be helpful for me to put aside 3 months or so maybe even 6 months of 3 months I think is is a is a good point for this or two to three depending how fast you learn to
just learn some technical skills and learn the basics of how to use various AI automation platforms and I've done a complete video on this um that I'm going to link up here that I highly recommend you watch after this but when you're starting out instead of trying to do everything at once and learn voice flow and learn my own platform agentive and learn make and and and relevance and all these different tools just start off with one area that you want to become a specialist in initially and this this is what I'm seeing the most
success of both in my accelerator and in the free community you need to narrow it down otherwise you just get like information overload and you get stressed if you have a a small area that you can work on initially then you you can tick off the boxes as you go through and you okay I'm getting I can see the progression in the smaller area later on you can learn other stuff but what I want you all to do is to pick one area uh say AI automation I want to do become a make and a
table specialist and learn how to use those two tools and how they work together or I'm going to work on the zapia ecosystem and become become a zappy ecosystem expert or I want to do voice Bas agents and I want to use vapy and I want to use Bland and focus on how I can build all of the the core deliverables within those spaces or Tech Bas agents use ative and relevance AI to build teex Bas agents so I've done the complete video on this of five different ways to start an AI business an AI
automation agency in 2024 and that's going to be the best video If you to watch after this which will be linked up here and down below as well and in that video I lay out five different areas and that I've just done there of teex stacks and and solution types you can specialize in initially and sure enough you can explore other things later on but in that video I there's a free school resource attached to it that I put a lot of work into into it for you all which is walking you through okay if
you want to do AI Automation and that's the area that you want to learn initially and you're taking weight off the bar you're being smarter to just say I'm going to start in one area and I'm going to slowly add weight within that area and I'm going to become an expert and have some kind of proficiency and confidence in the in that video I link to a school resource on my on my community where I've gone through and put I think seven steps for each of those different strategies so there's five different areas that I
said you can specialize in when you're starting off as a beginner and I've gone through and put like course YouTube material and like articles and and and courses that I recommend you take on things like udemy and even like it's mainly YouTube videos really but there's seven seven or more different things for each of those to start in so if you're looking for the place to start in you want to be sensible about not putting too much weight on the bar and you're complete beginner then that video is what I want what I want you
all to watch and it's going to give you those stepbystep things on the school community so it's very important that you start off with just one area learning that stuff until you get good enough to be able to build your own and and Tin around with your own ideas and then go look okay what's the next step I need to start applying this into the real world and Building Things for other people so then what you then what can you do well I'd recommend you go and drop a post in the school community and advertise
your services say hey look I can do these DCS or or maybe show some of the cool things you've done just putting your skills out there in a form like my free school community where there's tons of people who are non- techsavvy and they've come in with a decade of business experience and a ton of contact they looking for people like you who are coming up who are hungry who are willing to put in the work to learn these things and you can give them the the help that they need to be able to get
a feasibility assessment of what they want to build in their industry so go into this free school Community after you put in some work and learning one small specific area and becoming capable then you can go into the school community and you can drop a post and say hey I do this or you can be commenting and say hey I can help you this let me know I I'll up just shot you with the m and then beyond that going to your warm connections as well this is a another uh it's not a hzi strategy
but he has a very good video on it um using warm Outreach to then pitch your services and offer them to people within your network that you know so I will leave a link to this below but homi has an excellent uh podcast and part of his actually it's part of his uh $100 million leads book um that's going to be showing you how to do his warm Outreach strategy which is basically getting all your email contacts getting all your phone contacts and getting all your Instagram Etc and then just reaching out to them a
way that's natural and saying hey this is what I do would you know anyone who's who's interested in it and if you combine that strategy that approach of look I don't want to put too much weight on the bar I'm going to keep it narrow and just be I'm I want to get good at text based agents or I'm going to become a voice AI specialist and I'm going to just learn all the key deliverables within that space that is something that any of you can do there's so much stuff on YouTube I've given you
a seven-step plan for either one that you want to do and then once you've got a bit of proficiency make a bit make a little bit of noise about it go into the school Community post the stuff that you're doing engage with people try to hop on calls you can go on to reaching out to your your warm connection as well and say hey I'd love to get some more ideas so that I can apply my new skills into the real world and get like make a big leap from just knowing the the theory and
knowing enough to get by to actually wow I've seen how this can actually change or make a difference in the real world so that's my little weekend it's a it's a rainy R Saturday here in in Romania for me um and I thought after the free community call I had yesterday this was a good topic that I think I should address is that you guys can all do it but you need to have you need to be self-aware enough to know that you need to start with an empty bar which when you're in the gym
that's a pretty embarrassing thing to be doing um it's just LIF an it's just lifting an empty bar but same in business you have to be able to swallow your pride swallow your ego and admit that I'm a beginner and I need to do what the beginner steps before I can start to put more weight on and try to shoot for SASS and all of these other buzzwords that people like to throw around you need to know the thing and then do the thing before you can even start thinking about running a sass or something
all right so forget about that stuff you need to learn skills start an agency successfully and then you can go into education then you can go into SASS and you can go into all of these things but you need to be like a much higher level entrepreneur or or weightlifter to be able to tackle those kind of vehicles because they're a lot more difficult so that's all for me um I believe in you all you know I'm rooting for you all um this is the number one thing that I'm seeing stopping people is getting overwhelmed
and trying to do too much at once so take my advice and this is the aggregate advice of all of the stuff I'm seeing across thousands of people in our community is that this is the most important thing if you are completely new in getting started is to not try to take on too much at once so that's all for the video guys I'll put another one up here if you want to learn how to build some AI Solutions sorry from that I will see you in the next one