Como aplicar Descoberta (Discovery) em design | Bootcampinho UI/UX Design

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She is a Creative | UI UX Design Freelancer
Você sabe o que é a descoberta (discovery) no processo de design? Aprenda, com exemplo, como aplicar...
Video Transcript:
Do you want a practical example of how to apply discovery to your design projects? So today is your lucky day, because that's what I'm going to show you in this class. Come with me to the computer, because that's where I'll show you everything.
So, here, cool, this is the project that I'm going to show you during all lessons throughout the course. We're going to explore a little bit about how I built this project. Much more than saying “Oh, how did you come up with that layout and everything”.
It's much more about how I got to these solutions, about why I made a gallery, why I arrived at this biodiversity solution? My initial question was “What would Amazon be like if it were a website? ” And I started from the hypothesis that people didn't know, they didn't know the Amazon, and that was why they didn't value the Amazon and from that, I explored the ideas and so on.
And my end result was this. This was a project I did during the LinkedIn Creators Accelerator Program. So, I shared the whole process, it was a pretty crazy project, because I did it in 6 weeks, in addition to freelance jobs, in addition to everything else.
So, it's cool because it shows a real-life project, with deadlines, with everything neat and I did all the processes, everything organized to have something really cool to show you at the end. Here's also the live. .
. anyway. So, all these solutions that I came up with… It's really cool that this is very well tied in with my research.
Check with me. This is the little page where I organized my Amazon Web project. Amazônia Web was just an easier way for me to call it than to say how it would be if the Amazon were a website every time I would refer to the project, right?
So, I put Amazônia Web just to make it easier. [laughs] I don't even think the name is good, but OK. Here I organized it, you will see that it is a template very similar to the one I made available to you.
There is a place here for design, for social media, meetings and documents… And we will focus a lot on this here [Tasks and processes]. Can you see that I put start and delivery dates for each of the stages of my project? That's really cool for you to do as well.
Make a calendar for yourselves. I will do my project by "this deadline". So, already establish more or less, "the discovery stage I'll finish by this day, the ideation stage I'll finish by this day, the prototyping stage from this day to this day…" Try to create more or less this, even if you change it a little bit, move the dates a little bit.
It's nice because you already start to practice this matter of respecting dates and deadlines. This is very important for you, not only in design but in life, right? And in this project, I did several things in the discovery stage.
For example, remember that briefing I gave you? I also did it for my project, even if it was a personal project, a project for me, I created this briefing. Why?
I even put the person in charge here, myself, in this case… What was the service? It was a layout for a website. How many screens?
I put up to 10 here. That was good because it gave me a parameter of how many screens, how far to go, when to do it, how to do it. Do I need Desktop and Mobile?
I put a parameter, desktop is a priority, mobile I do if possible, and this was very important for me during development, because there came a time when I saw that in 6 weeks I would not have time to do the mobile anymore, so I decided I would rather do a quality desktop version than trying to make everything and doing it poorly. This issue of direction was very important for my project. I also added here, if previous research was needed, what is the basis for the budget, in this case, there was no budget, right?
[laughs] The deadline I had, which was a month and a half. I added here by when I would deliver it, who was the budget holder, in this case, I put it was myself. Here I even put some details about who I imagined this audience was, the objective I imagined, who I believed were the competitors.
All of this, of course, as it was a personal project, it was very basic and based on what I thought. If there are more people involved, a company, a client, and so on, see what these people think, you have to talk to them so that you can arrive at an agreement together and fill in this briefing together. Do you have branded material?
In this case, it didn't. Preference for size, screen, fonts, colors, anything? So, I filled out this briefing for myself.
I took some references that I found interesting, I already brought them here, because that way you can start building something very tangible. In addition to this briefing stage, also in the discovery stage I did desk research, this desk research was very bad, I'll be very honest with you, because due to the project deadline I ended up doing it very quickly, so I had little time to research, but what I managed to research about the Amazon, what people thought the Amazon was, and stuff, I brought it here and just put it here a little loose. Sebastião Salgado comes to my mind a lot, for example, because I already knew him, I already knew that he did a really cool job in the Amazon, so I brought some of his photos because I thought it was an incredible reference, right?
In the design world, Claudia Andujar also did a very similar job, very nice. So, I brought all the references of things I already knew and things I didn't know. I did some more research, quotes, and things I found out there that people are talking about.
So, I tried to bring several things here to my research and this one was a very short desk research because it can be much bigger but, of course, the most important thing for me, in this case, was to respect my deadline. And here is also the matter of interviews with users. So, I did the interview with several people, I talked to them as we're supposed to, I talked to several people, I did the interview, for each person there is the interview here, who I interviewed, there is the script, I even recorded these conversations, what the person said, what they didn't say.
After recording, I usually like to take notes while the person is talking, but this works for me, it may be that for you, you can't interview the person and take notes at the same time there's no problem at all, just make sure the recording of your call is working, and of course, if you are going to record the call with the user, talk to the person, ask them, “Can I record? Can't I record it? ”, if you don't know how to do this interview, guys, for God's sake, there's a lot of material out there on how to do user research in design.
Do a search beyond what I'm talking about. I'm always reinforcing this, please research further, because what I'm saying here is just a tiny bit, I want you guys to check other materials besides mine. I don't want you to be Maiane designers, okay?
I want you to be designers, each one of you, your own designer with authenticity and you will only develop this if you start looking at many other broad references, and very different things, okay? Here is the user-research part, I talked to each of these people and from there it was really cool because I started to have some insights that I didn't have, for example, they mentioned the question that one of the problems is “politics of the Amazon”, I started to see something pretty interesting, I saw this here later when I consolidated the data, but I already started to notice that many people spoke with good feelings and at the same time with bad feelings like sadness, and hope. I've already started to hear the word biodiversity a lot.
So, I already kind of started to identify some of the points of my research. Though I kept exploring, and exploring. So, I also launched a Quantitative Research.
I had about 50 respondents to my quantitative survey, so I got a pretty cool baseline. Then I took that search that I sent on Google and I brought it to Notion just to be able to categorize everything. This here I did in the ideation stage [I meant: Definition] later, ok?
This matter of categorizing the data. But the cool thing here is to show that I released this survey with my users. Ah, you want to know what I asked my users?
Look at my form so you can get an idea. I asked age group, I asked profession, familiarity with technology, and connection with sustainability. If they believed that the Amazon was important, if they think it should be preserved.
"First word", this here, is a nice thing, because despite being a quantitative research, when I ask you, what is the first word that comes to your mind? Look, there were actually 40, not 50 respondents, see? I lied to you, how bad of you, Maiane… [laughs] When I ask you what the first word is, it's nicer than me saying "among these words, which one do you prefer?
" Because I'm letting the person type. Even if it's quantitative, in this case the person is doing it spontaneously, I'm not inducing them to think in some way. Here some things like whether they are worried or not.
Some things are a bit leading because I had already done qualitative research with users, so I already had some ideas, some things I thought were important to validate, others not so much. The problems of the Amazon here, many of which had already arisen in qualitative research, what do you admire about the Amazon, what digital actions are people aware of, in short, which ones I think have potential. So, I brought several more open-ended questions.
Some here, define the Amazon in three words. This one was really cool because I left it completely open for users to bring what they think about the Amazon. And it's cool that I saw that a lot of things were repeated afterwards.
You'll see later when I combine these data. So, this is one of the ways you can do this qualitative research. And besides, still in this discovery stage, I also did it here, I started a search for visual references.
You will see that I left the link here for a Drbbble board. Drbbble is a tool to find visual references, there's also Behance, well, on Behance I also gathered some things, I just didn't leave the link here, but I started to gather some references, some things that I found interesting, anyway. There may be a lot of people who say, “Oh my God, it makes no sense that you're researching references, right in the discovery stage…” I think that at this point, it is important for you to start to understand the way you work, what works for your process.
For me, I know it works very well, for my process, to start finding references a little early. Even if I'm not going to use them, for me it's also a way of discovering visual references. I think it's cool to take this along in parallel with the research, because it functions well with my method of working, it doesn't mean that it will work for you and that you have to do exactly those things that I did here, you know?
Try to understand what will work for your project, I know it's difficult at first, but please test, do a lot of projects, do a lot of tests, see what already exists, test it, see if it works for your usage because maybe something that works for me, doesn't work for your method and that's okay. And, of course, we can't leave this class without the Alfredinho Challenge, right guys? And today's Alfredinho Challenge is very similar to what we did in the previous class.
You must have already applied at least 2 discovery methods from the challenge of the previous class, correct? So, now, your objective in this class is to continue, explore even more, that is, you must apply at least one more, at least one more. .
. at least three then, at least three methods, discovery tools to understand your project, alright? Which ones are you going to apply?
How are you going to apply them? I already said, it's up to you to decide, research beyond what I'm saying about what each of these things are. See the lists that I'm leaving there on our website with more methods, more tools and more things for you to look at and research beyond what I'm talking about, okay?
And if you want to know how to apply all this, "what do I do, how do I organize all the research, all these methods, all these tools, how do I find the real problem? " Stay with me, click on this card that is appearing on your screen, because next lesson we will talk a little bit about the Definition phase.
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